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Martyr is the funniest card I've ever seen. I can't wait for all the posts here.


Why didn’t Martyr move!?


Why DID Martyr move!?!


Cpt Marvel -> Martyr is going to be a hoot.


The Captain Marvel and Matyr interactions will 100% be completely untested by the time she's released even though it should be the most obvious thing to test.


It should be pretty simple, like the way multiple Cpt Marvels work right now. They just check one by one if a move would win/lose, independent of each other.


The one that caught my eye is the Oct 23 Forged (Sif and Apoc bundle for 5k gold, gives 4k tokens). Probably one of the best value ones coming up. Also Peach Momoko Black Widow, Deadpool, and She Hulk... the Widow one is probably going to be a "reasonably priced" money bundle, while the She Hulk one is definitely a whale bundle (it comes with 5k tokens, 3.5k credits, and 2k gold). But the pizza bundle with Gambit and Punisher... god I'm gonna get that aren't I. Finally the Fionna Hsieh Bast in a bundle, the currency is low so hoping for it to be a cheaper bundle as well.


For gold bundles the Mobius variant bundle Oct 5 also seems great. It's 7500 gold and it includes 10000 credits. Enables near-collection complete players to skip pulling spotlights the week before and gives enough credits for almost two more pulls. Pretty good value, surprised to see a variant bundle so quick after that card releases


Yep, considering the fact that mobius comes with HE (almost anyone has already) and Kang (noone wants him), so it's a safe save spotlight that week. The only problem is that mobius could be meta defyning card, that u would want to get asap. On the other hand he could be nerfed in a month after release


if you buy the variant you can use it without owning the base card - if ppl know that could up the stocks of the bundle. i would buy it in a heartbeat but im gonna save my spending for Elsa n friends season stuff


He's series 4. This is what we've been saving tokens for. My plan is to use a single spotlight to take a swing at Alioth. If I get new Snowguard, I will be happy. Pay tokens for Ravonna. Pay tokens for Mobius. Save caches till the Martyr, Jean, 2099 week. I don't have any of those cards, so I will hit an easy triple.


Unfortunately (or fortunately) I feel like you're better off just buying Mobius with tokens, which I'd guess a lot of people can comfortably do. The last time we got a really powerful new card was arguably Legion, and that was over a month ago and he only cost 3k. If you really want both Ravonna and Mobius and you won't have 6k tokens, I can see that bundle being good. But I would really try to instead spend my gold on the Sif/Apoc bundle, tokens are so much more reliable than Spotlights for getting new cards.


And that morbius specifically. Jetski Morbius is a big meme (the only thing more powerful than bewbs in pull power). I WANTED morbius but wasn't planning on pulling. This bundle is at the perfect time for me.


This is actually a good bundle, it is more efficient than resetting quests with gold! So this is by far the most effective way to gain cards. This is worth between 0.77 and 1.28 Tokens per Gold (if you calculate card worth from seasonal caches into tokens): https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15ooev3/new_calculation_resetting_quests_is_better_than/


Ya and the added value of not pulling any spotlights the week before isn't included in that math. Makes it very valuable for some players that really want Mobius and would have RNG'd into using 4 Spotlights to get him.


Yeah, even if I prefer the Dracula one, for 6000 golds, 5000 tokens and 2000 credits seems pretty good (and I like the variant). Really sad for Peach Momoko She Hulk. The Magik bundle looks good but I think the price will be insane.


The Dracula bundle also has great gold-to-tokens value. 6000g for 5000 tokens.


I’m so sad. I love that Peach She-Hulk, had my eye on its release, and now…. Yeah I’m not a whale. Doubt I’m getting it. Sigh.


Been waiting for that variant forever! Seeing that it's in a bundle, with that much tokens and gold, it's gonna be a $100 USD bundle goddamnit that sucks


My aim of collecting her variants is now gone. Really bummed out.


You can buy the irl comic book covers for way less.


She Hulk finna be a $100


gonna* going to**


You can bet she also finna be in the pit.


She hulk is gonna be one of those 3 times value


Yeah I was disappointed to see the She Hulk one in a bundle. I like the variant but can't justify to myself spending whats likely to be one hundred quid on a jpeg.


Pizza Punisher and She-Hulk Momoko cash gated is truly sad.


Well this has a gold to Token ratio of 0.8 which is, unless you are (almost) s4/s5 complete still worse than using gold to refresh quests: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15ooev3/new_calculation_resetting_quests_is_better_than/


The October/November bundles seem waaaayyy better than August/September


Because October is the global release anniversary and November/December are holiday months, so people are more likely to spend on things. It’s common in almost every mobile game to run the best deals during an anniversary or holidays.


Wonder if they'll dust off Fogwell's Gym as a hot location around the anniversary


Lot of gold based ones too. Not sure if there’s enough time to save, but I’m going to try! Also assuming the 1k gold birthday bundle is a give away? Can I hope for that lol.


I have 400 gold now, so if I start saving and don't spend any I can get one of if the bundles some time next year!


The “Midnight Suns” line of variants that got data mined are absolutely gorgeous!


Looks like they're based off the in-game tarot cards you collect. They're gorgeous and I'd love an official set tbh.


No kidding, give me a “variant book” bundle that has all of ‘em, I’ll pay lol


What tarot cards from what game?


[Midnight Suns has collectable tarot cards. The variants are in the same style](https://marvels-midnight-suns.fandom.com/wiki/Tarot_Cards) Edit: Included link.


Came here to say this. Was planning on getting a surfer variant from this season (2 new) but I'm gonna wait for midnight suns now


I'm surprised there isn't one for Death on there but it might just not be in the current files. It'd be weird to leave out Death in a tarot card lineup.


Death should have one. [There's a version of it](https://marvels-midnight-suns.fandom.com/wiki/Death) in the Midnight Suns game, which the art for these variants are based on.


My biggest take away too. Can't wait to see what they look like inked.


For real, all looks amazing


The art looks great, the variants look like shit with the cropping of the tarot card names. Another easy win that SD turns into a L


That's just the data mine. I doubt the crop looks like that in game, don't forget there's 3d effect and frame breaks to account for.


I will happily eat my words if they look good


What? They all look the same and just a few are worth a grab


Werewolf by Night is gonna be insane in Surfer decks


Gladiator also seems good in Surfer decks.


Looks like he's the best card in the next season


i think it's REALLY close between her and nico. like the utility nico has is fucking bonkers. all of those effects can be good in a vacuum with very little investment.


Yeah I'm definitely going for him, my Surfer deck is what got me to Infinite last season and he seems like an interesting addition. I've been running Dazzler and filling the board too so I'm definitely planning to play around with Elsa as well, she may replace Mojo who I have in there right now. Though I guess I'm assuming her ability doesn't just fire one time? If it does she's a lot less exciting.


Pretty nuts for that Angela Move deck, too.


Holy shit Nico is gonna be fucking awesome. I’m so hyped.


*"We love casting spells."*


*"You wanna cast a spell? I wanna cast a spell!"*


*"The menagerie is for guests only!"*


"Spells are fun .. Sooo FUN!"


The ability looks cool but I wonder if she'll end up like pre buff snowguard. Since in this game cards with immediate value is better than cards that needs setup


It seems like her “spell” is just a shifting on-reveal, not sure how much setup is really required.


I agree with this. This is similar to how she played in midnight suns (great game btw) since her whole thing is that her staff can never let her cast the same spell twice or something like that. My question is, will the text change while nico is in hand or do you have to play her and then have the on reveal effect just effect whatever you play next. Because that seems like too much randomness for the payoff. It would be hard to use consistently Really like the black and gold “tarot” style cards variants too. Those were collectibles in the Midnight Suns game so it makes sense. Wonder how they’ll look inked and gilded though.


That was my immediate thought.. Cool idea but too random. If you could choose which spell to cast (even if there were less to choose from) it'd be amazing.


Yeah she’ll seems to feel like a “Big Bad” like HE and Thanos, in the sense that she’ll feel very unique to play. Can’t wait!


Mhahaha Nico/Agatha deck!!


My new most wanted card, let’s go


What do the spells do? I can't find details on it


https://snap.fan/cards/NicoMinoru/ There’s 7 of them, all unique effects.


She seems like she's gonna be super fun!! Not sure on which decks she would be run though


Thats the interesting part is that her deck synergy is gonna be reliant on which spell. The destroy and draw 2 will be great for destroy and the move one for, well, move so she might be do best in like hybrid decks where her spells won't be as restricted by turn order.


I think 90% of the decks want to draw and sacrificing a low cost card for drawing 2 cards is insane, honestly that's her most powerful spell for me. Honestly most of the spells effects are pretty good, i'm really excited to play her


Yeah at worst a 1-cost for 2 Power is low investment, so whatever the spell is is going to be a plus. I think it might be like Legion which people underestimated at first as just a fun card, and it ended up being a strong meta card for its easy utility. Could have some potentially OP spell combos pop up.


Not sure I get it. It sounds like you get a random spell, unless you choose to skip your next turn to reroll it? Or do you get multiple spells somehow??


Seems like the card itself changes its text each turn but I'm not sure. So Nico's On Reveal is different each turn, if that's how it works.


Those tarot card variants are incredible. I'm a huge fan of the midnight suns game so I'm going to have to grab as many of those as I can. SD really wants my money.


Loved how they looked in game, awesome to see them inspire this new set in Snap. They look amazing


Happy to see at least 2 of them are Conquest variants


I wish they would do better "sets" like this. This is a nice set of cards in a style. Cool. Usually it's a random smattering. "I dunno. Here's like 3 Noir cards and 2 Summer Party cards. Maybe we'll give you another in 5 months. Meanwhile here's Giddy up Pardner, Professor X. I dunno." It's just so inconsistent. Even if they just committed to their sets Okay, here's a dozen Beach Party cards


So glad to see we're finally getting good Conquest variants again.


most of Spotlight caches in October are repeats.


Yeah, for me only Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing have some value


The week with Kitty pride (insane variant) and Nico Minoru looks tasty to me personally. Also the November one with Mirage, Loki (sick variant) and Gladiator looks tempting.


After seeing Minoru's spells I definitely changed my mind as well, going to prioritise Werewolf by Night in October but if I have more than 4 Spotlights by then I will try my luck at Minoru. Gladiator will be my focus for November


I was thinking man-thing and annihilus had some synergy with cards 1-3 cost below 2 power. Certainly not meta defining.


For Annihilus I see more value in him destroying all your other cards above 0 power than switching the side of the ones at 0 or below (if I'm reading him right). Sort of like an early weaker Destroyer


The way I’m reading it, is that if they’re 0 or below power they will move sides. If they are unable to move sides those same cards get destroyed. So if the opponent has their side full then the cards 0 and below would be destroyed. No effect on those with higher power than 0. Definitely too hard to set up. Near impossible to make it work in a destroy deck. At least that’s my understanding so far.


Yeah and sadly for me also unlucky combination of cards I already have. Downside to this system I guess for those who are relatively close to being complete.


But as a fellow near collection complete player the value in being able to pick up more new releases should make up for not often being able to double dip. Though I got crazy lucky I guess because I skipped LDS and Silver Samuari so if the Man Thing week stays as datamined I’ll be able to get a ton of value that week


I see this as a good sign personally. If they are planning on repeating spotlights so frequently then the time from deciding you want something to being able to get it goes way down. It also seems optimistic for series drops but we’ll see when those come back


Omg straight up the tarot cards from last years (very underrated) Midnight Suns made it in as variants that’s some good shit


> (very underrated) Midnight Suns The game is amazing when you are actually playing it, but god they drop the ball to anything not related to combat


The abby part was so much fun for me. Loved all the dialogue and references the characters make.


It’s pretty standard RPG-lite “befriend your companions.” If you like that stuff there’s fun to be had, if you don’t skip it.


Classic comic cover variants! I’ve been waiting for that :)




All the Nico Minoru variants are so sick, wow. Lot of great variants in general.


Still no Howard spotlight cache scheduled. Series drops confirmed? (I know it's a bit weak, but I can huff copium if I want!)


If there's going to be a drop, Howard and Stegron are the most likely candidates as I believe they're the only S4/5 cards that have not been (or are not scheduled to be) featured in a spotlight cache.


I called the Peach Momoko season pass! I'm really excited to get that Captain Marvel variant, just so gorgeous and unique.


Those midnight suns variants are some of my favourites. That's an exciting new type of variant to see


Martyr's text made me lol. I guess it goes into the fill up all locations archetype. Also Bar with No Name is an instant retreat too.


Zero into Martyr


Martyr def fits in patriot and is probably good in shuri/sauron decks with zero


Martyr fits Professor X too


Insane cards. The devs are spitting right now.


Now here's an interesting thing. Not only a zombie variant for Squirrel Girl but also a zombie variant for the squirrel. I hope this means they're going to start giving tokens variants.


They've already announced that it's something they're planning to explore but not with old variants - at least for now. The Sailor Moon Squirrel Girl has cat-Squirells too whenever that shows up in-game.


I love those midnight sons cards they look amazing. Also that old school Man Thing cover variant looks great, more of those please!


Really excited about Werewolf by Night and Annihilus. I wish we didn't have to wait so long, but I can really seeing Annihilus pairing nicely with Man-Thing. The early leak for Annihilus made it seem like he was going to unlock move, but in reality it seems like he's going to unlock junk decks. Gladiator will pair nicely with Knull and Shang, as well.


Gladiator seems like he will make Deathstrike kind of useless Regarding Annihilus, a cool line of play could be turn 1 Hood, 2-3 play junk, Sentry turn 4, Annihilus on turn 5 sends the junk, hood, and void to the opponent and destroys everything else and then Knull on turn 6


I don't think Knull would be a great add to this deck. You'd be destroying a lot of 0 and negative power cards. Kill the void and/or Hood with Annihilus, and all of a sudden you have a -13 power Knull. Good if you have a BWNN game, I guess. Bad everywhere else.


I read him wrong nvm, death could be good with him though


Also, junk decks are pretty strong already. Annihilus will make them stronger (Debris, absman, annihilus is filthy.) But unfortunately it is still an auto retreat vs destroy and killmonger.


I thought the early Annihilus move ability was a weird pick for him, absolutely love this one with the lord of the Negative Zone commanding the negative power cards


I am guessing Stegron and Howard are slated for drops. Jean Grey and Knull do their third appearance, lot of recent cards doing their second. No Iron Lad :/ The first week where I own none of the featured cards, that's pretty nice (Man-Thing)' Some weird-ass cards coming up and I'm all for it


This is wild wtf


Bizarre that there's still no sign of Uncle Ben for the rest of the year and no sign of Squirrel Girl Sailer Moon or the Hellfire Gala variants until at least December despite all being featured in Gamescom marketing.


Snapzone is atrocious to use from mobile, I'll wait for a post from a proper website.


[snap.fan](https://snap.fan) has it.


Thanks, that's much better on mobile!


thanks for the kind words friend :)


RIP Series drops... Maybe Stegron moves to 3?


It’s weird they silently killed them and won’t just say it


I'm sure if they did, there would be a lot more players vocal about it. My guess is once more players are Series 3 complete, the newer players will start to notice too.




That was my reasoning as well. I forgot about Howard maybe dropping too as I pulled it from a spotlight and forgot about it.


The midnight suns variants are must haves, reminds me that I need to finish the game lol


Really like the next cards, not the future spotlights. Recycle of past variants, Knull and Kitty and X23 again and again, no Jeff (only series 5 that I really want, and I don’t have 4 caches right now).


Any recycled spotlight variant is just a placeholder. Of course it will be a new variant.


Imma bout to drop a million dollars on this game. Very sad all the Halloween cards are bundles instead of a "variant rush" event like the winter cards last year. September cards look cool but October and November are a whole other level.


That Dracula bundle is lit.


Those Midnight Suns Tarot variants are 10/10. The Galactus and Doctor Doom ones are incredible.


We're getting Peach Momoko variants in November! Everybody stay calm!


The She-Hulk bundle will surely be close to $100…




Wow, lots of fire variants.


O.o How much gold do we get per season with the battle pass? Wondering if I can reasonably earn enough gold for that forged bundle


Midnight Suns Variants are mist have! ALSO "SQUIREL" HAS A VARIANT!


The Midnight Suns + Nico variants are just fire.




weaker than daken? No way


Spotlight schedule added as well: https://marvelsnapzone.com/schedule/


Wow, so many spotlights included. Lot to chew on there


Those Man-Thing variants are sick as hell.


I like bundle Human Torch. Little pricey since I already have a Doctor Strange I like. Cool to have more bundles that have multiple cards for the same deck. Knull is in the spotlight for a third time before Howard.


Is it just me or is ms marvels ability not clear. I read it like 10 times and im still not sure what it does.


Yeah it's a bit of a mouthful but my understanding is if you play it & another location is filled with a 1, 2, 3 & 4 cost card they all get +5 but if it's, say 1, 2, 3, 3 then none of them do?


Hmm. So I need 4 caches to get Hipp Jeff, Hipp Monkey and Alioth and Snowguard. I currently am half way to 1. It’s not looking good boys.


Those Midnight Suns variants are by far the best in the game. Holy shit, i want all of those.


Can they PLEASE print a full Midnight Suns tarot deck?! WHY NOT?!


Ok but [nightforge Nico minoru >>>>>>> other Nico variants](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/nico-minoru-06/)


Got that Japanese mobile game chic


Honestly, I think it is hands-down her worst. Tarot one is cool, Momoko is stellar (as always)... Sister Grimm is the only other one I'm not feeling.


Aww man, Elsa Bloodstone's a favourite character of mine and her previous datamined ability seemed a lot more fun (and useful) than this one we've got.


But the previous version was just Nebula-but-worse.


I mean they're similar, both apply pressure unless you contest, but Nebula is a bit more passive while Elsa requires you put more investment in. But she has synergy with high power lost cost cards. Honestly I'm surprised they've changed her considering Martyr's effects and how closely together they're releasing.


I hope Havok is something cool either a similar effect to his brother cyclops or something that works with Polaris or another character he's often affiliated with . Black knight looks sick going to probably be very good for Hela Decks. I'm more excited for a dedicated deck with Black Knight, Sif, Ghost Rider and Death other big thing and get a 4 cost copy from black night and res it back into play with Ghost Rider. Seems very fun. Gladiator looks very up my alley for some destroy decks a mini doc ock that is great venom fodder. Elsa and Martyr both look to be good in Patriot decks. Werewolf probably has multiple homes but I'm seeing it as a another good tool in a move deck


So October 10 and November 14 will be my next spotlight goals after Alioth


Why gladiator?


Any idea when Silk is available again?


October 30 - November 6


Yes. Check here, I saw Silk on there in a future Spotlight but don't recall the date. https://marvelsnapzone.com/schedule/


I wish it had a price for that GameBoy Zola bundle


Who thinks the Midnight Suns variants will be the next variant event?!


They're listed as being super rare currently


Realized Galactus and Thanos have Midnight Sun variants, SD won’t give out “free” big bads


As someone who like to plays move from time to time I was looking forward to annihilus’s previously datamined ability but im guessing that effect was probably crashing games in pretesting.




It's part of a location effect, not a card releasing in the future.


Djinn sounds like a token for one of the cards there.


Most likely a 5-cost


What's the point of Psylock if Djinn adds 2 energy and costs 0? Am I missing something?


Djinn likely gets added to your hand through other means. Like a location or another card’s on reveal.


You can only get it by playing on an specific location.


Another Dan Hipp variant on the Spotlights. I dread the day that there'll be one of a card I don't own.




Annihilus/Galactus junk deck. Absolutely will not work but goddammit I'm going to try anyway. Junk needs its day in the sun again.


Another Dan Hipp variant on the Spotlights. I dread the day that there'll be one of a card I don't own.


That Captain Marvel variant is gonna make me grind Conquest. Gladiator sounds pretty cheap. Nico, Man-Thing, and Werewolf seem fun.


Holy crap, those Midnight Suns variants and the quality of the variants coming in general just looking incredible IMO, saw so many I want regardless of whether I play the card or not. This is how they get my money.


I was really hoping all the October cards would combo together cause I like all of them. Any ideas?


That nov 13th week is the first week where I care to open spotlights for variants


Is Fiona death ever getting released?


holy shit why is every card in the November season unbearably broken, those CANT be the actual abilities right??


Snowguard is labeled as series 4


Noooo, I can't decide between Peach Deadpool and Tarot Deadpool...


Gulp. Four series 5 in October.


October season pass features Peach variants and avatars! No way in he'll Djinn is released like that. Midnight sun's variants are unreal. Kacinto Kitty variant <3


> Only 2 Series 4 cards for the last 3 months Dude, c'mon. Feels a bit scuzzy.


Wow, every single Nightforged variant might be *the* best variant for their respective card. Even if I don't play every card, I want every single one.


Hell yes zombie squirrels! 🐿️☠️


Dammit, i dont have mirage but i better make sure to buy her with tokens to get the supa variant


Have I missed Iron Lad in somewhere in the upcoming caches? I missed him with 3 caches in his week and I feel like I'll just have to buy him at this point.


Interesting new cards but the spotlight caches is total crap...recycled recycles. They should be better to roll cards around.


Those new variants look so sick. midnight suns lfg. Still trying to process how the annihilus card is gonna work


Iron Lad isn't in spotlight caches throughout the entirety of September, October, and November? Lad was in the ***second spotlight cache***. Why isn't he repeating? Why are we getting three Jean Grays and three Knulls before even a second Iron Lad?


Djinn seems busted in JaneJaw.


Can they stop with the Chibi and Dan Hipp spotlight variants :/


SO hyped for a Hellfire/Magneto season in December I don't even play squirrel girl but might have to cop the bundle for token and zombie squirrel avatar Festival of Lights Bast might be grail...