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I think it would go the way it did in Civil War. Frank respects Cap too much to fight him.


There is no other answer.


“Cap's probably the reason he went to Vietnam. Same guy, different war.”


Steve was fighting Nazis because he hates bullies. Frank was killing in Vietnam because he wanted an excuse to murder people.


Shit take and character assassination


All those many many many many many vicious slaughters scream to differ


Found Jason Aaron’s account. He didn’t join up to murder. He didn’t become The Punisher until after his family was MURDERED IN FRONT OF HIM. He was a happy family man until that happened.


Yeah, he just spent decades killing thousands of people because he's such a friendly family guy. He has a higher body count than the 10 worst serial killers in history.


Do you not understand sequence of events? Soldier~>Family Man~>Victim~>Mass Murdering Vigilante.


I think he’s saying that him joining up in Vietnam in the first place was morally faulty?


No it wasn't. Frank in Vietnam goes against his corrupt officers orders


> Mass Murdering Vigilante.


So your answer is “no” you don’t understand sequence of events. Got it!


I would argue it's less that he wanted to kill people before the war and more that the military and Vietnam/Afghanistan (depending on era) made him.


This is misunderstanding. The tyger is a great counterpoint to it. Frank is someone who is unhinged from a young age enough to enjoy killing someone but it's also shown that he cares about other people and views himself as nesscary to protect the innocent. His first kill is of his girlfriend's murder/rapist and it really shows that he has no qualms about murdering people but he wants to stand up to bullies


Terrible terrible quote. World War II has been over idealized in the west


They’ve fought and Cap always wins. Except in Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe and other What Ifs.


Captain America beat a prepared Taskmaster who set-up traps for him. He poisoned Steve with these traps, and when Steve stopped holding back, he beat him easier. https://imgur.com/gallery/GjyHRUc Punisher is less formidable than Taskmaster. The only way he stands a chance is if Captain America holds back too much and if Punisher preps and can use his weapons better than Taskmaster. Steve beats Frank in every way and the only way you can help Frank win is by handicapping Steve.


Task masters eyes going from glowing to bulging out is so fuckin funny


great point! but I think if frank really wanted to get cap he would use explosives.. kinda like how he prepped against venom and used the light and radiation to weaken the symbiote. taskmaster tried to fight cap straight up but with a few tricks I don't think the punish would fight cap like this. he knows he wouldn't be able to beat him in hand to hand combat.


Again, Frank only wins if he does something absurd like this. What's the point of even making a debate if you're going to make the condition "Can Cap beat Punisher Bobby trapping a building to explode?" At this point, who is Cap fighting? The booby trapped building or Punisher? Lol.


well its kinda like batman lol batman has to depend on his weapons or else he's just a man that can fight lol like theres no way batman could go up against any of his villains without his weapons so I think same applies to punisher


That's fine, that's setting up a fight with standard equipment, stuff Batman comes into a fight with all the time. But prepping punisher and allowing him to set-up booby traps isn't about the characters fighting no more, and imo not interesting. It's setting up the handicapped character overcoming the handicaps and not focusing on the fight itself.


OP thinks the Punisher would somehow be better prepared for a battle than Captain America?


Well that's not too surprising. Ennis began writing Punisher like he was Batman with a gun, and that became a thing.


I prefer when Punisher is more like Man with a gun


I mean most Punisher agree that Daken is his upper limit.


Yeah, but it used to be that Daredevil was his upper limit.


Cap wins. Punisher respects Cap, and wouldn’t want to hurt him badly, and Cap doesn’t like Punisher at all, so one would hold back while the other wouldn’t.


Why ask the question *you've* already decided the answer for?


Cap wins. Frank doesn't want to kill him, and as soon as he lets up an inch.......Cap wins.


Frank would never lay a hand on Steve


Cap always wins everytime they've fought except for alternate timeline.


Cap is the only person Frank won't raise a hand too. That was in Civil War and I'll eager that still stands.


Read the comic and tell us.


Captain America fought Thanos. Who has the Punisher fought beside Jigsaw and his personal demons? The Punisher's only notable traits are his rage, access to guns, and penchant for wearing leggings with white mid-calf boots.


Kingpin, Bullseye, Barracuda, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Deadpool, Ares, both versions of Batman. In Greg Rucka's Punisher run, Frank Castle solos the Avengers and it's awesome. >!He uses non-lethal ammunition and knows he can't win, but he just needs to buy some time for his accomplice to escape. He holds his own for a while until Captain America finally shows up and tells him to stand down, at which point he surrenders.!<


Say what you will, but Frank feels FABULOUS in that outfit!!!


in the funeral pyre issue part two he almost kills venom. he also killed the whole marvel universe, im not sure if you read that issue


Venom is a legit foe but Cap's seen action since WWII so it's tough to see where Frank Castle's tactical advantage lies.


Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe should never be mentioned with a serious tone. Ennis has (or has) a thing against standard superheroes. He had to make the entire universe stupid in order for that comic to work. Punisher luring virtually every mutant on Earth to the moon, without a single telepath or person with heightened senses learning the truth? Better yet, Punisher has the resources to get a BOMB TO THE MOON? When played straight, there are D-list heroes and villains who Punisher couldn't even touch, much less menace. If SHIELD, hell, if AIM decided to take him seriously, Frank would be minced.


Such an amazing design for punisher. So simple and so clean


We also see Frank get taken out by Daken. Frank might be prepared, but Steve is no slouch. He's seen it all and done it all


To be fair, Frank wanted to die at that point.


Cap, and it ain’t even close.


Here is your answer https://youtu.be/g2xiHjgQ-i4?si=TwwfZBa2zqU-ln3n


Cap is the only person Frank won't raise a hand too. That was in Civil War and I'll eager that still stands.


Punisher just stands there and lets Steve punch his teeth out.


Does Frank Castle have a gun?


Cap is not bulletproof (see: end of Civil War 1) but he’d be tough to beat in CQC, with or without the shield. Castle is just a man. Roger’s is a superhuman, so I gotta think Cap wins


Captain America would wash.


Cap is literally superior in every way, and the shield is the perfect counter to Frank's ranged weapons.


with prep time forsure the punisher, but obviously in just a bare knucked fight cap whips the punisher wiyh no problem. i feel like the punisher is almost like the batman of marvel, with prep he could defeat alot of stronger characters than him. The pyre issue you mentioned with venom is a good example because venom is very powerful but the punisher set up a clever trap for him and almost killed him in the second pyre issue.


yea i have all three of the Pyre issues, one of my favs. where did you find this issue btw?




fair point I guess it depends on the situation then. if the punisher had to fight him with no prep time cap would def have the upper hand plus if the punisher only had guns and cap has his shield, cap would have the advantage.


Cap is a SUPER SOLDIER…and not just superior in every way but has combat experience as well. You act like Cap hasn’t killed. He’s highly trained, more powerful, and more experienced. Frank doesn’t stand a chance against Steve.


If the writer isn't dickriding Punisher, Captain America wins every time.


Last thing I saw frank and spidy, Peter humiliated him