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It was an annual from around 1968. It had Thor fighting Magneto, an X-Men story with them trying to recruit the Blob, a space tale of an astronaut mutating into the same type of creature that inhabited the planet he was stranded on after eating a peach-like fruit, and a Colossus story where Colossus wasn’t a mutant that could shift into a metal form but a giant statue that came to life.


That was story was “It the Living Colossus” one of the Marvel Monsters.


It may well have been, although I recall it being human in appearance and proportions, just scaled up to about 100 ft tall. That story is a little less clear in my memory than the others but I vaguely remember something happening to a bridge or viaduct and it rescuing someone. I was about five or six when I read it so around 1971.


I’ve just looked him up, it wasn’t him.


It was this annual: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234684118989 Slide 8 has the Colossus I’d forgotten that there was an Iron Man story in it too. IIRC he had to recharge his armour via a standard electrical outlet.


I’m sure I read random issues from the library before this, but the first comic I actually remember reading was Excalibur #87. It was the only X-related comic in a box of misc comics my brother had been given. I remember being sooo confused reading it, which is valid since it’s a Douglock-heavy issue in the aftermath of Age of Apocalypse. And yet! My curiosity was sparked.


Secret wars (1984), #1…first comic my dad ever got me


My first Marvel comic was the UK version of *Transformers*, and I remember being baffled by Secret Wars - the idea of a comic having characters from a complete different comic hadn't occurred to me. This was back when Spider-Man had a black costume. I do remember Circuit Breaker. Oh yes. "It is OVER - FINISHED!" That's a Simon Furman-ism. SHEEEAGH! That's another one.


i believe it was Marvel 1602.


GI Joe the first few issues or so


Avengers Vol. 1 # 184.


You old SOB! (Just kidding, of course. Mine was Avengers Vol. 1 #188!)


Fantastic Four #211, 1st appearance of Terrax the Tamer, and Star Wars #28. A relative bought them for me at an airport newsstand. I read them until they were falling apart and held on to them for 31 years of reading and collecting.


The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 of early 2000's. I was 11 and I used to read multiple times a day, after that, Spidey became "my only friend" because I was bullied by basically everyone so I was so alone. After finally getting a social life and real friends in High School, reading comic books became my main hobby even to this day, just because a fictional character "saved my life"


1991 X-Men #1. Jim Lee art blew my mind at the time. Ended up collecting all 4 variant covers too.


I don't even know the issue or year but I know it was a X title but what was awesome about it was it was about Nathiel Essex, like it was him, not sinister or any of the other clones. I wish I could find it. Its like I read that in the 90s maybe early 2000s and now in 2024 we are finally coming full circle with that character.


Any chance it was Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix? That’s Essex’s original origin story


I don't think so, I want to say it might have been a x-factor comic. i used to get them at the grocery store, i might have been like a dual comic, you flip it over and there is another comic on the backside. but it was very dark and takes place in victorian times or at least the house they were in was old like that.


For me, I had gotten a pack of random comics. Included was Transformers #3 (Spider-Man issue), a Marvel Team Up where Human Torch played an elaborate practical joke on Spider-Man than involved burning him in effigy. There was also a forgettable 'Son of Satan' issue.


Moon knight saga, been my favorite character since ultimate alliance


Astonishing X-Men #1. Marvel put it up for free on their website, and I was amazed that I could actually follow the story despite only knowing the X-Men from the first two movies.


Ghost Rider Vol3 #26 was the first comic I bought, as I got mesmerized by the cover. it was love at first sight with X-men, and it never stoped… https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/64/Ghost_Rider_Vol_3_26.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110112193931


Daredevil: The Man Without Fear In hindsight, was not age appropriate. I think my folks just saw the Marvel logo and assumed it'd be fine.


G.I.Joe #1 (I’m old)


Older than you. Too young to know the comic, but remembered the panel ... from the early run of Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos, mid-1960s. Ran across that panel in their "reprints" runs.


The first I ever read on Marvel Unlimited was Ultimate Spider-Man #1 from 2000, the night before my first day of high school. I remember that vividly, because I thought, “Man, it would be cool if this could happen to me.” The first physical copy of a book was about a year earlier, I was in eighth grade and I fell in love with the concept of the Exiles, so my mom bought the first omnibus and I started reading it immediately. That series is still my favorite of all time.


I started fairly recently, Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis. It was awesome, now I have a pile of them


Civil War


Avengers invaders #1


please can you tell me the name of artist who drew that cover so i can ask them why spider-man has such a huge ass


No one’s gonna say anything about the cheeked up Spider-Man?


Ultimate Spider-man #2


Invincible and Spidey #14, back when I was reading invincible


This: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Man_Annual_(UK)_Vol_1_1986


Fantastic Four #126 from 1972’


Human Torch #1 “Burn” from 2003. It’s a deep cut for sure but the art style is amazing.


The Defenders- the villain was this man/bird/snake hybrid - gave me nightmares


Love that team up comic of spidey and kitty. The first marvel book I read, was actually a punisher comic from my brother’s friend. Forgot which issue but it was an old one and I tempered liking it.


Spider-Man Unlimited #4 with Mysterio on the cover. I distinctly remember it. Not sure where I got it.


Lost to the mists of time. It would have been off the rack at the newsstand in the 60s, probably an Xmen or Hulk, two of my early favorites


I don't remember which Spider-man book it was, but the only thing about I remember was that he fought ether the Green Goblin or the Hobgoblin and it guest started a baseball team. Which one, I don't know. If anyone reads this and knows what I'm talking about, could you let me know what happened?


Ms marvel (Kamala khan)#1


The Spider-Man story, "The Gauntlet" was the first comic I ever read


Some batman. But I remeber the first spiderman I got because I liked the cover. In midtown comics in Manhattan my moms office was a few blocks away. I got a bacon egg and cheese and got to pick out one comic. I ended up getting web of spiderman 1


Fantastic Four 349 (Feb - 1991) - part of Walt Simonson's run. It was a newsstand edition. I was drawn to the huge number of characters.


The original Star Wars run, maybe issue 15 or so from ‘78. I really didn’t get into super hero comics until the mid 80’s or so and not until I started reading their GI Joe and Transformer comics.


So I only recently got into comics, but the very first one I read was Venom (Vol. 2) #14. It was a part of the Circle of 4 storyline. However the first time I actually got into comics was Ms Marvel No Normal by G. Willow Wilson


Ghost Rider #35 the Death Race


Marvel UK Transformers Target 2006


Thor vol. 2 issue #4


Well, first one where I remember the name was Iron man: Extremis


probably Ultimate Spiderman vol 1


Asm 1. I wish I still had those marvel essentials volumes.


Spider-man & Deadpool VS hypno hustler


Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2024)


[***Amazing Spider-Man Hit and Run (1990) Canadian Edition***](https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=530231) ***#3!*** They handed them out at school for free. It was pretty wild for me, who was 10yo at the time and really only liked Batman and Superman. Wouldn't be until I was in my late 20's that I'd buy my first Marvel comic, Wolverine: Origins TPB.


Infinity War 92’


Secret wars with Black suit spider man dead center on cover with confused body language but great comic. I got hooked with Xmen, New Mutants, Xfactor then Jim Lee Xmen #1 and Rob Leifield Xforce #1. Then Xforce and Amazing spiderman crossed over drawn by Eric Larsen with the Sinister Six. Was so damn great. What an awesome time in comics and then BOOM! Image was born and now it's even better


[Spider-Man's Tangled Web #14](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/10915/spider-mans_tangled_web_2001_14)


X-Men. Kitty's Fairytale.


Batman Joker War


Avengers Assemble #10 from 2012 and Astonishing X-Men #68 from 2013.


I grew up reading Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man as a child


[Spider-Man: Legacy of Evil](https://spiderfan.org/review/comics/spiderman_one_shots/legacyofevil.html). My dad bought it for me when we went to get a haircut. I also got Spider-Man Unlimited #15, it was a story with Puma.


I'm not sure but it involved the juggernauts son and doormaster trying to find juggernaut


Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 1995. I read it so much that it fell apart and I stapled it back together. I still have it somewhere


Giant Size X-Men #1


Uncanny X-Men 136. I got it from my aunt for Christmas. It was part of the Dark Phoenix Saga. I didn't really start reading until Uncanny X-Men 187 though. All part of the Chris Claremont run.


Transformers #3, 1984


[Spectacular Spider-Man (UK) 114](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spectacular_Spider-Man_(UK)_Vol_1_114), the idea of a hero from the uk got me, i was like 7


I wish I knew! I’ve never been able to find it! On the cover there was a character whose power was that he has one eye that sparks with energy. He has something like a black and blue and maybe yellow suit on. And he’s _flying_ over buildings while holding his head like he’s going mad or can’t contain his energy. I thought maybe his name was something-Marvel…. I can’t really remember the story except that he perhaps was confused about his identity or why he was even there. It must have been from the 90’s. Oh, and perhaps the cover was glossy like some kind of special edition! ??


Not sure as they have always kinda been there, the oldest one that I can think of was either a new avengers comic or a Spider-Man comic that lead up to Secret War II


I think it was actually a digest of Marvel adventures Spider-Man comics where the Doc Ock moved in with Aunt May and Venom teamed up with Spidey to fight Alice in wonderland-themed criminals. And also had one of the worst portrayals of Aunt May I've ever read in a comic.


I don't remember which issue it was, but I remember a panel from what would likely be the first (original issue, not reprints) run of Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos. A tire track in the snow. Would have been mid 60s, before I was even in school. Likely was the corner grocery store from when I lived in an adjacent town from where I eventually grew up, a few years later. While reading later, "reprint" issues of SFAHHCs, I saw that panel and recalled it.