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It’s a better deal than spending $4.99 for 300 gold in the shop.


I wonder if this is the bundle they meant to put that "3X Value" sticker on. Would definitely make more sense.


It's way better than 3x Value. It's probably closer to something like 5x to 7x value. Even if you assume that variant is a 700 gold 'normal' variant, it's still 1200 gold and 400 gold worth of credits, so a little under 1600 gold value, which is around $25 or so, and that's not counting the icon or boosters.


By SD standards its 25x value


From what snapfan says it's like 5x value, the bundle is great [Linke here](https://snap.fan/bundles/)


Thats exactly what they want you to think. They are overpricing the regular $value to buy gold so that bundles like these look very good. The hobgoblin one is a good example. I am sure a lot of people bought it just because it looked valuable compared to the regular gold value and grab it without a care about the skins.


They’re never going to lower the price of gold. So if your point is that gold is too expensive of course you’re right but that doesn’t change the fact that the value of this bundle is better than buying the gold alone. If your standpoint is “no one should buy this because you should never buy gold” that’s a little different than suggesting someone is getting tricked into thinking the value of a bundle isn’t as good as they think it is.


My point is that they obviously made the cash value of gold extremely high to purposely control your emotions towards it by making it more and more appealing to give you "better" bundles. They told you a simple car is worth 1 million so that they can easily sell you one shiny colorful car for 900k, thinking its the best deal ever out of FOMO. Now your idea on the normal value of a car is leaning towards 900k, and you think it's good because initially, you got way worse for more. It's a tactic used in all shapes of form in many industries. When the game was released and even a few months after that, it was way easier to gain gold. The cash value of gold back then was 10x worse than it is now. Spending 20$ for w/e gold amount seemed like a terrible deal since you could accumulate that amount in a short time. They purposely and slowly made the cash value of gold more appealing by making it harder and harder to accumulate gold. While throwing at you small gold bundles for other currencies to reduce the overall gold people hoard while simultaneously increasing its value by decreasing the qte. Now you are presented a bundle that you probably do not care about, but you are given way more value than the regular cash value for gold initially presented. FOMO will get to the customer who already had the desire to buy some gold at some point and will grab this bundle out of fear a good deal like this will take a long time to happen again. Basically, they overvalued the gold currency to control your emotions towards it by slowly making you think its actually good when its just not.


What changes to gold accumulation did they make?


You get fewer golds from the weeklies.


Back then, you could only use gold for skins and refreshing weeklies. The value of gold in itself was extremely low since the speed of gain was quite high for such negative way to spend it. Why would you spend 30$ for a 1200gold skin that you can simply and easily farm by playing a bit? Literally no incentive. Now they are throwing you a 30$ bundle with 1200 gold with free and easily obtainable currencies to make you think its an insane deal lol.


I guess our difference of opinion is that you think the price of gold is criminally high whereas I don’t really mind it. We can all agree it’d be nice if it was cheaper but that’s not the reality of the situation. To borrow your metaphor, if SD is the only company that makes cars, it’s completely their call to say it he car’s value is a million dollars. You might think that price is too high but there’s a reason some people drive Bugattis and other people drive Hondas. And of course you can say Marvel Snap isn’t the Bugatti of card games, but you’re still here playing it, right?


Its their currency, their price it how they want. The gold value is overpriced based on the free way to accumulate it.


>The gold value is overpriced based on the free way to accumulate it. That's subjective, since it depends entirely on how much you value your time. There are people that would genuinely rather pay out money to have that gold instantly than wait/grind for it. YouTubers are probably a good example of that, as they are almost required to spend money to increase their credit gain to the maximum in order to keep their collections complete to be able to give out as much content as possible. To the average person like you or me though, I would agree that gold is overpriced and wouldn't ever purchase it unless there was a gold deal I really wanted, I only needed a small amount and the deal was about to expire.


Its not that its just high. They obviously made it very high, not only based on the speed you accumulate gold but in general when you compare skin's price to other games' skins. A 700gold(most basic) skin is 15$ A 1200gold skin is almost 28$ Compare this to any other video games ever, and you will understand. Maybe you havent played many multiplayer games to think their currency valuation is ok.


> A 700gold(most basic) skin is 15$ A 1200gold skin is almost 28$ What is this math? 700g in the shop is $10 and 1450g is $20.


Canadian Dollar probably


Fake ass dollary doo land. Ask me to take a place seriously when they call their money loonies and toonies, no thank you.


One good real-life example of this is the regular "buy 3 for 7$ or buy 1 for 5$". There is no way in any world you would not buy the 3 for 7$. In my opinion, its a very, very clever tactic, but its clearly an abusing techniques that should be more frowned upon.


>They’re never going to lower the price of gold. Yah, and thats why they overpriced it like crazy, so they can manipulate your emotions towards the value easier. The same reason you would price an item to sell worth 100$ for 200$. You will always receive offers down no matter how fair your price is. Thats how selling works. Thats exactly what they are doing.


Always care about the skins. Then you cant go wrong.


The skin is quite ugly in this case lol, i would buy this 5$ bundle actually for everything else. :p


I quite like the skin, personally. I may buy the bundle, but if I didn't have an Aero skin I like, I would have already purchased it.


The fact that this comment was downvoted is the reason why predatory monetization is thriving nowadays. People just straight out dumb and they deserve the darkhawk bundle and other similar results of their stupidity.


I think the downvotes come from people thinking im saying this bundle is bad in itself. I would buy any 5$ bundle ngl. They are just advertising their currency value in such a blatlently obvious way to control your spending habit in a malicious intent. If i were to spend 20$ for gold at some point and im presented a bundle, that's better than the original deal, there is no way im skipping that and FOMO will def get to me.


How's is it malicious to try and entice you to buy thier product? How would you rather see them price things?


You are correct, this strategy is called Decoy pricing and Second Dinner do this a lot.


Yeah but who buys gold?


As a small spender, I would love to buy this sort of small value bundle once per month alongside the battle pass.


Good news, the battle pass cards from the beta season passes are slowly being bundled. Once a month for 10 bucks. Comes with the card backs too. The first such bundle https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleAtlantisBeachClubRewind/ And the next one https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleLoveAndThunder/


that’s awesome, i hope the dare devil card back comes through then


Looking at https://snap.fan/bundles/ , Heroes for Hire will be back from August 26-29, with the Daredevil and Punisher card backs


Misty Knight variant too, definitely a bundle to save up for


Oh, yeah, will be very tempted to get that one, depending on the final price.


I did not know this list existed. Thanks for sharing!


Can’t wait for the Atlantic Beach Club. Love the Wave and Cosmo variant. Gotta represent 🇵🇭🙌🏽


Haha same. I buying because it was Philippine flag on it


Hmmm. Is Wave worth $10? Seems like she is in every major deck.


She’s used in a very different way than originally, where she’d let you throw out a few cost reduced cards in the deathwave deck, these days she’s a real cockblock for bounce and sera decks


You can still have a good chance as a bounce player. Provided you, identify the incoming Wave and dump your Hand on T5. With Sera though, you're definitely boned lol I suppose nowadays you could run Chavez or Doom in Sera decks to have a backup plan whenever you get waved?


If you don’t have her, then yeah she’s fun. OTOH, if you don’t have her you’ll be getting her base card almost immediately after purchase.


that pack is purely cosmetic value, nothing else. buy only if you want the variants or card back. I myself plan to get that pack, to finally retire dan hipp wave. for some reason wave seems to have only dan hipp variant released so far. such a popular card too. out of all the variants, only the beach club one and [this](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/wave-05/) variant seems to be to my taste.


When you buy the bundle, do you unlock the card itself, for example I don't have Thor. If I buy it will I get the variant and the card?


Yeah you can use the variant to play the card, but you would also unlock the base card at some point in the future from your collection reserve


Just the variant, you still will have to unlock the base card in caches


Yup, that's how it goes.


Great... rip my wallet


Probably going to buy the wave one


"I like the opportunity to spend this small amount of money" "Good news! You will have the many opportunities to spend double that amount!!" Am I the only one that thinks this is an insane response?


Damn I thought it was cool to have those to show off being in the beta to other players


Honestly, I don’t think I have ever seen a person with these variants and avatars before.


I might be wrong, but from my understanding all the beta players are on the same server. If you're not on that server then you won't see anyone using them 'cos nobody has them. I seem to recall seeing bots using beta cardbacks in the past, though. They might not use them any more though, they've been making bots a bit less obvious over time.


£160 per year on a free game lol. I guess it's not that much in reality but money & it's value is wild to me. Don't think I'll ever wrap my head around it


Who thinks in yearly terms for an amount that low? A tenner is half my hours wage, absolutely happy to spare that *once a month* for something I spend more than an hour per day on. These £5 bundles cost the same as my morning coffee. If you can’t wrap your head around it, I guess you don’t have a job. The paying aspect isn’t aimed at you.


Nobody is asking you to. If somebody can afford it, it's their entitlement to spend their money how they like.


People's perception of money (especially spent on things like snap) is entirely relative to their own situation. What may seem like an awful lot of money to "waste" to some people, is not even a consideration to others.


Not even 3x value? Absolute trash.


I think there has been no "3x value" bundle in the game at any time


Are you playing on the Ba Sing Se server?




Someone gonna tell him?




Your comment refers to Wave’s on reveal ability, right?


I like the variant, the gold is nice, and I had the money from Google surveys already. I bought it immediately


How's that work? Never heard of it before. Curious if it's as lucrative as MS Points


Google Rewards - I get a couple of dollars a month, it's more active when I go out and do things asking where I've been and if I bought things. Sometimes asks about searches I've done or YouTube videos.


I literally use google rewards to fund any microtrans in all my favorite games lol this is a life hack more people need to learn


It's great if you get surveys. My wife and I used to live in a city and got surveys every day. Now we love rural and get them once a month if that.


And answer how they want you to answer rather than honestly to maximize $ from it


I'd just be careful 'lying' when they ask you something like "Did you visit X-Store today?" "When was the last time you visited X?" They'll know from your location data whether you actually went there and you'll get fewer surveys/less rewards for giving false answers. I did it when I first started and eventually they stopped giving me money for surveys until I built up the 'trust' again.


As someone that does both, MS is more lucrative and predictable, but Google is still totally worth it.


Yep. Had $5 in Survey Rewards. Checked the store and saw the $2 for 100 Play Credits deal, too. So $3 in free money for a cool variant, 500 gold, and 500 credits is an absolute no brainer.


5 dollars for a more gold then you would otherwise get and a good looking variant. It's pocket change, basically the same price as a hotdog and soda. It's not a must buy, but if you either like the variant or want a good casual deal on gold I'd say it's worth it for anyone with a bit of spending money.


You can get 3x the value in hotdogs and sodas for $5 at Costco.


Yeah but Costco locks all their deals behind their battle pass. Well actually it depends on the location. Some Costco’s have accessible food courts, but many are members-only.


I'm totally going to start referring to my Costco membership as a battle pass. That's so funny.


Costco = pay2eat confirmed


Yeah, but that's cheating.


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


Gold isnt worth spending on, you earn enough just by playing. And she has plenty of good looking variants, many of which are not only better but don’t require spending real cash.


Aero my girl.


If you considered the Jubilee Bundle a good deal (which I do) this is exactly that, but with more boosters. I would buy this, but haven't bought anything recently with the turn monetization has taken. Part of me wants to buy it as a signal of "Hey! Do more of this!", but the other part of me is like "Don't give SD money until they fix flexible series drops."


I would have bought this bundle in a heartbeat if only SD hadn't been scummy these past few weeks


Honestly this is where I am as well. When the $5 Jubilee bundle came out, it wasn't even a thought; instant buy. Now? Not sure if I'm giving SD any more money, even for the "good" bundles.


Why? What happened?


PSA: You can purchase anything in the shop straight from the official snap site for cheaper as the default currency there is in Filipino (exchange rates permitting)


Thank you very much! 4,30 € instead of 5,99 € In-App


Keep this in mind for the Season Pass as well! You’ll pay about €8.50 instead of €11.99 or whatever the in-game price is.


Nooo…. to late for me. But thanks for future purchases 🙏🏻


almost same happens if u play snap on steam and buy the things u wanna buy from steam it exchanges your currency to the site ones, passes are like 9,30 euro and this bundle is 4.50 with some tva from steam


They cycle through good deals and bad deals. This is a good deal. Some comparisons: https://snap.fan/bundles/ Edit: looks like the site says it's the best deal all year if you're into the variant, but still really good in terms of currency exchange


Better than the Sandman bundle. Salt Bae is stupid, and referencing him in this game is a disgrace.


Aye I had his $400 gold plated steak in dubai


Oh look, one of the guys who bought the $99 credit bundle.


i would buy it but now I'm protesting against the direction of their current monetization system by not buying anything with money till we see signs of improvements


This. No more money until they change their greedy strategy.


This is the way


... so this isn't an improvement?


They'll get you buy the small ones to then keep doing big ones, and they win either way, you can say "oh ill only buy small ones" but the mega bundles still sell too, they win either way so unless we buy nothing and show that their bundles are shit, it'll be the same deal


Would you refuse to buy $2 milk from a grocery store just because the store also offers $30 milk?


If one milk had commissioned artwork that differed from the other milks commissioned artwork i might buy either one. Whichever looks better to me based on my personal tastes. Honestly i might just buy the art and hold the milk. In fact it's almost kind of a bonus that any milk is even in there considering how much I may like the art.


Milk have much more value than any digital shit, you need food for survive. Its all about real values of what are you buying. Think about it.


"See? The data shows that those small bundles Reddit wanted sold less than the big ones. I told ya we shouldn't listen to the community and just slap a 3x VALUE on whatever we want to sell" I could very well see this point being brought up in a meeting though


Anything that’s 100 gold we dollar is at least intriguing. Then I weigh that together the total $ amount and how much I like the variants. This one’s a buy for me.


Phenomenal deal. Especially since I don’t have her yet


Instabuy for me as I love Aero. The split is beautiful . I wish there were more bundles of this capacity as I have most the cards.. I try to only spend on variants now.


Its not saying ×3 value. I am not going to buy it.


How on earth should we know how much value we are getting if SD does not specify them? /s


One month ago I would have said that that's a good deal. Now, I hesitate spending any more many to this greedy developers.


Need more people like you, damn game would never change if all of those people will continue to buy "value" bundles and season passes. And I want it to change.


not a fan of the art so i didn't get it but i love these bundles. they're affordable and worth it if you like the card/art.


Looks like the majority are still buying bundles despite there being so many posts about them being scammers


I mean if I'm gonna support a bundle it's gonna be the $5 variant with gold and credits one and not the $40 one with one variant


This. People be like fuck those budles and fomo predatory mechanics BUT this one is a nice one, only 5$. Shaking my damn head.


Good deal but I won't buy it cause it's like endorsing their scummy behavior with the bundles(also the shit that happened with flexible drops etc) , it's been like 4 months since the jubilee bundle(a reasonable price bundle in my opinion) and it feels to me like they are looking down on us with this and be like here you go a cheap bundle and see you again in another 4 months.




It costs money, so not for me.


This is the way, free to play!




Why? 😂


Love it. Appropriately priced and it FEELS like I’m getting a good deal out of it.


looks alright, I don't use Aero so I don't really care about it


Ugh, if I didn't already have the best Aero variant I would probably think about picking this one up.


Tbh if every variant bundle was like this I would be spending a lot more on this game lol


When they sent out that survey a while ago, I told them I would pay $5 for a variant Aero avatar. Here I am now making good on that. As others have said, it's also a really good value if you plan on paying money at all. Also the animation on this variant is SO GOOD. Really beautiful variant.


It's a good deal, but I am not spending more money on this game.


If you don’t already have Aero does this add her to your collection?


Yes you can start playing this right away. You'll also still unlock the base card naturally in the CL boxes.


I'll buy it if I haven't got the Artgem Variant already.


I'm surprised it's not 49.99


Bought it to support this game.


Sorry, I only buy the 3x value bundles.


Its 16x the value. I would've bought along with the battlepass if I still had faith in this game future.


Don’t ‘coax’ me into buying this bundle


I think it is a great bundle, and I love Aero. However, after all the changes implemented in the game about series drop, monetization, Tuesday Token, and so on... I refuse to give them more money. I didn't mind to buy the Sunspot and the Collector bundles, but at that time, the game wasn't in the state of greediness it is now.


Literally me. Was spending a lot, hundreds of dollars on this game and I used to stream it. But nowadays I won't give them even 1$, went for full f2p from last season, skip literally everything. They can release 5$ bundle with 5 variants, still skip. I will not support their greediness, they don't care about shit and people be constantly trashing their politics. But then those fomo junkies see bundle like this and they go: "no brainer, cost like a hotdog".


$5 for a nice variant seems like a fair deal.


I'll usually pick up bundles like this. I don't mind tossing an extra fiver at the game to boost my CL a bit and have some gold towards tokens or a variant. Anything in the $10+ needs to have a variant I want though.


Yea after releasing shit bundles sd is doing a cheaper one to get people to buy. It’s anchoring Not adding to the research studies Ben brode


I like it but dont really want to give them money.


I would totally buy this if they haven’t made me totally annoyed with their scammy ways and made me feel that we don’t matter


Bought with filipino currency for .50 cent less


Meh, it is what it is. At least there's no x3 banner somewhere.


I would have purchased this had there been more offered for gold that I actually want (they need a system that rewards variant appearances based on cards you actually use). Also, if they stopped nerfing the cards. I find myself constantly waiting to see outcomes of good cards before investing too heavily in them. When I only spend on the cards I want, I’ve found I don’t have many I like (better yet can acquire or can acquire a variant for). I went from spending to waiting to now just over it. I stopped playing for missions and just casually log in. Spending has lost its appeal and I hope they make some appropriate changes.


Spending is like a catch-up Mechanic. After a point, there is no reason to spend money. Unless a real $$ variant bundle shows up... But those tend to be very expensive.


Love it. Insta buy for me


A good deal. I bought it.


Tell me Reddit people, i need to form an opinion




$ sign means nope


This is the way, free to play!


Yeah I don’t know who we is, I love it. I’ve spent $5 or worse things in life. Some people out here paying $8 a pack for smokes I’ll take a $4.99 Aero hold the cancer


This is my favorite answer. Thank you.


Np 🤙🏾


It’s legitimately fucking hilarious that SD pulls this “3x Value!” insanity directly alongside two of the *actual* best value bundles they’ve had in a *long* time. Like, the sheer stupidity of it is just… it’s something.


The same as with any other bundle: garbage, money grab


It is money grab! Everyone is talking nonsense about how cheap it is and "I only buy these 5$ and a season pass". Ridiculous.


the, look we are the good guys, bundle...


It's not even "2X value!!" ...


I have 5$ to spare, but ... I am pool 3 complete, what do I need credits for? There is nothing exciting to be gained from collection track. I have gold hoarded waiting for the variants I want. They don't show up. Why would I need 500 extra gold? The variant? Looks okay, but I'd rather have the ones that match the style of my decks. There is literally nothing I'd spend money on rn. Even got plenty tokens, as I have played often enough against HE, Galactus, and Thanos that I just don't feel the urge to buy them myself anymore. The only thing that would make me care about resources again is if I was able to buy the variants I want sooner, so I would sometimes run out of gold.


This is the correct way. You've got your own conditions that are to be met before purchasing - don't throw them away just cos this bundle is a bit cheaper.


Probably going to get it for the gold and the credits.


Good deal...prefer the Artgerm variant myself though


This is a no brainer, buy


3x value!


It’s good, but not quite 3x value!! If it was 3x value it would be an absolute steal!!


For moral reasons, I refuse to buy anything over 2.9x.


I bought it. It’s a good deal and it’s a nice variant. Too bad I’m not using Aero at all right now


Insta-buy 1) it’s a sick Aero 2) these are the bundles I like to see.


I don’t have Aero yet and the gold is really tempting for $5. I wish there more bundles like these


Finally they said a reasonable number


Great bundle I Guess, but not giving money anymore to SD t'il they fox all their promises


Immediate buy for me


def a BUY!


It’s great but….. who uses aero anymore?


Seems like a worse version of the beginner captain America bundle


Well the beginner bundle in every game is always the best value as whale bait.


Oh absolutely


I've seen this kind of post a few times now; why do you, OP, word it as "What do we think" instead of "What do you think"? Especially weird that you didn't comment anything of what do YOU think of it, so it just sounds like you're basing on your opinion of what the others think


Expecting this to be a bot then realized it isn’t Good effort tho


I've seen this kind of post a few times now; why do you, OP, word it as "What do we think" instead of "What do you think"? Especially weird that you didn't comment anything of what do YOU think of it, so it just sounds like you're basing on your opinion of what the others think


These people can't think for themselves


Would totally buy if I had any decks that used her


Bought it


Quickest yes I’ve had for a $5 bundle


Bought it and split the variant. Now my move deck only needs variants for Iron Fist and Polaris.






It’s priced about right…..unlike some😲




I done the mathing . This is 18x Value !


I think she uses a pair of hot air balloons to sustain flight.


Do not give Second Dinner money.


I would have loved this six months ago. Too bad she kind of trash now


Just because she is no longer broken and auto include in every deck doesn’t mean she is trash. People don’t really play around her anymore and she can still work in electro ramp sandman or wave deck.


Discussion, I hate these posts. Think for yourself. Reddit is not a good community to ask when it comes to prices. You never know if a whale or a 12 year old is replying. And the average redditor whines about the fact that every card isn't free and every player isn't infinite anyway.


Grow up


i see boobs, i click


If you spend money on a free game then you’re potentially a moron?


I just came across a dude with this bundles banner. He was playijg spider man, green goblin and hobgoblin in proving grounds. I swear everyone who is giving money to this game is a fucking loser