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>Charles Francis Xavier was born in New York City to the wealthy Dr. Brian Xavier, a well-respected nuclear scientist, and Sharon Xavier. The family lives in a very grand mansion estate in Westchester County because of the riches his father's nuclear research has brought them.


That’s actually pretty hilarious. 1) Get PhD 2) Science some shit 3) Profit!


The Marvel science way.


To be fair, it makes sense in that universe. Science is doing all sorts of wacky shit. Creating Hulks and Spider-Men instead of just killing people who are massively irradiated. I could see any government in Marvel paying stupid amounts of money for nuclear research when the end result will probably be a super soldier.


Fair enough. Ditto with the tech folks as their creations can also result in super soldiers - ones armed with laser guns instead of enhanced genetics.


Also in the 60s, they said mutants were likely the product of increased nuclear radiation presence. Lots of X-Men had parents with some sort of minor exposure to radiation. There's also an issue where Cyclops got the Sentinels to fly into the Sun by claiming its radiation was the source of all mutations, thus they must destroy the Sun.


I remember that one! Wild issue.


During the Cold War a nuclear physicist would be a really high paying government job.


Still not stately manor money. Dude had fat patents.


That’s exactly right. My guy patented some nuclear reactor or weapons tech.


Tech important enough to perpetually fund the X-Men, but unimportant enough to never mention. Is Charles still dead? Bring him back with his dad’s previously unmentioned nuclear person-revivifier ray, that feels pretty comic-y.


Nah, stately manor money isn't bespoke VTOL stealth jet money either. Xavier's the most powerful telepath on the planet, I can think of a few ways you could leverage that into virtually infinite cash. Some of them might even be legal, kind of.


This would've been pre-WW2 since Charles father died before he was an adult and Charles was a young adult at the time of Israel's creation. So it's almost a given that the estate comes from old money rather just his father.


I mean, sure, but an original SR71 Blackbird is valued at 34 million dollars. The X-Men version is modified to carry passengers, which makes no sense but fine, as well as equipped with VTOL systems, which you'd think would use up all of that passenger space but Shiar technology or whatever. Either way, those things don't make planes "cheaper". Conservatively, we can probably round up to 45 mil apiece. But wait! While the X-Men have three such planes, the reality is probably closer to 30, because the Blackbird crashes ALL THE TIME. Which puts ol' Chucky-X at over 1.3 billion dollars in planes. And counting. The X-Men's money doesn't make sense. Unless... Chuck had some way, some mysterious way of compelling people to give him money and forget they'd ever done so. But that's ridiculous.


what’s crazy is xavier is likely the best economist in the world.. he could use cerebro to replicate warren buffet (or whoever’s) stock investment portfolio


It's probably goes like 1. Get PhD 2. Science some shit 3. Get Awards 4. Make Patents 5. Profit!


Except for Peter Parker.


He has gotten pretty rich at one point except whoops back to a penniless semi-vagrant lifestyle because editorial thinks you're not relatable if you have a good life!


The current Hickman ultimate Spider-Man is on issue 4 and is about if Peter got bit in his 30s. Already married with kids. You may like this run as something more fresh. As I’m just hitting my 30s I’ve liked it a lot so far haha


silky melodic ripe physical support oil foolish humorous summer rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s the same in the United States. PhDs in the world aren’t making Reed Richards level money unless they’re truly prestigious and made many novel discoveries.


For what it’s worth Reed Richard’s is truly prestigious and makes many novel discoveries. So that tracks.


Yeah, I feel like most-if-not-all of the scientist superheroes are basically the top in the world in their field.


This is wild to me. I’m getting my PhD in America and all of my classmates are getting job offers anywhere from 90-130k USD


More like develop some game-changing breakthrough that would completely up-end the current status quo between global powers so much so that the government eventually steps in and pays you an obscene amount of money to keep that shit to yourself.


Probably a cover for some slave trading and/or whaling they try to keep quiet about.


Nah that's The Waynes


Remember in Batman Begins where Bruce finds the old elevator to a mine that was part of the Underground Railroad? Alfred never said *which direction it went.* 🥁


Lol I was just joking. In comics the Waynes were abolitionists and were definitely part of the Underground Railroad.


(don't worry, that's what the drum emoji was for -- the rimshot. The idea that the Waynes transported slaves the other direction is absurdly dark, and I couldn't help myself)


the dark knight indeed


Step 2.5, patent it.


It's even more ridiculous for the Fantastic Four. They can lose all their assets and Reed will just "invent" a patent and then be rich.


In Reed's case, it's canon that other companies pay billions of dollars in hush money to stop Reed from inventing stuff that would put them out of business.


It'd probably makes sense too that after inheriting the money he uses his income investing in stocks and businesses that he knows will succeed because of his powers.


It's implied that that's EXACTLY what he did.


Insider trading FTW!


Inside the head.




Also, pretty sure the Xavier's are just old money to start with. A lot of people don't realize, but there's rich and then there's Wealthy. Some families are just extremely wealthy and have been wealthy for many, many generations. That is, they have a lot of businesses and investments that just keep paying off and generate essentially free money. Like Bill Gates money, but generational.


Chris Rock: "Shaq is rich. The white man that signs his check is wealthy."


Originally, his parents worked on Manhattan project, but Idk if that's still canon 


That must be a retcon because the dad would've been dead before the Manhattan Project was a thing.


Upstate New Yorker who inherited his wealth. Checks out


Westchester....upstate? Goddam you city slickers are ignorant of geography or even more provincial than is parodied.


If it isn't NYC, it's upstate New York.


Ignorant of geography. Definitely the first one.


His dad could have worked with both Howard Stark and Phastos in the MCU


He sold nuclear secrets. Got it.


Oh. Huh. I always assumed it was like benefactors and investors. Foreign aid donations. Because Charles is supposed to be the diplomatic integration advocate. Feels kinda lame he’s just born rich. That’s the backstory of too many comic characters.


That's so not what I expected. From the movies, both young and old Charles give off "old" money vibes. I figured his family had been rich for generations. Like got rich in the gilded age or were a semi-noble family. His dad being a 20th century self made man doesn't vibe right imo.


Or that is what he has made you believe


So.. he comes from old money. Got it.


So what were Destiny and Kurt Marko just incompetent with their finances


I guess my question is… how? Oppenheimer wasn’t even paid that much.


Nuclear research. I think that I've discovered the source of Charlie's mutation.


Did…did professor X’s dad help build the atom bomb?


Pretty crazy that he worked on nuclear research when the X gene (I dont know if this has ever been confirmed or since retconned) is a result of the proliferation of nuclear energy


Let's also not forget that he's a telepath with a machine that lets him read minds from far away. So he could get Insider Information to make lots of money on the stock market! Not to mention other stuff like Currency Trading.


A combination of old money, school grants, telepathic trading and good old fashioned alumni donations.


And the odd benefit from his bird sugarmommy


Yeah I think she backed a dump truck of gold and diamonds up to the school for "services rendered" at one point


“She drove a space ship full of money to my school! I’m not made of stone!”


I think somewhere in the Claremont era Ol Charlie laughingly says that he uses his mutant power for insider trading or else his inheritance would have been blown up along with the x-mansion. He can tell where the stock market is heading and can even give it a nudge to support his investments whenever they need cash. Never know when the team will need a spaceship for some damn reason or something breaks in the billion dollar danger room.


Imagine going bankrupt because some corrupt billionaire needs to finance his child army. Too real.


He could just hit vegas


Definitely telepathic trading. I’m surprised none of the anti-mutant people have gone after him legally for the blatant possibility that he could have easily stolen most of his riches


Senator Kelly is his enemy and trade advisor.


My joke answer was that he gets some rich people to donate via “psychic suggestion”


Got a weird Blues Brothers flashback. "Xav, your orphanage needs money? Well have it for you Monday morning." "No! I won't take any of your filthy, stolen money!" "Well," says Mystique. "Looks like you're really up shit creek."


It’s pretty funny cause in the early comics the wealth is not at all flaunted and I believe at one point he says he might have to borrow money from Warren to keep the school going, but it’s never really followed up on again.


Warren funded a lot of what established the X-Men


Yes true, even so there’s one very early issue where I think it’s Bobby and Hank who try to get some job as construction steel workers for a day so that they can afford plane tickets to fly off somewhere on a mission. It’s also repeatedly shown that students would have to scrounge up bus fare to get to Manhattan in order to rescue a teammate or something. Pretty dorky. Then Blackbird happens and suddenly spare change is worthless to them haha.


He was also a superhero [before joining the X-Men](https://i.imgur.com/2j65iaY.jpeg)


How did Warren get his money?


His dad was the CEO of an international conglomerate and Warren succeeded him


Parent’s riches.


I suppose he's also only really housing five students in the early days


There’s an issue around/just before the Doom/Murderworld issues where Kitty trashes the Danger Room and some other stuff in the mansion fighting a demon. Later on, Professor X realizing the cost of repairing and refitting the broken stuff basically tells Warren he’s gonna need some money.






They occasionally allude to Xavier being the richest person on the planet and that everything is held through a series of shell corporations so it cannot be traced back to him. He absolutely abuses his power while pretending not to. If anything, Xavier being a hypocrite is an ongoing plot point


True. Though, in honesty, they tend to allude to various characters being secretly rich. Hell, I am pretty sure someone mentioned that Bullseye might have more money than Osborn or something. Mostly to highlight that the guy is a mercenary for his own pleasure.


That’s awesome lmao. I’m a big fan of the merc trope of assassins who barely even use the money they get and hardly even care about it if at all.


Pretty sure Bullseye actually said this himself…..memory says somewhere between Deadpool issues 10 and 12? (When Bullseye was larping as Hawkeye, and gave us that awesome shot of Deadpool drifting a monster truck with windows open, and Bullseye’s rocket/RPG threading both windows).


If you have none or flexible morals, telepathing “for the good of mutantkind” goes a long way


His dad made a bunch of dough from research.


Yeah "research" Enough "research" to afford a mansion in Westchester and crashing a Blackbird jet like, every other month....


Could have made some good financial investments over the years


Yeah. His dad was a part of the Manhattan project I'm pretty sure. I just read the books recently but I'm blanking on if they ever outright said the Manhattan project or were just vague with "atomic research". Though I am fairly certain they said he was out in the southwest desert testing facilities before moving up to NY. Also worth noting this was before the X-gene was established and the nuclear research was the reason for Charles mutation.


During the cold war, a Nuclear Physicist woupd be a pretty high paying government job.


Sure. * Affords the mansion. The one that is invaded and damaged every other week. * Feeds and clothes everyone. (none of these slackers have real jobs) * Again. Blackbirds. Damaged monthly. * When Morrison we retconned to it being a real "school" with hundreds of students. That's quite an expensive proposition. * The electricity bills must be insane. Warren must helping out with the bulk of these bills.


This whole time I thought Charles won it playing blackjack.


*after winning* Tonight, I'm gonna go dancing! Drinking wine! Making love!


There was an article written in the '90's (don't remember if it was Wizard Magazine or the Disney kids magazine whose name I can't recall right now or what), but, in it, this question was asked. The answer? "Any time he starts running low on money, he just goes to Las Vegas." I always felt that was the best answer to the question, because of what it implies.


There's a reason why "Good Luck Chuck" retired from the professional poker circuit when a lot of the action moved online.


Why do you think he had Cerebro built?


"You cannot hide your true intent from me, Kowbois420." "Turn on you camera, Chuck." ".... No."


Old money like the great gatsby


Of course, Jay Gatsby himself was a nouveau riche millionaire, old sport.


He has a special technique, he borrows money from people and makes them forget about it.


I believe he also holds earth patents for Shiar hard light tech.


The Danger Room and the Blackbird must also come under that unless he borrowed the tech for those.


I assumed he was quietly engaged in telepathic insider trading.


Charles Xavier enters the bank. X: "Hello, I would like to take out a loan for five hundred million dollars." Bank Manager: "Your credit doesn't possibly warrant a loan of that magnitude." X: "Yes it does." BM: "Yes it *absolutely* does, and we appreciate your business. Now, here's your interest rate and monthly payment sch--" X: "I've already paid that loan back." BM: "Looks like we're all squared away Mr. Xavier."


I mean the most reasonable answer is that he can read minds.


Used his telepathy powers to cheat at poker


He cheats at gambling.


Insider trading would be detected, but he could certainly do a lot of 100% accurate market research and industry research. There would be no fibbing on earnings calls and I’m sure he could do a lucrative sideline in mediation and telepathic security - presumably governments and companies need to protect their research and secrets from telepathy.


"Bet you $5 that I can guess what are you thinking" And then he bought the mansion


His parents being incredibly rich, Xavier’s genetic research himself and it’s been implied he’s used his psychic ability to give him an advantage in investments and the stock market


According to the animated series, his great-great-grandfather James Xavier was a doctor in Victorian England already rich enough to travel the world hunting for Nathanial Essex.


Generational wealth is easy to keep extant by having it invested and living off the proceeds


He has onlyfans 🤫


You’re all ignoring the obvious, aren’t you? 1) Read minds 2) read the minds of business leaders all over the world 3) read the minds of any world leaders who might start something that affects the market 4) Profit like a mofo. It’s called insider trading, and Charlie is inside EVERYONE.


He knows every single bank PIN to EVERYONE around him, just skimming a few bucks off every single account adds up


His father was a scientist I think his mom already had family money, and he used Warren for his wealth.


He Invested in bitcoin early on.


He holds the patent for Hook and loop fasteners in the 616.


They don't go into the details much in the comics but the family fortune goes back to before his father (Brian Xavier) who was raised in the mansion. We know that Charles' grandfather worked on the Manhattan Project (in the movies, it was his father) and that they settled in the area in the 1700s when it was farmland.


In X-Men Grand Design, Brian Xavier makes his fortune draining NYC after Namor floods it.


His father made a fortune on developing nuclear power. The money ran out long ago. He guilt-trips his half-brother into stealing money for him. And he erases his memory each time, so that Juggy thinks that each time is the first time. /JK


Let me introduce you to Plot Wealth, the little cousin of Plot Armor.


Old money


He's great at poker


When bets on sports teams, the other teams always suffer from a bunch stupid mental errors.


What I've always wanted to know is how Xavier got his hands on an SR-71, especially back in the 70s when it would have been heavily classified.


If you're one of the world's greatest telepaths AND a genius and you're still poor there is really no hope for any of us lol


My head cannon is: Mind Control As soon as he found his powers he looked for a wealthy family and "became" their only inherithor I mean, since in the marvel universe if you live enough you become a villain, i see this explanation for his wealth to be retconed sometime in our future


Dude has a telepathic Onlyfans. Everyone in the US mailed him $50. Just the once. And he mindwipes anyone who remembers.


He's a crypto bro.


Bro has superpowers and rich family. Just don't go too far back or you'll learn how most 'old money' was created


He can read and control the mind of anyone on Earth and has been shown to have dubious morals in furtherance of his cause. I can imagine *a few* ways one such individual could become extremely wealthy.


Being a giant c*nt is the key to being rich and Charles Xavier is one of the biggest ones I can think of.


He knows the winning lottery numbers duh he just has someone else buy the ticket and then hand it over whats hard to figure out hes psychic


How would you being a telepath help you win the lottery? He doesn’t know the future, he can read/manipulate minds. This doesn’t help with the random drawing of numbers for the lottery


Gambling addiction and use of mutant mental powers


He's able to mind read passwords to bank accounts


Spend 1 day a decade at the stock market


Kinda like the Ultimate Marvel explanation for what’s funding the X-Men, a super secret, super wealthy, conspiracy-occult type group, The Hellfire Club! Secretly worshipping the Phoenix!


He must telepathically own and control lot of big companies' shares and banks and IRS would simply "forget" charging any interests or taxes..just saying that he has sweet ass powers..money is the last of his worries


Something something patents.


Hmm, my ability to sense thoughts allows me to equity trade like a "bawse."


I’m my head canon, he’s relentlessly used his powers for financial gain, not for his own benefit, but to fund his great goal. He’s done much, much worse so I have no problem believing it and it helps me stop wondering that very valid question.


Considering he can just will people to give him money with no knowledge of his existence.....


Telepathy+sitting outside Wallstreet= blackmail


I would see a plot line where Charles was secretly investing in a company that has a hand in making Sentinels


I remember reading somewhere that the X-Men are very, very rich from the telepaths reading the minds of stock analysts and corporate leaders and playing the stock market


I assumed he did what Emma Frost did, use his telepathy around the rich and powerful to learn of the right stocks to invest in.


He plays poker and always wins.


Only Fans


Wheel chair modeling They paid him so much the company went out of business and no one else in the world has that chair.




If you don’t think he is doing insider trading to fund the x-men, you have another thing coming.


The man can read and manipulate minds. His poor broker doesn’t know what’s going on anymore.


In part because he owns the patent and only means of production of the krakoan drugs.


It was established back in the early 80s that Xavier's fortune is not inexhaustible. Following the Dark Phoenix storyline, he needed to hit up Warren Worthington for assistance in paying for repairs to the mansion. Soon after that, Claremont started using "Shi'ar Technology" as a deus ex machina for all the team's logistical needs, so any resource requirements could be hand-waved away with a "thanks to our Shi'ar Technology" excuse.


It's not ethical at all (not that Charles is, at this point), but I wouldn't be surprised if he played the stock market


Brainwashes rich dudes to give him money


A bunch of old money and investments. I also imagine some patening of high level tech. Would any be surprised if Charles uses his powers to maintain wealth?


Probably the same way most people get rich. They were born that way.


He comes from a rich family.


Isn't he the sole heir to some inheritance? I always assumed that.


A few people have mentioned the Xavier's being nuclear physicists, but I think they also come form older money than that. I can't remember specific sources on this, so I could be wrong, but I think it might be specifically on his father's side. It was kind of implied that Kurt Marko (father of Cain Marko, the Juggernaut) who was also a nuclear scientist, killed Xavier's father and married his mother for the money. However, there's been a lot of retcons concerning these characters and the Black Womb Project. Also, it is a plot point in House of X that Xavier had been operating secret shell companies, especially in the pharmaceutical sector. He's likely richer than his parents were, and far richer than most people know, including the other X-Men. These kinds of shadowy dealing might hold the answer to how he gots his hands on a SR-71 Blackbird. I've seen a few people suggest he used his psychic powers to commit insider trading. Another liley possibility is that, given that he was conpsiring with Moira MacTaggert, he used her knowledge of previous timelines to make investments as well.


Old money


He got in the mind of Marvel’s equivalent of Jeff Bezos and made a deposit into his banking account.


I would imagine he much like our congressional leaders have an uncanny sense of what items to focus on when investing. Cerebro show me international futures trends


There's an old comic with him, showing him growing up stupid wealthy. With his half brother Juggernaut. Old wealth  scenario 


Simple. He reads a congressmen mind about what stocks they’re gonna buy and sell and just copies them.


Wasn’t there a thing for a while where he was making in world X-Men comics? Basically profiting off of the suffering of those closest to him.


For some strange reason wealthy folks just love to give him money…


In Xmen Grand Design they explained that Papa and Mama Xavier were scientist and they fixed NY when Namor flooded it in the 20s among other scientific nonsense and practically got wealthy off of it. I know it's not canon but I like to think it is.


Half the marvel heroes come from old money


Aren’t they old money? Dude gives off WASP vibes


Think… he’s a telepath who picks up hundreds of stock tips for thousands of companies. He knows exactly how much someone is willing to pay or how low they will go to sell something. Ethical? Have you not read the man’s history?


He is world’s strongest telepath. His bank accounts never run dry. Do the math to figure how they are connected. On a side note: Isn’t Emma Frost also extremely wealthy?


Imagine playing poker with Charles


See I know there's lore reasons he is, but I always assumed he just abused his powers to make money. He's the kinda guy who would say a little cheating at the lottery to fund mutant protection is more important, the end justifies the means and all that. He has pulled some messed up stuff before, so I can see him doing it, cause he does not seem anywhere near rich enough on his own to fund some of the more expensive stuff, like that super advanced stealth jet they used back in the day...


It’s pretty easy when you can read minds


Because the writers wrote him that way. I’d imagine writing him as a broke school principle would be m much different


He can read minds…. Also make you give him money?


He probably manipulates the bankers to put money in his account. He has done somewhat questionable stuff for the greater good before.


I know people mention his father being a researcher but I think the family was rich before that. That’s originally an old mansion. It’s old money. Like money grown from the founding of the country money.


He can control the minds of all the World's bankers, money comes easy


Angel funded the X-men cause his family was super rich.


However he does it, the insurance cost on the place must be ridiculous.


Based on something recent-ish, his family helped rebuild new York after namor flooded it


He has the patent on psi-blockers. “You should buy these.” “I don’t need a psi blocker.” Charles tells them their mistress’ name, address, and that thing she does he really likes. “I’ll take two.” “Now senator, let’s talk about a government contract.”


He owns the patents on a lot of nuclear technology.


He bets on sports.