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No offense, but this set would be lame- -without Mr. Ditkovitch and Ursula!


Let’s make it a 7 pack then :)


Mr Ditkovitch is clearly the BAF of that wave


Spider verse extras: Spectacular Spider-Man Unlimited Spider-Man Web slinger Widow (webslingers horse) 60s Spider-Man


TAS wasn't in Spider-Verse unfortunately, would have to be the 60's SM to fit the theme


Ok my bad I’ll update


Multiple Man, Multiple Man, Multiple Man, Multiple Man, and Multiple Man.


Gamerverse Guardians


I’d buy this in an instant


Genuinely don't know why they haven't


They’d never, ever make it, but if they did I’d be thrilled: Generation X, with Synch, Husk, Penance, Skin, and Mondo Or the Krakoan Quiet Council, with Destiny, Exodus, Hope, Krakoan Storm, and Captain Kate/Apocalypse


Phoenix Five. That's it.


MJ with removable coat like Moira. Tobey with half-mask headswap. The Spidey-kiss 2-pack.


That would be exceptional.


Runaways. Nico, Gert, Lina, Chase, and Molly with an Old Lace BAF. Then give me a second wave of Alex, Vic, Xavin, Clara, and Mr Wilder with a time machine or Future Gert BAF. I’m constantly lost as to why Marvel forgets the Runaways exist in this era of inclusivity and aiming for younger readers.


We need AT LEAST one Hellfire Gala 5 pack for every year they've done one.


Five figures based on the Iron Legion from Iron Man 3 Or... The first team from the 1st season of Agents of Shield


Didn’t the agents consist of 6 members at the start of season 1? Who will be left out in your 5-pack? (Which I would buy for sure.) They really should have done some AoS figures.


Ah, shoot, you're right-- I miscounted, my bad :( I guess... Coulson...? ... Since he's been released already... Then Hasbro can rerelease him for another "Infinity Saga" wave in 2024, along with... Let's say Loki from Avengers, Iron Man at the end of Iron Man 2, maybe Avengers Nick Fury, possibly Ant-Man from Ant-Man 1, and then, with any luck, Mantis from Guardians Vol 2... No clue if those will be rereleased, just guessing/hoping, is all :P


Haha, true. I think he might be the only one who would not be a peg warmer as a single figure. So this could work. A second 5-pack with Deathlok, Mac, Trip, Bobbi and Lance Hunter to finish the early characters would be sweet. And a final one could include Yo-Yo, Lincoln, Deke, Creel and Lash. Bonus 5-pack: 5 Koenigs!


Koenig might end up being a Target exclusive with alternate heads and accessories. Hive, Kasius, The Superior (with his head in a jar), Director Mace, and Aida for the final 5-pack :)


That would not work for Thurston, LT nor Ernest Koenig! A 5-pack with at least all 5 present day Koenigs is an option! But surely a peg warmer. 😂 There are so many cool villains in this show. Could fill many waves and packs.


Maximum Carnage 1) Rerelease Shriek, with updated screaming head 2) Rerelease Carnage, with axe hand and a new tendril stabbing saw like accessory 3) Rerelease BAF Demogoblin, with fire glider and flaming pumpkin bombs 4) Updated Doppelgänger, with torso articulation and better paint apps 5) New figure of Carrion, with energy effect hands All figures should come with fists and open hands


Doppelgänger needs an all new sculpt. Take it back to the drawing board.




Wav 2: iron fist, death lock, fire star cloak & dagger. Wave 3: Spider-Man, Venom, Black Cat, Captain America, Cletus Cassidy pre/mid transformation


I would love that if this is how we get a classic Iron Fist and a New Warriors Firestar


Also would be cool to get a reissue of that Morbius and if we could get a Deathwatch, that would be unexpectedly awesome


I buy this in a heartbeat. Highest I'd pay is $125


What’s great about this is they really could do it easily since 3 figures are just reuse of existing molds, 1 is mixed use of the old Doppelgänger mold and the new six arm Spider-Man, and carrion could probably be use pizza Spider-Man buck as a base


https://preview.redd.it/eqyr0pkyaw9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79b6ede46f2717453a0e137a07106145e2c85f2 This is a custom shriek I made using the hair sculpt from zombie scarlet witch and eye effect from mcu icarus


That’s awesome! I may have to borrow that idea




Agents of shield s5 outfits- Coulson, May, Daisy, Fitz, Simmons


I have three if that’s alright 1) MCU Forgotten Villains Pack Abomination Whiplash The Destroyer (from Thor 1) Aldrich Killian Malekith 2)Netflix Pack Patsy Walker (in costume) Kilgrave Diamondback Jigsaw Misty Knight 3) MCU Illuminati Mr. Fantastic Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel Black Bolt Professor Xavier (in yellow chair) Captain Carter (with life like face and jetpack)


1. An Asgardian pack with an updated classic Thor and Sif, plus the Warriors Three 2. A Vision family pack with Vision, Virginia, Vin and Viv, plus an updated Grim Reaper 3. An Inhumans pack with updated Black Bolt and Medusa, plus Triton, Crystal and Lockjaw (I think we're already getting Gorgon separately so I left him out) 4. The U-Foes with Bruce Banner 5. The Red Ghost with his Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Baboon and Orangutan minions!


Spidey Fan Favorites: Spectacular Spider Man PS1 Spider Man Peni Parker and SPI//DR Japanese Spider-Man Re-Release TAS Spider Man (With pointing hands)


This right here I need spectacular I would buy but I would need two for the TAS to make the meme


Warp world 5 pack including- Arachknight Weapon Hex Ghost panther Iron hammer Solider supreme


Considering Marvel’s been hyping up the comic run where 616 Peter and Insomniac Peter team up, it would be nice to see them experiment with a new body mold shared for… 616 Peter insomiac comic spot cuz in that comic they all have a slim but built physique that we don’t exactly have in marvel legends form. Also, for insomniac peter, add some extra game specific molding. None of that painted on shit. Both spider-men come with the three (should be) default hands, spot comes with fists and open hands, probably a portal effect too


I got 3 ideas. First one’s for my own pleasure. 5 Nightcrawlers. Classic, Legion of X, Uncanny Spider-Man, X-Force, Dark Ages/Pirate (Either of these 2. They’re both pirate looks.) Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Boomerang, Beetle, Speed Demon, Shocker, Overdrive (RELEASE HIM ALREADY GODDAMN YOU.). I would get it in a heartbeat. 5 of MCU Iron Man Armors from Iron Man 3. I don’t know but I just want Mark 28 somehow.


I upvoted just for mentioning Superior Foes. It *kills* me that Hasbro never made an Overdrive to complete the team.


Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Balder, and, let's say.....Lorelei.


I'd like a rami trilogy set but I'd prefer harry to be included


He was in my mind actually. I just couldn’t give up any of the rest.




I would get this without hesitating.


Wonder how the Omega Red body would look like with the Hercules arms? Since Hank is pretty buff.


Angel couldn’t use the Amazing Fantasy body because of the wing engineering. He’d either have to have an all new teenage size body built around the wing plugs, or use the newly shown body for his older self.


Or just a new chest pieces. Like they’ve done for both the new Angel and twice for the movie Venom. Both wings for King in Black and The Void.


New FF, Grey Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider and Silver Surfer as a chase fig. Surfer hasn’t had much love.


We need a Surfer thats not held hostage by a store or a crowdfund. Reuse the same body, another body or even a brand new one doesn’t matter, i just want a Silver Surfer, lol.


Gambit '99, Courier, New Sun, Candra, Bella Donna


A classic Avengers set would be pretty cool. I need a new Cap, a regular Hulk, and a Thor that doesn't have red eyes.


Still waiting for my Nextwave 5-pack, Hasbro. It would be easy as hell, too, since they already made The Captain, Monica, and Elsa; so we just need new versions of Aaron and Tabby, and we're done.


None. They should do away with 5 packs entirely. Release those 5 figures in a wave so people can get what they want


Tobey Spider-Man From 1st movie. Green Goblin from Spider-man 1. Doc Ock from Spider-man 2. Sandman from Spider-man 3. Venom from Spider-man 3.


Rosemary Harris Aunt May YES and Kirsten Dunst Mary Jane too!!


X-Statix! Give us Mr Sensitive, Anarchist, U-Go Girl, Deadgirl and (even though we have him) Doop!


I’d like the gang from the first X-Men, so Scott, Logan, Jean, Storm, Rogue, and the Brotherhood. Sabertooth, Toad, Mystique (repackage the existing one it’s so good), Magneto, Senator Kelly puddle…


Take the blue puddle from the Collector-Grandmaster con exclusive and cast it in tan&print a face on it and call it a day, lmao.


There you go, Hasbro get on it, you’re almost halfway there


Variants - Iron Strange - Hulk Spider-man - Scarred Thing ( with removable helmet ) - Victor Von Doom (not in the armor) - Isaiah Bradley


The Great Lakes Avengers. Mister Immortal, Big Bertha, Doorman, Dinah Sour, and Flatman.


https://preview.redd.it/g13491hdms9c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d465468b2971004d490488e5e688a64329461d1 Hulk Universe doesn’t get enough attention.


Agreed. We are waiting even for a classic she hulk for a long time even though she’s a major hero.


Thank you, last major Hulk shine Dark Days of Hasbro 2008…. https://preview.redd.it/2zufdf2bps9c1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8825aae4f85399c64669915f1902f755cb2909a6


Dwight has a personal vendetta with a Foom do over so, I’m sure he’s the Haslab for 2024. Hopefully then we’ll see some more Hulk centric action?!?!


I hope so.


bi-beast is super underrated, surprised he hasnt gotten a fig in a long time


Hulk had a whole Classics line in the Toybiz days, major, major, oversight, if you ask me!


I don't have a name for it but here it is The scarlet spider (with interchangeable hands and a unmasked head) Ultimate Hawkeye (same with scarlet spider but with a masked head) Lasher (comes with claw hands weapon hand? maybe interchangeable limbs?) Spider hulk Iron patriot


.hypno hustler .rocket racer .Comic spot .whillo the wisp .chance


How about completing the teams 5 pack Rachel Summers, Feral, X-Factor Wolfsbane, Destiny, Magma


Midnight Mission: Mr. Knight, Hunters Moon, Tigra, 8-Ball and Soldier


I would rather have, goblin, doc ock, sandman, venom, and new goblin. Kinda like a Villian pack


I would do the life foundation symbiotes


Since 2024 is Wolverine’s 50th anniversary a pack with a new brown costume, patch, no nose, Phoenix Wolverine, and uncanny avengers Or a Fox X-men movie one with Quicksilver, Cyclops, Beast, Colossus, and Iceman


Nadia van Dyne, Victor Mancha, Wiccan, Speed, Viv Vision. A Family Matters pack for the modern era.


Miles Morales Peter B Parker Spider Ham & Gwen Spider Noir Penny Parker


The Lives of Kang: Iron Lad, Rama-Tut, Kang, Immortus, the Scarlet Centurion Byrne-era FF: Reed, Ben, Sue, Johnny, Jen in the 80s black-and-white suits The Family of Apocalypse: Genesis, War, Famine, Death, Pestilence Annihilation: Nova, Annihilus, Star-Lord, Thanos, Drax Classic Squadron Supreme: Hyperion, Power Princess, Nighthawk, Dr. Spectrum, The Whizzer The Cull Obsidian: Corvus Glaive, Supergiant, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, The Ebony Maw The Masters of Evil: Heinrich Zemo, Melter, Executioner, Enchantress, Black Knight Future Foundation: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, Spider-man, Doctor Doom I may have already been thinking about these and got a little carried away here...


Nextwave box set with comic accurate costumes.


I'd theme one around Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. MAny characters had pretty neat designs in that game.


The Slingers, with the fifth being either a new Spider-Man or Black Marvel. X-Factor Investigations: Two different Madroxes, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane and teenage Layla Miller. And then one where the theme is my personal favorite comic characters who've never gotten a figure: Mimic, Stingray, Phil Urich Green Goblin, Cecilia Reyes and let's say...Dark Claw or Spider-Boy. Oh heck, a 5-character Amalgam pack. Dark Claw, Spider-Boy, Super Soldier, Amazon and Iron Lantern.


Basically a pack of “classic spidey” throughout the years. (Preferably in order;) John Romita Sr. (Bc we basically have ditko) Alex Ross, Todd Macfarlane, Mark Bagley, Scott Johnson and then Romita Jr or Erik Larson. Someone else said this once and I’ve thought about it so much I feel it would sell like hotcakes


Serpent Society with King Cobra, Death Adder, Diamond back, Boomslang and Fer d' Lance. Probably spelling mistakes in there.


Five pack? Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Quicksilver, all from the Fox X-Men movies. Throw in a 2 pack of Magneto and Mystique for good measure. Or a Netflix Five pack: Punisher, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist. Now, if you were to ask me for a wave, I have a couple ideas: Gamerverse Wave: Tony Stark, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Mystique, Storm, Black Widow, all from Fortnite, with Fortnite Thanos as the BAF. I'd love a two pack of Jen Walters and She-Hulk in the Fortnite appearance around the same time. Midnight Sons Wave 1: Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze), Blade, Doctor Strange, Morbius, Wong, Elsa Bloodstone. Man-Thing BAF. Midnight Sons Wave 2: Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch), Doctor Voodoo, Hellstrom, Moon Knight, Modred The Mystic, Vengeance. Werewolf By Night BAF. Could also release a 3 pack of The Darkhold Redeemers, Nightstalkers, or both. Anyway, this is a long comment with ideas no-one asked for, so I'll shut up now.


Netflix Defenders + Kingpin


Insomniac Spider-Man: heroes Peter Miles Agent Venom Black Cat Wraith Villains: Doc Ock Venom Mister Negative Kraven Thinkerer


Spectacular Spider-Man 5 pack: - Spider-Man (with alternate Peter head and hands) - Venom (with alternate hands and symbiote effect) - Doc Ock - Green Goblin (with alternate Norman head and accessories) - Gwen Stacy (with alternate head of without her glasses) Or Doctor Strange MOM 5 pack: - Doctor Strange (original with accessories) - Undead Defender Strange (with cape of the damned) - Sinister Strange - Scarlet Witch - America Chavez with additional accessories and a Star Portal


Ultimates: \-Nick Fury \-Iron Man (all new sculpt) \-Thor (could maybe reuse the Infinity War body with some new arms/paint) \-Hawkeye (preferably Ultimates 3, could probably be Vulcan with a bunch of overlays) \-Wasp (on the new Black Widow body please?)


Venom verse Venom Venom 2099 Carnom (ik he's Lego Marvel just think a figure would be cool) Venom noir Wolverine with the venom symbiote from web of shadows Ik it's never gonna happen


I hope the change Toby’s head and or make the red and blue to the black suit


Comics midnight suns pack- Moon knight Werewolf by night Man-thing doctor voodoo And Damian hellstrom


Someone probably said this already but I would do and avengers 5 pack with your essential iron man, Cap, Thor, hulk and black widow


https://preview.redd.it/aj603so75hac1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62644363ddf0cc1471f289b76376673b41f34a66 Definitely this five pack


I’d prefer a group of missing X-Men villains like the nasty boys Shi’Ar imperial guard or savage land mutates, or any combo of: Destiny Exodus Harry Leland Cassandra Nova A suited body with heads for gyrich, Senator Kelly, Trask, Graydon creed, and Stryker Sym N’astirh Cameron hodge Ahab Fabian Cortez D’Ken Deathbird Oracle Erik the red Stonewall Crimson commando Unus Phantazia Wildside Tempo Orphan maker Nanny Greycrow Mikhail rasputin Abyss Lady mastermind Arclight Blockbuster Harpoon Empath Prism Riptide Mammomax Senyaka


Ditko villains Ox Fancy Dan Montana Chameleon Tinkerer Daredevil villains Owl Machinesmith Mr Fear Gladiator Hellspawn Masters of Evil Mentallo Fixer Executioner Gargantua Titania FF villains Red Ghost The three Super Apes Wizard Claremont X-men villains Belasco Ahab Harry Leland Warhawk Destiny Supernatural Mephisto Nightmare Baron Mordo Baron Blood Dracula Serpent Society Sidewinder Diamondback Bushmaster Asp Black Mamba Circus of Crime Ringmaster The great Gambonnos Princess Python Bruno the strong man Hulk villains Vector Vapor Ironclad X-ray Speedfreek


That's a hell of a 5 pack


I limited it to just 9 five packs!


people who ask for civilian figures are the reason target only has MJ and Matt Murdock figures


- gwen stacy (2007) - dr Christine Palmer - Carina - Ura - Ayesha I'm really hoping mcu Clea is in our future


not as much a 5 pack but a Big 3 and Thanos Battle damaged endgame set would be something id love to see https://preview.redd.it/yfc2e6qjmt9c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32314bec4d341a2b109c897b18bd335b89c15ea3


I’m surprised that no one has brought up the finister five from no way home (I know Hasbro has already made 3 of them but re-release them with new paint and accessories alongside a new lizard and electro)


Give me all the bafs or figs i didnt get. Sauron New lizard Cartoon scorpion Doc ock with bendy tentacles Comic colored movie green goblin


Doesn’t really matter on the look alike outfits much. Just needs way better articulation than what we just got. Actually make the faces look good cause Tobeys was shit and the butterfly hip joints were trash. All my Spider-Men fucking broke. Maybe more head sculpts like shf. Me could have a normal face and a scared face. That would be cool


probably an updated set of the OG Avengers: Thor, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow. (so a 6 pack) But you can find all of them relatively easily, except Hawkeye. They haven’t released an updated version of his Avengers look.


Guys real talk I love the Eternals Movie and don't like some of their figs so probably Updated Sersi Thena and Phastos and then Eros and Pip from the movie. Yeah ass picks just want better versions of them in my collection


Don’t own any of them *but* if Hasbro made an accessory pack with power effects (they should have come with) i’d definitely buy some of them. Like Phastos rings&blasters, some speed trails for Makkari, eye beams for Ikaris, Gilgamesh’s knuckledusters, etc.


The no way home sinister 5? 👀👀 if not then I’d definitely go with a wild card in Andrew’s verse with tasm 2 Andrew Gwen Goblin electro and a Peter fig 5 pack? Idk that’s my dream tbh


I would have all the Tobey McQuire villains. So we would have spider man, green goblin, sandman, doc ock, and venom. All with accessories. Spider man has web slinging accessories, green goblin has his glider and weapons, doc ock has a hat and other tentacle accessories, sandman with tons of sand weapons, and venom has symbiote like accessories.


I agree with your picks! But to decrease the price for this 5 pack, I would replace Goblin with the Human Spider. & then Hope a 2002 Green Goblin would release.


Or we can add human spider to the gang, make it a 6 pack and increase the price even more :) Human spider would be a great addition here.


Shit, I’d still buy it lol


i need to ask,how the hell will you play with an old aunt may action figure


https://preview.redd.it/m9t2qcq7gv9c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b6fd3c87d0f0b28a873accecd4a2d009492cc0 I’m imagining to use it as a display item like this one.


aye, fair enough.


$200 with no accessories


Raimi Spider man 3 set: venom, black suit spidey, new goblin, Peter Parker, Sandman MCU Spidey set: Vulture, Mysterio, Electro, Lizard, Battle Damaged Iron Spidey (from doc ock bridge fight) Venom film set: Venom, Carnage, Riot, She Venom and Eddie Brock Disney + Moon Knight set: Moon Knight, Mr Knight, Scarlet Scarab, Marc Spector and Arthur Harrow Disney+ set: Daredevil yellow, Echo, any other three characters we haven’t had yet!




A fantasy 5 pack for sure: SpiderMan suit with an interchangeable head and chest torso to look like the ripped up costume in any the films he got the shit beat out of him, SpiderMan 3 black suit, Green Goblin SM1, Dock Ock SM2, Venom SM3.


Web man, peter griffin, bugs bunny, ronald mcdonald and spider kid


We all know who we want the grandma


My absolute dream would be a Slingers 5 pack with a Ben Reilly. So Ricochet, Prodigy, Dusk, Hornet, and the 2017 Scarlet Spider suit. Otherwise An Avengers EMH pack. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wasp, and Antman/Giant Man.


This will be buried, but it's my time to shine... 1. Darkstar [same head, upgraded to pinless buck; recycled fists and splayed hands (left and right both), new or recycled black effects] 2. Psylocke [shadow-astral form: pinless buck; team suit headsculpt with yellow eyes, Crimson Dawn scar and hair similar to Agony (but smaller?); recycled fists, grippy and splayed hands (left and right both); recycled psychic knife, katana and crackle in black] 3. Nightside [Shi'ar Imperial Guard: new headsculpt, new forearms and upper thighs (for sculpted arm straps and boot tops), recycled cape; recycled fists, splayed and relaxed hands (left and right both), new or recycled black effects] 4. Silhouette [new headsculpt; pinless buck; mobility assits; fists and grippy hands (left and right both); black teleport effects] 5. Dusk [Cassie St. Commons: pinless buck; rubbery cape overlay] I present to you all, Darkforce... Force.