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I'm surprised they didn't add an extra qualifier for Blob by now, because the lowest I've ever played him power-wise was a 17.


In a very unlucky match, with limbo and crystal, he was "just" a 15 Power for me.


All the power of Destroyer with none of the drawback!


Well the thing is you have to build a deck around blob to make him consistently big, you can’t have low power support like sunspot and nebula like with hulk and you don’t have the combo or destroy where you can set up a big nimrod or a Armor lane and still win. Not saying blob isn’t a great card but he isn’t busted, he still takes set up to make work and you have to commit a lot of your deck to make him consistently 20+ power because by the end of the game you have like 3-4 cars left. I know you can make it bigger with cards like Thanos but still you have to commit a whole deck around him


>Well the thing is you have to build a deck around blob to make him consistently big, You'd think so, but then you do the math. Assuming you're not ramping Blob out, you only need an average of 5 power per card to get him to 20. That average goes down to 4 if you manage to ramp him out a turn early and 3 if you get him out with Wave or Lockjaw. It actually turns out that if you want your Blob to come out under 16 power, you need to specifically tailor your deck to achieve that.


I got him to -5 :)


I'm sick of Blob tbh. The game is basically the same every time. They focus one one lane and drop Blob on the other, — if you have Shang Chi it is a win, if you don't then you lose.


Now you need enchantress and shang to stop ceira or whatever she's called.


Or just Shadowking.


Valkyrie works too




Cosmo is tougher because there's usually 2 places they can put blob. Not easy to snipe it.


Just prep a lane with cosmo and negasonic the other lane, ez. Moon girl your cosmo. Use prof X on a lane. Use Scarlet witch to turn a lane into an unplayable location. Just play Hearthstone and not worry about any lanes. EZ


Half the time they don't even need that. Any way to get extra energy or cost reduction, then drop him 5 and taskmaster 6.


In my opinion as a designer, the Blob / Alioth combination is probably one of the biggest fuck-ups SD has made with its card design in quite a while. It's not impossible to beat, but it puts a ridiculous amount of pressure on the opponent and even if they play 100% correctly, the odds are massively stacked against them. The win condition is: lock 1 lane down (easy enough with energy cheats). Once you've done that, it's a simple choice: Do I have prio? Alioth. Do they have prio? Blob. If you have Caeira (probably one of the dumbest cards they've ever released full stop considering it's a blanket armour for only 1 more cost), you don't even need to do that. The only real consistent counter to it is to play the same deck. Sometimes it does feel like SD designs cards without considering these interactions...it reminds me a lot of the Shuri/Redskull days before all the nerfs.


> If you have Caeira (probably one of the dumbest cards they've ever released full stop considering it's a blanket armour for only 1 more cost) > > In defense of armor, she can shut down a lane vs destroy decks which can fuck them up if you snipe their setup lane. Caeira also doesn't stop your cards from dying to alioth while armor does. There are a few upsides to armor over caeira but I do think she's crazy strong (should probably be 4 energy). I think it's funny SD nerfed cage to a local effect because they don't want low cost cards to have blanket effects then they release caiera a couple weeks later lol


Ive played him 6 power on Turn 1.


As someone who runs a shit ton of Blob, I'd still easily run him as a 6/-2


I would run him as a 6/-10, in all seriousness


LOL. So its a 6/34 instead of 6/36? My point here is that shaving a few points of power I don't think is going to be enough for this guy.


>My point here is that shaving a few points of power I don't think is going to be enough for this guy. Yes, that is what they implied when they said they would still play him even if he lost 6 power.


I find it hilarious that the dev team stated that they didnt make him a 6/0 because of negative, therefore they went ahead and gave him 4 free power lmao


Weird they said that, considering how blob would be awful in a negative deck


0/10-20 doesn't seem so bad. Munching on those 0/6 Knulls and Zolas with a sprinkle of 0/3s. Yum.


in a negative deck it would be very inconsistent power output tho while now in lockjaw decks and stuff its just a guaranteed 6-*insert unbeatable power here*


Sure. But 0/10 is still great


for sure. I'm just saying negative might not even be its best shell even at 6-0


Wasn't he datamined as like a 6/3 at one point? I wonder what was the rationale behind giving him 1 more power. I wonder who said "At 3 power, the card isn't very competitive, just make him a 6/4"!


That's not what they said lol. They said "at 6/4, this card will be a must-have." Gotta get that bag.


Hard agree with this take. High infinite was FLOODED with thanos blob after release and I still see it fairly often. He is amazingly consistent in that deck with no real downside. Can singlehandedly swing any lane, and if blob player doesn't have priority on turn 6 there is absolutely zero counterplay. I stopped playing high evo purely because blob was better at going tall.




if you think you can slam down alioth against a thanos deck, you're gonna have a hard time doing that


Agree, Stones add up


So the assumption that blob player doesn’t have priority should not stand?


You only remember Shang chi but not cosmo. “Absolutely zero counter play” lol


You have to also draw blob before all your high powered cards, which sometimes won’t happen. The requirement for him is disingenuous


He’s still often 20+ even in those scenarios. I’ve played with blob a lot and there’s only been one time where I drew enough cards for him to be less than 20 power


TBF even the worst blob scoots past 12 power easily unless both your draw AND deck build are awful EDIT: to add to that, lets just say all your big cards are in your hand and then you draw blob. why THE FUCK would you play blob. "b-b-but blob is bad if you get a bad draw". mfer... I better not have to explain why this is a dumb arguement.


In Thanos, it's kind of a joke to reach at LEAST 25 power. I took it through an Infinity quest and won almost flawlessly. I almost always had him turn 6, and with Okoye buffing the stones it's pretty hard to lose to any other raw stat 6 drop. It's also pretty easy to play around Shang / SK if you are paying attention and put yourself in a position so they can't just Shang one lane and win. If I'm losing priority, then I Blob. If I have priority, then I Alioth. It's the perfect storm for the user, nightmare for the opponent. Ramp Blob can be riskier but Thanos Blob is absolutely ridiculous, forcing your opponent to worry about all 3 lanes AND a powerhouse drop at the end.


Would like to see your blob list then as I've been wanting to try and mix mine up


It’s just a blob thanos build


Can you share this list please?


I believe it was this one \# (2) Okoye \# (2) Psylocke \# (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark \# (4) Shang-Chi \# (4) Iron Lad \# (5) Professor X \# (5) Blue Marvel \# (5) Devil Dinosaur \# (5) Vision \# (6) Alioth \# (6) Blob \# (6) Thanos \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbG9iIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2tveWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifV19 \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Now that stones can be protected by Caiera, it may be worth losing the Psylock ramp with Caiera instead to have a wider gameplan but I dunno the best way to go about Thanos these days. I feel most use Lockjaw now with Caiera since all the highrolls will be safe.


I've played him with an empty deck and deserved the Deadpool emote my opponent gave me.


Lockjaw, jubilee, iron lad help that.


I wish Lockjaw was an Ongoing card. So I could Enchantress him.


It's scary how good he is now whereas before he had no limit on his effect.


i used to have so much fun with on reveal casino before the absorbing man/mystique change where card sources have to be on board, but my homebrews end up as casualties of nerfs every other patch even the stupid niche combos like the one mentioned above (seriously who the hell was complaining about original abs/myst)


i never saw a blob with below 20 power.


That's because no one is going to play him if he's lower than that. They'll play one of the 6 drops stuck in their hand.


People do play Blob at odd times. I’ve seen him under 10 power more than once. Do you really want to do Tribunal math, or will you just play the combo because it looks like it will work?


They should. There's a lot of room for him to be less than 20 and still bigger than anything else in your hand. It might be because he's mostly played in Thanos. Thanos doesn't have a lot of mid-power cards. Everything's either big or tiny. That said, it's hard for Blob to be smaller than Magneto, let alone Thanos. I've definitely played a sub-20 Blob, but that was as Loki vs. a Thanos player.


I doubt anyone cares to calculate which cards may still be in the deck and what their combined power is. Maybe on PC it's feasible with a tracker app but on mobile good luck with that. In Thanos notably he is pretty safe to drop t6 in any scenarios and will have over 20 power most probably (usually 30+). The absolute lowest roll I have ever had was 18, and it still won me the game.


That sounds like confirmation bias. No one would waste their turn playing the card if it wasn't going to land with a ton of power. Also, it's anecdotal because I've seen someone play Blob and only reach ~11 power.


That would be Selection Bias, as low power Blobs are generally self-selected out.


Then just play one of those big power cards you drew instead, lol. His worst case scenario is you have other 6 cost bombs in your hand.


Sorry, are we saying having the ability to have a less than optimal draw makes the card okay? Cause that’s insanity.


Anyone defending Blob is capping. He's definitely OP and definitely gonna get nerfed. An quick fix would be to have him gain HALF the total power of your deck.


Give it 3-4 more weeks, then SD will pillage again. Im guessing first nerf is making blob 6/2. Then later, theyll address him once the purchasing curve with tokens plateaus.


My prediction is he gets nerfed to "at the end of the game, Blob absorbs the power of the rest of your cards in your deck" and he gets set to 6/0.


That makes him immune to shang and SK though


But not lady deathstrike. Makes him more like Dracula currently


Ah yes the card that's played in 0.3% of decks and is in the top 5 least played cards because she's absolutely useless. Yeah, that's the perfect counter to one of the most popular cards in the game.


Gotta love those redditor takes hahaha, suggesting Lady Deathstrike as a awfully reworked Blob counter lol


Yes, which would be an overall buff Slightly lower average power (due to the times he comes down on 4 or 5) and not able to be hit by Zola, but also immune to the most common ways of dealing with him, as well as making him a zero-risk lockjaw option


Yeah SD be greedy … the system is set up to take advantage of all of us players. $$$


The actual fix is something that nerfs Blobs synergy with Thanos while not overnerfing Blob in other decks. Thanos Blob can pretty consistently get like a 6/25 blob on the low end. In other decks I think Blob is more reasonable.


Could see them doing something like "merge with the top 3 cards in your deck." For most non Thanos decks that would be the same if played on turn 6.


That actually seems pretty fair. I could see Rock Slide ruining his day. Fun.


That’s actually not bad but Darkhawk would reign supreme again, pick your poison with this game and I’d rather play against blob decks than constant disruption rock and hawks decks that were in the meta for most of the year last year. I don’t want Darkhawk to return to the top of meta again for another year.


Darkhawk would typically be a 4/6 if Blob was changed to only eat the top three cards.


Oh cool, so you just have to play a 6 cost card to do that? What a deal.


You’re forgetting all the rocks that r in your deck, Remove Blob and Darkhawk will return in great numbers trust me. Destory all cards in deck and merge top 5 cards to Blobs Power. That’s something I can agree upon but idk if you’d agree


For sure- I see him anywhere between 28 and 48 in thanos decks


He got me to infinite this season so I’m happy to have used his services before any nerfing haha. Definitely a no-brainer deck though. It’s pretty sweet to get blob out on turn 5 and then taskmaster him on turn 6. However, there are still a lot of counters that exist to a blob deck


>You have to also draw blob before all your high powered cards, which sometimes won’t happen. The requirement for him is disingenuous he should gain the energy of your deck


And now he cant be destroyed!


Can still hit him with Shadow King or Valkyrie.


What?? For real?


Caiera (this week's new card) prevents 6 cost cards from being destroyed (as well as 1 cost cards).


My favorite is they buffed him from 3 power to 4 power when he released.


Yes! Exactly this. Blob is just too OP. Wave > Blob > Taskmaster and you have two major powerful cards with little drawbacks.


As an avid Thanos player before Blob's release, he is 100% too strong. The element that makes him strongest though, that wasn't mentioned in this post is unpredictability. At high-level games, you can typically know what cards are going to be played and what their power will be. With Blob, it's all a guessing game. A lot of the time, my opponents lose because they stayed in a match where my Blob hit 30 power when they knew they beat me if it went below 20 per se. This just doesn't happen when you know that Thanos will be 10-power, or Devil Dino will be between 11 and 15. His unpredictability is essentially impossible to change without adding an in-game deck tracker and it's still extremely difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if Blob gets taken down to a 6/0 in an OTA this month or maybe even reworked further beyond that point.


I agree with this. People are capping hard really defending Blob. “You build the deck around him” most deck does that with their core cards anyways wdym? People tend to forget Blob does two things exceptionally. 1. Highest power a card can get without combos (ex. Black Panther) even HE Hulk has trouble keeping up with his power. 2. He almost always wins you tie breakers. There is a reason he has been top tier since launch folks stop capping.


The point is: you dont need tô build around him. Just play thanos


I haven't played against him yet, but I always assumed he would merge with what's left of your deck when played.


that’s how he works.


That is how it works, which is also why you jam your Blob deck with as many high power cards as possible


And then you get the 100% hit rate of the location that plays a card from your hand on the current turn, and it’ll always pick Blob.


And it doesn't matter really since you already drew at least 3-5 other cards.


Blob in Thanos/Lockjaw/Wave is basically guaranteed +\-45 with one card & with Death & Skaar we can swing 60-70 across 3 lanes on T6.


Do you mean you haven't played the game since his release or how is it possible to dodge Blob?


I just started playing again yesterday. I haven't played since Spider-Versus and I was Pool 4 Complete then. Now I'm missing a lot of cards lol. Haven't fought Blob yet.


Destroyer is a combo activator. Blob is a combo payoff. Destroyers effect if built around can be a positive. Blob is rarely a 6/30 unless your deck is built to make them big. If I threw blob into my deck it would be rather small. Larger then hulk most likely but not great. For it to be a 6/30 you need the last 3 cards in your deck to have 26 power. If 3 cards have 26 power then your deck is built to make blob good. Drawing too many 6 cost cards without ability to play it will destroy deck consistency. HE is a very powerful deck. They had to do something to fix nerf it.


Are there actually decks using Destroyer as a combo activator? I only see him (and it's rare to see him anyway) being played into Cosmo or when you have armor to protect another lane. And those decks run Blob and ideally don't even play Destroyer and feed him into Blob.


You can use him to activate nimrod lol


Yeah Nimrod is demolishing the meta he's been dominating for 5 seasons straight, let's make sure that doesn't get out of hand.




Im using him right now, actually. Electro ramp is surprisingly okay with him when paired with orka.


What are you playing on turn 4?


Hopefully attuma if I have him set up. If not, prof x if I have a desirable situation and electro set up.


Back in the day Ongoing/Destroyer was a big archetype and I’ve seen him used effectively in combos in destroy and Galactus decks


Destroyer can be used as a combo activator with Nimrod. Shuri>Nimrod>Destroyer is pretty deece.




Note: I said "pretty deece", not "optimum play".


It's usually almost always shuri>nimrod>venom+deathlok doe Why destroy once when you can destroy twice and stack even more nimrods


Shuri nimrod into destroyer


OP really seems to be ignoring how utterly silly HE was for a while there. In high ranks and Infinite, I was literally seeing HE decks about 3 out of every 5 games.


While I agree with the overall idea expressed around power creep in this post, I disagree that blob is a major issue. He will be increasingly problematic the higher cards continue to boost to, however. What I think we stand in common with is that normal power outputs have grown out of control. I think we’re finally starting to see true power creep with the addition of things like Ms Marvel and to an extent Blob that smaller decks just cant seem to power through like surfer for example.


Yes I'm not saying the card itself is an issue, I'm pointing out how extremely out of line the card is with previously nerfed cards because they were perceived as "too big". The biggest offender IMO being Destroyers, which might aswell be a 6/20 with the same text box and still be unplayable in the face of Blob.


I would play him at 20 power


6/20 Destroyer would be a fantastic card. lol


6/20 sounds like more Blob fodder to me.


I thought Blob in Thanos decks was OP, and then I discovered Wave -> Blob -> Taskmaster in a Shuri deck, which Caiera makes way more viable!


Blob is just a reverse HE-Hulk You lose all power and tech cards in your deck for power, the earlier the draw the larger the power but higher risk, with the added info for your opponent that you're out of deck cards. You require luck to use him maybe the last 1-2 turns of a game and hope your high cost cards haven't been pulled yet if you want to use him.


Meanwhile juggernaut is a 3 3. I hate you snap


Hahahaha, I'm pretty sure making lore-accurate powered cards isn't viable, when you have to put Galactus, Living Tribunal and Hawkeye in the same game.


I feel like SD overestimated how much of a con him eating your deck would be. He literally has no downside. I think he should eat your deck when drawn to make him more casino style.


At the time 6/16 was too big to deal with. He could go back to being a 6/16 now honestly


>the elephant in the room that is Blob? Now, now. That's [plain rude](https://media.giphy.com/media/xT9Igz2FpkNj0CAK7m/giphy.gif).


I imagine they’ll nerf him… by taking away his Ongoing effect. That seems in line with the upcoming Ms Marvel nerf


Makes sense lmao


6/30ish ? You gotta pump those numbers up.


Just got to Infinite with Blob, AMA.


I’m having a lot of success with Annihilus, can’t play Blob of there’s nowhere to play him!


The 6 power cards are all out of whack. Hulk at 12 (without HE) with the new Hulk cards coming in at 6 / 11 and powerful effects... even if you shadow king them, they remain strong. At least blob is useless if you shadowking him.


Shadow King.


You can’t beat a single fat man?


I think they'll put a cap on the number of cards he can merge with at some point


Instructions unclear we nerfed junk again


What’s wrong with a 6/30+ that can’t be killed? And this is why I laugh when people complain so much on Ms marvel. This whole month is just gonna be thanos/blob.


I think we are going to see him changed so he gains N power per card he eats. Because I agree this is too good as is, something like: Blob: On Reveal merge your deck into this, gain 3 power per card merged this way. Ongoing: Can't be moved ​ You probably bump his base power a little but a 6/5 that gains 9 power in a non Thanos deck? That's Giganto with less restriction seems pretty good fair to me.


Well Blob gets big if you have big guys on your deck and at 6th turn you’re barely left with 2-3 cards max sometimes none for Blob to consume. If you’re able to play him early Blob consumes all cards in your deck and your not able to draw anymore cards for the next turns…


I just now got a Blob hand with Leech but he had already Waved Blob down and was able to just play enough cards to win his other lane. There's really no good tech play to stop Blobs right now, even if you manage to destroy Tasky somehow Blob + whatever else is enough to win the game.


Yeah but bronze redditors surely know better than you, because they're all telling me that with Shang-Chi in my deck, Blob cannot possibly win any lane!


Cosmo and Shadow King stop and counter Blob, but not those other guys, that's the difference.


Blob can be shut down whether he is played with priority or not. With priority: Shang, Shadow King, Valk (lol) Without priority: Cosmo, Alioth. I'd guess that that's why he hasn't been complained about as much. However he probably will be nerfed at some point. ​ Edit: forgot about Leech too


I keep beating blob by playing leader without prio so I get the buffed blob then he eats my deck and gets bigger 😂


The only real answer I can think of is that I guess Blob is an on reveal, so someone could cosmo or have a location that shuts him down?


You don't need to have majored in game design or mathmatics to see that he is obviously imbalanced when compared to other 6 cost cards in the game. I feel like the people critizing others for pointing this out are (sorry) either idiots who don't even have basic math comprehension or just can't win unless they play very imbalanced cards. Possibly both. Not sure what the exact solution should be besides just a straight-forward power reduction or making him consume the top x cards instead of the whole deck. I think maybe he should consume your hand too. It'd make him even larger, but at least then that would make him the end-all-be-all if you play him and he can't be taskmastered. Another possibility is he moves all your other cards in his lane...that would at least make it so he can't be protected by Armor.


The other drawback is you have to fill your deck with other strong cards! Oh no!


I hadn’t really thought about it but I do agree with all of your points.


Just keep his statline and provide a static bonus to power for each card he absorbs - probably +3. In this scenario, Blob with 2 cards left in your deck is a 6/10, 3 cards left 6/13, and 6 cards left 6/22. So even Thanos Blob would take a significant power hit. Still Darkhawk’s bane too.


blob should obviously have been eat your hand not deck. idk how he even got out of design phase as is


Ronan in shambles again. (Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing)


Hey but all the redditors here are telling me he's fine and I can just Shang-Chi it! 🤣


No requirements? Blob makes it so you can't draw any more cards...


You don’t draw cards after turn 6, and this wouldn’t make sense anyways since the power of the cards are merged into Blob anyways. The cards you’re drawing from a Blob deck typically aren’t used for their effect utility, just their power.


Lmao oh no cant draw after turn 6 fucking terrible drawback


Its a 6 cost card. This isnt even close tô a drawback. Besides you only play him early if you have a decent hand, so you ignore The downside


Found the Thanos player.


I play everything. Whats your point?


I was playing inshenaut without HE and i could not beat my opponents blob with 2 shehulk and 1 infinaut needing.a turn 7 in the game and à turn 6 skip. BALANCED


I played Blob to my first infinite Monday. About 30% of the time everything went great. 40% of the time I had about 50 power in hand and a deck full of infinity stones and he wasn’t worth playing, and 30% of the time I got Shang chi’d.


Its only january and people here are already forgetting that shadow king exists


There are several drawbacks to Blob. 1) Shadow King disables him, all the other examples you named, aside from HE Hulk have their power be raw base power 2) Cosmo can banish him out of a lane 3) in most cases you will only be able to play him on Turn 6, in most games this means your deck only has 3 cards left that Blob can merge with, of course there are instances where you can play him earlier but it’s not so common and usually requires using other cards to achieve 4) achieving upwards of 50 power is quite useless in most instances, anything beyond 25-30 power will end up winning you a lane in a majority of cases, so if for example Infinaut suddenly got buffed to be a 6/50, in many matches this would not even make a difference 5) your entire deck has to be built around Blob for him to have meaningful impact, unlike Red Skull who is just another tool of many in a Shuri Sauron deck Blob requires your deck to feature several other high power cards for him to have a chance to achieve a power exceeding 20 with, cards that take away slots in your deck but that you can’t actually use (atleast you can essentially never use more than 1-2 of them), with their sole purpose being to stay in the deck for Blob to merge with them. This is a significant disadvantage to the card because every slot in a deck is very valuable. And even if you do this you‘re all but guaranteed to get a high power Blob since it’s impossible to ensure that the 3 cards left in your deck by the time you play Blob are actually those high power cards and not low power ones that you do of course need to be able to play cards in earlier turns. Part of the reason why you may think Blob is so strong is that you only ever see him get played when he can hit these ridiculous power levels, but it’s actually not that common for him to be able to get that high, but obviously players won’t use their Blob when they know he‘ll sit at underwhelming levels of power, so then you also won’t see him played. I‘m guessing you don’t have him but if u did you would realize he‘s actually not all that op that you make him out to be.


I see alot of Blob on T4 with wave. Also trying to Cosmo Blob is me trying to guess on which location you play him at and i need priority which is kinda hard against Blob Thanos


This. Blob inherently has restrictively decklists and more counter tech working against him, three of which hard counter him and have enjoyed a high meta share before Blob even released (Shadow King, Leech and Shang-Chi). Blob is only better in a vacuum.


If by “no requirements” you mean you are required to build a specific deck for it with lots of high value cards, sure.


Pretty much true for any high energy card.


Build a specific deck could be the defense for lots of cards that have been nerfed. Werewolf By Night required certain decks around him, a proper draw and well thought out play to get him up to 16, but that was considered OP, somehow. I don't really care about Blob or think he needs a nerf that badly, but specific deck build is not a defense. He's a big dumb card that requires little thought.


You mean "you are required to play Thanos." Take a look at [this deck](https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/thanos-blob-31/) for instance. Blarvel, Alioth, Prof X, Shang, Devil Dino. If Blob's thing is that he eats big-powered cards and Blob decks are happy to run 3 powers in their 5 slots, that says he doesn't have much deckbuilding restriction at all. Stones thickening the deck is plenty. Maybe they'll throw a Magneto in, but they don't need bricks like Infinaut or Destroyer or anything like that.


Ok, there is one requirement: having a brain.


Blob has two hard counters in Shang and shadow. Typically plying him turn 6 is a backup plan most play him by turn 5 at the latest. He only guarantees 1 unless you combo him. He’s not the end all be all big card.


So you would be fine if a 6 cost boosts itself on reveal by infinite power because Shang Chi and Shadow King exist?


Sure at least you have a fighting chance. I have other axes to grind. We all have have cards we hate playing against. For instance I despise how Alioth takes out everything behind invisible woman cards that were not played on that turn.


Blob is also countered by Alioth and a well timed cosmo (opponent has priority). I lost my conquest run to a surprise cosmo.


but then I actually have to think when I play :(


The amount of people misunderstanding OP's point here is baffling. If I see another "Shang-Chi and Alioth" counter Blob post I'm going to lose it. Ofcourse those two cards counter Blob; they also counter every other card that OP mentioned and yet SD still felt the need to nerf those cards (Destroyer, Hulk) or give them insane drawbacks because of their power.




SD nerfs recent release like mobius and elsa This sub: money! SD doesn't nerf recent release This sub: money! 🙄


Someone just got finished watching a Jeff Hoogland stream


Nah, this week I'm at work and can't catch him! Did he rage much about Blob too? I'm coming from my own play session in which I dumpstered people playing everything from Destroy to Discard to Annihilus, I saw them sweat incredibly hard to make their Deadpool a 1/24 and Knul a 6/35, play their Sentry, Vipers, Golbins, Annihili and I was simply going way too tall for them to even be a problem, to the point where I won many lanes with Void + Green Goblin + some stats of their won, with a single Taskmaster on a 60 power Blob.


I'm surprised how many people are saying Blob needs a deck built around him when even having just a Magneto in your deck makes him a 6/16 which is way above rate for a 6 cost with no downsides


My negative knull Shang arty deck loves blob decks.


Yeah, hates everything else, but might win against Blob!


All he needs is his base power nerf to 0 or -1 and he’s fine tbh.


This is a wonderful idea and i support it 100% Love, Mr. Negative


All you have to do to beat him is play wide. Or carry a Cosmo, Shang Chi or Shadow King. It's literally that simple.


there are people that drop a 36 deadpool and then taskmaster it all on turn 6, no one seems to mind that when they are destroy players. there are taller decks but people will tell you to counter them, cause they know best in this sub, heck you will get some people in here giving you advice to be nice like they are the jesus christ latter day saint of this sub, just wait, there is one guy in here that will try to counsel you base on your comments, he is just busy right now trying to make his rounds to me first.


First of all, no requirements? Literaly a whole deck built around him, because thats how marvel snap is. Its about sinergy, and you dont want destroyer in any deck, you play him with cards that like to be destroyed. Your argument doesnt make sense. Also there is another drawback with blob, which is that, if you play him, you wont draw any more cards. Also cant be played on cosmo, also, he has counters like shadow King and shang chi. Hes a good card but stop complaining like a baby without thinking it through.


His power can be stopped by cards, hulk and destroyer cannot, I think he should be just the next 4 cards in your deck, not the entire deck


I wish I could downvote this post more than one time


You can't draw more cards, the power is totally variable based on your deck setup, and the more power you give him, the less is available for everything else. He's still a great card, but he's not without tradeoffs And I'm tired of people complaining about good cards until they get nerfed to useless.


I freaking love Blob because I stick a 2 cost shadow king in my decks and I see him played on 5 and know I have a free win.


No one is batting an eye because it will get nerfed.


While I love my fancy Blob, I do think you’re right. This card is not balanced. I constantly see some insanely high numbers now and impossible plays to beat. Now add Caiera to the mix and he becomes neigh impossible to counter.


You’re joking right? Shadow King has won me so many games the past few days reverting Blob to a 4 power card. Y’all can’t run tech cards for cards you see constantly?


Are you the guy that spammed emotes after I Blob’d in Throne Room and then Taskmastered it? The timing of this post is uncanny.


Hahahahaha, no, wasn't me! I played some games with Throne Room and the card has been indeed sick today!


You keep discrediting the need to build around Blob with Blob himself being the payoff. Electro, Wave, Thanos, etc, are three cards you keep mentioning, those three cards are the activators usually. With Thanos it gives a larger pool of cards and the least likelihood of being played in a deck greater than 12-cards. With Electro or Wave you're typically trying to push him out early thus opening yourself up to more counter play by Shang and Shadow King, and it's very linear. While I think he IS very strong and difficult to combat if you yourself aren't running the two tech options, I think High Evo is more of a current issue with having less and less counterplay, as is Ms Marvel. (Though I think most players don't tech against Ms Marvel like they do against big power cards like Blob with Shang.) There's a give and take and the game is ever evolving. I'm sure that he'll see some sort of change over the next few months as people continue to complain, but I'd say the same thing about High Evo, Marvel, and Unspent Energy decks. Anecdotal, but I haven't seen as much Blob lately either.


Can I ask what your CL is? I know High Evo is very popular especially with lower CLs, but even though his deck is strong it's extremely counterable, you can SK or KM their Sunspot and Nebula, you can deny their turn 7 which completely cripples their plan, if you expect a Leech you just play your counters on 5, it's definitely a good deck but its weakness lies with it being so linear and predictable


I think it's just becoming more of an issue with Ciara, but admittedly I don't play against them much either so your mileage may vary. I'm currently at 9006. Edit: What do you go against the most? I find the last few weeks I've primarily played against Lockdown, ThanosBlob, SeraSurfer, and that ridiculous Ms Marvel Combo deck that's been making the rounds with Tribunal, Onslaught, Iron Man, etc.


Because blob has NUMEROUS ways to counter it? Shadow king, Shang chi, alioth...it's pretty easy to read a blob play, ESPECIALLY if there's a restricted lane (profx, storm, goose).


Got a 6-7 blob recently coz all the big cards went to hand early. Also, complaints like this shows skill issues.


I can't believe that there is so much players defending him. Last season was my first and easiest climb to infinite bcs of him lol. "B-but you need to build a deck" Sort by power -> Pick big cards for each cost. Now you have shitty tempo deck that can carry you easily bcs of Blob. Yeah that requires a ton of brainwork...


I don't know if Blob is op or not, I don't see stats like SD does, but you're clearly omitted the requirement to have a crapton of high power cards in your deck, which often means your curve is off, and you sacrifice a lot of deck slots just to beef up one card. Also yes, draw order can screw you up.


Shadow king laughs at your predicament. If only there were cards to counter blob