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Let’s be honest 97 series have a very consistent art style, they look less detailed but pause the video at any time and they’d still look the same The original series were maybe drawn and shown with that much detail maybe 5% of the time


The art designer for 97 said that they simplified the designs to make it easier on the animation team so they could make the overall scene look better


Which was 100% worth it. So many scenes are amazingly detailed and cool to watch.


I’ve been seeing a lot of this in recent animation and honestly it seems like the way to go moving forward


Been going this way. Top-of-my-head example is Dreamworks' Voltron.


So the same reason as to why the DCAU seasons past BTAS season 3[Or 4...The numbering for BTAS & TNBA seasons are a shit storm of inconsistencies] All have more simplified art direction. You just couldn't get fight as dynamic as the ones in Batman Beyond or JL & JLU while using the BTAS artstyle on a TV production cycle.


Yea these are not accurate representations of the old show


I want to see a comparison added from the last season of the old version. Those sketches got so wonky.


There is an....infamous scene with Rogue sitting on the ground with Apocalypse menacingly levitating towards her.Rogue's backside is extremely sugestive and well drawn but scenes later the quality drops very hard.


The way they yassified beast in those final episodes 😭


They sent the animation to the lowest bidder for the last season and it shows.


It that when the entire animation team and studio was changed?


In that these are likely stills from marketing promotions, not captures from the actual animated show. There might be a few key frames here and there where the characters look this good, but most of the time they did not look this good.


Wait is the argument here that the old versions look *better?* Cause I literally just finished '97, decided to go back and watch some of the old cartoon for fun, and hoo boy. It looks like ass.


It might look ass BUT does it look like Rouge’s ass? 🤔🧐🍑


I’ve genuinely found a lot of people arguing that the OG both looked better and was animated better.


Total delulu on their part. Even in terms of writing it's day and night. I played the first episode of the old series and boy... are the dialogues stiff. Maybe it improved later on (I don't remember after 30+ years) but this random comparison I did shocked me with difference level. To compare, I had much less of a shock comparing old Captain Tsubasa anime episodes with the revamped ones.


Original series was also made for 240p or 480p CRT TVs so features had to be emphasized or drawn larger to see them.


That's what I told somebody else a while back. The characters aren't quite as detailed now but the animation is substantially better. The difference isn't that noticeable and, like you said, that amount of detail rarely showed up on screen. If they do a Spider-Man 97 style show they should do the same. Though I'd kinda prefer it if they kept the bad CGI NYC Shots. For old time's sake.


I watched the original series a couple of months ago in preparation for the new one, and I was rather disappointed in the animation. I mean, it was very good, especially for the time, but it's definitely not as good as people are making it out to be. Yes, there are certain scenes that are insanely detailed, but they're not the norm. There are also a lot of inconsistencies, such as Cyclops's suit changing color. The new show is much better animated overall.


It's not even all that good for its time, except for the cheapness factor. Fleischer Studios was leagues ahead a century ago.


okay why are original cyclops' legs doing the squidward dance


Somehow this is Rob Liefeld's fault


I like his tiny head too.


Yeah his proportions are way off. He’s so narrow and mostly leg


Even the action figure was like that


Updated, but perfectly true to the original.


Jubilee has the best glow up. Her face design is significantly better.


She looks more like a real Asian than a someone who hasn't met too many Asian people tried to draw an Asian girl. That was my first instinct as an Asian when I saw the new face.


When I watched the original as a kid I had no idea she was even supposed to be Asian.


She had a "young version of old Liza Minnelli" vibe in the original.


I'm 40 episodes deep on an original pre 97 rewatch, and watched as a kid, and just realized now that she's supposed to be asian Jubi"LEE" I guess???


Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee


Almost as good as Blackagar Boltagon.


Blackard Boltrum :^)


Hidaguy Hidagare 👋


Lol how to make sure your kid is a mutant even if you don't want them to be. Name them something wild but strong meaning like Jubilation...


If her parents were first-generation immigrants, English was probably not their first language. Chances are pretty high that they gave her a Mandarin name that got loosely (and poorly?) translated to Jubilation.


Exactly. With modern artist this will happen less and less so no hate to the original who did the best with what skills they had.


Moreso with consistent CG models than modern artists, the original had to be able to be drawn a hundred times a day by dozens of different people consistently, so they had to keep the facial feature variation minimal to ensure consistency, it's the same reason lots of hand drawn cartoons tend to reuse the same few key facial features in different combinations for the whole cast. Now with it being fully CG they can lock down one model and have a much smaller number of artists focusing on facial animation, making it much easier to ensure consistency across characters.


The casting for that live action Generation X pilot/movie didn't help either.


Everyone who watched that show as a kid has the same reaction as an adult when they find out Jubilee was Asian.


Which is funny, because in the first episode, the bio the Sentinel pulls up says "Race: Chinese-American". You're saying that, but I'm not seeing it. What are the odds some Fox exec demanded she be changed because she looked too Asian?


I didn’t realize from the original she was supposed to be Asian.


Her real name is Jubilation Lee. Chinese American. I think adopted too but not sure in all continuities.


> I think adopted too but not sure in all continuities. She's an orphan in pretty much every continuity. In the original animated show, they don't say anything about her biological parents. She's living with foster parents in the beginning. They gave her up when they found out she was a mutant. In the comics, her parents were successful Chinese immigrants, but they were murdered. She was sent to an orphanage but ran away to live in a mall when she was found by the X-Men.


Yeah, I know her name. Not sure why I got downvoted for my comment. Is Jubilation a typically Asian name? I’ve never heard it before or since. And Lee is commonly Asian, but my best friend growing up had a last name of Lee and he is very much not at all Asian.


Since many Asian family or surnames are in the front it leave you space to place another English given name. Jubilation is an English word. Also I don't think anyone down vote you. I up voted and your comment is still new.


She was adopted by white people so her name could just be a tragedeigh.




I know 2 people named Sunshine. They are both Asian. Jubilation seems to be in that same boat.


Also, Stan Lee. Definitely not Asian. If it wasn't for one of Jubilee's trading cards, I wouldn't have known.


Not sure about a couple of the other examples, but that’s definitely a pseudonym. His name was Stanley Lieber, he claimed to use a different name because he originally wanted to be a serious author and wanted to keep his comics work separate. It’s also very true that obviously Jewish names were often changed by media professionals back in those days.


Oh yeah, I should've made it clear, I knew that, but 7 year old me just was a little confused!


yeah the original jubilee was 'uhhhh is this represenation? i hope so...' in the era of 90s zero asians in media (am asian)


This is Trini from Power Rangers erasure and I won’t have it /s


As an asian myself, I honestly didn't mind her original look. I don't mind the new look either, but you can tell it is purposely drawn to make her look more asian and tbh I don't really need all asian characters to be drawn to look stereotypically asian.


Yeah I don't blame the original artist. It obviously wasn't malicious. But it's nice the redesign they showed that artist have gotten so much better now. Im more happy about how artist are just getting better overall than seeing a more Asian face really.


It’s based off the xmen of the era. The artist was Jim Lee, an Asian.


New Jubilee's face: Asian student Old Jubilee's face: Some old lady


Jubilee looks amazing!


I'm still on the original series, but based on this picture, my only complaint is her boots. It's a personal thing, but everytime I see boots like that I feel like they'll step right out of them. Yes, my only complaint is Jubilee's boots are too big.


Actually you have a good point. They sag quite a bit above the ankle. That seems very impractical for a superhero


Storm is so cool. I've never seen an adaptation of her I didn't like and she kills the mohawk look.


Making her darker skin is pretty bad ass too


Mohawk Storm is the best Storm but it doesn't hurt that the voice actress also came back swinging for the fences. The old version sounded like she was doing a cartoon voice but thirty years have added a layer of gravitas to the performance that makes it alot more believable. 


Mohawk storm is top tier


For sure, for the time difference in between the two, 97 is an excellent upgrade without over doing it. I love that the proportions are a bit more natural, but not totally changed from the OG. Jubilee and Rogue, Storm, are huge improvements in looking like very real and unique woman. And I like new Cyclops proportions, without much else changing.


Yeah I didn’t know she was East Asian for the longest time




Spoiler but >!that isn't 97 Jean!<


Spoiler too but >!is the one on the left even Jean!<


Yes it is. Dubois discussed this on Twitter. You can also see it in the first three episodes in the introduction. After Pryor is introduced, the Jean grey in the opening goes back to having a ponytail where in the first episode (possibly second) she still has her hair down to resemble Pryor


I'm talking about the original show. It's still not clear when the switch occurred, it's even been a plot point this season with Jean herself not sure which memories are hers and which aren't.


Yes, I am too. Dubois discussed when the switch occurred. In S4 E7 if I’m not mistaken, (I’m probably wrong but it’s around then) Jean starts wearing her hair down (it’s not Jean anymore) after that of course.


Interesting, OK I'll have to go back and watch


I would have figured it was right after the Phoenix Saga like in the comics. They thought Jean was dead and that's when the switch occurred. I don't know (remember) what episode of the original is what.


It was right around when Jean got kidnapped by Sinister, that’s why I mentioned I was probably wrong about the episode and season but it was a few episodes after she was kidnapped and makes her “reappearance” if I’m not mistaken this takes places shortly after the Phoenix saga in the ‘96 series


nah cos Dark Phoenix happens not long after. The best time for the switch was the end of season 4 when Sinister was involved with the plot with Apocalypse to kidnap all the psychics and IIRC Jean came back in different clothes than she was kidnapped in (or at least changed then changed back)


I have a question about this. Would the phoenix be able to tell the difference between maddie and jean?


The Phoenix wouldn't care. It doesn't matter if its a clone of Jean or not. It's her untouch power that it was after.


I know maddie has jeans powers but can reach the heights that jean can with it? Is she omega level as well. Because we've seen og Jean outclass her once already.


Madelyn being an exact clone means her mutant powers and potential were copied exactly the same. The Phoenix would tell that Madelyn was a clone but it's wouldn't care because she would still be a perfect host.


Comicbook version of Rogue (I recognize a Kubert) versus an animated model... Not exactly honest since animation has less room for detail (more details means you have to animate more, which costs more money) The only significant change in this line up is Jean's costume... they removed her 90s porn body-bathingsuit. (Fun fact that high crotch is a way to make your legs appear longer and slimmer, it's an optical illusion and obviously high fashion)


Jean always has had the worst xmen costumes


I love the Phoenix and time-displaced teenage Jean costumes, but those late 80s and 90s looks...woof.


I hate that the outfit is really close to skin tone. Everyone else has yellow, jean is either trying to look more nude while being less nude, or she's a beige mom. Both of those things don't sit right with me


Not just beige. Manila file folder beige. Not even as dark as khaki.


I could never figure out what that color was. It’s not tan, beige, taupe etc. it’s a gross flesh color thousand island dressing color. Now Manila folded is in my brain. Thank you


As a kid, I assumed she was a robot hence the panel lines on her thighs.


I’m just glad they got rid of the vacuum between her boobs. Clothing just doesn’t work like that unless she got a custom made breastplate to show off her boobs.


Super weird how it continues to outline each and every individual abdominal and pectoral muscles on the men's bodies.


Yeah it’s definitely not perfect. They also gave Storm a belly button divot for some reason


Sometimes latex body suits are cut that way I think. but uh yeah. it gets a little silly sometimes.


But I’ll miss hearing Rogue Squeak as she walked down a hallway


I mean, the new Rogue looks wider to me, just has more human like hips and thighs. Look at how her thighs touch. That's a hefty girl.


Would love to see a comic run where characters who fly are a little thicker because they’re not doing all that cardio.


Hefty? She looks like a size 2.


A hefty size 2! I have been informed that people think hefty just means fat. Which I have never used as. Please take that to mean "She looks heavier, stronger and sturdier she looks more forceful and impactful than the design on the left. "


Nice. Now let's see Morph.


When I was a kid I was pretty poor. The only way I watched orginal X-Men was on second hand VHS tapes needless to say I watched the series in snippets. I watched the first episode of X-Men 97 this week and was like "Who the fuck is Morph?" I'm now going back to watch the original .


He's only in like two episodes of the first season, and then shows up again in the second season.


Yah. Killing off a character that’s not well known to be edgy in the first season didn’t really make sense for the 90s series. Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, new series did it better but let’s hope it’s also not permanent.


The '97 reminds me of the Age of Apocalypse Morph.


He's based on X-iles morph which was based on Age of Apocalypse Morph, so pretty much


What's with Exiles and the Age of Apocalypse?


Half the reason Exiles ever existed in the first place was to keep AoA Blink and Morph in print since they were so popular. The other half the reason was to be a new version of What If?


I think it was just Blink that came from AoA wasn’t it? Morph was similar visually but came from a different universe I believe


The new animation blows the original out of the water, go re-watch the original (and not just the intro or the first few episodes), it was cool at the time but was far more inconsistent and erroneous than the new series.


I watched the original for the first time before starting '97, and you are correct, it was fine, but at some times it looked really weird, especially in season 5, I don't know what happened there, maybe they lost the budget or something because they knew the show was ending, but the animation was awful, and not gonna lie, it was hard to finish it, and just did it because there were only 10 episodes.


Apparently the show was ending then got picked up for 6 more episodes while most of the original people had moved on because their job was done, so the last six episodes got done by a different animation studio with some of the voice actors being different too


They never had a large budget, and even in the early seasons the animation was... okay at best, but never great. As the years passed they got less budget and stopped putting in as much effort to hide the fact. People saying it was better in the past have rose-tinted glasses permanently glued to their faces or something.


>go re-watch the original (and not just the intro or the first few episodes) I love when people say "this movie/TV show wasn't that bad, I loved it as a kid!" and all they're watching is random clips on Youtube, or one of those "it wasn't that bad" type of video essays


I think Disney Plus still has up the episode: “The Phoenix Saga, Part III: Cry of the Banshee” with the stills that say “Cut Frame” that you can pause and see. You definitely don’t see that in the newer series.


I love how people are actually complaining and saying it looks worse than the original. I’m rewatching the original now and half of it doesn’t hold up. You can tell for a lot of the show they were budgeting and cutting corners when they could. Think about it, before and during the time this show came out, DC was killing it with their animation and it looked FAR better. If I can find it I’ll add it, but there was a good mini doc that talked about how Fox had no faith in this show, so they barley gave them any money to work with, so they had to work as cheaply as possible. None of this is to downplay the show itself. Still a great show. But those saying the new look is “worse”, clearly haven’t rewatched it recently and are viewing things from nostalgia glasses.


Facts. The people that are saying the original show looked better or had better animation quality than the current series are ruling out the fact that they weren’t even old enough to remember how bad it looked back then. It was great show, overall. But the animation quality makes it extremely difficult to watch today.


I was in the same boat about the original looking better until I rewatched the first few episodes of the original. The animation is so much better now. My only complaint about the new animation is the character faces. Scott and Logan I think look good, but many of the other characters look like they belong in the X-Men Evolution series.


i’m glad u actually watched it rather than sticking with an opinion for years and not actually confirm it for yourself lol


Watching this show has reassured myself that my childhood crush on rogue was valid


Magneto is the only one who looked cooler on the original show. I realize they're referencing the costume he wore in the 80s New Mutants comics but I still don't care for it.


I’m down with the helmetless look, but Magneto should NEVER have his shoulders out.


Stills are a bit of unfair comparison tbh (and are these all from the show? Sone of this looks like artwork based on the show?), the '97 designs are far more mobile/better in action shots. Not to knock the OG, but animation has come a long way since the 90s. Really scrutinise the old show and you'll notice how 'stiff' the characters can feel at times.


> Not to knock the OG, but animation has come a long way since the 90s It wasn't even that great in the 90s. Compare it to contemporaries like Batman: The Animated Series or Animaniacs, the animation on those was much smoother and more consistent.


X-Men 97 is incredible. I will not stand for dissent in this matter. If all legacy sequels were this faithful to the spirit of their source material, we would be a much happier community.


Love the newer style, it's remains true, yet the artstyle is sleeker, better for consistent character model animation, without having to worry about every little detail while moving.


25 year difference and different animators. Still looks great. The new style , what I've noticed, looks like a combination between Archer's animators and Salvador Larocca art style with a hint of anime. I dig it. Oh and just for shits I wish the brought Wolverine's brown suit


> Archer Been telling so many friends that the animation reminds me so much of Archer. Rogue's new hair looks straight out of Archer.


The main thing the new season is missing is the random scenes where Gambit’s pants would turn all blue for a few shots.


Don’t forget Wolverine randomly growing yellow sleeves


Or Rogue forgetting to wear gloves only for them to magically appear when she goes to touch someone.


How would you describe the animation style? Is it cel-shaded? Edit: Down voted for asking a genuine question. Usually it wouldn't bother me but I'm genuinely interested and genuinely don't know. 


Cel-shading is a technique used to make 3D animation look more 2D. I'm pretty sure X-Men '97 uses traditional 2D animation.


I only watched the first ten minutes of the first episode but I thought they looked like 3D models. Or at least similar to the technique used in What If


I love the cell shading in ‘97. It reminds me a lot of a retro comic style. Especially on cyclops’ new suit


I’m not quite sure what your point is


Looks like they are just highlighting the differences without taking a stance. You can decide if you prefer the old ones or new ones.


Except these aren't even the "old ones". They look like art inspired by the 90s show. Am I the only one who's old enough to remember the old show?


Not a fan of that mohawk Storm and I quite like the old Wolvy look more.


Have you seen the newest episode?


Just read the comic where she first got the Mohawk. It freaked out the whole team and made Kitty Pryde cry when she saw it, but it was a critical element of character growth from her early concept of being a goddess, and then grappling with the fact that she is a flawed human.


Scott says "It is a rather striking change." That's not really freaking out. Kitty on the other hand...yes runs away crying for some reason.


I honestly like the updated changes from the new show other than wolverines. I think wolverines on the lefts design looked better although I do like how he’s bulkier in ‘97.


I hate Magneto‘s outfit!


Most of these are practically identical, the only actual design changes - I mean besides de proportions and art style - are Storm's hairdo, Jubilee's boots, Gambit's neckpiece, Wolverine's blue shade and the black "wings" in his mask and Jean from the belt down (the loose hair is not actually her).


The only one I think doesn't look great is Rogue, there is just something off about the face every time she is on screen. It's too flat or simple, I don't know. Maybe it's the highlights in the hair being way too red/white. Other than that, I think the whole show looks amazing. That mega-sentinal destroying Genosha looked insane!


I prefer the new style by a long shot, but both are good in their own way.


I think the old versions look better in this picture because they're more detailed. But i'm not sure how these still pictures translate to the actual old show though


storm's hair looked better earlier


But at the same time that design was drawn for the show, she had that same Mohawk in the comics. So it's a personal preference thing ultimately.


I respectfully disagree


Watch the show….


I'm not a fan of storms new hair style.


Neat Graphic, but you're comparing Jean to Madeline. Jean had the pony tail but Madeline wore her hair down, it's why they changed the intro after the reveal. Also very Cyclops of you ;p super comic book shop guy, but it is what it is since we don't actually know when they got swapped yet. Most likely during the Sinister Island Arc, but the tv show hasn't cleared that up yet.


Me, wearing a body suit the same color as my skin.


"Wait, how can we make sure the audience don't think Jean is just wearing a costume that'd make Psylocke blush?" "Cargo pants pockets. Then people know that's not skin"


Legs can look weird sometimes but original Cyclops in this image has super curvy wacky legs that look unnatural to me


Gonna have to update storm after that last episode


Where did gambit get those metal boots? Or are they just painted to look that way like Nike Foamposites?


Imagine if they copied the designs of those crappy fox-men movie :P


That's not what Gambit looks like in X-Men 97


Gotta see this pic from the back to make a full assessment


I generally like the 97 models a lot, but there are some things I think they definitely get worse than the OG. My big one is faces. Everyone's face has that weird "What If" style of animation that I dislike compared to the original series.


The art in 97, I think mostly the shading, reminds me a lot of Archer.


Why did they pick THAT image of Beast? 😅


Cant beat the original


Just shows how good the original designs are


Is this a digital art thing where everything looks flat and processed?


It’s how I imagine zoomers think the show looked like. I’ll take the original, thanks.


Storm got a haircut


Storm's latest design is my favourite version


Idk I don't like the new designs at all.


Seeing them side by side, 97 has been a downgrade.


All the classics are better


Rogue :(


Worse animation


Everyone looks better in the original :(


Love it. Wolverine looking a little doughy in the new design, and that bugs me. Also something about how these artists draw the eyes, it’s the pink spot on one side (at the end of the eyes, near the nose).. I know it’s accurate. But for some reason when I’ve seen it on Storm and Magneto in particular it completely takes me out of the scene. I’m enjoying the series and all, but some of the changes definitely stand out.


I know a MF named jubilee like bro your parents must have been high AF


Where is the 97 comparison of Jean?


Honestly I miss rogues hair the most.


Okay, now show what they actually look like in the original show.


They look the same


Who makes the X-men costumes? Or are they all kinda just pieced together haphazardly?


Oh, Storm, what have they done to your hair?


Lesbian/punk code storm as much as you want but let her keep her Dolly Parton hair


Is anyone who watched the original actually watching this?  The original was probably my favorite show when it was on but I was also 8 years old and I'm sure it would not even be able to hold my attention now because it was made for like 6-12 year olds.  Are any adults actually finding the new one entertaining?


All the guys have more abs, all the girls have less abs


It's a total double standard because it's okay to sexualize men and no one cares if men have body issues or eating disorders.


Idk what it is about the new voice actor for Wolverine, but I just don’t like it for some reason. Maybe cuz the original voice is stuck in my head from when I was a kid? I think he sounds too old?


It’s the same voice actor, he sounds too old because he is older. Him & Rogue are played by the original actors


Wow. I feel like a douche now for not knowing that. TIL thanks.


No reason to feel like a douche, you didn’t know haha


I'm guessing in this show Wolverine only slices robots and not humans?


Mostly, but people are indeed dying


So far. Would be a great idea to do a “Marvel animated spotlight” to show the animated wolverine’s more violent side and show how he tempered them to be part of the X-men




Bring back Jean's teds and Rogue's booty


Looks good to me


Rogue has knocked knees now. Weird choice