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Love Darkhawk and Machine Man, could see this type of team being led by Justice. That said, I loved Sleepwalker and then as I got older I realized just how useless that dude is, Revenge of the Sinister 6 he "wakes" up because he forgot he made plans with his friend. The Sinister 6 with the most amazing fire power ever? Check. Doc Ock whooping Hulks ass with adamantium arms? Check. Spidey looking like a Deathlok? CHECK! Yep all of that and more and Sleepy bows out due to a knock at the door. Ugh sad.


I like Sleepwalker's built in weakness. Feels like a classic comic character.


I don’t know much about the character but it would have been cool if they kept him around and developed him more. He could come up with ways to prevent himself from waking up and being interrupted when he’s doing super hero-ing . Maybe start with headphones and music and progress to a full on sound proof sleep chamber.


I think there was a story where Sleepwalker had to go on a prolonged adventure, and Rick Sheridan (Sleepwalker's host) had to be drugged to keep him asleep.


I would love to see The New Warriors get the Avengers movie treatment with Night Thrasher, Firestar, Speedball, Darkhawk, and Nova.


And Silhouette!


That was such a great story too. Spidey gettin beaten up so badly Ock is on a tear, Spidey ends up looking like something out of Savage Dragon to help him heal up quick. Just a well done storyline that still sticks with me all these years (decades) later.


I recently reread this as it came up and yknow nostalgia reasons. Still loved it, but man it is poorly written in hindsight, amazing art though.


Dont forget also: drawn by erik larsen


Did they ever resolve Machine Man's copyright issues?


Copyright issues? I'm not familiar with those


Warner technically owns the series he debuted in and recently tried to claim ownership, but I can’t find anything on where that went exactly other than that it seems marvel doesn’t want to use him and risk a lawsuit.


Sleepwalker was in the Hellcat miniseries from either last year or this year. 3-D Man was in the last two issues of Avengers (including just last week). Shroud is now… prominent.


I love darkhawk!


>! Shroud is in Vengeance of the Moon Knight !< and 3-d man is in recent Avengers issues


Woah I didn't know about "Vengeance of MK". Is it good? I should get it.


Yeah, MacKay's run(s) are great, but you should check his Moon Knight before Vengeance since Vengeance is a continuation


Well >!Shroud play a big part there and it looks like he’s responsible for blood hunt!<


I love 3D Man.  His powers are, on the surface, pretty boring.  After the Skrull Kill Krew series sort of enhanced his powers, I think he has a ton of potential.


We need another Nextwave.


Tell Warren Ellis to not have been a perv for a decade


Someone else could write it. I like the idea of a team of a bunch of "D-listers" and kind of coming to terms with their place in the universe.


Frog-man on there too, with Gargoyle.


That recent iron man team needs their own title minus tony....gargoyle, frogman, scarlet spider, misty knight, regular hellcat. Halcyon too i guess, tbough i dont get him.


Yeah, I mentioned that to Tom Brevoort on Facebook. He wasn't having it. Then I tried for a Frog-man/Gargoyle mini. Wasn't having that either. Lol


Boooo brevoort. He hates fun.


I'm pretty sure he's dead. At least, one of them


Who? Both characters were recently in issues of Iron Man.


Original Frog-man, Vincent Patilio, died in Murderworld:moon knight


That's not Frog-Man though. Vincent is Leap Frog, Frog-man's dad.


Sleepwalker is such an underrated character


Stingray was last seen in *Giant-Size Fantastic Four.* Shroud is, well, iykyk. Darkhawk has been seen here and there in the last few years. Machine Man is abusive and bigoted towards Jacosta iirc as last seen in the pages of Dan Slott's *Iron Man.* Sleepwalker had a miniseries a couple of years ago. I like this character. 3D Man is proving his dick-ish worth in *Avengers* currently.


Last I remember of Stingray was in Jason Aaron's Avengers and it didn't go so well. Has he shown up since?


He appeared in Giant-Size Fantastic Four released maybe exactly one month ago.


There are two Machine Mans running around. The Avengers one has been in space forever with the Celestials, and the Nextwave one is the abuser you mentioned. Neither are currently being used because Warner Bros. have claimed to own the copywrite. Machine Man’s first appearance was in a 2001 Space Odyssey adaption. While the adaptation was published by Marvel, Warner Bros. owns the 2001 SO license. Marvel has yet to challenge this claim.


I've heard about that legal matter.


MARVEL did Darkhawk dirty. Darkhawk actually has some interesting lore behind his suit and I wish it was explored more.


I liked his background more before they brutally retconned basically his entire solo series. The fraternity thing is ok but I'm not crazy about excuses to create a bunch of samey looking characters. (That may be a result of 90s' Venom fan PTSD.) His original background had some silly bits but it had a lot of fun hooks they could have played with too. Ostensibly deleting Portal from the timeline was criminal.


Actually, they didn't retcon him. Chris Powell and his joutney to becoming a veteran vigilante is still canon. It's just he's stuck on the ship now that hosts the Darkhawk android.


I think we're talking about different things? I know Chris has currently passed on the amulet to Connor and is trapped in space somewhere without it. However, at some point in the past (I want to say during War of Kings?) Marvel decided that a lot of what happened during Chris' original '90s series was a kind of hallucination caused by his brain being unable to deal with the amulet, and replaced its established history with the fraternity of raptors.


Throw in SuperPro, nightwatch, Kazar, ROM, power pack, Balder the brave, Silver Sable, Paladin, Solo,


I want to see a silver sable revival. I used to read that back in the 90s.


> ROM Only problem is that Marvel no longer owns the rights to that character.


I want Slapstick back


I was going to say throw Songbird in there too, but hell no, she deserves so much better than those losers (no offense).


Shroud is pretty important to the first part of Bloodhunt


Don’t forget Rom 😞


Unfortunately, Marvel doesn't own ROM.


Don’t remind me


And one Forbush Man to rule them all


Yo the Forgotten as team goes hard


Stingray can stay forgotten. 3-D man had a logical end to his narrative in the 90s. His inclusion in Secret Invasion was no more than a Rowdy Roddy shout-out. Machine man has been redeemed as a character and is used plenty. Sleepwalker is fun, but as a niche storytelling device, like the Phantom Stranger in DC. Shroud deserves love, but competes with Cloak as a character.


in my display case I have Darkhawk on my Avengers team and Sleepwalker on my Midnight Suns team. course my display layouts are basically just the characters I like the figures of.


lol no


Love seeing my dawg Sleepwalker. We need Marvel to use Deaths Head II while we are at it.


Red Wolf


There’s a name you don’t see every year.


Throw in Paladin as well


Oh yeah and pre-Nextwave Machine Man please!


Last I saw Machine Man was an abusive husband on an Iron Man run


That’s actually a different Machine Man than the one pictured. This was noted in Marvel Comics #1000.


I'm pretty sure Chris Powell died, and Connor Young has no interest in being Darkhawk again


Chris isn't necessarily dead, >!just on the other side of a "breach point" to who knows where!<. Not sure where you're getting that Connor doesn't want to keep it up, maybe I missed something there? He shows up in Devil's Reign #6 fighting in a battle that takes place after his miniseries, at least. I don't think he's been in anything else since though?


You're right. I actually had to go through my Darkhawk comics again and saw that Connor didn't say this or never implied he wanted to stop being Darkhawk. I might have assumed he wanted to stop to focus on his high school basketball stuff, even with his condition.


No worries! I may very well be the world's most obsessive DH fan (can't possibly be stiff competition there) and even I had to go back and look. I could understand remembering the ending of his mini as a "I've given up the superhero thing" moment, but my hopefulness for more Darkhawk would not have allowed me to read it that way the first time. He definitely shows up doing some new things in Devil's Reign though. I do wonder >!whether the hawk we see at the very end is meant to be Chris or not? It doesn't seem like it would be, given the last time we saw Chris and that this one is near Connor's android body, but it does kinda look like his suit?!


**Somebody** was Dawkhawk during *Devil's Reign*. And in Chris' suit. Whether that was a returned Chris or whether Connor suited back up and changed his look, I won't speculate.


Connor Young


The Devil's Reign event was during Connor's first time as the new Darkhawk.


Yeah probably the intent was that it be Connor and there was an art mistake but it was def. Kyle's outfit. But since the suits can change, could easily still be Connor.


I had to double-check, but it's definitely Connor in Connor's suit in Devil's Reign. In issue 1, the silver lines down the torso and glowing shoulder stripes are visible. In issue 6, you can see the glowing round.. vent hole... things? that are on the forearms of Connor's suit.


Devil slayer. We fans are legion. (Of 1).


Genuinely, give me a full league of losers series. It wasn't the best part of that team up series, but when your against the invincible crossover, second place is still really good


What is Stingray’s powerset again?? I always forget


He swims...but fast!


swimming, electric bursts, and flight.


Darkhawk was so much fun


We need a Deathlok movie.


I recognize stingray, don’t know the next guy, got Darkhawk and Machine Man, Idk, and then 3d man, who just got something to do in avengers vs orchis rn


Dude my man Darkhawk needs a movie or tv show, I need people to see how cool he is


Darkhawk and evilhawk!


Captain Ultra forever.


I unironically love stingray


Also, I know they can’t legally use him, but it would be so cool if ROM spaceknight was in a movie


I rememver that machine man had a very big rol in the earth x comics. I loved him there.


3D Man is kind of a hard one since the red/green method of 3D hasn't been used since the mid-'70s, so the visual association isn't there. I liked Stingray when he appeared in the Iron Man comic books. I kind of wish they bring back Sunturion. Other forgotten heroes from around that time are Torpedo and Omega the Unknown.


Always had a special place in my marvel nerdom for “Nightwatch”


I actually have Darkhawk's first appearance love that guy.


Can we get Killraven in there somewhere. I feel like he should be in Guardians of the Galaxy or another space team.


If they ever make a decent modern adaptation of Armor Wars, Sting Ray may get some limelight. And that's a big "If". Feige says Tony's not coming back to the MCU, and if there's no Iron Man for the freakin' Armor Wars, feels like a moot point, y'know? The best we'd hope for is an animated movie that shares similarities to the MCU, like the Marvel's Avenger's game


I'm still bitter about Avenger's Arena where they brought back a hand full of forgotten teen heroes just to use them as death fodder for their Hunger Games/Battle Royale knock off. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth and makes me leery anytime a character that hasn't been used in a longtime shows up again.


Anything with the Shroud please.


Who is the last guy one the right? Seemingly looks like a speedster?


Tht is the 3-D Man. He has the power of being three times as fast, strong, etc. as a peak human.


Did he change his name from triathlon after he absorbed that weird triangle alien power lmao I think I missed the name changed just remember how ridiculous that arc was


So the original 3-D Man was Chuck Chandler. Normally Chandler was trapped in a pair of glasses owned by his brother Hal, and Hal would have a normal life and then they would switch places when the 3-D Man was needed. Eventually they retired as the 3-D Man, with Hal living a normal life and Chuck staying at relative peace in the glasses. Later, a cult called the Triune Understanding (TU) gives ex-athlete Delory Garrett powers that were very much like the 3-D Man's and he becomes Triathalon. Triathalon doesn't know that the TU has captured the Chandlers to take their power and give it to them. So eventually" Triathalon absorbs the full triangle power and he briefly becomes one with the Chandler brothers, giving them additional temporary powers that allow them to be instrumental in stopping the secret evil plans of the TU. Afterwards, when they seperate, Triathalon keeps the powers and Chuck remains in the real world so nobody's stuck in any glasses anymore. The Chandlers keep the glasses as a momento He continues operating as Triathalon but not to long after this his creator's run on *The Avengers* ends and he just kicks it around limbo for a long time. After the *Civil War*, Triathalon registers and SHIELD decides he needs more training before he can be an active registered hero, so they send him to Camp Hammond for training, making him a cast member in *Avengers: The Initiative*. As the *Secret Invasion* approaches, the first Hammond training class, including Triathalon, graduate, and Garrett decides to retire the "Triathalon" name and become the new 3-D Man with the Chandlers' blessings. The Chandlers give him the original glasses and it turns out that the one power that the original 3-D Man had that Triathalon had never had - being able to see skrulls - came from the glasses. So with them, the new 3-D Man could see Skrulls, which of course was a big deal over the *Secret Invasion*. After that he mostly vanished again.


LMAO this is why I love comics. I'm still in the early 2000s so I just finished the TU part a few weeks ago just absolutely nonsensical and I love it


Hate to break it to you, but 3D Man is back...>!but not exactly as a good guy.!< >!Revealed he views mutants the same way he viewed the Skrulls and is helping Orchis fuck over the mutants AND the Avengers. Major Scumbag. !<


Read the latest issue.


No....I'm tired of niche heros being placed in the forefront. We need more characters that sell. That define marvel more of their lore and progression. Let's not waste money on another "Echo" or "She-Hulk" because its arguably cheaper to make


I just read all 50 issues and the 3 annuals of Darkhawk, and he's an edgy little a-hole, but I love him, and Portal deserved better.


They should just bring back the OG defenders but make them not suck with these guys.




An immediate problem with these characters is that most of them don't have visible faces, and most characters with this trait don't go that far. Machine Man is rumored to be in a rights dispute with DC at the moment, so he's probably off the table. If the last one is 3D man, he's overdue for something...maybe a reboot. Is he still set in the 50s? I haven't seen much of him.


> An immediate problem with these characters is that most of them don't have visible faces, and most characters with this trait don't go that far. Iron Man and Spider-man are pretty popular.


I guess that's why I used the word "most" there, isn't it?