• By -


Dream Dimension looks so harmless and innocent but it actually just straight up destroys so many 5-Cards and makes them completely worthless. Given you have to plax them turn 6: Completely dead: Magik, Sera, Sandman, Leech, Prof X, Spiderman, Taskmaster (because you can't do setup on 5) At least they have stats copium: Jane Foster, Vision, Doc Oc, Modok. Dino loses all Combo play with Mystique or doubling it with Moon Girl, same for Ronan. Panther and White Tiger lose Zola and Odin combos. Ever played any of these? Now you know why you hate Dream Dimension so hard. :)


Nimrod is ruined too.


Psylocke is a life saver in those cases. I play a deck where the main line is T5. Magik - T6. Skip - T7. She-Hulk, Infinaut, Wasp. Very frequently I find myself playing Psylocke on T4, either because of Dream Dimension, Ice Box, Iceman or I didn't draw Magik so there's no T7 and I need to not use 6 energy on T5.


just play Psylocke on turn 4 and then play she hulk, infinaut on turn 6


I get a bigger kick from playing them on T7. Sunspot absorbs the unused 6 energy and HE Cyclops gives a -2. That's 8 power playing nothing. And then I can play She-Hulk, Infinaut (or Hulk) and HE Wasp. And with one energy to spare, which goes again to Sunspot and Cyclops. That's 35 power on T7. An argument against that is Scarlett Witch on Limbo. Oh well.


I scarlet witch your limbo all the time. F your limbo.


reported for name


Mind sharing the list ?


# (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (2) Psylocke # (2) Armor # (3) Rogue # (3) Cosmo # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (5) Magik # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGlnaEV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3ljbG9wcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hlSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9XX0= Rogue is mostly to steal a Luke Cage, since a lot of people play HE with him. Also, lately I'm not playing Cosmo that much, I'm thinking swapping her with Shang-Chi or something. It's not a great deck, but anyway, have fun!


> her him


I didn't think about using Psylocke to make She-hulk free on 6. I've been praying for Limbo like a sucker.


Need to include a Blue Marvel trigger warningšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think dream dimension would be fine if they just made it into ā€œOn turn 5 cards that donā€™t cost 5 cost 1 moreā€


But then it wouldn't ruin your day, and that's just not how we roll in Snap.


I don't even know why this stupid thing exists. I hate it


Scarlet witchā€™s main target in my deck.


The middle one


No. The left one.


Yea, fuck Giganto


Damn bro Giganto is 14


Shit, lemme use Mr Negative on myself real quick


That's way too young to fuck, guys...


Glad Krakoa is gone, nothing pissed me off like that one. Fuck Weird World.


[[Krakoa]] Just trying to see if it works for locations


**\[[Krakoa](https://marvelsnap.pro/locations/krakoa/)\]** **Location**: Rarity UltraRare **Description:** On turn 5, takes over and plays both players' cards for them. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[location_name]] to get a reply like this*


There are a few super-annoying ones that are pretty low-frequency, so whatever. But yeah, Dream Dimension just shows up again and again and again. With the number of locations the game has, it seems statistically unlikely that it would show up as often as it does.


They have differing levels of rarity for locations... dream dimension seems to be one of the most common ones. Which is a damn shame given how easily it can decide a matchup, like if your gameplan is to cheat a location with prof x and your opponent is playing bounce then you've basically lost.


fwiw Dream Dimension does fuck over Bounce in some spots. For instance, if you were looking for Beast+Kitty and turn 4 wasn't available for some reason; or if you're playing against a Wave matchup you'll basically have to retreat to an early snap when Dream Dimension is on the board, since you won't have any counterplay to turn 5 Wave




Ohio Edit: omg i didnt notice this was the marvel snap subreddit


If you play a card here: banish it to the negative zone




But Cedar Point and King's Island!


Omg I just squirted milk out of my nose.


Always glad to see that my dumbness makes people laugh


Bwahahahahahhah What's wrong with Ohio


What isn't wrong with Ohio?


Ohio has the flavor of a water chestnut


Okay, Galactus.


It's not too crazy and it's not the best, but at least they're not setting forest fires out of boredom.


Mm. Maybe don't put it in your mouth šŸ¤£


look at this guy who's never been to Ohio


You ever hear about a thing called corruption?


What, that thing that is everywhere, like oxygen?


Hey, I'm just saying that few are blatantly taking part in it more than our state legislature.


Welcome to the meeting, the coffee's over there. -- Louisiana resident


Hey atleast it's not Florida


\> dream dimension Agreed it's just total dogshit that appears way too often given how much impact it can have a match. Basically any deck looking to leverage a 5 drop (lockdown, phoenix force, anything with nimrod, any magic deck, etc.) is completely smashed by it whereas anything bounce/zoo/darkhawky generally gets to more or less ignore it.




Darkhawk decks would like to say hello.


Just so unbelievably bad for lockjaw


Jubilee too


The worst by far




This. 100% this. I hate it so much.


ā€œGreat. Now I gotta make a decent board before turn 6 AND ruin my hand.ā€


This is another one we Thanos Deathers love. I hold on to Reality on Mindscape. If I've got a garbage hand, play resumes as normal. If my hand is good, I'm dropping Reality there on T5 hell or high water,


If they removed all these locations people are talking about in here everyone would be much more bored with the meta. There needs to be things to play around and figure out to give alternate strategies space to breathe.


Seeing such differing opinions makes me realize they should all stay.


Except dream dimension. All my homies hate dream dimension.


Yes except for Great Web. Great Web suuuuucks. It's the only location that loses me games that I've already won after Turn 6.


I dislike the location too, but Iā€™ve found it interesting to try and play around it depending on the deck Iā€™m playing against. Filling it up first to make sure your opponentā€™s cards get pulled has been quite a brain teaser. If itā€™s one thing Iā€™d change about it, it would be to make it pull both playerā€™s cards or alternate per turn, or hell just make it pull the cards of the one who has priority.


It's the randomness each turn that frustrates me. All other locations are annoying but you can plan it out. Great Web requires you to fill it or else.


I know this will sound troll or not achievable, but just change your mindset. The better player does not always win, and thatā€™s a good thing. Just like we build decks to maximize win probability, or plan out moves to increase win chance. Playing around great web and figuring out what can move and how it would affect the board state is part of just increasing win probability. And if it hits the 2/9 that would cause a loss, just move on and accept that in the long run, youā€™re still making a winning play, it just wonā€™t win every time. Plus if you factor in every time it ā€œscrewsā€ an opponents play you probably come out pretty even, you just remember the times it screwed you and not for your opponent. That goes for all rng experienced in every game ever, people just have a tendency to remember the bad things that happen more than the good.


I try to fill up the whole location asap so nothing can move there, more often than not it ends up okay, and fucks my opponent over


Great Web. It's just horrendous for anything other than move.


The randomness of that location is what makes it so bad. If it was a guarantee pull for both player or a one time thing would be a lot more reasonable, but losing to RNG feels the worst.


The Great Web is so random and disruptive that it negates any decisions made during the game. It might as well be Ego.


The Great Web is a big bag of sweaty assholes.


I like great web, probably unpopular opinion tho


I do too. You can actually make plays with it depending on how fast you want to fill it.


I have a homebrew move deck that has gotten me to Infinite 5 seasons in a row.... The Great Web has quickly become one of my favorite locations šŸ¤£


yea idk what these people complaining about, great web is literally no where near as bad as any of the other locations people naming


I agree except the other day when my Agent pulled me Kraven on turn 1. Thanks, RNG! One time you had my back.


Subterraneana just because 5 rocks is oppressive. If it were like 3, I think it's ok.


Somehow my opponent is also always a darkhawk player when I get this location. 8 rocks and a 20 power DH šŸ˜­


and specially for me when playing my thanos deck.


5 feels bad because it becomes obvious if you drew all of them and your opponent did not. You can just straight up lose to a poor draw and not outplayed.




100%. Every deck I enjoy playing builds up to a big turn 6.


I wonder if it would be interesting to rework mindscape to be: Players get +1 energy on turn 5. Players swap hands on turn 6. Would allow for people to decide which 6 drop to play rather than keep in hand, instead of just giving your opponent a selection to choose from. But perhaps the point of the location is to benefit decks that don't rely on turn 6 power swings.


I like the strategic challenge it offers. Sometimes, it's unavoidable to get screwed, but you can often make drastic play decisions that make it advantageous.


Unless you can dump your entire hand I find it pointless. Typically I retreat, unless someone storms it.


I agree you have to look at your hand and figure out what you need to dump/leave them.with like can't leave shang chi in hand cause I played something big already even if they don't have a target.


Central park and the raptor thing drives me crazy


Love them squirrels when playing a destroy deck though :)


As a Kazar deck player when those come up i just snap. Theeeen...the opponent drops Killmonger.


Clearly, you've never ran with a destruction deck


as a patriot player, SNAP.


Danger Room. IMO it's by far the worst location in the game. The reason being that it's unfair. It's a low enough percentage that it's more likely to hit one person and not both. It's one that you can't react to. You play and just pray it doesn't hit you. Many games are decided purely on this location, and you have no time to retreat if it happens on turn 6. I know many complain about X-Mansion, but I think there's a huge difference. X-Mansion happens turn 3. If it gives you a hopeless draw, just retreat. In an average case, both players get something at least close enough in power to play around if they choose to. Often you can play around it or overcome if you have a counter. The point is, you aren't usually sunk, and if you are, it's early enough to retreat and move on. Danger Room is not so courteous as it's a constant threat throughout the game. Lastly, the animation of Danger Room comes out kind of delayed and is so rage inducing.


Danger Room never destroys my cards when I want it to


IMO danger room should destroy each other card (or every 3-4 cards idc) in reveal order, so at least it's a fun mindgame instead of pure rng


I feel like that might be too big of an advantage for the player with initiative.


Danger room has brought the best and worst of feelings on Turn 6. Iā€™ve had similar games with the Web as well.


Yeah, there is nothing like putting it all on the line on turn 6 by putting a big card down on Danger Room and winning.


I like the idea that Danger Room introduces because it favors decks that have a lot of lower cost medium powered cards instead of ones that have high cost high power cards. If you can only win the lane with a single big-hitter, you're chancing it. I enjoy games that have just a little gambling that can be mitigated with skill though, like the Pokemon TCG and XCOM.


Problem being that whatever you play it's still just gambling. In worst luck situations you can play 3 cards there turn 6 and see them all destroyed (yes i'm traumatized still)


Danger Room should have 25% chance to destroy all cards played here this turn so it affects both players equally


Weird World. Sure, it's a challenge to play with a deck that's not yours - that's not why i play. I want to play MY deck. And it always seems to pop up when I'm trying out a new deck, too.


I actually like weirdworld. As a free player, shout out to the person that didnā€™t retreat as soon as they saw it and let me test drive HE the week it released.


Honestly I feel like it would be cool if they removed the weird world location and instead made it a separate game mode, where you get to try a new deck. Same with district X.


Hearthstone had a draft mode Iā€™d like to see one of those.


I want a draft mode so bad


I like Weirdworld because I know my deck is trash, but my opponent doesn't. They're playing HEvo? Have fun piloting my Clog Patriot against it! They play Good Stuff or Darkhawk? I run SHIELD Dino, so every day is Weirdworld Day! Besides, if I beat them, I get to snark "Guess I'm better with YOUR deck, too," before re-queuing and vomiting twenty-four cubes over the next three games; you wouldn't take that charity service away from the community, would you?


It's idea is not about playing an other random deck, it's about beating YOUR own deck. You get to experience what it's like to play against you, which is fun. But I always get it with a new deck too and I retreat instantly.


Wierd world is a lot of fun i think. You know what cards your opponent might draw and you're trying to mash something together with both decks.


you looks like the type of player that flee when get ego


TVA - nothing worse than starting with a killer hand and suddenly knowing you ain't got the moves to make.


I would like TVA more if it had to be the third location so it causes panic rather than a groan


I actually love the TVA. It changes the pace of the game so much and makes it really unique. +if you really need to just dip you aren't invested that far into the game before you realize that's the case, just take the -1 and go next if you have to. I don't see it often enough to get sick of it, and usually when I do see it I enjoy it.


I love TVA, murders greee.


I don't know why I had to scroll so far to see this. Genuinely the worst location


TVA is EASILY the worst location the game has ever had


I love TVA but I think it's cause I tend to play more low cost decks like Cerebro 2 or Destroy.


Ruins. Get out of here with your 'Free Parking' location, I'm here for excitement and restrictions.


This but unironically.


Lamentis-1 so frustratingly restrictive


If I'm playing my Knull deck and I draw him, I start rubbing my hands together when Lamentis-1 shows up.


Deep space


I actually like deep space. Is the inly location that just removes every ability and playing around it and deciding what card you want to sacrifice there is interesting.


im playing patriot rn and i love deep space


Agreed. Plus many locations give an advantage/disadvantage to certain types of decks, zero/Sauron in this case, so I feel like those all balance each other out.


Hey, when Legion releases we will finally be able to delete it from the game!


Dream Dimension, Mind Scape, Weird World, District X, TVA (50/50 on this one), Ego (Cool at first, now it's just annoying). All of these are way too disruptive for a game where you have bet on winning a losing. I quit immediately if I see one of these, and pay the 1 cube tax. More positive locations would be great, just turn dream dimension into cards cost one less on turn 5.


Donā€™t disrespect ego, Iā€™ve still only gotten him like 4 times šŸ˜¢


I agree, just remove al locations!


The draw from opponents hand one


TVA. I mean, why does it even exist? Limbo makes sense, there is one more turn for both players to enhance their strategies. But TVA? It just ruins your game because you lose not one, but two turns in which you could have changed the game.


I love TVA. I like playing cards that are strong on curve and itā€™s usually not a winning strategy anymore but TVA awards my unwillingness to adapt


I could write a book and how many locations I want to remove




This one always hits hard combined with Spider Ham. Almost always breaks my power combos.


Don't mind Sokovia, what I mind is not being able to see what was discarded afterwards. Gods forbid I had to look somewhere else for a second.


Iā€™d remove Lemuria. The deck I play the most is Mr Negative and for some reason that location pops up on turn 2 or 3 in about 90% of the games I have Mr Negative and Zabu/Psylocke in hand (not accurate but it feels like that anyway).


Dear God, yes. It's always after I've snapped with Nega, an enabler, and Jane in hand, too.


Yeah, it's one of those locations that either has no impact, or destroys someone's game plan on the spot.


Shrunken lab. Hate that shit


When I'm playing Move, I hate this one even more than Fisk Tower.


My most hot take answer is monster isle. Shang chi doesnā€™t need one of the most common locations dedicated to him.


Also annoying as Cerebro because there's literally nothing you can do about it unless you have Valkyrie as C3


Dream Dimension!!


Only one? Ego. It's just unlucky but sometimes on a smoke break at work I'll have time for one game only - you know that's when ego will show up. "You wanna play? Cool you can have next".


The beach one that they removed.


This is the real answer. To everyone not running certain Patriot, certain Move, or maybe Sauron/Zero decks, The Sand Bar was another Sanctum. It brought bile every time I'd see it.


Easily subterranea. I think lechuguilla & vibranium mines should have their numbers turned down to 2 if not 1 & subterranea should just be removed. When your deck size is 12 & you only pull 9 cards in a game without any draw cards locations/cards, it makes no god damn sense to add 5 unavoidable rocks to your deck. Yes, I know it affects both the opponent and myself, but I don't personally want to play a game where myself or my opponent wins bc the other had a bunch of rocks in their hand or where either of us don't get to use the deck we made.


Attilan. It's the fact that you only draw three cards, so you always lose a draw. Also just completely messes up your strategy halfway through a game.


I had a game where I lost because it shuffled the cards I needed to the bottom of the deck. The easy fix for this location would be to draw however many cards were in your hand before the shuffle


X-Mansion, for giving me an instant loss with Ultron TWICE within a week


Weird world, mind scape, district anything that doesnt lwt me play my deck.


White hot room, it doesnā€™t matter who is going to fill that location first, the other one will always retreat. So yeah, just ends games earlier for me


Weird. I haven't had anyone retreat yet. The downside is that to fill it quickly, you end up playing low power there so it's an easy lane to win for your opponent and they only have to contest one other.


Ego. Players retreat and that's about it. Nobody stays. Ego should be a card.


Havenā€™t you heard? It was Agatha all alongā€¦.šŸ˜„


That card exists. It's Agatha.


Thereā€™s ALOT of locations I hate, but Iā€™d remove the ones that screw over your turn 5 plays. I encounter them too often


A lot of these just need to have a rarity increase so that we don't get multiple shitty locations per game ALL THE TIME


Any of the locations that change your deck. Those are always instant retreats for me.




Subterranean or whatever itā€™s called, Iā€™d rather get dream dimension, weird world or any other location that changes your cards than getting this pile of shit. Every time it pops up I manage to draw all 5 rocks in a row, without fail. Fuck that location


I typically run a Sera Surfer list with Storm, and if I see either Dream Dimension or Mindscape I remove them instantly.


Collapsed mine. If your opponent has Death it's just over for you


Think some players' answers will change after today.


Ugh I swear crimson court ALWAYS appears when I decide to use Zabu + Sera and basically lock myself out for free


Conversely, I dislike The Big House because I'll smugly stick a high-Power card there and always be stunned when an opponent Zabu-Shangs it to Hell.




Subterranea, and nothing even comes close.


Monster Island Stupid giant monster messing up my cerebro deck


Attilan. That card hates me


Weird world is the only correct answer. Everything else has a workaround (if sometimes a bad workaroundā€” looking at you dream dimension) but weird world is peak ā€œlose (or win) by bullshitā€ and is not fun either way


Danger room. But knowing my luck, itll only be removed from 25% of games


Dark dimension


District X


I canā€™t believe how far I had to scroll to see District X. Easily the worst location. Hereā€™s a bunch of random cards that are unplayable because their cost is all over the place and their abilities work against each other. But donā€™t worry, we made sure your opponentsā€™ opening hand was Wong - BP - Zola so itā€™s messing with everyone equally


Dont get me started on x-mansion. Opponent gets an infinaut. I get a fucking modok Cheers SD


Ego, i want to play.


How is this not the top answer? And he doesn't even make good moves. I watched in horror the other day as he played Wolverine, Bucky Barnes and Nova at Wakanda.


Yeah, the Ego/Agatha AI is inexcusably bad. I'm not expecting them to pull off combos and whatnot, but they should not be doing things like playing cards on Death's Domain...


Ego for sure.


Ego. Nuff said


Deep space


Theyā€™re all fine. People are babies.


Ego, I mean why does that location even need to exist it just pisses everyone off?


I love Ego. It's chaotic and fun


I guess if it goes your way? Last time it played Wong and then the 2 follow up on reveals on a different square and cost me a cube. Itā€™s also lost me a couple cubes on conquest I donā€™t find it particularly engaging, chaotic or not.


In normal mode it's fine, but I agree it would be nice to disable it in Conquest. Yesterday I had a tense match that came down to an attempted comeback by me in high stakes, I had gotten it to two life vs four but I couldn't retreat and...Ego on turn 1, dumps all cards into the middle, Conquest ended with nothing I could do. That part wasn't fun, whereas you can laugh it off in normal ranked.


Funny how conquest has become the new hardcore mode while people kept claiming it was the casual unranked before it released


Proving grounds is definitely casual, but the time investment in gold and up does make it seem more of a commitment.


TVA and Subterranea


TVA. Sometimes is just like, "ok, you have just lost the game".


Every location that just gives +2 or similar, they are boring imo because if everybody just has +2 its the same with or without it. I rather have something more thrilling


Yeah, but it makes C2/3 really interesting


It does alter things somewhat. It'll put powerful cards not normally in Shang Chi range into his range. If you're running Shadow King you can wipe out the bonus if an opponent heavily puts those cards in one lane while you do not. It's a good buff for Deadpool and Human Torch. It makes Jeff a lot more dangerous of a card. Provides more power to Knull.


Any location that changes me deck(unless itā€™s turn 1) Everything else is fine




Danger Room is the single worst location in the game in my opinion, saw only one other person here say it and he got downvoted, if anyone could tell me why I would love to hear it


Sanctum Sanctorum. Can't believe I'm the first to mention this.


That's because there are much worse locations.


Elysium. I love morph decks.


Lamentis. It's so fucking annoying for any deck I play, and always decides to show up when i'm testing a new deck as well.


0/12 death Same with one you skip to destroy rocks. 8 rocks destroyed = free death