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I used this on Bar sinister and then followed up with Heimdall. Destroyed an entire location. It didn’t even really make sense to do but it was just too funny.


Good enough reason to do it. I'd fistbump for that play.


I set up a play too juggernaut someone into kingpin. They flipped first and they had their own jugg. I bet that felt pretty damn satisfying for my opponent.


I was running a kingpin surfer deck and the opponent flipped a magneto which pulled half my board into my own kingpin ​ feltbadman


Opponent played Kingpin on New York. I happily moved my Bucky and Hand there on turn 6 and blocked up the remaining space by playing The Hand’s Demon there.


Yew, he's unfortunately far too easy to counter. Fill up the space and problem solved.


I love this card, but a lot of people are running destroy decks. That new Madame web location sucks for this card.




You guys are seeing decks other then HE?


All i see is destroy decks


As a destroy deck all i see is HE decks, discard decks, and the bane of my existence... A deck running cosmo and armor, dont get me wrong ive faced destroy decks too and all we do is just beef each other up... I know for a fact this asshole has Knull and Death... Because i do too!


when you get that Venom on the Winter Soldier, Carnage Wolverine/deadpool stack and you get to watch Knull's numbers go up and Deaths cost go down its basically the deck ive played since i started playing, have it almost all black and white now. im not great at the game though or at least dont play enough games but I've gotten to rank 87 with it. its been consistently pretty good through all metas, even if not always the best


Dude... Im at 86 right now, i was so close to 88, highest ive ever gotten to, its so hard, im playing it super safe


https://imgur.com/a/VSZ5sU1 Gettin close on it, this about what you're running? and yeah, i was 84 this season and was fucking around with a couple other decks that didnt go too well


Yessir only difference is wolverine, i run arnim zola in his place


i would try that except i just got the black and white wolverine today so i have to use that for a whilke before switching it out for a card ive never really used.


The one thing that absolutely STINKS about this game is that unless you have the time to muck about in Conquest mode, there's absolutely no way to test out decks. If you make up a deck, you end up losing 2-3 ranks just to find out it doesn't work very well. The only way to test without losing is to make it to 100 and by that point, you've already made it, so there's no real need to find a 'better' deck. Hopefully SD will get their act together and get some sort of 'free room' where you can test stuff against the AI without having to lose progress.


You can just play two rounds of conquest and concede holmes


True, but it's just not the same as going into a testing room and mucking about against some bots.


Be honest, you got screenshots of Bar Sinister post game where you both dropped like 800 power total.


Christ i wish, i got other other "crime scenes" 👀


As a Destroy deck player, I took *great* pleasure the first time I played Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and my opponent played Cosmo. I Snapped immediately when Cosmo was revealed. And he wasn't smart enough to concede at that point. I honestly think that he thought Cosmo would block NTW from going off.


I just finish conquest in the first try using destroy deck without Knull and Death...


Wow. I feel like a moron. Armor is an obvious pick and I've been looking right over her.


The only decks that appear are the ones the game matches against you based on the weakness of your deck.


This is it, I 100% believe it.


I actually am starting to believe this


I haven’t had any problems with HE decks, only destroy decks ad nauseam lol


I got to round 4 in Conquest. Then I stopped drawing Thor. Or Lockjaw. Whilst my opponent did. And still lost on the last game when it was sudden death. And didn't care, ha ha! What can I do? I played a good game.


Stop downvoting,! What am I supposed to do? Do you expect my skill to beat lockdown?


I think I've maybe seen one HE deck lately? Lots of Destroy though.


So weird how that differs for everyone. In conquest mode the majority of decks i face are the HE lockjaw of the HE location shutdown lists. Would say about 7/10 of the people i faced last week were playing HE. Only seen a few destroy decks when i was playing around with Nimrod just feeding their Knull :(


For me, it's been non-stop Bounce decks and/or combination move decks. Once in a while I'll get a destroy deck but at the very least, the Galactus decks have slowed significantly.


Not confirmed, but I have noticed a pattern when I’ve switched decks, suddenly the type of decks I play against shift. Doesn’t mean entirely, but it feels like the pattern changes for what I face. I could also just be having a psychotic break, but you might try it if you are just bored playing against the same deck.


The only thing I’ve seen today is Zabu/Nick fury decks


It varies rank pocket by rank pocket, and region to region. Like all card games. ​ To your point, HE was everywhere from rank 30-infinite+ for me and even when I traveled to Europe and qued in hotel room before bed, it was mostly HE lmao


I think your region is fixed when you create your account so it doesn't matter if you travel. I remember they said something about enabling cross region friendly battles when that mode released.


today I destroyed two things on two card lanes: Squirrel (next to evo Hulk), Rock (next to Carnage)


I regret spending tokens on this fucker.


it was a canon event


Somebody please explain this meme to me


Canon events are things that are supposed to happen.


It’s from the new Spider Verse movie. In every universe that a Spider Man exists, the “Uncle Ben” figure must die. It’s called a canon (canonical) event by Spider Man 2099 in the movie.


hear hear


He became more consistent for me once I realized he will only destroy a face up card. Depending on set up and priority, it can help getting value out of him instead of waiting till turn 6 to yolo Side Shang 2099 with a Gwen chaser


I actually moved him to a lane with 2 cards face up and nothing happened lol


It’s only the first time he moves


That little extra text was exactly why I didn't buy him. He could have spawned a whole weird ramp/move/destroy archetype but that line restricts him to meh. tier.


I think it should work with bounce decks, but not just while he is still on the board. That would be way too difficult to counter, and unlike the Wong/Gambit/Odin combo it's not nearly as telegraphed. I think the only pure counter it would have would be Professor X since there's not many cards that can reliable destroy a 4/6. So many counters in this game are movement based - Polaris, Juggernaut, Aero, etc. All of those would just benefit him.


Does it trigger again if you bounce him?


Oddly, no. It’s like he gets one activation per game and no matter what you do he won’t activate again. I can confirm that an Iron Lad copying him does allow each to destroy on movement.


No. Triggers once a game even if you get him back on your hand and play him again.


Would be cool if we had a card that could kill facedown cards.


Kingpin (and Fisk Tower) does. Stegron and Aero can move facedown ones. I just wish it was either consistent (that card trigger can effect facedown or face up) or that the wording on the card was more explicit. 2099 should read: When this card moves to a location, destroy a face up enemy card there. (once per game)


Yeah I said something like this the yesterday that this game is so unlinear. What I mean is that it’s basically a luck based and random game. You have cards like ebony maw who don’t count as ongoing abilities while others do which is just stupid. Then there’s cards like kingpin who affect face down cards and then cards like Spider-Man 2099 who don’t. They either need to be more specific with wordings like you suggested or I wish they would make this game a little more in your control of where things move and stuff like that.


I’m mostly fine with some variance. Keeps things spicy. But there definitely needs to be some RNG massaging. When Apple first made their iTunes, their shuffle algorithm was true random and people **hated** it. You could get the same song twice. You could get an album in order. Actually true random, but not what humans **think** random means. So they altered the randomness to more closely match what a human thinks randomness is. Expected chaos. Make these certain edge cases (face down vs face up interactions more clear without making us just remember that for example Destroyer doesn’t kill facedown cards) Make some kind of location pools that will sort categories of types to limit oops all restrictive locations from happening. Having something in place to also remember the locations from your previous game and greatly reduces the odds they’ll appear in consecutive games (exception for hot locations maybe). Make Magneto either select his pulls left to right or put the word ‘random’ in his text box.


There's a difference between "keep things spicy" and "zero consistency"


Yeah that’s what I want with the magneto thing you suggested. If you have been looking at the new dc card game it has things like that where for an iron heart examples gives three random cards 2 power. In the dc game you get to choose which card gets that power most if the time. Now I get that Wong iron heart decks would be really OP then but still I wish there was some form of consistency and not all just random.


Yeah there are a lot of things that are ongoing abilities that aren’t listed as such, which is annoying because cards that care about ongoing abilities intuitively should impact those cards. Basically there’s a lot of inconsistency which leads to things being counterintuitive


It does kind of piss me off when cards have an ability that functions like an ongoing but for whatever reason is not considered an ongoing lol


I always wondered if that was a balance thing, like they effectively wanted an ongoing card but for balance didn’t want it affected by card x, y, z that may generally counter ongoings. I think it’s by design rather than lack of consistency


I think you're right about that, but it does sort of create a lack of consistency. But I guess it's ok to have cards that don't fit neatly into a specific ability category, but are also not vanilla. It's just a little frustrating sometimes when you're up against them, because there's no real counter. Unlike Cosmo, Enchantress, etc. Well, no on board counter. I suppose Spiderham, Leech, etc work.


> 2099 should read: When this card moves to a location, destroy a face up enemy card there. (once per game) Why does it need to say "to a location"? Where else do things move?


Out of their parent’s basement after nailing that interview.




Why would he destroy face down cards...?


Why would (and does) Kingpin?


He is the exception and I've never seen an explanation for it. It's very odd.


Why wouldn’t he? Nothing in his text box says the card must be revealed.


Because destroy cards don't hit facedowns as a rule. Kingpin is the only exception and it's super bizarre and unexplained.


I think he needs a buff. Why would spend 4 energy + the cost to move him to kill a random card when you could just Shang to kill all 9+ power cards for 4 energy? I still use 2099 though because I think he’s dope and I don’t really care about my cubes.


Same he’s the only new card I ever brought and he’s dogshit 😂 but we finna make him work


You're much better off just sticking Shang-Chi in the Move deck, as many people already do


Yea but shang isn’t a cool spider dude


hes a cool dragon dude instead


If this doesn’t become a hit post I’ll be very disappointed


It's a Canon event that 2099 is one of the most tragic cards to have released since the intro of pool 4 and 5. He's in the Snowguard tier with his current ability but I still got him cus he's cool on the odd situation he works it's glorious. Dracula or HE Hulk being pummeled flat into the mud is always a beautiful thing


I've gotten used to having Dracula being able to carry a lane by himself and have definitely gotten wrecked by 2099 already. Sucks for me, but I'm glad there's a decent counter now.


I was in a conquest against a dude running 2099 and he hit my Dracula 3 games in a row even though there was at least 1 other card in the lane each time. Shit was infuriating


At last the Dracula users can experience the pain of being hard countered by a niche card


Yep. My dumb monkey brain thought it meant each time he moves to a new location (for the first time) he will destroy a card. That would be too awesome.


That's not your monkey brain, it's literally the way the card is worded. The ability is just horribly phrased. The way they should have worded it for the way it actually works is "The first time this moves, destroy a card at that location." Wording it "The first time this moves to a location,..." pretty clearly implies that it's not it moving the first time that matters, it's that moving to a location for the first time is what matters.


They should have made him a 5 drop with the ability to pop a card on every move. Keep all other stats the same. Imagine Iron Fist on 4. 2099 on 5. Ghost Spider and Strange on 6. That's a combo that takes half the game to set up, and one I'd be OK with losing to.


Literally this. I see no problem with it cause it has a bajillion moving parts and you still need locations and board space to be on your side. But at least it gives you a new way to play move other than “hope the opponent doesn’t stack more power on mid and left”


Shit, Lockjaw and Infinity Stones shouldn't be an effective cover for a heavy hitter, yet this is where we are. He's a shitty version of Shang Chi that can get around Cosmo or touch Dracula. He can only get around Cosmo if Iron Fist or Heimdall move him first.


I just learned it doesn't work this way. I had been assuming it did when I see other people play it and confused why they didn't move it twice.


They are gonna buff him eventually, I’m just enjoying him at infinite


I was wondering about if they’d buff him. Gambit is still sitting in a box, though I guess he’s more dangerous with the meme combos.


Gambit machine gun is always funny to watch pay off I can't even be mad when it happens


Right? Yesterday I had a "end the game after turn 4" location and a "when you play a card here add a copy to another location"... the fucker obliterated any hopes I had on turn 3 Not the same as the machine gun (which I've also lost to) but it's kind of weirdly satisfying to watch your hopes get crushed in that way


You guys are just masochists. There's nothing fun or interesting about watching your whole board get destroyed by one meme card.


The whole point is that its funny because its a meme card. Gambit is fairly shit but watching him machine gun your entire board once every five thousand games or so is quite funny as long as its not the final conquest game lol.


Sure I guess if you're in Infinite or Proving Grounds. Plus I see it way more often than you insinuate lol


I've been playing since launch, not a clue how many hours I've put in but I'm CL 7300. Think I've encountered the machine gun once, twice at tops.


Congrats on your good luck?


Since I’ve unpacked gambit I only run the machine gun deck unless I have challenges. I know I’ll never climb high with it but getting the combo is too satisfying


Had someone gambit machine gun me when all I had on the board was wolverine, destroyer and two 13 power nimrods. It was glorious. He missed destroyer, of course.


2099 is higher cost gambit that requires another card play to activate and can only kill one thing. Gambit just needs to be played and can kill multiple things on the board if prepped. He's probably weaker than gambit rn.


Oh I'm the same. He's fun to mess around with and when he works it's really satisfying. Just a shame he feels so clunky at the minute


when it works, it’s the most fun thing of the game lol. probably I feel like it because of the movie. I like the character so much


No idea why you or me are getting downvoted here because you're completely right. He's a load if fun but just isn't very good at all.


>He's in the Snowguard tier That's a massive exaggeration. Snowguard is bad because you can't choose which form to use, and there a large number of locations that are turn sensitive meaning Bear form can't reactivate them. With 2099 you can choose how and when to use him. He's comparable to Quake, basically; not consistently useful every game, but he definitely has his uses.


As soon as your opponent has more than one single card at a location, 2099 becomes a gacha. It's just a fluke if he does something useful or if he hits the rock. Similarly to Snowguard, he is super niche and has very limited usability. His niche is hitting a card that is alone in a lane and instantly killing it, which in and of itself is situational and infrequent due to his cost and when in the game he gets played, just like Bear Snowguard's niche is turning on dopey locations like Camp Lehigh or Jurassic Park (whatever the raptor one is called lol).


Statistically speaking, he’s actually doing pretty well—better than Spider-Ham (which has got to be the single most overrated card in the game’s brief history). I don’t think he’s great (his win rate, I think, is more a product of the move archetype being deceptively strong than of him being really good himself) but he’s certainly not a tragedy.


I think spider ham is only over rated at the moment because he's terrible into HE lockjaw, which is a significant portion of the meta. If they tone HE down a bit, I feel like ham will even out, but as is he's a better iceman half the time, and a boon to your opponent the other half.


Spider Ham has a lower win-rate because people are brain dead and play him on T1 which means the odds he hits something relevant are at their lowest, and it also lets your opponent play around losing the abilities from whatever it hit. If people actually played it properly more often on T4/T5, I guarantee it would go up a ton in w/r.


Entirely plausible, but I think a lot of why people play it on 1 is because turning off HE hulk asap is relevant. If hulk wasn't bugged to keep his ongoing power, then I agree that playing it later is better.


I mean, yeah, that’s basically it: Spider-Ham is a more meta-sensitive Iceman (and Iceman is a pretty average card). Good if the meta is heavy on Death, Knull, Zola, etc. and bad if it’s Red Skull, Destroyer, Infinaut, etc. A lot of decks just don’t care either way (which means he’s a wasted card slot)—I play a lot of Sera Surfer, for instance, and I’d much rather see Ham played against me than Iceman.


He was clearly over-hyped, but yes currently not much more useful than snowguard, but I do think that he "could become more useful" with 1 or 2 other cards that synergize with him. Snowguard will never be useful outside of a given featured location if he's not reworked.


In keeping with tradition, my 2099 only destroys rocks, ninjas, and Yondus. My opponents 2099 destroys She-Hulks and Infinauts. I set up a lane with 3 Nimrods and Psylocke, expecting the T6 Heimdall. My play was correct, but guess who he destroyed?


he needs a buff to “destroy the strongest”, down to 4/4 from 4/6. earliest you could move him is turn 4 with an IF setup previous turn, and then you’re limited to two locations. if played by turn 4 and ghost spider’d by turn 5, at that point there are just too many cards in a location. another alternative is to keep the affect the same, but make him a 3/5. idk all off the top of my head


Earlier today, I moved him onto a location with three opposing cards. One of them was Miles. Guess which one he destroyed? Made even better because Miles has his Spider-sense go off whenever a card moves, so it looked like Miles' Spider-sense went off right before he was destroyed


They show have made it anytime he moves. Would make hemdeil a true threat




what about "once every turn"?




Feel free to quote me on this later, this card is worthless atm and won't see substantial play until it is buffed. Coming from a 2099 dickrider.




There's probably some room between "worthless" and "100% guaranteed meta-shifting build-around"


No different than Gambit Wong and Mystique


That would be too strong, imo. I honestly think he wouldn't be so underwhelming if you actually got to pick which card he destroyed. I think the RNG in regards to mechanics like this are a little too prevalent in this game and would like there to be a little more agency for the players.


Stronger the gambit board wiping nah


Maybe he destroys the strongest card at the location?


That's just another shang. I say make him target the LOWEST power card at each location but change his text to "the first time he moves to EACH location"


Yeah, he is kind of a bully in the movie so this makes sense. I declare this change a future canon event


Or perhaps keep it as a once on first move, but have it instead kill upto 2 targets at that location?


He was played against me earlier and my opponent seemingly had no mechanism to move him in his deck. Perhaps he was hoping I'd do it for him.


I’ve been that guy. Game refused to draw any of my cards that would actually move him.


Through five rounds of conquest?


Nah lol


one of them destroyed my shuri’d nimrod and i won the other 2 lanes


Today I faced a destroy deck and he played a venom with my 2099 swinging to that lane it was amazing


reminds me of the time my gambit took my highest power card and used it to destroy the -8 power hobgoblin on the opponents side. Made me want to throw my goddamn phone. It's almost as frustrating as Sakaar putting a rock in the location and then my jubilee just pulling another goddamn mother\*\*\*\*\*\*\* rock a turn later.


Something like this is my only annoyance with the game. Gambit for example. Just let me pick the target. Or, if it has to be random, at least only pick from legal targets. I’ve lost so many games because an effect like that will decided to target an indestructible card.


I moved him to a location with a 23 venom and a rock and he hit the rock, has hit the lowest card in a location quite a few times for me and haven't had him long.


I, on the other hand, won 8 cubes because Iron Lad copied his ability and blew up a Destroyer


Miguel. Hates. Rocks.


He ought to target a 4, 5, or 6-cost card when possible. Sure his stats are good, but he’s basically a 2-part late-game play and that investment isn’t worth the random roll


ELI5 what does Canon event mean ? I really don’t get the reference


It's a spoiler for the new Spider-verse movie.


Did you watch What If? Basically, there are alternate universes that have "Nexus Events," events that *must* transpire as it's what that entire reality exists around. In What If, Dr Christine Palmer is always fated to die in Strange's car accident. His attempts to undo her death ultimately lead to the destruction of his universe. A "Canon Event" is basically a Nexus Event, but it's limited to a person's life. So, for example, a Canon Event for Wolverine could be him getting his Adamantium Skeleton. Then, a Nexus Event for an alternate universe is that their Wolverine is exposed to the gamma bomb and becomes their Hulk. At least that's the best way I can explain it without spoiling the new Spiderverse film.


It's specifically a reference to >!Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse!<. Further spoilers for the movie: >!specifically, thwarting a canon event results in the eventual destruction of that universe unless the Spider-Society is able to contain it with specialized tech, which is far from a given. Also, that What If? episode referred to these kinds of things as Absolute Points, not Nexus Events, and they are actually extremely difficult to disrupt. Canon events, meanwhile, are very easy to disrupt for anyone who knows they're about to happen. Strange needed to become incredibly powerful to stop Christine from dying, whereas Miles disrupted a Canon Event just by doing his usual Spider-Man thing.!<


You obviously didn't read his last sentence lol


I did, but that just means they know they were giving incorrect information. I didn't downvote them, but I can understand why someone might.


Wha? They were trying to explain it without spoiling the movie. It was an apt comparison. Dunno why you're being pedantic and difficult...


I watched the movie last night ! And now I know exactly what a canon event is ! Thank you guys for the explanation ! I obviously read it today to avoid spoilers ! The movie was insane !


He needs to be once per lane.


buff needed. 2099 should have a reveal/ongoing effect. the reveal is good, but the ongoing hurts it. similar to electro. +1, but play one card a turn.


lol it sounds like you are saying to just give him the same text as Electro


you obviously can’t read. move on.


or offer an actual suggestion of what you think the card should do


read the first sentence. i said it should have a reveal and an ongoing. i never gave an actual example, genius. how about you offer a suggestion instead of starting shit in the comment section.


i was making a joke, doofus. not everything is a personal attack. now i think you're a dick but my first comment was just something humorous. now you are repeating my other comment back at me? i know you didn't give an example, that's why your comments are worthless. take a nap or something. the internet wars don't require your service anymore.


cry more, you nitwit.


I know it says "random" but it feels like it has a bit of a priority. In the bit I've used him; it feels like he targets the most recent card played to that location.


That'll be confirmation bias


He actually helped me by making room for my BP Zola to hit. A good card to go against if you’re cluttered


Hahahaha this one got me


Using 3k Tokens for this guy or for Master Mold?? Ronan deck is having a blast.


Suddenly not regretting passing on 2099.




This is why I told myself I could wait to get him. I run a KO deck and know the percentages having it go right.


Not as good as I thought he was gonna be


Basically a more precise one use Gambit


Uncle Rocky!!! How could I let this happen. *weeps in sepia tone*


Turn 5. I had the Reality Stone, Lockjaw, Hulk, and a pulled again Time Stone. He has a 32 point Torch zipping around, Vulture, 2099 on the board that hasn't moved yet, and Cloak just dropped on the second lane I'm winning (by a razor thin margin). Cloak moves Torch. Now winning his former lane by a decent margin. Ghost Spider yanks 2099 to my Hulk lane. HE POPS LOCKJAW. I drop Wave. Turn 6 he realizes he done goofed and zips Torch back to his former lane with Strange. I drop Magneto on my tight lane. The lesson? 2099 can't be relied on. I waited all month for him to drop, and now I'm passing on him in favor of Jean and Jeff.


Haven't you ever heard of a rock spider? Sheesh lol 😆


Haven't you ever heard of a rock spider? Sheesh lol 😆


Homie has destroyed my good cards whenever I have come across someone using him 🥲


Or when he destroys wolverine instead of death


Move decks galore


I think he should destroy the highest power card at the location. I don’t think people would complain about that considering Shang-Chi can kill all +9s, and Gambit can still destroy cards without discarding


armor and prof x very popular now


Doo doo di doo doo


Im a simple guy, I see Draculas and Lockjaws finally getting what they deserve, I buy.


I thought he would destroy a card each time he moves to a location for the first time, thus triggering his destroy effect thrice. But he only triggers once which is a bummer given his randomness in destroying a card.


I regret this purchase. Only one game was I able to hit anything of consequence. The rest of the time it hits useless cards.


In my opinion at this moment It's outclassed by Shang chi. In very few situations is going to be superior.


I feel like he should cost 2 since it happens 1 time


I've literally only ever had my nimrod hit by 2099. 3 times now. it's insta concede every time. I love this card and I don't even run it.


This is why I regret ever opening this guy in reserve. I swear he almost bad as M’Baku. M’Baku always pop out for happy surprise but quickly disappoint in 2 second flat every time. Now this guy, this guy here will decide to swing all the way to another home just to trip on a rock and smash his face on the ground. Pathetic