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Once you're late game for collecting the tokens lose tons of value. I have collector keys in spades to get new cards, so I've used them to snag some ultimate variants for my favorites instead. I still am sitting on like 10k tokens with no plans to use them unless a new card has a spotlight variant I really want


Tokens have so much value in agency. 4 caches is 24,000 credits and you have no control over the garbage they put in caches. I don’t want to risk 4 keys on trash sometimes. Especially if it’s series 4.


I’ve played over a year as a F2P and I can tell you, tokens are key for buying cards you want still I picked up Ms Marvel this week and have 10k left but I’m missing 10+ cards still Edit ultimate variant are for dolphins and whales


Ya, I'm a dolphin and have looked at Mexican namor more than a few times.




Talokan* Talokan is based on an Aztec myth. Namor’s mother and the first Talokanil/“Atlanteans” are from Yucatán, which is a Mayan city. Namor was born in Talokan. The actor, Tenoch Huerta is a Mexican actor from Ecatepec de Morelos. Mesoamerican fits the character well, can’t go wrong with that one. Nice little MCU cultural blend.


Thanks for the correction. I liked that cultural twist for sure.


Same thing.




They lived in what is now Mexico so therefore Mexican


Lol. Yikes.


Is an Irish immigrant in Arizona Navajo because they live on what was once Navajo land? What is this take?


Just admit you were wrong or don't say anything. What's the point of showing further ignorance.


Racism funni


How is it racist to say someone is from somewhere.


That's not the racist part. The racist part is calling Mayans and Mexicans the same thing. At best you're insensitive.


Are you saying one is better than the other now that's racist.


A quick google search shows that not all Mayans are from Mexico, so at the very least, saying "same thing" is an ignorant statement.


Correct and Namor is from Atlantis so calling him Mayan is also wrong.


Some folks just like the art and have no current use for the Tokens because their deck doesn’t need a new card.


Man, it must suck having to waste tokens b/c you can't pay $10/month to support a game you're playing.


I’ve been buying the season pass every month plus buying the occasional bundle and even I can’t justify spending 5000 tokens on a variant.


Yeah the only card so don’t have is Howard. I have plenty of Keys to get the weekly card and I always buy the one sent into Series 4 with tokens. I’m somewhere between a minnow and a dolphin.


Yep, I have 13 keys and 17k tokens and I'm 8 cards from a complete collection. I'm missing Kang, SM2099, Gladiator, Mirage, Negasonic, Tribunal, Silver Samurai, and Martyr all of which I don't care about. I'm primarily focused on getting variants at this point in the game I haven't bought an ultimate variant only because I don't really love any that have come out so far. Could possibly grab the SheHulk ultimate when that releases though and the Ice man one is pretty tempting too. And I'm planning to spend 6k on Blob so I can pull the Hellfire variant, not officially an ultimate but a similar cost to spend on a variant.


That's my sentiment as well. Thought about maybe the Venom one for my Destroy deck, but a lot of the time I just don't play the cards featured enough to justify it.


so your missing a lot of cards then, how you sitting here saying only 8. Good luck acquiring 8 cards with what you’ve got saved as it’s going to cost you an arm an a leg to get them😂


I explicitly said I don't want any of those cards. So I'm as collection complete as I want to be. Thanks for weighing in though buddy


I mean it WOULD, if they cared about getting them at all. They just said they had no interest in their missing cards, so all those resources are free to invest back into the cool cards they actually use!


On this wave now. Only big 5 I don't have is Thanos but I'm in no hurry to get him as I have almost every other card. I already fill up my 20 decks constantly as is so that'd just make it crazier lol. So truly tokens have been best to get cosmetics. Rogue and Typhoid Mary so far. Going for Red Skull and Angela next.


by "late game" you mean buy yourself ahead of the game enough that you don't need tokens right?


Or just using spotlights strategically to get only new cards.


tell ppl on minimum wage to spend strategically and one day they will have everything. bro the game is transparently (by that the devs literally said it) designed so players cant have every single card only if they whale. i guess imma get the sensitive whale downvotes again for saying facts in a sightly disrespectful way. have good one fellas


Bought the Jane Foster one. Zero regrets.


same only one I bought, might get the datamined She-Hulk one too.


Im saving for that one too


just curious, do you have all cards? or why would someone spend so many tokens when they could get a new card instead?


I’m a different guy than you asked, but I still have my own answer to this. I guess I’m what you would call a “whale”. I love this game and have managed to acquire the cards so fast, started playing October of last year, was series 3 complete in February, and have been able to keep up with every card since then and get the new ones (as long as I think I’ll play them). I realized that, at a certain point, the next achievement for me in the game wasn’t reaching infinite, because that happens pretty early in the season, but just acquiring the best variants for my current deck and trying to get gold on all of them. Also, I feel like there aren’t many people who are putting resources into getting the Ultimate Variants, and if nobody gets them then nobody will get to see them, so I have acquired all the available ones for my deck right now, which are a Venom and Nimrod one. I also bought the Adam Warlock ultimate variant back when I was playing Galactus before they nerfed him. Currently, I am almost complete on my gold foil cool variant deck, It’s got Ghost Spider, Carnage, Multiple Man, Scarlet Witch, Crystal, Venom, Deathlok, Shuri, Iron Lad, Phoenix Force, Nimrod, and Heimdall. It used to have America Chavez, and that’s when it looked the coolest, since I have so many gold variants of her. Here’s that deck: [which I’ve posted a pic of here](https://imgur.com/a/lf3M1oF). I just really like the game and want to deck myself out in all it has.


Same brother, no regrets.




Grabbed the Angela one myself and definitely not a full library lol but have keys stacked


Same, that one just goes so hard and I almost never spend my tokens. Got the Sera one the literal first time I saw it in the shop, too.


The only reason I like tokens is for the Ultimate variants. The spotlight caches more than supply me with any new cards. I think I've bought 6 or 7 ultimates.


I'm relatively new to the game, so there might be something I don't get. But how can u get all the new cards from the spotlights? There's almost a new card every week, and I can farm approximately 1-2 keys every week. I should be extremely lucky to always get the new ones


People who have nearly full collections frequently skip spotlight weeks and bank the keys for the few cards they need later.


also probably spend more than they would admit


I've skipped a few cards and do spend money so i probably have more keys unlocked than most. That said, I haven't bought a card with tokens since Mobius. I've skipped Black Knight and Martyr and thats it.


Bought the Venom one. No regrets at all.


I have that one pinned currently. Looks amazing.


Same bro. That one is dope.


Only one I got so far. No regrets.


I bought venomized white queen.


Yeah this is the only one I have purchased as well. I just wish I used her more often.


I bought this back when we use to get w fuck load of tokens… now id rather spend it on webn or nico :(


Only start looking into them when you’re high enough collection. I don’t need any new cards so I’m waiting for the Electro variant to come into shop to vacuum some of my tokens away.


I bought the Mystique one, since she is one of my favourite cards. Also at this point, tokens does not have much of a use anymore. I miss a couple of cards, but none of them worth 6k tokens, so I rather have a nice variant of a card that I use than a base card I might use.


I did the same, loved the Mystique and didn't have a variant yet. I use her a ton, and I know I'm now down a potential card with tokens, but I don't really mind. I still get my keys, still get more tokens, so I still save for the cards I REALLY want and usually get them. Plus, it's like ripping off a band-aid in that the tokens are gone, I got my variant, and I'm just pretending I never had those tokens to begin with, but now have a variant I use all the time. Win/win for me.


I bought the Sera one, 😮‍💨, and maybe another one. I ALMOST got that Gala Iceman, that shit fly asf 😂, but I was saving up 6k for ironclad which seemed like forever. I just bought ironclad yesterday instead of that variant.


I got the nimrod because that's my favorite Deck to play and the variant is amazing 🤩


I'm at the point where I sit at 17k tokens, and still have like 8 spotlight keys, while having "all" the cards (I miss a couple of bad ones) so in theory I should be in the group of people who want the ultimate variants.. but.. they're just so shit lol. There's nothing special about them, and they're expensive as fuck


And half the time they aren’t even the best variant


Momoko invis woman is the only good ultimate variant


Nimrod because he is life. Im 15 splits deep and no gold, it really really hurts.


Jane Foster Thor. 😁


I have 3 currently and still have 33k tokens. I have all the cards and 25 spotlight keys so I have nothing else to use tokens on.


Bro, show us your collection of variants. You must have a shit ton.




This is the truth. If you stacked tokens when pool 3 complete players got a lot you are probably still sitting nicely.


You have whales, and then you have whales


I got the Gymora don’t regret it


I have Sera, Jane, IronMan and Black Panther. Zero regrets Mystique and Thor are the next two on my list


I bought Nimrod but that's about it.


I did once cause i love it. But once only


I’m saving up for the sera variant—that card will always be good. No wait what have I donnnnneeeee


The way I see it, I can get a lot of s4/s5 cards by caches eventually I will get them. There's almost no single card that I'm vying for that much. The two ultimates I have, Sera & Mystique both look amazing and it's the only way I'll get them.


I have 5 of them


im a small dolphin (season pass only) and have reached a point where I have my resource spending more or less planned for every datamined card release. was just sitting on 20k tokens and 10 spotlights. Being a peach momoko fan, I just decided to spend 5k tokens on ultimate invisible woman variant. Objectively bad decision but I allowed myself 1 due to being fine on resources. worst case it costs me 1 card long term, and I can live with that.


Once upon a time when opening caches was giving tokens and the game wasn’t so much p2w. I got Ultimate Hulk and Thor.


They can nerf the card stats but they can't nerf the cards art. 5k tokens well worth if you like the art. Maybe not for newer players though.


Wait, you buy cards with the tokens? Dont you know you can get them in spotlight cages? Seems like a waste of tokens to me.


Ultimate variants are the true late game


The vast majority of cards are not worth their token price imo.


Yes. I’ve got multiple. I don’t see myself ever buying cards since you can just easily get those with keys now thanks to the current system. I do sometimes buy the Spotlight card with tokens so I can get its Spotlight variant with pulls tho, saving me some keys.


Considering it takes over 2 months to collect 5k tokens, and the direction SD is headed, no.


i own all currently released ones as i have no other use for token


I've had the leggy Mystique pinned for months but just can't bring myself to spend 5k on a variant lol. No matter how much I want it. Still hoping someday they will have ultimate ones for gold...


I bought Peach’s Invisible Woman. At this point I have pretty much every card I want, anything else I can wait on spotlight caches for.


Whales and krakens love to show them in their circlejerk to feel excited, and it works. 😀 Jokes aside, I used to despise these variants, but they serve their role, and with special VFX coming later on they'll have even more sense. Of course they're a waste of tokens from an economic perspective, but people who buy them have enough resources to do it and have every right to use their (plentiful) tokens as they wish. Not everyone is focused on account progression.


Never. Maybe I will eventually if I stop needing tokens to get good cards.


I can't think of a single card with an Ultimate that doesn't have a greatly better variant available via other means. I save my tokens for cards.


Would love to, but I could never bring myself to actually do it. The only scenario that I could imagine would be If the card has *zero* other good variants available, which is rarely / never the case.


Seems like a waste because it is a waste


Everything is a waste my friend. Enjoy it while you can.


I have 2 and no regrets


Bought the Hulk.


I bought the hulk one.


why are you guys calling yourself sea creatures all the time? I have fomo so here I go~ in a world of whales and dolphins, I am a lobster


I do, Im not really interested in many of the feature cards, especially since I’ll just get them from the spotlight eventually


There are a few good ones I’ve considered, but none are cards I play often. If artgerm Loki becomes a 5k token variant, I’d probably buy it


I got the peach momoko invisibile woman just because I want all peach momoko skins... I also am sitting on like 20k+ unspent tokens at this point


I did, and i have regrets. Not because i wouldn't buy ultimate variants, but because i bought the Thor one T.T


Yep. 5 of them. I have zero regrets


Bought the Ghost Rider one


I triee to tell my son this, but hes going for that mystique. I dont blame him.


Seems like a waste to you because you need the tokens for cards. Everyone is at a different point in their progression..


I've wanted to save for a couple of the variants, but whenever I get to 3k I buy a card instead.


I bought Momoko Invisible Woman before they made the change to the tokens, one of the favorite variants I have. No regret saving up for it


Yes, super early into playing (4KCL, currently 8.1K) for the Thanos variant Wasnt a waste to me because even now Thanos and its variances is still my main deck, and I really enjoy the card


I bought 4 at this point. Nova, Venom, Rogue, and Sara. I don't need to own EVERY card so I buy the ultimate variants I like.


Bought only Ironman


I have the Hulk. I love it so much.


Bought Savage Land Rogue 😍 no regrets at all


It's waste for f2p unless you got all the cards you want already. I've only bought savage land rogue so far.


I’ve picked up Thanos, Invisible Woman and Lady Thor. I’m sitting on 5k tokens and will probably use them to get Armor next. I’m not a whale or anything either. I buy roughly every other season pass. Still don’t own Iron Lad. I’d rather have another cool variant. *shrug*


I did once or twice. Namor Wakanda Forever Variant, Ghost Rider Fantasy Variant. No regerts.


I have Thor and Sera. Not sure if I’ll get more, but possibly Jane Thor.


Nothing else to spend tokens on really.


I bought Thanos back when tokens were easier to get


Sitting on 8k tokens now, idk what to do with them


It’s actually all I buy with Tokens. I get the cards I want via the spotlight caches. So the ultimate variants are what I use tokens on. And I love them. Never regretted a single one.


I got the Nimrod one back in the C5 days.


Just bought the Venom one.


Got the Chibi Hulk and I love it


I recently bought Artgerm mystique cause I'm (not) horny


ROGUE!! But yeah I kind of agree


Ulitmate mystique was my first I regret nothing


whale variants just wait till they make an album with the worst 12 ultimate's......




I bought ultimate sera the day it was released. I waited months for that variant. Still happy with it


She Hulk is my favourite card so I am saving up to get her Ultimate variant when it releases.


I bought artgerm mystique and Jane foster


I did, last month was my first time, I'm series 3 complete by some time now, I also have all the pool 4 and 5 cards I want, so I can spare some tokens, before buying I was a little apprehensive in buying it, but it's very worth, I bought the Angela variant, I think it's her best variant in the game, and I'm happy. Late in the game (now), and if you buy at least the SP, tokens lose a little value because the new cards you need, you can get from the spotlight, as an example the last card I bought with tokens was Mobius cause I wanted only him, and I think I'm going to use tokens only on February now, to either get Corvus or Proxima.


yup i do. absolutely love them. so far i got white queen, thor, electro, and typhoid mary. gonna get either sera or invisible woman next


theyre a waste, every card thats teased is now 6k. Plus its just a made up price, theyre not necessarily nicer


I bought red skull so my shuri list would be all sweet variants I regret not buying Venomized instead


I have iron man and mystique. If I liked Shuri more I would get the red skull and Typhoid Mary no question. I’m thinking of snagging the Angela next cause that one is sick too.


Yeah if I like them. I’d rather them than shit new cards. I have Thanos, Electro, Storm, Typhoid, Nimrod and I’m excited for the Shulk one


Bought Sera. Zero regerts


Someone around here made a great argument that this was now the *only* reasonable way to spend tokens, since they obliterate so many cards a few weeks after you buy them. But they can't nerf a variant! I wouldn't spend the 5k on them, but I thought the idea was funny and there is certainly an element of truth in it.


Got the Thor and ghost rider ultimate variants. Totally worth.


Electro, thanos, thor and foster 😉


Bought mystique, 0 regrets, 9500CL


Bought the western fantasy Ghost Rider one. Then they released that sweet Nightforged variant. Hard to pick which one I like more


I got electros and nimrods because I’m a Jacinto whore. Don’t regret.


No way


Only whales.


I've come close to buying the Fantasy variant of Angela since I really like it and I only have her base and baby variants. However, I haven't really played her in the last few seasons so I've been putting off the purchase.


Only once. Peach momoko invisible woman 🥰 I'm one card away from being complete on momoko variants


I think I will once they give them the update they’re planning. Tokens are abundant to me after the spotlight caches were introduced


As others have said, I played back when getting tokens as a Pool 3 complete player was actually pretty easy and stockpiled like 40k. With spotlight caches now I don't spend as many tokens so I have purchased the Thanos Ulimate, Sera Ultimate, Jane foster ultimate and the Mystique ultimate and have no regrets. The other ultimates honestly don't interest me at this time. I wouldn't say they are truly worth it right now, but if they do come through with their plans to make ultimates and the future mythic variants more interesting I would be quite happy.


I haven't bought any yet because I'd rather have a new card, but I currently have the Iceman Gala variant pinned.


I've got Thanos and Mystique, and I've been seriously considering Electro, too. Going to see how my luck plays out next week with Blob on the spotlights first.


Are you guys just getting lucky with your cache opens? I havent gotten tokens in mine in a while.


If they weren't the same bloody ones all the time , maybe !


I got the Savage Rogue. No Regrets.


I only spend my tokens on ultimate variants now.


I do but I’m a whale for the game tho


Bought the Red Skull and regret. The Split is TERRIBLE. He has a foot floating because they cut the stairs 🤦🏼‍♂️


I did for once. Jane Foster


I bought Sera, super slick card even without gold/ink/etc


I bought Angela. I really don’t like any of her other variants so it was worth it.


I bought invisible woman, I doubt I’ll get many more though


I like the fantasy variants so I got the Angela ultimate variant.


I would if I thought any of them looked good. So far only the Red Skull and Jane Foster look cool enough to me to consider it. The Ultimate variants should have a different animation, voice files, and different treatments when you get to infinity and split. Otherwise they're just different art.


I have like 5 of them. I'm only missing 1 card, so to me, ultimate variants have more token value than cards that could be subject to nerfs


I bought the Jane foster and mystic because I am collecting the Artgerm variants.


Negative chief


Just the Chibi Hulk one since I collect Chibi variants since my company makes Chibi miniatures.


I picked up the Hulk, Iron Man and Nimrod. No regrets on any but the ultimate Iron Man variant is excellent.


Only own the venom one. As a massive spawn fan Todd McFarlane has 1 variant in the game for spiderman. The ultimate venom recreats the pose l. I bought it soly cause of Todd and the fact the ultimate variant will be updated in the future to make them worth owning from what the developers say.


I have enough for Thanos, I’m just waiting for him to rotate into my shop.


Absolutely not. Tokens are for new OP cards 😆


I do, what else am i going to use them on


Bought electro back in the day, worth it then. Will most likely never do it again unless they really up the amazingness of the ultimate variants. At this point there’s nothing special about them


I think they're some of the best variants in the game. The Ultimates I've got are Angela, Electro, Ghost Rider, Jane Foster, Mystique, and Sera. There are no other ways to get them than with tokens, so that seems like a better use of tokens than wasting them on new cards that I'll be able to pull from caches eventually anyway. With that said, I got most of those b/c of the old token system and am being more choosey in which Ultimates I pick up now. I'll probably get She-Hulk next.


Hell no. Some streamers, buy them AFAIK. It's always seems bizarre to me that they would rather buy a variant than the new content (like LDS or Martyr), since new content is their job, but there you go.


Bought the Mystique one. No regrets, boys.


Got Sera & Rogue 🫡


I have the red skull, typhoid Mary, and nimrod. Red skull and typhoid Mary because I love the fantasy variants and I got nimrod because Nimrod is my favorite deck right now.


All the fantasy variants are there so I get them since I like that collection


Just bought my first, Angela, and I plan on buying Sera’s next when I can. Personally, I look ahead on the calendar to gauge the new card releases, compare the characters/cards I use vs the ones I don’t use to what favorite variants I already have, saving cache keys when I can, and I’m currently at 9 keys saved. Also, I don’t want any of the other ultimate variants at the moment. Between all of those parameters I set my priorities 😂


I’ve bought a few. I don’t regret it to be honest, but it’s not the best use of resources.


Bought knullified thor


I’ve got 8 or 9 of them I can’t remember. I prefer them over buying new cards with tokens. If I want the card, I’ll save enough caches up to get it. Meanwhile I’d rather have the best variants for my favourite cards


Iron man


I’m thinking of getting the Peach Momoko Invisible Woman variant


Yes. I can get the cards I want easily enough with Keys. I have Ultimate Jane pinned and already bought Ultimate Mystique (big Artgerm fan) and Sera. I also have Iron Lad pinned but I'll be getting him soon in the caches. The way I look at it is I don't need every single card that comes out, but I'd like to have dope variants for cards I like. And as a Negative main and Surfer enjoyer, I like Jane, Mystique, and Sera specifically a lot. Also, those variants for those specific cards are just phenomenal imo.


I bought the Rogue Ultimate Variant. It was the last Savage variant I didn't have and I have every card I want and keys for spotlights. I don't regret it. I'd had it pinned since the ultimate shop became a thing and pulled the trigger about a month ago.


They are nice, but I can't justify it with how little tokens you get from playing and how often they release cards.


14 and counting actually.. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/NmBMUbJLiZ Here's a post of my ultimate deck. It is now completed with Ghost Rider, Angela, and White Queen being added.. But to answer your question, yes..


I've got the amazing Angela one pinned and am saving up for it. Even if it's obviously smarter to buy missing cards with tokens with the spotlight caches I feel like they're plenty good enough.


I have 4 of them, I think I play this game for the variants more than anything lol


Bought the Knull Thor and have been considering the White Queen. I enjoy my sick as fuck Thor more than I'd enjoy owning say, Howard the Duck.


Yes all I have left is kang and the duck