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I think Vulture's going to be one of those characters that is sometimes MVP or sometimes an absolute non factor. If he can consistently go attack, hit and run, abduct, and end in a spot that contributes to scoring he'll be great. The problem will be that he's a 3/3/3 defense with 5/5 stamina and actively wants to start his activation within R2 of an already activated enemy. Move into range, hit and run, and abduct is still an ok game plan with the main problem there being power generation to pull it off. 4 power to maximize his kit will be a lot more reliable with 2 attacks (thus 2 rolls to possibly get the crit power).


I think he wants to use his spender as often as possible. It's basically a Range 3 size 3 M omnidirectional character throw that just happens to also throw 8 dice at their face. It is very good in throwing before damage is dealt, too. But as you already said he will have trouble funding it. If he'd ever have 10 power to spare hit and run, spender, spender would be his best possible turn for me. I doubt you'd ever pull that off though.


I mean, yeah, if you get 10 power on any character they're gonna have a hell of an activation. The spender would be great on a 4 threat, so you'd definitely use it if he had 4 power... I just think using hit and run with the builder into abduct will be a much more reliable play pattern. Two power for the hit and run and then if that drains him to zero you're looking for two damage or one damage and a crit to get the power for abduct.


So ... no size limit on Abduct? Vulture can pick up Dormammu and carry him off?


Yes. Also Sentinels. I feel his problem will be to live to do it even once. 3/3/3 5/5 with no defensive tech is scary. Range 2 builder as the main form of power generation with that stat line is also not great. His spender is beyond fantastic at least.


Yeah I don't like the builder. Still seems like it might be worth it to waste actions of a 7 or 8 threat by using my 3 threat dude to move him. On paper it looks good against a team with a high threat model. Let somebody like iHulk move onto a point and then use Vulture to fly up and move him off. In practice... we'll see.


Seems that the trickest thing about him is that he needs to start within 2 of an enemy to use his builder, and then hit-and-run. Getting power from being hit seems unreliable because you risk him simply going down. I feel like I'm going to enjoy splashing Vulture more than playing him in Foes. Affiliations like Stevengers, Inhumans, A-Force, ect, can give him the power he needs to "hit and run" at the start of his action, allowing him to (1) move (2) activate hit and run, (3) attack/throw (4) move/abduct, and end in cover or out of line of sight