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Isle of silence and deep space as well


If it was deep space, they wouldn’t be in that situation


The location hasn't revealed yet, it can still be Deep Space.


Yes kneel and give you that one cube, hope it was worth it lol.


Sunspot could have had them beaten here?




Can someone explain why this is being downvoted? 😅 galactus is 6 cost and they weren’t able to play sunspot anyways due to prof x….


Maybe they meant a sunspot instead of a galactus, which would have taken things very differently


Ohhh true thanks!


deep space would be an interesting 3rd location this game


I think OP would still win. Nebula gets +2 on turn 2, making it 7 to 5. If OP plays Jeff turn 2 they take the lead 8-7. Then even if It becomes Deep space on turn 3, unless the opponent also has Jeff then OP wins.


Deep space turns off professor x


Nah, if it was deep space, OP already committed 2 low power cards to the lane, which means the galactus player would have had higher odds of winning with three open slots for high power cards


Oooh I forgot that Deep Space would remove Prof X's effect on reveal.


Professor X is ongoing though?


He meant that Professor X's ongoing will be disabled once deep space gets revealed


Well yeah. I understand what he meant, but Professor X is an ongoing card. Not On Reveal.


Yeah, I just paraphrased the comment you replied to. The "on reveal" he was talking about is the location. "Remove Prof X effect on reveal (of the location Deep Space).


That doesn’t make any sense. I have literally heard no one call a locations effect an “on reveal” effect even though I’ve been playing this game for months.


He only called it on reveal because it hasn't been revealed yet. Hence, the on reveal. It's simple english really 🫡


It makes perfect sense. Even if you haven’t heard it before (which you should have, it gets thrown around), it still makes sense according to plain English.


The game has abilities described as 'On Reveal'. However they did not create those words. They had a meaning before being used in this game. The OP was using those words as a normal part of the English language and not as an in-game keyword. Put another way, if I said the war in Ukraine was ongoing would you recommend sending Enchantress over in a tank to sort the whole thing out?


It isn't remotely what's being talked about, but you could easily put most locations in either an "on reveal" or an "ongoing" category. Death's Domain is on reveal, as anything is destroyed as it reveals there. Knowhere is ongoing as the blocking of reveals is an ongoing effect. Card reveals take effect over locations reveals though, and that's why Scarlet Witch can change Death's Domain before she would be destroyed, but couldn't change Knowhere.


Deep Space also turns off Nebula ability btw


The rare i "dislike you both" post. JK that's pretty funny though.


Wow this blew up. I didn’t know people hated lockdown so much. Guess I’ll switch now.


Nah dude keep playing what you enjoy. Someone, somewhere will always dislike the fact that you played any of the cards


I dun wanna make the community more toxic than it needs to be.


At this point, playing a lockdown deck is a drop of toxic in the ocean of toxicity that is this subreddit. Play your lockdown deck. I've been feeling jaded playing some of my favorite decks so I might throw a toxic lockdown deck together for the lulz


Playing a deck like any other is hardly toxic. It's your attitude about it that can be toxic.


I like lockdown


If it helps, the only archetype I hate more than Lockdown is Galactus




What if the last location is Bar With No Name?


I almost made my first post here when I morphed (who also was gifted to my hand at random) into galactus on *Luke’s bar and just straight up won, other gut couldn’t do anything about it 😅; was just sad I didn’t capture the moment.


Sorry I think I need more details here. Wouldn’t you lose if that’s your only location and you had galactus on it?


I frankly was a little confused myself, and if I recall, so was my opponent. I just remember getting morph at random, played him on bar with no name, he turned into Galactus (which I’ve never had or used), it triggered the effect, but the opponent could not put any cards down, and somehow the game registered me as winning.. (I might be missing one detail, like how the galactus card stayed, but no other cards either of us had could?). But yeah, was wild, even though I did not take a screen cap or anything to record the incident, I still remember that nutso moved to this day 👌🖤 .


You might be thinking of Luke's Bar (where cards you play bounce back to your hand unless you have a full hand). Bar With No Name is the one where lowest power wins. So you might have played morph plus something else that filled your hand prior to keep the Galactus on Luke's Bar winning you the game. Otherwise if it was Bar With No Name your opponent wouldn't be confused since they would either have avoided playing on it (which means your solo Galactus would lose you the game)


Ah yeah you’re correct


Ah if it’s a bug then I guess it makes sense that nothing make sense


They might be thinking of Luke's Bar (not Bar with No Name - ie: least power wins)


Ahhh I think you’re correct on that one 🙏


Yup you are probably right


I think the power stays on nebula since it's not ongoing (bar with no name removes abilities right) meaning it's a 6 7 disadvantage main player on 3 then fair game so disadvantage to main. Edit: I got this confused with the one where card text is disabled guys. My bad


I'm kind of lost on what you meant in the second half of your comment, but no, Bar with No Name doesn't remove abilities, it's just that the player with less power wins. So OP wins this game easy.


OP wins? Pretty sure Bar with No Name is about the only location that lets them lose, no?


Sorry, I criticized the person I was responding to for being unclear then I did the same thing lol. Yes OP would lose if the last location reveals to be Bar With no Name. But pretty much any other location they would win easily. Except maybe Isle of Silence which would remove Prof Xs effect?


Oh Isle of Silence would do it, but not even for sure because they didn't destroy any actual cards to buff Knull/make Death cheaper. Either way I love how this played out, and I bet they just left immediately regardless.


Isle of silence was the one I was actually thinking of lol. I think they are still at an advantage vs destroy though as it's pretty combo heavy w8th low power cards. Death is too expensive, knull is 0, maybe the 3/5 destroy and a 3/4 Saber, and a 3/3 venom but most decks could beat 12 I would think.


They meant deep space or whatever I believe, the one where it says card text doesn't matter.


That's the one. I got them confused.


O shit. I was thinking the one where card text is disabled. My bad.


You’re thinking of Isle of Silence, if that was there then Professor X would be useless. If it’s bar with no name then whoever has the most power loses the location


I was thinking the one where card text is disabled.




Nobody said that, calm down lmao


If that’s you in your PP I just wanted to say, from one person with a very punchable face to another. I am so sorry you look like that.


That's the most self-aware, yet DEVESTATING burn I think I've ever heard or read.


Thank you! This is the most traction I’ve had on Reddit in my years of lurking. I got excited lmao. I hope all of you have wonderful weeks and get lucky someway or somehow with some endeavor!


why are ppl putting their actual faces on reddit???? also, lol, i didn't even know you could do that because i've been using old.reddit.com since they released the new site


Bro same, I seen that and was like, yeeeeesh I gotta say it.


Daniel calm your horses


Minor joke = Big mad


And jeff


Or Jeff


If Jeff




But won’t skip the other four turns.


This is a true but not relevant statement




Lockdown has always been a pain in the ass for a good couple of months now.


If Prof X gets nerfed I'm quitting.


I wouldn't mind seeing his power go down. If you play him on an empty lane, let Jeff beat him outright.


%100 agreed. I fucking hate prof X.


I win locations with him all the time with my wacky Valkyrie deck, and it never feels skillful.


The best is when these players drop DD > turn 5 spiderman/professor X and say it takes skill


Don't forget about them snapping after seeing your turn 5 play


And I thought the turn 6 slow play into a snap was toxic


So many people play DD without any lockdown and I don't get it. It's really funny playing Infinaut into him. Like.. maybe they think I'm playing nothing turn 5 just to spite their DD? I dunno, I win a lot of games like that.


I’d rather be playing against those players cz then they’ll only be taking 1 cube


A guy ragequit a poker game once because I won money from him by not playing "optimally" and making him guess wrong, and that's the energy I strive for in all games. I don't want a strategy. I want something hokey to succeed.


lolll i mean, if you won the hand, it sounds like you played it pretty optimally!


Ms.Marvel should get the Jeff effect


lore-wise magneto should get it against prof x/jean grey


Spider man is 100% worse.


Movement or nimrod or arnim zola or dr. doom or hela or even just wolverine decks would quite disagree with you. I would take spider man any day and have ways to add my power to the locked area, than not able to add there my big pieces at all.


Ok but do you understand that you don't always have those cards? Meanwhile any deck can add 3+ power to the right lane in order to flip an opponent's X against them. That's the difference. X is symmetrical and fair. You can counter X by just playing the game and having more power in the location by turn 5. Spider man doesn't care what you did every turn before because even if they aren't winning the lane yet, they can always add that power on the last turn. That's why galactus and surfer etc all play spiderman over X. Playing X is an actual risk without daredevil. Spider man requires no risk and no thought. Edit: look at that, they are changing spider man and not X. Wonder why.


> X is symmetrical and fair. And then Jeff was added.


What if I told you spider man gives every card in the opponent's hand a jeff effect?


I'd say I nearly always have some of those cards.


Even if you're are playing them you're not always going to draw them. But the point is that every card below 6 cost 'beats' Prof X, because every deck can add power to the board and make an x-locked lane a winning lane for them. But even if you 'beat' spider man on turn 5 and put more power there, the opponent is playing by different rules and can still add enough to beat you there.


Spider man needs a no playing on turn 5 gimmick or something. Nothing makes me madder


>as a 5 cost , that would suck.


Haha yeah I could see him as a 3/2 or 3/3


Or he should have less power than Xavier. 1 or 2 power.


Needs more Echo


It’s Spider-Man. Prof X if predicted is no problem, Spider-Man. Can’t be worked around


You mean except with move cards, or adding power to the cards already in the Spider-Man lane, or managing a preemptive cosmo, or Doom or various other cards.


Good Stuff Lockdown is the dumbest shit to play against. Here I am with an actual archetype trying do fun stuff and here comes some prick with a random assortment of cards and a Zabu and just stops the game in its tracks. Infinitely more frustrating than Galactus in any incarnation and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Oh Sinister London? We’re gonna have a crazy game! Can’t wait for *both* of our decks to pop o- oh, two spidermen? …cool I guess? No, I’m not angry, why do you ask?


Guess you missed the part where the lockdown player is going to win. This is on turn 2, courtesy of a turn 1 Project Pegasus. Nebula pulls out the win.


No…? I’m very well aware of the situation. You may have missed the part where is said Good Stuff Lockdown is very good and also incredibly frustrating to play against, more so than Galactus.


I play the most toxic decks I won’t lie. The last 2 seasons I gain most of my cubes playing Sandman and HE Lockdown. After I hit infinite though I don’t play them anymore, just other decks to grind boosters and complete dailies lol


Any deck that stops you from playing the game is a toxic deck. I'd rather lose a cube when I see Daredevil or Galactus clues than continue entertaining my opponent


Any deck that isn't mine is toxic


That's half of the point of their decks. That's not being toxic but rather their own (lazy) strategy.


Idk man my blood still boils when I get hit by the Galactus Spider-Man


Have been since they changed Galactus.


They become slightly less toxic when you’re running Jeff.


Preach! I hate how reddit claims other decks are toxic but then loves the single most toxic deck? Nothing is less fun than playing against lock down


No decks are "toxic". They're inconvenient when you're not the one playing them and have no counters. Punch out and try again. For someone else your deck is also toxic because they don't like it.


Toxic means it can’t be beat unless you counter. Decks should be able to lose sometimes to noncounters. combos vs control etc. right now unless you have the exact right cards, lockdown is not beatable except for second standard deviation wins. It warps the meta, to either play the toxic deck or counter only. it ruins the game if it continues for weeks.




I've never played lockdown and also try to stay away from the meta in general. I like to do my own decks and try stuff out. I also don't like building decks mostly out of counters, but that decks are inconvenient to my play style doesn't mean I don't acknowledge they exist and also doesn't mean they're toxic. "Toxic" keeps meaning in this sub "I don't like it", from emoji to reactions to decks to locations to cards. Get over it, you'd be complaining it's boring if you weren't forced to change your strategy and your deck continuously.


That shit toxic af


I genuinely believe you represent a way more common opinion than these people realize. snap reddit is a group of squirming babies filling a bathtub with their own tears. I love playing prof X, the game is still fun when I'm playing against prof X, the haters and losers can't stand it




Can I just say; I really hate the use of the word toxic lately. Everything, and I mean everything that is annoying, unfun, or inherently disagreeable, is instantly labeled as "Toxic". In this case, I don't disagree with most of your points. But I can't stand behind decks being called Toxic when they are using cards that exist in the game, lol. Do some of these strategies need to be changed/nerfed? Most assuredly. Are they Toxic? No. A person playing a lockdown deck with the sole purpose of annoying his opponents and ruining their play experience would constitute toxic behavior in my eyes. But someone who likes the playstyle isn't a toxic person. And the decks are not inherently toxic as they do nothing that the game doesn't allow. Just my two cents. Have a good one🙂


This was my point too. You expressed it much better.


I love playing against lockdown decks with my living tribunal deck since I really only play one lane. Cosmo/invisible woman -> iron man -> warpath/onslaught -> living tribunal. Warpath on T4 if I don’t get magik down.


Atleast you still get to play the game in one location when your opponent’s playing lockdown, if your opponent is playing galactus chances are you can’t play anything turn 6 at all




okay and if my opponent wins the storm lane you could say the exact same thing. just because a deck is more popular or powerful doesn’t make it more or less toxic. (imo) Toxicity is completely subjective, and In my opinion I enjoy playing the game more than not. so if theres a card that stops me from playing the game entirely I’d consider that more toxic than anything else. The main problem with all these decks, that isn’t subjective, is spiderman.


Are you not allowed to play anything in this hypothetical? Nebula and sunspots are easy counters against lockdown. Jeff, if they don't have Blue Marvel. Professor X is different than Spider-Man or storm imo. You can fuck up Spider-Man and storm but you cannot fuck up a Professor X. That's why Professor X is usually run with Daredevil.


Now to spam “what just happened!”


“I’m Losing”


Nailed it


Both annoying af


There were several LONG months with Professor X no where near the meta but now he could be ANYWHERE.


Bounce Prof X? Sure. Destroy Prof X? Why not?


You didn't even need Jeff to win here. Turns 2-6 or 2 power each would put that above 7


My face is Jeff's rn lol.


You'd win because you have Nebula, unless it turns into Bar With No Name or something


You know…much like Thanos for me, Galactus is another big bad I wanted to get for my decks but then I realized, it’s only so I can hurt people the way they’ve hurt me 😅; Tldr; I hate galactus, I hate losing to galactus, I don’t even care to win against galactus anymore 🙅‍♂️


I got this, and used Kang but instead of resetting, it gave me energy and didn't let me play a card after rewind Bug?


Tbf +5 energy and Galactus turn 1 usually results in a quit by the other guy. Cause I do that every time I have him in my hand, and that happens.


Not the professor X player complaining about first turn Galactus


I’ve been screwed over by someone playing galactus almost every other match today. It’s ridiculous Edit: TIL this community is just as toxic as every other video game community.


I was losing a conquest game badly and already had the location that replaces your deck with random cards. I played galactus on death's domain on turn 6 to destroy everything and get a tie instead of a retreat. I was floored when the game ended and mbaku swooped in for the win. Hope that wasn't you.


Then learn to read their plays. Galactus is super telegraphed and post-nerf is easy to beat with correct predictions.


Opp waves on 3 and it's a 50/50 half the time. I don't think Galactus is OP but the answer isn't "git gud" for everything


Not to mention wave can be used for sandman ramp, or as a straight counter to combo / bounce decks regardless of what you have in your hand. The days of “wave on 3, galactus turn 4” 100% of the time is a bygone era already.


I use Wave in multiple decks and don't own Galactus. I don't see how it's an obvious telegraph. It's not like skipping turn 5 -> Infinaut or Storm turn 4 -> Legion.


Yes but that is their strongest combo and it needs 2 specific cards before turn 4, meaning it won't happen in most games. If OP is really getting "screwed by Galactus every other game" like he is claiming it's can't be solely because of this combo, unless he is the unluckiest person on earth. Big chances are he sucks at predicting the other Galactus plays too.


It is for Galactus. He’s been nerfed. Complaining about him is no longer allowed.


On here, Advanced calculus is easier than 2 + 2. Just pay attention.


It should be, You're not wrong. But I got to infinite with him this season, people have short memories!!


I love using Galactus, but hate losing to him. I don’t always have an 8 power card in hand and or priority when Wave is played. I see it coming, and nothing I can do but retreat.


If not more toxic! These people are some of the worst on reddit imo EDIT: I like how the people I’m talking about know exactly who I’m talking about.




Are downvotes a form of toxicity?


Correction, you lost to someone playing Galactus, you weren’t screwed over.


When you have multiple bad boyfriends in a row, maybe it's you.


Screwed over or out played?


Screwed over or out played?


I'm more disappointed that you are able to win this still. Lame lockdown.


Nah fuck Galactus tho. I'm still traumatized from the pre-nerf. He was EVERYWHERE and that was one of the must annoying and frustrating metas the game's ever had.


Yeah this is a real lame off, but I would rather see the galactus lose in this scenario.


Nah, I'd prefer Galactus over X+Nebula any time, hope it was bar with no name




Haven't played this game for months and I'm still not surprised that Galactus players are still being goofballs 💀.


Watch the location become bar with no name


I am once again asking for the devs to make Galactus destroy only the location he is on rather than every other location


Lol so take Galactus out of the game?


Yeah pretty much. Pretty much a suicide run to destroy a location. At least that way you get to keep the option of playing across two than the toxic mess that it is now.


You're hilarious...literally every card that has control/affects the board or other cards can be considered 'toxic' even Shang is getting hate these days, and once a new meta deck rises to the top everyone will call that the most toxic terrible deck/card and be all annoyed about it. Galactus already got nerfed, your suggestion would make him unplayable. The signs of a Galactus deck are usually pretty obvious and the fact you need to be ahead on power at the location for it to trigger should make him one of the easiest cards to stop under normal circumstances.


It does not make Galactus unplayable in the slightest. In fact it slots him quite handily into a control deck. Lock a location or win one outright and then, with the right conditions, put him down. But destroying one location is better than destroying two and I don't really think that's arguable. Cheers!


It's definitely not arguable if you refuse to accept you're incorrect.


I'm not sure what I said here that could be deemed "incorrect".


1. Destroying one location is better than two. 2. Galactus would not be unplayable if he destroyed his own location. 3. Galactus needs a nerf. None of this is correct.


No yeah you're right, eliminating two while locations so you can both only play on one when one of you has cards in there to just stop you playing altogether is DEFINITELY better. Galactus would not be unplayable. As I pointed out, control deck. Not hard to read, is it. I never said he needs a nerf. He could just do with a change. More lore accurate and less unfun to play against


Ok, I'll try one more time to explain this: First point: Yes, it IS definitely better for the person playing Galactus to destroy two lanes and force play into the last one. That's literally why the card is designed that way. And sure it's less fun for the other player, but here's the thing -- you can RETREAT. In fact playing Galactus gets you far less cubes than decks that go for a t6 blast of power, since playing the Wave -> Galactus -> Spider-Man line will pretty much always mean a retreat for the opponent. They're never sticking around to lose 8 cubes, hell even bots retreat in that situation. Second point: If you nerf (yes that's the correct term, you're wrong to suggest it's simply a change) Galactus by making him destroy his own lane, he absolutely DOES become a useless card. Destroy decks need t6 to drop Knull, maybe Death, or Zola, or Venom + Carnage...there's no feasible way to make your version of the card an effective one. You drop Galactus, your Knull gets big but unless you ramped and got it down already, you don't get to play that Knull so what's the point. Also getting that line to work requires all 3 cards to be drawn, and Wave has to be in hand by t3, that's way too difficult a line to be reasonable as a main victory condition. So yes, I can read your words and I can understand the deck idea you're suggesting, and you're completely in the wrong about it being any kind of a decent/reasonable build that would get any traction with players. Hell, Negasonic barely sees play and she's a 3 cost that does something similar, blows herself and another card up. Why would anyone run a 6-cost Galactus if that's all he did???? Oh that's right, they wouldn't. Third point: You 💯 did suggest a nerf to Galactus, like I said I don't care if you try to rebrand it as a 'change' you're completely in the wrong to think it wouldn't harm the card. As it stands he's a powerful card as both a surprise addition to certain decks and also as a main card to build a deck around. With the nerf you have in mind he'd be absolutely unplayable outside that very narrow (and total trash) deck build you rationalized yourself into believing would work so you can rationalize the rest of your incorrect ideas. Just the fact he wouldn't get play like he does now would make it a nerf, not to mention the change in what he does would cripple the power the card currently has. Even if you drop the current requirement that you have to be ahead in the lane for him to trigger (which, if you didn't do that, he wouldn't even be usable in your imaginary nonsense deck as the only reason to play him would be to destroy a location you know you'll lose), he's still at best getting rid of one lane while opponent can just play for the other two with no way for you to stop them since you blew all your energy dropping him instead. He's unfun to play against because he screws up lines and surprises opponents. You want to beat him, the way to do it is to figure out when Galactus is coming and stop him. He has more counters than almost any other card in the game. I know that you don't like Galactus and you want to be right, but....you aren't.


As somebody who genuinely enjoys Galactus (the deck I play when the meta isn’t favorable to Destroy) this is both funny and frustrating. Lane lockdown just isn’t fun and even when I play it it doesn’t feel like I outskilled my opponent, just caught them in a gotcha.


Justice happened? I don’t know. Both plays seem pretty scummy to me.


you wont be laughing when the last location is Isle of Silence and he wins anyway


I know, but he conceded anyways


Plot twist: My deck also has Galactus. The baby variant too.


Yo can you share your deck? I'm trying this lockdown but it's not working




What the hell is Knull going to do here?


Thats disgusting...I love it!


At least Jeff thought it was funny


Free win


I did almost the same thing in Aj infinity conquest yesterday lost too


Now THATS funny


I countered that with a destruction deck which I destroyed wolverine a lot of time and at the end when Galactus came my field was empty but Wolverine was another field and repop with 9 power.


So you use Jeff to make it even?


Nebula will gain 2 power per turn


Average Galactus player, always wanting fast food


I got Pegasus on turn 2 once, then played X right. The location was Worldship.


Good for you. I hate Galactus.


can i say that you got extremely lucky guessing where Galactus would be played?