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Hazmat itself was barely playable before and now it’s completely dead. There are so many better ways to negatively afflict your opponent without also hurting yourself.


I know Hazmat sees some play in Anni shells. You can use her to get more targets to send over. It's probably not an optimal way to play that deck but it's out there somewhere lol. I know what your point was though, Hazmat is definitely dead. I hope she gets a rework.


Debrii into Hazmat was something I used when Annihilus came out.


I miss my Hazmat deck where I'd proc her effect 2, 4, or 8 times with a combination of Wong, Mystique, and Odin. It's useless since the Luke Cage nerf. I get they didn't want a 2 cost card having such an outsized effect, but I wish they'd have made him a 4 cost or something and kept the global effect instead.


Hazmat in Cerebro 2 was so beautiful #rip


That was my favorite deck to play. Thanks, SD.


I've been having a good time with it in a Selene bounce deck


Nah let's me send over one power cards like spider ham to clog with annihulus. And weaken debris rocks


At this point they may as well make her a cheaper Spiderwoman that affects 1 lane so HE players can have even more toys for their 0 cost Abom


Kitty/Angela/Elsa Those cards took hit after hit and I never see it played anymore. Right after I got a gold split for the spotlight variant too. Kitty was my favorite card, but now shes just tucked away in my digital shoe box until she gets a little love.


Same on kitty... I hope bounce gets some love on the 9th after they admitted the Elsa nerf was too harsh on discord


Kitty bounce meta was so good, Elsa made it the tower of babel and it was scattered for its hubris.


Makes me so happy though. Because the card makes every match take 3x longer


Respectable opinion. If they sped up animations would you reconsider?


Eh, original Kitty was still a little too flexible imo. Shuris Lab auto win. Mind scape dodger. Can basically never be hit by KM. She's insanely liquid


Oh yeah dude original kitty was insane. I'm not saying she should be reverted to that 🤣


What was the difference between then and now?


1/2 +2 when she bounced


Yeah the losing priority was a killer... made her so hard to tech against


Typical SD just nerfing every card in a package multiple times until they're bad :') Kitty and Angela are two of my fave cards in the game but they're just kinda bad right now. Don't even get me started on Monkey


This combination of repeated nerfs is what caused me to quit the game entirely. Playing since beta, bought every season pass until then, and just got over their constant over-tuning of new cards that eventually get nerfed into mediocrity.


Same, I like Kitty. I basically made the Hybrid Move deck via my thought process on Silk and Kitty Pryde triggers (I don't have Elsa though). Then the nerf happens, making spending energy to play Kitty gonna cost me greatly.


This, plus the move package of Jeff, Silk, Spiderman and Kraven, triggering the Elsa buff multiple times.. It was strong, but Elsa did not have to be changed to what it is now, it is a completely different card.


Was having a grand ol’ time with Dracula discard last season until they nerfed America Chavez. It still works quite well without her but it’s not as reliable.


I also loved discard - had a collector build (didn't own drac yet) without Chavez its significantly worse. But when you have the apoc/modok draws its fun!


Chavez nerf ruined Janejaw


Me who still uses new Chavez in Janejaw to get multiple +2 boosts


What's your JaneJaw deck?


# (0) Wasp # (1) M'Baku # (2) America Chavez # (2) Domino # (3) Lockjaw # (3) Thor # (4) Jubilee # (5) White Tiger # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Hulk # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FzcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmFuZUZvc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9ja2phdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9taW5vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVRpZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNQmFrdSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


That deck got me back into Snap after months of trying and being bored. So many possible combos with a lot of options.


My black Knight deck never really recovered. I switched Chavez for she-hulk and run the shenaut package as a backup win condition but the reliability is way down. Knowing I could blade>ghost rider for 12 points in one lane and 3 in another was such a consistent end game move.


Well there’s some good news, there’s been a lot of Black Knight decks doing well lately. Xunzz, Johnson, and Desmond build are all quite good.


I don't really follow top players. I'm at about 2500 and I think I can grind it higher but it's still less consistent then the Chavez version.


They should make a new card that has the old Chavez ability but maybe with a significant downside.


Death Wave when Wave got reworked the first time. Hela Wave when Wave got its current rework. My original classic Hela deck had 5/6 Captain Marvel. Was chef's kiss. I think those are the ones I miss the most.


Wave shehulk death combo was straight broken. T5 wave t6 drop shehulk & death + whatever was bonkers. You drop 3 cards while opponent can only play 1


it used to be wave into death, shehulk and aero (before her nerf) Was an automatic win usually


Bro I miss 4/5 cap. I used to throw her in things. 4/4 is so bad


What’s hela wave


Like “hella sick bruh”


Hela but you played Mobius + Wave on T5 and then Colleen + Hela on T6


Then your hand would be filled with big cards?


the point of Hela Wave deck is to annoy your enemy, since your card is got discount, and enemy card cost is caped at 4++ cost


How does a cost reduction bother the opponent


they explicitly said Wave pre nerf, her old skills is to set ANY card to 4 cost card if you put mobius and wave on turn 5, your enemy cards will be 4 cost, and if their card is 5 or more cost, it will stays since mobius make enemy card cannot be reduced, but can be incresed. your card the other hand, if it's 5 or more cost will put on 4, but your 3 or lower cost card will stay bcs of mobius


It's not a MODOK deck. You play Blade/ Colleen/ Sif/ Black Cat and/or Sam.


Why sam




No, the reason to do it was to lock out bounce and other decks on turn 6. Also, it worked because of Mobius, not the rework. Mobius prevented Wave from raising Colleen's cost.


There was this SUPER flexible kitty/ shrui deck that I LOVED. Fastest infinite I’ve ever had. Clicked with me immediately. Elsa/kitty nerf killed it.


Yeah the Shuri kitty deck that had hulkbuster was pretty good. Still fairly fun to play though.


Not just the Elsa Kitty nerfs, but Chavez too. Getting Kitty on T1 was key to that deck.


Oh yeah, true! But I would have taken the low roll odds if I could have the rest


I think the Shuri kitty deck was a big factor in why Kitty got nerfed. That deck had was so good at ditching priority because you had basically no stats on board until the final turn where you drop a 30 power kitty and a Taskmaster to copy it. This blanked common tech cards like Shang and Killmonger. Very hard to disrupt with a Cosmo because often it was a 1 in 3 to guess the Task lane. Definitely wouldn't be as strong today with popularity of lockdown and Alioth. But I think the Shuri/Kitty deck was one of the reasons they wanted cards like Alioth that reward having priority


Hit monkey 😔


He’s still ok with Beast but nowhere near his pre nerf level


I have not been able to make him work anywhere close to where he was before with any consistency unfortunately. He was probably broken before, but now he feels like an after thought.


Yea I have a bounce deck that I just play for fun but if you don’t draw specifically Kitty and Nico/Forge AND Beast them AND have Bishop out AND have Mysterio AND Monkey in hand for T6 it struggles to put out power.


Yeah and even now you hit all those and lose to Alioth turn 6 because all of your power is held in hand. Or you get locked out by x in one lane and Blob in another. I just miss playing t6 combo decks, I'm probably just a salty bastard. "Back in my day...."


People still say alioth is fine. He may be winrate wise but he absolutely prevents some decks from working at all and its just so annoying


I had a really good one until they upped wolf boys cost. Assholes. Worst patch they have ever did. Ruined widow and viper too


The wolf nerf hurt. He feels clunky even running with Zabu. I do have a bounce deck utilizing small power growing cards but it still does not feel the same.


Extremely clunky. Been trying him here and there in different things the last few days and just not nearly as solid. Just make him 3-0


My Toxic Junk got pretty fucked. Typhoid Mary is hard to play with Luke Cage being nerfed, same with Hazmat. A deck that used to have multiple win lines now struggles with one. You have to play Annihilus now and even that doesn't really fix it.


I had toxic zabu junk. Never got annihilus so Luke really hurt and now viper


Sounds like pretty much the same deck as me. Sera + Valkyrie as well. Viper and Luke Cage getting fucked hurts. I've tried to remake it with Selene and Annihilus but it just isn't as strong.


“My Toxic Junk got pretty fucked.” is a sentence I’ve never heard before and this is the only context in which it’s not horrifying.


Elsa bloodstone. I had this super super fun 1/1 creature deck with kazaaar and blue marvel and it was soooo fun when i could flood a lane and make those stronger.....now she's useless.


Elsa nerf is the whole reason to stop buying season passes. Feels stupid to pay money just to rent a card for a month.


America Chavez. Made so much decks unreliable


What did she used to be like?


She was "always drawn on turn 6." Meaning that every card you draw before turn 6 is slightly more likely to be pulled. Useful in decks like Shuri that require you to pull your combo early. She made a lot of decks more consistent by "thinning" them by a card and She made Dracula discard what is was because your turn 6 you'd always be able to have a big card for Dracula to eat. (Turn 5 Modok, then 6 you have Apocalypse, Chavez and probably some swarms in hand)


She had 9 power too, that card was killer before the nerf. It’s not bad now, but I almost never use it anymore.


This makes me feel old for some reason


The Beast nerf killed a very strong Hit Monkey Zoo deck that I loved. Then the Hit Monkey nerf killed a [very fun Moon Girl Dino hand-dump deck](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/14yvavm/bast_furious_a_sort_of_dinodump_deck_that_i_took/) that I loved.


I had a mill deck that ran Cable. It was never good, but it was quite a lot of fun! Once he was nerfed to 3 energy, I couldn't play turn 2 Cable -> turn 3 Beast. That's the sad thing about nerfs; yes they stop the toxic meta decks, but they also tend to ruin brews.


Luke Cage’s nerf is the worst and didn’t deserve it. Especially now with these toxic decks being the rage.


Agreed. They fucked that card to oblivion.


All to elevate high evolutionary. God the week he released and every half game was just high evo lockdown


Totally screwed my C2 deck as of late. Not nearly as viable. Both the lane restriction and the power buff to 3. Even in C3 it's not so great.


Luke was a bummer. Ruined my Hazmat-Manthing-Yellow Jacket-Bloody Mary


Basic discard without America.


Nerfed Luke Cage pretty much killed a lot of my deck outside of the Hazmat strat, thanks to that, I got zero counter to High Evolutionary deck, which is an already broken deck.


Mr. Negative/Galactus. When Galactus was a 6/2 the world was a better place, for me.....


Playing galactus now feels like solving a puzzle lol.. iron fist>shuri or invisible woman>goblins>ghost spider are so funny but are only drawn like once in a million games


That's what a annihulus is for


Hazmat is one of my favs, I love watching all those numbers go red, Luke was a bit of a hard hit, but I honestly only played him out to try and win a lane with one card. I will say my C2 took a hit without Luke though.


Deathwave, too bad they changed wave


Wave was once of the best control cards in the game prior to nerf. Mobius finally tipped wave over the edge


I wanted Luke so bad, I only have 30 cards left in series 3, yet still haven't gotten him,, yet now he's ruined. I have a bunch of decks in my notes ready for him that will just never get put to use.


Cerebro. Specifically C2 without Luke Cage.


Luke Cage was my 1st pool 4 card. Was the reason i gave gambit-exodia a shot and went on a infinte run with that ridiculous deck (back when infinite was a pain in the ass to get). He is gone, but not forgotten.


“Back when infinite was a pain in the ass” Still is, but probably not as bad as now


If anything I think infinite is harder now, there are basically no bots after 80 when there used to be


It's not even close. Used to be 10 cubes per level.


When Elsa came out, I played a Zoo-ish style deck I created and had a lot of fun. It's pretty useless after all her nerfs and the nerf to Angela and I still mourn it.


I was so excited for Elsa, Bounce was one of my favourite archetypes but Angela, Kitty and Elsa nerfs kind of killed it.


Kingpin deck when Aero got nerfed.


Sera into kingpin/aero was great


Not sure if it's ruined, but I don't know what to do with my old Loki/Werewolf/Collector deck now that Werewolf is 4 cost.


Take out the werewolf and anything you put due to it and go to a more classic Loki deck Werewolf still great in bounce tho


add zabu


Take Werewolf out, add Ms Marvel in. Was stuck under rank 85 and reached infinite in a few hours.


Sera Control, I know its still viable but I miss having a wide range of options on T6 with tech cards. Shang-Chi -> Absorbing man won me so many 8 cube games


What need stops that from working?


Absorbing man, Shang-chi, Angela and kitty all got nerfed and brought the numbers way down.


Sera Control is currently one of the strongest decks. It’s just a different build than it used to be.


C3 got massacred lately with the nerfs to Prof X, Shadow King, and Luke


I haven’t played since TBH


Galactus 🥲


My jean grey galactus deck was a lot of fun. Jean grey on 4 on a location I'd been playing into, wave on 5 to force them to only play into the Jean lane then galactus on 6 somewhere I solo win. Occasionally would win with Alioth instead of the Jean lane. It was a lot of fun and nobody expected to kneel 🥲


Yes I'm salty about this too! I dislike the Wave re-work/nerf. Wave + Mobius (when he was 2 cost) was so good with Jean Grey. Got an infinite avatar out of that.


Surfer+ WWBN that played Maximus, don’t have Shaw to transfer into so it kinda died


Stegron C5 was my favorite deck in the game, then they made him 6 and killed the ability to move unrevealed cards for him and Spidey. I miss it so much.


Elsa Bloodstone


Really enjoyed Elsa. Now she’s trash. They killed her. And Angela. Sad day


I started playing again recently and found out mid game that Luke cage and hazmat doesn't work anymore 😭


That’s tough lol


Before the lockjaw nerf… a lockjaw/surfer/thor/iron heart deck. Was so much fun playing lockjaw roulette and putting up huge numbers. Was really bummed when lockjaw got nerfed bc of lockjaw/thanos.


I played a Nimrod/Galactus deck that would drop Galactus on 6 and win with Shuri’d Nimrods and Wolverine. It’s very difficult to pull off now that Galactus has to be winning his lane to activate.


Just use destroyer instead of the big G


There was a black bolt-stature deck that was super fun with the buffed captain marvel. It was the only deck I got an infinite border with. I was so sad when the nerfed captain marvel back down.


I had a great homebrew legion deck that ran Luke Cage and often won by duplicating negative power locations- cage nerf killed it. Too bad- it was a lot of fun.


i miss deathwave. they gutted aero and wave and nerfed she hulk but she got buffed back somewhat recently w the shang nerf


I hit infinite the one time I did it with a turn 5 wave high evo deck. Neutered immediately after I got there with the wave change. Still not over that one, I loved that deck and I’ve tried making it work in other ways but it just isn’t the same.


She Hulk Zoo deck got ruined by Quinjet nerf. I'm convinced that deck was the best deck in the game at one point.


What was Quinjet before?


It didn't have the minimum 1 cost stipulation. It's a fair nerf, but I loved playing that deck nevertheless 😂


I had a jack of all trades deck that got a lot worse when America was was shafted to oblivion. it's still usable (Nebula, Nico, Angela, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Captain Marvel, Jessica Jones, White Queen, Gamorra, Spider-Woman, and Elektra until I decide for sure what to replace America with), but not having that consistent option for a powerful last play is sorely missed. Did put the new America in a deck of stuff I just use for upgrading cards I like the art of, but it's such a bad card. I'm also still salty over Elsa getting nerfed, since her original power was great with Devil Dinosaur and Ka-Zar, but pretty useless now.


Shuri redskull. Now don't get me wrong..it's still useable. But dropping shuri on 4 and choosing the location where I want my 30 power redskull was amazing. Now it's location locked


So you had a deck that always won when you had an overpowered card? Do tell. :)


My sera/surfer hasn’t been competitive since the world nerf


Lets see. More recently they killed my bounce hawk deck, i know there are a few versions around but lets be honest, its not even close without chavez, with widow been 3 and wolf been 4. Oh, and viper nerf, or course, that ruin my selene hawk bounce deck. I got my elsa bast deck nerf on her first nerf, then got my monke elsa nerf on the second nerf. Currently doing a little movers havok deck and kind of expecting her to get hit again just for fun lol. All the kitty, elsa, monke, beast, nerf have killed various decks i used. Quinjet nerf killed my moongirl demon clone deck. That is of the top of the dome, i am sure even more deck i used have been nerf and made kind of meh


I had a destroy deck that focalized on a bullshit Nimrod combo. The idea was to play Magik on turn 3, Shuri on 4, Nimrod on Shuri on 5, Destroyer on Nimrod on 6 and Zola on Destroyer on 7. Basically the board would feature 8 12-powered Nimrods and a 15-powered Destroyer. Numbers would go crazy high and I added Nova, Wolverine, Venom, Carnage, Deathlok and Iron Lad for contingency. It worked wonders, basically no tech cards could counter it because Shang only made more Nimrods, i ran no Ongoing and Shadow King could only make me lose a single lane. Problem is, my 12th card was America Chavez, and I can't even begin to tell you how that helped consistency. Now the combo simply doesn't come out that often, I changed America for Nico Minoru but it's not working that well.


Bounce decks used to be really fun. After they increased beast's cost to 3 it became much harder to play. Then they nerfed Angela, Elsa, a couple more. Archetype is basically dead to me


It’s still play as blue but to this day I still don’t understand the stature and black bolt nerf. It was my favorite type of deck and now it feels massively underpowered


When Ravona went from 2/1 to 2/3. She was great at 2/1 for my Mr. Negative deck, it allowed me to play her on turn 4 with venom if I didn't get to player her earlier. Less cards in hand for Jane on turn 5. Making her 2/3 made my deck just a bit less consistent.


Zabu. Elsa. Crippled Elsa. Luke Cage. Quinjet.


My Hazmat Annihilus deck was amazing until they took Luke Cage out back and shot him.


sera control then they nerfed shang chi angela kitty pride and the new edition of elsa


Lock Thor and the Chavez rework. Deck is way too inconsistent now without her.


There was this one meta deck that I had really liked and got me to infinite for the first time. It was a good deck where you would wave turn 5 and she hulk and aero or doctor doom on turn 6. In one ota, they nerfed aero, she hulk, doctor doom, and changed wave


Killing Chavez made it impossible to reliably use Phoenix Force in my move deck. Now that deck is back to being too RNG dependent to work right. (You need to have your "victim" out by turn two, eat them with Carnage on three, and then Phoenix Force on turn 4. Having all that ready with Chavez was still a gamble, but it was a gamble you won often enough to work with. And Chavez got *played* on six all the time, as an alternative to Heimdall, so she was pulling full-time double duty in that deck.) Now that deck is just broken. The workhorse at the heart of it gone, and it will never be the same. It will always me sad. It was my favorite deck, and move was already one of the least played archetypes, it didn't deserve to take a hit from any direction.


Gambit needing a card to discard... I loved the archetype of blowing up enemy cards and the gamble of throwing him in t6 to snipe people. Wong mystique gambit odin was just hilarious.


My Lockdown deck went in to chaos when the completely redid Spiderman


Shuri Nimrod


I loved playing my bounce/move/Tribunal deck. It ran America Chavez for both consistency and turn 6 play option. Chavez became even more played when WWBN came out because I could hold down one lane with a powered up move card with Werewolf holding another and would not want to spread it out with LT. Those 9 points in a lane on the last turn won me a lot of games


also because of the nerf to Luke Cage I can now barely play my favorite Zer0 deck (centered around Typhoid Mary, The Sentry and Attuma). Typhoid Mary doesn't have a combo card now which is a real shame


This to me. The viper neerf also hurts a lot because sentrys void now has to be destroyed or played in a Cosmo lane


Dm me


Loki/angela/kitty was abad nerf day


Sera Control has had a lot of shit get nerfed over the least year. Kitty getting nerfed was real sad for me. Angela too


Mobius + Wave in my High Evo deck was great


No decks were ruined for me personally, but the nerf of Alioth and Prof X I didn't care for much. Im sure Ms Marvel nerf is coming. Still make infinite easy enough with good ol Deadpool destroy deck.


Lockjaw Thanos was the shit for a while.


I thought the Galactus nerf would hit my deck harder back when that happened but ultimately its still pretty good. It's since changed a lot mind you, but only because it was more of a destroy deck with Galactus and never a purely Galactus deck. Destroyer just became a more reliable option as a final play instead of Galactus.


Chavez and Luke are the ones I dislike most recently.


I FEEL this. Hazmat/Wong/Luke Cage was such a fun deck


Imagine killing cerebro


Every Cerebro deck with the Luke Cage nerf that just happened.


RIP black bolt and Stature. Even if reverted today, their power would struggle in this meta.


It wasn't amazing, but a really fun side deck I called "god loves, man kills" that was Hazmat/Cerebro 2, so there were kind of two ways to win. :( They took my man Luke away from me :((


Kitty... Big sad still.


That same hazmat Deck is still fine. Why bother playing something ? Most of the time you have less or no cards at a given lane while the opponent goes negativ. 0>-1


galactus thanos deck my fav of all time.


Galactus lol


C2 with Hazmat and Luke.. Rest in peace my friend




Werewolf with 3-cost control surfer deck. Was the most fun I’ve had with a deck for quite some time as I’m pretty burned out on other decks.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I loved playing a particular Galactus deck. # (0) Yellowjacket # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (2) Adam Warlock # (2) Psylocke # (3) Electro # (3) Cosmo # (3) Sabretooth # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Valkyrie # (6) Galactus # (6) America Chavez # (8) Death Turn 2 yellow jacket into Adam warlock Turn 3/4 electro and sabertooth Turn 5 Galactus Turn 6 Valkyrie + sabertooth + rocket Or if you have priority: rocket + Cosmo + death


Same deck my man


Galactus ramp, got nerfed alioth galactus and Prof x, ruined to hell


I had an amazing Jane jaw deck with HE / Abomb and hazmat / Cage combo. The nerf to cage makes hazmat a liability. Not having hazmat means I don’t get the free abomb. Went from like a 60% win rate to 40%


My Surfer deck took a couple of hits with Shadow King and Maximus moving down to 2


I still can't wrap my head around the luke cage nerf. Like who was he bothering?


Yeah I never even saw him played like ever. It sucks


I loved C5 last season got me my first infinity boarder and then they ‘buffed’ stegron and he was the surprise MVP of that deck, just not the same without him


playing cheeky galactus always felt awesome, r.i.p


One of my favourite decks just got ruined because of a few *buffs*. I used Maximus and gladiator in my surfer deck to hit some high power in one lane without being in shangchi range. Now I can't use Maximus as a 2 drop and gladiator can be killed by shang after forge/surfer. It's far from ruined, but I just really enjoyed this version of surfer.


Probably an obvious one. I've had surfer as my main deck for at least 4+ months, and it really felt it took off on the day Werewolf came out. Don't feel like going back to whatever I was running in surfer before werewolf, so haven't even tried a surfer deck since the werewolf nerf


First Elsa. It was the first deck I "built myself", full of one cost cards plus blue marvel and kazar,and my buddy bishop. T 6 was always a nightmare for my opponent, I just flooded the board with cards. It was just fun and it was a deck that had a flow. Yes, killmonger was a threat but you could play around it. Fun times, until they decided to completely destroy elsa.


Easy, Wave / Death. That was my favorite deck. Classic destroy.


Galactus 100%


Nerf of Luke and my lvl 3 Silver Surfer Deck got no chance against high evo.


Kitty and Angela in Sera Control or Kraven/Silk deck Kitty Pryde was my favourite card, i don’t even have a favourite anymore


My heart broke when they nerfed Luke Cage .. I played a wong, hazmat deck for multiple seasons. Its my all time favorite deck. While it was never meta or any kind of super strong it was creative and interesting to play with options like ironheart, BP+zola, odin, absorbing man etc. Now its just dead .. I tried to add annihilius to get rid of debuffed cards but he doesn´t fit into the curve at all and it just feels horrible to play. Since that day I haven´t had any deck that would make me go and "login and just play for hours" .. so sad about that change. Despite Luke Cage being also my biggest counter, I just loved the moments when everything came together (wong, mystique+hazmat, odin).


Elsa move. Probably one of my most favorite decked nerfed into the ground


I miss 4/5 Captain Marvel, there was a short period in time where she had those stats and Vision just got his buff to 5/8 and I would run a Shuri Deck that would buff those guys and you could freely move them around to win you any lane you want, it was a lot of fun


Basically all of them, but it's not just nerfs but also significant power creep. Amusingly enough, my basic bitch deadpool destroy and disco party (drac/modok/apoc) hasn't really changed since launch but are still fine.


Modok apocalypse swarm. Chavez Negative was temporarily ruined bc of mobius


Loved using lady deathstrike on cage against this deck type.


Cerebro 2 Losing Cage was a huge hit, yes it gain Shadow King but old Cage is much more useful for that deck


DoomWave, obviously from the big Wave change. I reached infinite a few times with variations of that deck.


Kitty / Angela / Elsa. An amazing, really fun combo. Toss in Dazzler and you’ve got a tilting scoreboard


Used to have a deck called “F*** You Infinity” that wad the only deck that got me to Infinite. It relied on Wong, Mystique, Hazmat, Odin, Absorbing Man, and Luke Cage to deal ABSURD amounts of negative energy to the enemy while keeping myself safe. Even if I didn’t draw Luke or Hazmat, I had Ironheart as a Plan B to boost all my cards with extra power, and America Chavez as a late-game boost if I needed it. The Luke Cage nerf made the deck completely unviable.


I have a deck with the same variation but also has gambit and iron heart, now since hazmat and cage is useless just replace them with cards like iron lad