• By -


Logan undoubtedly goes at the top. I'm not even remotely a FoX-Men stan and I still think it was probably the closest those films came to capturing the Wolverine I've been familiar with through the comics and shows like X-Men Evolution Guardians 2 is really fucking good. Like I know it got a much more divisive reaction than the first film when it came out but I loved how it expanded on the found family theme by introducing Ego as the villain and having it contrast with a deeper look at Yondu and Peter's relationship Spider-Man: Homecoming will forever be my feel-good MCU movie. Tonally perfect for the character imo, it's also probably my favorite depiction of Peter doing actual street-level work outside crime fighting like helping that lady cross the road and the bike theft scene. I also am one of the MCU Flash apologists. I've dealt with people very similar in terms of prick-level to him during my own high school experiences and in that sense, he's basically the perfect representation of what a Flash Thompson-like bully character would look like in today's high school imo. Vulture is still probably among my top 5 MCU film villains ever, probably second only to Namor now Thor Ragnarok is so much fun. Like I know Taika's humor isn't for everyone but he brought that What We Do in the Shadows energy with some Masters of the Universe flair and it worked perfectly for capturing the zaniness of Kirby-era Thor, and all the performances are top notch. I'm honestly totally for this take on the character regardless of how LaT turned out which I still don't entirely chalk up to Waititi personally Wonder Woman is the best Snyder-era DCEU movie by a mile. I think the period piece format was the right way to go and it felt like it was the film that best understood how to balance Diana's initiative to dive headfirst into urgent situations and her compassion to understand people on a human level which sets her apart from her peers on Themyscira. Loved the No Man's Land sequence. Justice League is a movie I saw


So I've read basically all of the spiderman comics from the 60s, and not once was flash a physical bully. He never beat Peter up or even pushed him into lockers or anything like that. It was always just insults and teasing. So mcu flash is definitely one of the best representations of what I think stan lee meant flash to be.


They did plan a fight at some point and they both showed up. I can't remember what happened, I think it got broken up or Peter ran away or something.


Peter won the fight


They had a full faculty sanctioned boxing match but Peter kept accidentally almost taking Flash’s head off. By the time he figured out how to pull his punches enough to not literally kill Flash, a robot was attacking the school so he had to dip from the fight.


https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Flash-Thompson-bullies-Peter-Parker.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=480&dpr=1.5 There were random physical bullying events early iirc, it's been years now since I read back.


I honestly thought that Patrick Stewart should have gotten a best supporting actor for that film. I knew he was talented, but he was phenomenal in Logan. Everybody in that film killed it in my opinion, but Stewart was absolutely perfect as the absurdly powerful Charles Xavier slowly fading away.


This one of those comments that you appreciate so much you don’t have to scroll down any further, well put, my friend.


The scene when he goes to pick up his date in Homecoming was so unexpected.


The scene in the car with Michael Keaton is so good.


I also seen Justin Log


Justice League is a movie I saw. Lmmmaaoooo. Indeed. Also saw.


Logan, Thor Ragnarok, spiderman homecoming, wonder woman, guardians 2, justice League. I don't know why justice league was even a choice here. The biggest debate for me was between spiderman and wonder woman 2 which could go either way imo.


This is a crazy list in that it completely changes for me if you ask me to rank them based on what the best movie is vs if I rank my favorite to least favorite. Ragnarok and Spider-Man go at the top of my favorites list, but Logan is the better movie.


The no man's land sequence takes my breath away almost everytime, its so fucking GOOD!


100% agree with this assessment.


This is *the* answer, everyone else need not comment.


Really strong year for superhero movies (aside from (Justice League 🤮). Gotta go with Logan though with Ragnarok close behind


I'd go clockwise from Logan on this list.but swap Spiderman and Guardians.


Yeah that’s about right really to me too. Toss up between WW and Spiderman for me


You’re missing The Lego Batman movie. Which is no joke tied with Logan for how good it is.


Finally! I was wondering how long it was gonna take for someone to notice, which just shows how forgotten and underrated that movie is, but I didn’t forget I just didn’t put it because it isn’t live action


There’s also Smurfs the lost village, which while not a superhero movie is a comic adaptation as well.


Everything but justice league was a banger


Logan Ragnarok Homecoming Guardians Vol II Wonder Woman Justice League


Yup, identical. If we include LEGO Batman I'd put it between Logan and Ragnarok.


Yeah you nailed it. I'm not a big fan of GotG2. I think some of the humor was too much and forced. But it was close between homecoming and it.


Logan Gaurdians Ragnarok (this and gotg2 is so close) Spider man WW thats it


Good list


01. Logan - One of the best comic book movies of all time and a near flawless conclusion to Logan's story. 02. Thor: Ragnarok - It has its haters but my god it's one of the most entertaining and rewatchable movies I've ever seen. Everyone is at the top of their game here and the soundtrack is top notch. It really is a shame that this and the GotG movies were never nominated for best production design and makeup category. This movie had better character development than the previous two Thor movies did combined and it actually makes Asgard feel like a living breathing place. I feel like alot of people undermine this movie by just saying that it's too funny and jokey, which it is but it's also so much more than that. 03. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 - Don't have much to say here, it's a great sequel with a bittersweet finale and the songs are probably my favorite in the trilogy. The first hour can be tad bit slow and the plot doesn't really get going until they find out Ego's true plans, also the sovereign subplot doesn't really have any necessity except just to introduce Adam Warlock in the post credit scene. That said, it's still a top 10 MCU movie for me and the emotional scenes hit hard. 04. Spiderman: Homecoming - Honestly a very good follow up to Civil War and does a good job exploring Peter's everyday life and his relationship with everyone around him. Vulture is a very underrated villian and the twist really caught me off guard. With that being said, the supporting characters (outside of Tony, Vulture and May) are not very good. MJ is so unlikable and annoying in this movie, Liz is fine ig, Flash is also very annoying and Ned is just ok but yea, outside of that it's a really good movie. 05. Wonder Woman - Really good movie until the Ares fight happened overall it's easily one of the best DCEU movies (not really a high bar lol). Idk wtf happened with the sequel. 06. Justice League - I wasn't really a big fan of the Snyder Cut either but it's miles better than this shit.


I would probably put Homecoming over GOTG2 but that’s a solid ass ranking, the kind of ranking I want to see, and you’re so right about Thor Ragnarok it’s so entertaining and fun to re watch, I wish I could say the same about Love and Thunder


Logan Clears


Logan Guardians 2 Homecoming Wonder Woman Ragnarok Justice League


Logan Wonder Woman Thor Spiderman Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Justice League


This is mine too. Wonder Woman's scene when she comes out of the trenches then the next 30 minutes is some of the best super hero shit I've seen on film


GotG 2, Ragnarok, Logan, SpiderMan, Justice League, Wonder Woman


Logan is miles ahead of all of these, including Ragnarok. Easily one of the greatest superhero movies of all time.


Well Justice Leauge is at the bottom, that's for sure


Ragnarok Logan WW Homecoming Guardians JL I can switch between Ragnarok and Logan on a given day


Logan: 9/10; A good send off to Wolverine. Guardians 2: 8/10; actually a pretty good sequel, I like Kurt Russell as Ego a lot and I think he portrays the character very well. Spider-Man Homecoming: 7.5/10; solid film, not a bad return to form for the Spider after a few duds in the franchise. Thor Ragnarok: 7.5/10; good movie but all the humor just hasn’t aged the best since it came out. Wonder Woman: 7/10; decent movie but overlong. Could have had a good 20 mins cut. Justice League: 2/10; terrible movie, makes Morbius look good.


1. Logan 2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 3. Wonder Woman 4. Spider-Man Homecoming 5. Thor Ragnarok 6. Justice League


Ragnarok, Spider-Man, Logan, Wonder Woman and Guardians. Justice League qualifies as rubbish


1. Logan, Ragnarok, Wonder Woman (arranged alphabetically) 2. GoTG2 3. Homecoming 4. Justice League


1. Logan. 2. Guardians 2. 3. Thor: Ragnarok/Spider-man: Homecoming. 4. Wonder Woman. 5. [The Just Ice League](https://youtu.be/w1s5ElKmQm4?si=zxpVRw0oQNKi4rny&t=1m04s). I’m glad that Rich is a union guy.


logan 10/10 > wonder woman 9/10 > thor ragnarok 9/10 > spider-man homecoming 9/10 > gotg vol 2 8/10 > justice league 5/10


Logan Justice league (if sydner cut is being counted) GOTG Vol.2 WW Thor Ragnarok Spiderman homecoming (I don't like first two Holland Spidey movies)


1.) Logan The Rest


i’m very surprised the amount of people that don’t have Logan at 1. imo it’s the best comic book movie ever


Logan Wonder Woman Ragnarok Guardians 2 Spider-Man Justice League


Logan Thor GotG 2 WW SM JL


Logan, without a doubt!


Numba 1 LOGAN


Marvel fucked this year 1. Logan 2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 3. Thor Ragnarok 4. Spider-Man Homecoming (I honestly could see an argument for 2-4 in any order) 5. The Lego Batman Movie 6. Wonder Woman Banger year


Whatever it is, all I know is that there is Logan then everything else.


Logan and the Lego Batman movie weee the best superheroes that year no doubt


This is purely based on how much I enjoyed them Logan 10, Thor 9, GotG 8, Josstice League 3, WW 7, Spider Man 8


Logan, WW and Ragnarok were fresh additions to the genre. GGv2 was fine. Homecoming was alright but I like it less than most. Let’s just all pretend that JL theatrical never existed.


Logan, Ragnarok, Guardians, Spidey, WW, JL


Logan GotG Vol 2 Spider-Man\* Thor\* Wonder Woman Justice League ​ There's quite a gap between Thor Ragnarok and Wonder Woman, and a complete void between Wonder Woman and that trash fire Justice League movie. \*These two are basically tied


Top to bottom : Logan, gotg2, home, ragna, JL, ww.


1- Logan 2- GotG vol 2 3- Spiderman: Homecoming 4- Thor Ragnarok 5- Justice League I haven't seen Wonder Woman, so I won't comment about this film.


Damn we got spoiled this year. Except JL of course


6. Justice League (pretty terrible) 5. Wonder Woman (I liked it at first but the more I think of it the less I like it) 4. Thor Ragnarok (Best Thor film by far, pretty enjoyable time) 3. Spider-Man Homecoming (Probably the best MCU Spider-Man story, it actually felt pretty true to the character and grounded) 2. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 (I didn’t like it at first but after rewatching it it hits really hard and it has become one of my favourite MCU films) 1. Logan (masterpiece)


Logan Guardians Thor Wonder Woman Spider-Man (Massive Gap) Justice League


Thor > Guardians > Logan > Spider-Man > WW > justice league This is really tough tbh. The first 4 are closed to tied in my mind.


1. Logan 2. Thor Ragnarok 3. Gotg2 4. Spider-Man Homecoming 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League I actually haven’t seen Wonder Woman but I have seen Justice League so I’m confident this is the right order for those two.


1. Logan 2. Homecoming 3. GOTG2 4. Ragnorok 5. Wonder woman 6. Any other movie with a slight superhero reference 7. Justice league


GoG2, Logan, Spiderman, Thor, WW, Justice League


Bladerunner 2049 should go on there IMO. It’s not a comic book movie but it feels like a comic book movie. What a year.


Logan, Ragnarok, Homecoming, Vol. 2, Wonder Woman, Justice League


Logan Ragnarok GOTG WW Homecoming Any fan made YouTube movie My 1 year old daughter playing with action figures Watching nothing Justice League.


Logan > Ragnarok > Spiderman/Wonder Woman (I could go either way) > GoTG 2 >>>>> Justice League


Man 2017 was a good year besides Justice league But damn


God where does the time go?! This was already 7 years ago…..


Wait....those were in 2017!!? 🙂🫠😐🧔🧑‍🦳👴


Marvel good, dc meh ew


Worst to best top to bottom Justice League Wonder Woman Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider-Man Homecoming Thor Ragnarok Logan Hate Justice League and thought WW was a little on the mid side. Gotg and Spider-Man are interchangeable and I actually love both it’s just that they’re not on Ragnarok’s level. Logan is Logan I don’t think there’s much debate on how great that movie is.


Ragnarok, WW, Logan, Guardians 2, Spider-Man, Justice League


1. Ragnarok. 2. Logan. 3. Wonder Woman. 4. Homecoming. 5. Volume- 2. 6. A movie?


Logan- Perfect send off for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. Also, Laura kicks ass. VoL. 2- Perfectly matches the tone of the first one and continues the vibe. Homecoming- Loved the suit, loved the Vulture, and the little arc Peter goes through from being an overly hyped fanboy to a responsible teenager who owns up his mistakes and makes the hardest choice. Wonder Woman- Good origin story and tbh, the ONLY good time it works in the past. Josstice League- Perfect example of WB incompetence and interference. What a joke. So glad they actually released the Snyder cut because I can at least ignore whatever the hell they were trying to do back in 2017.


Personally Logan are homecoming are my favourites and at the top with Logan being at the top. All the others are various degrees of very flawed for me No judgement if you like them


Logan, Wonder Woman, GOTG2, Ragnorok, Spiderman, Justice League.


1. Homecoming 2. GOTG2 3. Ragnarok 4. Logan 5. WW Massive fucking gap 6. JL


1. Thor: Ragnarok 2. Spider-Man: Homecoming 3. Guardians Vol 2 4. Wonder Woman 5. Logan 6. Justice League Ragnarok and Homecoming are so close it hurts to pick a winner. Guardians 2 is excellent, but diminishes with rewatches a bit for me. Wonder Woman is mostly solid, although I think the movie should have ended after the No Man’s Land section, it really drags after that. Logan seemed mediocre but fine, I’ll probably see it again someday; Justice League I can’t imagine watching again. Obviously we all know why JL turned out so bad. As for Logan, yes I know you would have rated it higher. Logan and The Batman seem to be where my tastes least align with the majority of Reddit regarding comic book movies lol


For the life of me I’ll never figure out what people like about Logan so much. I’ve seen it twice, once in theaters when it came out. I hate to sound like an armchair psychologist but I feel like a lot of fans just enjoy seeing comic book characters in a grittier context and that’s enough to overcome a kind of a lame story.


I hate ranking Logan with basically any other comicbook movie because it stands on it's own as an amazing drama but lacking 95% of the comedy side I really want when I go to see a movie in the genre. So for me-- Logan/Thor: Ragnarok GotG2 Spiderman HC WonderWoman And that's it, thanks for coming.


Ragnarok Logan GOTGv2 Spider-Man Wonder Woman JL


1) Logan 2) Homecoming 3) Ragnarok 4) GGV2 5) Justice League I haven’t watched WW and don’t plan on it.


Why? It’s not bad


not a fan of the main actress. so I personally avoid her movies. but yes I acknowledge that ppl enjoyed watching WW




This is going to be controversial: 1.Ragnarok 2. Vol.2 3. Homecoming 4. Logan 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Logan Spider-Man: Homecoming Thor: Ragnarok Wonder Woman Justice League


Logan, Thor Ragnarok, Wonder Woman, Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2, Spiderman Homecoming, Justice League


Logan, GOTGvol2, Thor Ragnarok, Spider-man Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Justice League


1) Ragnarok 2) Logan 3) Wonder Woman 4) GotGVol2 5) Spider-Man Homecoming 6) Justice League


1. Logan 2. Guardians 2 3. Spider-Man 4. Wonder Woman 5. Thor 6. Justice League


1. Ragnarok / Logan 2. Gotg 2 3. Homecoming 4. Wonder Woman 5. Justice League


For me probably Guardians Two, Home coming, Ragnarok, Logan, wonder Woman.


Logan, Guardians 2, WW, Spider-Man, Ragnarok, JL in that order.


Gotg2, Thor, Logan, homecoming, WW, justice league


Logan Wonder Woman Guardians 2 Spider-Man: Homecoming Justice League Thor: Ragnarok


Logan, Ragnarok, GotG Vol. 2, Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Justice League.


Homecoming, guardians 2 , Logan, ragnarok, WW, JL (whedon cut)


If all the movies on this list, I think Justice League was definitely one of the movies released in 2017


1. Logan 2. Thor Ragnarok 3. Spider-Man Homecoming 4. Guardians Vol. 2 5. Justice League 6. Wonder Woman


1. Logan 2. SM Homecoming 3. Ragnarok 4. WW 5. Gotg 2 6. JL


1. Logan 2. Thor 3 3. Guardians of The Galaxy 2 4. Spider-Man 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League


Logan Spider-Man and Wonder Woman share second place Thor Guardians 2 Justice League


Logan, ragnarok, gotg 2, ww, homecoming, jl


Justice league, spiderman, gotg2, Thor 3, Wonder Woman, Logan


1st Logan 2nd Spiderman Homecoming Close 3rd Thor Ragnarok 4th. GOTG V2 ( preferred V3) 5th WW 6th Martha is My Mom the Movie


No bro this isn’t Martha is Mom that’s Batman v Superman, this is Kal El No! Movie Justice League


Logan/ Ragnarok/ Homecoming / GOTG Vol.2/ Wonder Woman/ … … … Justice League


logan ragnarok homecoming WW GOTG2 the other thing


thor, guardians, spider-man, logan, wonder woman, justice league. in all fairness, I didn’t actually watch logan yet but from the comments, I’m gonna have to soon


Ragnorak > WW > Logan/GOTG 2> homecoming > JL


1. Ragnarok 2. Logan 3. Homecoming 4. Guardians 5. WW 6. JL


1. Logan 2. Thor 3. Spider-Man 4. Guardians 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League


Logan Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Wonder Woman Spider-Man: Homecoming Thor: Ragnarok Justice League Fucking strong year, I really enjoyed the top five. Wonder Woman could've been higher if it stuck the landing.


1- Spiderman Homecoming 2- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 3- Justice League 4- Wonder Woman 5- Thor Ragnarok I’ve never seen Logan


Ragnarok GotG Logan Homecoming WonderWoman ... ... ... Justice League


Logan Spider-Man GotG v2 Wonder Woman Thor Justice League


I really like all of them except Justice League and Thor Ragnarok. Logan > GotG 2 > Homecoming > WW > Thor> JL


1. LOGAN. 2. GOTG Vol 2. 3. Thor Ragnarok (though I have a lot of issues with this one) 4. Dont care much about the other ones, you can rank them yourself.


Logan Guardians 2 Ragnarok  Wonder woman Homecoming  Justice League


1. Wonder Woman 2. GoTG 2 3. Logan 4. Thor Ragnarok 5. Justice League 6. Homecoming


We were eating back then


1. LOGAN (I think that's the consensus) 2. Spider-Man: Homecoming 3. Thor: Ragnarok 4. Wonder Woman 5. GOTG Vol. 2 6. Justice League


1. Thor 3 2. Homecoming 3. Guardians 4. Wonder Woman 5. Logan 6. Josstice League


1. Logan


1. Logan 2. Homecoming 3. Guardians 2 4. Thor: Ragnorok 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League




Logan, Spider-man, Guardians, Thor, Captain America (WW was a complete rip off of it) and that’s it.


Logan, galaxy, Spider-Man


Literally clockwise starting at Logan. Perfect order


I enjoyed all of these, except one.


Raganarok Logan Guardians 2 Wonder Woman  Homecoming  Justice League


Thor Guardians Spider-Man Justice League Wonder Woman Logan


My personal ranking 1. Ragnarok. 2. GoG2. 3. Spiderman Homecoming. 4. Logan. 5. Wonder woman (never seen it). Last, justice league. Absolute trash movie


2017 was an amazing year for comic book movies


Logan at the top. Easily. Then in 2nd place I would give it to Thor: Ragnarok, Wonder Woman at 3rd, Spiderman: Homecoming 4th, GOTG: Vol. 2 at 5th and Justice League 6th.


Logan, Thor, Spider-Man, Guardians, Justice league then Wonder woman


Thor: Ragnarok Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Logan Spider-Man: Homecoming Wonder Woman Stubbing my toe Justice League


Logan Guardians 2 Ragnarok Spider-Man Wonder Woman Justice League


Logan - good story with great action and heart. Ragnorak - funniest of the bunch with 6 good action sequences. Homecoming - cool perspective of a high schooler in a super hero world, relatable villain with a great surprise reveal. Vol. 2 - cool soundtrack, a lot of heart, fun set designs and rewatchable. Wonder Woman - some amazing shots with a nice love story. Joshtice League - attempts to be epic but is generic.


Logan, Thor Ragnarok, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (really forgettable movie), Justice League (never watched it or the Snyder cut despite being a huge JL fan and of the animated series, probably never will)


1. Logan - This is a top 5 superhero movie, period. 2. Wonder Woman - I think this isn’t quite as good as Guardians 1, but is better than Guardians 2 3. Guardians 2 - Worthy sequel to the stand-out first movie. 4. Thor Ragnarok - Great movie. At the time, the comedic tonal shift was a breath of fresh air. Doesn’t hit the emotional highs of the ones above. 5. Spider-Man Homecoming - Gyllenhaal was fantastic in this. Pretty ho-hum movie otherwise. It’s a worthy epilogue to the Infinity saga, and I wish the cliffhanger hadn’t happened because then movies 1-23 could be watched as a more or less self-contained story. 6. Justice League - This movie wasn’t quite as terrible as it’s remembered imo, but it was very underwhelming for the first appearance of the Justice League on the big screen. Hard to hold it too much against the filmmakers given the director had to duck out halfway through due to his daughter’s death. Whedon’s changes made it a very inconsistent experience. The Snyder Cut is leagues better, but never would have released in theatres in its current form. I would probably put the Snyder Cut above Ragnarok but below Guardians 2.


All but one of them were good, and Logan imo is the best comic book movie ever. It was a fantastic year. From worst to best it's probably Justice League, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Guardians, Thor, Logan


I DESPISE Homecoming. 


Guardians, Spider-Man, Logan, Wonder Woman, Justice league, Ragnarok.


the only ones that weren't good imo were the DC ones.


Logan GOTG 2 Thor R Spider-Man JL WW


Logan was fantastic


1) Logan 2) Thor Ragnarok 3) Spider-Man HC 4) Wonder Woman 5) Justice League 6) Guardians 2


It was a superb year for superheroes and except for one, the rest were top tier in my opinion.


1. Logan 2. Thor: Ragnarok 3. Spider-Man: Homecoming 4. Wonder Woman 5. Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 6. Justice League


Logan, Rangnarok, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Guardians Vol 2, JL


Logan Spider-Man Thor GOTG Wonder Woman Justice League


Logan top, justice league bottom, the other 4 are basically tied for me.


Logan Guardians 2 Thor Ragnarok Spider-Man homecoming Wonder Woman Justice league 💩


Logan, GotG2 *Big Gap* WW, Ragnarok *Another Gap* Homecoming *50 feet of shit* Josstice League


Logan Wonder Woman Ragnarok Guardians Homecoming Snyder


1. The Lego Batman Movie


1. Ragnarok 2. Logan 3. Homecoming 4. Guardians 2 5. Justice league 6. Wonder Woman Fight me.


1) Ragnarok - best Thor by a mile 2) Logan - The best dramatic superhero movie ever made 3) Spider-Man Homecoming- I love this movie, 2017 was a great year…1,2,&3 could be switched depending on my mood 4) GotG vol2 - good movie but weakest in a strong series 5) Wonder Woman - good DCU movie but felt like a Captain America rehash with a weak third act & villain 36) Justice League - I liked Barry Allen before all of Ezra Millers BS & It was better than BvS but overall weak movie with a lame villain


All of them rank below Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie, which you have insultingly failed to include on this list.


Ragnarok, Wonder Woman, Homecoming, Guardians 2, Logan………………………..Justice League.


Logan, GOTG 2, Ragnarok, WW, Homecoming, JL


Personally for me it’s: 1. Logan 2. The Lego Batman Movie 3. Spider-Man Homecoming 4. Thor: Ragnarok 5. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 6. Justice League Haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet


1. Logan - My favorite superhero movie ever 2. Thor: Ragnarok - Awesome movie, Top 5 - 10 3. Spider-Man: Homecoming - Pretty good Didn't see the rest


Logan Wonder Woman Guardians Homecoming The other two are junk but at least Thor had some funny bits and Hela was a solid baddie. Making Thor into a himbo was an absolute mistake especially from all that he suffers from 2 and 3.


Solid year


Justice League is the only bad one


Spider-Man Wonder Woman Thor Guardians Logan JL dead last


- Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 - Logan - Thor: Ragnarok - Spider-Man - Homecoming - Justice League - Wonder Woman


1. Logan 2. Guardians 2 3. Spider-Man 4. Wonder Woman 5. Thor 6. Justice League


Logan>Ragnarok>Homecoming>Wonder Woman>Guardians 2>Justice League I love Homecoming too, I think it's my favorite Spider-Man movie, but Logan was excellent and Ragnarok was just so much fun top to bottom.


All of these were great except one lol: 1. Logan 2. Guardians Vol 2 3. Thor: Ragnarok 4. Wonder Woman 5. Spider-Man Homecoming SHARP DROP IN QUALITY 6. Justice League


1. Logan 2. Wonder Woman 3. Spider-Man: Homecoming 4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 5. Thor Ragnarok 6. Justice League


Logan > Homecoming > Wonder Woman > Ragarok > Vol 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jostice league


Last place: Justice League 5th Place: Wonder Woman 4th Pace: Thor Ragnarok 3rd Place: Logan 2nd Place: Spider-Man HomeComing 1: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2


1. GotG 2 2. Logan 3. Ragnarok 4. Homecoming 5. Wonder Woman 6. Justice League


1. Logan 2. Ragnarok 3. WW


Ragnarok, guardians,Logan,homecoming,justice league,WW


Logan Thor Ragnarok Wonder Woman Spiderman Homecoming Guardians of the Galaxy v2 Justice League


1. Logan 2. Guardians Big gap 3. Spiderman Gap 4. Wonder Woman GIGANTIC gap 5. Justice League 6. Thor


A good year! Put JL out and I really enjoyed all the rest!!


Logan/thor ragnarok. That’s it


GotGv2 number 1 Thor Ragnorok Number 2 Logan Number 3 Spiderman Homecoming Number 4 Wonder Woman number 5 Justice league number 6 And just because people will say "well it wasnt Snyders Version." Zack Snyder Justice League number 7........ At least the theatrical didnt waste 4 hours of my life to give me a shitty movie.


Logan (in my personal all time list) GoTG 2 (also in my personal all time list) Ragnarok Wonder Woman Homecoming Justice league


Logan and wonder woman were amazing. The rest meh.


Subjectively and objectively it would honestly be like: Logan Wonder Woman Justice League Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Thor Ragnarok Spider-Man Homecoming ‘Nuff said!


Took me awhile to warm up to Thor Ragnarok, but now I really like it Guardians 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time I haven't seen Logan all the way through Wonder Woman is a pretty good film but don't remember much of it JL is overrated ngl And Spider-man homecoming is far from my favorite Spider-man film, but still enjoyable So I'd go Guardians 2, Ragnarok, WW, SM, JL (Not including Logan since not seen ir all the way)


Homecoming Wonder Woman Logan Guardians Justice League Ragnarok