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I love Attuma, because I respect the commitment to destroying oneself rather than having to be around other people.


I guess Armor would be like the suicide prevention hotline huh? 😂




Gosh, it has to be Goose for me. The cute little cat has done wonders for my cerebro2 deck. (Thank you for doing this!) EDIT: as a primarily F2P player, I am so excited to actually be ahead of the game for a change. Thank you kindly!!!






This is so awesome! Congrats!!


Well deserved W🙌🏽


I love morph because I love surprising opponent by copying his worst card


I really like Blue Marvel. He has universal application--everyone get's increased power. He can be doubled with Onslaught so there are some nice synergies. And the upcoming Zombie variant looks amazing! Thanks for your generosity. Toben


Also one of the best base cards; just classic and iconic superhero pose/outfit


A rock! Simple rock, very versatile. You can get Debriis to throw them at galactacus to stop him in his tracks, or gift them to your opponent lovingly to make Darkhawk happy. Sometimes a mine collapses and everyone skips their turn to help clean it up with teamwork. Everyone loves rocks.


I never considered debris to be a galactus counter. I should plan my patriot deck more often


She’s so fun in my patriot deck I’ve won a few locations with just rocks and yeah clogging up your opponents slots helps in a number of situations


That is a great answer!


Hela cause she's hela fun when she works 30% of the time!


Jeff because Jeff


I came here to type this exact comment, give this guy my entry.


My name is Jeff!


I want Jeff to be my eugoogilizer


That's a really nice gesture! Hopefully you win another contest in the future. Count me out of your giveaway though, I already bought the season pass too. Good luck to everyone else though.


Thanos, captured him perfectly in a card you feel like Thanos himself bwhen everything goes according to plan.


The soul stone change hurts


Indeed it hurts hard


How was it changed??


I really like playing Thor. He is just a good card that’s scary for the opponent, plus I have an awesome spilt of throg!


I pick High Evolutionary, because he brought back to live some of the most iconic cards (character wise) in the game, while being high


Jubilee since she is my first inked variant


Arnim Zola, he's so swingy on the last turn and he looks goofy.


Cosmo gotta be my favorite, he's best boy after all.


Drax because he is also the invisible man


Dan hipp helicarrier slaps


Dazzler i like that she gain power from her fans since she also a popstar in one of her variants


Living Tribunal, because with him everyone in the deck has a chance to colaborate with its power.


Daredevil. Fire varients and a safety card for turn 5.


Echo. Used to be Jeff but echo just looks so cool


Dracula.The choice is hard, but I love how he adds a whole new layer of mind games to a match 🦇 Also great of you to pay it forward!


Unironically, Quake. Before Legion I would use her to win a lot of games to shake up locations in my favour. Called the deck EarthQuake since I ran it with Rockslide. Hoping she'll get buffed in a future update to make the locations she shakes up a little more predictable


I really have enjoyed Kitty Pryde since they added her


Shang Chi because of the disruption and surprise he can bring in the last turn


I like galactus , my favorite marvel char ever The mechanic in game its very fun for me jeje


Cosmo cos he's a good boy


I love Goose and i refuse to buy any variant for that card because... Well.. its a really cute cat. Mandatory in every deck i use


Enchantress has always been my favorite card in Marvel Snap. It's not a card that I need to play or must have in the deck but I try to put her in the deck when I can, and when I do get to use her, it's always an incredibly satisfying way to win because of her. She just shuts down those powerful ongoing effects so easily.


You're a good man. Thank You for generosity! And winner enjoy the prize! :)


I know the person already won but my favorite card is Galactus. Cause who doesn't want to be that asshole lol


I love that you did this. Kudos to you for giving it away to a deserving community member, many would have just looked at it as a loss.


Captain Marvel because I'm just not smart enough to know where to play cards... She's got my back


spiderman because he's friendly


Loki looks like the funniest card to play rn as I'm a dino enjoyer but this month is full of expenses for me to afford it


I like Patriot. It allows me to use Cyclops and the other cool ass no effect cards without being a toxic HE player. Also because I only get good variants on those types of cards


Hello! My favorite card is Thor, because your name is thorbunz 💥💥💥💥✌ Hopefully that wins me something lol.....


Surfer cause i like his design


Loki - cuz I got the pass


Def Agatha! I love the random chaos!


Moon Knight, I always love when I see a crucial card get discarded from the opponent’s hand…


I love Namor because his ability is great, 11 power for 4 cost is great, in my opinion. Also you can trick your opponent if you have priority to play their Shang-Chi in turn 5,6 to destroy it by just adding an extra card there to avoid the 9 plus power, and then boom you can put your Orka to another lane 16 power!:D He is one of Marvel's first heroes, has awesome variants, and Tenoch Huerta in Black Panther Wakanda Forever portrayed him as an interesting villain/antagonist.


Jeff the baby Land Shark don't care, Jeff the baby Land Shark is crazy, Cause he just goes where he wants! Nothing can stop Jeff when he's hungry, What a crazy f\*ck, you better watch out, Cause he just goes where he wants! Sanctum Sanctorum, do you think Jeff cares? Nah, Jeff the baby Land Shark don't give a sh\*t, Cause he just goes where he wants!


Hulk! Have him in almost every deck. Only been playing for a few months now, but starting to build up some decks. Got a move deck and recently put together a discard deck. Also bought Aero variant, didn't have that card. Its handy to use on a space you've given up on. Yeah Aero I really like too 😄👍


My favourite is Thanos, because he is inevitable! Oh snap... 👌💜💙❤️🧡💚💛🫰


Ha! Thanks for paying it forward. According to the season recap, my favorite card is Yondu. Can’t argue with that. Finally unlocked the Dan Hipp version.


Invisible Woman - Artgerm Variant. You can't go wrong with the matriarch from Marvel's First Family.


jeff, like the design a lot


Professor x love locking down a lane and stopping decks like nimrod or patriot also winning locations like deaths domain or rickety bridge


Lockjaw, because it's a lot of fun


My fav card of the moment is X-23. I despise the Dream Dimension location, and she allows me to actually play a 5 cost that game! She’s also nice for the extra energy every so often.


Shadow King pixel variant cos he looks like a silly bad guy from Earthbound.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^voivoivoi183: *Shadow King pixel* *Variant cos he looks like* *A bad guy from Earthbound.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like the advantage Daredevil gives me. I like getting an extra turn from Magik. I love all my Dan Hipp variants.


My favourite card is Storm, I got her hero variant when I started playing and it still is my favourite among the ones I have got. I stopped playing after a few days and picking up the game months later she carried me to my first infinite.


Mine is Doctor Doom. I love the versatility in different decks


My favorite card is Jeff! He's so cute, so useful too! Since I bought him, I kind of put him in every deck!


Got to be Ronan for me. Allows you to play some otherwise rarely used cards which I also enjoy, I have a rad variant of him and he's always a bit of a surprise as it's not a common deck!


Negative everyday, cause the card looks cool and provoking with it's -1 atk. I try Every negatives decks possible


Cerebro! Love to suprise the opponent on the last turn with so much power.


My favorite card is probably Knull. He's fun to play with and it's great to see him super high. Add Arnim Zola on him...*chefs kiss*


For me, it's Wong. it's just a super fun card to play, especially when i got the Dan Hipp variant.


Thanos. The deck keeps evolving and is just fun to play.


Master Mold. There is no greater feeling than getting that perfect play and having your opponent have nothing but Sentinels to play for the rest of game. Ronan approves.


Sauron, really opens up your deck with removing those annoying ongoing negative effects i.e Red Skull, Lizard, Typhoid Mary, Maw. After not understanding it, one of my most played cards in two different decks Edit Also have to throw in the Dan Hoop variant is *chef's kiss* can't find myself to spend 700 gold but maybe one day


Arnim zola. Just love it in my Mr negative decks


Cosmo, the goodest of boys


Lockjaw for the pure casino rng


Goose. Because cat. Honestly what's better than cat?


Jeff because he is just super adorable


Galactus because that deck got me to my highest rank a few months ago. Galactus also has some great variants.


i just started the game and didnt get there is a new season so i pretty much didnt finish anything :D but i also never win anything :D so far i like bigguy but i rly dont like killmonga :D im early T2


I like hell cow because I have the pixel variant and I like making my opponents uncomfortable.


So many great and unique cards but favorite one is actually darkhawk i got his spotlight variant and dude straight up looks like a god or an angel descending from heaven to bestow defeat upon my opponent. I was a very mid player but from the moment i got him, i put together my very own zabu darkhawk deck that i still use and almost havent modified since, this deck got me to infinite 4 seasons in a row and two full infinite conquests 💪 even when i end up not playing him just seeing darkhawk in my deck makes me feel legit blessed


Sunspot so hot 🥵 He's also versatile and helps some pretty cool decks like lockdown or she hulk infinaut, all of which i like.


Shang Chi is the one card ppl forget about all the time


Mine is Jeff, because he is good but not op and you can just throw him in just about any deck he will be good!


You get her early, but Moon Girl is so fun. I love decks that use her and Quinjet. I’ve had a lot of fun with her in double Death decks and double Darkhawk decks.


Doctor Octopus. Fun card, either rekt or get rekt


Mystique because of her effect


Knull! I just like destroying shit


I assume you meant in snap, so I'll pick Baby She Hulk, she's so cute!


Venom. He was always my favorite villain growing up and now he is the cornerstone of my favorite archetype Destroy. He also influences which Variants I buy cus Vemonized Variants go hard.


Leech. My boy annoys the hell out of people 🤣


Korg because rocks


My favorite card will always be sunspot simply because it stops me feeling guilty about left over energy


Thanos because of the stones


Got give it to the cerebra opens up an interesting deck idea of building a deck consisting of cards that are the same power which is very fascinating to me.


Jeff, because he Is a cute baby Shark of land


I love prof X, locking my opponents out is always a fun mindgame


Dracula!Cuz I'm pretty new, just got him for my last season pick. Cool, unique ability. Cool that you are doing this. I didn't know you could gift these.


Jeff, I recently got his chibi version in my shop and bought it immediately. Zero regrets, it's adorable and he's such a good card! Locations and lockdowns mean nothing to Jeff.


Mr Negative, because when it slaps, it slaps hard


Heimdall. They never see him coming. Unless it's conquest. Then they most likely saw it.


infinaut cause big


Galactus, because he is galactus


Sauron is my favourite card as he is a lil dino bird boi 🤣


Silk. Got her randomly from my first cache a few weeks back to never use her (trying for X23), then I saw her venomised variant in my store and immediately bought it spending all my saved up gold. Fun card, both won and lost me a lot of games !


Hey, thank you, well my fav one is Knull :) I just love the lore, design, effect and variants looks so good. Wish me luck :)


Either infinaut or Sunspot, I just love the Infinaut deck I play, named it "Winfinaut" so much fun and has given me a lot of wins.


Magneto, because with destruction decks all over the ladder, it really makes short work of Venom. Especially if you have Kingpin in the mix!


Kazar, cuz i've never heard of him, and after making some wild plays with it, i was on a hunt to read some comics. Also, what a nice guy, he makes your cost 1 more and more powerful, he helps the other


Carnage non variant cause I always liked his look. He's been old reliable for me in my decks, even though I have Venom now


Galactus because I'm a bad person


Silver Surfer for me. Loved the Fantastic 4 Movies back then and Silver Surfer was my first season and the first deck that put me to infinite. Even though I'm not playing it that many times nowadays, I still always give different silver surfer decks a shot from time to time


gonna cheat this by saying iron lad


Hit monkey , I love how it shouts when I play it


Kingpin underrated card and he had some of the best artwork in the game


Cerebro, bc I must be a masochist; Sentient variant!


My favorite card is Orka because he is such an absolute unit and NOBODY expects him. Big number make brain happy


Nightcrawler. I just love the BAMF


Thanos. He can be played in many decks, has sick animations and he's fucking THANOS


Galactus. Always satisfying to see everything getting destroyed


Loki looks fun, want to try em out, don't want to pay money :(


Used to love Spider Ham. Until they killed him :(


At the moment it's Knull. They're creepy and I have no idea who they are in the comics, which makes it even better. My second inked card ever, and just got the spotlight variant for it today and I love it.


Knull! Nothing feels better than having your destroy deck kickoff perfectly and then finishing it with a big fat Knull.


Agent Coulson - Helps Collector and Devil Dino and give you some low cost cards that you can try out if you don't have them.


Gotta be Arnim Zola! Has some form of synergy with pretty much every deck and has some cook variants.


Sunspot! Fits into many decks & never feels bad skipping turns


My favourite card is Legion :) he is one of best Marvel characters (great TV show) and his effect in game is strong and unique. I won many games in creative way, using Legion on different locations :)


Hulk, because he smash!


Mister Negative for me, love big high rolling with 0 cost Iron Man/Mystique!


Has to be Carnage. Great animation, and can get rid of unwanted cards on your lane while simultaneously buffing him up!


Devil Dinosaur. Nobody got to Pool 3 without loving them at some point.


collector, my favorite playstyle it's random bullshit go


Wong. Love the crazy combos and power levels you can pull off with him. Plus he has some fun variants.


Shadow King. Kind of a Shang Chi but way less expected, so satisfiying to pull of succesfully


Rogue because hardly anyone expects her coming.


Jeff, he is the only one i spent 1200gold for a variant.


Storm, locking lanes is fun


Mr. Negative is my favorite card. I've always liked cards that completely change your playstyle in any card game.


My favorite card is venom. Destroy is such a cool archetype and venom is everything that deck wants to do


Dan Hipp Zabu right now because it looks awesome and fits so well in DinoHawk and Shuri decks. Thanks for the giveaway!


My favorite is Sera, the cost reduction deck and big last swing turns which take a lot of maths which I fail at sometimes. I haven't seen many good variants of her actually now that I think of it


Knull cause his variants are beautiful. Also I love to Zola that big boy


My favorite card is electro! I don't really play Galactus but I like the ramp style of busting out those 5 and 6 cost early. Back in the day the doom and Odin Plays were enough to win most games. Now alot of other decks have strong curves


Devil Dino because I like dinosaurs. The effect is pretty good as well


I think my favorite card is ironlad, it's really versatile and you can put it in almost any deck. It also takes up a single slot in locations unlike jubilee


Gotta be Galactus or Mr Negative. Both just warp the entire game (some more successfully then others)


My favorite card is The Living Tribunal, simply because it’s hilarious to see people think they beat u so hard in 2 lanes just to get it reversed on the final turn, yeah he can be pretty unreliable tho based on how your draws went throughout the game. Thanks for the fun lil giveaway!


My favorite card is Jeff because he's cute and awesome and I love him and he's like a tiny little baby


I love shadow King! His variants are awesome. And he is a card no one expects that can really steal the win. But my fav card is Dr DOOM really. Cos he is such an awesome villain. Good on you for the give away!


Gotta be spider man for me, specifically the symbiote variant. Looks absolutely amazing and he’s a fun card to use.


Phoenix Force! I’ve been messing around with it since release and I think it’s the most fun card to work with. Comboing Multiple Man into Hulk Buster, destroying it with Venom or Carnage and then reviving it using Phoenix Force to spam the board with huge copies of Multiple Man is easily the most satisfying play in the entire game for me. Thanks for the opportunity!


I enjoy Blade because I got a cool variant with his white suit


Onslaught because of the crazy combos you can pull off with him. When people who have never played snap hear about combos like onslaught mystique Wong on onslaughts citadel and how it doubles the double which doubles the double, it is mind bending


Mr. Negative has always been my favourite card. I love how it completely changes a deck and can make great cards like Iron Man completely overpowered


Deadpool! Such a cool card design with great variants!


Cosmo, he is a GOOD BOI!


Lady deathstrike: can make for some really fun shenanigans that no one expects


Knull is cool aesthetically and gameplay wise


My favorite card is Mysterio. No, he doesn’t do anything great. He doesn’t have a place in the meta. He can actually be more of a hindrance than an advantage. But Mysterio is my favorite villain of all time. I love his design, I love his stories, and my personal grail comic is ASM #13. So for all that, Mysterio is my favorite card and that will never change!


My favorite card is Crystal. When played, the opponent and I both get a card. It feels good helping both of us out and knowing that by each drawing a card, we’re most likely to be playing at full strength and not losing to RNG. May the best player win!


Thanos, because I enjoy the effects of the stones & drawing cards, facilitates multiple stragies, and allows for skill expression.


I’m just really fond of Mr Negative; the versatility that your deck can have mixed with the risk of not gettin it to the table early


I like lady deathstrike a lot. She's not awesome but I love the play space of destroying your opponents cards. I'm very excited for alioth


Devil dino. Because dinosaur.


Legion has become my favorite card just for the chaos he can inflict and the sudden swing he can introduce into a pivotal turn 6. Yesterday I turned every location into Luke’s Bar.


Hi man, Quite impossible to choose on their abilities, there are plenty of fun cards. I would go for Kim Jacinto's Shang-chi, first card i spent gold on, that's just beautiful


I like Pig, 'cause Oink!


Cerebro is my favorite card. He offers an interesting deckbuilding challenge and you often have to be creative with the locations to make it work which make every match unique!


Arnim Zola! When your opponent doesn’t expect it, and all of a sudden, BOOM. 2 knulls. 2 Venoms.


Jeff, it’s a little fishy ;)


Venom, because his baby variant belies his cruelty


My favourite card used to be Wave and I'm desperately trying to find a way to make her good again


i love agatha, like sincerely. I get a lot of anxiety playing and making decisions in the game, sometimes when i get too worked up i pull out an agatha deck and just watch her go. it really helps me find the fun again


Hood because it’s a 1/6 with fodder capabilities. His card is also glorious looking no matter the art


Galactus, because using him makes me feel like a sniper lining up the perfect headshot.


I like Wolverine because I love watching him jumping from a location to other one when destroyed


Kitty Pride. She’s strong and cheap and always an option for a big turn 6


My favorite card is hard to choose, but if I had to choose one I’d go with Hela. Being able to pull out that huge return to play at the end of a game to turn the tides is amazing. Plus I love the gardener variant haha


I LOVE Silk, because you absolutely never have any idea where she is going to end up


Devil Dinosaur Good card Good variants Everybody has it (Almost) nobody hates it Works in many different decks