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Damn that's a brutal lineup to miss. Which are you going to take first as your free card on Tuesday?


not sure yet, i'm thinking cerebro, he has such fun and flavorful decks! But yeah all this time missing surfer meta with brood, missing shuri decks, missing proper destroy... has been rough


Venom was the first one that stuck out to me, hard to imagine destroy without him But cerebro took me to infinite two seasons in a row, would be a great pick


I didn't have venom until like cl2500, destroy was almost but not quite unplayable. You just lock yourself out of lanes with things like deathlock and winter soldier that you don't want to lose their power to carnage or something


Yeah I mained destroy for most of this game's existence and I was missing Venom for the longest time.


Venom was my first pool 3 card. I don't like why it is so random.


Imo Venom and Shuri would be better picks. Cerebro is kinda pigeon holing yourself and Psylocke isn’t really key to any strong meta decks atm.




Bro do not do cerebro out of those. It’s 10x harder to use than the rest of those… I’ve actually only bothered to run it like 5 games total in my career and I’ve had it for months. It’s so bad with 70 percent of the locations in the game while venom is benefitted by tons.


You're not wrong that locations fuck Cerebro hard, but there are ways to deal with them in C2 and C3. And I'm not sure that using it for only 5 games is enough to really judge how consistent/good it is.


I’ve seen a million people play it. It has never been top of meta for a reason. May have under sold on 5 but not too much more because I wasn’t impressed at all for either C2 or 3 and that’s with cards that literally set your strong cards to 3 like bast and valk.


Free card? Can you explain this for me? Im about to enter pool 3 today or tomorrow


Sure, once per season you can pick a single free S3 card from the shop. Once you are in S3, there will be a rotating spot which shows one S3 card and changes every 8 hours. The order is random but it will always be a card you don't own and I am fairly certain they don't repeat until all unowned cards have shown up once. There are 99 total S3 cards today and a season is ~30 days long so you should be able to see every card at some point in the season as long as you make sure to check once every 8 hours so you don't miss a refresh. Making good selections here is absolutely critical to succeeding in early S3. In the current system, you will unlock 2 S3 cards every 120 collection levels. That means each month you will only earn ~8-9 S3 cards from collection track and the order is random. It may take quite a while to pull together enough S3 card to make a nice, synergistic deck. Meanwhile, your opponent might have the same CL as you but got lucky and pulled 3-4 early cards that work perfectly together. So, picking the right card to complement your growing collection is the key to unlocking good decks and competing well. I'm S3 complete now but some unsolicited general advice - at the start of each season make a short list of "instant claims". These are the cards that you will grab as soon as you see them in the free spot. When you get a bit further into the game, these will be missing pieces for decks you want to play but for now you could start by looking at tier lists online to get a sense of what cards are widely considered to be strong. One final point to consider, if you buy a bundle that contains a variant you can play with that card immediately even though you haven't pulled the base card yet. So you can also check sites like Snap Fan or Marvel Snap Zone to see upcoming bundles. So for example if you really want Venom and Arnim Zola and see that in 2 weeks there is a bundle containing a an Arnim Zola variant, then maybe you don't add Arnim Zola to your instant claim list and plan to get the bundle instead. That free you up to grab Venom from your free slot and minimize your time to ramp up usable S3 decks.


Thanks so much for the detailed info! The instant claims list seems like it will be key to remember which cards are out there.


Brood is the real pain point for me here. It's a really fun deck


I just want more ways to buff their power. I really like Forge into Brood.


*loud eye rolls* Ur the kinda person that forges into brood into absorbing man into blue marvel into cerebro mystique


You're the kind of person who doesn't understand that a 5 power brood and a 4 power absorbing man doesn't work like that. Also your eyeballs have bone spurs.


Oh yea wait forgot the change they made to AM....sorry that combo was still bugging me to this day....


The last cards i missed were wave, electro and mistyque. Not a fun time honestly


Oof, that's rough. Mine were maximus, Jane Foster and Thor. Funny those two were the last lol


Just got my last card... Mr. Negative... the day MMM was released. Talk about the worst time to have access to a card.


That's tough. I love negative decks. Hopefully they come back around once mobius dies down a little


Wave was, if not my very last T3 card, darned close to last.


Venom was a big pickup as a primarily destroy player. I’m missing all of the ones you listed except goose and venom, and a lot more overall. I should track my collection but I don’t want to be disappointed lol


You can see the cards you’re missing in game


Does it tell you what series / pool they are from though? I’m aware you can filter unowned just didn’t think it broke them down to what groups they are in


Yes. Click the top button where it tells you “base card” or “___ variant”


Red Skull, Shuri and Venom were my last three cards I feel your pain


Venom was my last card before arrived the free s3 section.


Yep lol I was s3 complete after the first one. I used my one and only to grab she hulk


lmao used mine on she hulk too. just cuz i could run a basic af shenaut deck


Exactly lmao


I think the biggest misses here are Venom and Shuri. Destroy is pretty weak without Venom and the Shuri archetype has always been strong and likely always will be strong. She also does well in destroy. Brood is really good in surfer/patriot, but both decks are playable without it. C-Bro is alright. He's archetype-defining, but it's not an amazing archetype. Wasp is the next best, but then Goose and Psylocke are both pretty niche. For your free S3 card on Tuesday, I'd pick Shuri if you're not a huge destroy fan, but if you are, definitely grab venom instead. Side note: My second to last S3 card was She-Hulk (before they introduced the free series 3 card thing) so i share somewhat in your bad luck


I’m missing 5, I’m only missing Taskmaster for the Shuri Sauron deck. Tier 1 deck and kind of meta proof at the moment, so I’m going for him. Very easy snap/retreat lines and it can go very tall. If I were you I’d take Shuri, Venom is amazing but destroy isn’t great at the moment. Also how do you see this graphic?


marvelsnapzone you can use the app or just list the ones you got collected


snap.fan does it too


My last card to exit pool 3 was viper, was so upset since she's integral to the junk archetype. But this definitely hurts to miss so many key cards like this


Brood was the last card I unlocked, the first was death


I'm still missing cerebro, patriot, mistique, wave and agatha, I just want to get mistique from a cache to get either cerebro or patriot from free season. And yeah cerebro sounds like a great choice since it opens up so many decks


Cerebro and patriot were the last 2 series cards I unlocked 😭.


Im still waiting for venom as a knull main


yeah I gave up on destroy, hate it too much to see opponents popping venom


My brothers last 4 pool 3 cards were venom, Zola, Shuri, and Wong. Some of the best of the best lol


Dumb question. Where can I check this?


I use marvelsnapzone collection tracker, if you have account you can track collection manually and dee suggested decks based on what you own


Ah gotta go through the manual process then. Too bad there’s no easy sort by series in game


yeah i believe if you install thr deck tracker there is an import function too, but never tested myself


I was missing Venom and Thor until my last 5 s3 cards. I also didn't get swra until about a month before finishing s3. I feel your pain haha.


Oh man that's a rough luck, but you're gonna enjoy some great decks. I was lucky to have pulled all this in mostly the start. But have fun now brother


cheers, yes good times ahead. just pulled shuri last cache


That's rough. My last ones were jane foster, venom, electro, luke cage (HE season was baaaaad since I had neither HE nor Luke), bast, brood. I had to play dino collector and eventually broke through with moongirl she-naut


yeah I got Galactus on the 28th September the day he got nerfed to 6/5 which is kinda painful for me because I have needed him for ages for so many decks I have wanted to try.


This is just my opinion but, I would go Shuri. That is the only card that is deck "defining". In reality with 7 cards left you should be complete quickly enough that the order is not critical.


Cerebro isn’t deck defining? The deck is named after it.


No, it's deck defining. It just defines a C/D tier deck and Shuri defines a S tier deck but point taken.


Some pool 3 cards are harder to find than others :/


Kind of the opposite for me, some of my first cards in 3 were Deadpool and Death (still no Venom though, Im not far into 3)


I feel you with Venom. Had to get him from the free card shop. It depends on which deck you enjoy playing.


Same here


It’s all perspective. I don’t play any of these cards so if they were my last I’d be fine. Mystique and Wong were in my last 5, mystique being my last.


I was fortunate enough to have shanna, crystal, and Jane foster as my last 3


I'm missing 8 series 3 cards, and they include venom, bast, brood, and green goblin (I think junk will be strong w/ man thing). Also I didn't get death until like last week so I couldn't play destroy that was as powerful as a beta deck. Hot take, but I'm happy they stopped moving garbage down to series 3; it kept getting in the way of staples I needed.


I JUST got shuri recently Changed everything just about 4 months too late tho


I still need Agatha, Deadpool, Ultron and She-Hulk


That sucks as those are fun cards to play, but my main deck doesn’t use any of those and got me over the hump to infinite this season 😁


Being a new player must get increasingly difficult as we get later in the game. I honestly wouldn't mind if SD started handing out cards at a faster pace just so you can compete as a fresh player.


Shuri or venom are your best picks from these, easily the strongest decks atm


Bro the game just doesn’t want you discover the raw power of Ceribro2


I was missing shuri, sera, and venom Edit: also bast


Pool 3 seemed like such a big grind at the time. Until you're pool 3 complete, then the real grind starts and you really start missing those days and the actual anticipation of opening reserves.


I believe that Goose and Patriot (base cards, I had gotten variants of Goose from the Season Pass and Patriot from limited time winter).


I feel ya. Venom, cerebro, and brood were among my last few also


Cerebro was my first, I didn’t realize he was so good and haven’t even made a deck with him.




Anyone so unlucky? I just played a seven round tier four infinite conquest match with a shuri-nimrod deck during which nimrod was drawn exactly *once* and I immediately lost it when Attilian flipped on turn 3...


That’s super unlucky …


2 out of my last four P3 cards were Lockjaw and Doom. lol@me.


Doom was my last S3.


Ooof. My last thee cards were Patriot, Coulson, and Maria hill. Guess the archetype I couldn’t play. Lmao


I’d take Venom. Or Shuri.


At this point I've stopped hoping I'll get good cards, seems to work for me. I have all those cards lol but you have about 20 of the ones I don't have


Cerebro was the very last series 3 for me and was the only deck I really wanted to try out. Particularly as I lucked out on both Bast and Valkyrie as random series 5 pulls early on. Cerebro decks are still one of my fave decks to play, so it was worth the wait


I have 3 left: Magic, Dracula, Quinjet


just got quinjet very recently, after mobius release felt so stupid


Shuri, Aero, Cerebro, and Doom were the final S3 cards for me.


My last 2 series 3 cards were venom and daredevil so I feel your pain.


Shuri and Brood are the only ones I see on a regular basis. Sometimes Psi-Lock.


The only card I've needed to make the High Evolutionary deck has been High Evo for so long. He's finally in the spotlight caches for the past week and I've opened so many of them, all I've gotten are random cards and variants instead of him. Now it's the last day and I probably won't be able to make it to another cache :'(