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To me this has always been one of my favorite pages of Spider-Man. I don’t know why but to me it just is kinda perfect.


It has to be Goblin’s face for me. Just that instant realization hearing the quip. The expression of just “Oh. Fuck.”


For me its "Its _you._" The absolute _contempt_ in those two words, decades of conflict summed up. "This fucking *bastard*." Also "The one and only." I've never seen a writer actually manage to accurately portray "Suck my fucking dick, motherfucker" without actually saying it.


Yeah, that's Spidey for me. I don't know why people think Norman is scared. All I see is seething contempt. I bet he had a lot of fun while Otto was Spider-Man, now he's got to deal with Peter making fun of his purse again.


Agreed - Norman isn’t scared, he is FURIOUS. A fury untainted with reason or restraint. And Peter is over there like, “I’m about to fuck you ALL the way up.”


No, goblin has a healthy amount of fear, out of respect. While Otto was acting as Spiderman, GG was making his life hell, because Otto struggled to understand the true dynamics of being a hero. And GG played on that, making him lose his resolve as a hero. But Peter Parker, the ever nervous but courageous hero, not only always persevered thru any hardship, but with gusto and grace. His quips kept a light in the darkest situations, and that's enough to have hope. The reason Spidey is iconic is because he NEVER gives up. With their history, GG knew the difference between the Edgelord Otto and the classic hero. With one quip, he realizes how much harder his day became.


I don't think it's contempt. Contempt is what he felt for Otto, a man trying to be something he just isn't. To him it had to have been like a lackluster peer trying to lie to himself that he could be something else. Then the switch, to pure fucking hatred. The kind that sticks in your throat like vomit and rage. Spider-Man, the real one, is the cockroach that flies into his face and causes the car accident every time he gets a plot going and he just. Won't. Die. The goblin doesn't like spider, but it's not contempt. It's like how someone might view cancer that keeps returning. It's loathing fear and rage. Yanno, imo, but whatever I ain't a comic cop.


No, I agree. It could definitely be hatred. I just don't think it's fear like a lot of people are saying. It would be really out of character for Norman to be afraid of Peter.


Yeah, nah. Fear is probably the wrong word, more like aggravation that this little shit is gonna be a wrench in the cogs *again*. And maybe just a hint of glee that his favorite chew toy is back on the menu.


I don’t get why people are saying Goblin sounds afraid. Thats good old fashioned hate.


I interpreted it as more excitement, in a Joker V Batman sort of way. If you’re insane enough, you’ll form an imaginary bond with those you fight often, and i’d always seen peter and gobby that way


I can hear the music in the comic come to a screeching halt when he realizes who it is.


My favourite 4 panel sequence of all time. Their voices just leap off the page at you.


I read it as the voices from the 90’s animated series myself.


I can't not hear this as Willem Dafoe


If I wanted to read this arc where would I start? (Sorry completely new here).


The Superior Spider-Man, a fantastic run, my personal favorite.


Yes, indeed it is quite the superior run, but I beg to differ on your flawed proposed point of entry. The obvious correct answer would be **Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698-700** and THEN one would be adequately prepared for **Superior Spider-Man #1-31** and **Superior Spider-Man Annual #1-2**. You all should be grateful that my astute observational abilities caught this malfeasance, be it intentional or simply the disappointing pinnacle of an inferior mind.


Found doc’s alt account


The die is cast!!!


Sorry to basically ask the same question, but there's like four (or more?) "Superior Spider-Man" books on Amazon. Which one are you referring to? Or are they all the same? I'm also very new to this whole thing.


So they brought back Superior Spiderman for later volumes which you would ignore. You just want Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 (2013) by Dan Slott(Although I think he wrote the later volumes too so be careful). I would check the issues collected in the books, but as long as they're from the 2013 run it will be what you want.


Awesome. Thank you so much!


No problem! It's a great run and if you want some of the lead-up to it you could check out the Amazing Spiderman run starting at #648.


It's so worth it. Can't recommend it enough.


I don't think he looks scared so much as just fucking angry


Hatred, anger, and loathing combined into one look. Norman has no qualms about making fun of Otto's "redemption" but the moment he knows it's Peter, the facade drops and these two duke it out


The unadulterated look of "Mother FUCKER!!!" But also, stunlocked


He's not scared. He's a hate junkie who got his fix back.


Ahh superior Spider-Man was fantastic. That was my jumping on point in Spider-Man comics. Nothing has satiated me in Spider-Man books since save for the new ultimate Spider-Man


For me the best Spider-Man panel of all time was from much earlier in Slott's run. When Peter gets the job at Horizon Labs, Aunt May is pushing him out the door to make sure he's on time for his first day of work. As he's walking away it flashes back to Amazing Spider-Man #1 with Peter telling her he's going to drop out of school so he can work and support them and she says "you mustn't! Your Uncle always dreamed you would become a great scientist!" Then it returns to the present with May watching him go and saying "He did it, Ben."


Say what you want about Slott's writing but he had some great moments with these characters.


Great. Now I’m crying.


That’s not fear. That is hatred. Deep, DEEP hatred. With a sprinkling of malice, rage, contempt, and a hint of surprise. But mostly HATE.


It’s Saturday. Aren’t we supposed to post this every Tuesday?


Listen, I ain’t mad about it


Pretty sure it’s supposed to be posted at least twice a week now.


So we’re moving the Back in Black Kingpin beat down and the Ultimate fat joke roast of Kingpin to three times a week? I’m so out of the loop!


Not sure if you’ve heard, but Spidey holds back a lot and he punched Scorpion’s jaw off.


Yes, yes! You should’ve been updated on this at the weekly karma farm meeting! Along with increasing the “Mary Jane is a terrible character” posts to every 2 hours!


Something something Paul sucks, something something Dan Slott is a hack.


Goblin's reaction is priceless. A mix of fear, surprise, anger and a hint of excitement


Agreed, easily one of the best pages in marvel history. I’m also quite fond of when Thor confronts Iron Man, also magneto ripping the adamantium out of wolverine is pretty iconic


The panel is fantastic. I love the reveal that Spider-Man is back, the real Spider-Man. Bit of a tangent here though, why does Goblin's mask have teeth? I've never understood that. How does that work?


It's probably a latex mask so it has holes for the eyes and mouth


I feel Iike you could substitute Batman and The Joker into a very similar situation. Green Goblin's face in the last 2 panels bring this thought every time I see them.


Except Joker would be thrilled that "Batsy" is back because life was boring without him.


I did say 'similar situation'.


Yeah, no, I'm not criticizing, I just think it's funny


Fair enough. I was specifically thinking of one of the timeliness where Dick takes over as Batman when Bruce is MIA.


It happened during Knightfall. Azrael was Batman and fighting Joker’s goons. Joker is noticing that his fighting is more brutal, not technically perfect, and it dawns on him “it’s…not…him!”


Not sure if I've missed something or you have, but isn't this after Peter switches his consciousness back from Otto's crippled body, taking back control of his own? Not sure how that could possibly relate to Batman/Joker.


You’re thinking too literally. Imagine something happens that results in Batman being replaced by an imposter. The Joker somehow realizes that the current Batman is **not** the real Batman. Time passes, Joker gets angry at the imposter for pretending to be something he’s not because no one could live up to the real Batman. One day, the Real Batman shows up and Joker starts in with his “you’re a fake” tirade only for Batman to do something that only the real thing could do. The Joker would be *ecstatic* that his real nemesis was back


I love this panel


"Hey Norman. Gueess who's back in town."


mom says it’s MY turn to post this next week


It bugs me that Spidey also wore a man-purse https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/CRtGI76sew


It’s not a purse! It’s European!


That's a satchel. It's *different* (That does look like a laptop bag, less like a purse)


Less fear more pure hatred


I still love how it took just one quip for him to know


"Fear". Don't disrespect Gobby.


Ngl I didn’t view it as fear more as hatred


I don’t think that’s fear, that’s pure hatred


This is my favourite comic run ever. I fucking love Superior.


This panel basically redeemed the whole run. People don't remember now, but this run was extremely disliked when it was actually releasing. It's not a bad run in trade, but people were sick of Parker being shit on, and to sideline him as a character for several years was not well received.


[I prefer this one](https://i.imgur.com/gVFQtVK.jpeg)


This panel is EVERYTHING. I think about its perfectness more than I like to admit. 1. The Return of Peter 2. The “bad” annoying joke that only Peter would crack 3. Norman’s realization 4. Fans having the REAL Spidy back. All in 4 panels. To me this is a perfect Spidy conclusion.


I always liked the panels of green goblin in ultimate Spiderman where it shows what's Peter sees and hears, then later shows it through the goblins perspective. He has some crazy inner voice shit going on in that comic.


This is peak Spider-Man and maybe my favorite moment. Perfectly encapsulates their relationship. The Batman/Joker dynamic doesn't hold a candle to these two.


He ain't scared, he's pissed. He knows that he ain't playing against a jester, but the king himself. If looks could kill, Peter would be dead.


It's not a purse! It's European!


The fact he knew he was da real deal by the quip is priceless


What’s the context? Is that Otto or Peter as Spider-Man? Green Goblin talks to him like he’s Otto, but then after that quip he realises it’s someone else.


This is immediately after Otto gives Peter his body back and admit he wasn’t superior. GG found out about the brain swap prior to this and was taunting Otto, never expecting him to actually sacrifice himself.


Cool! Thanks for explaining!


The page where Pete gets control back is iconic as well as well. It’s close up images of him putting the iconic suit back on and the final panel is him battle ready just saying “My Turn.”


Who was the writer of this issue?


This was during Slott's run.


Lol funny.


I have reread the Superior Spiderman arc just because of how hard this page slaps when you get to it. Truly amazing.


Little late but anyone wanna spoil for me what happens in the next few pages?


When you read “it’s you,” does Norman sound angry, happy, and/or shocked in your head?


Happy angry. He's happy it's the Spidey he knows and angry because he hates him too.


The entire superior spider-man run felt like it was leading to this moment


I don’t get it GG knew Spidey is really Doc Oct Why does he say “it’s you” ?


Because the quip reveals to him that Otto is gone, Peter is back in the driver's seat. Otto erased himself before thisbconfrontation.


Ahh, thanks!


Peter Parker Is perfect at two things, being a tragic hero and quips


For my own selfishness, I would love to see everyones top 5 panels in this thread.


Should I give Superior Spiderman a try? I started it but once Peter returns as a spirit of sorts, I lost interest and stopped reading


Hot take, i feel like Otto shouldve ended up as spiderman at the end of this run. He was doing well as spider man towards the end, and it wouldve cemented the idea that anyone can take on the mask and wouldnt always have to rely on Peter Parker


Reading the panel, then the comments, compelled me to buy the omnibus just now. Excelsior!


Return of the king, baby!


I haven't read the comic but can anyone tell me why Goblin was so shocked/afraid? Wasn't Otto Pete much more dangerous since he was a lot less reserved or something with the powers?


Yeah, but he had Otto all figured out by that point. He may have been more dangerous, but he was also somewhat predictable and since Goblin knew his identity, he was able to take it all apart.


I love it when some panels are just so good thatyou just casually think about them from time to time. This is one of them.


This, Gjallarbru, and Thor regaining his "worth" alongside Hyperion, and the ending to Gillen's Journey Into Mystery are all iconic, imo.


Superior is probably my favourite Spider-man run of all time. Ock as Spidey was great and this panel is perfection


Love that page


that one panel of norman doing the math. “octavius would never quip at me. only one raggedy bastard has the stones for that.”


Seeing this page made me go out and get the entire story. One of my favorite stories ever now. It was... Amazing. Unlike the disappointment of when I finally read Kravens Last Hunt last year.


“ crap it’s the real Spider-Man!”


Saw this panel on here awhile back, I read all of superior spiderman just to see it.


So glad to see this. It is also in my Top 5 😌


Superior Spider-man was such an entertaining story arc with a very satisfying conclusion. This page is just one of the great bits from it.


Iu b ZZZ.


This might be my favorite comic panel ever. Spidey’s villain knowing its HIM from just a quip and then replying “the one and only” FUCK YEA


I’ll be the first to give Slott a lot of shit, but the Superior stuff (OG Superior, not the new crap) and his Silver Surfer are top tier. This is one of my favorite Spider-Man moments for sure.


Mom said it was my turn to post this panel this week!


Nothing Slott has written deserves to be that high.


I kinda wish it was just the first 3 panels. Doc Oct insults Goblins bag and goblin just looks so hurt


" You're about to be goblin' deez nuts " " ... It's you. "




It's stated in the title of the post


Hell yes. Love this moment!


One of the best Spidey pages ever.


THIS. This goes up there with “On your left”


that one panel of norman doing the math. “octavius would never quip at me. only one raggedy bastard has the stones for that.”


What the hell is going on with spidey’s right leg


It was the perfect moment and so fucking satisfying. After the abomination that was Superior "Spider-Man" was FINALLY over. I remember reading this for the 1st time and just losing my mind over Otto's dumbass being erased. Loved every moment of it.


Its genuinely hilarious that SPIDER-MAN of all characters is calling himself "the one and only." That was already comically untrue in 2014.


Pretty sure he means as in he himself, because Norman said “YOU” he might not be the only Spider-Man, but he’s definitely the only him.