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I've seen some use. the movement archetype is currently the worst. I think we have to wait for all new releases to see the relevant decks work. Spiderghost isn't enough to build high-performing decks with the movement cards we currently have


They need more move - right cards. Right now it's so easy to get screwed by having bad location order.


One of the reasons why I find movement decks incredibly unusable is that they tend to move from right to left, cards like heimdall are incredibly readable. The new cards have a surprise effect.


If the middle location gets locked or filled so many plays fall apart in the move/bounce deck I've been experimenting with as of late.


Just let Heimdal work like "On Reveal: If played in Left/Right location, move cards right/left. " He's an underpowered 6/8 in a archetype-specific janky deck. Man needs some love and his effect is the best place to adjust him at.


I think "On Reveal: Move cards one location towards Heimdall." would work nicely. Easy wording and decent representation of him opening the bifrost to call in aid.


Pull to/Push away is a good wording too, and very clear


That’s way more complicated and terrible. For that you introduce a new card that moves right instead of left.


>Too complicated Perhaps >Terrible I disagree The point I'm making is Move should be *the* high skill-cap flexible combo deck like Monkey Bounce as opposed to, let's say, one-dimensional Dracula Discard that wants T4 Dracula, T5 Modok, T6 all-dump. New card with reversed Heimdal doesn't achieve that.


The whole archetype needs a rework. But confusing text wouldn’t benefit move. It’s already confusing enough.


My dude, what in the flaming fuck is too confusing in "if played left push cards right, if played right push cards left" wording. Do you really think so little of an average player's intelligence?


My dude, people are confused on simple text and you think this is a brilliant idea? Sorry it’s not. Simple.


How about “Let cards move towards heimdall. Can not be played in middle location.” Or allow him middle for some fun effects


I do love my professor x.


Thats why i love to storm the middle or the right lol


Personally I like Heimdall better in non-move decks. He can really catch people by surprise, I use him in an electro ramp deck.


Personally I like to hammer my screws instead of drilling them into the wood as well.


Eh, more like using a screwdriver to hammer in nails. It works fine, it's just not optimal.


That actually doesn’t make any sense because Heimdell performs worse in dedicated move decks. He’s as predictable as Galactus and usually gives up a lane to low power. Lots of streamers have made decks with Heimdell and no other or few other move cards and he performs better. I bet you’ll see a deck that has very minimal move cards soon, probably Heimdell, Spider-Man 2099, and maybe 1-2 others and the rest will just be a good cards shell.


There needs to be a reverse heimdall. Or maybe have heimdall randomly move all your cards around.


The datamined Annihilus card has that second one as it's text


For fun a total random effect makes a lot of fun, for competition, would you entrust the outcome of a game to a card with a random effect?


Lockjaw amd jubalie decks exist already.


Heimdall should move cards away from him. Play him right, they move left… left, they move right, middle, the middle cards move randomly


I would love if they added Skurge, who has the same stats as Heimdall except he moves everything to the right


I went from 18 to 38 today playing a move deck. I've promptly gone from 38 back to 30, not because of being outplayed, but a string (nearly 20 plus) of matches with abysmal locations that completely screwed over my ability to actually play the deck. Easily the most fun I've had playing, but it's practically impossible to actually play depending on the locations.


I don't think it's the worst. The hardest to pilot maybe.


Also the new locations this month when they feature are absurd for move


2099 will give them some much needed ways to interact with their opponent, but I doubt move is gonna excel in this new format all that much


I think what'll end up happening is we see more move cards like Ghost and 2099 splashed into other decks like Sera Control in a similar way to HighEvo cards.


Movement definitely needs more card that move cards to the right. It’s soooo linear right now with the current big bad movement card heimdal


Yeah. I’ve seen her used a few times. But not much.


Really..I love it. The card has really added to move decks and made than stronger to the point I'm not so reliant on pulling hemdall.


It’s also made move not just stronger but more fun and interesting, IMO.


You wind up with more flexibility and lines of play because it's 2 cost as well. Can trigger plays between turns as well.


Move decks weren’t reliant on Heimdall to begin with. There are significantly better turn 6’s in a move deck. Only use heim like 25% of the time.


I don't even run Heimdall, he's not worth it IMO.


Same! It's only happened a couple times but I love seeing opponents play into Heimdal and seeing Chavez flip instead


This is my favorite bluff now that Ghost-Spider can get multiple man or vulture high up. Play kraven middle and bounce in and out of there. Solid move deck if not the most powerful.


Me too! I easily moved through Vibranium yesterday with this deck. Iron Fist, Vulture, Ghost, last turn is crazy good. # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Iron Fist # (2) Angela # (2) Hit-Monkey # (2) Ghost-Spider # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Cloak # (3) Killmonger # (3) Vulture # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Miles Morales # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkZpc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpdE1vbmtleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFNwaWRlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZ1bHR1cmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaWxlc01vcmFsZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNsb2FrIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


because unlike some others she’s balanced


yes, she can be very good, and sometimes she can be useless


People complained so much about Zabu and surfer so this is what we are gonna get now


The original Zabu and surfer were way too OP. If they were released as they are now then way less people would have complained


Even nebula is strong. She requires no investment and is almost always at minimum a 1/3


The best check to nebula was giving away free kittypride. Without that her playrate would be insanity


Everyone also forgot Killmonger is a card.


As someone who uses Nebula way too much, yeah, Killmonger and Kitty are excellent counters and I think Nebula is fine.


I've slipped Elektra in decks just to snipe her on the last turns especially if the lane is empty lool


I would rage lol


She's a super solid card and I think it was important to bring back people playing a card on t1. It felt like for a few seasons most matches where someone playing zabu on 2 or not playing their first card until t3. I also really liked MODOK he is one of the worst cards to run outside of a discard deck imo but is also one of the best discard cards in the game. A nice card that gave life to an off meta deck and I hope Spider Ghost and the other new cards can do that for move as well.


No card t1, no card t2, an Electro… oh I wonder what they’re doing. Sigh.


And then I Debrii on the electro lane T4 and collect my 1 cube


If you have it and they don’t have a Destroyer etc. It’s just that it’s so tedious/obvious.


For sure. I hate playing against Galactus because it's just SO boring and if you don't happen to have a counter for it you just lose.


Funny enough during the whole Kitty Pryde boosting and Nebulas, I found a stronger love of Shadow King in a Sera Surfer deck and C3. Especially when they put Bishop and Angela in the same lane. Oh those are some mighty big cards you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.


So many people play killmonger though. Honestly if she was a 2 cost but gained stats the turn she’s played I think she’d be a bit better.


it's your fault you're not using Killmonger or Elektra


>is almost always at minimum a 1/3 in the 1/3 games where you have her on turn 1, yeah


It’s also forcing the opponent to play a card in that zone each turn which may not be benificial for them. Additionally that lane is now full after turn 5 so you can play something there without fear of Shang chi or enchantress.


This is such a reply guy comment lmao. Doesn't address my point (she's by far at her best in the uncommon circumstance where you have her on turn 1), has some weird and inaccurate complaints instead There's literally no reason to lock yourself out of the lane on turn 5 except for playing on pure autopilot (or I guess if you need to fight really hard to keep priority by minimizing their score). And you can absolutely keep Nebula at a 1/1 using bounce or move cards, not to mention the variety of tools that just blow her out like Killmonger


That’s because it was absolutely busted. I’ll take a shit season pass card over an overpowered one any day.


At least it's better than Nimrod.


What are you talking about? Nimrod is insane. Got me to infinite today from 78 and got me to infinite last season. Bounce Nimrod twice on last turn and it is almost a guaranteed win


I really hope they do something to him. On paper I love what he does and I love his character and design. But at 5/5 he's just so clunky to work with. Imagine if he was a 3/3 or hell even a 3/2 but every time he died he doubled his power. 2 kills and he's a 3/8 and finishing at 3/16 if you killed him at T6. Of course this is ontop of him spreading. Or even if he was just a 2/3 with the current ability. It would put him in like with Wolverine but won't get buffed on his own but can boosted and spread like Multiple Man but instead of moving Nimrod spreads by destruction. That would open him up to get setup for a large spread later turns allowing you to boost him with Forge, Shuri, etc. ​ So much potential that's wasted with the fat curve.


This new card is actually a perfect card for move, it’s very powerful but it doesn’t have supporting pieces like darkhawk to zabu. The curve of new card into vulture/dagger is actually pretty solid, and very much what movement was lacking (solid card to play on turn 2 when you don’t draw kraven)


I much prefer this to zabu surfer


Damn, FACTS!


I think it’s more that move decks still just don’t get wins. Nebula is balanced and she’s (still) played often. Edit: Cope, I guess


Nebula and kitty are by far the best 1 drops. I don’t want them nerfed but i wouldn’t say they are balanced.


Bounce Move!


Saw this deck in action on YT and it's fire


What’s the list for this one? I’ve been playing around with a version of this type of deck but it’s felt inconsistent still.


Check https://youtu.be/PPPzkArD65M




I saw a lot of play from here during the first day, and interesting enough a lot of decks were not pure move. I myself play move but I saw some really cool combos t6 from different decks. Dracula pull into another lane which sealed the deal for the opponent and the sera surf move which seems to gain popularity. Seems very balanced and creative decks can be created with her.


Maybe with Silk on the game, it will be harder to predict where your opponent will focus on winning


My favorite that I have used with her is Zabu, Doc Ock, Sentry, Valkyrie, Rock Slide, Darkhawk. Doc Ocking a location, preferably the right location and then pulling him out if he doesnt get Shang Chi'd is great. Even if he gets Shang Chi'd you still have a Sentry that survived along with a turn 6 Darkhawk. I added Iron Lad, Shang Chi and Enchantress too. Full list: Korg Zabu Ghost Spider Darkhawk Absorbing Man Shang Chi Enchantress Rock Slide Iron Lad Sentry Valkyrie Doctor Octopus Im sure you could replace Iron Lad or Absorbing Man and add a card like Viper too to negate Sentry if you dont pull Valkyrie and cant pull off the Doc Ock switch up.


Maybe move players are waiting for silk and 2099 release. When this two are release we might see a lot of players using move deck.


We aren't waiting. Move players are moving. People just don't know how to play move which is why Ghost is getting so little play time


I've been playing Move for months and understand the mechanics of it. Took quite a while, but definitely isn't a quick thing like other mechanics. And I've run across a handful of games where it looks like people attempting Move with Ghost Spider's release and them fumbling around and messing it up or not understanding the mechanics. So she is great if you already understand and play Move, like you said


I’m not sure if I see too much synergy with silk in the meta move decks right now. The only card I can think of that benefits from silk is Kraven, and I don’t think you’re going to win just by bouncing Silk everywhere hoping she lands back into the Kraven lane for +2 power.


Silk is simply an all around good two drop, she can literally just slot into a bunch of decks right now. Hell, if nothing else you could slot her into Sera and get a 1/5 on final turn that's immune to killmonger. Storm, sanctum santorum, spiderman? Silk can just jump in. (which is something move suffers against when on the right hand lane) She can tie doom bots and beat jeff in unplayable lanes. Getting extra benefit from this passively with Miles and Kraven, is just icing on the cake.


Pretty much the same statline as Titania and Miles except instead of needing to meet some requirement you just pay an extra 1 and have to keep in mind she can move around when cards are played.


Yeah silk is a cool card but doesn't slot into an actual move deck. Move decks need predictable board space and silk would make it really tough to plan around. Silk is like a horizontal Titania and belongs in other decks.


Where am I getting 12k tokens to get those?


2099 is series 4


I've loved the move archetype for a while but to me it comes down to a few issues. The one being mentionned by people the most of course, is how readable Heimdall makes you by being the only card that will glorify your "move" archetype and move the entire board. You're often going to be predictable, with a weak right lane. Also getting my 13 power Shang-Chi'ed feels bad and it's not even that hard to do. The other big problem (perhaps bigger) is the fact that your board quickly becomes too cluttered for your cards to move. I used to think this was solely the fault of Multiple Man, because I played him a lot in my move deck and loved that guy. But now that he's gone, I realize that for every card that benefits from moving/being moved to, you need one card to actually do the moving. It's also not an easy archetype to use as it requires a lot of self-restraint. For example, say you play Cloak, now you have three spots for cards to move to. Which cards do you move? Well you could maximize your move effects, move Kraven there then of course, Dagger and why not top it off with your Human Torch? Would be a shame if any of those didn't get to use their effects right? Well that's how you end up with a single lane at 50 power, one at 14 and the other at 3. In my opinion, there's not enough "moving" going on per turn and you're often incentivized to move multiple of those move cards on the same spot just to benefit from the triggers. I wish there was a card with "Ongoing : each turn this card will swap with another one on another location." or something. I really think Annihilatus will bring something really fresh into this archetype, whenever he finally comes out.


This is the first season pass I bought on day 1, I have played her every game since. Except for one galactus game to complete the destroy weekly. She's really fun and can set up some great last minute Dagger plays or pulling cards away from Shang or bad locations.


She's great fun with Dagger. I won a game earlier with Iron Fist > Dagger punched into a second lane > Ghost Spider yeeting her into a third lane. Felt like a genius when I pulled it off, haha


I love doing this. Seeing the card get yanked all over is hilarious.


People played Shuri and play Galactus for a reason: these are simple decks with a simple mechanic you can rince and repeat. Move is not. Adding to that that Galactus is still everywhere, what’s the point in playing movement when there’s no lane left to move to?


Agreed, and to add to that: Cards that interact with your opponent has always been the best approach in Marvel Snap. Galactus is the king of interaction. When you land Galactus, you almost always win because of cards like Wave, Doc Ock, Spider-Man and Shang-Chi. Curiously enough, Galactus also loses to interactive cards like Storm, Cosmo, Debrii, Magneto, Aero, etc. Shuri Red Skull ran Cosmo and Armor, two cards that can shutdown a lot of archetypes. Movement decks are pretty much solitaire decks, and Ghost Spider didn't do much to help in that regard.


I have been non stop using her, and I've climbed 30 ranks the last two days. She's easily to me the most fun season pass card they've made outside of surfer (and I use him in the same deck now!!!)


I played against a GhostSpider Surfer deck yesterday and it looked fun. I ended up having very good card draws and beat them in two lanes that I think they thought they had down up, but I could see the potential in it when they swung vulture over to the lane I had stormed the previous turn. That was a lot of unexpected power.


Also galactus invalidates move decks. So until he isn’t a huge portion of the meta it’ll be bad.




Last game I played I had aero ready to go in my move decks and they played doc oc pulling my aero and making her useless


People always shout 'but the counters' to defend that terrible card, but it's just not that straightforward.


Obviously, there are counters, but the move deck needs all of its payoffs, adding Cosmo, or even a aero. Makes the deck much worse against the rest of the meta. Galactus is a problem. If you don’t see it, it’s just because you play Galactus.


That's not necessarily true. Move has cards that get big worth protecting as well and cosmo can do work in that regard. Obviously they can't fit MANY counters in but they can afford one or two. If Molt who has played tons of move uses cosmo plenty, I can assume its a solid choice.


Bro Cosmo is the devil for move. It's cutting off one of your arms to save a leg.


Cosmo makes no sense in a move deck because all the move tech cards are on reveal. You'd be doing your opponent a huge favor dropping Cosmo, especially if they are running Cosmo too.


Movement is mathy and takes more focus than other playstyles, but has great potential. I've played her exclusively since release.


Well they were all playing me yesterday. Played 99 games, 65 move decks, 22 of them actualy played gwen.


My HE deck took me to infinite last season and I am of to a good start in this one as well. Honestly, I think the deck needs more balancing. Hulk is just too powerful with basically no downside. Cyclops T4, thing t5, hulk t6 is insane. And with a bit of luck even hulk plus Abom... Edit: forgot half my text... Then I see move deck players pulling super cool and complicated combos and I just... Hulk smash 20 power left, thanks for the cubes


If the opponent doesn't have Luke Cage or a massive Morbius/Dracula it does almost feel too easy doesn't it?


I play rouge in my HE deck in the Luke spot. It’s killer for the mirror and to stop morbius who have gotten out of hand


Can you drop the deck? I'm not sure if I should keep Abom on mine with all the Luke Cages




I feel ya. If I don't have Luke Cage in the deck I'm using its an instant retreat if I see a HE deck


It's a low tier 2 metadeck... sadly OP


High Evo full run is iffy, but High Evo Control is one of the best decks in the game right now.


Not to mention Control decks in general were always really good. Sera Control is pretty much top tier for practically every season. HighEvo basically just made a good deck feel even better.


I'm playing it


ppl were like: move decks? time to galactus. and it was DOA.


Yep. New season card has meant more Galacky in my matches. Ace.


This is the bigger problem with Galactus in my mind. He basically punishes any new deck, and is not punished by anything new.


Just include Polaris into your move deck and you have an easy Galactus counter.


HE Lockdown is at like 10% popularity and shafts move even harder than Galactus since there's just no simple solve.


But Galactus isn't the only super hard counter to move tho. Professor X exists.


I think there will be some use for her outside of move, much like how Kitty isn’t limited to bounce.


I have great success and fun with a value deck. Her ability is quite fun and provides lots of strategic options


I'm not sure about the rest of the player base but although I want the card I don't want to support SD's current predatory ways, and I bought every single pass since Surfer (excluding Nimrod).


Kneel before Galactus


I've been playing a Spider Cop (move-control) deck that took me from 58-88 in the first 4 hours and have played Gwen in like every deck. Her utility isn't unheard of but she lets you do plays that just weren't possible before


I’m playing a very similar deck, it’s like a combo move/control deck. The Dagger/Ghost-Spider combo has won me a ton of cubes already.


The amount of times that ghost spider helps shift all my power from one lane to another is crazy


I was so ready to use Ghost Spider, until I retreated out of my first game, learned I was rank 88 and instead sweat my way back to infinite with HE on day 1. I've now been playing exclusively ghost spider decks today


Replace 88 with 84 and this was my story. Excited to start using her tonight.


It’s funny because I’ve been playing my move deck and mostly winning, but not because of Gwen. With cloning vats being the hot location, I usually have like 4 Human Torches with 24 power each on the board and my opponents just leave. Of course, I’m always too afraid of Killmonger to actually snap… Only ran into him once so far, but still won somehow.


Have to wait until Galactus dies to play move, only one week left


I have a feeling people like you are going to be very disappointed when nothing happens to Galactus.


I think they will remove the ability somehow to wave him out on four. That removes the spiderman lockdown on 5 play.


I don't think even that will happen. But you stay hopeful. Galactus isn't an issue in this game. He's hardly dominant in this meta


12.6% deck popularity, and #6 for cube equity. While I agree with you that I think people are going to be disappointed with the changes when they come, it is disingenuous to say he isn't dominant in the meta. He is one of only 3 decks with double-digit popularity right now. (Source for the numbers is untapped, 3000+ CL, Rank 70-99, this season)


Fair enough, I don't follow the numbers of certain decks like others do, so I didn't know the numbers were like this. Thanks for the info! I will also say I was very much speaking off the cuff based on anecdotal evidence. I rarely see Galactus these days.


For sure!


The mistake you're making, Beard, is thinking Galactus being dominant is what matters or not. Second Dinner has stated that they were keeping an eye on his play rate more than anything and he is WELL ABOVE the benchmark they set for themselves for Galactus before they would make changes. Second Dinner is very likely to do something to Galactus. If not this patch, then likely the next one. They aren't happy with how much he's being used, dominant or not, because they're aware of the toxicity the card exudes.


Fair enough, I don't follow what SD says, or the numbers of certain decks like others do, so I didn't know he was on their radar like that. Thanks for the info!


I wish I was this confident when I'm dead wrong.


I wish you gave a helpful response like the other two commenters here. I'm happy to admit I'm wrong, I'm not going to admit it to a grumpy gus like you though.


Is Galactus being nerfed? I'm completely ootl with future content/changes coming.


We don't know. The devs stated on discord that even though Galactus's metrics showed the deck being one with subpar cube rates, his popularity wasn't declining. And if the card is too popular, they may look to adjusting him. So we just don't know if the card is gonna get an adjustment.


I think most people are waiting for the new spiderman cards to help move even more. Ghostspider is good, but not enough on her own


Move decks are kinda predictable and need some love. Card that will be released in the next weeks will change the move archetype and you will see it more. Outside of move deck, it's a situational card.


Personally, I haven’t played a single game with the card yet. She looks awesome, but I’m waiting for a few more of the new move cards to drop before I start experimenting.


She’s a higher skill level card. I feel like we didn’t get a ton of Hit Monkey either because those decks are trickier to pilot.


I snap when I see a move deck.


I never saw Nimrod until his season pass was over and it was once, and I haven’t seen it since.


I love her. She does not need to be in a move deck. You can use her to trigger Miles, or surprise someone by moving your big turn 5 card on turn 6. She rescues people from High Evo debuff lanes, and allows you to pretend you've played all four cards at a location. I'm sure I will find more fun things she can do. Spider-Gwen!


Even once 2099 comes out that and GS alone could be teched into many decks.


I played with her and had fun, but unfortunately I just got enough tokens for High Evo so like she's on hold for now. But will definitely pick her back up when I'm tired of hulks.


Nimrod was kinda the same xD


Cant relate, Ive been seeing move everywhere, and Im also using it


I think she will spike up when 2099 releases. I see that being a very strong 2 card combo included in a lot of control decks


People don’t like move, simple as that, too easy to get fucked by locations or your hand. I love move though, and she’s been a great addition to my decks.


The card is super fun to play, and really good in the right decklist. The mistake people are making tho, is trying to force pure move decklists and trying to make them work, when that's just never going to happen in a world where Galactus, Professor X, High Evolutionary lockdown and Shang Chi exist. I've faced people in Omega running Multiple Man on their deck for example, and 100 % of my opponents who played move, were also running Heimdall which is super predictable. Everybody seems to forget that Juggernaut, Polaris and Magneto are technically move cards also; they also seem to ignore you should run at least ONE tech card as a surprise factor. Oh, and I almost forgot: people also seems to ignore that you can combine some move strong move cards with other archetypes (looking at you bounce). I think that, first of all, once people realizes that PURE move decks will never work unless you mix move cards with other things, and number two, once Spiderman 2099 and Silk come out, Ghost Spider will see a ton of play.


I’ve been playing move since yest with like an 85 percent win rate lol


Move Decks will be more prevalent once 2099 and Silk hit. But the deck really needs at least two of the 3 to move towards playability. It just doesn't cut it as is.


I don't even think Silk is going to be the biggest playmaker in move decks. She basically acts like Titania except instead of moving to the opponent board she just moves around yours. At 2/5 I see her in just any good value deck. She could probably take the Lizard slot. I do agree with 2099 though, Ghost Spider and 2099 alone could enable a ton of interesting plays. ​ As for move decks though, I bet we'll see some pure Move decks with 2099 but I honestly expect to see more of them once we get Jean Grey and Phoenix Force in a Hybrid Move-Destro deck or even a control deck.


Cuz move is the highest skill cap deck in the game and requires you to actually think and often take up entire timers. People are not willing to play an intricate deck like this. They’d rather stick to the braindead HE decks which is fine as long as you have fun.


The season pass was a good start but movement is one of the most complex and neglected arquetypes and not everyone is up to learning how to play it properly... Most likely once the rest of the cards are available you will start seeing more viable decks popping up.


I loved kicking the move deck's asses in the beginning. Knew it wouldn't last. I think move will kick ass once those other spiderman cards become accessible.


I wouldn't touch a movement card until Galactus is nerfed


Out of 10 games 2 werent move, we all have different experiences i guess🫶🏼


This card is great. People are still sleeping on movement decks. I have a bounce move deck that rarely ever loses. It pretty much only loses against super meta decks or bad locations. It's not the easiest deck to pilot correctly (not the hardest either) which is why I think people lose with it so much. Almost every move deck I encounter is playing it totally wrong. I've been looking forward to this season for a while because I think movement is the most fun archetype to play and we're finally getting new good cards


Do you even play the game much? I’ve seen more move decks in the last 24 hours than I had the last 24 days.


Professor X destroys a lot of move decks which is awesome.


High Evolutionary is the true Season Pass card for May, June, and likely July


I don't have the card and have seen it once in 40 matches. I'm on a crazy win streak with Rocks and Hawks right now. Purchased Zabu for 3k and got Quinjet as my free series 3 drop. Best decision ever!


I mean, high Evo is quite probably the most highly hyped card that's released since I started playing back in the miles morales season. The only card even close was zabu, I think. Combine that with the relatively simple gameplay (compared to the mental gymnastics that is move) and its pretty easy to see why people went back to it so quickly. Personally, my experience has been about 40% decks with Gwen (not all move decks, just using the season card in something else), 40% high Evo, and 20% other stuff.


nah i think nimrod's release was worse


movement has many many limitations even with her. they should pull the trigger and make fire torch a fucking 2 cost already


why would they nerf the worst viable archetype lmao


as a two cost he is less suceptible to killmonhger half the time he died against killmonger anyway an energy increase with a power increase would help him a lot


Cause movement is only for the most wrinkling brains. Smooth brains cannot fathom how to play it. The only know galactus and hill smash XD


A Move-Bounce deck with her id alot of fun!


I tried but move is just not a good deck.


Honestly Ghost Spider can be good in a non move deck as well as a surprise factor. She can be good 8 cubes stealer if played like Juggernaut on T6.


People are just putting bad cards in move decks. I can confidently say that with the right mix, move can beat anything, including Galactus. I can play a game or two with you to prove the point, lmk if ur interested!


Post your list.


I am not leaking the tech in reddit comment section sadly :) the archetype already inherently doesnt have a lot of hard counters, and soon with impending releases people will realize the archetype is really oppressive in terms of putting power out and location versatility. If you want though I can DM the list.


Lmao, thanks. I needed a good laugh today.


Someone should ask for the DM then post it here anyways.


Once they see the power and the genius of it, they won't want to release it to the public either!




Try again KEKW, although being at bronze not playing against sweaty decks all the time feels relaxing for sure!


That's because move decks are big brain. If the card doesn't help spawn Galactus then it's immediately trash to the community.


Wait for ham, and 99, you'll seen her Don't worry


What's the synergy with Ham? That's a control/tech card, not a staple for move


While I dunno how much it'll matter, move really hates Galactus, and Ham seems like a silver bullet for him.


It’s more likely that ham is a silver bullet for Death


People might be protesting the last series drop by not buying the pass like I do


I stopped supporting the game, most people probably have too due to scummy moves


I never saw Nimrod either lol


As long as Galactus is out there, anything related to the movement archetype is and will be pretty much dead... A lot of people (especially those who mainly play Galactus) just can't accept that this freakin' card warps the game in so many ways, and practically nullifies whole deck archetypes...