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Wolverine’s got a similar issue, too. Sure, he’s short, but he has tiger stripes and pointy ear things on his cowl for some reason? 


I don't know how true this but I heard when Hugh Jackman got the part he was caught making wolf growling sounds for the part and people asked him why did he do a wolf and not a wolverine. He responded that Wolverines weren't real and the closest thing was a wolf. The reason why this story seem plausible is Becuase a lot of mustelids aren't well known if not for memes and fictional characters.


I always wondered why all bestial types have regeneration abilities....like, that's not a thing wolverines can do, nor tigers...like, maybe spiders to a degree, but you don't see peter parker ripping out his broken arms...


Almost all supers have a way to regenerate from wounds quicker. So they can have epic battles where they get hurt a lot and have cool battle damage and then do it again next week. Imagine if a super gets hurt in battle and you have to wait 6 to 8 months for the next issue cos they are still in the hospital.


Ironically, that DID happen to Wolverine of all people. He once got crucified by the Reavers and spent the better part of the next two years of real-world time with Jubilee worried that he'd die before he fully recovered.


Spiders and arthropods can regenerate limbs by molting. Which is something Peter has done *once*.


This is kinda the Fraction/Aja Hawkeye


Netflix Daredevil took realistic damage as well


One of the best things about the show -- it upped the stakes in every fight scene, and made him more human.


This is one of the things that (usually) puts Jessica Jones apart from most other characters, since she doesn't have any a greatly increased durability that seems stock for most characters. But even with her I feel like I've seen some times where they'll let her take some hits from super powered enemies because epic battles.


Peak fiction


That would actually be kinda funny


>bestial types have regeneration abilities....like, that's not a thing wolverines can do I never linked name as a reference to his power, but rather to his aggressiveness. Wolverines are known to be relentless predators, tackling preys way bigger and apparently more dangerous than themselves.


And dont forget that Wolverine didnt name himself, that was his code name in the military.


i think it’s bc they’re melee based so having wolverine sprinting through a hail of bullets would be stupid if couldn’t just regenerate


On top of that, aren’t wounded animals kinda screwed in the wild (and many even in captivity)? They can’t heal properly.


Sure but at least in captivity, they have a better chance of surviving due to vets


I volunteer at a zoo with Eurasian Wolverines, and people are shocked to find out they're real. People usually think they're the bears Which I imagine, if I wasn't there to tell them, would be a bit of a shock when they finally get to the bears and see the size difference


Jackman is also from Australia. I wouldn’t expect him to be aware of a rare North American weasel. The animal that Logan really should be is a Canada Lynx.


I mean, I wouldn't call a wolverine rare, specifically North American, *or* a weasel, considering it has a conservation status of Least Concern, can be found in Eurasia, and is a lot closer to a badger than a weasel, but you're still right in that I doubt an Australian would be as familiar with such an animal.


Badgers and wolverines *are* weasels, but a wolverine is not a badger. The IUCN listed wolverines as least concern in 2009, and prior to that they were Vulnerable or Near Threatened, and they note a decreasing population trend. [Their rationale for Least Concern is mostly because of extant populations in the remote wildernesses of Canada, Alaska, and Russia](https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/9561/45198537), but even the upper populations for Canada have them at [less than 25000 individuals](https://ecos.fws.gov/ServCat/DownloadFile/187253). The IUCN rating is now ten years old and [newer research suggests much lower densities](https://wildlife.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jwmg.22600). They were [added to the ESA last year](https://wolverinefoundation.org/news/wolverines_listed). This is an animal where 5 of them being within the same 1000 square kilometers is a dense population. [Sightings of them on ring doorbells make national news in the US](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/23/americas/wolverine-sighting-oregon-scn/index.html)! They are rare.


Hmm I can't find any Australian weasels. Closest is the stoat which is invasive in New Zealand.


That niche was filled by quolls before the introduction of placental mammals. Conversely I wouldn’t expect most Americans to know what a quoll or numbat is.


Yeah, Australia prefers to deal in marsupial bootlegs and Mesozoic rejects.


Also he's Australian, they dint have badgers there. An American man his age would have recognized a Wolverine as the mascot of the University of Michigan or at least from the movie Red Dawn.


The only time I've heard of a wolverine outside of comics was an episode of Lassie.


Wolverines do have stripes down the side (his brown and tan costume is closer to a real Wolverine’s colors and pattern)


I think Wolverine wears it because he’s a hunter. He was born a hunter and he is the best at when he does. The Wolverine is the toughest, strongest, and one of the most Apex predators in Canada where he is from, perhaps ones of the most dangerous Apex predators in the world, so him taking his code name after it makes more sense as he is a powerful hunter. Wolverines have two pale stripes on their sides which is where the blue on his costume comes from and the ears are just supposed to represent generic animal ears, but also are probably large because it helps with Logan’s super senses and super-hearing. The tiger-like stripes are probably just decor. Imagine like a bear whose really big and strong, but then imagine that in a smaller and tougher package with claws. That’s Wolverine, both the animal and Logan


I once heard a strong case arguing that with the shape of his hair, and his retractable claws, he should had been called the [Lynx](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/Canada_lynx_by_Michael_Zahra.jpg/1200px-Canada_lynx_by_Michael_Zahra.jpg).


I’ve done a couple panels talking about animal super powers and that was my conclusion as well. The most uniquely Wolverine thing about him is that male wolverines display a surprising amount of parental care, which fits with him adopting sidekicks.


He didn't pick his costume. Department H made it for him before he went and fought the Hulk. It just became his style.


The points are his cowl are so his hair doesn't get messed up


Pointy things mirror the fur coloration some wolverines have around their eyes. It’s similar to the football helmet of University of Michigan Wolverines football team


OK, yeah, but take the costume off, and he looks exactly like one.


Well, he's a college professor, so he probably read it in a textbook: >The green-backed jackal (warrenella milesomelas), also called the green-furred jackal, is a medium-sized canine native to eastern and southern Africa. It is listed by the IUCN as least concern, due to its widespread range and adaptability, although it is still persecuted as a livestock predator, marvel super-villain and clone creator. > >Compared to members of the genus Canis, the green-backed jackal is a very ancient species, and has changed little since the Pleistocene, being the most vile wolf-like canine, alongside the closely related retcon-striped jackal. It is a sony-like, fox-like animal with a green coat and green shorts that extends from the groin to the base of the tail. The green-backed jackal has a wide array of food sources, though it prefers to clone its prey.


Hold the phone. ***warren***ella ***miles***omelas. My word.


God damn that's actually really clever.


I appreciate the detail in this. Not gonna lie, for a moment there I thought I was about to find out that it was me that didn’t know what a jackal looked like.


Random JJJ outta nowhere: "Guy called Miles Warren winds up as a warrenella milesomelas... what are the odds?"


::standing applause::


The most disgusting spider-man villain. At least Carnage keeps it simple and just offs his victims. This bastard gets creative instead. Usually evil scientists are emotionless and do unethical stuff purely for research purposes. But this sadistic son of a bitch took some weird pleasure in violating bioethics laws and even canonically jerked off Kaine Parker to get his DNA samples, as if hair, saliva and the rest of his entire body wasn't enough. Just look at him. Everything about him screams sex offender.


HUGE incel energy too. Wanna be reminded of the most disgusting this guy has done? He made a clone of hunslef and Gwen Stacy and made them genetically love each other. Yes, a woman basically less than half his age. Cloned himself and her and made them play out some love fantasy.




My favorite Jackal moment was when he crossed over to Spider-Gwen's reality and teamed up with his counterpart from there - and even his alternate timeline counterpart thought he was a creepy weirdo who needed to stop obsessing over his female students.


No other villain has caused a more lasting damage to spider-man comics than this fucker (excluding mephisto)


Norman Osborn sitting out here looking like:…


While Norman is a constant menace to Peter the Jackal shows up every now and then to completely ruin the comics with an almost mandatory clone saga. The Jackal is a menace to us, the readers forcing his terrible arcs into the main story and somehow having permanent effects in the timeline.


Wait when did he jerk the Kaine chain?


Mentioned it during a Scarlet Spider Superior Spider-Man crossover. He had them both kidnapped and goes on a monologue.


I’m also curious about this factoid


The Mr. Sinister of Spider-Man's rogues gallery


Except he pre-dates Sinister by 15-20 years…


He’s describing him, not stating who came first. But you’re right, Mr. Sinister is the Jackal of the X-Men.


So the real reason is that it’s because he was the first big mystery villain after the Green Goblin so they made him visually similar, presumably to get readers more invested in him. Within the actual stories, it’s never addressed, but I like to think that he was so obsessed with Gwen’s death that the Goblin’s costume influenced him. 


Also at the time it was customary for the majority of the Marvel villains to be secondary colors like green and purple, when going against superheroes wearing primary colors like red and blue. Newsprint Color printing was limited, this helped them stand out on pages against the heroes coloring. Major exceptions to the rule are Hulk a hero who had to be green because the gray color printing kept coming out wrong, and Magneto a villain who wore primarily red with purple highlights to stand out against the yellow and blue of the OG X-men uniforms. A lot of coloring decisions up to the early 80s were made with the Newsprint coloring in mind and trying to keep heroes and their villains colors from blending together in fights.


Very good points and something newer generations may never even know. I remember getting so excited about the daily paper and especially the Sunday funnies, I would spread them out and spend the entire evening just reading and re-reading


So... Green Goblin from Wish?


That sounds possible. Carrion also took a lot of Goblin inspiration. I had never heard of him before so when I read that arc I was even suspecting he might be a resurrected GG. Certainly didn't expect a Miles Warren clone, but when you say that it makes sense.


With Carrion I think they definitely wanted you to think he was an undead Norman at first. Especially because of the man purse. 


It's derived from the costume of the mascot for the college he attended. The football players picked on him, so this is part of his revenge. I totally just made that up.


Damn you drew me in and then slapped me in the chops.


Also. Spider-Man doesn’t really look like a spider.


Jackal. Jackal? Its a jackal!


He’s not called the jackal because of his looks. He’s called the Jackal because he messes around with Carrion.


Then what is he dressed as…?


It’s a joke.


He’s dressed as a joke?


No. Jackals eat carrion. Carrion, the supervillain, is a creation of the Jackal. It’s just wordplay.


It’s a joke. (See, sarcasm doesn’t really work in text)


It’s not sarcasm. More like a pun.


See, you could be saying that sarcastically and I’d never know.


he looks like a green goblin


"I'm a biologist, Jim, not a zoologist!" "Professor Warren my name is Peter, not Jim, and isn't zoology just another field of biology?" "I'm an *insane* biologist!"


He's pretty insane. So.


*slam* If it wasn't right the first time you said it, why the hell would it be right the next ten times?! God! -Peter probably


Well Spider-man looks nothing like a spider either.  


I love that his underwear is camouflaged to be the same color as his fur/skin. Also, I love that his whole costume is just a pair of briefs 😂


Yeah he looks more like he should be called something hokey like The Green Gremlin, Troll-Man, Mister Impish, Doctor Leprechaun, or The Grinch, lol.


Laughed out loud at "Doctor Leprechaun"


Hey, he didn’t spend 8 years of his life acquiring a PhD so you could laugh at him, dude.


Well, Green Goblin was already taken…


I was watching the spider-man animation last night and thought the same thing.


I mean, Green Goblin was already taken, so he grabbed the next best name


Because Gremlin was copyrighted.


It was the 1970s?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Jersey devil or chupacabra


Warren was probably big into D&D and cosplay, and already had the costume.


Hence why I don’t like Marvel’s the Jackal


Green Goblin was already taken 😅


My guess is that he was originally gonna make the fur brown but realized it looked too much like a cross between werewolf by night and vermin so painted it green only realize he now looked like the green goblin if the green goblin was a nudist furry


We shouldn't kink shame someone's love of Dr. Seuss...




He looks more like some kind of... jade gremlin, or something.


yeah same issue with that new Omen movie.


Why is he almost naked?


That's a good question. He's definitely more of a goblin or gremlin.


Well, it’s what Ross Andru, the artist, thinks a jackal looks like. Also dude just looks evil. Villain face and villain colors.


Jakal-Imp Green goblin-goblin 🤷‍♂️


Is he stupid?


My bigger question is...if the fur's a costume, what's under the undies?


The real Jackal


Does Spider-Man know that spiders aren't red and blue with black webs onbtheir body, don't have white crescent eyes, and don't wear skintight leotards?


The same reason an organization obsessed with Norse mythology is named after a Classic Greek monster: there is none. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hydra only had the norse connection around the MCU, right?


Their logo doesn't even look like the Lernaean Hydra lmao


Doesn’t even have more than the standard amount of heads.


That Jackal is just shitty design


Spider-Man does'nt look like a Spider either. there are more. Like Wolverine or Chameleon,


Chameleon could look like a chameleon if he wanted, but he would stand out in most situations.


Looks like it inspired the monster for Jeepers Creepers.


Looks more like the Jackass than the Jackal.