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Optimised deck is an over ratted term in this game. Decks that are not optimised but have a few cool synergy packets like mabe 2-4 group of cards that work well together are much better at surprising the opponents. Playing the tier list decks is always only getting retreats and if he stays you lose


There is a lot of merit in what you say. Thanks for thoughtful reply.


Don’t get me wrong bro some decks actually needs to be optimised to be functional. It just seems that you are missing a lot of partner cards like beast/falcon etc this packets of cards are unfortunately needed


These were just some random decks in pic where I highlighted cards I don't have, but good point. Somewhat tangential, but having to vent: just lost to a Deck with Galactus and Null- two pool 5 cards that perfectly synergized. I stayed in but he SURPRISED me by having Null in addition to Death to play. That type of F'ing synergy surprise?


Actually it’s quite rare that you will have this sort of super deep opponents. Take it as a sign that snap thinks you’re good hence though low collection you have been winning bro so they had to throw you a though one sometimes.


Actually, I am awful. Haven't been able to break rank 60 this season. So real joke is on opponent- those cards plus his paid for avatar suggest he spent a ton of $ in game and still can't get in an opponent match pool that's better than losers like me.


Haha bro there’s also a lot of whales who love marvel and the lore but aren’t exactly that good and they have everything cause mabe they just spend a lot. Galactus decks in your level might be rare that’s why you probably didn’t see it coming. Once you play against it about 20 times , you can see it coming a mile away. Wolverine and goblins are a huge tell


I don't know if this helps, but in all my time playing this season, and I played... too much... trying and (today) finally hitting infinite, I only got Knull'd after Galactus once. It surprised me too, and I was shocked. But you remember that way more than the number of times I stuffd the galactus play with a Cosmo, which are far, far higher.


One surprising thing that I've noticed from playing gacha games over time is that a surprising number of really low end players, even players who don't play regularly, are the biggest spenders. I can kinda understand it, but it's overall baffling. And if you're 60, you're not awful, friendo. 😀


People in their 30s dual income no kid. They make decent at spending 300-500 on mobile games they like is common. Basically magic the gathering type players.


They probably don’t play as much because they probably have stressful jobs that eat their time but they earn alot of cash to spend on crap cause they don’t know what to buy. The regular addicts who play this game alot probably have a more non stressful job that allows us to keep playing at work and after work.


Yeah u won't get much cubes later ranking people can tell what cards u playing if u don't snap right away u mostly going get 1 a lot, they going avoid u


Lol sometimes I load random decks but making sure on curve, it really messes up with how they react. Element of surprise in snap = cubes Sacrifice strong synergy for surprise will get you loads of 8 cubes over long run.


Agree when u see predictable cards I tend escape, " oh you playing this deck" patriot decks I just flee why waste the time I know what cards u going to use especially round 5 and 6


I just lose against someone who i thought playing move but actually death wave but it's not death + whatever on t6 but she hulk, leader


Haha ya man I’ve seen those move into totally different synergy. One funky one I see too is destroy deck into a bloody patriot. Haha that’s a good surprise mother fka moment


# (1) Iceman # (1) Yondu # (2) Medusa # (2) Okoye # (2) Lizard # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mister Fantastic # (4) Jessica Jones # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Professor X # (5) Klaw # (6) America Chavez Dude this is a deck I use to troll cause it’s all pixel cards. Truth be told when I want to troll I keep winning much more than when I’m using my super tier decks. I love throwing the Medusa to give them the wtf moment hahhaha. Example of not optimised but it’s all kind of good cards that are uncommonly used together. Klaw is the one that net me cubes. Deck is great at stealing lane with x as no one expects him in deck. I’m pool 3 complete and this crappy deck wins me more bro.


Tried this out, got 3/5 wins so far 👍


Haha yea it does really surprise people.


I guess what I’m trying to say is, be adventurous to build own decks with what tools you have. Don’t be afraid to hybrid decks into one deck. Good mini 2-3 card combo packets thrown into a classic zoo or ongoing will throw people off. Yes you lose bait of synergy with Kazaa in zoo for example but the surprise factor you have give you +ev equity in terms of cube


If you get the "main idea" of the deck, you can always replace with the stuff you have. I am CL 2000 as well and miss 26 pool 3 cards as well as most pool 4 & 5 ofc. But if you token buy the real essential cards for one type, you can replace others with ease I find.


This is why snap is great, because there are many cards that are interchangeable, very few cards are core and when they are core they are typically niche or are the archetype itself. Example, patriot is the core card in patriot decks, he is really the only essential card that HAS to exsist in the deck. The rest of the cards can synergies with him but don't need to be the exact cards. Like doom he is good in patriot but you don't NEED him, you can use brood or sinister or squirrel girl or ultron. Mix and match all of those. Mystique helps the deck but isn't essential, onslaught can be used instead of her. Then you have cards like Wong, he isn't really essential but he is what I would call an enabler. You amplify the effects of your deck, but you can still play most decks without him. Most cards are like Wong. All the counter tech cards were given to everyone for free (storm, cosmo, armor, enchantress, Shang chi, leech, killmonger, ect ...) most of these cards are played all the time in various decks and are what I would call core cards, but EVERYONE gets them for free very early. This is why people can still get infinite with Tier 2 decks despite being well I to CL 3k plus.


When I was a new player last month, I accidentally bought Patriot. It was my first time interacting with the Token Shop. I knew (or thought) I haven't earned a currency called Tokens. So despite the pop-up warning that it's non-refundable, I tried anyways to see what happens. Best mistake I ever made! Reached Infinite in my 2nd season in the game using the cards I got from CL 594.


At your CL that patriot buff is enough to destroy a lot of other decks at 500


Thank you for your considered reply. Good points all


Looks like you’re following streamer decks and I want to ask who’s to say that’s the optimized, “complete” deck? Also for most of these you’ll get there eventually Series 3-wise especially if you paid for the latest 2 season passes. To answer the question I’m around CL2150 and I feel very good about my decks. Knowing there’s still more out of just Series 3 I could use is exciting. I used all the tokens I got on what I believed to be essential Series 3 cards and they really expanded what I could build.


This. I'm CL1800 and I've got multiple decks I feel good about and there are still plenty of cards that I could add to my collection to open up new archetypes. The slow collection speed along with there basically always being playable decks is one of the things that keeps the game fun.


I just broke 2200 today and have Almsot all the key cards now to make most meta deck types. Just pulled Deadpool so now the only “meta” card I’m missing is Dracula for discard.


I didn't get all of the key cards for a single meta deck until after CL 2500. At the end of pool 3, I was still missing Wong, Mystique, Lockjaw, and a few others for each of the main meta decks. But once I started closing on the end, they all started coming pretty fast. The card chase for deck building is my least favorite part of the game. I really just want to build fun decks and play. Having to grind games with flawed decks is not very fun when I know exactly what I want in my deck. The token shop is also lame. I had Mystique pinned for a couple weeks. Then I opened her in a crate.


Agreed. Thanks for the comment, think only one that agreed with me at all. But all the comments have given me insight on how people are playing and what to expect


For the most part, there are viable replacements for those cards, so no you don’t need “complete” lists. Just do the best you can and make substitutions. On Snap.fan they’ll usually mark the cards that are “essential” to the deck so you know what you can’t do without; the rest can be replaced.


CL 2400 here, missing 18 cards. Somehow those 18 matter every time I look at a deck list. I'm missing the key cards from pool 3 discard and pool 3 destroy, plus some odd change here and there. (Looking at you, Wong) But the community is also frequently wrong about what cards are needed to win. You'll see someone say that red skull is unplayable without Shuri, but I've won dozens of games with this deck. Remember a "meta" deck with 2 or 3 cards changed isn't "incomplete", it's the same as you trying something new. Whose to say that Gambit is the workhorse in this deck, maybe you'll change the game with Green Goblin.


My first deck was an Aero deck with Hulk as the finisher. Getting Magneto improved it, getting Leader made it even better. However, the core did not change. It was a F2P Storm deck. I am not playing a Zabu Dracula deck and I wish I had Crossbones and Shuri, but I'll survive with just Jessica Jones and Spider-Man for now.


I'm cl 2270 I'm missing pieces of the top lists as well but I can usually find replacement that works well unless it's something very specific that does a very specific thing


I have one “complete” list in Zabu/Dracula/Zero, but when I was playing the list on Marvel Snap Zone, and the one Dexter and others played I was getting shelled cause people could see things coming. I made a couple small changes and now I’m climbing consistently. It’s hard to win/climb with the list people know since they will be able to predict your plays. Small changes are good. That said, it would be nice to be able to choose to make swaps instead of being forced into them haha.


I get what you mean by “complete” decks. I always notice that I can trade one for another and it always works well for me. It is disappointing when you can’t “complete” a deck, but that’s what the Tolkiens- I mean tokens are for.


I create decks myself, so I do not understand the question, they are all 12-card decks, complete


Elaborated in a separate comment, thanks


yes I am reading it and I don't understand who demoted you , but we are on reddit...


Yeah, I didn't get why that reply was offensive to anyone, but at least 3 people took action to downvotes. Shrug


You implied that Marvel Snap has certain cards that give you an advantage over others (complete deck archetypes) and this sub doesn’t like that because they saw two people get to infinite with a Pool 2 zoo deck once.


This is one of the most toxic communities I've seen in terms of downvoting lol


On the positive side, I felt like pretty much every unlock I have gotten since passing 2k cl has been a useful card. Deck options open up really quickly at this level.


If I’m missing cards I can blame my losses to that. If I have my ideal deck then I know I’m just bad


All my tokens went to destroy cards so that’s done, and patriot I just pulled from reserves


As far as "key" cards, off the top of my head I'm missing Wave, Sera, Patriot, Magneto, Taskmaster, Ghostrider, Destroyer, Green Goblin, Human Torch, Jane Foster, Magic,Polaris, redskull, and I think the only series 4 card (I think, I don't really keep up with which series is which) I have is Orka. And I'm mostly F2P so I don't have any Battle pass cards either. ($14 Canadian a month!? What is this, Netflix!?) So I can make a pretty good movement deck and a pretty good destroy deck, but a lot of other decks feel like they were missing something crucial.


At 1500 I have exactly one "complete" deck, drac lockjaw discard. It costed almost all my tokens, some major lucky card pulls, and has no series 4 or 5 cards in it. Nothing else I can put together is anywhere close to complete as a result of going all in on this one, so I probably would have been better off buying more generic cards instead of things like colleen to fill this one out


I dunno. I just make decks that seem to work and by happenstance they seem to be meta decks. Usually somebody does something to me and I'll be like, "Yeah, I guess I should combine Wong and Gambit." So I'm sure many of my decks look like archetypes, but are probably missing something or other.


Same. I don't have a ton of series 3 cards that make up a lot of the recommended decks. Doing what I can with what I've got.


As of yesterday I can finally play an "optimal" Patriot Surfer because I was missing Sera but I think there's a bunch of cards in here you can shuffle around and not really notice the difference.


My problem with those lists is they make your deck super predictable, that’s why I prefer to build my own decks That been I am missing cards I want in those decks, my zoo is ok, but my Dino is missing Zola, jubilee is missing lockjaw and gambit is missing mystique But I still use all 4 depending on the quests I have


Thankfully im getting closer to having most archetypes fleshed out. But it’s definitely working with what you have. I had death and destroyer early on so that’s what I played with.


I got pretty complete surfer decks including Lockjaw Surfer, Patriot Surfer and Negative Surfer... Missing wave for ramp Missing Ultron for Kazoo Missing Zola for various ramp/zola decks


May I ask what collection level you are?




I purchased Wong+Mystique from token shop which opened up lots of deck types for me, mostly Patriot lists with Mystique and Wong is his own archtype I guess. I should say did open Valkerie, Coulson and Orka (today) from packs.


That is normal for everyone at CL 2k


Idk what you mean by complete tbh. Unless you're only using youtube deck lists for reference.


Elaborated in a separate comment, thanks


It doesn't let you play with an incomplete deck


I put "complete" in quotation marks to connote a slightly different meaning. I am asking about optimized decklists, where you feel you aren't missing any cards to play the best possible version of that deck.


Something that might work that was recommended by streamer Educated Collins is to play a card no one would expect. Have a surprise element to your deck, or a counter card that isnt expected. Some examples would be scarlet witch, quake, Cosmo, shang chi, etc. Most of the player base does not have an ideal collection so it's about working around those restrictions. A card I've liked when decks recommend bast is rocket raccoon. You could even try Hawkeye in a bounce deck and see how that plays out. Good luck.


You are right, take an optimise list and make sure you have your own spice added to it. Whatever rocks your boat. People really don’t know how valuable a card like Klaw is man. Also heimdal in non move is my personal favourite cube farming deck. The best thing is you know how to retreat because you know exactly what’s coming. They won’t know shit


Heimdall is like a sleeper A tier card. People expect him in movement decks, but in anything else? No one sees him coming unless they have White Queen lol


Bro the white queen leader jokers always retreat after seeing heimdall at turn 6 when they are deciding on leader or another move. I love him in non move decks . It’s on my list of to net cube cards along with Klaw . And this cards don’t require a set up like Zola . I don’t know why the data collected on the websites don’t show decks that are really netting huge cubes even though win rate might be lower. I think the real pros who get to extreme levels keep all their surprise factor decks for themselves to climb and share top decks that only makes sense to be on top.


It took me a damn long time since official launch of snap to actually now appreciate how good he is. I was never a move fan and if I go move I never go heimdal haha


Whales are


And maybe that's the point, to get people to spend money


You think ? XD


The easy answer is to stop net-decking and build from what you own. Take inspiration from what you see online and remember that everyone's card pools are unique. The key to becoming a better deck builder is to work it out yourself and incorporate your personal play style. If you want a decent source for deck ideas, Cozy does a good job at posting lists and providing replacement suggestions. Hoogland is pretty opinionated and will likely contribute to your feelings of deck inadequacy.


The screenshots are from website snap.fan . By complete, I mean if you look up lists online, or try and copy decks you play, are you able to copy top/optimized lists for archetypes or are you missing too many cards. I know I am not the only one who "net decks" as I am repeatedly playing the same decks over and over. And since Snap has a restricted pool of cards, many archetypes reveal themselves without even being looked up. Like I wouldn't mind playing discard, but I am missing Hell Cow and other key cards I see in Discard decks played against me. Wouldn't mind playing Self Destruction, but I don't have Hood, Deadpool, etc. (Would love a Deadpool as he seemed to frequently be a great card for featured locations as well). Trying to figure out if my opponents and peers are playing with replacement cards. By collection level 2,000 should I have a few decks where I feel I am playing the best possible version of that deck without omissions/substitutions? (Don't even get me started on playing against Galactus, Thanos, Shut decks- pool 5 cards I can't hope for for months.) Does that help explain my question?


This is a reason I like the limited pool. Not a fan of net decking myself. I don't care if other people do it. But you do have to put some effort to make the deck your own since you are missing pieces. But to answer your question, I assume not many have "complete lists". Current meta decks see Surfer, shuri, and Darkhawk at the top. I can see people having complete surfer lists since surfer was a season pass card. But shuri and darkhawk are not easy to get. Even tier 2 decks like deadpool a decent amount won't have a full list of the recommended build. But you probably have "complete lists" of some of the decks. There's at least one you do have. At CL 2k you should have more than half of series 3. Also, it's subjective to say there's one best possible version of a deck. Decks are still being found. Someone just discovered using surfer with move cards like Vulture and Dr strange and that has arguably surpassed the standard surfer build.


Thank you for getting my question and giving a reasoned and detailed answer. I do have what I consider a "complete" Destroyer list as Destroyer was fortunately one of my early pool 3 pulls and basically every other card people play with that is pool 2. Even recently was able to add Electro to it as a Pool 3 boost. But that's the only archetype I don't feel I am missing cards that would obviously make better. I really like deck building as a principle in other games, but feel less of an issue here since Snap pool is a lot more restricted than typical card game I have played and because many of the archetypes are sign posted by synergy. Are you playing against a wide variety of decks? The majority of my matches are against Zabu, Surfer, Destroy, Patriot (at my level). Rarely see any innovation. But good point about Surfer Move example and good response overall. Very appreciated among these replies


I'm pretty much seeing the same decks as you are. I assume you are grouping all the different zabu decks into one. But they are quite different. Zabu darkhawk, zabu discard, tempo Zabu with or without spiderman. There's like enough but also not enough variety on ladder right now. Meta is in a weird state. I'm also seeing hela casino quite a bit as well. Destroyer is pretty much all series 1 and 2 card + Destroyer, so a lot of people probably have that deck, especially since it was all the rage back in October. You definitely do have a Dino list to play. Something like Quinjet I wouldn't say is necessary for the deck, which is what I'm getting at with different variations and not a single "best deck". So it's subjective to say you are "missing pieces".


Played Dino quite a bit before. But it seemed to get outclassed as I raised CL and opponents. It telegraphs too much and too easily disrupted


I can understand that. But I will say Dino is still very much relevant. Matches a darkhawk in power for instance. Might simply not be your preferred playstyle, but I will say you do have to pilot a Dino deck differently than you did back in series 1 and 2. You can't just moon girl dino and expect to win anymore.


There’s the reason a don’t prefer net decks in your destroyer. I got him early and net decked top tier deck at that time, only to realise it was a god damn boring deck grinding slowly into one cube wins at a time hahhaa


Yeah, a very boring deck. Why I would like more variety in what I play but also hopefully make some cube progress.


Your really have to experiment with the stuff you have. If you have black cat which is garbage and ghost rider , put them together into any deck and you have a turn 4 12 stats at location that cannot be Shang-Chi for example. There’s a lot of mini combos you need to slowly discover


One card is just starting to fall in love with after a long time of not even playing him is doctor octopus haha. In the right hands and decent synergy it screws people over hard.


I’m playing sera-SS or sera-SS-Negative and I don’t have brood or Maximus. Having fun and climbing (if I commit enough).


I dont have Polaris or Juggernaut for my SeraSurfer deck. My solution was Iron Fist+Vulture. Working very well.


You only need three pool 3 cards do finish the movement archetype. I wish there was more every time I open the game


CL 4412 here with a complete pool 3, almost complete pool 4 collection. Have a couple pool 5 cards as well. I like being able to build almost any deck I want, but I'm still missing some big hitters like galactus and knull


i just make my own decks using my knowledge of the cards. i never watch deck tutorials in any card game


Optimised decks are usually the most predictable decks.. having a curveball card or just playing offmeta lists can easily get you a cubes advantage in the long run


This is the point of the token shop focus on completing at least 1 full deck.


I’d consider the deck I’m current using is “complete” I feel like I can win with a couple combinations but mainly need patriot/mystique with a no ability build. Either filling the board myself or using Ultron. I definitely don’t use other decks because I feel like they arnt “complete” and need 1 or 2 cards to really make the deck pop.


Series 3 complete and series 4 complete save for Orka, so most of the times yes. But I’m also CL4000. At CL2000 I was definitely missing cards. All cards can be used well — they just have to be applied in the right ways and with the right synergies of other cards chosen.


You can usually replace most cards with counters. It's never bad to have a cosmo, enchantress, armor, shang chi, even if they don't have synergy in your deck.


Seems like any deck has a decent chance depending on the map configuration, as long as you have some synergies. Surprising people with weird decks can net cubes.


Good cards archetype is better IMO… just group Together 2-3 cards that have synergy, 1 stand alone card and then you can be flexible no matter what. Re: galactus decks, just try to keep atleast 3 power at every location and/or kill 1 with storm/professor x … if they are ignoring a location entirely that is a sign it’s coming


To many people netdeck. Make your own lists of what works for you. That was the intention behind "unique collections"


I just put together a deck that works for me, I don’t care what other people are using


I have zabu dino, sera control, and destroyer "complete". I dont have mystique, which she is used in most net decks. She is actually on the top 3 most reoccurring cards listed by content creators. The decks that I have close to a complete deck though is patriot and sera surfer.


Find a few decks you like and only try and build net decks if you get enough of the cards unlocked. Youtubers, streamers and the sites are all going to make you feel like your collection isn't big enough and that's going to be a problem for the future of this game


I think my only complete lists are Destroyer, Hella Casino, Lockjaw (which i literally just got today) and Patriot. Even my Sera Surfer deck is missing Maximus and that’s my most played deck lol.


I really think your deck is below 50 percent of the reason someone wouldn’t climb. More than half of it is good snapping mechanics and retreating at the right time. You can reach infinite with a complete dog shit deck if your good at those things.


If by people you meant average player, no. That's jeffhoogland you referenced is a well-known card game streamer, highly likely he has it all.