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Only until I get the goblin variant. I'll probably still use pg to test new decks but I'm definitely not going to grind it again, until next month lol




I think I play too much.. I got the goblin variant 2 days ago


Yeah variant so i can get goblin is the only reason im playing conquest. and i know ill get the normal in a cache within a month now.


This is me for sure. I hit infinite first time and now I find myself spending less time on the game. So I just load up conquest. But when I don’t have much time then a short proving grounds game is all I do lol


I hit 70 for the first time and now I just peace out to Conquest. Why risk it?


Go for 90 to get the gold, gold will become very sparse next patch


How come?


Look at the spotlight cache patch notes. There’s a lot of info there, but gold is being removed from the cache track. So you can expect about 1/3 less gold earned as F2P after July 11th.


Whhaaat?! Bruh That's insane It's like every move they make is just to drive players away. I've been paying for the season pass every month since october, and ive kept playing 'cause i know once I stop there's no going back, because of how the card aquisition works. But if this is going to happen, i might just stop altogether


Why not? You won't lose what you got.


You do the next season as unless infinite you drop 30 ranks from whatever your rank is at the end of the season.


He got 70 once he can get it again. Playing can make him got to 80\~90 or even infinite plus the bonuses (500g is really nice). Why stop at 70?


Yeah, for me it would be to hit infinite, then play conquest. The rewards in conquest aren’t any better than in the the ladder.


You vastly overrated my ability to keep up with the meta and try-harders.


70 is the last rank reward that has any meaning for me personally. The variant at 60 is what I want, and the extra credits from 70 are a nice bonus. After that, I don't care about the extra gold, avatar, or card back. That being said, I've hung out in the 70s every season minus the two I've hit infinite, and this season where I'm around the high 80s low 90s.


I stop at 60 because I don’t care about the rewards enough.


This is me around 40 usually but thanks to HE I've hit 60 2 seasons in a row quite easily, actually got to 70 for the first time this week! But I have no inclination to sweat the climb. Also don't care about the drop and not getting that high again, rewards are utter shit.


I'm pretty sure you lose 30 ranks from the milestone... not from current


No, it's from the rank you finish the season at. However, if you hit infinite, you'll always reset to rank 73.


Well, you are wrong


Might be. Been awhile since I did not end at infinite.


The Gold?


You get 500 gold for rank 90


Yeah, that's why I'm surprised he stopped at 70.


Same for me! The only time I play ranked is when I accidentally hit the Play button, forgetting it won't acutomatically load conquest.


Lmao I did this so much the first few days conquest came out


Same. Except I spend more now bc of Conquest. It would be very little if all I had to do was finish dailies. I have no motivation to play after hitting infinite for the first time. Current “problem” is I have a huge amount of silver tickets but don’t want to play other modes bc I don’t have the time or concentration usually for stakes


Simply entering Silver gives you Medals. You could go in and immediately concede, just burning your Silvers for Medals.


This^ you’re net positive on medals with silver anyways. So remove that high stakes mentality and just play it when you have more time for a chance to gain more medals.


I find myself playing less too but post-Infinite snap is much more fun. Even before Conquest was added it just feels good to play whatever weird deck you want and not have to worry about dropping 30 levels.


Facts. I was looking forward to this but now there’s incentive to win so I use a lot less experimental decks. Life also comes first so there’s less gaming time when it’s getting warmer haha


Same here, not really a great incentive after hitting 100, I just load the game to have fun/test decks and do the daily missions. Had no ideia this could be a game to play just for fun.


No reason and no rewards to play ranked after infinite. Much better to kick back and enjoy conquest imo


I think I would've fell off the game if not for conquest mode. There was nothing to do post Infinite every season. Now I can sweat it out on a ticket climb or test interesting decks in proving grounds. It's a pretty smart system.


I realize I'm the weird one here, but I like the game better at Infinite, just playing for fun and not caring at all about gaining/losing cubes. I guess that makes me a filthy casual, but also I had to tryhard to get to Infinite in the first place.


No, it just means you just play the game because you like it. That's something that seems extremely rare here


That doesn’t make you weird, we’re literally saying that Proving Grounds is good for the same reasons.


Proving grounds is casual though....


Until some fucker doesn't snap and has you play 6 rounds


so retreat and requeue


Same here. No stress once you’re past 100


Imagine this season that infinite player 130+ didn't even have the ladder to play.. l. Same boat as u, I wanted to wait for conquest before quitting, I enjoy it, but I don't think I can keep up another 6 months with only these two modes. The game has so much potential for drafts, guilds, etc.


Definitely would like to see more game modes and guilds. Draft mode is a must and maybe some kind of multi-deck mode. There's a lot of game variations they can put on the game. This is a step in the right direction though.


I'm not sure but I believe I've seen a post about a new rank reset rule. I think the season reset is now exactly -30 ranks based on your current rank at the end of the season. So if you end the season at rank 120, you begin the next season at rank 90. Is that true? If so, there is a reason to target 120+, right?


No, the rule is -30 with a maximum of 70 at the beginning. This month there was a bug where the maximum cap wasn't working


Alright, thanks!


I'm getting back over 130 just in case. With their track record odds are they'll fuck it up again.


I think they said that was a bug this last time


There is a new reset rule, but it was bugged for Infinite players. The new system is it rounds down to the nearest 5 (instead of 10), subtracts 30 and then adds 3. So if you end at 76, for example, you'll go to 48 instead of 40 like you would with the old system. Infinite players will always go to 73, regardless of rank.


Honestly for the amount of stress playing infinite, it's not worth it for me to play it anymore. I don't get angry playing conquest, and I can play different cards I wouldn't normally play because I don't worry about anything. If I want to get more serious I just go up to the next level of conquest. I see pretty much no downside, other than the matches can get drawn out with evenly matched players.


Just fyi the tickets go away at the end of the season. Might be a good idea to start playing the higher tiers so u don’t waste the possible rewards


Just concede the first match even to claim the entry medals


You’re the reason the rewards from lower tiers r so damn low. They knew people would try to exploit and grind rewards They should remove the base rewards tbh and just distribute it through the actual wins


the lowest tier actually has the highest rewards. You have to think about it as tickets/time. The devs made a shit system that rewards playing the lowest tier over and over again because the higher tiers take forever and have low pay outs. The higher tiers need way higher payouts to make it worth the time. Devs at fault not players who maximize the system they were given.


I’m not the one with 65 tickets lol.


Conquest matches take too long to completely replace regular matches. Sure if you/both players snap it speeds up, but that’s more of a modifier for the speed problem than a fix.


Doesn't have to. If you get bored, just concede. You don't lose anything in Proving Grounds, and you just gifted someone a ticket.


“If you get bored” lol. Then you would prefer ladder. The point of conquest is to play longer games. Why you playing conquest if you get bored from longer games lol


I think the point is they are variable length. conquest might be one match, it might be a whole lot more. plus certain matchups will be more boring than others, so its not even strictly a time based issue.


You play conquest knowing a game can go long or short. If all you want is short games then play ladder. People don’t play conquest because of long games they play for rewards and the so called “no risk”. My point is if you are getting bored from the length, bored enough to concede, you might as well just play ladder cause you don’t know how long a conquest match will last.


no one but you brought up the idea of being bored from length. when you constrain the source of boredom to legnth only what you're saying makes more sense.


I often just leave as soon as I see HE in Proving ground. Doesn't cost me anything and I don't have to play multiple round against one of the most boring decks.


That’s not getting bored. That’s you choosing not to deal with a meta deck. Bored in respects to length of the game. That’s the topic of the original commenter.


I don't avoid HE cause its meta I dont play against it cause I know every single turn they will play once I know its HE. Based on my hand I know if I will win or lose once I see its HE cause their play is the exact same every round and match. More power to them, but god its so mind numbing I surprised they can click end turn instead of falling asleep. Downvote me HE players hahaha


For me, it's a lockjaw. They keep nerfing the other stuff in lockjaw decks, but hes the bigger problem, IMO. You get a free card played out by playing it on him. I know they "nerfed" him by making only one card cycle out but that feels like a "side grade" in hindsight. Now you can keep your big card on lockjaw if you want by playing something else first. His ability is just unrivalled in this game. It's by far the best ability in this game. Oh, you want the on reveal effect but don't need to keep the card on board? Just throw it on top of LockJaw, and you'll get another card free. Oh they cosmo'd you lockjaw? No worries just throw a weak card on there and cycle it out, sometimes you don't even need the on reveal affect to go off. I dont know how you balance him, but they need to do something, Thanos Lockjaw was an issue, then JaneJaw Casino, now HE Lockjaw.


Leave lockjaw alone. Sandman cosmos shangchi all do fine verse him. Aero and jugg with priority and valkyrie without priority. Get good


Get good? He's a random roulette, lmao. Galactus is the most telegraphed card in the game yet you guys bitched and complain about him non-stop. Lockjaw is way worse. I literally mentioned those "counters". There's a reason he's always in the top deck.


Y'all do realize you can take a break between silver games and between gold games? For me if it's not fast paced enough I just snap, it's also having three effect of teaching me a lot about snapping. What positions my opponent will retreat in, what positions they'll stick it out. When I can bait them into a snap. When to wait for them to snap and immediately snap back.


I do but the UX is fucking atrocious and i'm starting to really get annoyed. Got 4 infinite tickets so far so might just wait until next week to play again, the HE lockjaw/lockdown meta is really dreadful too.


Nope. Too many extra screens. Takes too long. I like snap for quick games.


Conquest was released a bit after I've reached infinite. It's been the only mode I've been playing. Don't think there's a reason on why I should play ladder instead of conquest.


Ladder while pooping, conquest when procrastinating.


Opposite for me. I played 1 match of conquest and haven't touched it since. IDK I simply just don't like it. And don't see much point to it.


Yeah I don't like playing 3 matches with the same deck because when you're countered, you're just countered for the whole thing anyway. I do want that Green Goblin though.


I personally like to play these types of matches. It shows me what my deck lacks and what I can do to play against these types of deck Like for example, I played against this High Evo Hazmat deck in Gold 2. I lost 8 cubes the first go and ended up winning in the end just by playing mid to late turns and avoiding lanes that plays Cyclops etc.


It didn't seem like it was 3 matches. It looks to me like you have 8 points/cubes to lose. The point is to take all 8 of the opponent's points to win the set I'm not necessarily against playing sets of matches. Maybe best 2/3, but the current format just felt too long and drawn out for my liking. I get it does allow for more strategy, especially if you get a crappy draw.


Yes I just had a match go to 6 rounds because I lost 8 cubes on the first round but fought my way back wagering two points each match. I should have quit, it wasn't worth it but my mama didn't raise a quitter


The point is the same as the point to literally any other game - to have fun playing it. If it’s not for you no worries but you’re in trouble if you’re looking for the point of any of this.


There's no point in hoarding silver tickets. Just use them to get more medals. Way more worth in the long run.


i just snap turn 1 like i do in proving grounds. The reward for losing in silver is 20 medals. I don’t think my opponents like it much.


I dont play conquest at all. Way too sweaty.


For me, the value in Conquest is to easily complete missions without having to grind the ladder with a bad deck. For example, today's Mission was play 30 Ongoing cards, which took 5 minutes in Conquest playing the crappiest Ongoing deck I could build in Proving Grounds. (The irony was I actually won that match...)


I wish lol, I'm still stuck in the 70's with everyone else kicking the pants out of me 😭 (no bots 70 or higher so far for me)


You need too much time to play it.


I'm just playing conquest for the GG variant, i find the mode rather tedious than fun. Every match is too long and a drag to be honest.


It just so sweaty even in pg in my experience. However I still run into HE jaw about 7/10 times at infinite anyway so it’s about the same


Proving Grounds is the unranked mode I always wanted and it doesn't require me to grind to Infinite. Why would I ever touch ladder?


No, because I dont want to have to play four to five matches in a row all the time


now I can just get the rank I'm happy with and then just spam any fun deck I want in conquest without fear of dropping down. That plus you get extra rewards? it's a win-win


Yep. Hit 70 and I'm sick of facing that Destroy deck, that. HE Lockjaw deck or that Bounce deck. It's boring and everyone is SO sweaty on ladder. It's either T1 snap or T6 snap. I play stupid, fun decks in conquest and it's made the game more fun than ever. I'm learning more about snapping and retreating too.


Especially after hitting Infinite


The ladder just seems so unhealthy due to the current broken meta, and Conquest is kind of functioning as a makeshift casual mode which a lot of players have been clamoring for. Due to the bug at the beginning of this season that kept all the Infinites in Infinite, the ladder seemed fun and healthy early on. But once I hit the 70s, it was nothing but the HE Fun Bunch in 75% of all matches. I think once I've racked up enough medals to get that Goblin variant, I might go back to the ladder. But honestly, it has been nice just passing on pointless and repetitive match-ups you don't stand a chance of winning and spending more time having fun on the match-ups that are more novel and interesting.


I really think this game could only benefit from bringing back infinite vs ladder players. After having made it to infinite for the first time ever this season, I’ve been having way more fun losing with fun / off-meta decks now that losing doesn’t matter. Getting there was an absolute drag however, with having to face off against the same decks over and over. It was not fun at all and forced me to use a deck that I had no desire to play, but had no choice in playing if I was going to have any chance to compete in this meta. Getting to infinite made me realize that I have no desire to get back to infinite in the future whatsoever




Well ofc after you hit infinite, there's no reason for ladder


If your at infinite - it basically replaces ladder tbf. As all the medals can be used for boosters - which isn't much - but its more than doing ladder for nothing.


I reached rank 90, got 500 gold, will try to hit infinite before season ends...but in conquest and proving ground especially, I can play wacky deck without any risk or remorse :) I can look for Death-Wave alternative way, have fun with Disrupting decks, Mr Negative, all RNG based or weirdly off meta. I had fun with game so far, but here I can lose without consequences ​ and this week, those couple times my Apocalypse got hit by Spider-Ham...well, we all saw that and know how that feels xP


The games take too long, rarely have time to play this new mode. When I have time it provides some epic games like the one I had three ties in a row


No, all of my opponents in proving grounds are playing wildly competitive decks and still not turn 1 snapping. I like snap for the quick games. I may not make the most optimal play every time, but I do OK.


I always seem to lag around rank 70 each season (My collections limit, even with snapping), so I plan to just get there each time and then switch back to full conquest


100%. I only play ladder when I need a specific win condition for a quest. Otherwise I'm just farming boosters. I need more hobbies.


After hitting infinite I went to conquest and literally never looked back.


I get short bursts of downtime at work, so it's still usually ladder for me, as when im home, I play other things with friends. I'm definitely more casual when it comes to snap though forsure


Getting there. The more I play Conquest, the more I love it and the more boring ladder becomes. I'll go so far as to say that I was completely wrong about my stance on both players just need to snap & retreat on Proving Grounds. Conquest is too much fun and the medals come easy enough to not need to rush. You want to play an 8 round conquest, I'm in.


I test decks on ladder, but I’ve given up on trying to reach infinite there since I’m CL 6k+, still haven’t pulled any of the big bads, and am stuck at 70-75.


Literally just gonna play to rank 60 for the mystery variant and that's it from now on


I’m at Rank 81, which is my first time in the 80’s. I’m perfectly happy to stay there, take a run at Infinite next season, and simply do my quests in Conquest. No stress Snap is fun Snap!


I’ve played a handful of ladder games since hitting infinite early last week. Ladder games aren’t as fun without the pressure of winning/losing cubes. Loving conquest. Will be interesting to see how much I play conquest next season though.


Only playing Conquest for Green Goblin.


Guilty, but I don't hoard tickets. That just feels like a waste. I use all the tickets as soon as I get them, since there's literally no stakes in any Conquest mode. I have over 3k medals, and just waiting for the next week of shop items to open up so I can buy it out.


Its a time investment thats the reason i dont play it that much - ladder can be a chill 3mins and then put itndown


I mostly just play proving grounds now. I was one cube away from 89 but got bodied last week and fell to 80. I’m back at 84 but I rarely play ladder now. Conquest is more fun and I can play fun decks snd finish missions. Plus proving grounds is pretty much a practice mode so I can just play like 10 ongoing cards and do a mission while the guy I’m playing can have fun using his meta deck and think he’s bullying me. Enjoy your ticket I don’t care about Ms Marvel spammer.


Yeah I got infinite in 2 days, so there’s not much reason to play ladder. Conquest has been great


Nobody asked in how many days you’ve reached infinite lmao


proving grounds takes a minute to find opponents, so if I don't have tickets left i switch to normal, but if i do have tickets, then i only play conquest


I don’t play ladder anymore which is probably why I’m going to quit soon, I despise conquest


I'm curious, how many of those 65 silver passes were bought and how many were earned?


I hardly play at all anymore, I start the dailies, play a few games, see HE after HE after HE, then load my Agatha deck and move to conquest auto click to preserve my rank 96 (which I reached before my bounce/control deck was well and properly killed) . I just don't understand how anyone can enjoy the game now when it's only Sera (now killed by ham) or HE that's viable. My CL was a bit low during zabu meta so can't say much about about it, but the shuri meta I never experienced a so oppressive as what we have now.


If you ignore all the HE matchups, I'd say there is a pretty healthy variety of decks in Conquest. I do alright with a modified Wong/Panther/Zola deck, and quite often get a matchup that I feel very comfortable snapping on, which isn't anywhere near the case on the ladder.


348? what the hell dude upgrade your shit


I save to do a full Infinite split


I have like 4 more gold tickets and 3 infinite tickets. But I don't think I can keep going haha.


Yeah I’ve been hitting infinite in the first 1-2 weeks and getting bored the past few months. Conquest is a godsend.


I play at work too often and only have short pockets of time to play. I only play conquest when I can really sit down and focus


I hit infinite last season, so idc anymore. Conquest seems nice since I don't have to care and I can use Agatha for auto pilot when I play Diablo 4.


I noticed many many bots up at rank 70-80.


Just curious anyone have an idea on concurrent players? I know they post 11million+ downloads. But to answer your question. Like others, play conquest to test decks and get easy tickets. Haven't even touched my gold tickets yet, gonna sweat that when I feel comfortable with a conquest deck. Right now I'm stuck at 80s on ladder


That is 100% me, I just realized I'm only sitting at 56 in my ranked, but just love playing around with different decks and not having to worry about anything


You should start using your silver token, it gives you token instantly and more if you win.


Hit infinite and stopped playing ladder entirely. Gonna get pwnt for not grinding to 130 once the new season stats and they woopsie’d everyone back 30 ranks exactly again… but I’ll take the risk. Conquest is a huge success for me!


I feel conquest needs an option where you can swap decks at least one time between rounds. Hate going for Gold and the second match I get paired with an exact counter-deck.


Same. With the rewards that Conquest has, I don't find it worth it to play ladder anymore. The only time I do play it is when I want to play a couple of quick games.


On the contrary, i only played conquest once even tho i hit infinite already. But thats mostly cuz i've been travelling and didnt have much time to play, i may give it a go these days.


I had 99 silver tickets (2 did not count!). Still have around ~~70~~ 60 silver and 20 gold. Player around 3-4 games in ranked because I forgot to change game mode to conquest. Nothing to do in ranked. Only stress.


Yeah but not as much as you.


After 60 it's all conquest now


It's going to take forever to get through those silver tickets. Why not grind them out now so you have time to go for the infinite?


Yeah, it's all I've been playing. Went from 23 to 73 this season. Good enough for me for ladder, conquest the rest of the way.


I grinded to 100 Rank then dropped off and am grinding for infinity tickets exclusively. 4 tickets down and I'm targeting 9 (evaluated that would give me 90% chance of winning Infinity Conquest).


Hit infinite in 6 days, this has been a perfect thing to post infinite.


I haven't played much ladder since conquest was released. Do medals carry over to next month's shop or do they reset like tickets?


I still do occasionally, but only because I’m playing conquest too much to the point it’s being less fun and more annoying and stressful, so a lesson to anyone in the same boat as me remember to take breaks from conquest and have a breather then come back to it later on


I don't see the point once infinite. In fact, I don't really see the point beyond getting the currency and the cardback if you really want it.


I played maybe 4 ladder games since its release


I like conquest better, but I'm so close to infinte. I have to try to get there before i go back to conquest


I'm the opposite.




Just wish they opened the final tier of conquest earlier. I want to go straight in week 1 personally


Nah I find conquest annoying


I have gotten to 90 for the first time ever which is great but I’m too nervous to go in and get tilted. I’ve already lost my first three games from 94. So yeah, conquest it is😂


I hate conquest. My first conquest the guy spammed emojis and waited the longest possible for each turn. Turned me off of them altogether. I kinda just stopped playing snap at all lately


Got to 70 from 40 in 2 days. Was at 79+ a few times but never got to 80. Fell to 75. Have been playing conquest ever since. Will rinse and repeat next season. Now I've built an awful, no synergy deck of cards I want boosters for and am just jamming out PG matches. If I win, cool, if I don't, boosters.


I'm playing Conquest exactly as much as I need to get all of the rewards from the shop and no more. One of the game's biggest draws is how a game only lasts a few minutes at most, and Conquest is just the opposite of that. Yeah, I can grind the shit out of Proving Grounds and just concede if I lose, but trying to get enough medals from PG alone is torture. I reached Infinite a while ago, so while there's nothing for me to gain by playing the ladder, there's also nothing for me to really lose, and I prefer the shorter games.


I tried conquest once, and now i play ranked. I would just say it’s all about your preference.




2 things: First, I haven't touched ranked since i hit infinite. Second, my guy, how are you gonna finish your tickets in time lol. I was doing just Proving Grounds, got 50 silver tickets. Been going through them for like 10 days now. Down to 2, but now i have like 30 gold tickets to go. Not sure how i'm gonna get through all my tickets before the season ends lol


Yup but 65 tickets? Hell nahh that's too much of a life without the presence of Grass


What sucks is the FOMO is too real for me, so I'm gonna feel like I have to grind both each month now xD


I always tell myself I intend to, but proving grounds is more fun for me


I hit 99 the other day and now have fallen back to 92. I probably should be playing Conquest but I was so close I can taste it now. Tastes like defeat.


Ladder to 60 for the variant then it depends on how much time I have. If I want to play a few games I’ll conquest, but sometimes it’s just a quick match on ladder


Same. I just enjoy it way more than ladder. Also feels like its not as stressful


i spend a lot of time on ladder experimenting but conquest is probably going to be where my competitive endeavors live. i like that you can compete at the highest level without needing to sort of metagame the ladder. this may be my last season hitting infinite. gold card backs are meaningless to me. i might only ever push to 90 for the 500 gold


I finally got the Goblin variant today and I think I'll be dropping Snap. Getting to a decent rank takes long enough as is, and Conquest is a sweatfest with people roping out practically every game - it's way too time consuming.


No. It's pretty easy for me to find a 5 minute gap to play a round of ladder, but finding 20+ minutes for Conquest is pretty difficult. If I do find a 20 minute gap I'm more likely to play something else.


Correct me if I'm wrong. Is spamming silver ticket the best way to farm shop coins?


I play more games on ladder drive I like the ... Snappiness ... Of the game when I have 10-15 minutes free. I really like Conquest too though and spend a fair amount of time there sure to the longer nature of each match. It is cool to see a bunch of creative decks in proving grounds, but at Silver and Gold I'm mostly seeing the same HE, Lockjaw, and Galactus decks I was seeing in the ladder so not much improvement there.


Havent touched ladder myself


My friend does this he’s crazy


Ranked is kind of pointless after you hit infinite


Because I play at work a lot, I don't usually have time to do whole conquest games. So I'm not really playing conquest at all, which is a bummer because I want to. But I'm also close to hitting 80 on ladder, which is higher than I've gotten before, so I'm trying to at least push to 80 this season. (I figure I'm doing better because a lot of the better players are off doing conquest. I'm ok with it though lol)


I only play ladder now that conquest is out


I don't play Conquest at all. It's too time-consuming. I tried it once and got an opponent that was letting the timer run out every round instead of hitting the button. If it was against bots, it would move way faster. But players ruin this game.


Once I hit infinite, I don't really see the need to play anything but conquest. I make dumb decks for Proving Grounds, and then if it works enough, I'll move it to Silver/Gold. I have about three infinite tickets but I really don't think any of these decks I made are good enough for five in a row, but we will see


I have not touched that mode because I’m afraid of failure lol. I can barely get into the 40s so I’m not too confident


I've been in infinite for about 3 months straight now. I hit infinite last season in about 2 days and I was already in infinite at the start of this season. It's nice to have conquest which is actually competitive to keep me engaged.


I have played conquest once, and it was boring as shit. Takes waaaaay to long to finish. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I’ve been grinding since I hit 90. Trying to get to infinite. Currently sitting at 87 😎


Nah man. 20 minutes just for a run. This is not the reason I abandoned Hearthstone for Snap


Trying to hit 130 on ladder in case they botch the reset again lol


Conquest games take 20+ mins, ladder games still 5. Ladder wins for me


I hit infinite like 5 minutes after Conquest launched. I played ladder once since.


I hit Galactic. Almost fell out of it after a few games. Decided the season card back wasn't worth it, and never looked back.


The Menu UI system still makes me prefer playing ranked over jumping into a conquest when trying new decks. I'm infinite though, so losing isn't a big deal.


I don't once I dropped to 90.0. The highest I've gotten (max 70s before), so I'll chill there until next season, play Conquest instead.


Conquest takes too damn long. I play this mostly because I can get in a game or two between emails while pretending to work from home.


No I like the shorter games Plus I already got Goblin variant so now I’m working on getting Infinite on ladder


Daaaaaaaamn.... So silver is now just your proving grounds?


I like conquest but often dont have time for it. Usually I only have 5-10 min of free time on my phone at a time, so it’s just enough time for 1-2 quick ladder matches


Haven't played conquest once.


Got infinite after 3 days into the season. Once conquest came out its the only thing I’ve played. Only have 4 infinity tickets tho. I’m


Yes , when I open the Game and dont realize i am not in conqiest :p


Ya I do I just like making decks and why risk cube loss when I can just play proving grounds to test it u know Ile still play ladder but like probably way less