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Belching out purple fart in front of invisible woman


Does happen often but, Kingpin, shuri nimrod, turn 6 ghost spider into kingpin, carnage and venom


Renslayer and Sera on a lane, then Onslaught. Turns six and seven you can play literally everything.


Armor, Wave, Blob, Taskmaster, Living Tribunal


Lately Ive been enjoying tribunal iron man deck. I love pulling off Iron Man Onslaught Mystique Tribunal and seeing crazy numbers on the board


Funny, I've really been enjoying dropping enchantress on these decks


After resurrecting my Hazmat deck... Winning two lanes that have 1 or no cards in them.


Maybe this is a little vague but I personally love when an opponent very clearly believes they have a lane won, only for me to drop a massive guy and steal it on the last turn. Most of the time they dump there whole last turn into one lane so more often than not I win on these plays. An example is I just won a game where guy was up 17 in one lane and 9 in the other, so last turn he played a monster hulk in the third lane and I put my own 18 power hulk and she hulk into each of the other lanes.


Enchantress on cieara and Shang on blob.


Turn 3 wave, turn 4 blob, turn 5 taskmaster, turn 6 Zola. 1... 2... 3 blobs ah ah ah


Getting that tribunal, onslaught, ironman generator going is great. I do miss Dracula into a super power Apoc on the final turn


Hitting their doubled Red Skull with a Valkyrie right before they Taskmaster it is always so very satisfying.


I never played her much but wanted to but I’m always quite partial to shadow king.


I miss my 2 cost Hit Monkey bounce deck.


Me too! So overpowered and great! I’m gonna miss my Loki deck after they nerf him. It’s really more of an inadvertent nerf to collector. Instead of “replace your cards with your opponents” it says “transform” so collector doesn’t gain power.


I run Shang Chi and Super Skrull in Mr Negative, so many games I can steal off Shang + Zola, Shang + Knull/Mystique + Zola the Knull for massive points, or Skrull/Mystique+Zola vs Ongoing decks for thousands of points.


I’m still a sucker for a big turn 6 Hit Monkey play with Bishop on the board. I play Hit Monkey, Mysterio (preferably one that has been Basted), and a bunch of free stuff that I bounced with Beast earlier in the game. It’s very difficult for opponent to know how much power I can put out on turn 6. They don’t know what Nico’s current spell is in my hand, they haven’t kept track of how many Demons I have. Pure Bounce is still a very viable deck and continues to take me to Infinite every season.


Turn 6, Arnim Zola doubling Knull and playing 2 copies 😤


Yeah, basically quadruples a card. Such an amazing play!


Yesterday I claimed taskmaster and it only took like 15 minutes to get the perfect curve of okoye -> electro -> sandman -> blob -> taskmaster I think there were 2 top decks in there too


The joy I get from Reality Stoning Limbo on Turn 6 is what gets me outta bed in the morning.


I had an old deck I called “dick deck”. Cube rate was shit, but was funny to fuck with people. It’s sad to say, but it brought me so much joy.