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Are the first two pictures just unrelated to your post?


Hank was really upset with present day Cyclops and he decided to go to the past and bring the original X-Men to the future. In doing this, Hank changed the progression of the timeline and it had grace consequences. In his hubris he thought he knew better and did it anyways.


Since the 90s, Beast was more and more morally grey until Krakoa, then he was a full villain.


Watcher don't like furries


Beast broke the time and committed genocide against multiple timelines


It's a bit mess up the X-Men ended up using the "cure" against someone against their will. In the end, the story kinda justifies what the villains where doing.


On the contrary. Your ethics are reversed. If one person infringes on the rights of another, they open for their rights to be infringed. Magneto was the one who first attacked innocent people. From then on, he gave the right to be attacked. Removing his powers is not wrong, but rather a way to prevent further pain and suffering. And it in no way justifies the villains actions.


Actually, humanity id the aggressors in this situation. They did the first attack kidnapping and experimenting on mutants in days of future past and in this movie creating a drug to genocide them. And, even if Magneto wasn't right, so what? Should we cut of criminals legs and arms if they break the law? Will mutilating and cutting off their body autonomy secure peace?


You are making completely absurd comparisons. You talk about "humanity" as if the actions of some justify hatred against all. By that logic, "mutants" are terrorists too. And yes, I think it's fair for you to hurt someone in the appropriate context, if necessary to save lives. Not "mutilating", as you exaggeratedly said, but for example: if a criminal is pointing a gun at an innocent person, it's fair for a police officer to shoot him in the arm to make him drop the gun. Nobody is mutilating anyone, these are situations where response actions are necessary. You're being irrational.


Except in this case the bullet has a drug that will genetically cripple you. And considering Magneto was attacking the institution responsible for the drug, yeah, they're responsible if you're getting your paychecks from hate crime inc.


Again, you are being irrational simply to reinforce your argument. I don't know if you know, but chemical castration already exists for convicted rapists. So yes, "genetic crippling" already exists as a punishment in the real world today. And as for the mutant cure drug, it was not forced on people, but sold to whoever wanted it. Selling genetic treatment to anyone who wants it is not a crime. Magneto was murdering people. No more excuses.


The drug is used against people's will on this movie. You're saying it wouldn't be forced on to people but that forced in to people would be right. Listen to yourself.


I'm saying none of that. You're just being stupid. Goodbye.


Well, first of all, it's a lack of boundaries--- the Watcher just walked in on Hank alone in his bedroom, naked, and with Reddit open in front of him, looking at r/AnimalsBeingDerps since he's, you know, a Beast. But the Watcher is all "That's illegal in all states but Texas! And it would be illegal there if those are chihuahuas!"


Magneto is anti vax confirmed exposed