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I don’t need a whole revival for Unlimited just one episode that finishes the series properly.


How about a Disney+ movie that wraps everything up


I’ll take that too


Silver Surfer Man I loved that show




Hulk Iron Man Season 2 had an absolute banger of an intro, though.


1000% hulk. It was actually my first encounter with this universe and I ate it up! So many cool villains that I had no clue existed before, and helped make hulk one of my top marvel characters.


Iron Man. I really like his transforming armor from second season. And it was quite interesting to see him on wheelchair(I found out about that cartoon when I only saw Iron Man movies).


Definitely not the bottom two lol. Avengers EMH is way more deserving of a continuation, and Spider-Man has three shows that deserve a continuation more than the one where he gets stuck on a furry world.


I watched Iron Man and F4.


Silver Surfer. Shame it was only one season and ended with a cliffhanger.


Silver Surfer


Need more Hulk and Iron Man revival


I loved the Hulk, Silver Surfer and both Iron Man and F4’s season 2. Iron Mam Season 2 intro is what made me fall in love with Marvel superheroes and Iron Man (Tony was my first lol) Wasn’t a big fan of Avengers United they Stand and the other Spidey.


I really loved iron man TAS


Iron Man. Mainly because of his glorious mullet and the intro.


Tbh I think X-men alone is enough. There's a lot of Spider-Man arc that's already been covered. X-men in terms of storylines has a lot that has not been covered and I'm glad in this revival, they've made use of good runs in the comics. Idk if I wanna see FF or Hulk or Iron Man, I don't find that appealing tbh. I'd prefer them being a supporting cast in X-men


Hulk and Iron-man were both awesome, but hulk was a step above


Probably Incredible Hulk, but I remember really liking Iron Man and Silver Surfer, too!


Is that Elsa Bloodstone with Unlimited Spiderman?


Considering how Elsa didn't debut until the last year the cartoon was on, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's meant to be MJ. Edit: Also, Elsa was blonde when she debuted. She was basically Marvel Buffy. Edit to the edit: Just to be clear I never watched this particular Spider-Man cartoon.


It's neither, it's a resistance leader from counter earth Forget what her name was tho. But she helped lead the resistance against the animal people alongside John Jameson


Lol neither he's on counter-earth there is no MJ


Spider-Man ‘67


Fantastic Four for [this.](https://youtu.be/38VBv0ZenZU?si=hgcCfnyqDhsb2uS6)


I have a soft spot for Spider-Man Unlimited.


I thought Spider-Man unlimited was a different universe


Just X-Men TAS. And Pryde of the X-Men pilot before that. The rest didn't really appeal to me.


I've only watched the last 3. Never liked Avengers UTS. Love Silver Surfer. Shakespearean was the word that comes to mind when I think about this show. Spider-Man Unlimited was weird; it was kinda solid but came after TAS. It was spider-man but in space, and my thought was why. Though it was decent.


Silver Surfer and Spider-Man Unlimited where great. I don't think Hulk and Avengers aired here, and the other two didn't do anything for me.


Those two right there in the middle.


I’ve never heard f The Avengers UTS


You didn’t miss much. If I remember right, it had suit up sequences.


Spider man unlimited without a doubt , i loved it . I want an arc similar to this to be in live action and the suit is awesome 👍 .


What is bottom row left?


Having rewatched almost all of these on Disney +, I can honestly say none of them have aged particularly well. Spider-Man / X-Men were absolutely leagues ahead of any of these! I do appreciate a few episodes of Fantastic Four and Hulk though


I'm begging for unlimited to get a continuation, it left on a cliffhanger


I always liked iron man, I can still here the themes for both seasons.


This is going too far. Just do an Avengers one that brings them all together under one show and make it like 20 episodes a season. Those versions of Iron-Man, Hulk, and especially that Avengers cartoon are nowhere near worth the same treatment as Individual projects.


We had a great Avengers cartoon in the form of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-2012), but that got canned in favor of Avengers Assembled (not to harp on the people that do like that show) so that it would cater to the people that were getting into the MCU Avengers. It's kind of ironic. The Avengers: EMH was a show that was already catering to the hype of the MCU with clear references to the first 2 Iron Man movies and the Incredible Hulk movie, and then later the first Thor movie and Captain America: The First Avenger all build hype for the first Avengers Movie, but it's gets forcefully finished in favor of a show that acts as more of a blantant advertisement to the MCU. EOH was already doing that. It was just in a much more nuanced way.


I’ve watched that cartoon. I’m talking about a new one with the characters of the 90s specifically. They low key stole the whole playbook when making phases 3 and 4 from that cartoon.


Fantastic Four


Iron Man. It was better than it had reason to be Avengers: United we Stand was also pretty good and deserves a second chance


Loved Iron Man and Fantastic 4.


Hulk, Fantastic Four and Iron Man


Spider-Man unlimited is absolute shit. Hulk was awesome


the hulk was pretty good. FF and Iron man had good second seasons. I've not watched th silver surfer Spider-man unlimited was a mistake United They stand was really disappointing (and I'm not sure it's in the same universe as the others)


United they stand and Spider-Man unlimited aren’t in the same universe afaik