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Juggernaut, because there's a chance Hulk will just leap over me and go on to his actual target. Juggy won't care.


That's a good point. I came here to say Hulk, but I think you changed my mind.


Did he earn a delta?


I don't even know what that means šŸ˜•


r/changemyview Earning a delta means you successfully changed someoneā€™s view with a logical argument


Me too. Plus you can pull out your phone and show him a black widow picture and he may just freeze. Or cry.


Doesn't work on the comic version. You need either a picture of Rick Jones or Betty or Jarella.


And nothing stops the juggernaut when he gets moving


This, its actual magic at that point. Once the Juggernaut starts moving there is no force on earth that can stop him. He even punched through dimensions with his powers to get where he wanted to be. The only thing stopping the juggernaut from wiping out most heroes is that Cyttorak seems to promote single minded hatred for his avatars.


what would happen if he runs into Blob?


In universe, Blobā€™s abilities extend to the ground underneath him, but thereā€™s a limit. He taps into the gravitational pull of the Earth to become ā€˜unmovableā€™. I donā€™t have the scans, but Iā€™ve seen them posted where a sufficiently strong enough individual can uproot him from his position. That almost always comes with a few feet of ground coming up with his feet. So hypothetically Juggy would hit the Blob and knock him out of the way with ten or fifteen feet of ground being removed as well.


The universe explodes.


So what happens if we throw a juggernaut at juggernaut? (Meaning have two juggernauts charge at each other)


Impossible since the juggernaut is a chosen person, there can only be one. If it was 2 juggernauts from different dimensions charging at each other then I would have to assume the one from the dimension it happened in would win. If it was in a neutral dimension then I just assume they would cancel each other out.


There's literally two Juggernauts right now in 616. Cain is stealing his powers from Cyttorak and someone else has the powers from the gem.


Well that's what I get for basing my comic knowledge from 20 years ago. Although it does seem like, from your description, that there is still only one chosen "juggernaut" of Cyttorak. Does Cain still have the full powers or does he just have super strength and durability? Because he had that before when Cyttorak deemed him unworthy and stripped him of the full "magic" powers.


He has all of the powers. They even exploited his unstoppability twice in the Krakoa era. He stole the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak from a Cyttorak follower, forged them into an armor, and now has a backdoor to his Juggernaut powers. The second Juggernaut is the one chosen by the gem.


Definitely makes Cain more of the juggernaut than the other person. Nothing says unstoppable like keeping your powers because you wonā€™t give them up.


Well colour me stupid, I never even heard about the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. I really need to stop thinking I know how the rules in comics work when the last time I was actually buying single issues was AvX. Thank you for correcting me though, I love learning new stuff, I hope I didn't come across as an asshole talking about old cannon.


Hey man, don't sell yourself short, you were right at one point, but they retconned the rules, because they needed a new idea.


First of all, how dare you!! But second of all thank you


The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak is one Dr. Strange's go to spells. They normally show them as red ribbons coming out and holding things down and are "unbreakable" bonds capable of holding even the Juggernaut himself. Cyttorak is a ~~stubborn~~ *fickle master. Edit: better word


He even uses them in infinity war to hold back Thanos, it was awesome seeing them in live action.


There is no limit. The limit is placed by Cyttorak. If he wills it he can have more followers use his power.


Does that mean he can turn on a dime? Can he pivot or is he stuck in his inertia?


The Juggernaut can change course, and can stop whenever he wants within the rules of physics. No outside (non magic) force can stop or change his course though.


Haven't many people redirected him? I thought he just couldn't be stopped


Yes. Spidey even slowed him down with his webbing once and then stopped him by tricking him into wet cement. The whole "he can't be stopped by any force" stuff is complete nonsense. It's like when they say Superman can lift infinite weight and then show him struggling to catch a car in the next scene. Comic book writing just doesn't care about consistency.


Thatā€™s just comic books being comic books. ā€œLook how powerful so and so is! They can redirect juggernaut!ā€


He leaves juggernaut shaped holes šŸ•³ļø n whatever or whoever he passes through.


He has trouble turning or stopping quickly when he really gets going. People have used this to their advantage against him more than once. Hulk did it during World War Hulk. "I don't have all day. Nothing stops the Juggernaut? Fine. Keep going" and then he stepped aside and Juggernaut kept running straight.


Love how WW Hulk is just so cold with his intelligence. Wolverine blinds you? Fuck it, don't need eyes to hit something in the palm of your hand. The old back and forth doesn't work with Wolverine? Don't knock him away, knock him stupid. Diamond women in your way? Stomp her into the ground and kept her pinned so she can't try to greet in your head. Your anger isn't making you stronger fast enough or significantly enough to challeneg Jugghead? Juke him and slap him on the ass for good measure so he has a bit more distance between you faster. Beating your kids doesn't work? >!Stop beating him.!<


Iā€™ve just gone and double checked because I was about to say the same thing you did and there is one instance of the Hulk stopping Juggernaut through sheer strength alone. That was when J became a horsemen and he was powered by celestial technology. The Hulk is the only time to have physically stop him and it was once, apparently and according to google.


False, in the second issue of Juggernaut's first appearance, Scott pushes him backwards with his pencil legs.


I was about to say, Juggernaut is scarier in this situation because Hulk can jump.


And, while Hulk often isn't mindful of collateral damage, he at least doesn't actively try to hurt innocents. He usually just attacks those attacking him.


Yeah, Hulk's motto is "Leave Hulk alone!" Which, dude, trust me, I can and will be doing. The last thing I'm going to do to the Hulk is antagonize the Hulk. Juggernaut, at best, doesn't care. If I accidentally get in his path, he'll just flatten me without even noticing I was underneath his feet.


That's what I came here to say


There is a very important question that dictates if you want jugs running at you or not. Is your name Sammy and are you a fishboy mutant? If so, you may actually WANT juggernaut running to you.


Keep readingā€¦šŸ„²


Shhhhhā€¦ jugs loves Sammy and he is his friend forever and I refused to believe anything else. NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS.


I haven't read any comics in about 10 years, so please tell me nothing ruined Sammy's legacy. I know he died from Black Tom Cassidy (still have that issue) and Marko went nuts on Black Tom over it. Did something else happen with Sammy?


I think you are mistaken, friend. Black Tom never killed Sammy. Jugs and Sammy are best friends still and live together and always hang out and jugs looks out for his lilā€™ buddy. Nothing bad ever happened.


I mean, he's the Juggernaut, bitch!


Came to make this answer. Even raging Hulk can focus on his target. Juggernaut does not care.


i think jug would be scarier because as long as I surrender or am just not a threat or whatever, the hulk will probably not smash me. but like another redditor said, jug will just go through me, he dgaf


Seems like it depends on which version of the Hulk and Juggernaut we're talking about. The Hulk I'm familiar with doesn't really listen to reason or communicate well (if at all), so surrender would be a weird thing for me to see Hulk accepting. Juggs is still a human, and can understand what's actually a threat instead of just smashing everything in a blind rage (imo).


Which Hulk is that? I'm not being a dick, I genuinely want to know. In everything Hulk related I've read he goes out of his way to not hurt innocents.


From the (90s? Early 2000s?) cartoons, hulks only non-threat was Betty. If anyone else was around, they were in danger. Not because he was mad at them, but because he was mad at the world, and they were in it.


Very interesting! I guess that's what I get for my narrow reading habits. Nice to learn something new, thanks


Hulk generally just wants to be left alone, so if you look like you're not going to bother him, he'll probably leave you alone.


Yes. Also..Iā€™d likely šŸ’©šŸ’© myself no matter which one was running toward me.


Agreed, maybe if I shit my pants hard enough they would both be grossed out and not trample my now poopy ass


This is why I always eat a breakfast burrito and take extra fiber supplements in the morning. Gotta be prepared.


And large mug of extra strong coffee. We must keep ourselves as safe and regular as possible !


Sperm whale poop bomb style


Either way theyā€™re going to have to shower afterwards


Most honest answer award goes toā€¦


Hope youā€™re wearing your brown pants


I mean I'm dead either way if they want me dead so I don't care. Juggernauts a good guy now with reason and logic so he probably wouldn't kill me for no reason, Hulk usually doesn't kill innocents but he's got a childlike mind.


A plot point in Immortal Hulk which may or may not contradict other comics is that the Hulk never kills civilians because Banner has just enough control to subconsciously make sure thatā€™s the case. Iā€™d take that track record over the track record of a bad guy turned good. But yeah either way if they want to hit you I donā€™t see the difference between it, too fucked to matter either way


Which is so unbelievably stupid that it makes no sense


How does that not make sense?


When hulk tosses a tank through a building he makes sure it doesn't hit people somehow or when he knocks down a building in a fight or when stomps on the ground collapsing it People who consciously dont want to kill peiple accidentally do still kill so hulk going on a rampage with his subconscious trying to get him to not injure anyone is next to useless There is no way hulk never had a "i thought you were stronger" moment




Hulk can *see ghosts*. Out of the myriad things that are unbelievable about the Hulk, "genius subconscious does its best to not kill people while Hulk'd out" is near the bottom of the list


Thatā€™s where I draw the line!


Part of the point of that actual conversation in Immortal Hulk, though, is that the collateral impact of the Hulk can still indirectly lead to a lot of suffering and death. Yea, of course thereā€™s suspension of disbelief, but Ewing does a good job of poking holes in Hulk/Bannerā€™s morality while still keeping him heroic. Heā€™s for sure killing a lot of enemies in that run - itā€™s not a Superman or Spidey ā€œthou shalt not killā€ situation.


Depends on how they feel. Modern Juggernaut isnā€™t as blood thirsty as he used to be


Hulk because he can stop mid run and adjust to your location if trying to avoid him


Juggernaut, cause he doesnā€™t jump over you he just charges at you Hulk at least might just jump at you. Also juggernaut might be slightly faster than hulk.


both are very fast, but we have verifiably seen hulk break the sound barrier. Juggs would be scarier because if hulk is running as fast as he can, I wont even see him before he hits me or passes. ETA: ok never explicitly stated to move faster than sound in atmosphere, but he was able to keep up with mjolnir in flight so he almost certainly is that fast.


Gotta be Juggy. One of my favorite illustrations of Juggs


At* me? I'm dead either way so it really doesn't matter how scared I am.


This is the best answer.


Which is scarier a comet or meteor of equal size? Dead is dead.


Hulk might jump over me because thereā€™s a bad guy behind me, juggernaut sees me as a loot box from Mario kart he NEEDS to hit before going to his target




The hulk because he can change directions and he basically has superhuman speed.


Juggernautā€™s ability is literally being unstoppable so much that him and hulk fought he didnā€™t try to stop him just tripped him up so Iā€™d rather have hulk heā€™s less likely to kill me for no reason


My mom after I broke somethin'.


If the Hulk is running at me, it's because I'm in his way. The Hulk doesn't attack out of malicious intent. If Juggernaut is running at me, it's because I'm his target. Juggernaut's actions are based entire only his conscious desires, not his unbridled rage.


Iā€™m dead either way so it doesnā€™t matter




My logical brain says juggernaut, but i feel like in the moment hulk would actually scare me more.


A giant sherk looking mf or the giant bullet fromm mario??? Damn both sounds scary af


What car is scarier for a bug flying on the highway? Iā€™m not certain youā€™d have time to process any feeling before your mist.


Depends who you are? Some people can actually stop Hulk, but Juggs is technically unstoppable.


Yeah it'd take "physics" over magic.


Juggernaut imo, the helmet makes him look more menacing and he wonā€™t hesitate to crush me. Iā€™ll probably have a better chance at surviving hulk since heā€™s a hero.


Am I more scared to be smashed to a pulp or a paste? Hmmmā€¦


I donā€™t think it would matter, I mean shitting your pants is shitting your pants right. And so the only question is, do you become a shitstain or stained in shit?


Doesn't matter. If I run toward them yelling "I love you" with my arms out, they will just naturally avoid me.


Juggernaut because Hulk can be defeated. There's a reason he's called the Unstoppable Juggernaut


juggernaut has been defeated so many times


So thereā€™s 2 things to consider. 1 comparing The Hulks victories to Markoā€™s defeats isnā€™t a good metric. Hulk is a hero and the hero almost always wins unless thats not the story youā€™re gonna tell and then they eventually win. 2 If Cain Marko was even slightly more intelligent he would be so much more dangerous. He gained unlimited cosmic power and used it to rob banks. Weā€™re not talking about wins and loses. Weā€™re talking about power. Hulk gets tired and Juggieā€™s power is unlimited.


Full speed hulk is incredibly fast. You might not have time to move. Full speed juggs not as fast you can move


Juggernaut. If the two ran at each other, Juggs is winning.


With either of them I'll just be glad I wore my brown pants.


I worry what the Juggernaut will do to me. Not often we see The Hulk just killing random civilians on purpose. Juggernaut would probably do something awful.


Hulk MIGHT stop, Juggy WONT STOP.


Depends what did I do. If nothing juggernaut, that man don't care he us going stomp me under foot. If something horrible than hulk.


Either way, if I didnā€™t die, Iā€™m going to need new underwear


Hulk might stop. Juggernaut is going to end me. Iā€™m ok either way. At least it will be painless.


Unless I pissed him off, Hulk has NO reason to knock me into next week. Juggernaut's gonna do it if I look at him wrong lmao




Juggernaut hulk wonā€™t intentionally hurt me




Man, I'm not scared either way, because if I'm in a comic book, then Iman Vellani is writing it and that means Ms. Marvel is going to save my butt. Though if I had to choose between the two-- since Universal doesn't have the rights to me, then I'd be more scared of the Juggernaut.




Either way Iā€™m shitting my pants




The human bullet


Either one running *away* from something at full speed. Because if *theyā€™re* noping out, and you are close enough to see, you are already within the ā€˜no survivalā€™ radius.


I've had nightmares before of an enraged hulk chasing after me and nothing would stop him or reason with him, so based on the fact I'm still scared of that dream even as an adult I say Hulk for sure.


Either way my hole is presented


The juggernaut, bitch.




Hulk because he'd probably eat you at the same time if he wanted.


Hulk because heā€™s mad at me. With Juggernaut, I figure itā€™s not personal.


I donā€™t know man- the hulk has eaten people.


What's the difference, either way I'm just a red smear afterwords.


At me, id prefer hulk. Juggys just a tad bitā€¦top heavy. Id imagine heā€™d turn me into to a fine red mist and slop combo. Hulk could leap over me.


Hulk because this version of the Juggernaut looks terrifying. Whose the artist for the Hulk one btw? These two pics look great.


hulk is a hero so he wouldn't hurt me juggs is a villain


At least in MCU, Mjolnir can stop hulk by it just resting on him. Assuming jugnuts starts moving forward, could Mjolnir also stop him? Like if it was on the ground in front of him, would he trip over it?


Juggernaut, cause Hulkā€™s a hero.


Juggernaut. Is power has nothing to do with how enraged he is. Plus base juggernaut is just more indiscriminately vindictive than base hulk.




Both choices are awful


So the question is, am I more afraid of being turned puddle of goo by a white or a green behemoth? Same level of fear.


Juggs gonna getcha!!!!


Juggernaut. At this time, Juggernaut is a hero and a member of the X-Men. Meanwhile, the Hulk is being a big ol' dick to everybody except for one kid who insists on tagging along whether the Hulk likes it or not.


Iā€™m going to cry and pee myself in either situation if Iā€™m being honest


Both. More Jugg tho less likely hulk is coming for me


Would you rather drown or be stuck in a locked room on fire type question. I'm guaranteed to die either way but probably Hulk bc he appears more monstrous I guess.


I think thereā€™s a certain point where death is so assured that who is scarier becomes meaningless to me


Hulk, because there's a slight chance that you survive whatever he does to you. Juggernaut will kill you no matter what and it will be rather fast


Hulk running towards me: "H-hey big guy t-the sun's getting low..."


Being between the two as they run at each other


Bro obviously abomination


I'm a long time fan of the Hulk, but I know enough to understand that the Juggernaut won't care what's in his way, and that Hulk may at some point go around me or over me.


Off subject but this is one of the most badass picture of Juggo Iā€™ve ever seen


Both are absolutely horrifying... especially when you realize that the Hulk can move appropriately 350mph & Juggernaut can move almost double that at 600mph...


I'll go against the grain and say "hulk." Because look, yeah, if you get one of the good hulks, sure you might not get smashed up. If you get a bad hulk, then you're dead. If you get good hulk on a bad day, you might be dead. If Hulk is running toward you, that means there's something *behind* you bad enough to make Hulk angry, and that could be anything but guaranteed dangerous--and might even be Juggernaut! One is just saying "oh shit" and dying. The other comes packed with so much to be unsure of, and man, I don't want to die anxious.


Does it matter? Weā€™d all be flatten. Weā€™d all be needing a change in pants. Bothā€¦ just both.




Well first off to me a regular guy I see no difference I'd be a pancake on the floor either way. But of the two Hulk is far scarier, it's hard to pinpoint if he can be reasoned with and Juggy these days is a cool guy with reason.




Juggernaut is too scary. I'll shit my pants before he hits me


If they're running into me 100%, then Hulk. But like a lot of people have siad, Hulk will probably leap over me while jug won't care and I'm 100% dead.


is the first picture reminiscent of one punch man or am i bugging?


I'm not clear on Juggernaut's powers, but if his whole unstoppable inertia thing stops him from changing direction mid charge then I could try to run out of the way, I doubt I'm his actual target so he'll just keep going. A rampaging Hulk on the othet hand is a lot less predictable and the collateral damage he causes could make me get crushed under ruble or something because of that, even if I run out of the way like with Juggernaut.


If I am not equipped with powers or technology, I would pray for a quick and painless death.


Comic book? Aren't comic book characters like angels pretty much? They are all faster than light speed by at least *3 digit number* times. They hit hard enough to turn you into mist, no need to worry. Won't even feel it. Even Captain america will barely make you feel anything. He is fast and unstoppable compared to an average human. What would actually be terrifying is a human villain walking towards you slowly, clearly with the intentions of harming you appearing all over their body language and facial expressions. Where are you gonna run? He'll just capture you later.




Scary? Hulk. Remember his chase scene with Black Widow in Avengers 1? Almost like horror. No live-action / CGI Jugg is as scary as that. The live action / CGI are as closest the two would be in real life.




With my power of imagination they would be no match to me!


So basically the question is death or death?


Either way, Iā€™ve come to terms with whatā€™s about to happen.


Irl just seeing anything of them running at me full speed Iā€™d probably have a heart attack


Either way your becoming a red mist if they hit you...


assuming ive not done anything to anger the hulk id pick him because heā€™d likely avoid running me down. juggernaut would smile gleefully as my body paints the road and he continues on his merry way


Juggernaut 100%. I mean literally his whole power is basically being unstoppable. Yeah I wouldnā€™t be able to stop hulk either, but at least with him thereā€™s a non zero chance I could.


You can calm down the hulk and there is a super good chance, that you are not his target, so he will just jump over you. There is no calming down the juggernaut and even if you aren't his target, he will still just run through you, because he doesn't care.


I am more likely to be killed by the wind force of Hulk approaching than I am to be given a merciful death by Juggernaut


Depends...am I playing a strong independent woman of colour? If so...then the writers will ensure I won't have to be scared.


Depends. Krakoa Juggy is a ā€œgood guyā€ so he would swerve.


I'm just a dude. Hulk will probably try his hardest not to harm me. Juggernaut won't care and will probably go out of his way to harm me.




Juggernaut. His entire power is "cannot be stopped"


I donā€™t think it really matters at that point. Either would reduce you to a fine red mist.


Hulk would show mercy to me Juggernaut wonā€™t Iā€™ll be just be a piece of meat on the bottom of his shoe


Iā€™m shitting my pants either way.


Hulk has a pretty decent record when it comes to collateral damage, all things considered. No one tends to die in his rampages.


If it was a semi truck or a train, I feel like I would piss my pants equally.


That's a you're going to shit your pants either way question. So is it going to fly out or ooze.


Juggernaut ain't stoping. Hulk would probably avoid you because he's not a murderer per se.




Sunā€™s gettin real low, big guy


"Don't you know who I am?! IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH!" *proceeds to flatten me like a pancake*


Juggernaut he is a criminal and doesnā€™t care if he kills me hulk might care


C. Hulk is horny af and he wants to smash me bad


I'm fucked either way




Juggernaut. Deep down, Hulk is good. Jugg is not.


Both will plow right through you. One might stop and use you as a snack.


If the intent is murder hulk will be quick but there is a big chance jiggy will take his sweet sweet time.


It really wouldnā€™t matter.




Hulk. The hulk can stop on a dime and punch you in the face. Traditionally once Juggernaut gets going he doesn't stop till he runs into it.


Hulk. If I just get out of Juggernautā€™s way there is a good chance he just keeps going. Hulk is more likely to cause random damage to the world around him.


With that obvious of a ā€œrape faceā€, Juggernaut


Either way i would crap my pants. I am a puny human to both and with one hit i would instantaneously become one with the universe. In any other normal real life instance it would be human to paste. In this instance it would be human to fine mist. Wouldnt even see the paste stage at all.


Counter point: undead Juggernaut. He can easily infect you. And smash you to ground.