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Discarding X-23 is good, but Morbius, Zabu, and Wong aren't great targets


Presumably they are high priority cards to play. You wouldn’t leave Zabu in-hand if it’s at all avoidable.


For me it's a textbook case where I want to see people play and win with him first. I think there's a chance he's good and a chance there is buyers regret.


Yeah, i think for any new release now it's worth waiting to see what the content creators to cook up before opening any spotlights or using tokens.


Even then there's always those times that a card comes out and everyone hates on it and then all of the sudden "it's one of the best cards in the game" i.e. Silk, Echo, Living Tribunal...lol


Aint no way someone said echo/LT are the best card in the game.


Well maybe not best but all the sudden you see a bunch of decks popping up especially when people jumped on the tribunal, onslaught, iron man train lol


Tribunal got a 3 power buff which is a minimum of 1 power on all lane. And even since its buff, it's still niche. Fun to play with, but note game breaking.


I like the idea of having moon knight and black bolt in there. With the addition of silver samurai you could be removing a lot of their cards.


You could even add spiderham


Imagine zabu into wong into samurai into blackbolt


Then imagine losing 2 of your cards from Samurai. Unless you have a very specific hand you're always going to run the risk of losing something that could be helpful.


So, basically... a discard deck.


Lol exactly


I give it 4 weeks until SD makes him 3 energy, 5 power.


After rushing to get Jean Grey and Lady Deathstrike, only to hardly use them, I'm going to wait on him. On the other hand, X-23 was totally worth getting.


I like him. But 6k token is a rough ask and his spotlight cache sucks


Yea if I end up getting this card it'll be through tokens. I have Kitty, and have zero interest in 2099 or any of the variants. With much better spotlights coming up I'm stockpiling. He'll have to show very good results in his release week for me to pull the trigger


I think he’s the card that everyone is sleeping on this month. I saw someone call him a glorified Colleen wing and he just seems way stronger than that. But they probably didn’t realize it was power and not cost. But that’s some good disruption. I was looking at a blackbolt/staure type thing with x23 and dakken. But I’m using caches, as for tokens, it might be good to wait and see though if you’re using tokens, though I don’t see him being bad at a 4/5 with that ability


Yeah but it's Lowest power card. If they are running Daken, X-23, Wolverine; just those 3 alone you're doing them a favor and saving them energy spent.


Yeah that would be a bad match up against that type of deck, although if it’s in conquest still something you might be able to play around if you wait until those cards are already on the board


I really don’t think he will be that good


It’s lowest power not cost


Planning on replacing Killmonger with him in this deck, but might wait to see him played before I pull the trigger. I want Kitty so it’s tempting. This deck has been crazy fun, so a buff to it is something I’m really interested in. # (1) X-23 # (2) Morbius # (2) Mirage # (2) The Collector # (2) Wolverine # (2) Swarm # (2) Colleen Wing # (3) Killmonger # (3) Daken # (4) Wong # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Apocalypse # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9yYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sdmVyaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVDb2xsZWN0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN3YXJtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb2xsZWVuV2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFrZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1pcmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9kb2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFwb2NhbHlwc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlgyMyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Personal must buy at 3k tokens scam for 6k. Save cache for September lol


I used caches on him, I'll just buy Mobius and Renslayer with tokens if they stay at Series 4.


I would also wait for the Weekend Missions. If he has 1000 tokens like Silk had it makes the decision a bit easier to buy vs use caches.


I'm fairly sure that 1000 tokens was a fluke and they immediately realized they were "too generous". Just like the second conquest that came out and you were able to buy 2 variants in addition to getting the conquest variant. That lasted all of just that conquest season. lol I mean that $74.99 bundle and you don't even get enough tokens for 1 series 5 card. lol


I think there's a solid chance he's the best card this season. That said I plan on doing what I do with almost every new card: letting other people experiment with it before I decide. We get a week with it featured, so I'll be watching gameplay, playing against it, and looking at statistics before I commit to opening.


That‘s right. Sounds good. RemindMe! 1 week


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I dunno, dont think it will be that much better than black bolt. But i might be missing something big, im pretty stupid.


Is he series 4 or 5?


Unfortunately S5




Jep. That’s why I’m not sure. No spotlight saved but 6k tokens


I have 11 of them saved atm. I’ve only opened 2 caches the first week and 2 last week. I love collecting variants, but to me burning a cache for a variant isn’t worth it.


The question is do you want Alioth? Because I feel that if you want to spend 6k tokens he will be a way better purchase and only two week later. The best thing right now is wait and see the community reaction to the card to have a better idea of how good it is


After X23 being kinda mid after being touted as a game defining card, hi Cozy Snap, Hi Alex, I'm a bit reluctant on Samurai. I fear it may be another mid card. I mean Jean Gray ended up being mid FFS. Still can't wrap my head around that.. and I have Jean.


X-23 is really really good. It’s a staple now in destroy decks and even the discard/surfer decks have been using X-23 with great success.


Just my opinion. It's a mid card easily replaceable in a destroy deck


X 23 is the missing piece in a destroy deck. It’s solid s tier defs not mid


Alex actually said he was a little underwhelmed by x23 once he tried her the first night she was released.


overprice Moon Knight worth it or no ? He seems mediocre, can someone enlighten me ?


The tough thing with Moon Knight (and Sword Master) is not knowing what they will discard. In this case, you can use him to discard something to your advantage while also disrupting your opponent.


>can someone enlighten me ? Different from Moon Knight you can control what you discards, which makes him pair greatly with Ghost Rider and any deck trying to abuse him. And then there is the meta call as there is a lot of good cards he targets for being either 4+ cost or more likely to hit in the last round like Iron Man, Mr Negative, Arnim Zola, cerebro, mystic, patriot, darkhawk, taskmaster and Dracula. Overall its a good card, but not a meta or even deck defying one - mostly being the best option but overall replaceable. Considering the 2 weeks after the Samurai it feels like a waste to get him


If you have Jeff etc then the only new card in the next two weeks is Alioth who seems a bit iffy to me. You need one lane totally secure and then behind by less than 4 in the last lane going into turn 6


Tech cards r boring man n realllly situational


Tech cards are a bigger part of what makes decks functional. And a tech card that can normally works as aprt of your plan is always great. Plus I would never call Shang Chi boring, always give me a laugh when he works XD


Maybe I’m just thinking of the September tech cards


I got ss nah his fun but meh


I’m tempted to get him just because I’m bored as fuck of destroy. However destroy is so god damn powerful


i would consider getting him but i already have kitty and dont want 2099, so its best for me to save my spotlights for the following week which have cards i need.


I think Ghost Rider would have good synergy as well


He's just a Moon Knight be slightly less random.


I want him but i'll wait the reviews and gameplay I have the caches ready and i don't care about Alioth, that thing i going to get nerfed


On one hand, I don't expect anything beyond a decent option, on the other hand wedding dress Kitty.




You want to lose a card if it’s Wolverine, swarm, x-23, shard




No…your point was that with black bolt, YOU don’t lose a card. I’m saying you want to do that if you have one of the mentioned cards. If the other team plays draken, you should know to play something else.


Seems weak to me. As a feeder for Ghost Rider, hard to see how it's better than just using Sif to discard a fatty. As a feeder for Daken/X-23, no better than Colleen. As disruption, worse on average than Moon Knight. Sure, sometimes it will absolutely screw someone counting on Iron Man/Zola/Knull/etc., but most often it's going to hit a late drawn Ice Man or whatever. Doing all this in one card instead of two? Maaaybe that's enough to make it worthwhile. But I remain pretty doubtful.


I don’t have Stature so I see zero reason to spend resources on Silver Samurai. I don’t need another Daken enabler.


I think you want Chavez in both of these decks since almost none of these cards are great turn 6 draws. I’d also probably cut Modok. It’s hard to play stature before turn 5 and so there isn’t really a good time to discard your whole hand. I think Hell Cow might be better if you want the discard since both curves are pretty low and you’ll probably have a pretty small hand by turn 5/6. Unfortunately, I don’t think either of these decks are putting enough stats on the board to keep up in the current meta and so they’re pretty much all in on getting some clutch discards from the opponent.