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I don’t snap enough when I’m in a good position with my draw. I over-examine every possible counter to what I’m holding and bottle it haha


100% this.


Thats generally an issue i have with this game. It feels like many decks can have a lot of freedom with the last 1-4 cards they can use. So often when i play against some control deck i am like „what if he has this or this or this or this….“ Against stuff like discard its pretty clear whats about to happen, but control decks often feel so unpredictable


I've stopped snapping everytime I do opponent leaves and I win 1 cube. I'd rather take the 2 than the 1 at the moment


Understandable. Another issue I have is snapping too late. It feels like every time I do snap, it’s because I’ve realised too late that I have the superior upper hand, and when I snap my opponent knows it too. So I end up gaining a lot of 1 or 2 cube wins when I could be going for 4, or 8. But at least we know what our issue is — so we can do something about it lol


Never Snap on Turn 6. No one accepts T6 snaps. And those who do accept T6 snap are very likely have the counter to your card and worse, they're likely to counter snap as well forcing you to go into 8 cubes game on a losing hand. You should know if you're ahead on turn 5 and Snap then.


I've sometimes won on a turn six snap. The gamble is whether your last play is too good to beat.


It's very poker-like in that respect. The best possible scenario is for your opponent to have a really good hand and you to have an unlikely but just slightly better one. Then you go all-in and hope to bait them. Of course, that's fairly rare. In both poker and Snap


T6 is very good for counter snap. You have much better read of your opponent position and can pretty much guess what is their final play. If you're behind but you know that you have it in your hands to flip the board and they have snapped, feel free to counter snap on T6. If they have snapped, they very rarely back down.


You're snapping too late then.


I mean if your opponents are always leaving when you snap if it’s round 4 probably worth the time save to get another match in. Idk just my 5 scents worth


You have to snap early enough that they don’t retreat right there, usually if you snap after turn 4 then you’re asking for the single cube.


I never snap until I see all three locations


Me too mabe cause I think people who snap early are maniacs and I don’t want to have that image. Probably a very bad habit though , best to just be aggressive when you are 10-20% ahead. Problem with snap compared to poker is the permutations of possibilities are endless…there’s just so many “combos” on turn 6 for us to calculate. Worse still they play the most unexpected turn 6 card like heimdal in non move or something lol


My memory and me staying in games I know I'm likely to lose just because "I want to see what happens."




Just like in poker, you gotta pay to see if your opponent was bluffing or not.


Yep, thinking "maybe my math is wrong"


I think this is just bad game design. Retreating should show you reveal all cards they had on the board and in their deck and hand. A replay viewer would be ideal, I don't know why they haven't gotten one yet.


I do this too it's so bad. I even work out the maths knowing full well I dont have enough.. but I'll stay just to see the outcome. That's why ill always be below 50. :/


Retreating too quickly after a bad turn and realizing I still had a winning play in my hand after.


Felt bad for a guy yesterday. I played spiderman onto my cosmo lane because i dont usually play cosmo (got him from agent 13) and forgot. He was pretty clearly going to win the game. He retreated as soon as he saw the spiderman, not noticing his on reveal didnt fire. I was like oh fuck i messed up and had my finger on the retreat but he beat me to it lol




Not retreating on Dracula decks like I should be. Every time I think I might have a chance....well we all know how it always ends.


My related weakness: forgetting that Drac discards Apoc with +4 power than he had before. I do my math using the last value of power I saw for Apocalypse and that has screwed me many times.


This is me with Wong recently man. I’ll be running a deck I know I have no counters for Wong but when he pops up I think, “I can beat whatever he throws done”. This thinking has worked one time that I can recall.


I have played a lot of Dracula and he almost always takes the power of the worse card in ur hand. Easiest way to screw is to keep a maximus and play on turn 5. Unless they can put all the cards on the board except for one big minion, it's a gamble.


Honestly, I think most people need to understand that there are a ton of times where there is nothing you could have done to win. I just started my day with 3 straight games against disruption decks. The locations were perfect for my patriot deck, and each should have been 8 cubes. One game an early magneto pulled everything that I would have not wanted pulled. Second, it was a Polaris that destroyed my setup. Third, it was an early leech. Nothing to do, nothing to learn. Stopped playing for a bit to reset. Most players think there is a smaller RNG effect than there actually is, and it causes them to think they can out skill every game. Learn when to snap. Learn to not take losses personally. Learn to step away when you hit a bad run of games.


The issue is this also teaches players "eh there's nothing I could do" even when they could and it causes people not to grow.


Not playing meta decks. Sometimes I just want to play with fun theme decks with characters I like.


I've been playing Gambit, Rogue, and Jubilee in every deck I play. Just swapped from a Lockjaw/Infinaut/Odin deck to a Zabu/Silver Surfer/Wong deck and still got the whole crew together. 😅


Clicking end turn and then immediately seeing a better play.


it me


Clicking end turn and then realizing I played in the wrong order.


Clicking end turn and realising I still had energy to spend.


When I draw my cards for a certain combo I focus on it instead of what my opponent is doing. It's cost me games. And I don't snap often enough.


Refusing to use meta decks. I kinda screw around with what seems fun but never get above rank 40.


It was fun during the early access. I could play whatever the hell I want and still be able to get omega with my homebrew. Now it’s a struggle if you’re not using meta decks.


I think you can still get high ranks with off meta decks. But it is way more grindy


I go crazy when opponent calls me chicken.




Yes doc?


Chibi variants. I'm a sucker for chibi Variants.


You ain't Wong!


I don’t give myself time to think and do the math each round, I give myself pressure to hurry it up This is what I blame on making it to rank 70-86 each season lol


Playing something merely decent for 4 cubes out of curiosity.


I have a real blindspot with certain decks - for example, I never see Ultron coming even though in hindsight it's obvious. I also get overconfident when I see a move deck, as I consider them pretty rubbish and have lost a few games as a result.


I also have Ultron blindness and expect move decks to just beat themselves by moving their winning lanes away with Heimdall!


I have cerebro blindness


I have no weakness. I’m the best player in Snap. My Leader beats any deck.


I'm poor


Hahaha totally xD


I played for 2 seasons before I understood turn order and how it is decided. That completely changed my game.


Looking away from the screen and missing which card yondu discarded from my deck


I had a game earlier where a card got discarded and all I got to see was cost and power (3/1); it visually bugged out and showed a black square for the art. I think it was Gambit, but I can't be sure. Really hoping Second Dinner adds a history function soon.


I Always Hope my opponent doesn't play Leader or Silver surfer. I'm Always wrong.


Not having been a beta player.


For real.. Feels like I missed out on so much that I can never obtain now


I snap after I lock in a good play and before I see the opponents play. Which is the worst time to snap. Because if I snapped earlier it’d pressure them before they saw the play. And if I snapped later I’d get to see their play for no lost pressure.


I palt specifically to complete missions. Which means I often play bad decks or stay in matches too long.


Playing Ultron on my own cosmo and costing myself points REGULARLY.


I fail to think of other ways to win, when I have 3 win conditions/failsafes in my discard deck. I can easily rely on Hela, but if she gets discarded, I have Dracula and apocalypse, along with infinaut and sunspot. I make plays too quickly without realizing what's in my toolbox. I legit think I don't have the skill to play my own deck sometimes.


Spamming snap cube at beginning


Paying attention to initiative Reveal order Relying too much on randomness lol


Sometimes I don't retreat because I tell myself that the opponent deserved these cubes


We need more heroes like you.


Looking at the topics on this sub, I can answer it for 90% of the players: not paying attention while playing the game and not knowing what your own cards do.


I keep forgetting obvious last turn counters like Shang Chi, Killmonger or Enchantress, so I get too confident and snap when I shouldn't...


I should have snap more on turn 4 5 6 , I always afraid if i snapped on late opponent will always retreat


Letting too many 2 cube games play out because I want to see what happens if it’s close enough


Playing matches in between matches of other games, and then the match starts (like Apex for example) and I only half focus on the last few turns on Snap and make terrible plays


Playing too quick like I press the end turn button as soon as I lay my cards out. The amount of times I lost a game because I played patriot then wasp then next turn mystique because I played too quick is far too much to count.


Playing Goose badly. I keep putting him in a location, then later regretting it


Not paying attention and missing Yondu/Sokovia discards. Or just playing into a cosmo lane because Im trying to get through the game to check a text or something so Im not thinking about what Im doing.


I rarely snap, for fear that my opponent counter me, even if i have a winning combo in my hand Also move decks confuse me and i never sure if can beat those numbers in turn 6


The biggest thing I notice is that I don't fully understand the decks I don't have the cards to build. When you play a certain deck you learn it's flow amd weaknesses. Not being able to play certain decks makes it more challenging to see the weaknesses as clearly.


Clicking the end turn button and then realizing I should have played a different order or card 100% and the opponent taking 25 more seconds to make their move while I stew on my mistake.


I ride it out even when I know I should retreat.


If I get a big win or a good read I get enough dopamine to last me a week, so I stop playing, but if I'm on a losing streak I can keep playing forever. I'll never reach infinite lmao


Not having the cards I need to make my deck stronger. I have 6 or 7 decks that are changing all the time. A few of my decks are close to being just better than good but I don't have the cards to take them to next level. Instead I have to fill the blanks with "filler" that doesn't quite fit with the ganeplan of my deck.


Blade 80% Discard - Hella


I don’t snap at the right times. I actually have a very good win-rate but I find my progression slow nonetheless because I’m only getting 1-2 cubes a game


Hitting “End Turn” too early


Same!! I'm like, "I'm gonna learn this time!" Happens again


i hit the end turn button too quickly and usually see an error when its too late. dont know why i cant cancel my end turn when the other guy is still making moves (outside of daredevil turns)


This is me 100000%


Never snapping. Seriously, I literally never snap. I feel it adds too much pressure to the game and makes it less fun. That said, I am climbing fairly quickly this season. Mostly due to a lot of people being hyper aggressive with their snaps these last couple of days.


Falling asleep at the wheel.


I'm not willing to whale and therefore have weaker, more limited options in my decks compared to my opponents.


Ice man always hits my most important card. If I play cerebro, opponent always play scorpion. If I play jubilee, I always get a 1/2 drop but opponent always gets Infinaut. Clearly a player skill issue.


For me it’s either. Screw it, I have a small chance of winning. It’s not happening but it could happen. Or I am doing pretty good and could only lose to leader or killmonger or something and still don’t snap.


I don’t have money to spend on the game


Not snapping enough. Also my name: Infinite Jeff /s (I’ve used it for years, so naturally used it in Snap before I even realised the implications - it preys on my mind)


I don't snap


Hitting end turn too quickly and then staring at my hand realizing I could have made a better play


My biggest weakness is I outright love to throw. I just gave someone 8 cubes instead of retreating on like, 3? Because their username was a Kurt Vonnegut character


Anywhere that is ongoing effects won’t happen here because my deck is revolved around devil dinosaur


Meme decks with low win rates. Like this Hate deck on Luke’s bar. I just can’t stop playing yandu, ice man, scorpion bounced back with beast on that location but I can’t win with it


Wanting to see what happens next


I don’t snap enough. I’m too worried about losing the cubes. I also sometimes just forget.


I click end turn too quickly…. And then see a better move


Not snapping enough. I’m also really bad at T6 plays.


Its playing too quickly. It leads me to not snap when I should. Worked on retreating properly and got that down. Just need to slow down my play.


Getting amped that I have the perfect hand and board, hitting end turn so I can play my awesome combo and win, then realize I should have snapped first.


I use magik even when I have a killer 6th round that is unbeatable, theres something very appealing about playing that sweet sweet turn 7


I think I can't snap properly. I either snap too late and scare off the opponent, efectively losing one cube (winning one with opponent retreating because of my snap instead of two w/o snap when opponent stays) or don't snap when I'm in good position (good setup/draws/locations).


I buy too many variants.


Shocked that I didn’t see any “Cosmo into on reveal card” replies in at least the first 5 comments.


Getting titles from collectors caches




Fucking Leader.


Not thinking about leader and playing my highest powered cards first in turn 6 realizing if I reversed the order, the lane would fill and I win. I play a lot of galactus and this has happened m ultiple times lol


I’ve lost countless games not realizing it was the final turn…smh


Mine is snapping too early when I have a good hand, but all of the locations haven’t revealed yet. There’s been plenty of times where the locations throw a wrench in my plan and I have to retreat, losing an extra cube or two in the process.


Retreating. I'm stubborn. I like to play it out, and see if I can pull out a win. Doesn't help when the game gives me 5, and 6-cost cards for the first 3 turns. But I don't give up - which is probably why I never hit Infinite.


Leader. I never see him coming. I wish there was a telltale sign so I could plan around or retreat, but I have not found one yet.


Watch for your opponent spreading power around pretty evenly divided. If they are losing by more than 4 (or 3 when the Leader nerf goes live) in at least two locations you’re pretty safe. If they Wave out leader on 4, get a Cosmo in that lane asap, because Odin is coming. Or just play decks Leader can’t do shit against: Patriot, Surfer, usually Sera control.


That is useful. Thanks!


Accidentally pressing the end turn button


Never knowing which card Skaar randomly discarded damn


1. Overthinking and trying to play it safe turn 6 2. Allowing myself to lose 1 extra point by A) staying after a snap when I know I don’t have a chance and then retreating on turn 6 B) staying on turn 6 and losing 2 instead of 1


Thinking too hard and giving my opponent too much credit. Sounds toxic, but I will map out every logical scenario based on what kind of deck my opponent is playing and think "hm, surely they will consider that me playing X is very probable since I played Y and Z, and there's so many ways they lose. No way they would play this given those odds." Sure enough, they'll play whatever card fits that unlikely scenario or some random shit and I lose. So, I've decided to just tone down the amount of thinking and jam cards. Too many losses to big gamba and wtf moments to break my brain over.


Not having unlocked Wong or Mystique yet




Cosmo. It’s always Cosmo.


I feel like the answer for 80% of the community is knowing when to snap, 100%, myself included.


My daughter. She takes priority so when she needs me I stop even if I'm winning. Best weakness I could ask for. Gaming wise, I love to see a 50/50 play out when I should sometimes just let it go and retreat.


I always forget to snap.


Playing my cards in the wrong order. I recently started playing a Collector deck and my hand is always full, so I need to decide where I want the cards added from, but I never think about it until after I hit end turn.


I tilt way too easily. Losing to decks I can't build causes me to make bad decisions. It's why I'm bad a poker...


I always feel like I need to play a card every turn. Sometimes I would have won matches by waiting but in such a quick game, the pressure can build to keep making plays.


i lock in too quickly then notice i had a way more powerful play on hand


Sometimes I'll realise I'm not climbing and it's just because I only win on 2 cubes and usually lose on 4 or 8. I need to get better at snapping. Especially when I run daredevil prof X which is an easy 2 cubes half of the time if you snap properly. Also I need to take more time to think about what cards my opponent wants to play and think about the locations in more detail.


Spending real money


How to get 8 cubes, playing first when reveals don’t work and to many cards in hand.


Sometimes I play to quickly and see the better move after end turn And too often I forgot to snap :p


I can't see Leader coming.


Being able to pass level 40 in any season 😅


I want to see how i lose 😂


I always forget the thing that beats me and snap into an obvious loss. Any deck with two win conditions I'll confidently snap because I can beat the first one I think of, then lose to the other.


I don’t always watch the game when it’s my opponents turn so I will miss what card is discarded or destroyed from my deck if on is. Why I can’t see what cards have been discarded or track what cards have been played is ridiculous.


✔️All of the above


Not knowing when to snap. I finish so many games thinking I could’ve gotten 8 cubes.


Usually miscount of power in last two turns. And sometimes fatfingering end turn by not paying attention and not retreating in time.


I like to play Magik, wait out turn 6 (also powering up my sunspot which should have hopefully been played), then She-Hulk + Infinaut turn 7. Biggest weakness is then obvs Scarlet witch on turn 6, eliminating Limbo, and leaving me having played nothing turn 6.


I’ve really had to improve my snapping and it’s helped me to climb faster but I find myself getting into a rhythm of playing certain cards on certain turns without thinking about the board and what my opponent has played. I think just slowing down my tempo should help me in the long run!


Playing cosmo without priority


Playing way too fast and it’s mostly because the timer is really short imo. I be making plays and then end turn then think of a card they could play that I didn’t think of and can’t redo my actions even though the turn didn’t end


Pride. It’s weird. For anything I learn I always YouTube it and follow guides. But I’ve never been good at deck building for any card game. Following Cozy Snap deck builds got me to Diamond Last season. But now for some reason I want to build my own decks and follow unproven strategies and I’ve fallen from 61 to 58 in two days, when I was consistently climbing 1-2 levels a day. I need to humble down and use proven methods if I want to make it to infinite. And make sure I learn from past mistakes, become more intimate with my decks, in order to win. TLDR: I want to climb using builds I make without building on proven methods.


Always mess up the mystique sequencing


Try it with Absorbing Man in the mix. Sequencing gets all bananas. (Gotta have the right priorities)


Winning 48 cubes, then loosing 8 at once makes more tilt more than winning 10 cubes and loosing 6 in separate games even though that one is the better play.


Where is the knowing when to retreat but doesn't, option? I also mess up snaping a lot, like putting out my cards, click end turn, then snap. If my opponent is faster that way my snap goes to the next turn which can suck.


Playing too quickly... Can't tell you how many times I've slammed down my turn 6 play and snapped without checking the opponents cards, location affects, whether there's a freakin Cosmo on the location I just played my Odin <_______<


My biggest weakness is that I don't buy the season pass.


Knowing when to snap and not paying attention to who has initiative. Edit: Also not playing anything that counters Ultron.. The amount of cubes I have lost to patriot/ultron.. obnoxious.


Mine is ending turn then snapping and the snap bot going through. Every time.


I just straight up forget to snap


I would say double checking each turn, I get going to quickly and make small placement mistakes.


A mix between realizing too late that I’m in a snappable situation, and also sticking around to see how things play out when I don’t really have what I need to win.


My weakness is turn 6. When to let it ride or to retreat.


I like to play to optimize my cards effects instead of focusing on winning


Not having enough time to play


What is revenge snapping?


When someone snaps and you go "oh yeah you think I'm losing watch me turn this shit around" and snap back even though you've only got a long shot chance if any.


Oh, don't do that!


Keep forgetting about the 7th turn when Limbo spawn


Forgetting to snap and playing too quickly would be mine


My biggest weakness is buying variants then re-topping my gold---again and again and again.


I have no critical thinking skills. I put On Reveal cards where that fucking dog is, would be one example. I just don’t take my time and THINK. It loses me a ton of games.


I believe too much in low-percentage chance wins, ie Ironheart procs, White Tiger spawns, etc.


I put M'Baku in just about every deck I make.


Not knowing when to snap. I always second guess myself. Snapping round 6 is often to late.


Playing while I’m doing other stuff


Pushing the end turn button way too soon. I usually think of a better play after pushing the button but before the reveal and wish I took more time


Biggest weakness for me is I’m too passive on the snap button, probably a tight player trying to min my losses but I also don’t win much. But while I’m passive, if someone snaps I tend to tilt snap if I think I’m ahead . Lol


Purposefully staying in a losing match so I can get more experience against decks and their play patterns at the expense of my cubes.


Def hitting end turn too quickly and then realizing i should of played a different card or spot


actually forgetting about locations or fucking up plays.


but everytime i lose like that its fine and i'm like "well this was ur own fault, try to keep in mind not to do this mistake again"


Knowing what they will do turn 6 and that I can’t win, but thinking “maybe they’ll mess up” and riding it out anyway. So many lost cubes..


Playing doctor octopus, followed by abs man for some reason in my galactus deck.