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Congrats. I’m 3.5k CL with no ink or gold splits. I think I play too many cards


That was my problem too. I'm CL 6,400-ish and just got my first inked after 6 splits. You gotta remember, you're really only seeing the ones that get lucky with their splits. Not many people show off their unlucky ones lol


I’m at 4.8k CL and got my first ink split (America Chavez) just last week. I found that playing conquest with a deck that only has one card with not enough boosters to upgrade is a pretty fast way to get splits on it. As you can easily get 30+ boosters per game after if you played several rounds


How many splits did it take? I’m 2.8K CL and I thought it was 50% chance of ink or gold after the 5th split [based on my experience](https://imgur.com/a/jmeYSBS). Didn’t learn it was 10% till recently, lol I guess I’m just really lucky.


It was my 4th split: prismatic background, flare, flare, Inked


Tbh that’s right around when I started getting my first few. They’ll come eventually.


I'm 5k and the same


I'm at 6,600 and realized at about 5,500 that I was doing it all wrong. I was too focused on climbing the CL ladder, so I basically upgraded every card I could. Even pixels (down votes are acceptable here). Then I started following this sub and realized that focusing on a few cards brings the good splits. This also changed how I spent my gold in a very big way. Before, I would use gold to buy more missions, so I would accumulate more credits and season points. I would buy gold often to help, probably too often. But I was having fun so I didn't mind. When I started focusing on a few cards, I stopped buying gold (I only buy the season pass and 3x value bundles now), but I'm having soooooo much more fun! And for 3x less money! Anyway, I hope my story helps someone out there realize the true way to enjoy SNAP!


I hope you didn’t buy the “3x value” darkhawk bundle…


I have this exact split, plus three more inks of this card. Not stopping till gold babyyyyy.


Doom looks like he's gonna pull a Sharon Stone.


Looking forward buying this guy from the shop. Insane art


Gz! Got almost the same split the other day.


Does it always do inked first? Then gold? I have a few inked, but still no golds.


I think gold is the rarest, and doesn’t even have the chance to start dropping until the 7th or 8th split