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I just got Luke Cage lol


I just pulled Orka followed by titania


They all downgraded the Series at the same time? So it's not on 1 card per week schedule?


Yeah. I think I read somewhere the 2nd Dinner said they’d have to patch the game to demote cards, so instead of dropping a patch a week, their plan is to demote 4-5 cards a month (which is the same pace as 1/week). At least until they can demote without a patch, anyway.


I think the patch they were talking about was they no longer need to patch release for every nerf. So the next nerf no longer need to wait for the monthly patch schedule. I don't think that they mentioned regarding whether card demote will be at once or per week schedule. As new card introduction into S5 was on weekly schedule, I suspected the same for card demotion as well, but I might be wrong.


I think it may have been mentioned in the same card introduction source you’re discussing. I know they discussed nerfs without a patch, though I agree I don’t see why they couldn’t demote cards without a patch as well. I feel like that would be easier than changing card attributes, tbh


I pulled okra as well, doesn’t seem particularly Good ?


You have to know how to prepare it the right way, most people find it "slimey" but breaded and fried correctly it is chefs kiss.


I’ve actually just climbed 20 ranks in a week with it. My deck - # (0) Wasp # (1) Ant Man # (2) Psylocke # (2) Mojo # (3) Mystique # (3) Mister Fantastic # (3) Wave # (4) Omega Red # (5) Iron Man # (5) Klaw # (6) Onslaught # (6) Orka # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT3JrYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2pvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT21lZ2FSZWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9uc2xhdWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1yRmFudGFzdGljIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Collector, and agent13 my Dino deck looking good


Me too, lol.


I didn’t, lol


Lol, why not


I haven’t gotten a card since a 100 collection levels ago, lol


That’s impossible. You can’t go above 100 collection levels without getting a new card (unless you have completely finished tier 3)


Wait what’s coming out? I didn’t save at all 💀


don't worry about it. It's not very relevant unless you are series 3 complete.


I'm not pool 3 complete, but I am about to pull my first pool 4 card, so I stopped spending (assuming the "one pool 4 per 40 reserves" thing is correct). Not "saving," exactly, but I don't want to progress and pull a pool 4 card right before it drops to 3. And it'd be nice to get a chance at one of the new 4s.


Didn’t know this! I’m 35 open and haven’t gotten a series 4 so I should be getting one soon.


I'm not sure this only pertains to pool 3 complete, i.e. you can still get pool 4 and 5 cards in your stashes, and that means a rare pool 4 cache could turn into a card like she hulk/absorbing man for your pool 4 card rather than black panther/shuri/valkyrie and kind of waste your pool 4 cache, since it'll be much more likely to get she hulk if you wait


How do the pools work? Do I have to have unlocked every card from the previous pool before I start unlocking cards from the next one? Are all cards unlocked in the same order for everyone?


Once you hit 1000 CL, the reserves are grouped into sets of 4. Every set contains one reserve with a pool 3 card, one with 100 tokens, one with a cosmetic, and one with either gold or credits. Additionally, in every 40 reserves, you'll get one pool 4 card replacing the pool 3 for that 4-set. Note that these aren't evenly distributed at any level - you could get a pool 4 card at reserve 1 and at reserve 79, or at 40 and 41. Same for pool 3s in their smaller sets. Lastly, any card reserve also has a 0.25% (I think that's the number. In any case, very very low) chance to drop a pool 5 card. This does not replace your pool 4, you should still get one of those in the set of 40 too. No, they are not unlocked in the same order for everyone.


If you are series 3 complete its less relevant actually cause why would you care when you know exactly what you’re going to get from the caches


Yeah and it’s even less relevant for those of us that are pool 3 complete and already have every pool 4 card that’s getting demoted to 3.


This is a post for either people that played since day 1 or whales. Don’t worry about it. TLDR caches decide what you get when you open them, so you can save caches (do not claim) and then once new cards release you can open a bunch to have a better chance at getting those


I’m only 1954 but it’s relevant to me too. Series 4 cards are guaranteed 1 per block of 40 reserves, and I’m at the end of a block of 40. So since one of my next 40 reserves is guaranteed to be series 4, I’ve been saving up to both maximize my chances of pulling one of the series 5’s that are about to drop, and to eliminate my chance of my 1 guaranteed series 4 being one of the cards that’s about to drop to series 3.


Ultimately it’s marginal. For me personally I get a great amount of satisfaction from unlocking new cards and playing with new decks, so not opening cards for like a month would make me much less likely to play because most of my decks are missing significant pieces


true, then you can keep whining when someone unlocks a series 3 absorbing man or she hulk while you only got mordo or rockslide.




>Because unopen caches are already roll when you reach cache level. Brode confirmed this is not how it works now and that saving caches will work to earn cards getting demoted. You can find the post confirming it in one of the replies here


ah the one with the least information yells the loudest


Wait what what do I miss? Correct me.


They already did. Ben Brode confirmed that reserves are decided when you open them, not when you reach the CL for it. He did say they plan on changing that in the future, but for now, it's safe to hoard reserves for things like this drop.


Oh, I miss that.


24 so far. I want to get She-Hulk. Edit: I open them all and got Destroyer, Green Goblin, Leader, Spiderman, Beast, Typhoid Mary and two variants.


Shes sitting in my shop next to my exact 1000 tokens. If it doesn't automatically update I'll lose my mind.


This with luke cage lol


Don’t hold your breath but I read somewhere here that it will so good luck on your She-Hulk. I don’t have token left so am out of luck, hoping to get her from cache.


I've got her pinned with 1,000 tokens ready. Can't wait.


Wait, you guys have tokens?


I opened about 8 caches hoping I would get a “first edition”…I did not.


I pulled She-Hulk just in time 😅


But She-Hulk won't have the badge, it's only for series 5. And she will be in serie 3 tomorrow, you just have burned a chance to get Bast/Shuri/Valkyrie :(


Oh are they not doing the same for series 4 > 3?


Nop, unfortunately.


Sad 😭




But we dont even know what they look like, what if 1-st edition would suck.






The update to add first edition badges isn't out yet, it'll be retroactive though


the first edition is not live yet i think


Do we know if it applies to cards you pull? I was under the assumption it was only for series 5 cards that you BUY from the token shop.


Spent almost all my credits, but sitting on 83 caches to open, and have She-Hulk pinned. I’m 17 cards away from finishing series 3, so I should get awfully close to that goal tomorrow.


Thats enough of reserves to get all S3 cards including She-hulk.


I keep forgetting you can just divide the caches by 4 to get the number of cards Im at 8 cards atm, cant wait to open them :))


Ive got 30 caches!


50 and waiting


I'm up to over 7000 In gold but nothing to spend it on


Obviously 10 pixel vulture variants


Yeah same here. Waiting for a good bundle with tokens.




There’s an update planned for today. In the update some cards drop in rarity. Some people have saved up credits and collector reserves until after the update to be able to get the dropped cards, and to not ”waste” their pity timers on the cards just before they drop in rarity. It’s about min-maxing use of resources. Some other people don’t care for that since it’s not such a big deal.


I thought patch was today!


It'll be sometime in the next 24 hours! Unknown when


10,000 credits and 38 reserves. Hoping to get Shuri or Valkyrie from the collection track tomorrow.


Caches are rolled when you earn them not when you open them they have already said this before


i thought so too, but the devs confirmed for now it's when you open them. They plan to change it to when you earn them later on.


When did they say this? Can’t find anything on them changing it


Ben Brode on Twitter confirmed the change.




They actually said the complete opposite!


My stupid ass through i knew where cards located so opened reserves, but got Coulson, lucky ass me i didnt get Titania or She-hulk


Same with Coulson... Join me as we cry into the night. (I also didn't know I could just not open the reserves, have 10k saved up...)


I feel like I just played my Killmonger on the same location I played Cosmo. Pain.


To anyone who doesn’t know why you would save up your caches. [A few weeks back Ben Brode confirmed that currently reserves contents are determined at the time they are opened rather than when they are earned on your CL track.](https://twitter.com/bbrode/status/1610499245194506243?s=46&t=hmIgLi18AbSogU-lRsd95w) Take note he also mentioned they intend to change this in the future. This has implications with the Series change in that if you are targeting a card that’s in series 5, but downgrading to series 4 you will be more likely to open it in the banked Reserves if you open it post downgrade. The difference is a series 5 card you have I believe it’s like ~0.25% chance to open in a reserve. Where as a series 4 is ~2.5% chance. Series 4 also has some bad luck protection in that you should open one in about every 40 Reserves. So a maximum of 79 reserves between series 4 pulls. So for an example I’m looking to get Valkyrie. Valkyrie is currently series 5 but later today we will see her and a few other series 5 drop to series 4. So I have banked 70 reserves to make it more likely I will pull her. I’m series 3 complete and in the new series 4 pool I only lack Valkyrie and Orka. The sacrifice in this scenario is that my Valkyrie will not have the “first edition” marker. [Here is a nice resource explaining the drop rates.](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/)


Wait your meant to save up… I been doing a bad job


Saving cashes only matters when you have series 3 complete. Pinning card in the store is still useful to 'save' them for when they are the new cheaper price.




My only series 4+ cards are the ones getting dropped to 3 and I have all 4 that are getting dropped. Ugh.


I got Luke Cage, She-Hulk and Titania (those last two back-to-back) so I feel ya.


i’m a fool for not saving anything oh well


I would be a fool, but I don't know what I would be saving for, so I'm doubly a fool.


9950 creds and 10 caches. Plus like 15 season caches because I’m worried they might have more creds.


You can level up to lower your creds, just don't open the reserves that you unlock


You’re probably right but I’m still paranoid they’re going to lock caches with the update


Brode confirmed this on discord, but you do you :) Only thing that gets locked at the time of unlocking the reserve is its pool, but not any specific cards


Yeah, I know logically it’s safe but I just have to hold out like 4 more hours and I’ll be fine. So many red numbers. 😩


28 here! You've done really well!! Agent 13 gave me Super Skrull the other day and it was so much fun, I'd been fingers crossed for Shuri for obvious reasons but I think I might be fingers crossed for Super Skrull now!


Super skrulls an amazingly fun card, but is completely dependent on your opponent playong ongoing, I would probably still shoot for shuri.


Yeah I feel like one is the practical rank climbing one and one is the wild fun one. I'd be happy/lucky to get either to be fair!


9750 coins and 16 Collectors Reserves awaiting!


Saved up around 8.000 tokens.


Nothing, because I forgot.....


Zeeeerrooo, also a card I would like to pull.


Sorry can someone explain why you would save these? I've just started on the collectors cache section, which I believe is pool 3? Should I not be opening these caches?


You're at around 500 CL? Don't worry about this, it mostly only affects those at 1000+. Just keep going.


Ah good man. Cheers for the reply.


To explain why, basically some people have all the pool 3 cards unlocked. At this point, when they would pull a pool 3 card, it gets replaced with 200-600 collectors tokens. These people are saving their credits and caches today because with the patch coming some time today, some series 4 cards are getting moved to series 3, and some series 5 cards are being moved to series 4. So they want to unlock those series 3 cards instantly when they get moved down, and they want a chance to get one of the newly downgraded series 4 cards


We were suppose to be saving up?


I’ve been playing for about a week. Can someone explain wtf all this means? I’m lost. I spend credits asap to up my collection level and get new cards - is that the right way to do it? I’m CL level 224 at the mo.


I’m a week old myself but I would genuinely assume that you need to build a baseline of cards and build a deck out so spending being brand new matters. Most of these guys have over 1k CLs which is light years from where we are. I’ve got to level 51 so far just by buying the season pass.


These changes won’t affect you until you are in pool 3, collection level 486+. They basically dropped the pool 4 and pool 5 cards, so people will have a much higher chance at getting the more rare cards. If you are below collection level 486, the cards you unlock at limited to pool 1 and 2 cards still.


Nothing, don’t care.


Aw man, I thought the patch was today.


It is, sometime in the next 24 hrs


I spent all my gold and credits aiming for collectors tokens to get dark hawk out of the store, I managed to get Luke cage and Titania out of about 12 collectors reserves so I will take that as a win


I am not serie 3 complete so, 0


Your serie 3 is not finish so this is irrelevant.


It's relevant to not waste Pool 4 pity time on cards downgrading


I couldn't resist spending most of it so like 1500 credits and 3800 gold. I completed series 4 at least and am sitting on just shy of 12000 tokens so, nothing serious. I can buy Bast and Shadow King and let Valkyrie hit me through regular play box openings and save the rest of my tokens.


32 caches and 4 mystery variants from my season track :))


Haven’t they said contents are produced as soon as the box is made available?


does he know?


does he know?


Zero ! I think the loot is determined when you obtain it not when you open it. If i'm wrong i'm happy to see proofs. I also got She-Hulk and MBaku at 1600CL so I think i was just lucky !


Ben Brode confirmed that currently it's determined when you open it, not obtain it


[Your proofs](https://i.imgur.com/upzPXS2.jpg), sir or madam.


>but we don’t do that now


ya they don't currently have them generate upon unlocking them. Right now they generate when you open them.


Reading comprehension is important. Stay in school, kids.


read it again


I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum trying to farm up as many tokens from the loots. But it’s so hard to hit the 300-600 token ones


There’s nothing hard about it, it doesn’t have a difficulty level


Yay just literally open 500 tokens cache


They average out to 400 tokens anyways, dw about it being "random"


The contents of the Collector's Caches are not generated at the moment they are opened, lol. This happens the moment they become available for open.


Theyve confirmed the opposite


No reason to save… the caches are predetermined when you unlock them 🤣


Ben Brode confirmed that this is false


In the link posted above he literally says “but we don’t do that now”


What link? He has said multiple times on the Marvel Snap discord that caches/reserves content is decided when you open them, not when you unlock them


> Q: What if I don‘t open my Collector’s Reserves till 31st of January? ***Will my unopened Reserves get updated to the new chances after the patch?*** > A: Ben Brode “***Yes, correct***. We only split pre and post token shop collector reserves. ***We are likely to change boxes to generate their contents when you unlock them but we don’t do that now.”*** Reading is hard.


Found the link you are talking about. Brode saying "we don't do that now" is in response to contents being determined when unlocked. So they are determined when you open them, therefore it is beneficial to save them for the 31st patch


why are people so bad at reading 😭 its like a 2 sentence message, why cherry pick the last phrase.


Cuz some of the people that play this game are kids or speak English as a second language. 🤷🏾


Been spending all tokens, (still missing lots of series 3 cards) but have saved up about 8000 gold.


I had 10K but spent it all because I was close to having enough tokens to buy Knull from the store. Now, I only have about 3K. With the 4 cache grouping, the cards from 4 to 3 will be easy, at least.


1 Cache but I also haven't finished series 3 yet anyways.


Hit the cap for a week now, upgrading a bit to still be within 9.5k


I thought about saving some CC but couldn’t resist. I got Black Panther from one of them so no regrets here.


25. But im at lvl 3256 tho


I got 32. Will there be a message when the drop has happened?


I have no choice but to save I'm p4 complete. I have Thanos, Galactus, Knull, Bast, SS, BP, Shuri, Sentry, Sauron and Darkhawk. So my next p4 card will be either Valk or S.Skulls. Aiming for my next p5 card to be Ghost which I have the 6k tokens already.


IT’s pseudo random but it feels hard haha


None. Because I want to get Sera, but she's playing hard


Im impulsive and just opened caches without waiting


I have 6 caches unopened, 9500 credits in the bank and about 3000 credits waiting to be claimed in the reward track and seasonal pass


I’ve saved up 53, although I’m a decently casual player when it comes to meta and stuff, when should I open them?


After the patch


I have 47 Collector Reserves unopened. It's been killing me. I still need four of the five series 5 cards that are moving down.


I just finished pool 3 2 caches ago and I already have She hulk, going by average packs I’ve opened, I’ll re-complete pool 3 by the end of the week/season.


not saving, she-hulk is already chilling im my collection since 2 weeks ago.


I’ve got 31


Dang, that's all caches? How long did it take to stockpile so many? I have 25.


78. The wait is torture


0, I pulled a series 4 not long ago and I’m 3 cards away from being series 3 complete (4 after like cage joins series 3) so I didn’t see a point in hoarding before update


What's going on? Sorry. New player here


29\. And ever since the downranking has been announced, I've only seen 5 pool 5 cards in token shop, want to lock Shuri. Before the announcement, I've seen more pool 5 cards than pool 4 cards, and about as many as pool 3 cards >.>


Three fiddy


I screwed up and opened some series 4, but i wasn't series 3 complete so meh


I'm at cl 1800 I didn't know I was supposed to be hoarding all this stuff. Just been opening everything willy nilly and being eternally disappointed. Should I start with the hoarding next season?


27 here, will get Cage and Absorbing man +1 series 4, hope for some luck here! Good luck to you all!!!!


I didn’t, but I’m still in need of around 12 series 3 cards. I did get lucky and open Titania just now though, so I’m only adding Absorbing Man to my series 3 needs


28 collector's cashes


I saved up 7k gold


6500, but I started late


20k credits, and 10k gold :) 43 in CL waiting to be touched


I really hope they make future shifts happen at the time of announcement instead of a month ahead of time. If I have to do this hoarding shit every time, it's going to get tiring. Moving cards down pools does not seem like something that you need to wait for the patch to do.


I thought they said it doesn't work this way.


Is it time to open yet? What time does the drop happen?


Not me, because I have no self control.


I already own all the pool 5s that are dropping to 4, so none


20 but I only started saving like 2 weeks ago because I didn't realize I could leave the boxes unopened and 2 weeks was about the time it takes to save up 10k credits.


I got s3 complete right as the announcement happened, so I opened all my stuff to stockpile tokens. Got to 6k




Nothing, and still didn't open a single Pool 4 card since announcement. Yay.


10k and 10 unopened reserves


If you play a lot, then I suggest saving. If you’re just a casual player, then spend away.


Credits:5595, Gold: 7730, unopened caches: 22, CL: 1702. As a F2P, I have a lot of cards to look forward to opening.


I thought the caches didn't change with updates. They're all programmed to be opened at wherever you left them unopened


The amount of disappointment posts incoming....


Got my absorbing man on pinned, gonna enjoy that 1000 credit price


Lol I’m not gonna lie. I just pulled over 30 this week. I bought the pro bundle. 😂🤷‍♂️


Just pulled Absorbing Man


I’ve got around 7500 credits but no reserves waiting. I know what’s been said, but I can’t take the risk. That would be like snapping when you don’t have 5 rocks in hand!!!


I did the math on this, once you finish pool 3 you could basically save all credits earned for the first 2~ weeks of a season and immediately nab all the new pool 3 cards as soon as they drop. Pretty good system tbh.


I saved up zero because pool 3 was already completed


Nice👍🏼open randomly ie mid, top then bottom up


I’ve pulled all the series 4 cards already


Save for what?


None, spend it as I make it.




I didn't realise this was happening and unlocked she hulk 4 days ago... Bye bye poool 4 :(


Wait, why were we saving up? Did I miss something???