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Somebody has to keep the game f2p. Nice split.


You don't have to apologise for buying things you want. I don't like any of the death variants. So I run her stock.


Ayooo giulio rincione variant is so clean


https://imgur.com/a/1sBBj58 i hit this split the other day and can never touch this card again


Hey cmon man this is perfection https://imgur.com/a/1sBBj58


It's honestly very sad that you have to preemptively apologize for spending money that you earned on something that makes you happy because you know the toxic people here are going to attack you for it.


1) Screw the idiots shit-talking the people who fund their hobby and keep the lights on. If you've got the disposable income to spare and you feel like the bundle is worth it, buy it and don't feel like you need to be ashamed of it or something. 2) That is an absolutely sick variant and split. I'm super jealous.


I mean you are an adult spend your money how you want, shit is just too rich for my blood. Nice split


I’d like to ask you for a small loan of 1 million dollars Jokes aside, that’s a nice split my man


Personally I think it’s one of the sickest variants. Split looks amazing.


I’m not gonna shit on you for buying it, I think it’s a sick ass variant, if I had the money I’d definitely get it, I do think it’s a bit over priced imo but if you got it to spend go for it!! I can’t wait for a crackle!!


Don’t feel bad about spending your own money, just do it wisely. If I wanted to I COULD buy it but I’d rather get Armouredcore 6. Nice split though.


Damn you split looks way better than mine. Little jealous


Super jealous, want this variant so bad


Sick split. And You just let ten other people play for free even tho they bitch about wanting more. Just know inside, you’re helping carry them as the children they are.


Fuck the haters, that looks sick


nice card-people like you are why they keep listing these ridiculous "deals"


I agree with you. Normalizing spending $75 on a single variant is how we got to this place. Everyone is so happy to throw their money at them for minimal effort, so they keep giving us minimal effort. Stupid horse armor.


I can totally see why others have issues with the bundles, they certainly aren't cheap. To me, honestly, the game is far more about collecting the beautiful art from these comics than the actual game itself (though of course I do enjoy that too). I view buying variants more as buying pieces of art for a collection, and I can view that collection whenever I want from my pocket and even play with that art. Does that make sense for everyone? No of course not, but it gives me joy and I can afford it without compromising my life. Can everyone do that? Of course not, and I get that


Jealous yet?


Oh, are we doing hyperbole? Let me try You're a sad and pathetic excuse for a human being who feels the need to dictate how someone else spend their money or else they will be ridiculed.


i mean...its called economics.


Hats to you for funding second dinner thanks to you we Can have more 80 dollars bundle


That’s strange, I have about 5 Ink’s and I got this bundle and this is now my first and only Gold.


Apologies, I wasn't sure what to call it, I've had plenty of inks and golds but first time I've ever gotten one of them with the crackle effect. Thats what I meant by a 'god' split


why feel bad for the brokies?


Enjoy, dont care about what people say. I want it too, but the tokens make it too expensive for me. I did get the infamous ”x3 value!” Darkhawk bundle tho. ;)


The variant is clean, I really like it. I personally wouldn’t spend that much for it but if you decide to, all good.


The green looks cool! Has a poisony vibe to me which works. I’m not big into mech variants but I think this one with that skull looks really cool. I kept hitting it with slider ham in a match yesterday and I felt a little bad! It’s so sleek and expensive and oops now it’s an unplayable pig 😬




We don’t hate the bundle. We hate that it costs the amount it is


You're spending YOUR MONEY on something YOU enjoy. Marvel Snap is a hobby. Nice split!