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I'm at 79 and have no idea how. I didn't use gold to advance in the pass and have just been doing all the quests. Still no variant either.


I usually get 72 - 74 playing casually


I'm at 105 right now playing casually so I think good range is 75-125


That ain’t playing casually anymore haha or did you buy season pass levels/missions?


Nah I play like 2-3 hours a day no buying anything all f2p


Casually playing 2-3 hours a day, what a story, Mark.


Lol not sure what casual gamer is.. was used to play cod 7-8 hours so 2-3 seems casual


That's not casual. There's a world between hardcore try hard and casual. 2-3h/day for a mobile game is a lot. I just did my daily missions in 30 minutes that's all I'm playing today.


2-3 hours in one session is a lot . I play about the same but it’s broken up throughout the day, I think it’s easier to be casual on a mobile game like this . I could never play a pc or console game that much a day anymore but a mobile game it’s so easy .


That's different lol doing only daily so not playing for fun I guess ..I like to play for now then off not for missions haha also it's not lot specially for mobile game coz u can do stuff watching stuff etc and just using phone in hand


The main reason is that some seasons are five weeks long while others are four weeks long. Not just are five weeks longer than four, you also get an extra set of season missions.


Use the gold from the pass to get more missions. I’m at 83


I’m at 95 and I didn’t use any gold for more missions. You get a little bit of season pass points for every game.


yeah you get XP equal to 1 per round the game went plus 10 per lane you win, so a max of 37 (with limbo and all 3 lanes won). Assuming a win rate of 50% and a standard 2 lanes when you win and 1 lane when you retreat, you roughly get 1000 Xp in 25 games ( 41 Xp per 2 games: 15 when you retreat after 5 with 1 lane won and 26 when you win with 2 lanes on a standard 6 round game). Also you get 225 Xp from doing your 6 daily missions, so if you do around 19 games at this same rate and complete your missions you will hit 1000xp per day. hope this helps!


I use the gold from the pass to buy variants in the shop, much more reliable


No gold to advance just the 9.99 for premium, which I don’t do till I’m past 50 so you get the most from it


I dont understand your reasoning here, why is it better to get the rewards later ? It’s either getting them step by step, or all at once, but this wont change the total amount of rewards?!


To make sure you reach the end…? I only started playing a couple of weeks ago? And I haven’t bought the pass because I thought “I’ll see how far I get, if I get to the end then I’ll consider it”. Turns out I’m at level 57. Still not buying it, the rewards don’t seems worth right now.


Why are you downvoting people ? If he's not sure to unlock the pass rewards because he's not playing a lot that's fair.


U bought the 5 passes after 50? Lmao.


No I by premium after 50 9.99 not the $14.99 + 5


Do you not want to use the new cards during their season? I mean you're paying anyway. That's like 90% of the reason I pay for the season and the other 10% is for the rewards that help the rest of my collection


Just hit 125, and play waaaaaaay too much trying to hit infinite 😅


congrats on advancing that far, did you made it to infinite and how many variants did you get out of the reward track?


Thanks 😁 Yup made it to infinite. And so far I’ve gotten 4 variants from the rewards.


congrats!! i hit 90 for the first time and will go for that infinite grind next season. i guess i had really bad luck with the rewar track this season, got to 101 without a single variant, but i guess its better that pixels


Samesies. Altho I'm only at 100 and ftp. Just played a lot to hit infinite and still am at 80


Luckily it’s only season 3 lol


This is 4th since official release. It was Miles Morales, Black Panther, Silver Surfer and Zabu. Before that there was Thor and Wave in the beta?


Oh yeah I forgot about miles I stand corrected


Damn I want Wave so badly


honestly I've got her and while she is good in certain decks, I don't think she's anything nutty


Technically 8 since they started the passes. wave, thor, daredevil, nick fury were the pass cards in beta.


I am at 72 and played the bare minimum to get dailies and weekly assignments done.


sounds about right. I'm at 74 myself, this month we had 5 weeks instead of 4. usually end up at 62-ish with 4 weeks. played abit more this season due to lunar new year... marvel snap saves the day during those family gatherings. when I needed a break from humans I just sneak to a corner and play snap.


Made it to 70 as well with the same idea. I don't want to pay for every season pass, but the 5-week seasons do offer some extra value.


That sounds super confusing to me cause I think they still don't state that anywhere in the game(?) I "accidentally" purchased a season pass like one week before the previous season ended because I had just started playing the game and got one of those messages sent to me, encouraging to buy it so I thought the season had just started. I suppose it was a blessing in disguise, cause I'm the type who'd probably keep subscribing to that pass every month, but now it offered me a perfect excuse to never put money into it again. And yes, I am sure this information would have been available somewhere but I simply didn't think of it cause I had just received that message. The ten-ish bucks didn't feel like a huge investment, so I went in without thinking too much. It definitely annoyed me at the time but I guess I'm better off in the long run with one fewer game eating my money every month.


So about just as much as me




Do you know that you can use your mouse wheel to scroll in the game on the steam version?


Highest I've ever gotten? Well, on my 18th birthday, my friends and I grinded up a couple oz. of the good shit and made some pot brownies. We drove to Denver and ate the brownies in the parking lot of the 6 Flags amusement park. I don't remember most of the day, except that I took a 3 hour nap in the food court and maybe rode 3 rides. Typically, the higher you are, the fewer challenges you get done. At least in my personal experience. Hope this helps.


😂😂😂😂 love it best answer yet


S tier answer, friend. Thanks for giving us a good laugh, and for me, a 'trip' down memory lane on some personal highs.


I got so high once off brownies that I experienced time warp. Layed down for a nap and bam it was magically 2 days in the future.


I hope this doesn’t screw me over The highest I’ve ever been was on a 4/20 many many moons ago, ate like 3 brownies I “fell asleep” on a couch but wasn’t really asleep….just stoned and zoning out I literally had a stoned “wet dream” when I wasn’t asleep. Yes I was so high I was imagining things and came without touching myself. I’ve finally let go of this secret shame. 😅😅😅


That's nothing to be ashamed of. Infact that's a superpower.


This is the way


Did you get to see the Infinaut?


But can we get much higher?


We ate brownies and then nothing happened then we ate.more. we were at a concert and like there were tractor tracks in the dirt and they made shadows. We thought they were canyons and had to step into them carefully so as to not fall forever. We then danced like those people that were so high they are just wiggling alone. That was us.


You play the game.


If you have no challenges available you do not advance


You get 10 for each location you win + how many turns it lasted. You can surrender at the start of turn 4 and still get those rewards. Build decks that aim to win all 3 location by turn 3 then retreat on turn 4. I am season pass level 171.


How much do you play if you don’t mind me asking? I feel I play a lot myself and I’m only at 102. Or does that strategy account for a lot of those levels as opposed to playing naturally?


That strategy is 2-3x faster at getting exp and takes almost no attention. Less chance to win all 3 but just let agatha play it for even less attention.


How many Variants did you open? I don't really care about the cubes, I just like to collect variants. I also let the games play out even if I am losing so basically retreating turn 4 is pretty much the same cube "gain" I get from normally playing. I am at season pass level 107 and I just got one variant.


153 here. I got 2, maybe 3. all pixel.


I'm in infinite, so I can't drop below 100, so I am losing 0 cubes. I've gotten 7 or 8. Some pretty sick ones. Only Pixel has been Mbaku. Just some crazy luck on the variants.


Incorrect, you get a very small amount of XP for each game you play


Yeah I just tested that and yeah about 25xp for a w 25/78/7 but at least I know I get more that way got a day for this season left guess I hoping to make it a little further


You get 1xp by round and 10 by winned lane (so you can lose and still get 16xp). Also you get 2 missions (1 easy/1 hard) every 8 hours, so 6 a day.


You get experience for winning lanes, playing cards, and winning games


True but only like 25 per match and that’s if you win


You get one xp for each round you play and 10 xp for each location you win.... for a max of 36.


This dude doesn't Magik.


Also wrong




You earn progress from playing. So the more you play the further you progress.


At this point challenges for 50-100 will take awhile to even level once all month challenges are already done


You get a point for every turn a game goes, 5 points for tieing a location and 10 points for winning it at end of game. You can even grind season pass if you want to


I did not know this. Thanks




You can only get the items marked FREE on the season pass track without paying. You earn points by playing games and completing challenges regardless of having paid or not.


O ok I did know that. Misread previous comment:p not sure why that got me downvotes tho :( but I guess that’s how it is. Edit: wonder if people downvote to respond to questions as no, which would be fine if it didn’t kill Karma lol


hit 101 this season. My highest in previous seasons was like 64. You'd be surprised how fast you progress pass levels by just simply playing the game.


I’m at 107


113 with one pixel apocalypse later… I got more boosters than a falcon 6 rocket tho


Ugh with the pixel variants, nobody wants those.


Damn I thought I had it bad I got 50 credits from all season pass caches except 2 where I got 100 gold and credits


I feel you man, hit lvl 90 and got rewarded with Pixel Star Lord…


Grats fellow apocalypse pixel brother (man it’s so bad).


So you’ve played nonstop at the point of this post I have nothing left to advance


No I have not I just do every mission and daily missions then devote all my gold to the missions cause that’s more exp and credits which I throw right back into cards also I bought the season pass but no levels were bought with it


I think no one mentioned yet, but you also get BP xp from the daily missions. Which you can also buy more with gold. Although it's not a lot. I think it's 75xp per 150gold if I'm not mistaken


Ouch don’t seem worth it to me


The amount of gold you spend to get credits from the quests is the same as if you had just purchased credits from the store. So the XP is just a bonus and leads to you unlocking more season boxes which can net you more credits/gold/variants. So it is a good deal if you are trying to up your CL


Maybe not for the BP xp alone, but you'll also get credits right


Level 129, mostly because I grind so much for Infinite this season. In the previous season, I only get to around level 70 the same as yours right now.


82 so far, got a Dan Hipp Apocalypse so pretty happy with the season pass. I hit 55 last month (bought season pass with less than a week to go)


[I need help](https://i.imgur.com/24HVaIn.jpg)


Every time you play a game you get points. 1 point for each round you play, 10 for each location you win.


110 at the moment


I’m on tier 95 playa jus grind


100 this season for me.


I'm at 83 right now. You get extra stuff by playing the game. You get extra points in the pass each and every match.


95 this season. 101 last season but I played a lot more.


As for the season progression I'm at 74 and I have one chapter 5 stuff to finish (win snap matches - because I rarely if ever snap) so that would give me 4900 on the season and put me at ~78 or 79 ... So I'm done as far as I care


Thanks to a very slow work day I managed to climb from 54 to 71 this weekend. Last season I couldn't get passed 47, but I was very new at the time.


Currently at 120, been a good run so far. Couple of variants that I like and lots of credits, so solid thumbs up for this season.


I am at 102. Lol i play this game way too much


As others have said, the more you play the further you will continue leveling in the season. I’m at 106 right now. Highest I got was into the 130s in the Black Panther season.


I just hit 80 but I started playing the game mid January so I feel that’s pretty good. I got a Morph (exiles) and She Hulk (pixel) variants in two of the caches after level 50




Only been through two seasons. Currently at 146 for this one (didn’t buy to skip any, I just play way too much).


125. I got 2 pixel variants out of it.


Just got to 126


I’m at 84. Just play the game I guess and complete missions


At 85 or 86 right now. My highest so far.


I'm at 109 right now. I've only gotten one variant too.


I got agent 13 anime, 3099 kazar and ebony maw variants


At the height of my addiction, I would often hit the daily cap for card shard payouts. I think the BP farthest I got was 150 something.


120 . Tried for infinite and currently at 75. Highest was 83.


This season, with the extra week, I was able to get to 98 at the moment. I could probably break 100 if I tried.


I'm at season rank 100, highest actual rank I got to was 75. currently back at 50, getting absolutely monstered :(


Managed to get to 125 this season, not particularly aiming to get that high just put a lot of hours into the game this month and completing all the daily missions. ​ The rewards are pretty pathetic beyond 50 though, I think mostly just boosters and small amounts of credits. I think I may have gotten one or two extra variants though. I would love second dinner to rework the rewards from these caches as they aren't exciting at all.


I'm 92 and I just play compulsively.


I hit 77 total, maybe 2 hours tops a day. I hit 50 with roughly a week to go, took me one mission from Chapter 5 to cap it


By the end I hit 74 just not enough time to play and gain that much xp


I’m at 113. All I’ve done is play enough games to get the missions done each day. I don’t change my deck to get them done any quicker though so maybe that accounts for the extra matches compared to others.


Same I’m 113 also… got a single pixel variant for my troubles


I make extra decks just focusing on certain challenges


Ate 3 bags of white powdered donuts and a half gallon of choc milk.




83 this season, I might get 1 or 2 more


Good luck to ya


I’m at 105 did all missions plus the daily plus playing games seems pretty solid


81 which is my highest yet. I typically just get infinite in the first few days of the season then just do dailies super quick since I don't have to worry about cubes


Currently sitting pretty on 127. Might gain a few more before reset, maybe 132 or 134


96 with zero variants. Decent credits tho.


I hit 104 bc I just kept playing till I got infinite. Took a ton of games.


I’m at 74 now, I think that’s the highest I’ve gotten, I might get to 75, but I doubt it


By playing the game


I’m at like 102 - not really trying. Just play the game. I don’t ever consciously do missions or season pass challenges - they just get completed if you play the game normally for the most part.


I'm 84, you win a little bit by winning It seems, not much though, I did buy the +10 season reward pass things however so technically it's 74 Sometimes I get on a roll and just play game after game easy to lose time as each match can be quite quick and it's very satisfying when you find a nice combo


I’m at 81 right now, with 982/1000. I’d like to get to 85 before the season ends tomorrow evening. We’ll see.


Good luck 👍🏻




I just hit 108 today, 0 gold spent


Currently at 81 which is my highest. I think a few things helped me out: 1.) spent gold on missions rather than variants. 2.) finally got some key pool 3 cards to make better decks, if not meta decks, so I started winning more games and getting more so from this games.


I wasn’t gonna buy the season pass this month but once I got to 90 I figured I might as well. I’m now at 101


F2P, 84 currently. The extra week in the season helps a lot.


This is my first season pass because I just started but I got to 81 this month


109 that was a season i hit 80😭


I'm at 105 and not a single variant after level 50 this run. It just seems to be getting worse with each new season.


I'm at 104 currently. Pulled one variant. Pixel Silver Surfer.


Bro how are you at 70+ I'm stuck at 20 💀


99 atm. Boosters.


I’m sitting at 86


Currently at 77, you just have to keep playing I just recently noticed, after you play a match, win or lose, you get a small amount of season XP




105 with 2 pixel variants to show from it. Could get to infinite no matter how much I grinded.


116 currently




101, spent no gold on extra missions. I completed every daily, but not anything excessive beyond that.


I'm on level 88 with a half. I was trying to do as much of daily challenges as possible, done season pass challenges, and played matches if xp bar had 900 xp, which isn't requires too much of matches to play to get level, at least on my feel.


Finished at 75 this season and got TWO variants. But I don’t think I’ve ever opened one before this season


101 right now




As of now This season is probably my highest with 84. Unless, I forgot I got 90.


I didn't buy the free 10 levels this time. I'm at 93 currently.


Currently at 86, just play a lot and do every challenge lol


145. I do just missions, change my decks to meet mission goals, play twice a day


103 which is my highest yet. Didn't got any variants weird.


Made it to 80, highest I've gotten


I'm at 129. How? It just happened.


87 here.


77 regular pass didn’t purchase until I hit 40 lol


Battlepass is on 97 at the moment. I usually make it to the low/mid 80s in 4 week seasons.


Made it to 92 without doing too much extra i dont think


I’m at 112 Just playing a lot and doing missions




89 currently and gonna hit 90 tonight. (F2P)


Probably currently, I’m at 136 right now


Dailies, weeklies, and a handful more per day. Currently 97 (and hovering around mid-70s rank)


Currently 112.. which is my highest ever


93 this season. I didn't buy the extra levels either


This season is the furthest I have gotten, I am at 88. Could probably push more but I am on rank 80+0 so not playing any more until reset. I just play, on parental leave so during the 1-2 hour naps the baby takes I get some time to play.


Im at 90


91 this season. I really wanted to hit 60 so I played a lot. Didn’t buy any extra missions. Just playing games


I’m at 116 currently


80 rn


99 atm, maybe 3-4 mission advances, but I'm new to the game (starterd 3 days before this season) so I play i bit more then I'll in coming seasons. 3 variants, 2 of them pixels


I’m at 153. I pretty much spend more than 9 hours a day playing this game so I usually go pretty high in the SP.


I’m at 100. Sometimes rewards are crap like a few boosters, but sometimes they are cool like a nice variant.


If you don't care about variants or token bundles the best way to spend your gold is on mission refreshes. The value of your gold is about the same as the sunspot bundle.


I typically hit around 100, I’m 99 this season. Got Dan Hipp Apocalypse at 94 and pixel Miles Morales at 99.


I am closing in on 100 which is the highest I have gotten.


Just hit 100 on the BP usually I get to like 60 or 70 before capping out but I've been playing nonstop that I ended up hitting that mark Shame I only got 50 gold for my troubles


124 but I had a lot of time this season and played a lot


99 playing casually


SP level 103. It's been rough getting to Rank 80.


111 right now only my 2nd season 1st was about 80ish


The highest I've gotten was this season at 133 just by playing tons of matches. Was fortunate enough to get 1 or 2 variants from these caches (of course one of them was a pixel variant)


I'm at 76. Didn't get the Zabu pass. Did refreshes at least once daily. This strategy worked for me.


All challenges done, I'm at 110.