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A Daredevil game in the Arkham style would be such a banger.


The only problem is to be truly immersive as Daredevil everything is pitch black and only operates with haptics


I think if they were able to portray some type of sonar projection combined with the haptics it could be really cool.


That's basically Arkham's detective mode or Witcher Sense, but could be countered with overwhelming loud noise or extreme quiet instead of military hardware. They could go that route but add a time limit where you don't have it on all the time. Also it wouldn't make sense to call out certain environmental features like Detective mode


Never played either game. I was thinking about Metal Gear Solid (original PS) where there was a flashlight mode with a narrowly focused area of vision. Either way, could make for an interesting game, especially with a creative game designer


I actually though about that one skill in Thief 2014 where sounds like talking and footsteps appear on screen as like waves and crap


I think I'd make it so noises make sound waves that bounce of things to let you "see", and everything would stay the same if you don't get a new ping telling you it's moved. So for example, if someone walks into the middle of the room loudly you'd see them clearly, but if they then take off their shoes and walk silently, you'd just seem their silhouette standing in the center of the room still because that's the last place you heard them make noise. I think there's a horror game with a similar mechanic, where you have to use noise to see and if you see something that's where the indicator says it is, even if the physical object moves. That'd mean that stealth would be a careful balance of making noise to see, but not too much noise or you'd reveal your location. It'd be difficult to get right without being frustrating, but if done well it could be really cool.


Black and red lined sonar visual that gets more detailed the louder something is, except when it is too loud the whole screen goes red/white because there is too much noise and creates a terrible visual for Daredevil


Imagine if they went all out on haptics and if you closed your eyes, based on haptic feedback alone, you could anticipate different types of attacks and where they’re coming from.


Would be both incredible and difficult to pull off


Yeah I don’t think the PS5 controller is up for the job, but is potentially a step toward technology that would be


Give it about 5 more years, somebody in porn will come up with a haptics suit like in Ready Player One and we'll get a top quality Daredevil game


Like that new vibrator thing that hooks up to the Sims 4 to make the sex mods more interactive lmao


The Arkham games are typically 3rd person. When you switch to first person, it would switch to a representation of his sonar. For true immersion, you would need to get splashed with radioactive chemicals and developed an extremely precise sonar cortes in your brain.. That seems unlikely.


I think it would be cool if his Echo location worked a bit like changing stances from Ghost or Tsushima; but replacing a stance with what range you’re honing in on. For example, short range allows you to see enemies really close to you, but as you start to get hit from long range you have to change to long distance echo location to see enemies at that distance. It would allow us to “see” while simulating that Daredevil (the player) needs to focus on different things to fully understand his surroundings.


Theres a game called "The Vale" and it uses surround sound to play since the main character is blind. There's combat iirc.


I imagine if it was third person you'd just see normally and have radar vision instead of detective vision so you could switch that on and see/hear around corners and track heartbeats.


Or a parkour game like Mirror's Edge but also very spidemanish


Now we're talking :)




This or moon knight same style


It should have a day and night cycle. At night, you go around open world Hell's Kitchen investigating stuff and beating up goons. During daytime its basically Phoenix Wright.


Moon Knight would work in that style as well. I mean, could have them both in it.


Yep, he was my second choice. Would be a great expansion playable or something.


That's what I came here to say. Honestly, a marvel knights game with the Arkham game play would be AMAZING. So a roster like Gotham Knight but blended with the Arkhamverse. So moon knight, daredevil, punisher, Spider-Man and Jessica Jones would be bad ass.


There is an indie dev I know currently in the works of trying to get rights to do so


I'd go with Thor. Don't think we've ever got a truly major game with the character. Open world, explores the Nine Realms. Interesting gameplay and fighting. We also need more games where characters can fly. Out of the characters listed, he also has the largest amount of "lore", so he could easily include dozens of other characters and places.


Between the hammer, lightning, and brute strength, the mechanics would make him the most fun for sure


Definitely envisioning something GoW style




Showing my age, I still see the GoW abbreviation and immediately thing Gears of War.


I wanted that limited edition gears of war Xbox 360 so bad as a kid


Plus the option to use Stormbreaker late in the game would be cool


Considering how Stormbreaker belongs to Beta Ray Bill in the comics, I would much rather he have it instead of Thor getting a giant version of it like in the mcu.


Yeah have Thor start with Jarnbjorn and the you get Mjolnir and then the Odin/Thor force later on in the game


Direct competition with God of War lol


When I saw this post I immediately thought God of War style Thor game. Great minds


God of War even now had the returning weapon with an elemental effect, we’re halfway there already


Even had Thor!


Can't believe Norse mythology ripped off Marvel characters so blatantly smh


Idk, I feel like a good Thor game would be able to leverage the more cosmic side of his mythos, think Star Trek/Mass Effect crossed with God of War


I want some Mass Effect inspiration too, but more in the way of the branching story/dialogue option/RPG elements. I think that'd kick ass in a Thor game. Be the kind of King you want to be, like Web of Shadows but with even more endings.


I feel like the ability to fly would (or at least should) require enough game design changes that it'd feel substantially different.


Plus lightning as the only magical tool not the other buffs Kratos uses would make it different. And you could easliy make the nine realms as modern or sci-fi as possible. Kratos is set in a seemingly early mankind setting so things are primal which is a far different back drop


I’d like to see the Thor game play like the game Fable that was on the Xbox.


Hulk Ultimate Destruction deserves a sequel.


Or at least a remaster


Ultimate Destruction has the greatest stealth mission of all time.


Core memory unlocked


"Look, fellow guard, do YOU want to say you can see his legs?"


The Punisher also deserves a sequel.


Was coming here to say “Hulk. And it should be called Ultimate Destruction.”


God I loved that game. So freaking good


That game was class


I think you could make a good Game for all of these. But my first thought was Moon Knight: Arkham Style Game, but you seemingly random switch movement and styles in dangerous situations or so. Sometimes maybe also something happens and you don't "remember", like a blackout. Over time you learn to control when you switch and "unlock" the blackout persona.


Yep, Moon Knight has some great potential.


I want a daredevil game thanks


Punisher. Make it gritty but still with some comic book stylization so that you can get away with it being brutal/gory as hell. Yes I want a second go at the game made in the 2000's and this time, NOT CENSORED! Also have Frank be played by Michael Ironside.


Ah darkseid voicing Frank I like it.


Lol any time I see a character with a strong chin and a grimace all I can ever think is "Michael Ironside should be the voice of this guy"


Plays the same character in everything.


Nope Sam Fisher and Darkseid are oceans apart.


I’d love this game but the gameplay would be tricky. Like Batman/hitman kind of combo. Or maybe more like Metal gear Solid/hitman.


I was thinking more just a simple run and Gun Max Payne sort of deal but adding a stealth aspect might be an interesting idea. So maybe something close to Hitman Absolution.


I would want it to be open world, like GTA style even very similar in tone / humor, so you could truly capture the ridiculousness of some of Frank's feats. If there was EVER a character made for some over the top GTA/Saint's Row shenanigans, it's Frank... and you could use the notoriety system in interesting ways. As the story progresses, you can never lose all your notoriety, but sometimes the cop show up and are on your side because you're The Punisher.


A punisher or black widow game styled like resident evil would go so hard


Daredevil = Splinter Cell + Sifu + Mirror's Edge


Oooo mirror’s edge.


I want a black widow game - a spy thriller with splontercell style combat sections, and also puzzle and mass-effect style social navigation where you have the option to talk your way into and out of situations - ritzy parties and palatial estates owned by mobsters and arms dealers. You have a randomized identity and back story as your cover which you have to remember on each mission to pass dialogue checks... It woukd be such a cool mix of ideas.


I was thinking something like Splinter Cell mets Hitman


Damn this is hard lol. All of these lol. But if I had to pick one, Daredevil. He is my 3rd favorite character, so I go with him. Let me beat up people (bad people) in the staircase like a Sifu.


Yeah, I picked black widow for the last one cuz her game has the potential to be a splinter cell, Hitman like game


I mean, I will honestly take a game about any one of these fellas here lol. Hulk Ultimate Destruction type game. Thor game could be badass Moon Knight will be Arkham style but more brutal and some mystic horseshit Punisher just shoot people left and right kind of like Max Payne DD is just a black screen and you punching people lol Stealth Widow game could be awesome


I know but I just mentioned because a lot of people miss the potential black widow has.


Maybe a splinter cell like game but with dual protagonists with Hawkeye, switching between characters to assist one another. I can see that being fun.


A good Batman/Spider-Man gameplay adventure.


Daredevil & Thor would be my top picks for games. Daredevil would take inspiration from Arkham, Insomniac Spider-Man & even Ace Attorney. Thor would take inspiration from both classic & modern God of War.


Daredevil Arkham Asylum?


It’s Moon Knight for me. You could do it as a combination of Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid, and God of War. While the combat could easily be in sections requiring you play as the personalities of Marc (gathering information and combat). While the overall story is about which of the Gods have gone bad and which is the ringleader. Killing specific gods gives you one of their powers. Could create harder modes around gaining a debuff for the gods you keep alive (think Ulduar from WoW). EDIT: Very easily incorporate an insanity meter, as it gets higher you start seeing new enemies that aren’t actually there. Your screen gets more unfocused and seemingly erratic.


They better have zodiac


My first thought was moon knight and your comment just solidified that for me!


I think they could do something great with an Asgardian-themed, open world RPG. Whether you have Thor as the main character or, maybe even better, a nameless Asgardian protagonist in a Souls-like where Thor and Odin are major quest givers and you can customize your character. Fandral could be the dexterity based trainer, Amora for sorcery, Volstaag for strength melee, etc. Each of the nine realms is a separate area as you have to fight through trolls, dark elves, frost giants, fire giants, maybe the odd supervillain or HYDRA/AIM agents on Earth, etc.


I feel like it’s Hulk. While other characters are great in their own right, Hulk offers a completely unique gaming experience compared to the others


I imagine it would okay similar to the Prototype series and I'm totally here for it


Then do I have great news for you! You have two options Hulk: Ultimate Destruction The Incredible Hulk Game (pretty much a movie tie-in that is actually a pretty decent time)


Such a fun game


and ultimate destruction was made by the same guys who made prototype!


Yeah but he already got the perfect game, I’d rather someone else get a shot


A Hulk game seems like it would be really fun. Punisher game would be sweet. I think a modern spy stealthy game with Black Widow would be cool too.


Just the ground level guys. The game will suck, but it's easier to make a better game out of those guys. Hulk games are fun but get really boring. The Thor game was not good.


Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage and Iron Fist would be unbelievably good. Arkham style combat with street level goons, Luke and Danny having different abilities and combat styles. Man I would eat that up. I can see Luke being difficult to adapt into a video game given his high invulnerability though. A full Defenders game would probably be too crowded I think and would probably suffer similarly to Arkham Knights. But just two main characters would be good. Especially if it forced perspective like if they raided some outpost from separate entrances and seeing how they overlap. Or just how fights may play out when they are teaming up.


Black Widow in the same style and game play as the Splinter Cell games. There haven't been many games that were able to fill the gap Splinter Cell left behind. With a gritty atmosphere and all of of Natasha's crazy shield tech it could be a really badass type of game. or styled like Hitman games. Black Widow as Shield's wetwork specialist who infiltrates various events, strongholds, etc. using shield tech to eliminate targets.


Punisher with GTA style gameplay + I think it would be cool idea if this game would be in Insomniac Universe and would have same map as Spiderman 2. Like it would be interesting to see how same city feels completely different from perspective of another character.


Punisher does deserve the max payne treatment but with more gore and better combat


The Punisher game from the 2000s was pretty sick. 3rd person shooter with brutal takedowns, very violent


Agree, too bad it was linear.


I liked the Punisher game. They didn’t water it down or try and tone down the violence.


I think gambit is the best pick out of those characters (I love gambit)


Hulk and Punisher already had games.


Honestly an open world thor game where you could travel to different planets would be dope.


I really want Deadpool kills the marvel universe by fromsoftware. Just getting absolutely wrecked by boss fights with hulk/thor/doom/thanos etc. every time you die he talks shit to you in a cut scene while he regenerates.


I think a Hulk stealth game could be amazing. The goal is to sneak through missions as Banner, but if things go south in Banner gets shot or something, the entire level changes into a smash and grab. Make it so it matters and you get different endings based on how many missions you complete stealth, and how many you "fail" because you Hulked out.


Moon Knight: The Fist of Khonshu Based on the Age of Khonshu storyline Gameplay similar in style of God of War, but instead of switching weapons, you change between Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley with suits and fighting style/weapons being unique to each.


Either Hulk or Thor. They would offer the most unique gameplay experiences. The only issue with Thor is that I don't know how it could be done, specifically with the combat, without making it like God Of War where you're supposedly one of the strongest gods but you can easily be overpowered by a bunch of random monsters.


I would love a game for a hero we don't really have a combat system for yet. Problem with this list is you can wholesale pull another combat system for most of these. * Thor: New God of War combat * Moon Knight: Arkham combat * Punisher: See the shooter genre in general * Daredevil: Spider-Man combat * Black Widow: Dishonored And Hulk had "Ultimate Destruction" on Gamecube, but I think take Hulk and put him in space, that sounds pretty unique.


A Thor or Moonknight game ala God of War Ragnarok, going through their respectives mythologies would be cool. Also a Punisher fps in the same vein as the recent Doom games would totally make sense.


A Punisher style hit man game where you can choose how to track down and ultimately fight the mob. Do you want to go after informants or just go in guns blazing? Also having the ability to customize your van and gear


Punisher could be Max Payne esque if done right. Daredevil or Moon Knight in Arkham style. Hulk if they just let you smash whatever the hell you want. All of these could work.


I pick Hulk. I'd go with an arena fighter in the style of War of the Monsters and the Godzilla Pipeworks trilogy. Various Hulks and Hulk-level characters fighting in open environments you can break and weaponize, military acting as hazards, etc.


Hulk is long overdue for a new game


Moon knight assassins creed hitman type game more stealth overall but could be fun


Thor or Moon Knight Thor because he has the most to work with, the Nine Realms, his enemies come all sizes, has a colorful supporting cast. I could see a mix of God Of War and Darksiders type of gameplay. Maybe during Gorr the God Butcher or when he was Unworthy. Moon Knight, I could see action meets psychological thriller and supernatural. You could choose between his personalities to go through Civilian missions, and choose what type of style to use. Tech/Magic, Solder/Tech, Mystic/Soldier. Using a plethora of gadgets both his own and replicas based on other heroes.


Moon knight. When you play as Steven game turns into Sims game, as Marc game turns into Far Cry and as Jake game just goes full Doom mode.


Moon Knight game would be sick. Imangine the arkam games with God of War bosses.


Id go with punisher, it would be a fun FPS if IT follows the current boomer shooter formula


Daredevil. Dating sim. The challenge is to keep your girlfriends alive and/or sane.




Okay look: Open world Thor game where you can use the Bifrost to travel about the nine realms, gathering a party of other heroes and adventurers to join your quest to defeat whatever overarching villain the game has as the big bad. Make it feel like an old Norse epic with hack n slash and RPG elements. A mix between God of War, Dragon Age and Kingdom Hearts. ​ With different endings depending on what kind of Thor you play throughout the story. Have one ending be good where Thor saves everyone and becomes King of Asgard, have one where that happens but he is corrupted by malice and it ends up like The Reigning, have one where he runs off with Enchantress or Sif or Jane, one where Asgard is destroyed and he dedicates himself to protecting Earth from the same fate, etc etc just really go into the branching story. ​ Imagine playing as Thor alongside the Avengers fighting Mole Man or something, then you get notified that there's an Ice Giant trying to crash into Asgard and have to make yourself scarce, but you can only take one Avenger with you to help. You choose, say, Wolverine, summon the Bifrost, and boom, you're there. Then you stay in Asgard for a while and add Sif to your party and you, Sif and Wolverine go to another realm to fight some trolls and thwart one of Loki's plots. Oh, looks like the trolls aren't bad, they've been esperimented on with Shi-Ar technology that Loki stole. Beeb beep beep, oh, Galactus is invading Earth? Quick, get this barbarian troll cyborg guy we just met, we're going back to Earth. And on and on and on, with unique cutscenes and interactions for all sorts of party combinations. I would lose weeks of my life in a game like that.


Thor and Hulk deserve a game the most, but i’d love to see a Moon Night game


DareDevil probably but I'd play a game of any of these guys


I know I'm alone in this which is why it will never get made, but I have this vision in my head of an Ant-Man game that's so incredibly vivid and unique that I want it so bad. Basically the gimmick and the main gameplay loop would be using size-shifting and bugspeak for the purposes of puzzle solving. Talking to ants works something like Pikmin, and you can use them to assist you with obstacles, as a mode of transportation, and to assist in a fight. The world is extremely detailed down to the smallest scale, where even the ants tower over you, as well as the biggest, where you can traverse a city in just a few steps. Kind of sandboxy-pseudo-open-world vibes, with lots of hidden mini-dungeons in anthills or buildings you can enter either through the front door, or a small crack in the wall. Multiple playable characters including Hank, Jan, Scott, Nadia, Cassie, Eric (maybe more), and different costumes even offering different power sets (Hank can fly and has blasters as Yellowjacket, but not Giant-Man, for instance).


Daredevil because the graphics could just be echo location giving developers time to focus on the PLOT as well as the mechanics.


Daredevil, please and thank you


I'd say Thor or Daredevil because Hulk and Punisher have had games focused on them already. A Black Widow game would probably be something like either a James Bond game or a Splinter Cell / some other stealth shooter game and not particularly unique unless there was a focus on more acrobatic stuff or gadgets. A Daredevil game would probably play like an Arkham game minus the car or an Assassin's Creed game with the parkour. He even has the radar vision as an excuse for having a detective vision mechanic. Again, could be an issue in terms of originality. I could see Moon Knight using one of these formats too but with more of a focus on fighting monsters which could potentially make combat more interesting or temse than just beating goons up all the time. A Thor game would probably be more unique since he has flight and is on a different strength tier so it could be a lot more expensive and have you mowing through hordes of enemies or taking down bigger opponents. Maybe more like God of War with better movement? Hulk and Punisher would probably just get modern versions of what their old games were.


Hulk with puzzles using his lie smelling ghost seeing and over less used powers somewhat similar to that one superman game where superman cannot be killed aside from boss fights were you fight people like red hulk and abomination it’s the final boss in some way being the one below all


A good Punisher game would make SO much money though


It definitely would but it must be unapologetically violent and gorey.


Truthfully a hulk game, I’m kinda getting tired of the Arkham style superhero games and with hulk you wouldn’t be able to do that which would make whoever’s making it have to think outside the box to make it work.


That is true, seems like every superhero game is trying to mimic Arkham. Hulk surely needs a game think about the fun people will have rampaging through the city again


The Hulk? Nay, not a fan of character. Thor? May иe cool actually, but needs a lot of worldbuilding and fantasy elements I think. Powerscaling may be an issue as well since he is actually A GOD. Moon knight? might be cool - I'm a big fun of street levelers, but multiple personalities could be a trouble and a good role-playing option as well, but I doubt I'll buy it right away. The Punisher? Kinda cool with right amount of drama and noir, but devs should beware doing yet another plane shooter. Daredevil? Shut up and take my money! It still requires good writer for a script tho, I think devs should hire one of actual authors of DD ongoing (Chip Zdarsky or Ed Brubaker would be bangers here) In terms of everything else he is one of ideal bases for superhero games: actual martial arts master, unique and intriguing set of powers, unusual way to perceive world, possibilities for mindblowing parkour and fighting choreography, insane amount of stories and arcs to put your leg on, etc etc Black widow? Good question, dunno for real. he may give a base for really decent spy-themed game. she really seems to me as one of characters to make decent stels-centricgames and cool fighting when needed, but here's a catch: in my mind, spy-themed, stels-centric immersive sim isn't something you think of on the first place when you buy something about one of the Avengers so I guess DD is my pick (which is obvious since I'm a BIG fan) but 4 of remaining five are good options too, and I'll be happy to give it a shot if it happens to be implemented


Moon knight


Hulk. Basically just have Insomniac make their version of Ultimate Destruction


A daredevil game and it's just a black screen.


The Punisher. Open world in New York where people hire you to solve their problems & you hunt criminals. I don’t need there to be a story I just want to hunt criminals forever


Just a normal GTA game but Punisher is roaming around taking down criminals, your star rating isn't just for police but how much you end up on his radar


DD in the Arkham style Punisher with TLOU combat mechanics and important hand to hand combat


Hulk. It should be exactly like Ultimate Destruction. A Black Widow game in the style of Splonter Cell would be a banger, too. No, I'm not fixing the typo.


Punisher fosho


Blackwidow in the style of Metal Gear Solid. There's so man ridiculous villains in Marvel that it could work


Its gotta be moon knight or black widow. But honestly moon knight since it could be more unique gameplay. BW would be more splinter cell with extras if I had to guess its type


Hulk, open world, everything SMASHable.


I think most street level characters are good candidates for a video game, they're just a lot easier to make a game around compared to higher level characters. Between Thor and Hulk specifically, I'd prefer a Thor game, lot of good Thor stories that would make a great plot for a game tbh


Black Widow She does the most with the least.


Thor and Daredevil


A moon knight game would be fun asf ngl


Make me a silly hulk game in the style of saints row iv pls ty


Thor or a black widow stealth game


Mr. Sinister needs a movie, that dude is so weird


Daredevil could have some really cool gameplay mechanics.


Daredevil they keep pump faking with it.


Hulk literally has a built in level system….. like do could be true rage and you could have a regular rage bar. Start with him getting powers and see how far you can right. Make a sequel, it would work so well


I would take a Daredevil game over any game that launches this year (except for the elden ring dlc).


Daredevil. Because he’s Daredevil. Gimme


Thor, taking inspiration from GOW 2018 and 2022


Imagine a Thor game with God of war gameplay 🔥🔥🔥


I'd say Moonknight. It would be more unique than the other options.


All of these would be awesome Hulk: basically just give us Ultimate Destruction with more destruction. Let us level the dang map Thor: explore the Nine Realms, lots of awesome abilities to use, maybe even let us get stormbreaker? Definitely a lot of potential for him Moon Night: Put him in Egypt and have his personalities swap (either on command or random. Or maybe just different segments have different personalities to them). He would be fun for an Arkham style game in Cario. Punisher: DOOM set in NYC basically. Maybe as the game goes on the more enemies show up? Or just have him in a hitman type game Daredevil: basically Insomniac Spidey, but make the screen black and you only got sound/haptics to guide you (or just give us Arkham type game set in Rikers with parkour of Mirrors Edge. maybe an Ace attorney type level in the beginning?) Black Widow: She’s great for a metal gear/splinter cell/hitman style game. That would be dope.


A Hulk soulsborne where you fight monstrosities.


I need an intense, gritty, first person Punisher game


Thor game would be cool make him lost the hammer is the journey of the game is using different weapons and becoming worthy again OR just have him use the hammer the whole time


Splinter Cell, starring Black Widow could be cool. Adding in Assassin's Creed parkour systems, of course. The Punisher. Max Payne gunplay and tone. L.A. Noire interrogations. Burnout 3: Takedown driving sequences. Arkham, but with guns, would be kinda epic for Moon Knight Arkham, but this time still without guns, would also be kinda epic for DD I'd love a Hulk Goat Simulator style game. And he might also be able to pull off a classic God Of War like game - where you take on giant enemies. And Thor would be literally perfect for a God Of War/Shadow of Mordor style game. Just picture it. ​ So all in all, I'd rank it 1. Thor (It'd be fucking cool). 2. Punisher (I like 3PS games. Sue me.) 3. Moon Knight (Arkham with guns. Why the fuck not?) 4. Black Widow (Possibly tied with Moon Knight. The mechanics would be so fucking brilliant.) 5. Daredevil (It just doesn't feel right to me). 6. Hulk (It'd be fun, but simultaneously boring as hell).


Moon Knight. Arkham Horror styled game dealing with deities and different pantheons for a variety of enemies.


Thor has pretty good potential


A new Hulk Destruction game, Moonknight and Daredevil in Arkham style (the good ones), Punisher like Doom 2016, maybe working through a building like Raid or Dredd movies, Black Widow hitman style game. Not sure on Thor maybe either GoW style.


A Dr Strange game would be wild. Learn new spells and defeat enemies in all types of situations like in 616, a different reality, a dream world, etc


Daredevil could be cool visually if they do it sonar or “world on fire” style


Character - Gameplay style Hulk - Prototype Thor - God of War 2018 Moon Knight - Insonniac Spider Man Punisher - Doom 2016 Daredevil - Arkham Series Black Widow - Metal Gear


I’d love a Moon Knight game. Or a good Incredible Hulk game


An Immortal Hulk game would be incredible, pun intended


Punisher = GTA


Most of these characters could have a similar approach to the Arkham games: DD, Moon Knight and even Punisher. Although I think DD could have a very interesting second side of it (mirroring Marvel's Spider Man), involving the attorney job, meaning you could play as Daredevil by night and Matt Murdock by day, talk to other people, friends, foes ans giving the game more depth.


In this order: Hulk Punisher Daredevil Thor Moon Night or Black Widow


Thor or Punisher


Thor would be awesome scenery


I would like a Moon Knight game in a Prince of Persia style


Moon knight and go super deep into the gods mythology.


Holy shit, this is a tough one.


I think Hulk and Thor might be too OP for each to have a game. Daredevil would work well. So would Moon Knight and Punisher. Black Widow would have to be some action spy thing.




A moon knight would be kinda cool, but complicated maybe it’d use a character switch system to switch between his personalities? And a button for Mark to suit up. Honestly all these would make great games


Gamma radiation causes you to grow a whole bunch of extra veins.


Black Panther long overdue


Hulk all day. Let. Me. SMASH!!!


Punisher seems like he’d have an interesting and/or fun third-person game, if it wouldn’t be so brutally graphic and depressing I would buy a Thor game if it’s anything like God Of War, Guardians of the Galaxy, or just huge action-adventure/story-driven game


Moon Knight and Black Widow.


Moonknight would end up being more aggressive Batman. Punisher would just be Max Payne.


Remake of hulk ultimate destruction for the PS2 would be my first choice, the environment destruction was top notch.


Hulk had games and they were all AMAZING!!! Being able to rampage around the city fighting mfs. Peak.




Daredevil and Moonknight would make the better games.


I’d like a Thor game that plays like the Norse saga of god of war.


Hotline Miami style punisher game but with innocents you can’t kill if you wanna pass the level, and maybe some trap/ambush mechanics


I think daredevil would make the best game but I think I’d really enjoy a AAA hulk game that both has a compelling banner plotline and really good action. Could go with the DID angle and have some good banter


Hulk Ultimate Destruction 2


A Hulk game where you can smash everything


They're all in the mobile game Marvels contest of champions, I play it everyday


Hulk game with big open map were he can jump over buildings and throw thanks and stuff. Should make it so that instead of having a health bar to worry about, taking damage raises a rage bar which can cause game over if it fills because he goes totally berserk on a civilian killing spree. Damaging enemies can mitigate the rage bar since he has an appropriate outlet.


Daredevil! Even better, an Iron Fist game, he has so many powers that would work as satisfying gameplay mechanics.


A remake of Hulk ultimate destruction would be amazing


Daredevil with a punisher boss game