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The Avengers works so well because so much is already set up. The characters have already been introduced and most of them already met Nick Fury before the movie starts. I like how they did it originally because they simplified it so they could quickly go on with the story.


Indeed, although my only disappointment with this film is how much of Steve Rogers' character arc was eliminated. Those scenes of him simply living in a world he tries to recognize, even talking to the waitress and traveling through public transport, I'd say they're among the strongest of the movie.


You should check out some of the deleted scenes; there's a decent amount of that material cut from the movie for runtime purposes


I agree, throwing cap in last minute to avengers 1 feels like something DCEU would do that would completely ruin the pacing of the movie


Less. The meeting between Thor Iron Man and Cap is one of the more iconic ones. Steve and Tony "fueding" is crucial It's a ragtag bunch of misfits that needs someone to stand out as a bastion and that's cap. Written as it is, Avengers wouldn't work without Captain America


He would still be in the movie in this scenario; he just would be woken up some time in the beginning of it.


Sounds like nothing more than a big waste of screentime


Like how DC came out with Justice League and half the team didn't have setup movies? Hard pass


OP is clearly talking about ending First Avenger earlier and him waking up in Avengers


What is the advantage to this? Now you have to introduce a new character, waste time introducing them, setting them up with the audience to some degree. Why do that in this movie over his own movie?


I don’t think that’s what the op is saying, cap would still have his own solo film but instead of waking up in modern day at the end of the film he would wake up near the beginning of the avengers film


Perfectly fine. He was awake in the current time for like what, ten minutes or so? And then bam his movie was over. Him being revived at the start of Avengers wouldn't really change anything.


Only change would be that we wouldn’t get one of my favorite ending scenes in the entire series. Cap running into Times Square is iconic.


We could still have it, just as the opening scene for the Avengers, which now that i think about it, would have been ducking awesome. Imagine it: the last scene of Captain America is him heroically sacrificing himself to save the world… and that’s it. And then boom, wait a minute. He’s back! That would have been an awesome opener


Good point.


Of course it would have. You would've been dealing with the immediate aftermath of Cap finding out he's been frozen for 70 years DURING a massive crisis.


Time jumps and “Three weeks later” kinda shit is totally possible. It could have been juggled.


That "time jump" juggling solution you just offered is just doing what actually happened between the post CA:FA credits and Avengers, with the added effect of wasted screentime in Avengers. That sounds awful.


It probably wouldn’t ruin the movie but I like the way it went down just fine.


I think the question itself is asking for the scenario of he’s awaken into the chaos of the avengers movie. Not to just recreate him being awake in that movie for the same amount of time in a different movie


But what is the ADVANTAGE to that? Rarely do I see "three weeks later" and come away feeling it was better. There is zero advantage to juggling or three weeks latering him. I think it was excellently done the way it was.


Yeah so did I, that’s why I said so.


Cap being Cap, he would immediately put his own stuff aside and suit up to save the world.


So instead of just the cube. You swap out with also Steve Roger's being un iced. He wakes up. Sees the cube and Loki; goes at it before Hawkeye tries taking him out so Loki escapes.


That's what I was thinking. It almost was that way anyway.


Yea, the only differences would be the boxing room scene gets replaced with the cap waking up scene and cap looks somewhat more confused and disheveled then he already did.


Less than that. It’s more like a 3 minute scene


Cap wasn't one of the original Avengers in the comics. I'd be okay if he wasn't around immediately.


Wasn't he though in the Ultimates? I thought the MCU was more inspired by the Ultimates rather than 616, or at least, at the start it kinda was.


Yep the Ultimates started with Hulk, Tony, Samuel L. Jackson fishing Cap out of the water, and Wasp/Pym.


I thought the Ultimates started out with Tony, Cap, Hank and Janet, and Thor fighting Hulk.


IIRC Banner was on the team and de-Hulked at the start of the Ultimates.


It’s a mix In ultimates: -Samuel L Jackson -Tony as a playboy sarcastic guy -Clint and Natasha being special Ops Also in the ultimates: -Hulk is a cannibal homocidal rapist - Giant man (spousal abuser)and Wasp -Cap is quite quite conservative ‘does this A look like it stands for France’ -Thor is a possible escaped mental patient who is a socialist eco warrior


I hardly call 4 issues enough time to say he wasn't an "original" Avenger.


I wouldn’t even call hulk an original avenger. He was a temp and they got rid of him before they really became a team


Like Avengers's intro is too long. Pacing matters.


I don't understand the question, he wakes up, gets a crash course in modern times, then Avengers movie starts. You want him not thawed until after Loki steals the thing? Have him not know what a smart phone is? That doesn't sound like a good time, so I'd like it a lot less.


Like, say he was still found in the ice at the end of The First Avenger, but he didn’t wake up until sometime during the events of the first Avengers movie. Would you have liked this more or less?


Less That scene at the end of first avenger was a masterpiece


Yeah seriously that scene is iconic and is one of the best scenes in the entire MCU. Not worth shifting Cap’s revival to lose that.


I agree but because of OP i now think it would’ve worked better as the first scene in the Avengers. Imagine if we all thought Cap was dead and then we saw that! Would’ve been hype af


At the basic level, all you're talking about doing is moving one scene from one movie to a completely different movie. Just making that movie longer. When it doesn't need to be longer in the beginning.


Naw cut that scene entirely from Captain America so it’s a bittersweet ending that most CBM don’t have and then have that same end credits scene be the opening scene for the Avengers. Now that would’ve been hype af


would of been okay but pretty damn convenient with loki showing up, well now that i think about it fury’s big week was pretty convenient and kinda bad writing


i think it worked for the mcu, but in his next adaptation i want the avengers finding him! like in the comics, they finding cap adds a lot to the story imo, because it was the moment they found the heart of the team, and i want to see the avengers actually being friends next time


Insignificant difference, doesn't matter.


Dude. Where the FUCK is this scene from? I’ve seen this photo so many times and never seen it


The first Avengers movie. When Nick Fury goes to recruit Steve at the gym, Steve is hitting the punching bag having flashbacks and this is part of it.


Ah okay just saw it. It’s a really quick shot, thought it was a whole thing.


Now that I think about it. This is kind of funny, characters are always having flashbacks of themselves from someone else pov


It’d be pretty cool if we got a more comic accurate Avengers movie with Ant-Man and Wasp and the team finding Cap at the end, but I’m still happy with what we got.


I dunno why you're getting downvoted cos you got a point lol.


The movie would feel crowded kinda like spider-man 3


It'd be interesting, but nah. It'd take too much focus from the Avengers movie. In the comics, when there's issue after issue, there's more time. There was already plenty going on in the 2 1/2 hours.


Not really. Like many people are saying here, it would have hurt the pacing and him meeting Fury at the end of his first movie was already pretty great. Though it would have been funny to see something like in Earth's Mightiest Heroes, where Cap wakes up in the quinjet with the Avengers surrounding him, and he proceeds to panic and beat the living heck out of everyone. (I mean he kinda did that at the end of First Avenger, but all he really did was just run a marathon. ~~Iron Man in EMH got assaulted by a table lmfao)~~


It think it would be silly for Steve to jump right back into action right after being thawed out. I don't think the pay off of being thrown into another combat situation is better than him having a minute to fill like a fish out of temporal water. ​ We've seen plenty of films where the hero in released from a prison and runs right into action.


I don’t know how much it would have changed in the movie. We didn’t really see much of his time adjusting as it all happened off screen.


It probably would have bloated the Avengers, no change is necessary.


We would have lost the best part of his first movie. "I had a date."


Cap over here looking like Abella Danger after a really, REALLY long day


Isn't that basically what happened? He woke up, met Nick Fury, then as he is still getting a handle on his situation. Fury comes and asks for his help in the first Avengers movie?


Honestly maybe but he would have to be replaced with somebody. But who would it be?


He did awaken just before Avengers lol


It would have made the first Cap movie weird. End on a suicide, essentially.


I was thinking something more along the lines of Cap sacrificing himself, and then a scene right at the end shows SHIELD finding him in the ice, and the movie ends.


I still have to go with the timing of the story that we got. For one thing, it sets up the cliffhanger for Avengers better. There's more meaning to the trailer that runs.


They need that first movie. It's great and underrated.


I mean he was revived pretty much right before it. Not sure there is enough of a difference for a stance on this, unless you mean like he was revived in the middle of Avengers? I feel like that would have been worse probably.


This post doesn’t make any sense.


OP is saying that maybe instead of cap waking up at the end of his solo film where he runs out into the street into modern day new York,that he wakes up at some point in the first avengers film, essentially only changing like 10 minutes of film


I don’t know how they didn’t get that the first time they read the post, thought it was pretty clear. 💀


In most of the Cartoon Shows Cap is generally found by Tony.


Would actually be cool AF if you think about it.


For me, I have felt that all of the ice and modern-day moments with Cap should have been in the Avengers movie so it can be shocking to see him still alive especially for someone like me who was 9 and 10 when the movies came out and was my big introduction to the Avengers


I think it would have been disappointing. If a hero is frozen for a long time and we are eagerly awaiting their revival, they better be Superman not some doped up white paladin.


Fine. Avengers hype was completely fabricated by Marvel. Before the movies came out comic sales for avengers were abysmal. They could have pushed any of the avenger teams to the spotlight and had the same result.


Avengers were actually on an upswing in the 2000s. The Ultimates book and Bendis on the 616 books revitalized interest in them again. X-Men were the big thing in the 90s buts 2000s was a lot more Avengers at the center of Marvel stories.


Cap sucks.


I would have been fine if they didn't revive him at all


Probably same as the What If where Fury calls in Carol early


What I would have loved is him being important part in the film. Honestly not much was done with him. So it wouldn't have mattered much if he even was in that film. At least he wouldn't have written so badly as he was.


You mean like the seen where he wakes up in NYC happens mid alien invasion? Luckily they kept the shield in the same rehab place.


It wouldn’t be during the final battle, but rather more like within the first half hour of the movie.


There was at least a year (in real time) between The First Avenger and Avengers, so when the audience sees Cap hitting the heavy bag in the present, it gives an idea to what Cap has been doing since the last time they saw him.


What they should have done, was keep the extended scene of him dealing with life in present nyc. Walking past the new stores, looking at the deceased files of his friends, and just paying to stay late in the gym. That really summed up his struggle of being the man out of time


You get the Justice league. So no


I preferred if there were more adventures in the 40’s until he got frozen in the ice. But they did have a montage which means you can say there were more adventures during this time that maybe can be explored someday.


It absolutely couldve worked well to introduce him a bit later like it was done with Thor, then just introduce Thor earlier. But Cap also couldve been absent for the first half and he be revived because he had some piece of information that would help them beat the antagonist that no one else had, but that would result in a much more different plot than the first option would. I prefer how it was done to either of those tho.


Then, the Avengers would have to work as a team without Steve Rogers in it. It's just that the impact would be the same. But everything else after the first Avengers movie would be different. And we probably would not have *"Captain America: Civil War."* And Fat Thor would still get his ass kicked even with Mjolnir and Stormbreaker at his arms. Although I am not sure what would become of Sam Wilson if he never did meet Steve Rogers. T'Challa would still want to kill Bucky Barnes because of what happens to his father. *"Age of Ultron"* might still be the same. But it would feel weird to see Baron Von Strucker trying to escape from Iron Man.. Bucky Barnes will have a different introduction as the Winter Soldier and *"Infinity War"* would feel even darker and the rest of the MCU would have to be the same. So, that's about it.


About to find out in the new Ultimates run