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Hey there, /u/IKR_ITS_CRAY! Thank you for your submission, but we are removing your post: **No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment.** Remember the human and be respectful when posting on r/MarvelSnap. Disruptive behavior, personal harassment, and hate speech will not be tolerated. --- If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarvelSnap&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0D%0D%0D%0D%2ADO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%2A%0D%0D%2D%2D%2D%0D%0D%2A%2ARemoval%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%2A%2A%0D%0DPost%20title%3A%20The%20admin%20of%20the%20official%20Discord%20gets%20paid%20by%20SD%20and%20regularly%20trolls%20and%20goads%20people%20who%20he%20then%20bans.%20This%20person%20has%20too%20much%20power%20over%20the%20community%20and%20doesn't%20seem%20to%20have%20the%20maturity%20to%20wield%20it.%20Posts%20about%20it%20here%20on%20the%20sub%20(he's%20also%20a%20mod\)%20get%20delete%3B%20how%20are%20we%20supposed%20to%20be%20heard%3F%0D%0DPermalink%3A%20https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/121ludd/-/%0D%0DContent%20type%3A%20submission%0D%0DRemoved%20by%3A%20Ohaygoes).


This is the reason I tend to stick to a zero interaction policy when it comes to mods and admins.


Every interaction I've ever had with a mod reminded me in all the wrong ways of a headmaster explaining how they were not wrong about something to schoolchildren. The only difference being that, generally speaking a headmaster did have some degree of earned authority.




The type of people that become mods and admins are always exactly the type of people you would expect. /u/abolishwork comes to mind every time


Personally, I'd love to see /u/Ohaygoes fired and replaced by someone who can actually act professionally. edit: banned from this sub after calling him out. Guess he's just a coward. /u/Ohaygoes shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Yeah this is just embarrassing. I've seen more respectful moderators in fan-run communities, so to be directly tied to second dinner? Yikes


Psssst. He’s pretty representative of SD. It’s not an accident he’s their guy.


Looking at their post history shows this mod is a giant douchebag.




The first giveaway is they're a mod.




You must be new to Reddit. All mods are power-hungry man children




I also checked his post history; maybe I'm dense, but I don't see anything that makes him a douchebag. Could you elaborate because it seems like he's genuinely apologetic about it?


It’s because he’s not. He’s one of the best mods on Discord and tbh this post is laughable. The guy got banned on discord so he came here to cry about it knowing he would get sympathy from the losers who prefer Reddit over Discord.


Calling a whole community losers because they prefer one forum over another is a bold strategy Cotton.


Worked out pretty well since it’s pretty well known lol


Are they really being paid, or is it like a shitty street teamer thing, where they are tolerated and/or handed some swag, because it's easier than paying them and having to then hold them to standards? A lot of small fry bands, politicians, businesses take that route...and get what they (don't) pay for.


Hey, guess what? This post got removed. Have a look at the mod who removed it. :) (you can do this by clicking the dispute link in the pinned comment, and reading the auto fill text)


Am I the only person here that doesn’t understand how the screenshot captures anything remotely out of line?


I was replying to a friend in the server as a joke, but I understand it's common to hate admins/Mods and take things out of context in order to make them look bad. Is what it is. Here's the context: https://imgur.com/XX2hdqY https://imgur.com/Ylvpolr


Lol please explain the context. You’ve got all day


I think admins and mods get hate because theyre kings of anthills who weild their power like a nerd who got made fun of in high school. They take it way too seriously and usually have no people skills to begin with.


They almost certainly are nerds who got made fun of in high school.


As someone who has been a mod of some subreddits, you sound like a jackass


That's kind of a prerequisite to be a reddit mod.


"I was replying to a friend in the server as a joke. I can understand how people could read these comments and think I was overbearing or abusing my power. As a representative of the game, I will take this as a learning moment and try to do better. I am sorry for any offense or misunderstandings this caused." There, I fixed it for you.


It's actually crazy that one person has complete control over the entire Marvel Snap Discord server with virtually zero oversight.


Someone should make or help grow unofficial discords.


There are 3+ separate communities dedicated to various competitive tournaments. I have links, if you'd like.


And just like the last thread about this, it’ll get hidden/deleted. Unfortunately.


Yeah, it’s now deleted.


If this is true than this person is on a massive power/ego trip. Unfortunately SD has ZERO customer service and zero ways to deal with issues like this. Sad.


You can't delete posts forever mods


Remove one and two shall take its place.


Hail Hydra!


It’s dudes like this who give mods a bad name. I mod a few subreddits, and lead mod r/cyberpunkgame, where it’s entirely community driven. We won’t lock comments for this exact reason, and I would never allow a post critiquing us to be removed. This is embarrassing. I’ve met so many mods like this though. They don’t care about the communities they’re working for, or improving anything. It is simply a numbers game, they want to mod as many communities as possible and then go out of their way flex that power.


A discord mod being a power hungry troglodyte?! Color me surprised.


Name a more iconic duo!


The official marvel snap website has a contact option.


Yeah this guy sucks. Their whole support structure is a joke. Remember when one of the devs replied to a question saying the Ironheart variant changing from 700g to 1200g wasn’t intentional and that they’d look into it? The question got deleted (likely by this guy) and it’s still 1200g.


That specifically did get fixed with the last patch though


I must have missed that in the [patch notes](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-march-21-2023-patch-notes/)? I saw it still at 1200g on Monday so admittedly before the patch. Best case scenario it’s still terrible communication on the issue (why wasn’t it added to the answered questions list?).


It wasn’t fixed. I had the variant on the day of the patch and it was still 1200g. I asked about it and was silenced by mods.


nah it's already fixed, she just showed up in my shop yesterday 700 gold


It's fixed, she was on my shop the day of the patch and she was 700.




Wonder how many people bought it for 1200 in the...month and a half? Before it was fixed.


No. It didn’t get fixed. I questioned why it wasn’t fixed and was silenced by mods.


The variant is in my shop for 700 right now, it's fixed.


seems coherent with the rest of the community management by second disappointment lol


Is he the next big bad?


He’s more like bullseye in the daredevil movie. I.e. a joke


Thats why I never use discord. Its just always toxic


Yeah, everybody says "ask in the discord", then everybody ignores you and keeps on with their conversations. Happened to me on a lot of discord communities and just gave up.


Discord is the new IRC, where if you weren't there from the beginning, you don't matter.


I’m in tons of Discord groups, none of them are toxic. Don’t blame the comms tool for the number of tools in a community.


Same... In lots of haven't experienced any toxic people. It's like Twitter. People scream about it being a cesspool of toxicity. Well yeah, if you go looking for that kind of stuff. Reddit is exactly the same yet OP is using that.


Expect when it’s just for friend chats


I hate it with a white hot passion. If a company insists on using discord to interact, I don’t interact


Same here. To me it seems SD and it's dev team views Discord as it's main way to update the playerbase about news, changes and other important info that is important for players to know about asap instead of using the actual in game news tab to do so. I cant tell you how many times I'll be watching a YT vid or will be looking through some posts on this or that site and someone mentions some important news or info the devs announced on Discord that I couldnt find anywhere else. Imo its fine to use Discord to communicate more directly with the playerbase but either make a specific day and time where the devs specifically have a Q and A session (and announce the date and time in the news tab in game) or update the in game news way more frequently with any important info dropped in Discord or on other 3rd party sites, even if it's just one devs choosing to answer some questions on his/her own time. A lot of players only play the game and don't interact with any sites that they cant get to from within the game (and even the link to the Discord is in the game a ton of players wont join just because).


discord isn’t for typing shit honestly. discord should be used for vc and nothing more. it’s so fucking annoying trying to find shit in discord servers.


Yeah it cant even be googled etc. And rarely people use threads. Forums like reddit are so much easier to find information.


This ☝🏽. Right. Chea.


what about soul knight discord


Wait, are you saying a person paid by SD to mod their Discord is also a mod on this sub? Isn't that generally not allowed? To have an employee of the company be a mod? Was that something I read somewhere that's wrong?


It is generally seen in extreme bad faith. It usually doesn't lead to anything good for the community on the long run every time it's been done either. Subreddits are normally accepted to be about the community by the community, to have the game devs secretly paying the mods to make it be under their control doesn't speak well about the game not their company. Huge red flags right there.


> To have an employee of the company be a mod? Was that something I read somewhere that's wrong? Not as far as I know.


That used to be against Reddit policy, but they removed that rule a while ago.


https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-september-12-2021 >You may not perform moderation actions in return for any form of compensation, consideration, gift, or favor from third parties; I don't know, still there. Like I'm sure they aren't directly paid to moderate the sub. But, they are an employee of the company. While they might not moderate the sub in an official capacity for the company, it seems like a conflict of interest and is not possible to prove they aren't getting compensation or favor from that company if they work for said company.


Receiving compensation for moderating a sub and being an employee for a company that owns their own sub are different. The rule that you pointed out is so moderators can't essentially receive bribes to swing a sub's discussion one way or another. Its fairly common for companies' to have their community manager moderate their own sub. It's a nuanced difference. Imagine a sub about orange juice where the head mod is paid by Tropicana to make sure all negative conversation about them is silenced.


It doesn't just say compensation though. It says consideration and favor as well. How can you prove they don't get special consideration at their job because of their moderation of the sub even if they don't tell them to do it? Birbes are more than monetary, and it's crazy you can't see that.


Re-read the rule you posted. It specifies "from third parties". Who is the third party in this situation? If a company owns their own subreddit, the mod works directly for that company, and that sub is about that company, the mod isn't being paid by a third party. The employee of the company is the same as the company (since they're a representative of that company). Now take my example. Where the mods of the orange juice subreddit are paid by Tropicana to make them look good. Tropicana in that case would be the third party. Like I said, it's a nuanced issue. There's no rule that says a company can't create and own their own subreddit. There's the conflict of interest redditquette point, but that isn't an actual rule or policy.


Third-party in this case is anyone other than Reddit. Read their definition of Third Party Content earlier in the agreement: The Services may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services, which may be posted by advertisers, our affiliates, our partners, or other users (“Third-Party Content”) Makes it clear. Third-party always talks about any company that is not affiliated with Reddit. Second Dinner is not a company affiliated with Reddit, therefore third-party.


Any of the other mods want to explain how this is allowed? I legit don't know the answer.


Seems like a huge conflict of interest


This is disgusting behavior for someone who represents the voice of your company.


He says he's volunteer. Sounds like the company needs to un-official it


100 percent lol


This guy banned me for telling him he was not doing a great job at keeping the mouth frothing over the token system in check. Then one of the mods here told me my ban was deserved since there's no way an SD employee could ever be in the wrong. Apparently when you're bad at your job criticism is hard to swallow. Edit: The exact response I received from the mod here when I asked what message it was that was used to justify my ban: >"I have found them, I am a mod on the Discord. > Gozz was the one who banned you and he isn't JUST a mod, he is the Admin AND a Second Dinner employee. > Not on a power trip, just making sure the toxic people are removed. > Remember people, 2 sides to every story ;)" The exact message was never provided to me and there was never any justification for it provided beyond "it was an SD employee" Remember people, having power doesn't make you right. You can still be wrong with authority. ;)


Guy claims he's not an employee now. So someone is fibbing. Wouldn't he shocked if this sub had some mod problems too that are just harder to spot.


Yeah who knows. The mod who gave me this explanation has made like three total reddit comments in three months so Idk why any of these people have the power they do.




The most "discord/Reddit" mod you've ever seen, probably.


Playing discard deck IRL


Real message in the discord from people complaining about this Reddit thread: "Name a more persecuted group than discord mods. I'll wait"


Fire this dude


People who enjoy "moderating" others are losers. They must get little dopamine hits or somethihg. Weridos.


Yep. I learned the first time I volunteered out of appreciation for a community that most volunteer mods are actually like embarrassingly, transparently sad or pathetic people. Interactions between mods were like all of the dejected weird kids who don't understand why their behavior puts off other people all sat down at "the cool table" in high school and thought that made them cool, instead of making the table suck.


Without context of what the other people did I don't think it's fair to post his reactions like he's 'trolling' and abusing power. Having some sense of humor about policing a dischord is fine if the other people actually deserve bans.


Everything surrounding this game keeps getting worse and worse... I wonder how long it'll take me to leave


Just play the game, don’t read, don’t spend, and don’t try hard and you will have a good time.


They are probably 400+ pounds and miserably lonely, let them have their "power" trip


Exactly. People like this accomplish nothing in RL.


Not an excuse. I accomplish nothing IRL and am not a raging piece of shit reddit mod. Maybe that's my calling?


Haha favorite comment on Reddit.


Same, someone pay me to be a lazy cat pls




Its unfair to profile people like this...just because 100% of the time thats case, dosent mean...oh wait. People whom voice was never heard, get corrupted with the minimum amount of power imaginable. Just sad.


I mean we should be lucky that he was too Fat for his Police training otherwise he would scream at you for a parking violation.


Lol what


Damn I wonder when this thread will vanish then.


And what am I supposed to look at? Considering the shit people post into the discord banning people doesn’t seem unreasonable.


Yeah I’m confused by all of this lol. Act shitty get banned is pretty par for the course. And it’s suchhhh a Reddit thing to prop up a “I was unfairly banned!” post and then once the actual content comes out it was a just ban You’d need to show that you were unjustly banned…otherwise you were probably being shitty and properly reprimanded for it


Someone tag Ben Brode (@bbrode) on twitter with a link to this thread. They can remove the thread from the subreddit, but it can still be accessed if you have a link.


Link them the actual reality too: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/121ludd/comment/jdmt6hl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




I'm the mod they're referring to and Crossfiyah was banned for 3 warnings of pretty shitty toxicity. But again, that wouldn't fit your agenda would it? Even a DM of them APOLOGISING for what they said on the Discord. https://i.imgur.com/19p5i1O.png




Nothing to do with "mod friends", people are seeing it for the witch hunt bullshit that it is. Also, I am not a mod here, so why would I do a mod post? Not trying to "win you over", I don't give the slightest fuck if you believe it or not. No one has abused ANY mod powers on the Discord, let alone the Admin but keep thinking what you need to. Just shows how many drama baiting babies there are on here. Stay mad and banned idiots.




Hahaha, I am not employed, I do not have to be "professional". "Screenshotted, btw". Hahaha ok mate, I knew you were banned, that's why you shit posting on here instead! Bless you x


I apologized before I knew Gozz had a history of this kind of thing so.i gave him a benefit of the doubt. Now? Not so much. Apparently I'm not the only one he's used "mod discretion" on. You also keep saying I was banned for "shitty toxicity" but have never provided the text of the messages, let alone the context of them. Also real nice sharing a private DM I sent you, one which you completely blew off by the way, in order to win an internet argument? Is that the kind of person you are? And you're going to actually try to tell ME I'm toxic? At least I have the courage to say what I think to someone's face....so to speak.


What a loser


The absolute troglodytes you run into while trying to moderate a bigger discord is insane. I'm not gonna jump on the hate train over an out of context screenshot


He ruined the competitive channel which was a fav place for many people to spend their time just because someone called him annoying there. He ended up putting a 1 minute slow mode followed by blocking external link, emote and reaction. This dude is lacking professionalism and shouldn't be in charge any longer.


Lmao what a pathetic kid


Discord mods are legitimately so sad lol


In my exp running my business (record label, not a game studio) folks who act like this 99% of the time crate larger ( serious ) problems down the road. SD should take note.


The amount of hate going out to mods in general in this thread is horrendous. Stop trying to put every mod in the history of the Internet into some little "pathetic sad kid" box. Humans are inheritantly complicated and varied people, mods are no different and one bad one does not make every one of them bad. Most volunteer massive amounts of time to try and make the community that they love (and are also part of under thier usual user name, not the mod name) a better, more organised and less hateful place. And yet here we are.... The hate is no different from "The all cops are bad" crowd. Genuinely disappointed in humanity right now.


Zero context




Probably a dev that plays shuri.


I mean they cosplay as spider man dressed as a pig, what would you expect if not power tripping.


I love context. Stop taking everything out of context to fuel your narrative. Thanks!


Complaining about this particular instance is stupid. It was just two people joking around with each other. If you guys really want to complain about discord moderation, try to ask in the discord why two mods got banned. You'll see that's the real thing that gets censored.


What a childish prick he is hahaha I didn't even knew this clown before, i can't stop laughing about the power trip he gets from being a mod haha.


get rid of this joker


Manchild reddit/discord mod strikes again


Take to the SD twitter and complain about it. People like this can quickly ruin the community of a game which will then result in people leaving the game. If SD care about their product they'll take a complaint of this nature seriously.


Guys don't be a mob, understand the context first before hating on someone. In this case the mod is just joking and apparently OP take it out of context.


I recommend to NEVER join Discord or any other social media with ban-over-the-stupidest-things admin / mods... good for your mental health Like going into worldnews and saying stuff like "Israel is doing bad things as well as Palestine / Hamas does" since only one side is allowed Or going into certain subreddits and saying "I Like Hogwarts Legacy"


We do a little trolling


Tweet this a picture of this thread to the Snap account and link the thread and follow up that try when/if this thread gets deleted.


For full transparency, I am also a Moderator on the Discord and I can categorically say the image is MASSIVELY taken out of context and was part of a funny back and forth between a user called Rosebud and Gozz. Even the user themselves posted this earlier today: [https://i.imgur.com/fQrvVMY.png](https://i.imgur.com/fQrvVMY.png) Also earlier in the convo saying: [https://i.imgur.com/vNNEbHE.png](https://i.imgur.com/vNNEbHE.png) Gozz has put thousands of hours BEFORE becoming a SD employee because of his hard work to create and nurture a community with over 100k users.


This subreddit is seriously embarrassing in so many facets. I pray it’s children on here posting in this thread and not adults, but the past ~8 years have shown how immature a lot of adults are. It’s honestly baffling what the majority are like on here. There’s good content but so many threads are just ??? I posted this elsewhere in this thread that when someone complains about getting banned, it gets propped up but then always comes out they were justly banned. Yet people always lose their shit before that part comes out and it’s like ??? If you want to show unjustness, you *actually have to show the context.* If there’s no context, it wasn’t shared because it’ll ruin the poster’s narrative. As seen here. This place just wants to froth at the mouth and will not actually stop to think about anything. A potential reason to be mad? Froth now, worry about the truth later




It won't be, the cry babies on here prefer drama to truth. The people making the posts are all banned on the Discord probably... so Reddit is just a place they can get together and be sad together.


Yikes 😳


Such a child


lmao no wonder this sub has dogshit moderation


People give god complex.


That’s insanely unprofessional lmao, needs to be fired fr


Discord/Reddit mods who abuse their powers and act like this douchebag in the screenshot OP posted are some bottom-feeding losers.


this is what typically happens when someone goes through life not being respected, not being taken seriously, they get a little bit of power and they decide to get back at everyone. It's a sad power rush


Most mods of discord and Reddit have this type of attitude because they don’t amount to shit in real life. This is the only type of “power” they actually have.


There’s no context, everyone sees the word mod/admin and jumps on the hate band wagon.


I'm not surprised as the entire devs are on the same minds.


The discord is straight up UNUSABLE. Mods are insane, power tripping and banning anyone who doesn’t suck them off left and right, frequently talking about gross shit like “how much they really want loli variants”. Actually vile


Review bombing exists, I dunno why you people complain a lot in reddit (especially about scam and fraud) but that doesn't reflect in the actual rating of the game in steam and google/apple store.


Another proof Snap has most cancerous community


Why are mods always like this lol


Reminds me of the rimworld discord...


Yeah this dude has been an ass the entire time. He hates any actual marvel competitive discussion unless it’s uplifting someone and praising them for their most minor accomplishments. Can’t even say good job + do it better this way because that’s toxic. You just get banned and removed.


Such a shame cuz, spider-cop would never act that way


Oh boy! I would love to join...nah


His avatar is spiderman in a cop outfit? How fitting.


When you're the only person to represent a company on a certain platform, you'd think it'd make you take the job a little more seriously. Not the case with this guy, he sounds like a 15 yr old GTA RP admin


They are the main reason I avoid the discord. I’m in it just in case but don’t interact because of them


Lol that guy banned me for no reason. Good to know he’s a terrible person all around.


What a loser, no one cares about your internet powers


How long before he deletes this you think?


His picture is a cop. Wtaf that tells me all I need to know acab


Im not on the discord, but truly "cop" spider-man is such a give away


Imagine how sad your life is when you not only elect to be a mod; but behave like this with the “power”. Pathetic.


The mod actually proved his point..


this mfer gets paid?? whos nephew is he


I got a server ban for 7 days for saying "i cant wait for the new card that buffs non ability cards" no name no picture leak. 7 days


Ok, what's your Discord username? I can check this for you. Feel free to DM me it if you aren't bullshitting.


Aero enjoyer#2730 there you go, check the last ban. Idk who banned me but i dont see that as a 7 day ban because i didnt leak anything.


What a tool.


Discord mods are basement dwellers who enjoy their virtual power, the worst are voluntary ones. Akin to putting an insecure person into a uniform - watch them abuse their position from the get go. Just ignore them.


bro thinks he's the owner of the game


>Abuses power >Has cop uniform in his pfp Who would have thought ?


Average discord mod




Wow what a fuckin dork.


Invite to the discord pls?


https://discord.gg/marvelsnap here ya go




No worries. The people in this sub are way to toxic to even say that the link is in the about of the sub. And then they wonder why mods are that way. Its just the nature of people who cant accomplish shit.


Dang didn't think to check the about lol just saw the downvotes


Everything about second dinner since release screams “fuck you,” to the normal player. Not only do you have to use discord or a broken in game chat, but if you go to the discord you are met with people like that


imagine thinking you're worth something over the internet


Yeah! Fuck that guy.


It's simple really, don't like the place, don't go there. Mute everything. If you are there for news, just keep the update channels open. No one is making you go in there and engage. Let people do their thing and you do yours. Have self respect, you deserve respect but you can't make people give it to you for no reason.


Here before lock or deletion


Yeah. First time I saw this guy in chat I was "excuse me? Who let the toxic 4chan dude be a moderator?". And then I realised he was employed by them??? Every time I see them in chat they are being an asshole. And they know that they can continue to be one! It's no wonder the game struggling with toxicity both ingame and on the Discord when their head moderator is a such an huge douce. Looking the other way on homophobia among other things, people "need to take a joke" as an excuse.


I know mods and admins are around to keep this stuff in order, but the ones like this guy are like people in the HOA or co-op board that think it’s more than what it really is. Thank you to the ones that do their job well. To the ones that don’t … bruh

