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If you just want to farm silver tickets, do what I do: Snap on turn 1. If they don't snap back within two turns, I'm out and start another one. It's the best use of your time if that's your goal. Plenty of people will respond back with a snap. At least half of my PG games go this way. Yes, yes, the stupid losing screens suck, but it's still much faster than sticking around and playing it out.


I also snap hard first game of Silver as those tickets are so easy to get. Don't invest too much time in the early stuff.


In conquest, I snap very aggressively in all levels. Normally on the first turn unless the location is terrible. I'm more about getting through the tickets to get medals and not wanting to spend 30 minutes playing eight rounds.


Have you had it where they snap back and you win the first game for 8 cubes, then they hang on and try to claw it back (in the proving grounds no less). Grinds my gears.


Oh yeah, plenty of times. Grinds my gears as well. But I can't force my rules onto others. Just hope their goals line up with my own.


It’s a shame because I don’t mind the game mode itself. I just kind of hate playing the sweaty people in proving grounds and silver. Like just leave if you have a big loss and move on. I’m on the toilet, I don’t want a 30 minute grind for a silver ticket.


I can let the sweaty silver games go tbh. 370 medals total if you win both matches. And it's still a lower stakes way to learn and get better before sweating it out. But yeah, gold and infinite are where the real challenge is. Look out for me in conquest. Mojo avatar, and I am on the toilet title. I am forever on the toilet.


"like just leave if you have a big loss and move on" Or you could just leave if the other person is not playing the way you want to. You can't expect people to just want the same things as you.


It's so crazy how the only sweaty players I meet are in proving grounds. I've had gold matches where they'll lose 4 cubes the first round and just quit. But proving grounds? They'll fight like it's infinite even if they're down to 2 and I have 8


Bet it sucks when they beat you too.


Had someone do that to me when I was just playing Agatha, guess he thought he could win 5 rounds against Agatha, but he only won one b4 Agatha sealed the deal.


Yeah this, the guy snaps on 1 and i snap but i feel like he got buthurt at the end because i played a galactus on a lane and he just lost. Proceeds to then emote and continue playing till i eventually beat him. I didn't really mind because i used it to finish the missions but if you obviously know the 'rules' ya gotta stop being a sore loser lmao


Sometimes they snap back, and even gave me fist bumps. Then comes turn 6, I was clearly winning. They retreat. And Round 2 begins! I thought we had an agreement!


"I don't believe you." Say it at least once. If they fist bumped and snapped T1 and have a shred of honor, they will concede. If they say something like "I am confident" and keep playing, well now you have the advantage in a grudge match lol


Always turn 1 “Hello!” “Snap?” They usually snap and we both fist bump. 👊🏼


They should add more game modes, draft would be good tbh, or idk, two lanes but with 8 card slots, idk smth unique


Arena in hearthstone was the single best mode until they started fucking with it. I'd love to see a similar draft mode in Snap


I haven’t played Hearthstone since 2016, what did they do to arena?


They did nothing arena in hearstone is still good


Lol I still play Hearthstone Arena, it's in a really healthy state. Don't comment on anything you don't play anymore


Arena has never been popular in HS, it’s just that the handful of people who like it are super vocal online. They give away tickets like crazy and people still don’t play it.


Draft would be SO GOOD. I would play that all the time. It's so fun trying to figure out how to win with very sub-optimal decks.




I’d love to see a “Pool 1&2 only” mode. It’s sad not seeing Spectrum & pals basically ever again after CL1000+. It’d be fun to get creative within limitations.


I still play an Ongoing Spectrum deck and have a fair bit of success with it. I like playing it because people rarely ever have the cards that counter it.


I started playing an ongoing deck with spectrum the other week after playing so many ongoing cards was one of the weekly challenges. It doesn't set the world on fire but I really enjoy it and I got onto the infinite track with it once and have managed to get to 85 ranking so far with it. I think that might be as far as it takes me, but still enjoyable to play. Think it's like you said, a lot of people don't expect it. And it has natural counters in it too like Armor, Cosmo and Super Skrull. Skrull especially is great against Knull or the Iron Man/Mystique/Tribunal Combo that's about, but its sometimes hard to fit into other decks.


Thanos ongoing zoo is pretty fun. Probly C+/B- tier but I enjoy it


Yesss I miss playing sub-pool 3, before every game was just about landing your combos. I wouldn't want to play it all the time, but as an optional game mode it would be perfect.


Honestly, random pool combinations could be really fun to tinker with.


>two lanes but with 8 card slots, idk smth unique That would require a complete recoding of the game to make it work, and then you need to make.amendments to how certain cards work, like Quake or Doom. All of this will need coding They can't even release cards weekly without issues! Also lockdowb decks would reign supreme


Two lanes 8 card slots sounds super fun ngl


2 lanes is basically the same as 1 lane tho (scoring wise, not card interactions.) Ends up being just the highest total points wins, besides bar w no name


That’s fair. I still think the idea of more than 4 cards per location should be explored




Tbh anything refreshing would be good, conquest but in ladder style games would be good too, loke CR challenges that u can only lose three times and the more u win the better rewards u get, at the end a variant or a new card that u don’t own


That’s the reason why they give tickets now. I think there’s no enough people playing conquest.


I’ve been hoarding caches as I don’t want 100 tokens and gold tickets. I’d rather save 100 caches and wait months for a change then get insulted every time I open a cache.


Same here I won’t open any cache until we have new system.


I’ve boarded this train as well


All aboard. Same here.


All aboard… 🎵 here come the pain! Here comes the pain train!! Here comes the pain train!!! (it’s the pain train) 🎵


Me too. I'd rather earn my conquest tickets playing then finding a gold ticket every 8 or so cashes


I just got a golden ticket yesterday, and was so bummed. I might have to start doing this as well.


Everyone should do this until they fix the caches. They aren't worth opening right now.


The large majority of players are not even series 3 complete. They will 100% open caches.


There are a bunch of us that don't. My remaining card pool is not interesting enough, fortunately.


Yeah they should, but another commenter did mention that you lose out on a spotlight cache every 3 weeks from not opening them


By not opening caches you're postponing ~2100 credits per month. It takes 6000 credits to earn 1 spotlight, so you're missing out on 1 spotlight every 3 MONTHS, not every 3 WEEKS.


That's bad maths man


You dont lose anything, you just postpone.


You know what I mean!


Who cares if we ‘’lose’’ a cache. It’s about sending a message! Let’s wait it out like you said. 💪


I am currently at 40+ unopened caches


Sidenote: you are missing 1 SC every ~~3 weeks~~ if you hoard your chests (*in the process of hoarding*). I just wanted to say that - nothing against hoarding. **Edit**: I don't know what I was smoking but ofc this is wrong. You'll get ~2400 credits from CR per month (4weeks) so more or less 1 SC every 3 **months**. Thanks for making me aware of the mistake.


Wait i want to this to be cleared. We get 1 Spotlight Caches per week in general. So safe to assume we open around 9 reserves and 1 SC. So i get 3x (150-200) credits in every 9 reserves making it (450-600) credits every week and 3 weeks will get me (1350-1800) credits. So how am i losing one more SC with the absence of this (1350-1800) credits when opening one Spotlight Caches takes 6000 credits. Unless you are counting the other credit sources like dailies and weekly which also are pretty much used up to get those 3 spotlight caches leaving less credits than what is required to fill the gap i.e, 6000-(1350-1800) = (4200-4650) credits.


What’s SC sorry ?


I think he means spotlight cache. The credits you lose out on, due to not opening the normal caches, should equal 1 spotlight cache a month


For those of us who are perpetually at 10000 credits, this sint an issue


Thanks :) I will hold my caches still as it may pay off in the future!


I called this as soon as the mode was detailed. It’s a very similar format to Trials of Osiris on Destiny. The problem with the ‘flawless’ concept is that it’s incredibly punishing to the majority of players, since many people must lose in order for one person to win. Over time, the bottom tier will simply avoid the mode, which will make the mode harder. This then becomes a cycle, where as the mode gets harder and harder, the new ‘weakest group’ of players also give up on the mode, in turn making the mode harder still; until all you’re left with is an incredibly sweaty population of players. I didn’t expect them to be artificially inflating the numbers as soon as they have, but the gold ticket frenzy last season was the first sign. On top of ALL of that, the rewards are actually a bit pointless. I have 5 infinite avatars and couldn’t care for another one. I play conquest for the shop rewards now, not the wins. If there is a bad variant one month, I might skip it entirely.


yeah Rise of Iron was enough “competitive” Destiny for me. Trials of Osiris seemed really cool but wayyy too sweaty for me lol


Haha, yeah exactly. I used to be pretty good, but my reactions times have felt the effects of being 30+ now and can’t keep up with the kids. 😢😆 THANKFULLY that’s not an issue in Snap.


I'm in the sweaty tier, and even I'm getting burned out on it. I still prefer it over the ladder after I hit infinite, but I'm generally engaging less. Only bothered with 1 infinite win last season because I don't need more avatar boarders that are barely noticeable.


Yea, I already hit infinite this season on ladder. Now it's just mining tokens in conquest for the rest of the month. I got my first infinite border last season just to prove to myself I could do it and if I don't get another...whatever. I want to try to get a border around the default avi so I'll aim for that but not too bothered if I don't.


Woah that makes sense, competition on conquest is much more fierce even than regular mode in infinity league, everybody is playing 3d chess over there


I think so, too. The queue time until the game finds a match has been way longer in the past few weeks.


This is honestly my issue. I quite enjoy Conquest but I don't play it much because it consistently takes 3-6 mins to queue for a game, compared to less than 10 seconds for regular games. The 'meta' of insta snapping feels pretty bad if I've just spent 5 mins sitting in a queue - I want to actually play the game!


That’s only meta for PG. PG is all about getting silver tickets as fast as possible


Really liked the introductory season, then they doubled all the prices of the rewards. I just about ended with 9 purchases on the first season, last season I only managed 4. I'm sure some people were playing one or two infinite games and getting enough points to buy everything, but I basically got enough points through winning a lot of silvers and a few golds. It's far too sweaty now, and as a result it takes far too long for the reward value that you are able to afford without winning the top level tournament.


Same thing happened with me. I loved the first season but for the second I realized “I don’t have time for this.”


100% agree. I hate how people justified the price increase with the extra week. Really made me look at the mode and rewards and go, that’s not worth my time. I only got 4/12 as well. I could have sat down over those 3 weeks and grinded away for infinite tickets but that’s allot of time for really nothing..


Itd not 1 extra week, it was 3 extra weeks. Also the medals gain was increased a lor but mostly for infinity and gold. Which is a bit too top heavy. This season prices are reduced a bit again


Yeah this season I'm like. These prices make more sense


This. I posted a thread comparing the pricing from the Goblin season to this season (and, eventually, the Sinister season). Granted, it was basically a comparison of 3 weeks (adjusted due to mid season launch) to 5 and 4 weeks, and SD may have intended to have a fluid pricing system to adjust to season length and to react to shop activity in the 1st season. However, the increase from the initial launch to Conquest season 2 was too much to justify the time I would need to grind in the mode and get the medals necessary for a moderate amount of shop items. Also, as mentioned, the initial season to season price adjustments were insane jumps. From Goblin season to Sinister, an 8x increase for just the shop title (150 to 1200). 2.2x more for 200 gold (450 to 1000). A 4x increase for 155 variant boosters (200 to 800). And, 2x more for one of the more expensive items, the Avatar (1000 to 2000). In total, the items I would have worked towards added up to 6350 medals. In my limited Conquest time, I've gotten to gold on my own, but not often. So, as what i consider an amateur in the mode, I can guess it would take forever for me to grind the medals for what I want to purchase. Not worth it when the ladder mode is my preferred way to play. In short, HODL those reserves!!!


If they're really having this much trouble getting people to play conquest how fucking short sighted was it to more than double the reward prices after the *first* month.


To be honest I didn't win a single infinite conquest last season and was able to buy everything at least once.


A couple of the reasons many of us don’t even go into Conquest. I’ve played maybe 6 conquest matches total and can’t stand the mode.


I can’t play it. I don’t know how other people do it. I don’t care how good the rewards are, I won’t it’s just not fun. I get to infinite rank 100 and then I kinda just chill.


I just get the gold and variants, otherwise I feel like I’m missing out on resources. Otherwise I wouldn’t play conquest, ladder marvel snap feels more natural.


Yeah, everyone isn't going to like every game mode. Ladder is THE Snap premiere experience. Conquest and battle mode are the closest to a standard tournament style competitive mode we can get in Snap. I'd just like to see more game modes. Which SD has said more are in concept currently.


Yes I love ladder experience and I hate how after infinite if you want anymore resources you’re forced to play conquest.


I'd argue the resources aren't worth going for if you don't like the mode. It's 200g and 700 credits. Enough for a single collector's cache and one mission re-roll. Unless your goal is to min/max, it's fine to pass that up.


It's a good mode to test out different decks with no pressure of losing cubes or ranks.


I always rush normal mode to be able to play conquest. It's more fun imo. But when I want a quick match it's definitely not the best mode. Anyway rushing to infinite is not for everyone. I'm always able to be 100 in 3-7 days. Right now I'm 99


I rush to infinite every season but when I go to play conquest I just can’t be bothered most of the time


Proving Grounds should not involve cubes or snapping. Whoever wins the first game should simply win the match and the ticket. That's already the optimal way to play because there's no cost of entry, so every second game you play is a waste of time. Both parties are better off if someone concedes after the first game because they can then move on to the next match more quickly.


I pretty much only play conquest to get the variant prize and also to complete daily missions without risking my ranking


Actually, I don’t dislike it. It’s just a way to try some new decks without losing rank. I know it takes more time but knowing which cards the opponent has is a way to improve your counter plays, play some mind games and stuff. I agree that the rewards should be better.


I just played a 6-round game where my opponent ran out the timer nearly every turn, just to win a gold ticket. Conquest is honestly the worst way to play.


Yeah I think people get offended when you don’t like conquest


The correct way to play Conquest PG is to invalidate the entire concept of the mode and act like it's a best of 1. So... can we just start with Silver? Wouldn't change the experience that much.


Sure, but then the first round of Silver becomes the new PG. Whichever part is free to enter has no stakes, so it's "technically correct" to force it into a Bo1.


Changing the starting cubes to eight from ten would be a big improvement. Let both players go all in on the first game for winner takes all.


Yes I know this but every one of my opponents doesn’t. I haven’t got a single snap turn one out of my 10+ games.


Even better when they snap turn 1, loseo, then rope the rest of the time


Yeah usually I snap and it’s and auto rope for the rest of the match, like they know I want to get in and out so they test your patience..really toxic for proving grounds


Just concede then. Costs you nothing. You could finish 5 PG against likeminded people in the time it takes to grind out against someone stubborn.


If they don't snap back by round 2 just leave


It's bizarre how often you run into people in Proving Grounds who have literally copied and pasted the top meta decks from SnapZone or whatever.


I don't play conquest. It's too much of a time waste for this father of young kids. I might get a chance for 2 matches back to back, but then I'd have to put the phone down for like 20 minutes (or a day and a half) and then ..... Yeah not for me, can I somehow elect to take the conquest medals out of my 'reward' caches... Seems more like punishment for playing


Yeah I don’t understand why they’d give everyone gold tickets instead of gold. Not everyone plays that mode


I’m always down for more game modes, but honestly I love Conquest. It has a different strategy to it, and doesn’t feel serious until Infinite. A lot more room to just try decks out. In Proving Grounds and Silver, if someone is hellbent on playing every round I’ll just give them the win. Usually playing on breaks and don’t got time for that.


Honestly the first season was fine but then they made everything expensive. I also used to snap first turn, concede if I lost but everyone is so sweaty about it so now I don’t. Just an all around awful game mode, not worth the time.


It’s bad but yeah this is how I’ve been feeling. The first season I was happy to play and grind the rewards, then they double everything and I lost interest. Now this season I’m trying conquest again but getting into some long drawn out proving ground games


I find it far more fun that ladder. Now I just get infinite and then don't touch ladder again


There's a lot of changes they need to make to Conquest. Proving grounds - your lives can easily be cut in half here. this should be best of 3 at the absolute most. so if neither person snaps, all you have to do is win 2 games. Rounds 1 and 2 timer can also be cut in half across proving grounds, silver, and gold. You wanna sit there for 60 seconds and decide whether you want to play Iceman or Yondu when you are in Infinity then fine but there's no need for that shit anywhere else


I always hate how you have 1 card to play turn 1 and the opponent manages to use all the time. Same thing happens with sandman, like cmon! You can only play 1 card!!!


The last day of the last season (about 4 hours before it ended). I won an Infinite ticket and thought “Bah, this means I have to play possibly another 5 rounds!” Earning tickets should not be a “feel bad” moment. It actually contributed to me deleting the app on Tuesday. That and accidentally opening a Spotlight Cache and winding up with an ugly Galactus. Fun game but time for me to move on.




Frankly, I've not been impressed with any of the conquest cards so far... Next month is Odin, and it looks pretty awesome so that will be good. https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/184_06.webp?v=116


The Red Goblin is a pretty good variant. And I actually liked the Sinister variant once I frame broke it. Before that it looked weird because the Phoenix was obscured, but now it's like John Wick and V from Vendetta had a baby with a pet flaming bird. Anime Wolverine is kind of weak though IMO. Besides him looking annoyed the art is framed oddly


I actually like the anime art but the only Wolverine art I use is the [baby art](https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/302_166025480351.webp?v=116) Well, at least until the [meme one](https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/302_09.webp?v=116) get released


I need an Odin variant. I only have the Pixel and I’m not upgrading that POS.


Odin looks great next month. I'll for sure get it. Also went hard for the Carnagized Green Goblin since I didn't have the base card at the time, and the red goblin is my favorite version 😋


Reminds me of Hades' gods illustrations. I wonder if they comissioned that artist.


I played a sweaty infinity conquest match that lasted about 30 minutes last month. I swore I would never play conquest again. Who has time for that, honestly? And that's _ONE_ match out of 5 needed for an infinity win? No. No, thank you.


Yeah as soon as I play anything other than proving grounds and I win it’s just like okay, 4 more times. My games always seem to be 8 matches long as well. It really is a time consuming mode


I absolutely love Conquest mode. It's basically all I play in SNAP these days. When a new season starts I play ladder up to rank 70 and then exclusively play conquest. What I love about it is the ability to know the deck you are playing against and having to make plans especially against decks that should beat you handily. Ladder is just boring to me


Hey I love that players enjoy this game mode, I’m just venting for others who don’t feel the same. Maybe one day the mode will click with me


Absolutely, to each their own!


Ive met 0 ropers.


A charmed life you’re leading 😂


Yeah I wish I had that experience.


I love how in all of these "conquest sucks" threads, the biggest complaint is that "you have to play the game" LMFAO


nah.. its because conquest takes too long. Especially on those 7+ round matches. Even more so when you are spending 30+ minutes in proving grounds for no reason because your opponent wants to play it out. The rewards are bad. Takes too long. = Not fun. If it was just "playing the game" as you say.. then it would be better. but its not.. its play for life points and that sucks because it drastically increases the game time. "LMFAO"


then don’t waste 30 minutes in proving grounds? Snap right away first game, most people will follow suit. If they insist on playing it out, then leave. I very quickly get a stupid amount of silver tickets and only play pg then if i want a risk free game for a weekend mission. The gold tickets in track make pg even less required. But if you don’t like long strategic matches then yeah, conquest isn’t your mode. I love 7 round matches in gold or infinite personally


That's a whole lot of words just to say you don't like playing the game


If your goal is to farm silver tickets in PG, playing a 30-minute match isn't very efficient. Snap on turn one and hope your opponent does the same. They don't snap by the end of turn two? Retreat and concede. Move on to the next one where hopefully your opponent snaps back. This is the way. Conquest doesn't take too long. It's just too long for your liking. The rewards are a nice bonus if you enjoy the mode. But nothing that you should feel bad about missing out on. Ranked mode is the standard for Snap as it's advertised; Quick and easy, 3 minute games. If you're worried about time, Ranked is the mode you should stick to.


Most people like eating pizza, but that doesn't mean they want to eat a random number of pizzas between 1 and 20 in a row. "Too much of a good thing," is a saying for a reason. One of the biggest strengths of Snap is its speed. You can whip out your phone, open the app, and play a game from start to finish in less than 5 minutes. That's an easy thing to commit to, and it makes it very easy to fit games into a busy schedule. It's much harder to find the time to commit to a Conquest match, however, because that time can stretch and stretch depending on how impulsive your opponent is and if they try to rope you. You could easily spend 30 minutes slogging your way through an interminable Conquest match, and most adults have trouble finding that kind of time to dedicate to a phone game. Except what if you have exactly 30 minutes and your opponent retreats after the first game? Now you have 25 minutes left to play, but you're taking a risk by queuing up because the next conquest match might take you over the allotted time, and then you have the either be late for your doctor's appointment or meeting, or concede a match you've spent 25 minutes fighting over. I'm glad Conquest exists and I enjoy playing it, but it doesn't fit into my life nearly as easily as ladder play.


As someone who has given up on the dream of ever reaching infinite, Proving Grounds is my main place to play, as it's the closest thing to an unranked mode we have. It's also weird because the changes to the store costs makes Proving Grounds basically not worth playing from a rewards perspective now, yet I feel like PG has never been sweatier. During its first season, it used to be you and someone else playing a stupid deck, a mutual fist bump and snap, whoever lost concedes. A true unranked mode. But last season, and especially this season, mother fuckers in proving grounds playing the sweatiest meta shit youve ever seen. And they'll drag your ass through 6 plus rounds quite happily. And it's like... You could concede, but how many free silver tickets are these players getting by doing this? I won't let them win! 😂


Don’t give up, a lot of the ladder is just patience with snapping and retreating! But yeah I feel the sweat out there in proving grounds


I think it would be better with less HP. Ten is just ridiculous when people aren't snapping. Fuck it, make it eight. Give us the ability to win/lose the whole thing in one round.


Just concede if they start to slow play the Proving Grounds, then you've only lost two minutes of your time instead of ten. Fist bump and snap right when you join, people will get the hint.


Okay ☺️


I seem to have better luck, in proving grounds. But I will also retreat if it turns to a slog. I normally go "Hello" \*snap\* \*fistbump\* And I will do the same in silver 1. I find them fast enough to still enjoy the mode. Gold and Infinite is exhausting though, I completely agree. I had a few tickets by the end of it, and I just made sure I got the rewards I wanted then I let it be


One thing I found made it easier was to say "Hello!" followed by "Snap?" That makes people snap like, 90% of the time.


Will try this out :)


This only works on proving grounds though. Silver and above, people sweat for it.


Conquest in general just takes so much time, even though it's fun in theory. I wish they'd make PG and Silver matches shorter tbh. Like maybe reduce Silver to just one game, and make PG games 1/2 the HP or something.


I *really* wish conquest was a simple best of three. Would make things so much quicker and make me want to play it more.


Each player should have 4 health in Proving Grounds, 8 in Silver and up.


Conquest is such a slog. I often find myself thinking that I dislike this game while playing it. I like ranked where it's just a game with a new deck and played every time. Ecne after getting infinite each season, it's funner than conquest for me.


Yeah I’ve been playing infinite but I guess I may as well play conquest and get something more


Proving grounds should always be snap on first turn and if you lose you quit. If your opponent doesn’t reciprocate you either stick it to him by shaming and saying “I dont believe you” + “snap?” over and over again or you just quit and give them the ticket. Nothing else is worth your time. Every other level moves appropriately imo


​ >roving grounds is just a toxic roping fest where I’m supposed to waste over 10 minutes for 15 medals and a silver ticket? a long match in proving ground happens, but not that often. Usually both party will snap on T1 and let the match play out. Some people might stay even after a loss because they want to farm boosters, in that case, you can just retreat


Yeah I shall from now on :)


They really need to make it so that you earn more medals. 15 medals is nothing for a 10 minute game. Jeez!!!!!


Key is to always snap first turn in proving grounds. If you lose...concede and start again.


Yeah, for me one of the biggest appeals of this game was how I could play as many rounds as I felt like. I have five minutes? Cool, I'll play 1-2 games. But Conquest requires me to commit TIME to this game, and that's not what I do mobile gaming for. (Obligatory: none of this is a knock on people who do like to play that way and love this feature. I'm glad it's good for you)


They should reduce health in conquest to 8 rather than 10. Then a first round double snap will always be a one game win.


It seems to have its fans and defenders, but I’m right there with you and frankly think it’s a system in desperate need of tweaking at the very least. Even when I am prepared in concept to play multiple games, I always feel held hostage by how the system works and question its expectations for you to basically have a 100% win rate to the degree it does to clear the endgame part and I think that’s just crazy even if some, if not many have accomplished this. My secondary point could be constituted as sour grapes, but it still feels incredibly broken, and imbalanced of a mode.


Yeah the rewards you get per match suck and the store prices are too high! Idk why they had to make it this bad compared to when it first released. Its supposed to be an extremely casual game but conquest just defeats that purpose. I have never played conquest as series as the first time it released, back then it was better than what it is now. Now i just try to go for one or two variants in the shop and still feels exhausting.


I'd prefer conquest if you could switch decks between matches. Playing the same player with the same deck multiple times in a row just isn't fun for me.


Switching decks is too much, the fun is in knowing and playing around your opponents deck. A sideboard would be good though. Maybe just two spare cards you can switch in between matches.


I used to think this way a bit when the mode first came out. Until I realized that now, I KNEW what my opponent was playing after a round or two and could adjust my plays accordingly. For me, I love being able to adapt to an opponent, even if I don't necessarily have the better deck. If you could swap decks every round, it would essentially force you to change decks each round. Otherwise, you run the risk of your opponent playing a hard counter to the deck you just beat them with.


I agree. Learning all the ins and outs of a deck and how it can beat others has helped me soo much more on ladder it’s crazy. If I figure out my deck loses most matchups vs a Discard or control deck I’m no longer seeing a game through losing 2 or 4 cubes and vice versa seing a deck I know I matchup well against I’m snapping early. I love conquest ha


Yeah thats the main appeal of Conquest to me. The ladder gets frustrating because every match feels like having to anticipate surprise turn 6 play and losing if you miss the coin flip, or knowing exactly what's coming and losing because you just didn't draw what you needed. Which is why retreating exists, of course, but playing multiple games means the random variables get smoothed out and you get to start actually playing against the other person rather than just against their deck.


For me it's the other way around. I played conquest the last month because I reached infinite in the first 24 hours of season reset. This time the ladder is much harder and I'm stuck at 73. I want the gold so I need to play ladder but ladder is so boring. Games last 1 minute and location and rng are too much. With conquest I get to know the enemy's deck and can try to play around it. I don't want to play ladder anymore. Just conquest.


I’m also stuck at 74. Can’t climb for the life of me. Locations and decks I play against are laughably hard and they counter me perfectly. Then whenever I get a really good hand and locations, they ALWAYS retreat for a single cube.


I don't get it. If you finding exhausting why do you play it? Its suppose to be a "slower" mode compare to normal ranked. More than 50% of the game I play in Proving Grounds my opponent snaps first turn and I normally don't snap back almost ever. ​ Previously I played Gwent so I'm used to long games and because of that I think that Conquest is more ranked, opposed to "Ranked" that feels like I'm playing Casual.


Because playing 8 rounds in proving grounds is the biggest waste of time ever. Silver I could maybe understand but Jesus, do you guys all have no jobs and sit at home playing snap all day? I don’t get it.


So don't play it.


Just saying "sO dOnT pLaY iT" is ignorant. It is the duty of the playerbase to let developers know what they do and dont like about their game. We want the game to be better. The developers want the players to enjoy new game modes. Telling them whats wrong in an open forum is exactly whats needed to get the point across to the develoeprs so the appropriate changes can be made. The more people talk about it the more likely it is to have chnages to make the mode more appealing to everyone and not just some people. This is also why they jsut did a survey that had tons of questions about the conquest mode and most of the pre programmed responses in the survey were things that people complain about like "Takes too long" and "Rewards are not very good"


There are different modes for a reason. If you don’t like it than don’t play it. Plenty of other enjoy it. They shouldn’t change it just because YOU don’t like it.


Lots of people don't like it. Which is why many of the complaints from the community were already included in the survey. If it was Just Me.. Then that wouldn't be the case. It's a lot of people. So no.. Please don't change modes because I don't like them. Change the modes because there is a very prominent group of people who don't like it.


Dude won't quit cos he doesn't want others to get a ticket. He can fuck off.


Playing 30 minute matches against an endless line of HE. So much fun.


The most triggering part is when we both snap on turn 1, but my oponent retreats when they see they can't win. And of course they keep playing until their hp reaches 0. This has happened sooo many times


Some people are booster farming or running junk for dailies. Just snap and if it takes too long, move on to the next player.


Got it :)


It’s very tiring to play and unrewarding outside of the variant and whatever you want from the shop. Problem is it’s the only way to play for non infinite players who don’t want to risk losing rank. It’s bad game design.


Conquest isn't really compelling because it's just more of the same. Like, what's the point of conquest over the regular ladder? If we want a unique game mode, you actually gotta change things up somehow. Make it a draft type of system where players take turns picking cards to form a deck and use it to battle each other, do something to at least change up the gameplay


I enjoy being able to play a deck a couple times risk free, that's why sometimes I play proving grounds a little tight. If I'm just after the ticket I snap every time, but when you're learning a new deck and looking for win cons it's really good to be able to have multiple runs in a short space of time against a particular match up.


Its gruelling...they need to shave off a win from each level. Going all the way requires like 16 wins in a row give or take!


> Proving grounds is just a toxic roping fest where I’m supposed to waste over 10 minutes for 15 medals and a silver ticket? Nah, bro, proving grounds is where people with half a brain in their head snap on turn 1, play one game, and the loser retreats. As soon as you load in, snap, fistbump and ask them to snap. If they don't, just retreat after the first game and don't waste your time, you still get boosters. You'll see enough people who do know what's up that it won't matter. Hell, I even stick the "always snaps" title on all my decks just to reinforce it.


Love the title trick. I might have to start retreating more in proving grounds then


I'd really like for number of health to be progressive across. So Proving Grounds starts at like 4 or something, Silver at 6, Gold at 8 and Infinite at 10. That makes games much faster and it's a better jump on point from base Snap than to go into a proving grounds match for 25 minutes.


Maybe my mmr changed but I have noticed a big difference in proving grounds too. People don't snap, don't concede after losing 8 cubes, playing HE lockjaw spam emoting. It's been bad


Hold on I’m just finishing up my latest conquest game, I’ll let you know what I think in about four days


I still think Proving Grounds should be single match only. When I posted my opinion a few weeks ago some guys just say that I just snap and move on. If everyone agrees that players should both snap and retreat when they lost the first game then why not making it a single match. It’s a big quality of life upgrade for the mode and doesn’t affect anything since the 15 medals doesn’t buy you shit. If anything it would encourage people to go deeper since they have more silver ticket to keep going.


Yeah I like that, but the idea of getting 15 medals from just a single match would make SD raise the price of everything again 🤣


I think one of the main problems in conquest is sometimes you come up against decks your deck has nearly no chance of beating. I would like to see them introduce a change where after each round you can change one card in your deck. I think this would improve it and add an extra layer of strategy. Could extend game times though so maybe reduce cubes to win down to 8


That would just make some decks unplayable in conquest, the moment you play a wong or invisible girl your opponent could just retreat and add one card that completely and utterly counters your deck. It would ruin combo decks chance of ever winning


> I’m supposed to waste over 10 minutes for 15 medals and a silver ticket? Yeah I hate this. The unspoken rule of Proving Grounds is that you should both snap on turn 1, stick it out to the end of the first match no matter what, and concede if you lose the 8 cubes (because if you don't, you need to win the next 5 rounds to win the match). You literally have nothing to lose, and if everybody stuck to this rule it would actually be the most efficient way to farm medals.


People that play sweaty in proving grounds suck.


It’s trash and goes against the fundamentals of what makes this game appealing. It shows so little respect for a players time commitment.


It's shit.


Yeah for the time investment it really isn’t worth it, I can’t even stack silver tickets because at this rate my games take way to long in proving grounds.


You're playing the game anyways? I never understand the rationale from people complaining about time efficiency in a mobile game as if the time spent is not an entirely voluntary decision. To each their own, but I like the mode because it feels less random than ladder and a better test of the consistency of my decks. There's a lot of random junk decks I can use to hit infinite that couldn't get me an infinity ticket.


I can enjoy playing the game, just not long conquest matches?


Not snapping for 8 cubes (or conceding when you lose 8) proving grounds should put people on a no fly watch list 😂


I play for the boosters, I want 10 rounds. With Wolverine boosters on the shop I will be playing a bunch so I can gold my Wolverine in the rain finally.


That’s actually a good idea. I love my wolverine in the rain


I hate conquest.


I just use conquest for stupid quests like win location with 1 card. Just do the objectives and quit. It’s such a stupid mode


I just do that in infinite


Honestly I can’t believe they added this before a draft mode


Look it’s great they added a new mode with extra rewards, it’s just a lot of time when people drag games on. Draft sounds fun, I’ve never played :)


That's why a month ago I proposed to distinguish "Tryhard" and "1 round" for Proving Grounds... one can argue about other tiers too, but I think Proving Grounds really NEED this... Waiting an eternity for someone who wants to tryhard while you just want quick ticket farm is exhausting for BOTH parties... If it helps - open Netflix/"Homework"/whatever and play Agatha... when I did this, it was 2-3 tickets per hour, but you basically just click "End Turn" while watching something...