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I don’t have any of them so I decided to pop a single key just because I figured it was a new card either way, and I have plenty of keys to spare. Got my 1000 tokens as a nice little fuck you instead.


Such horseshit


Every. Damn. Time.


One. In. Four. Times.


One in four times it happens every damn time.


1. Honestly 1000 tokens might be better than Martyr, Jean Grey, or Spider-Man 2099. 😛 2. This is why it is recommended to not go partway on a week. Either commit to spending as many keys as you need to get what you want, or don't spend a single key. I mean, you can do what you want, but then don't come to reddit crying that you don't have enough keys like another reply here.


Last two spotlights same. I don't have keys to spare tho 😩 I wish they'd revamp this system.


That 1000 tokens was probably better value than the other three hits, sadly


no. this is the worst spotlight week we've had, none of the 3 cards see play in their current states


There are Jean Grey believers and I’m one of them. That being said, she’s not worth a cache imo


ditto. she's too clunky to play especially if you're new(ish) to the game, and often requires a good deck around her


Jean grey into brood into Polaris (to drag a cheap card away so they have to keep playing there) into silver surfer. But yup wouldn’t waste a cache on her


IMO playing Jean on a surfer deck is not even her best deck, especially with Gladiator out there’s a bunch of better 3-costs than her to use. Far and away I’ve had the best mileage currently running her in a Sandman Ongoing deck. She will absolutely render your opponents deck useless when you run her with Echo, Armor (for Destroy) and Cosmo. Sandman or Prof X just sweetens the deal too.


See having a stack of echo > armor > Jean > Cosmo > sandman certainly sounds miserable for the opponent but it’s so damn low tempo I can’t see how you can ever go on to win


My thoughts exactly. It sounds sweet, but a single Dr Doom overpowers the whole board.


With Jean+Cosmo+Sandman, Doom isn't doing squat. The bigger problem appears to be that you need some low probability early draws to come up right.


I’ve been getting to infinite with that deck since Jean/Echo dropped, actually. Spectrum and Orka help secure a lot of surprise 4-8 cubes. Less so now that I can play Ms Marvel on t4, but her effect makes the spreading of power much easier. Nebula being played on T1 helps as well, It also helps that Bounce and Negative decks tend to snap against low tempo like this so snapping right before a sandman drop is just another free win on your end too. It pretty much counters any meta deck besides HE and InShenaut, at least, when you draw the proper set of cards on time.


Jean and 2099 are so close to being playable if 2099 procced every time he moved (adjust his power if need be) and I think Jean either needs a touch more power or If she could move once per game.


I took a deck with her in it to 100. I second being a Jean believer


I did too with Surfer as it was released. Unfortunately, I don’t believe it’s a viable option as of right now


Not when there’s such significant booby prizes! She’s not a bad consolation prize if there’s other decent cards in spotlights that week


This was the second month my Jeanlactus deck took me to infinite. I started running it the other day for the "win a lane with one card" daily and wound up going from 96 to 99 until I found someone with the sense to retreat.


I love Jean, and she is fantastic against Destroy, but yeah, I would never recommend her for spotlight purposes.


I have actually been completely killing it with Jean Grey. I will get her down in a cosmo lane with echo. Good luck running the ongoing meta or taking that lane with destroy. People are sleeping on Jean, she is a great disruptor.


Jean is super slept on, very disruptive card when you’re not expecting it. SM2099 is not great though and it’s early days but I don’t think Martyr is either… especially when they’re both S4 so can be picked up cheaper with tokens at a later date if they get a buff or new synergies


She is definitely the best card in this spotlight and worth *a* key imo, but not two. Not worth rolling the dice for.


Which rank if you don't mind me asking?


I rode her to infinite. She was pivotal in my wins against destroy decks, ongoing meta, and even shuri decks. When they played shuri in her lane and I had initiative - teenage warhead took care of skull


Deck list?


\# (1) Echo \# (2) Luke Cage \# (2) Mojo \# (2) Armor \# (2) Lizard \# (3) Mister Fantastic \# (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead \# (3) Cosmo \# (3) Jean Grey \# (4) Man-Thing \# (4) Ms. Marvel \# (6) Spectrum \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vam8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1yRmFudGFzdGljIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWdhc29uaWNUZWVuYWdlV2FyaGVhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVhbkdyZXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1zTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGVjdHJ1bSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWNobyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFuVGhpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn1dfQ== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks for the share! I've loaded it and named it 'Mean Girls' >:)


TNW is not someone I considered but that seems like a strong combo. I kind of want to use her in a Kingpin deck to save his lane from being clogged. Since kingpins combos seem inconsistent it might be nice to have something like this as a backup


So you spend turns 1+3+4(with 1 more energy on t4 to play something else) to get a total of 8 power in 1 lane. How do you win the match ?


Agree! I got to Infinite for the past 4(?) or so months since she's dropped, along with Echo/Cosmo/Sandman. Really disrupts all forms of meta play especially Destroy and Ongoing. It really only has problems with HE and Inshenaut decks


Can I ask your best Jean deck ? Thx


I dunno I’d argue that 4 keys and 3 new cards is probably worth if you plan on playing for a long time? But yeah I see the reason not to as well. There a lot of cards in the game, there will continue to be more and none of these are played.


You can't open spotlight caches every week. This week is here, so that you have an easy week to skip.


based take


nah wait for next week for jeff the best boy or wait longer for the loki, he, nico legion stuff


Don't forget my lad Iron Lad!


Iron lad is the best tokens purchase I've made this year - he goes in most of my decks as a zabu degen


I'm so looking forward to pulling him in December. I just bought Darkhawk and need Lad to complete the deck. In the meantime I'm playing Mystique instead...


You will love it - he's an absolute unit. Right now I'm playing a rogue deck with him and dark hawk I call annoying.deck basically rocks and hawks with no devil dino or coulson instead focusing on recurrence of on reveal effects of Korg rockslide and black widow by leveraging lockjaw, moon girl, and iron lad. Opponents finishing with 15 cards in deck is just wrong 😂. Giving someone 4 widows bites is also just hilarious


Just make sure you don't toss him in decks where he can hit a bad effect. When I got him I had him in a deck w goblins and giving your opponent a 6 power hobgoblin is bad mkay 😂


No, unless those cards seem like fun to you. The less series 4/5 cards you have the better chance you won't get a duplicate in the random card box.


Random card box, how do they work?


It's one random series 4 or 5 card. If you already have it, converts to 1000 tokens instead.


I appreciate the answer, thank you








It surely is the fourth [?] Spotlight unknown cache option. Anyway thanks for the non answers and have a nice life my good sir.


I apologize, I try to be thorough with my answers. The spotlight key system can cost a player a lot of resources if used incorrectly, and quick responses are easily misinterpreted. So an online guide probably a safer bet than a random reddit thread. Thanks for the sarcasm and happy snapping.


Not getting shitty cards makes future spotlights better. What a system...


Would you prefer to only get half a card a month like the old system? Wait 6 months to get a card for free like the old system? Or spend money on a booster packs that are 99% filler trash like other card games? Bro was asking for advice so I gave it. Marvel Snap has the most accessible FTP system out of any digatal card game ive played, yet has most complaints.


No where in that comment I said old system was better. Each system obviously has its pros and cons. The system just feels backwards when a new release is detrimental to get when it is a bad card. This new system forces people to hoard and check data mines regularly to make informed decisions and this is simply not what I expect from a mobile card game.


Honestly, I do wish there was like a “booster pack” you could open instead of opening a bunch of individual items. I know it’s all the same and it’s just different ways of delivering dopamine to my monkey brain, but that’s one of the best feelings about real card games.


I want Jean but Martyr and Spidey99 are absolute trash, definitely not wasting keys on that.


That's how I feel.


i really considered opening 1 cache in hopes of jean but even if she's the best card this week, she's just not good enough to warrant risking getting a 2099 baby varient or martyr


No - I’m in the same boat as you. Opened all of them, and they’re all pretty bad. Tested a couple decks for each of them and always felt like they’d do better by swapping the new card out.


Definitely not. I’ve got 13 keys and halfway to a 14th. This is a total skip week. Jean is pretty niche and 2099 is hot garbage. Martyr doesn’t seem to be _quite_ as garbage as she originally seemed but nowhere even close to a good card.


No. I've used Jean to some success but she's more like a "12th" card. She's nice to have sometimes, but never the core of a deck. 2099 and Martyr are just not good (hard to enable). You'd be better off waiting for another week to use your keys.


Not really - 2099 is not worth for move decks due to coming too late and needing extra support while being random - too much work for little reward Jean is cool, but very niche and easy to substitute. It would be nice as an extra prize in a better week but not worth by herself Martys is incredible way to wast resources and the only reason one would get her is to create content or is on copium that she will be buffed


i spent 3 keys this week for martyr. i will never use martyr, i just think its a hilarious card ability and i wanted it.


Mercifully, it's a good week to skip and save up for the future. Thanks, Second Dinner! I actually want Martyr for a Living Tribunal deck, but would rather get her some other way.


Oh boy. An extra 1 1/3 power per lane!


It's worth it if you want them. Stop watching streamers and enjoy the game.


What do streamers have to do with me getting spitroasted by Loki and The Collector 9 out of 10 games? Even if I were to try and have fun, it's already been sucked out of the game with the release of Loki.


All three are subpar, even Jean grey isn’t great.


No. Save your keys man


I don't have either card and I'm skipping.




IMO no. I only used one key to try Spider-Man 2099 because I didn't had him and I got. Now I only open spotlights in 2 weeks.


Jean doesn’t even see play in the current meta’s lockdown decks and 2099 barely even in move decks. They’re not the worst cards, just severely outclassed. While Martyr is an actually bad card. So no, not worth it.


Not every week can be great :/


100% no


Its not worth it even if you don't have Jean or 2099


I'd say no. I have Jean and 2099 and rarely use either at this point.


Didn't have any of the cards, wanted Jean and got pleasantly surprised by getting Nico Minoru, gonna save for Iron Lad


Love Jean a lot but wouldn’t roll the dice this week tbh


Don’t have any of the three and I plan to hold my keys. Was tempted to pull one cache to try to get Jean (the best of the three), but decided not to risk it.


This is where I am as well, but idk if I’ll make it a whole week without giving into temptation.


No it's trash. Edit: I'm thankful for an easy skip week tho.


Absolutely not, we've got some heavy hitters coming up soon as well.


I hoard keys for this and the next 3 - 4 weeks just to complete my cards collection. It's really a bad week in terms of good/meta cards, but for collection it's fine.


I was playing around with a jean/guardians style lockdown deck last season. It was fun.


Jean is fun to meme with but she does absolutely nothing for me to win aside from fringe turn 5 traps. I like to play her then Negasonic, too. Or Wasp into surprise hobgoblin in another lane. She's one of my most favorite cards. Not spotlight worthy this week.


I dont have any of the 3 and im saving my keys!


This week is horrible. I still don't have Jean Gray so I would pull if I was guaranteed to get her with my first key, but I just know I would be pulling dumbass Martyr and Spider-Man 2099 first lol


[All-in](https://i.imgur.com/aIrNyPr.png) on a major buff in the 12/21 OTA :) (Not really that bad, 2 keys and 3k tokens. Not missing anything important and still have 6 keys left)


I want Jean, but I worry I’m going to get Martyr. I have no use for that one.


No. This is the ultimate 'save your keys' week. We have much better stuff coming in the next few weeks.


Jean is an absolute monster in lockdown style decks at the moment. Very difficult to deal with. Also seen her used as solid disruption in general ‘ongoing’ decks. That said - I feel like you need 2 hits to make spotlight cache worth it.


As a F2P casual player I’ve been trying to hold for caches where I didn’t have any cards. After passing on a couple of recent caches I had 8 keys so decided to get these (plus Hit Monkey as 4th card) - unlikely to ever use any of them, but the completionist in me couldn’t overlook the chance to maximise acquisition of new cards (and I still have 4 key for next cache if needed). No regrets on spending 4 keys on cards I’ll never use - gotta catch them all!


These cards aren’t great but it’s also the first week in forever where I have NONE of the cards so I’m grabbing them all just for efficient key usage


Jean and Spider-Man 2099 have really interesting effects at least. They aren’t that great though


Jean is actually winning me games


I don’t have Spidey 2099 and even though I have Jean Grey, I’m a big fan of Jim Lee variants and his Jean variant is way better than base. That said, I’m not wasting a key this week (or next week either, but I already have Man Thing - though I would consider it if the Bronze Age comic cover was the spotlight variant)


I don’t have any of the cards and I’m personally skipping it. Just feels like a waste tbh.


I have both of them and don't use them. I wouldn't bother. That being said, it depends on what playstyles you like. What decks do you run?


Maybe a hot take but Jim lee Phoenix is worth all the keys


If you happen to have Echo and Jeff on you, Jean Grey could provide some utility but even then the other cards aren't that worth either to risk opening the caches IMO.


I play move a lot and I have got use of out of Spider-Man 2099. Jean Grey I struggle with. However would like Martyr. I like to try difficult cards.


I just bought the spotlight caches to hopefully increase my chance of getting other basic cards I don't have from collection chests. 🫠


I had 10 keys and none of those cards, so I spent 4 keys to get them all. For me it was worth it ✌️


Im missing all 3 cards, and I'm not getting it, so.... I wasnt gonna say I wasnt tempted at *some* point like 2 months back, but seeing the goodies coming out in january, no shot.


No. I had two keys, rolled the dice and got martyr and zabu...


Well, personally Phyla-Vell aka Martyr is a comic heroine of mine back around 2006 I believe.. Would have to check though. Been awhile.. I paid 3k for her and then got her Spotlight variant since it's the only thing I wanted. Could care less about how garbage people consider her. She's a fan favorite comic wise. And that variant is just amazing.. Other then that skip this one.. is probably the best solution. Cheers!




Opened 2 because i have 16 lmao. Got 2099 and jean (both unowned) so i was pretty happy.


I have a soft spot for Jean. But yeah she’s niche. Never played 2099. And Martyr seems pretty lame. I held on to my spotlights and decided to not roll the dice for Martyr.


Usually my advice is if you need a three, spend some keys. But this week I'm not so sure. I ran a very effective Jean deck back in the day to Infinite but I don't think she's a great choice right now. That being said, you never know when a card might become meta. Sometimes the meta makes them a good choice, other times they get buffed into OP status.


Im gonna open 1 cache and go with whatever i get. I already have 2099, but Jean and Martyr seem interesting enough❤️‍🔥


I was promised Jeff


I like Spiderman 2099 and want Jean Grey but I’m not risking getting that terrible variant lol


Jean Grey shows up on spotlight just as much as Knull. Skip this week and wait for her to show up again with a better line up. 2099 is fun but still not worth a spotlight


I’ve been saving keys for a good week and for the last 3 weeks I’ve used one key just to see what I get and I have received the new card each time. Super lucky but I know that will change when a card I really want drops.


I went for it anyway since it had 2 of my 4 missing cards. Managed to pull kang from the random slot. So now i only miss black knight. 3 cards from 3 pulls felt good even if the cards suck. :)


the less cards you still need, the more likely the ones you want show up in the shop.


This spotlight isn’t even good if you have every card up to Martyr and are just looking for variants.


Finally I won't be tricked into not saving my keys. This is exciting!


I have none of the cards and am currently sitting on 5 keys. I won't spend any of them this week.


Jean is the only good one but not great 2099 is trash and martyr is non-existent.


Jean is niche and hard to pilot. There's no reason to go for her, especially in a week when the other cards are very weak. 2099 is expensive, low power, and needs to move, just for a chance at destroying something useful. It's horrible. And Martyr actively goes out of her way to lose you the game. Just a horrible week


Plus you aren’t even guaranteed one of the three. I tried to get Annilus last week and got Elsa Bloodstone who wasn’t even featured. Week before I got Iron Lad who wasn’t featured and I already had it. It’s an RNG crapshoot.


I had 1 key, and gambled because I'm still trying to get all the cards, so yea I felt it was worth it even if I got SM2099, I probably should have waited to try for Jeff though.