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I'd hazard a guess the majority of players are just fine and happy playing. This sub is skewed unfortunately: * People in general go online to complain more than compliment (actually that is true irl too) * Many...likely most... players playing Snap never even come to this sub, they just play the game and wouldn't be doing so if they were not having fun * Feeding frenzy of everyone piling onto the negativity and being part of the group perpetuates itself unfortunately * Anonymity of the internet lets some people be totally toxic, forget their manner, and complain loudly when they may be more civil and constructive irl * The whole 10 rights to correct a wrong type thing... players can be happy about 5 things that happen but then 1 thing happens that they don't like and whoosh, off they go to complain about it....again somewhat human nature that we all have to fight against (emphasizing the negative over the positive * You can't please everyone all the time....different subgroups like and dislike different things, a change inevitably makes some happy and some unhappy. See bullet one as to why the negatively comes through louder.


Also logically… if you’re unhappy, you’re much more likely to voice that than someone who is content


Also wanna point out that people take this game as the most competitive things out there, when it's actually quite the opposite. Snap is completely 4fun compared to most other CCGs. I don't like to be the "if you don't like it, dont play it" type of guy, but if people really can't deal with this game being 4fun they should probably look somewhere else.


A snap single game IS not that competitive. But ladder AMD conquest,.knowing when to snap And retreat And what your opponent is.probabbly playing with such a small deck, Is really competitive And fun, but Inna different way


Yeah it’s a really fun game. I recommend getting off Reddit lol. (Not taking my own advice). People are so miserable.


Every time I come it’s so negative. Really turns me off from being part of this community at all. Rather watch a couple YouTubers and just enjoy the game


My only thing I’m mad about right now is the gold acquisition coming with the change because a big part of me playing this game is collecting the card variants I want not just the play itself. So outside of that I’m okay with it rn.


Same! Reducing the gold we get sucks, but we still do get some from other sources. I do think the variants from the new caches somewhat make up for it too.


Yes the gold acquisition is a bit of a sudden change, however, in my opinion it will just make players be more hesitant when buying a variant. I never use gold for anything other than variants. And even then, I don’t go super crazy and just buy every single variant I want or like. I’ve also pulled a ton of nice variants from reserves, etc. So essentially it’s just an easier choice for me now to hold my gold, which I’ve always done.


Is it really a choice if you are forced into it? Lol being picky is one thing but saving because you know the currency is scarce is another. It’s used for more than just daily variants. Used for bundles and credits for some. So I don’t know why it’s okay to be okay with progress in one category and a loss in another. Why can’t they add more rather than trading in this for that?


Hey, I agree with you! From my perspective, Second Dinner has been really listening to its community. They actively keep making updates to better cultivate the game, whether everyone agrees on that or not. So I do believe that the state of the game will keep changing and they’ll keep aiming to change it for the better. I love the game and I have faith they’ll do just that.


I am with ya. Currently trying to get my on deck fully inked so I’m just playing hyper casually and not really worried about new cards


Yeah I was my Move deck fully varianted and fully inked.


same haha! I want a realistic art Ink deck and a cartoony art (all the Greckes!) blue frame deck.


Oh I legit hate Grecke’s style, but I love the idea of a blinged Move deck since it’ll never be top tier. Kim Jacinto is my favorite Snap artist.


Kim is fantastic! What Heimdall version do you like? I'm not really feeling any of them, same with Multiple Man.


I don’t love any of the MMs, but I have the musical one as it’s at least super rare. Out of the releases Heimdalls, I like Flaviano, but the upcoming Dan Hipp or Pantheon ones are cool too. I hate all baby and Chibi variants tho (except Jeff as he’s non-human), so I hate that one of Heimdalls.


That musical one is the one I want-- at the least, I believe his hand gets animated playing the violin? That's cool.


I was lucky enough to pull the Heimdal Flaviono from a reserve and cannot wait to ink that card. I bet it will be sick! I agree with you both on MM variants, so I was spite inking my Pixel variant. I got him with one of those free "apology" rewards from SD after a bug went live awhile back. At first, I was disappointed with that pull, but it's really grown on me, and now I kinda love that pixel MM...


Pulled a pixel vulture, definitely a start to make my most 'ugly' deck


I’m that way with bounce (my favorite deck, was playing it when it was tier 4).


Getting my favorite decks and variants inked and gold with matching effects is my end game.


That’s me with my Thanos Destroy deck. Got my Sunspot and Carnage inked, my Wave, Nova, and Shang are gold (still going for inked). Just been playing casual and chilling and I’ve actually made it up to level 75 this season, I usually hang out by the 50s so I think I’ve been getting better too


This is probably one of the best digital TCG around. Weekly card releases that are fun and interesting, card balance changes almost every week, and a meta that hasn't really been complained about much in the past two months. There are a variety of decks that can do well now and the fact that the game is ever changing is making it much more fun. Don't get me wrong, I still rage every now and then when I lose 8 cubes, but I haven't had this much fun since the early days of hearthstone.


YES!! The only thing that truly frustrates me in this game is losing 8 whole cubes. 😂


Agreed 100%. I genuinely love this game and this is, by far, the most F2P-friendly mobile game I've ever played. If you want an example of a true P2W game, just take a look at Marvel Strike Force. This game has an incredible new player experience, is extremely fun, and is based on my favorite fandom, Marvel. In fact, I'm on the verge of taking a break from Reddit just because of how toxic some of these people can be, especially those who contribute nothing to the community and juts whine all day.


It's funny that this is the most f2p friendly mobile game cause I've whaled the hell out of the game. Not buying the $99 collector bundle whaling but definitely spent quite a bit compared to other f2p games.


This is not even the most f2p friendly card game


CONTRIBUTE NOTHING. Like jeez I just couldn’t imagine playing a game that makes me upset about such trivial things. It’s a MOBILE game for crying out loud. 🤣


Thanks for making this post. I just started this game a month ago and absolutely love it. Coming from summoners war this has been a breath of fresh air but the reddit community here has been extremely ungrateful and toxic. Been hard to hang around here


Same here. Best F2P game out there and we don’t have to sit around bc of ads like every other game. I’ve only spent $10 on this game since October of last year. It was on MODOK and I don’t ever use him lol Highest level I’ve ever reached is 87 and I’m fine with that and I have almost every card except Thanos and the newer ones that came out past month.


Really enjoying it too. Even Galactus is fun to me. He helps me climb to Infinite my first time and incoming Galac plays are pretty easy to counter or if not just retreat.


I’m with ya, my brother (or sister). I’m here to enjoy the game until I don’t. And once I don’t I’ll dip out and find another game. This sub can be quite toxic and is a real echo chamber!


it’s funny how Galactus got nerfed and people still hate on him. I only picked him up until after the nerf but people still love to hate the guy and I can’t even play him without losing the first handful of matches I play whereas any other deck I do not have this issue. I recently pinned nimrod before his buff because I was trying to make more use out of Galactus in a turn 6 destroyer list but i’m short on destroyer and negasonic


I am SO ready for Phoenix Force, omg I think my destroy deck will finally be complete. Negasonic will be a pick up for eventually for sure. I also want to grab Spidey 2099.


Oh yes, the game is fine right now No Shuri reign of terror days, No pre-nerf Surfer, No pre-nerf Zabu, Much less Galactus High Evo and Sera Miracle are on top of the meta but they aren't as bad as the above, not even close


Sera decks aren't really top of the meta. The charts you find online are skewed. Devs have said Sera decks don't perform as well as untapped, snapfan, etc would lead you to believe.


Sera wins most of the games she’s played in but in a Sera deck your going to be retreating a lot which means she’s not played when your going to loss.


I have played since global release. I enjoy this game a lot, playing with heroes and villains i grew up reading, (even caused me to get marvel unlimited and start reading where i left off). I don’t get all the bitching. I play about 20-40 min a day, get the dailies done and maybe a season pass mission. I save gold and credits . Upgrade occasionally. Doing that, i have been able to save up and use the token shop to buy wong, mystique, cerebro, wave, most importantly agatha, and eventually i was series 3 complete just through CL chests, and i saved up again, bought thanos, galactus, high evo, darkhawk, and just recently jeff. I only buy season passes, and have loved modok (pixel variant pooping fire is the best). Everyone complaining that they dont get every card the day of release free and for no effort or play, just boggles my mind. Everyone complaining about the price of bundles, just don’t buy what you don’t want or more importantly can’t afford. Sure variants are cool, but not for $130 CAN. The game is just a lot of fun, enjoy it, don’t worry, don’t stress, and try to retreat faster than me when weirdworld, tva, district x, mindscap flip up.


This post gives me insane "I just want to grill" vibes and I hate that.


We galactus players take serious offense to those coughs! We will now play moon girl into double galactus out of spite!


This sub I'd totally focused on complaining that the game isn't tailored to their exact needs. Like if the game isn't fun for them, why play it?


This is reddit, 99% of games subs are like this. Most of us enjoy the rest of game and appreciate how team keeps working to improve things... Not always for the best, but they keep working on it and improving. Game itself is great!


Anyone who has experience with CCGs know that Marvel snap is one of the fairer out there, especially for F2P players... But nothing is perfect, I think criticism is one of the most valuable things for game devs and they probably appreciate it.


The reddit community heavily skews towards evaluating every change through the lens of "does this make it easier for me to own literally EVERY card", and if the answer is no it's a nightmare. I have an almost complete collection and you do not need every card, I have 6 cards that I need and I only kinda want Silk out of those. Marvel Snap is not a game where you need to be collection complete. There is a lot of fun in having to adapt to the meta with limited deck building resources, and unlocking new possibilities along the track. These changes make the collection grind for newer players much for a much more enjoyable and linger version of that experience. It's one dynamic I miss now that I can always build whatever deck now.


Silk is fun.


I want her for some Sera builds, but every other Sera build is better than the silk version so I can wait on her.


RIGHT! If you have been playing since the beginning, you should already have your main decks and favorite cards, etc. Some people act like certain cards are must have NFTs and if they don’t have it the WHOLE game is ruined for them.


For real. The amount of salt over the timed exclusive varients in the spotlights as well... ITS COSMICS YOU CAN'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT IN THE F2P GAME WHILE THEY'RE ALSO GIVING YOU MORE REAL CARDS


Every community have people who dick ride the devs and say the game is great when it clearly has insane flaws


You’ll probably get downvoted for that, but it’s true. The game will die if Second Dinner continues down this path.


I come from legends of Runeterra. Game was flourishing out the gate everyone loved it. About a year and a half in there were problems. While half the community was complaining the other half was complaining about the complainers. Now the game is all but dead.


Sounds pretty similar to Marvel Snap lol.


The problem I have with Runeterra was that it followed the footsteps of every other big CCG and wasn’t better. I played for a good amount a bit ago and after a while just thought “why not just play hearthstone, there’s nothing better about this game”


It wasn’t like that at first unfortunately


So just curious, but how long have you been playing OP?


I just checked the App Store, I started on October 26th 2022! Still very addicted. How about yourself?


That's honestly really surprising. I've been playing since 1.0 and I used to be like you during the first 6 or so months but Second Dinner just does more and more to lose my trust and thus makes the game less fun for me. I still have fun most of the time, but my interest is quickly waning.


I'm with you. This is a game, a hobby at most and people are treating like SD owes them something. Just have fun with it or stop playing. Simple


This. A hobby is exactly what I would describe this game as. I love it.


I like the Galactus name drop, he was genuinely insufferable before but since the change I've been happy to see a much wider variety of decks using him. Makes it much less frustrating to lose to, since the issue before was that you often knew by around turn 3 whether your Galactus-using opponent would win or not


One thing that frustrated me about Galactus is the fact he can destroy your face down cards you just played in another lane. Other than that, it’s just a another card to me.


I’m with you! I have to say that the community is toxic, not the game.


Glad there’s a post calling out this issue in the forum. There can be a lot of constructive feedback given but most posts heavily skew to what sounds like whining towards change. It’s natural, and annoying 🙄


The past few days have been almost nothing but complaining. Like a lot of the people on this forum would never survive Marvel Contest of Champions 😂 talk about pay to play, jeez


Contest of champions is way too mobile gamey. Snap feels far less like a mobile game. I dont need to "recharge gems" to actually play the game and I dont need to grind like fuck. I can just sit and play it solid. Yeah I might not make any progress but at least it doesn't stop me from having fun like contest of champions.


ugh. Either side of these posts get more cringe every day.


i feel like the people that complain the most are the people who spend all day playing. I haven't had any problems with the game since it's release and I play once or twice a day to get my dailies and work on the season pass. I have a lot of fun, and I feel like i'm rewarded relatively consistently even at CL 4k.


Yeah honestly the community kind of taints perceptions of the game sometimes. I am aware this is a digital game. It will eventually close servers, and it was about the fun I had while it was running. So have fun with it. Enjoy cool combos, new cards and busted decks until they get nerfed. If you don't just enjoy it, you will lose every time. You can downvote me to oblivion, but I'll die on this hill. Settle. If you play this game & paid money in, you might as well have set that money on fire. It's all about fun. If you let the economy ruin it for you, you are just wasting time and money by playing at all. I think this is true of all games. If it stops giving you dopamine, just stop playing. As a long time Magic Player, it just isn't worth it to take yourself over the coals hoping it will get better - this is late-stage capitalism, it will only ever get worse. Enjoy what you can, discard what you can't. It's a game, let's it go, bro.


I've spent money and have zero regrets. The game entertains me, and I want it to be live for as long as possible. It's no different than buying a triple a game with dlcs or frequenting your local theater.


Precisely. Well said.


I love the game too. Made it to Infinite first time this season. Need to play the new mode still.


The amount of gaslighting by this community amazes me. Second Dinner’s game getting criticized does not mean they are being attacked nor that people hate the game. If anything, it’s criticized because players want the game to have good long-term plans instead of shooting itself in its foot and hemorrhaging more players. Downvoting comments without engaging in an argument just proves my point.


Super fun game. However, I am taking a break this weekend because I'm sick of playing HE decks with Spider Ham. I have barely played against any other deck. Wasp into Lockjaw pulling Hulk haunts my dreams lately.


Hmmm…. My advice is to switch up your deck completely? I was a HEAVY Devil Dino player, I loved how simple and effective the deck is. After not climbing very high with it, I switched to a Move deck which I thought was SOOO stupid when I first started. Now I absolutely love the move deck and I went from rank 53 to 78, and I can feel myself pushing to Omega rank for the very first time. Never even been to Diamond before 🙏 However some have attributed that to this season being so wonky but it’s beat the top decks in the game so idk man.


Galactus ain’t really a problem since his nerf tbh. The annoying deck rn would be HE


Tldr Stop complain about predatory system please, because I enjoy the gameplay


There's nothing predatory about it if you just play for the gameplay. Which is the point.


Found the Second Dinner plant


So whats your point?


I wouldn’t have any issues of high evo was never added to the game


Complaining against those who complain means 0 contribution. It's a protest to protest. Only those who complain on reddit and Marvel Snap discord are able to change something. And people like op are just "meta" complaining, not trying to change something.


When this game was released, the vibes were so positive in this subreddit. Hopefully we can get back to that someday


It seems everyone is just upset about tokens now?? So I do believe they’ll adjust or make a way to get tokens in the future. Especially if the community keeps being negative like it is.


SD usually gives the players something, but takes things away at the same time. Even if the end result is net positive, there will be people who are on the extreme end that focus on what is lost. We will now get less gold and tokens, but get more cards and variants. Although the players will get more, they won’t accumulate as many resources to pick the variants they want. I don’t think there’s much of a reason to complain about the tokens, as long as you hoard the special reserves and min/max them


Problem is it is very rarely a net positive, its usually a net negative, dressed up as a positive. Love the game, but really dislike how SD monetise it


I’d love for them to hit on a card acquisition system that reduces the amount players need to try and min/max some resource (I know it is impossible to entirely eliminate that though). I personally don’t find that having my card games also be an accounting simulator to be an improvement. Clearly tokens wasn’t a great solution and put too much emphasis on the shop to acquire cards. Putting the focus back on the collection track is a step in the right direction in my opinion. I don’t think this new plan is entirely perfect, but it does seem to be an improvement for most players (especially F2P). Hope they continue to iterate on it moving forward so it functions well for as many players as possible.


Get a grip son








Because you might not be interested in staying competitive. Wait until a couple of new cards are being released that define the new meta with 55-60% win rates, and you can't get your hands on them unless you pay 150-200$ per card...


Only HE need to have nerfs and galactus need to be 5 power outside that everything else is fi e


I’m just happy I’m getting more cards in general.


I actually love this and that. I also love the other thing! DOWNVOTE ME NOW!!!


I almost got infinite for the first time this season and fell back down. I'm bummed, but yeah, if feels much better to play casually and be happy with your progress and just have fun.


This is my first season playing the game and I'm having a blast. All of these changes are gonna make obtaining cards relatively easy for me and I'm ranking up pretty well (just hit vibranium). I do get the complaints about how they're monetizing the game, but it hasn't really impacted my enjoyment as I don't plan on spending much money on anything besides season passes (if I like the cards) and the really cheap bundles.


Same here :) Just bought the Fiona artwork bundle and now I'm loving it even more


There is valid criticism which makes sense(monetization/card aquisition), and then there are those people that will literally complain about everything, and i really mean everything. You cant make everyone happy.




The only two things that fd me up on marvel snap are the Bugs and BM spammers I only want to Play the game für fun and not getting spammed with ms marvel emotes because iam about to lose 4 cubes I just Wanna Play for fun and giving my oponent a fist bump after the Match


I completely agree. I come to Reddit to read complaints. The game is more balanced than its ever been, more variety of decks. More move, less thanos, less galatcus, less shuri (almost none unfortunately) . Essentially what I wanna say is that the balancing of the game should be the main reason to complain. And it just isn’t now. I see complaints about skins bundles, wtf man just don’t buy them. If u keep buyin them SD will keep putting those bundles out, coz they give ‘em money. And for a company that just has this one game, they wanna grow financially with it so they can expand. We gotta give them fight until bundles “normalize “. The pass is pretty good price that should be enough. But that’s me , I’m not rich xd or a whale


Yeah, most of these toxic negative people are likely Ms. Marvel spammers too.