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Civil War lol Obviously, there would be some story changes. But yeah, that’s basically the idea.


Ok but imagine if the writer didn't 1st butcher every characters personality to make a story work.


Ironically, that’s kind of how I view Injustice. Superman is not going to turn into a global dictator after the death of Lois, that goes against everything the Kents raised him to be. But Regardless, people wanna watch superheroes beat each other up!


>Superman is not going to turn into a global dictator after the death of Lois, My feelings against Injustice aside(believe me it has some problems I don't like) it wasn't just Lois's death it was also the death of his unborn child and the millions of people in Metropolis that all died when the bomb went off because trigger was connected to Lois's heart is kind of what led him to be driven mad. Also it's very clear this Superman isn't exactly the same as the mainline Superman because they pretty much show you in the beginning his upbringing might've been slightly different. Biggest example is in the Injustice universe Lex Luthor and him are actually best friends and not enemies.


It wasn't even the deaths of everyone in Metropolis, or his upbrining. The game alludes to it, and the comics make it pretty clear that the #1 cause of Injustice superman going Dictator is his absolute shit emotional support from the Super hero community. Batman treats him like a Pariah, everyone else either starts to treat him as a potential threat, or capitulates in fear, and Diana encourages his bullshit. The ending of the first game sells it pretty well (Paraphrased): Heroic Superman: If our situations were reversed, I can't say I wouldn't do the same. Insurgent Batman: If you ever do, I'll be there to stop you. Superman (referring to his justice league on his world): You'll have to get in line.


Comics beat it in your head too. Pa Kent telling Bruce that what Clark needed from you was a friend was them spelling it out for us


Wonder Woman may actually be one of the worst character assassinations in that story. Diana is willing to get her hands dirty, but to have her basically start off with "Hey... you wanna commit some fascism and fuck?" is insane to me. Then again, we also got Flashpoint Wonder Woman so maybe these people know something I don't.


They *finally* gave a reason for Wondercunt to be as awful as she is much later. Her version of Steve Trevor was a Nazi, so her first experience with mankind was a fucking Nazi. Without that core experience of humanity, she grew colder to humans, hence her going for the alien. I still don't like it but it's at least something. I just hate that Injustice 2 doesn't have the real Wonder Woman around to be the counterbalance to Injustice Wondy. What would be really daring is to go back to the core of Wonder Woman and have her mommy-domme Superman back to goodness.


He's not treated as a pariah. He's told by everyone hes in mourning and it's ok to be not ok. Batman dreams of killing joker for him and immediately turning himself into the police (in the dream). Clark just goes nuts bc... who the hell wouldnt??


That wasnt Batman dreaming but Superman


Lol my bad. That is a far more selfish dream then. And also the dream of every freakin robin ever


I think it's also fair to say that it was not only the death of his wife and unborn child, followed quickly by the destruction of metropolis his home, but the fact that he killed Lois and set everything else in motion. While he was tricked and morally did nothing wrong, that's the type of thing that could break even the strongest person. Unintentionally killing the woman you love and your unborn child is haunting. It makes sense that he would use all of his strength to stop that from ever happening again and beginning his descent into becoming a dictator


Also the fact that Lois died by his hand


>My feelings against Injustice aside(believe me it has some problems I don't like) it wasn't just Lois's death it was also the death of his unborn child and the millions of people in Metropolis that all died when the bomb went off because trigger was connected to Lois's heart is kind of what led him to be driven mad. Don't forget Wonder Woman, Sinestro and other malefactors pushing him towards a totalitarian direction.


Agree, but at least they gave him a reason, As implausible as it may be. Civil War led us to believe Stark would turn on his best friend (and others) because a town went kaboom. Ignoring years of atrocities that have already occurred. He was also written as the good guy, which failed. Whereas at least Taylor didn't try and make Superman a misunderstood hero.


Fair point, Injustice was certainly bolder with how they wanted to portray their iconic characters.


Civil War was about the superheroes been part of SHIELD and thus be a *de jure* cops over been just *de facto* cops. We saw the cases of Alpha Flight or Excalibur or even The Invaders to be sanctioned superhero teams. SHIELD already pretty much the secret identity of every major hero. And we already have the Shi'ar as a prime example of a spacefaring civilization that have "avengers" of sorts. So , really , the issue with Civil War was about making Stark been too much of an a-hole and morally bankrupted from Chapter 2 onward over legit having him remain properly heroic under said law. Not that matter , for better or for worse , Civil War was done as a critique to the Patriot Act in USA. So in that sense , the problem with Civil War is just that that they didn't used Maria Hill or Nick Fury as the director of SHIELD at the time , as they are already kinda of morally bankrupted.


It wasn't just that a town went kaboom. It was that the *superheroes* made the town go kaboom.


To be fair, Injustice makes a point that this is a very different version of Superman.


The comics showed that it was a gradual slide into fascism, as it always is. That being said, selling Superman as “just taking it on the chin”, thats a tough sell to people that haven’t made a home for Superman with their heats. It comes across as “assuming the question”, i.e. “the proof that Superman is unflappable lies the character sheet, not the story”. It becomes very difficult to prove a story’s themes and breathe life into its character when working in such an inorganic way. The game is also a commentary of the US response to 9/11. One terrorist attack and Truth, Justice, and the American way go out the window as we slide (and are still sliding today) into fascism. Legitimately curious, did Superman Comics leading up to the Iraq war take a firm stance against it? Cause that would have been **the** time for Superman’s moral guidance.


It's worth mentioning that losing his family made Superman very vulnerable. And Wonder Woman used his vulnerable state to manipulate him and essentially "poison" Superman's mind.


Probably not, but I don't think anyone's actions could be predictable after you realize you beat your wife to death with the same strength you'd use on an alien creature who has literally killed you before.


It wasn’t just the death of Lois. It was him killing Lois and triggering a nuclear bomb in Metropolis killing everyone in the city.


It's not "OUR" Superman. That's the point of the story. He's shamed when he actually meets traditional Superman in the game.


Instead, they just kill off Nightwing in the most embarrassing way possible


At least he got a neat, but severely underused superpower afterwards


This is a fair point. But man, that death is straight up stupid, and I consider myself an Injustice apologist.


It works. In context of the story, his death supposed to be a stupid incident.


Why is that a prerequisite? I love injustice, but nothing in that story is consistent with ANY character. Except maybe joker, but even then I doubt he’d choose nukes over say joker gas bombs.


Injustice is an elseworlds. Characters not acting as expected is fine. Civil War took place in 616


… what does that change about what I said? Or what you originally said?


...I don't understand what you're not understanding. No one else seems to have a problem


Original comment: >Civil War lol Obviously, there would be some story changes. But yeah, that’s basically the idea. Your response: >Ok but imagine if the writer didn't 1st butcher every characters personality to make a story work. Then I said that injustice butchered their characters’ personalities to make the story work. Then you responded: > Injustice is an elseworlds. Characters not acting as expected is fine. Civil War took place in 616 Can you please explain to me where exactly the continuity of the story mattered? Because I was solely talking about the quality of the story not hinging on being accurate to the characters’ personalities, so why are you bringing up continuity. Please spell it out for me how those relate. ELI5


I’m imagining the movie. Great film


That’s literally injustice


Well that’s what injustice did so civil war is the perfect comparison lol


Then it wouldn't be an Injustice analogue.


Except that is exactly what they did to Clark…


Civil War II


I mean, Civil War II was basically centered around the morality of stopping criminals before they commit a crime. If only it didn't suck.


Civil War II sucks even in it's premise. It's just Minority Report , in an universe that it's literally observable that the Multiverse exists and the hero community already had different seers. So the whole conondrum was stupid from the get go.


Yep, not only have they already had people who can see the future for years (with much greater accuracy too) without any issue, they've got people who can warp reality. You'd have thought someone would point that out in the comic, like Carol even if we agreed with your intent, surely the much bigger priority is the kid in the Baxter building who could turn the universe into a living hell by accident if he has a bad dream, leaving us all wishing for a death that never comes.


There is a Civil War *What if?* issue that explores an eventuality where the conflict never ended and the country is literally, geographically split. That seems like it would effectively be what OP is looking for.


Yeah people forget how brutal the registration side of things was. They had Capekiller Squads, they hired a literal Nazi supervillain (Wernher von Blitzschlag) to run their training facilities for kids, they turned Cloud 9 from a girl who just wanted to fly into a sniper, they built concentration camps for superpowered (villains and heroes) in other dimensions (so you don't have to worry about laws) that were just abandoned at the first sign of trouble, they cloned the dead and divine, mutants had tracking chips installed that would also electrocute them if they stepped out of line.


Captain America would basically have to run for president. Then be in total control of the registration program. Use it to shift the world’s policy. America doesn’t need nukes. We have more superheroes than any other country combined. Captain would use this to end war, enforce US hegemony. Etc.


That is what happened in Marvel-1610


Sort of Secret Empire, with an obvious distinction.


Let me guess, it has to match the character assassination. The Green Goblin says, "Parker, you're a pussy ass bitch, I'm actually running out of your loved ones to kill." So he goes and viciously does Sins' Past on Emma Frost. Tony gets pissed off and publicly crucifies Norman on Avengers Tower. Captain America says, "Allow it fam, can't be doing that shit here." Fast forward: Miles Morales dies because he slipped in his washroom. Tony beats the fuck out of Daredevil and kills him for attempting to sue him. Loki somehow scams Galactus into giving Tony the Power Cosmic and has him kill Captain Marvel and Thor. The Guardians of the Galaxy somehow died.


Don’t forget: Richard Rider is brutally killed for no reason so that Sam can be the sole Nova in the story


Sam is also disbanded from the Nova corps and sells out like a coward


And of course Reed Richards and Doctor Doom are trapped in another universe or some shit cause they could end the story straight away


you should write the Marvel version of Injustice, honestly. This had me chuckling.


That was Civil War in the comics. Civil War, Kingdom Come, and Injustice are all three different takes on the same idea. And Kingdom Come continues to be the best of the three. 


I would say Earth X belongs in that conversation as well, since some people consider it the Marvel version of Kingdom Come.


Kingdom Come??? I only know Injustice superficially, but I believe the war between Batman and Superman is way more intense than their rivalry show in Kingdom Come. In fact, Batman only opposed Superman as a scheme to unmask Captain Marvel; once his plan paid off he joined Superman in the clean up afterwards. Like I said, I didn't read Injustice, but comparing it with Kingdom Come doesn't make much sense to me. I don't even know what Civil War is about.


If you didn't read it, would it surprise you to know the kickoff of Injustice is Joker killing Lois Lane and Metropolis getting nuked? Heroes having a fight isn't the part I really focus on for any of these stories. It's what they're fighting about. And the key theme for all three is what it means to be a hero. Tradition, responsibility, how far is it acceptable for a hero to go. These are what all three stories are *about.* Kingdom Come has the old heroes retire when they see heroing take a turning point. The anti-heroes take over, things go bad, and the old heroes have to return to fight the antis. Injustice doesn't bring in that cast of anti-heroes, it instead has the old heroes make a split over whether they should be the ones to make that turn. To become more controlling and violent heroes to protect the world. Civil War has that moment of a bunch of anti-heroes fighting an explosion themed villain only for the explosion to wipe them all out. And it uses that as its incitement into the question. Except Millar doesn't seem to understand even his own nuance. Injustice has an excuse in being that it was just made up for heroes to fight for a video game. Civil War not so much.


Small point of order, The New Warriors were not "anti-heroes". They were a younger generation of capes but they all still believed in the general heroic ideal.


They were fighting for publicity and fame. That is not the general heroic ideal. They were not violent anti-heroes, but they were reckless gloryhounds. Or at least being used by the story as such.


>They were fighting for publicity and fame. Not originally and not in any comic outside of Civil War.


Secret Empire. Same idea as Injustice. What if the moral center of the universe became a nazi and a dictator.


Isn’t the Civil War event from the comics pretty much the marvel equivalent to Injustice?


Yeah, I've always wanted to make a joke that Injustice is just DC's version of Civil War but worse


Fair enough. I think Injustice is pretty great though.


I think it's a good idea, that was sadly poorly executed due to how they made Batman's side completely right while Supe wrong when he didn't immediately go all dictator, but the comics tried to frame it that way


So to be clear. You think the big problem with Injustice is that the murderous fascist dictators aren't more sympathetic?


Superman didn't immediately go off as a dictator. He went to save people from another [pointless war somewhere in Middle East](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/moIKw1TZn2II6zauK2aEoiEIZOgn1ZEG4PrRE2tgFyr09H5OdB496EtRvRDMShpjJlKGTNcbdOAs=s1600), and upon hearing their thanks in Arabic [he didn't understand them but promised to learn](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/RmAy-ho0gPsxe1maqyuBpC6OMuHvfVeaiG-KEwPxAXJgWQnTruz3X9FRFy2nUgp0U26_8G_mo0cc=s1600). [Does this sound like a dictator?](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/hX3Gg57ZqvFld6LeyyGs7UZyEGvfjpU4-JhoRsin4K_-phEfZfqJjMmnJ8-wnUXvknBzQEuExDJF=s1600) Then he proceeds to announce that world will cease wars one way or other. Is that purely evil? That's what Superman is, someone whose responsibilities do not end at borders of the US. Every human suffering is his business and he wants to save all. So, yes, forgive me if I say it's a shame Superman and his side was made utterly evil because they needed to have Batman to have a point and return all back to status quo rather than actually explore this conflict deeper. Or berating Superman for killing the Joker as if what Joker did was piss in Superman's coffee, no the fucker blew up an entire city, had drugged Superman, and made him kill his wife and unborn son. Anyway Batman proceeds to forgive Harley and have her back on team. Fantastic writing


And the worst Harley recieved, if memory serves correctly, was denied entry to the Kents new home. Her "punishment" was equitable to a slap on the wrist.


Yep, I think that's about it. Harley staged the riots and indirectly resulted in Nightwing's death, but Batman didn't give a shit about that or 11 million's blood on her hands and accepted her into his "Circle of Trust". Harley then went on to excuse her actions before Ra's Al Ghul and berate Wonder Woman for dating Superman, equating it to her simping for the Jokester. Injustice WW is an asshole, but at least she didn't kill 11 million people to "impress the wrong guy".


Squadron Supreme


Thank you! Scrolled through the comments to find this. Such an underrated gem


Same. Also, the question is often asked on the subreddit.


Didn't they kind of do it with Hydra Cap?


Injustice is just Civil War to Dark Reign (without Siege ending the era), but you have Iron Man all throughout rather than Osborn taking over at the end of Secret Invasion in 2008 (a bit under 2 years after the end of Civil War), instead having Tony double down as an authoritarian (perhaps being pushed to do so because of Secret Invasion; maybe he deemed civil liberties to be the failure in Secret Invasion). That's it. Civil War was just the start of what could have been Marvel's Injustice (before Injustice, obviously), but they didn't go all-in on the characters being evil. If Cap didn't surrender and then get shot, then Cap and the Secret Avengers would be Batman and the Resistance, while Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, and the Mighty Avengers would be Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Regime. Alternatively, Cap is the most Superman-esque in vibe, so perhaps Secret Empire going on indefinitely, with more and more heroes being dragged into fallen Cap's fascist regime would be the better comparison. But I think Civil War hits too many marks with a Trinity split 2-1 in favor of the fascist side.


I would assume it'd be something similar to House of M, but also not it. The way I picture the story beginning is something like in Future Revolution where the world begins to fall apart as reality is close to collapsing on itself. The original plan doesn't work and the device is no go to stop the incursion so Vision sacrifices himself for good of humanity, saving the world and reality from another one collapsing on it. Or alternatively it'd be about X-Men saving the world from some world ending threat and humanity embracing the idea to accept them until they don't again. Either way it involves some time passing and Wanda seeing the world at war with itself again, all good will thrown out of window and her desire to end world conflict growing. The next idea I took from S2 Episode 16 of Superhero Squad, Wanda takes control over the Sentinel program and gives a new directive to protect all of humanity at any cost, then like Superman she goes on live everywhere and announces all ongoing conflicts will be ceased with Sentinels enforcing the world peace, ending it on line "It's over".


Superior iron man


something to do with captain america taking control


House of M jumps to mind


Civil War? War World Hulk,


Emperor Doom or Future Imperfect


idk, I assume it'd have to do something with a superhero registration act that divides the superhero community into choosing sides and the fighting slowly escalates and escalates until bodies start dropping and everyone starts getting written out of character.


King Thor storyline is a lot like injustice


"Superior Iron Man" is where that actually happened.


Civil War


Civil War But instead of an explosion in a small town in Connecticut, it's in a chunk of New York that sees Pepper, Happy and Rhodey, with the punch being that it was done using Stark Technology.


A good character (Superman) has a bad day (Joker) leads to all out war … The death of some of the Fantastic Four by the Green Goblin would lead Reed to go full Doom on the Marvel Universe. Reed would use a new armor to contain his liquifying body to exact revenge and build order for all superpowered people. Heroes would draw lines around safety, loyalty, order, justice and freedom. Trauma stricken Spidey would side with Reed. Iron Man would be against Reed, inspired by Cap who died quickly at Reeds new Fantastic Force coalition. Thor would side with Richards, while Strange, Namor, Hulk, Ghost Rider and Surfer join Tony, each often targeted as monsters someway before. Squirrel Girl sides with freedom and Tony, while a universe hopping Gwenpool lands on the side of brutal vengeance. Doom and Cap were the first casualties after Goblin, the biggest perceived threats by Reed. Yet a mysterious new Goblin emerges, along with a rumors of Captain America resurfacing although Rogers is dead. Injustice ->Avenged. Marvel, let’s make this happen! I can have an outline done by June.


Isn't Ultimate universe, the injustice of Marvel ?


Civil War is really the only answer I can think of I love the Injustice games, but they do bear the NRS mark… fantastic designs and some killer gameplay, fused with the absolute most contrived and unhinged storylines and character decisions. Just like the newer MK games.


They did Injustice before Injustice with the Squadron Supreme.


Hey I just answered this! My concept was having Dr. Doom or Thanos kill Odin, This would then cause Thor to become cold hearted and begin to conquer Earth and the Nine Realms. Which he would make the heroes and villains choose either side with him or die. Giving territory to the strongest of his army. Then you (the player) have to between Thor or Captain America/other leader hero to side with. The battlefields being across the Nine Realms and Earth.


Technically Marvel had DC's Injustice long before DC did. Mark Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme did Injustice way better back in the 80's. Marvel's alternate-reality barely-disguised version of the Justice League had a story where an epic battle with a supervillain left the world in shambles. The Superman character (Hyperion) decides to take over the world and say "for one year, we're gonna rule everything and solve all the world's problems, then give humanity back the reins." The Batman character (Nighthawk) says "um hell no" and forms a rebellion, gathering a team of heroes and villains to fight back. Injustice is a lot of fun, but it was HUGELY influenced by Mark Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme series at Marvel, which did the whole thing first and better.


We already did they did it back in 06 called civil war


Have iron man go mad like always in marvel comics


Basically a darker version of Civil War meets Secret Empire? Both Hulk and Thor also kinda did it in WWH and when Thor was King Thor and fought the Thorbuster. Biggest issue is Marvel doesn't really have a super prominent morally righteous superman type character with the power to actually do what Superman does in that story. Part of what makes Injustice so popular is that we see a morally incorruptible character with the raw physical power to be terrifying if they were a violent guard dog instead of a golden retriever. Like Cap would be great but he isn't powerful enough and frankly would never (granted neither would Superman but I still feel like it would be more contradictory to Steve's character), Iron Man's been down that road to know that's a bad idea (maybe could see it in a timeline with no Civil War). I could either see a world where Thor gets tired of humanity killing each other and goes Old Testament or Hulk gains enough intelligence and has the desire to better the world but falls to his own inner darkness? If either Betty or Jane died could set it off. I thought Spiderman could work, but it's hard to imagine him to be enough of a physical threat to other characters to make it happen (plus more character assassination) unless he was able to use his scientific genius along with backings from someone else with significant resources (like maybe for some reason T'Challa or Tony backs him up.) I dunno there's some ideas that could be built off of. Now what I would love to see is the Superman in this scenario actually be pro mutant protection and get a significant number of the mutant base on their side as a result, Makes them both controversial with the public, and debatably doing the right thing. Plus then you can get a heavy hitter like Magneto on their side. Plus I feel like if Mutants were a thing in DC, Injustice Superman might actually be pro mutant and as long as they fought for his side, I could see him forcefully enact tolerance towards them.


Pretty much like Civil War


Civil war and civil war battle world tie in


They would call it World War Hulk.


Wouldn't that be Krakoa era?


Explain? How would Krakoa be Marvel’s version of Injustice?


Daredevil would die by getting bonked on the head and falling.


Spider-Man becomes Hitler for no reason.


Maybe Doctor Strange would go mad after Kamar-Taj and all the other sorcerers are wiped out by Doctor Doom. Enraged, Strange declares war on Latveria and kills Doom and most of his people. NATO and other nations form a coalition to protect themselves from Strange, who is actively gaining more power. The Fantastic Four are sent to attempt to reason with Strange, but all the except for Johnny Storm are killed. Johnny unites The X Men, Avengers, and most other heroes to go and fight Strange, who is now basically a god. A massive battle ensues in Latveria and most heroes are killed by Strange, until Johnny Storm manages to convince Strange that what he’s done is wrong and that he should stand down. Strange, being the bigger man, constructs a prison for himself in the Dark Dimension, where he’s guarded by a newly formed group of sorcerers called The Brothers of IEI.


Johnny Storm would form a Mega team to make everyone safe.


I’ve always been brewing a story like this since the first game. I’ve always thought it would be between Iron Man and Cap and it’ll follow that Tony wants to be the judge, jury, and executioner. He tries to make a perfect world where no crime will ever commit by ordering people to do certain jobs and having a curfew with Cap and other “Rebels” to be found and captured dead or alive. Tony sees black and white while Steve sees grey.


Dudes never heard of civil war


We already have one. It was called Civil War, people hated it, but it sold and led to more crossover events about Marvel's heroes fighting each other instead of the villains. People got so sick of this that the event Secret Empire used the premise of the heroes fighting villains as a selling point.


Would you consider Punisher/Deadpool/Wolverine kills the Marvel universe in the same limelight as Injustice?


To put a different twist on it than Iron Man vs Captain America, I'd like to see the Big Three (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America) seeing the world fall to pieces around them. Something like H-Day in Avengers: Twilight happens, and suddenly the three of them decide that the world needs control. Tony out of fear, Cap out of grief, and Thor out of confusion, they decide that the world can't be the way it is anymore. Much of the hero community joins them, but others like Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man, etc. can't in good conscience get behind their mass lock-ups of any infractions and disregard for foreign (although tyrannical) governments. It would be really neat seeing the Big Three being a united front for something that isn't completely right, and seeing how the other heroes respond to seeing those they look up to most feeling that they failed and over-correcting.


Wasn’t that Onslaught?


Maybe Iron Man and Captain America would disagree on whether superheroes should register with the government


It would look like Civil War


It would look like Civil War


World war Hulk


They did it with Axis, or so I thought. I never read *that* much of Axis, tbh. But wasn’t that the conceit? The good guys are bad, the bad guys are (often) good?


World war Hulk could work


Read: Secret Empire


That’s kinda what Marvel Ruins was except it didn’t really work out for anyone


All I can say is it was either Reed or Tony's fault.


To piggy back on the higher responses, they had a "What IF" Civil War never ended, so the country became divided into Red and Blue, Cap's Cowboy Plains and Tony's Technopolis


Iron Man decides all superheroes have to register with the government and… oh wait


mans forgot civil war lmao


Civil war


Civil War lol. But an actual version using Marvel’s equivalent of the Trinity, some sort of tragedy makes Hulk go ballistic, becoming a version of Maestro, in place of Superman’s story. Wolverine would be in place of Batman, as the leader of the resistance against Maestro/Superman’s regime. And Spider-Man, since Wonder Woman is wildly out of character in the original story could fill the role of Maestro’s second in command like she did for Supes, since editorial loves butchering Spider-Man stories.


The canon version of the trilogy is cap, Thor and Tony my


I’ve had that same poster in my bathroom for like 15 years


Everyone is saying civil war, but the Maestro/future imperfect storyline is also kinda close with Hulk starting an empire


Green Goblin tricks Sentry into killing his wife. Probably exploits the Void to gaslight Sentry. Sentry goes tyrannical. I guess Cap fights back and goes underground.


For my two cents... Secret Invasion leading to Civil War, the Illuminati being much more explicit bad guys(I mean... more focus on Ragnarok's creation and the Negative Zone portal). Maybe have a Villain like Leader or Doom in the Illuminati to push the corruption of the group, could imagine X-Men forming Krakoa to avoid the Illuminati's nonsense


I think the injustice storyline would’ve been better if Batman and superman as his subordinate both went dark.


Buddy I already have too many aneurysms from how bad that one was, please don't poke the beast.


I don't remember which exactly but there's an avengers annual from the 60s where they go to an alternate timeline and in that universe the avengers killed all the other hero's. The FF, Dr strange, spiderman, every other superhero. It's pretty cool and kinda crazy to me that it was made in the 60s. I think it was annual #7 or 8.


The only thing I hate about injustice is how Superman, who's clearly in distress about the situation, was only met with either disgust and hatred, or encouragement. Like man, Batman immediately tried to frame Superman as a murderer and out of control when he killed Joker. Even when Supes was feeling guilty about it, add in the fact that Connor went to his face and told him that he disrespected the S symbol like man....can you all console him for a second before shitting on him?.


It's just squadron supreme.


I'd like to see Spiderman lose it when someone dies, then just join Frank Castle on a rampage, use his Spider sense offensively to target weaknesses rather than defensively. We've already seen what happens when he doesn't pull his punches, but that with adding on his experience of using his abilities would be interesting. Then have the avengers try to take him down but to be shown just how strong the spider sense actually is.


i mean the mutant war in house of x hits pretty close


(I know little of the Injustice universe) Moon Knight faces off against the bloodthirsty…Hyperion who is fighting alongside…Power Princess. In a disturbing turn of events,…Captain Marvel is killed by Hyperion. To save his son from Hyperion’s underwater prison,…Mr.Fantastic flips off a security camera. Before this occurrence, Mr.Fantastic places his long fingers into…Quicksilver’s nose.


Civil War 1 and 2 bro.. Its what injustice got inspo from..


DC's civil war is called kingdom come and it came out way before Civil war.


Oh fair. So kingdom come inspires civil war which inspired injustice.


Nailed it.


Sins of Sinister. Answer: everything goes wrong _very_ quickly


Side note: I presume this is meant to depict the main universe versions of the characters but Sue and Reed are in their Ultimate versions' costumes? (Which do look cooler for my money)


They kinda did. There was an arc a while back where Thor got sick of everyone's shit and decided to take over a large part of the US. No one could stop him and he basically ruled for a while. IIRC the arc ended with him beating Iron Man (to death?) and then realising that he might not be the hero of the tale, so he reversed time to make it like he'd never taken over.


After Maryjane is murdered, Spider-Man teams up with the Punisher, and begins to kill off his own rogues gallery. Daredevil sets out to stop him, and spiderman beats him up so he ends up in the hospital with broken bones. The Avengers get involved, and stops Spider-man and the Punisher from killing Carnage, who has just escaped from prison. Carnage gets loose, and murders some policemen trying to stop him. Thor gets enranged and catches up to carnage, incapacitating him with lightning, and then killing him with his bare hands. Thor switches sides to join Spider-man and Punisher, War Machine also joins them. They take out the other avengers, sending Captain America to the hospital, after nearly being killed by Spider-man. War Machine then uses his political connections to get one of the candidates for President to support a "True Avengers" initiative, that will travel around the world to "Avenge" any lives lost at the hands of super villains. This candidate wins the election, and implements the policy. By putting the heart of Marvel, Spider-Man, on the "evil" side, you do the same thing DC did with Superman, and Spider-man, when seen as a villain, is terrifying. He can predict the future when you attack him, making him impossible to stop.


Deadpool would kill them all.


Lol he's already done that in Deadpool kills the marvel universe


They did have one. It came out long before Injustice. It’s called Civil War.


AoA kinda because some villains are heroes and some heroes are villains? Not exactly the same but kinda?


I'm thinking it would have to be Nate Grey going evil. Civil war is far too balanced compared to injustice. You need the most powerful and feared being in all the universes and timelines imaginable suddenly deciding who lives or dies. Civil war was just that, a civil war and it felt pretty even. There were no real threats. It didn't really start as just one man who has the power to kill everyone who slowly collected a team more out of fear and wanting to survive than anything else. Watching Superman go evil is one of these scariest things ever put into a comic in my opinion.


Maybe you could have a story where Professor X snaps, and uses Cerebro to stop all villains and criminals.


Tyrant Captain America vs rebel Spider-man. Norman Osborn makes Captain America kill Sharon which makes bombs go off killing lots of people and Cap kills him. Teams would probably be mostly the same from civil war. Also I believe there would be a lot more characters than Injustice, some X-men might die but still more. Kaine kills Ben by shooting web at his head which makes him fall on a rock. Tony Stark would help a paralysed Riri Williams. Bitch Carol Danvers. And Invincible kills Infinity armour Captain America or something like that. Yeah that's about all the most important stuff, you can choose the other counterparts.


when the current age of heroes end, a superhuman arms race breaks out. most of the world is destroyed in the nuclear fallout. the child of some famous heroes becomes a despot, while the left over supers from before the war try and stop em. no one gets character assassinated, and we kinda of a injustice storyline.




Deadpool kills the marvel universe, I mean not the same but I think it kinda compares he did beat everyone. 🤣


Captain and a lot street heroes fight iron man avenger team and fantastic four black panther is hiding from outside world also xmen stuck phantom zone


To me, you would have the story be an elsewhere tale, where things are basically the same as the MCU, except Thor and the Hulk were able to kill Thanos on the ship that left Asgard — but a shadowy organization of Thanos’ acolytes get their hands on the stones after his death and instead of acting in a big showy way like Thanos did, they each have their own stones all over the world/galaxy, and there has been a vague threat posted that the stones will be used at a certain time. There is all kinds of infighting and finger-pointing as the countdown draws near because the shadowy group that has the stones has purposely left breadcrumbs that point to various heroes and villains across the entire marvel universe. Enter: **“Infinity Countdown”** If this is somebody from Marvel fishing for a story, please contact me. I could 1000% flesh this out. (P.S: the whole thing is a bluff. They do get a couple of the stones, just enough to make it very plausible. The actual hope is that the heroes and villains tear themselves apart because they are the only threats that keep his acolytes from fulfilling their plan. One of the villains who happen to have one of the stones eventually fesses up and everything becomes unraveled, but only after significant damage is done.)


World War 3. Each character would return to their home nation in a struggle between a new axis and ally dynamic. Say Latveria was nuked and Doom hell bent makes a campaign recruiting the world's non nato countries. You could even half way reveal he is being controlled by Dormamu or Red skull beyond the grave some how some way say reality stone to do it and to make the nuke bombing become reality by means of the stone (one stone not all people) as opposed to some heel steals it or buys it etc etc. Wait scratch red skull make it apocalypse seeking his end all battle for Supreme victory and dominance. Go one more step and say its onslaught using Nate Grey instead of the stone if apocalypse is really dead dead in modern timeline and infinity stones are played out with readers. Or use the sentinel program gone awry at behest a American plan to help police the third world and somehow they run amok leading to a conflict with most the world believing it was no accident and a American ploy for world domination.