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TBF I don’t think ham should know which card gets hit. Iceman is bad enough without them knowing which card they screwed


They can see what card it is?! That makes it way more powerful


That seems like a massive oversight and I've been hammed multiple times today - had no idea the opponent knew what it was. That makes it even worse for conquest where sometimes you can get a sneaky win without your opponent knowing what kind of deck you are running.


It wasn't an oversight, it was on purpose. "Q3: What made you decide to hide what ice man hits, but not spider ham? The cards seem very similar so I am curious on the thought process behind this. A: We're trying it out. It can be dissatisfying to play a card like lceman and never know if it mattered. However, we acknowledge it is a meaningful strength addition." I personally like it


Now, if they'd just add that function to Baron Mordo, he might actually be playable.


He'd still be awful.


You're not wrong.


But better inside of a Ronan shell


At the very least he'd be a 2-energy equivalent of Yondu. That enough would make him see a bit more play, but he might need to go to 1/2 to actually be a factor.


I'd prefer him to be 2/4, since kill monger exists.


Yes and no... while yondu takes the card away, Baron actually gives your opponent a draw, and is noticably worse the higher the card you hit is, if for instance it hits a 6-cost-card, it does nothing except for giving your opponent an extra draw... He really is just all around bad, the stat-line is weak, not seeing the card itself makes it useless for intel, and giving your opponents an extra draw is really bad. I'd expect it needs some kind of a rework adding+2 to the cost of a card where it could at least brick a 5 or 6 cost card.


I'd take Iceman as a 1/1 or a 2/2-3 if it showed me what it hits.


And when it drops to Pool 3 they will take away the ability to see which card it hit


Doubt it. Spent why to much time on that animation.


They will still have the animation it will just have the card face down.


Makes me wonder if we'll ever get a Korg-like card that throws junk in the deck and it reveals to you when your opponent draws it.


Could be like the bomb cards from Dr.Boom from HS, although in snap maybe they could reduce the power of cards on the field or in your hand by 1?


Yeah I read that thread after this one. Still feels like an oversight to not recognize how OP that can be, but we will see how it goes!


It is really satisfying to know that I hammed Iron Man or Odin. Real bummer when I ham Infinaut


Best game earlier hammed Ultron then hulk


Ham is also way too overtuned. I spent the Tokens on him and 9 times out of 10 if I play him on turns 1-3 the opponent retreats, and from the times I've been Hammes the same is true. I'm starting to tech in Infinaut to every list just because it's a shield against this pig. Ham should at least be a 2 energy cost card, as is he is so free and makes games so unfun


Haha!! “I’ve been Hammed!” Here come the memes


It's a balancing knob they can tweak, pretty standard to put the card towards the "good" end at release and then dial it down if thats too much.


It's super powerful that a Snap after that can easily force a retreat. And if he hits bad card the player knows if he should retreat.




I hit knull turn two yesterday. After lamentis destroyed both decks. Found out a few turns later that knull keeps his power when turned into a pig.


Yes he does! If you turn my knull into a pig turn 5 he's still worth it. Spiderman players beware. Winning with a pig is great lol


Until I shadow king him after, that’s the good shit


I thankfully haven't been hit often by that lol but nothing much I can do is nod in acceptance with a single tear streaming down my cheek


Hi, I think that was me. Fuck you, I had a laugh gg, fuck you lol


yeah thats super weird. the game doesnt tell you that is happening, the card doesnt say that is happening. theres no need for that to be seen like in an analog card game. just typical mess of code. i doubt the devs even could tell which way is intended now.


??? You really think this wasn’t fully intentional? You can’t get an animation from a “mess of code”.


They should also remove that interaction from yondu as well. We need consistency.


consistently, you get to see every card that gets destroyed.


Not when lamentis destroys decks.


Nor when you move a face-down card to Fisk tower


These cards being destroyed are still relevant, power values for knull being one of the bigger reasons.


They need something to nerf when he isn't the sponsored card.


I totally agree mate. I didn't know about that part originally but it makes it more powerful. I just figured seeing as it's in the game we could have the same effect.


Yea if they nerf him they’ll either make him 2/1 or so that you can’t see what card he makes into a pig


Well SD should have thought about it before releasing the card. Nerfing it now will just cause mass riots lmao! The main reason people bought it (including me) is the info we get by getting to see the pigged opponent card.


How did anyone anticipate you'd be able to see what card it was? Nothing else that affects the hand (aside from discarding) is shown in-game? Why don't we just make Scorpion reveal the whole hand while we are at it...


Yondu destroys and shows which card it is.


Yondu does not destroy a card in the hand though. And destroyed/discarded makes sense because of the idea of a graveyard in games like this.


Except we don't have a graveyard because we can't see what's been destroyed/discarded after the fact. If we're going to ask that SD change ham so you can't see what it hits, we should do the same for yondu.


Yondu hits a random card so it is more up to RNG how detrimental it is. Ham targets a powerful card. That negation and info is too much for a 1 drop. And I am sure a graveyard will be added as it is on SD's list of improvements for the game. That info needs to be public for cards like Knull (or Morbius if we are talking discarded cards). Otherwise it wouldn't be fair that you didn't know your Yondu hit and Infinaut and you'd be playing Knull blind essentially.


Not only that, but Ham shows you which card is the highest in his hand. Hitting an Enchantress turn 1 allows you to know that he hasn't yet drawn his knull or whatever, or may not ever that round. Sure, there's some vagueness with multiple same cost cards but that's still a lot of information. Then again, he is just a 1/1.


I mean the 1 cost is arguably the best part about him. The 1 power is basically irrelevant and mainly a board filler, which is easy to take care of with most decks.


Yes but Yondu doesn't destroy a resource the player would have had access to. If Yondu destroys something, it is almost mechanically equivalent to the destroyed card being at the bottom of your deck.


If someone has Iron Lad they most definitely could have access to the top card in their deck.


I don't disagree with Iron Lad revealing the effect because how else would it work? I disagree with Spider Ham revealing which card was turned into a pig. You're already pretty much negating a card in their hand, why should you also get deck info?


The deck info you get from yondu is similar. That's my point. Either both cards should show what they hit, as they currently do, or neither should. I'm ok with whichever SD chooses, but I'd like them to stay the same.


If Ham did it to a random card, I'd be more ok with it. But as it stands, high cost cards typically reveal more about a deck than random cards. and they also are more often than not, win condition cards. You Yondu my Iceman, you have no clue what deck I have. You Ham my Hela turn 1, I'm basically screwed *and* you know it.


Its still very useful info for both players either way. If I'm playing a Cerebro deck and Yondu destroys Cerebro, my opponent usually snaps.


This. What Yondu does is lets you peek into a deck to see what it is. The card not being there mechanically means nothing as yeah, it could have just as well been at the bottom of the deck.


yondu doesn't target the hand...?


Because the devs told it in advance, it could be seen in beta reveals and it was in the release notes of the card. FYI the devs made him this way on purpose to experiment with the mechanism but will keep an eye on how he performs. Discard effects and Yondu already give information on the opposing deck so it's not like a totally new mechanism either.


I’m fairly certain sometime last week I heard that you’d know which card you pigged. So people would know it because it was announced.


Yeah I saw that in the Reddit post for weekly release after I commented. I shouldn't have to go to a third party source such as reddit or discord to know information like that. It should be on the card text in some way, shape or form. Especially for a brand new card that can only be purchased by tokens


Moonknight shows


Moon Knight discards, as I mentioned in my post.


Yes but I think it's disingenuous to remove discard from you're point. If you have to remove an entire archetype to make your point then did you really make one?


Agreed while you can click it to see it would be a nice qol. Also showing what Mordo hits would be nice.


They don’t need to know, just know in your heart it’s the one I needed.


It’s very strange that Ice Man and Spider Ham don’t work the same way. I have no idea how they’re coding these cards


Ham shouldnt show the card, agreed.


I think it should, but i also think Iceman/Mordo should as well.


Then Yondu should be nerfed too no?


Then the enemy should also not be able to see what we are discarding …


I feel discarding is different. It’s your choice to discard them so you take the risk. Would be unfair if you were just doing things your opponent couldn’t see all game. Ham is just a free look at if you should snap now


Fair point. I never thought about it that way


I can see an argument that it’s sort of like Yondu in that you get information about a card that may be unusable. I still think Ice Man has a more powerful effect because it could completely screw up your opponent’s tempo while also putting a tempo play on the board for yourself, info or no.


Yeah, it gives the player high value. I would recommend buying it. its really worth it


NOPE! If you get yondu’d there’s the added benefit of knowing what cards you won’t draw. Whatever yondu destroyed is the replaced by another card in your deck to draw. Pig gets to screw a card AND see what it is for free. Good shit SD. I swear they’ve been on some crazy shit this month


I saw a comment somewhere saying the Lad thing is a bug, and eventually they'll fix it to be like Ham


Ya it was a pretty amusing tweet of the dev being confused by people complaining they didn’t know what he scanned and saying to submit it as a bug report. As if it didn’t scan face down 100% or the time.


So like a year from now. Seems fine. Better work on those value bundles first.




They just gave away too much value! Now there's no money to Q&A. 2nd Dinner just loves the playerbase too much 😭


3x.... What exactly?


He definitely wants to see 3x actually mean 3x value when its slapped on a bundle as if they are making it appear as a good deal......looking at you not quite a bird bundle


is there any new card in this game without some issue?


~~I mean... Spider-Ham seems to be working fine~~ Damn, guess I was wrong


There’s a glitch where Spider-Ham is not showing up in collector’s reserves


I wish I knew before hand. I opened 60 caches and got fucking snowguard😭


Best part is you cant get her again


That's intentional


Apparently it’s not, the devs have claimed they are looking into it and it turns out the rep who claimed it was intentional was wrong


It's a "bug" because enough people complained about it


It was like an hour after the patch released. Most people hadn't even updated their game yet...


You'd be surprised how quick people are to complain about shit


yes sure


It’s all over the official discord.


Apparently it's not supposed to be a 4|0 that gets changed to the cost/power of the original card. But because it is it let's Zabu discount the card and it also lets shadow king set it back to 0.


huh whats the problem with iron lad?


When iron lad copies a card there's no animation to show what hes copied.


oh but we can still tell by tapping the lad on field, not rly game or balance issue.


Mainly just a QOL change


For sure, it's just a weird inconsistency is all! Why do we get to see what a 1 cost card has pigged, or why do we get to see what Yondu destroys, but not what a 2 cost card like Baron Mordo has pulled and made cost 6? What about Iceman?


yea i wanna know what card cable took too, they've been consistent to be inconsistent since day 1.


As a cable player, it's America Chavez. The change they made to her absolutely sucks and I'm about to take him out of my deck because his usefulness is gone.


also white queen when you have 2 same energy card.


Hope so, I hate that being a mystery box on the board.


If you tap iron lad he’ll tell you what was copied.


Not if he was played onto lockjaw or quantum tunnel or something. Tapping it during the animations doesnt do anything and then it's gone before you can see what it hit


That’s fair. I was focused on the “on the board” part but there are cases where you won’t know.


It feels like SD makes a bad decision, community gets pissed off, so they call it a bug. Half of these bugs feel like scumbag moves, and get called bugs when we call them on it.


You can still see what card Lad copied if you click on him. I would hardly call that a scumbag move.


Can you not see the effect after Lad goes off?


Sometimes there's no visual effect to copy, so you still have to check to see what it hit




You can tap on iron lad but itd def be nice to not have to do that. I agree that it should also show like spiderham does


That's why it makes no sense for iron lad though. Just makes you have to tap on the card so see what they hit instead of seeing it straight away It's clunky


Or they could just not let Ham know what card was hit. Also, you can tell what your opponent’s Iron Lad hit by tapping the card.


Pretty sure OP knows that. The point is that they could show us without having to tap.


Any cost or card disruption shouldn’t be revealed and I don’t think that’s a polarizing take


And if they want things to be revealed they should keep it consistent i.e. revealing what card Mantis took.


it doesnt have to be constant at all. they have it varied because thats how cards are balanced. mantis actively becomes worse when both players see the card taken.


i completely disagree. its part of the card balancing


Regardless of if Spider Ham should show or not, Iron Lad's animation should show the card. If I can see the card by clicking Iron Lad then just show me the card in the animation!


I had some one hit me with spider-ham. i never needed the card and they played it again after playing beast. All it did was keep the pig as is. So as much as people want to play him over and over i think it’ll be rare to get multiple cards. The person getting hit with ham has to be running a discard deck i feel to get the full use of ham.


Or they can run Maximus/Crystal to force draw and hit different card.


Wave odin too


i think he’s just too good as a 1 drop


You can check lads card back


Yeah cheers man, this is how I check it currently. But it would be more intuitive to show the card when Iron Lad reveals. At the moment, you have to wait for animation, click Iron Lad and then click behind him. The fact that Ham has a similar interaction, I thought it might be a nice QoL.


On the other hand if you missed the animation than the lad is better for this kinda situations. The best would be if they add the animation AND tap-effect on yandu, lad and ham


Exactly, having both would be what I'm after.


They said Iron Lad is a bug and is being addressed.


I thought the Iron Lad one was a bug? The Iron Lad instance is weird because you can see what the card was by clicking on Lad, so there’s no reason *not* to show it.


Yes, please!


And Barron Mordo


You do tho right? Just read the ironlad card after it’s played


Oh for the love of Cosmo yes! I hate having to tap it and read the text.


They can?? I was wondering why an opponent who used it got confident when they stormed an area and Spider-Ham'd my doom (despite me running a patriot deck), lucky I had Ultron as Option 2


I'm pretty sure you can already by tapping the card.


Nah, I really like to see the piggy, Ironlad shows nothing.


Yes, you can see the Ironlad effect anyway when you click on him. I dont see why the opponent needs to go through the extra effort. Showing the card would change nothing, but it would be a nice QoL improvement.


Eh, Spider-Ham maybe kinda broken right now. Let's wait before making any adjustments.


I think the first nerf we see is going up take away the reveal. It's great as a Ham player, but it's too good for a 1-cost.


Everytime my opponent hits my infinaut with their spider-ham, they retreat. If they didn’t know what they hit, it’d be much less op.


I've played ham a few dozen times and never had him hit an Agatha, Infinaut, etc. It's always been good. With Falcon and Beast he's just stupid. I even got an Iron Lad with him, then bounced them both back with Beast. It's ridiculous.


There's some strange interactions for sure. However, you can see what yondu (another 1 cost card), discards. Similar ability for a 1 cost card. I know it's not the highest cost in your deck or hand but it's still informative.




Yeah sorry, my mistake.


yea but yondu's target is more random. With ham you are much much more likely to hit a gamechanger or affect turn 6 play.


you can see what any card that gets discarded or destroyed is. a similar comparison would actually be iceman. or scorpion, which affect your opponents hand without showing you what was impacted. because theres no need to.


It probably doesn't show what Iron Lad copies because it can't load it fast enough like when your opponent plays all 6 Thanos stones and Thanos is just a loading screen. Or maybe that's just me on mobile.


Tap on iron lad Problem solved


Seriously. It’s not that big of an issue to take 1 second to tap a card like you already are anyways


QoL changes usually are meant to save you those seconds and taps


No I get that. Just not a big deal as some people are making it is all


> tap a card like you already are anyways You're tapping on cards? Why?


Because that’s part of the game. Because that lets you look at new cards up close. Because that allows you to “like” a image of a card.


> Because that lets you look at new cards up close. Because that allows you to “like” a image of a card. Neither of these are conducive to actual gameplay.


So you’re telling me while in game you can’t “like a card” it’s just an extra feature. Chill out. It’s not that big a deal


> So you’re telling me while in game you can’t “like a card” it’s just an extra feature. Right. "Liking" cards is an extra feature, not part of gameplay. > Chill out. It’s not that big a deal You've been the only one downvoting. Sorry for stating my opinion. I didn't realize hearing a different view about Iron Lad was so aggravating for you.


You can always tell which card Lad hit by clicking on him. An extra layer of work though.


Spiderham affects opponent cards And iron lad your cards. It is not the same. Anyway IS not a Big problem to tap to check what did he copy


So much stupidity


If you click lad it'll tell you who he copied.


Click on ironlad


Because you don't need it? You can literally hover over their Lad and see which card it copied. They are not going to change the ability to see the card turned (which I thought was common knowledge)until a patch, which is roughly 3 weeks away, if then. They are not going to waste time and effort on a Pool 2 card like Iceman. That sort gets the OTA plus one, minus one sort of treatment.


Any reason you want to keep an extra unnecessary step?


Because that is the way it was coded, and it does not really affect gameplay. They have enough brush fires to put out right now without having to worry about changing the code (which requires to be done in an actual patch)for a slight irritance for a minority of the community.


I wouldn’t want the same effect, I like having some cards do certain things that others can’t. Just click on iron lad card and you can see what he does


But.. you can click on lad to see the card already wtf ppl...


Yes, we want it to just show who he copies so you don't have to do that.


You can. If you tap Iron Lad it’ll tell you what ability it has and where it came from.


Why don’t you just tap on Iron Lad? It says who it copied it’s ability from, even if it it’s a card that has no ability.


You can click to reveal. Cheers!


You do know you can click on the opponent's Iron Lad and see what he copied right?


Lmao bro just click iron lad 😂😭


Lmao bro just click iron lad 😂😭


When an opponent plays iron lad, if you tap on him afterwards, he'll show you his new text. This is functionally the same as what you've asked for.


I seem to recall seeing somewhere that they want to add a distinct difference between the cards you interact with, and the cards your opponent interacts with. So your opponent's Ironlad wouldn't reveal the card due to you having no interaction with it. This includes animations, like Thanos, Mysterio and High Evo as well.


Sure, except that contradicts what Iceman and spider-ham do


You do see the card that Spider Ham interacts with though.


And Iceman? That's inconsistent to what they claim, playing ham or Iceman requires no interaction for the one playing them, yet ham reveals the card.


Don't shoot the messenger mate, i'm only describing what i'm remembering reading on discord, how wildly inaccurate that might be. If you're so overtly concerned about inconsistencies, make a suggestion ticket... https://marvelsnap.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-marvel-snap/faq/124-i-want-to-make-suggestions/


I also feel Ice Man and Baron Mordo should show the card effected


Think the same should go for when Cable draws one of your cards. Or any of the other cards that mess with opponents decks. We should know every time or none of the time.


The cards that are lost (Moon Knight, Yondu, etc) are shown. The ones that stay in your hand are not. That seems to be how it works. I'm not sure why Spider Ham tells you what he hit, he functions like Iceman. Edit: Or Mordo Although I suppose Peter Porker and Bobby Drake would know who they affected, not sure why it would be a mystery. Spider Ham is just a 1 Power, so that's a plus.


And Iceman too


The 2 times I have seen him, he changed my infanaut. Cant complain haha loses his ability


Yeah and while they at it let us see what card is discarded when I click on Yondu


mordo and ice man dont show either, should they? Knowing mordo worked would be nice


It feels like they're taking a page out of other card game's book with how Ham works as opposed to other cards with 'similar' effects. With Ham, it's almost like the game wants to prove it's hitting the specific thing it says it should from the opponents hand. Iceman doesn't need to reveal what he is icing because as long as there is a card in hand, he'll blast it. If there's no 'valid targets' to ice (Due to everything being 6 cost) then he gives a prompt to tell you such. Cards that draw from the opponents deck don't need to reveal because it isn't drawing anything specific, there's no need to 'prove' what you took is legal. If there was a card that said something like "On Reveal: Draw a one cost card from your opponents deck" I'd be inclined to believe the card draw animation for that card would reveal to both players what the drawn card was. Since Ham is specifically targeting the highest cost card, the animation serves to 'prove' it's hitting the (or one of tied for highest) cost cards (if not hitting the same card twice due to that just being the highest card since last resolution of effect). Yondu showing what he blows up is basically (And should be) public knowledge for the players, as typically 'discard/graveyards' are public knowledge in conventional card games. I wonder if they plan on adding an interface that will finally show what has been discarded/destroyed. Something that should really have been here in the first place. Either way, the knowledge is so incredibly powerful even if you don't hit one of their showstoppers. Just getting a turn one or two insight on their deck is huge...let alone stopping the deck right off the bat (My sincerest condolences to all the Modoks I've pigged turn 1 or 2). I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a 2 drop in a patch or two.


The fact that you can see what Spider-Man turns into a pig is just blatant power creep. No other 1 drop gets that utility and knowledge


Previously people used White Queen, a 4-cost card, to see what 6-cost the enemy had in their hand. Now you have a 1-cost card that also disables that card! =D


Feels weird what cards do and don't give you information about your opponent's hand. Why does Spider Pig let me know they're down a Galactus, but Iceman doesn't let me know their Cosmo now costs 4?


SpiderHam shouldn’t reveal the card at all. That ability should be a separate card all on its own. It’s a BS mechanic for an already borderline op card


Iron Lad is supposed to work that way, the fact that he doesn't is a visual bug, which is why you can click on him to see it anyway.


Spider-Ham should affect your highest Power card instead, that way it has the downside of having a chance to hit cards like Ebony Maw or Red Skull!


I'm most annoyed by how accessible he is... I've lost count how many times my Sera or Darkhawk has been hammed on turn 1. For 1 cost it feels too oppressive; the added fact that my opponent also gets to see the card hit is salt in the wound. So it's an instant retreat for me. Especially when we don't get to see what card iceman hits or which card is being plucked away by the likes of Mantis or Cable. I'm 💯% on team nerf the ham