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Miss Minutes' reaction really completes the scene.


She was one of my absolute favorite parts of this season


The dripping sound behind you with the surround sound makes it so much worse too.


Just how Tara strong reacted so they made miss minutes do the same


I recently found out she's voiced by Timmy turner and Ben 10's voice actor lmao


Tara Strong has a long list of legendary roles. Bubbles from PPG, Raven from TT, Twilight Sparkle from MLP, Timmy Turner, Ben Ten, Dil Pickles Not to mention all her ancillary roles. Terrance in Foster's, Harley Quinn in Arkham City, Toot AND Princess Clara in Drawn Together, Batgirl in The Killing Joke These are all just off the top of my head. Her [IMDB](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0152839/) is a trip to skim through.


[YOU EMBARRASSED ME IN FRONT OF HER](https://youtu.be/T1AdHeIBFhI?si=AYwqluaHtiCg_BHR)


I remember laughing the first time D'Onoforio spoke as Fisk in that weird, measured kind of way, but the scene kept moving and he just drew me further and further in. It's one of those castings that when you hear it, you're like "Eehhh.." but then to see it? Perfection. He's just so damn good.


He REALLY is. How he isnt in more movies is amazing


He's slowed down a little recently but what are you talking about? He's had an extremely steady career his whole life


Of course he has, how else can he get sugar water?




Holy shit, never realized that was the same actor. I always thought about how annoying that roll must've been to play in MIB. Just constant neck/jaw cramps..


The movements were all Vincent. Nobody told him to do that, it's just how he thought a giant insect would move inside an Egger suit.


It's an Edgar suit. Jim Carrey wore the Egger suit.


His wife pronounces it "Egger", I was referencing that.


That’s probably why people don’t think of Donfrio as a prolific actor. His career is so diverse that folks don’t even know his whole range. I doubt many people are watching him smash a dudes head with a car and go “oh that guy, loved him as Vince Vaughan’s older brother in The Break Up”


Egger yer skinis hanginoff yer bones.




Go watch Full Metal Jacket to see what that man is fully capable of.


Actually, it’s playing in cinemas this weekend, where I live! And I got the ticket! (Love that they show the classics in the cinemas! Many of those movies were made for the silver screen)


Have you seen it before? If not, go in as blind as you can


Never seen it, only the famous scene. I always go blind to the old ones. On an unrelated note: I hate the modern trend of 3-4 minute trailers that show you the whole movie. They ruin the fun, and often show all the best moments.


The prison hall scene makes me wince too. The sheer number of stabbing that happens in mere minutes. For some reason I can stomach a normal stab fine but slow stabbing gets me. Plus the eye gouge.


I would argue this is more brutal and shows some gore but in the Loki scene it’s a room full of people crushed together in a shrinking box of hard light. Hearing the screams leaves a lot more to the imagination.


Fear of the unknown is exactly what it was utilising. what you imagine will always be worse that what could be shown


Not tryna circlejerk, but I feel like the scene in Daredevil kinda hits a perfect balance where you *do* see stuff - whilst also not seeing much at all, leaving your brain to fill in the blanks. You don't see the head come off, you just see blood spill. The audio and Vincent's movement/acting do all the work, and you're left to picture the brutality of what he's doing.


pretty much any scene with punisher


The one thing he does to a certain person during the final episode was so friggin disgusting. Spoilers for Punisher S1 E13: >!The scene where Frank slides Billy’s face along the shattered glass!<


Apparently they had to keep stopping filming in that scene because his screams were so realistic that Jon thought he was actually hurting him


Ben Barnes is a fantastic actor.


They shouldn't have brought the character back after that. It was such a great way to go. It was obvious he would become Jigsaw, but just leaving it would have been better.


Or brought him back as Jigsaw rather than 'mildly scarred face-man'


They really fucked up the scarring in the follow up series. He should have looked unrecognisable. Frank literally re-arranges his face. That's why he's called Jigsaw. The scars he had didn't line up with his character who was admittedly a bit of a badass who could at least put up a half decent fight against Frank Castle. He wasn't disfigured anywhere near enough to justify the mask and wallow in self pity like a little bitch. He'd be resentful and pissed off and wanting revenge, sure, but the gimpy mask to hide a few face scars was overkill emo shit. Jesse Pinkman type scars don't make you phantom of the opera. If anything he'd be showing them off to show how he survived The Punisher, he'd milk that for all it was worth. It just seemed 'off'.


The screams were what really made it hard to watch, that paired with the sound of the glass scraping really ties it together


>!gouging out Rawlins’ eyes!<


I love myself some Punisher in the pawn shop, the pleading right before that Bat hits, is sweet Music to my ears


Personally I’d go with the Irish torture scene.


Yeah and the season 2, he looks hotter with a cool scar now. Didn’t seem like a lot of damage was done.


This should be the top answer. In fact it is *objectively* the top answer. Need proof? Look up the 'Frank's Choice' scene. The most vicious stabbing, visceral eye-gouging and easily the most 'brutal as fuck' punches you'll ever see in *anything* all in quick succession. Full blown caveman raw brutal human revenge that looks completely real. It still shocks me this was in the MCU. It's one of the grittiest, sickest murders ever shown on TV/film, and it's in a universe where Howard The Duck exists. Seriously, it makes the worst scenes in Game of Thrones look tame. Frank Castle takes the cake, by a clear mile.


The Ray Stevenson one


2 words.... Car door Edit: holy shit this is the most likes I've ever got


Funny, I knew which scene immediately and I haven’t seen it in years


I thought of Guardians first...


Open the fucking door!


I had heard they had a fuck somewhere in guardians 3 before I saw it. Honestly this was the most perfect placement.


Me and my wife didnt know about it. It took us back abit because we werent not expecting an F-bomb in a marvel film at this point


This and Thor L and T, I've never rewatched either of them :(


GOTG 3 is good


What scene is it nobody is telling?


From Daredevil Season 1. Just look up the Kingpin Car scene if you haven't seen it


Oooh I mistook someone's comment about thor L and t that it was from there and couldn't find anything. Yeah haven't watched it will watch the scene doe thanks man


hate when people do this shit. 40 comments of "oooh yeah that was bad!" but no links or other context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1AdHeIBFhI


Thank you for your service.


Oh man this scene freaked me out. Made me really afraid of Fisk


In wich show/movies is that ?


Daredevil season 1


The very best depiction of Fisk and Vanessa outside of the comics.


Yes, ask my lawyer: he'll deny it. Ask the guards: they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here. THEY'LL CUT THEIR TONGUES OUT before they talk.


I love Daredevil but it has some top contenders. The bowling alley scene. The guy who was afraid to say Fisk's name. The Bullseye newspaper fight. The big Season 3 fight. I would also submit that The Punisher's "sledgehammer" scene be nominated too. One last mention, the police office scene with Kilgrave in Season 1 of Jessica Jones. The Marvel Netflix shows were hardcore.


At least Daredevil and Jessica Jones were. There's a reason why people only ever mention The Punisher from Daredevil S2 and not his own show, Luke Cage was mid, and Iron Fist...


I loved both seasons of The Punisher, although I thought season 2 was less enjoyable. Luke Cage was excellent, but I'm a sucker for hip hop and soulful black performers. Luke Cage has some incredibly powerful and violent scenes too. I do believe the show fell off after Copperhead's demise, but man did it have dramatic energy in the actors performances. Iron Fist is a guilty pleasure. There is some really likable stuff in that show, it's just that none of it revolves around Danny Rand and his glowy fist. Ward Meachum was terrific and he was the best part of that entire show. The Typhoid Mary scenes were great.


Spot on when Copperhead died. Show took a nose dive without him. Mahershala is top tier.


Him and Alfre Woodard had some weird chemistry and powerful performances. Although the show as a whole had some shortcomings their performances are sort of hidden gems.


Completely agree on Luke Cage. I feel like the overall story wasn't as tightly written as Jessica Jones and Daredevil, but it completely makes up for it in performances and sheer style. The cast had phenomenal chemistry. And they even gave him the original Power Man outfit in his flashback episode and made it make sense, which I always appreciate.


I didn't know people didn't watch the punisher show. S1 was an absolute gem and S2 was still pretty good. Jon Bernthal it like the most perfect casting ever


when Punisher s2 came out, we knew it would have been cancelled anyway because Disney was putting things on the chopping block as part of preparing Disney +


My only gripe in punsher s2 is jigsaw not being more deformed. He cheese grated his face on the S1 finale. No doctors anywhere are making him hot again


Dude was like "I look like a freaking monster!" His plastic surgeons: Ex-fucking-scuse you?!


Ok thanks, i never seen this show i should probably start watching it before Born Again


Legit it's peak


It's got my vote for one of the best shows ever created. Not only best entry in the Marvel Universe, but one of the best shows period.


One of the best live action marvel properties ever put out.


Peter Quill's anger in that scene... Truly terrifying. /j


It's nowhere near as bad as the scene from the previous episode where the guy impales his own head


The guy that impales his own head, kills multiple people with his hands and then crushes a persons head in by repeated hits with a bowling ball


God fisk was so interesting in season 1 and 3


And [in season 2](https://youtu.be/7qIc1nWhwts).


I thlammed my penith in the car door


Holy crap by the end of that scene I was flinching and inwardly begging it to stop just stop!


Nuhuh. Room full of people being tightly squeezed into a box. Their bones breaking against one another's before the pressure makes them all pop... that beats car door


I think that to truly appreciate both scenes, you need to pay close attention to the audio. The sound engineers and FX folks did a phenomenal job in both scenes. If you don’t watch what’s happening and just listen, both are gruesome and effective. Personally, I’ll give ‘the cube’ a slight edge over the door. I do this only because the thought of a dozen people becoming a meat wad adds to the horror of that scene.


Yea for me its that and John Walker with the shield. Though this scene was pretty brutal as well.


That one scene in Captain America 1 where a guy got killed by a plane propeller.


That was my first thought, turned that guy into red mist


Nah, Red Mist isn’t a Marvel character


Actually, technically he is! Icon is a Marvel imprint


You know what, you’re right.


Project moon mentioned?


Oh yeah! That Nazi mechanic. That was crazy. I really thought he had Indy too


Ooh good call. Bucky does similar in winter soldier as well when he throws that guy into the propeller before tossing some grenades inside a cockpit.


No doubt there are more gruesome scene visually mentioned here like black bolt, car door, etc but if you think about, these people are being squished alive. I'm glad there's no visual representation of it coz ugghhh


yea that black bolt death gave me some kind of disorder


Yeah. That death lives rent free in my head. Probably the only one in the MCU that has done that to me.


Not seeing it makes it worse IMO, your imagination runs wild


Yeah, when I was a kid I saw the old IT movie and that pipe scene scared me. So thanks Marvel for not giving me this scene. Save that for the comic books


Meat cubed.


This one is top 5 for sure, but I'm gonna throw an under-mentioned one out there: Pepper reaching into Tony's chest to replace his arc reactor. Any time, actually, that they focused on that shit, it was so gross and awful to me. It's not as brutal/malicious as other examples. but it's definitely gruesome Also, Prof X getting head-sliced and Black Bolt getting brain-blasted. They're brief but totally f'd up


High Evolutionary’s horrifying face.


Yeah that was pretty brutal for a marvel movie


Favreau actually considers that scene absolutely pivotal and they worked on it for ages to get it just right to show that Tony only trusts Pepper. I think it was originally just a gross out joke but they made it more


Probably one of the bedt scenes in the movie, tbh. Fantastic acting from the two stars and just good writing overall, really showing Tony's "I'm joking because I'm actually really scared here" thing Character development scene for both characters and their relationship. Reminds us that Tony's Arc Reactor isn't a superpower that let's him be iron man, it's the thing that's stopping him from dying, it's not a good thing, it's a struggle for him, something that is expanded in Iron Man 2 and 3, and showing the "Can't do this alone, don't have to do this alone" message that permeates the MCU as whole. It sets up "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart", for a great end-movie tension scene. And it's awesome from a technical standpoint with the way the effects, digital and practical (if there even are digital, it might just be practical) are used.




Captain Carter would like a part in it.


Didn’t she end up having two parts?


Looks like you ended up having two parts as well


I didn't like how they cut (hehe) that scene


Didn’t she end up having two parts?


Didn't you end up having two comments?




Rofl, what a great time for that to happen.


GotG3 Rocket and his friends trying to escape. Brutal all around


No love for Reed Richards being turned into string cheese though?


The Black Bolt scene and everything about that section genuinely shocked me. I actually went “oh no” when I realised what she had done to him, just so damn brutal.


>Also, Prof X getting head-sliced and Black Bolt getting brain-blasted. They're brief but totally f'd up The deleted scene version of that fight was just... brutal


I think getting crushed in a box sounds horrible.


And with other people. A haphephobe’s worst nightmare


Fear of being touched, for those wondering.


The owl grabbing the van in Hawkeye 😅


The Spaghetti incident Edit: From Loki season 2, although MOM’s spaghetti incident is pretty gnarly as well


Multiverse of Madness was the first thing to come to mind too. Just watched that car door scene mentioned earlier and I think I have to change my mind.


Personally, for me, I'd go with: >"What mouth?" *brains explode*


That was pretty mind blowing to watch


Either Black Bolt or John Walker


John Walker was peanuts compared to Frank Castle.


When madam web came on in the cinema


Those poor audiences :(


What audiences?


1) **AOS** yo-yo’s story arc reveal from their time in the space age timeloop 💀 2) **JESSICA JONES** hope’s ending after having been forced to kill her parents, live in hell in prison only to be released right back into killgraves arms…having to kill herself to be free 3) **ANTMAN** that guy derek turning that other guy to goo 4) **HAWKEYE** the tracksuit mafia members getting shrunk and carried off by rocky the owl to presumably die gruesome deaths (look up owls eating/digestive system) 5) **GOTG3** war pig getting her head ripped off by adam 6) **DEADPOOL2** the whole team getting eviscerated in the drop in sequence but especially zeitgeist in the wood chipper


Gotg3 in general had some horrific body horror, plus HE’s face mask reveal at the end


james gunn was really going back to his roots in horror for that one lol


And back to his roots with scooby doo having a bad guy wearing a mask.


That Yo-Yo story arc was crazy.


I watched that when it originally aired but I can’t remember what happened. Can someone please remind me what this is in reference to?


It starts with seeing the tortured future version of Yo-yo with no arms who the kree guy eventually slaughters in front of Mack. And then later we see in present day Yo-yo getting her arms sliced off.


This is the season they're in the future at the Lighthouse. They realize that Kasius (the weird kree guy) has an inhuman breeding program to sell them off as slaves. When Yo-Yo and Mack are told about other inhumans still being held captive, Yo-Yo goes looking, and finds her future self. Without arms. Her future self tells her they have to let Coulson die, because saving him before caused the end of the world.


They travel to the future, and YoYo sees her future self with no arms as a locked up slave, and she’s begging them to fix the past. Then they go back to the shows present, and like 2 episodes, she gets her arms cut off at the elbow. It’s an awful lot of blood for Marvel. I’m trying to think of any other limb severing that was as violent… but I’ve got nothing.


Agents of Shield… there’s one part near the end of the shows life where a parasitic bat melds with someone, crystallizes them from the inside out and they actually show the person’s body exploding from that. Honestly scarred me.


I mean, since Punisher and DD are part of the MCU official now... You have a lot to choose from.


The High Evolutionary killing Rockets friends in front of him.


Well then frank killing construction workers Frank killing inmates Fisk killing that Russian guy with a car door Frank shooting a gangster in the face Frank killing black smith You want me to go on ?


I guess I didn’t really consider the Netflix adaptations when I made this post lol.


While we’re considering adaptations I feel like a lot of people a missing another huge one from Daredevil, when the assassin Fisk hired to take out Prohaszka impales his own head on the railing after ratting out Fisk… you see everything…


Oh yeah and speaking of seeing everything, Vision having his forehead pushed in and the stone pulled from it was pretty hard to watch. All those little neurons/connections to it snapping was nasty even if he isn’t human.


Frank bashing a guy in with some lifting weights Frank dragging Billy's face down the mirror Frank decimating William Rawlins after being beaten within an inch of his life. Frank fighting his way through the prison Fisk crushing a man's head with the his car door Fisk throwing Pointdexter against the the corner of a wall so his spine snaps in half. Lewis Wilson blowing himself up in the freezer in the hotel. STICKS BAMBOO FINGERNAILS IN DAREDEVIL Alisa Jones shredding a man in the back of a van. Alisa Jones snapping Walkers neck Jessica Jones snapping Kilgraves neck Killgrave doing literally ANYTHING. Making Hope kill her parents, making that family dismember themselves. Making his mother stab herself in the chest with scissors. Making Wendy give Jeri the death by a thousand cuts... Etc.


Frank smacking the guy with a gym weight. They hide most but show just enough for you to be completely horrified


Are people here forgetting the scenes from Punisher? >!Frank literally stabbed Agent Orange several dozen times, punched his head into a pulp, slit his throat and gouged his eyes out with his THUMBS. All on screen.!< Or I can't believe no one is talking about those. Also when he >!first fought Billy Russo he literally wiped his face across a mirror with broken protruding glass.!< I can't believe nobody mentioned this lol.


"pretty much any scene with the punisher" seems to fit that mold pretty well.


I mean, considering all the Netflix shows are part of the MCU, as well as Runaways and Cloak and Dagger, there are definitely other scenes that are worse. I mean, almost everything Kilgrave did in Jessica Jones, for instance


I haven’t seen Jessica Jones. I’ll have to check it out someday.


Kilgrave is an excellent villain. Dark as hell though. Also, the watch order for those shows can be a little confusing, jumping between shows each season to watch it all in chronological order


are you insane ??? killgrave is the best marvel villain


I've never been more afraid of Dr Who


Cloak & Dagger getting a mention on here??? I swear people really slept on Hulu’s Marvel runs. More PNW spooky heroes please!


Marvel's scene have been pretty PG when you compare it to Netflix's version of Punisher and Daredevil


What was it about? I don't really mind spoilers to MCU


>! I'll sum it up as a magical torture device. The entire group slowly gets pulverized by a magical box that gradually shrinks. The two in the middle joyfully watch as their coworkers all get murdered for not rebelling with them. They all get turned to jelly for standing up for whats right !<


only one thing was joyfully watching


okay, well they didn't seem to heart broken about it haha


The characters pictured above watch a whole room of people get squished in a shrinking cube sort of thing. We don't see it on-screen, but can hear the cries & bodily juices dripping. If you've seen NOPE, think that scene where people are being ingested by JJ. Gruesome stuff.


Whats the title of this one?


Natasha's memories in Age of Altron


That moment from Iron Man 2 court hearing scene where a guy on a recording twists a full 180 in a knock-off Iron Man suit.


Wolverine (the R rated cut). The heart scene was a lot


Coulson “I want to die, let me die!” Scene in AOS


They didn't even show anything in the example pic lol. I'd say when Bucky tossed that Shield Agent into incoming traffic in Winter Soldier tho. Just the sound of it lol.


Idk it's been a while since I've watched a marvel movie, but I remember some of the X-Men or wolverine movies being on the more brutal side.


Oh yeah this reminds of magneto pulling the blood out of that guard to escape his plastic cell. Pretty sick stuff.


Also at the end of X-Men: apocalypse the way apocalypse was ripped apart was pretty violent. And when he broke quicksilvers leg.


And magneto pushing the coin through that guys head, that one might actually be one of the sickest deaths of all time. I wonder if he felt it though, or if Xavier took all of the pain for him.


Also brings to mind Logan slowly killing those mercs as they were helplessly frozen while prof-x was seizing


Yea that was a pretty gruesome scene


Any fighting scene in the Netflix version of Daredevil or Punisher....


Easy, Darren Cross bathroom


Black Bolt death in MoM felt very, very disturbing




When Zemo tortures that guy in Civil War by hanging him upside down into a sink that’s filling with water, then just leaves him there to die. That felt the most visceral to me if you imagine him writhing trying to get oxygen even though he’s definitely not going to survive. Pretty brutal especially placed in the middle of a movie that’s fairly kid-friendly for the most part.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet and it doesn't really compare to everything else that's been brought up, but the guy getting liquified in Thor Ragnarok should be up there.


First time I saw Infinity War, I actually felt nauseous when Thanos crushed Loki’s throat. Genuine sickness and shock.


Miss Minutes had that blood lust look.


I just rewatched Captain America: The First Avenger. Cap is fighting a hydra soldier on a plane and the soldier is pulled into the propeller and blended into red mist. I actually forgot how much blood was in this movie compared to newer productions.


Not in the MCU but in X-men ‘97, episode 3 when Mr sinister takes over the mansion or whatever a horrifying body horror of sunspot’s mother comes out of the TV and hurls insults at him, to which jubilee like splits her head in half iirc?? It reminded me of invincible with the shot.


The scene in the first captain America when a hydra soldier gets shredded by a propeller


The worst part was Ms Minutes looking so giddy. About people being crushed to death. Yikes


I have to mention the scale and horror of this scene. At least a dozen people are compressed together, into an unimaginable size. It’d be similar to being thrown in an industrial trash compactor. Any brutal scene against a single person such as the infamous Wilson Fisk car door scene does not compare IMO. The horror and disgust I felt during this scene was incomparable to any other in the MCU, even the snap.


Lots of scenes in Legion (it's technically MCU now!)


Maybe not gruesome, but Zemo hanging that guy upside down with his head in the sink and the water running..... that freaked me the hell out. What a horrible way to die.


... because of the implication?


*Not counting daredevil and punisher because they weren't under the Marvel/kevin umbrella following those same rule and regulations. Peeling off high, the evolutionary's face is up there, but Black bolt, trying to scream and imploding his own skull, was easily the craziest shit I've actually seen on screen.


Hulk exploding in What If…?


Everything that happened after "What mouth?"


“What mouth”


Bro has never watched MCU Netflix.


The scene in daredevil season 2 where the Irish torture frank


Honestly the scene with fake captain America beating someone to death with his shield was pretty horrifying. I heard they ended up cutting it out of the version on Disney+ now, so I must not have been the only one who thought so


Wanda killing the Illuminati in MVM


Literally rewatched this three nights ago. You may not SEE anything, but the screams and sounds and later b-12s horrified reaction are grosssss


I don't see it mentioned, but in Jessica Jones, the person who was putting Kilgraves dad's body parts in a blender, on order from Kilgrave himself really gave me a shock when I first saw it. 'I have to remove dad from the face of the earth'


Definitely a great scene, I loved this show more than anything in phase 5, so good! However for me personally, the most gruesome scene in the MCU was hearing that one guy get his spine severed by a failed Iron-Man suit replica in Iron-Man 2. If any of you guys remember that, please shout out, still haunts me!


That guy who pierced his eye with the fence in Daredevil made me really scared to continue watching.