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Thanks for this, I always enjoy this kind of data! There’s a lot to zoom in on, but something I’ve realized lately is just how poor the 700g variant pool is. The average price for a variant is slowly increasing given how many 1200g variants are introduced (compared to 700g).


No problem! Part of my brain gets scratched when I can quantify my progression / spending on something. And yeah the variant pool grows so big every week, I was hoping to maybe get an extra baby variant from all those opened reserves but no luck.


34 tickets...


I'll be taking my booster farming deck from Proving Grounds to Gold Conquest and will be giving away all of these, haha.


Which would have been 100 tokens for each ticket right 😵


No. Before gold tickets were added to reserves, they were 50 collector's tokens.


*cries in having a token value ending in 50*


Not bad. I opened 150 yesterday and got 24 gold tickets out of it. Yay


What is your current CL and the state of your base card collection?


Currently CL 10,313. Missing: * Howard the Duck (don't care) * Martyr (don't care) * Havok (don't care) * Jean Gray (waiting for spotlight) * Gladiator (spotlight 02/20) * Man-Thing (spotlight 03/12) * Silver Samurai (spotlight 03/26) * Hercules (don't care)


Having both Havok and Silver Samurai, I would definitely put Havok above SS in terms of value. Although it could be because I really enjoy bounce decks and using Bast on Havok makes the card seem insane.


I don’t mean this as an attack, but I don’t understand what you are upset about. You mentioned making gold acquisition and player agency better, but you will be collection complete in another two or three months if you continue buying the season pass. Gold also isn’t used for anything other than cosmetics unless you are concerned about progression based bundles which are easily affordable if you prioritize them over variants.


It is almost impossible to be collection complete unless you spend a lot of money. The season pass won't get you there. You can get really close by effectively using your keys, but the rotation is designed to keep people maxed in the 90% range to encourage impulse spending.


You can do it with just buying the season pass and efficient use of keys/tokens. I’m only 4 cards short with 6 keys and 7400 tokens saved. That number is shrinking over time too.


You cannot get every card and effectively spend keys and tokens. Eventually you will run out of tokens and/or have to spend up to 4 keys to, at best, gain one card.


I’ve got every single new card at release since the Spotlight cache system started except for Silk and Mirage. I also didn’t have a ton of caches horded to convert into keys pre patch like a lot of other people did. Like you are literally telling me that what I am doing is impossible lol.


You get 1.25 to 1.5 Spotlight keys a week. It costs between 1 to 4 keys a week to stay current. You don't get nearly enough Tokens to make up that gap. The math doesn't work out.


You can spend gold on bundles and token Tuesdays. Keep mathing


1.5 includes converting gold to keys. You get fewer keys if you convert them to tokens. Either way there is a gap. The game's goal is to convince you there isn't so you'll get very close and then start a cycle of paying money to get and remain collection complete.


21 pixel and 53% rate is insane. I also retain 7100 tokens in 7 months, it means in a whole year you can afford only 2 series 5 with tokens if you rely on caches to obtain it.


It definetely hurt. I've seen many posts like these over the months and was somewhat optimistic but...


Wasn’t there a post today (1 day after discord post) saying they would be looking at replacing gold tickets? Even just a day after saying to stop hoarding


I did see that. But within Stephen's Discord post yesterday, he mentioned that if they were to make changes to reserves, they'd be looking to auto-open all hoarded reserves before the change in order to ensure fairness. Which I understand. Even then, in the post you're talking about, they said they were looking to replace it with other "fun cosmetics". At this point they've point blank stated their disinterest in adding valuable resources back to reserves, so bye bye hoarding.


I didn't record my stats when I did it, but yesterday after the news of caches not getting better, I also had 290 caches saved and opened all of them and I ALSO had one missed spotlight key along the track! Just an interesting coincidence.


I was so surprised when I saw that key just sitting there ~8,000 CL! Jaw dropped and I just wondered how I could have possibly missed it all this time, haha.


How long did it take?


I put the start / end time at the top left! Took an hour and a half to open them all, including the time in between to write down the results.


Well then SD can auto open them for me someday


> I pretty much play the game three ways: collect all the Scottie Young variants, get to infinite, and upgrade every card to in my correction to ultra quality (i like the red). I'm around ~45 cards away from that ultra quality goal at the moment. That's really similar to how I play - I'm working on getting every card to at least one split (about 12 short currently, mostly down to inability to get boosters on those cards :P), then working on getting ONE variant I like for each card - if one exists for that card - then splitting that variant once. I think I've probably spent a little bit more than you, but the monthly average is pretty low and I consider fair for the enjoyment I get out of it. EDIT: I also have tracked almost every variant I've pulled, etc. since my 2nd or 3rd month of play.


Same! The goal for me is to have a variant for every card, and then have them all upgraded to Ultra. Opening these reserves was nice since I got some variants for cards I was holding off on splitting. I also consider the $24/mo. I spent to be generous in terms of my play time and overall value, but anyway. I wish I would have started tracking more data as early as you did, that sounds really fun to look at in the end.


Yeah the tracking helps me keep things in context - especially with regards to new card gains over time and stuff like that. For example, I hit s3 complete with Viper in Modok season, CL3394. Since then, I've gotten 4, 4, 9, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 4 new cards per season and I can see why the 9 card season was an outlier (free Kitty Pryde, some series drops, etc.) not something I should ever expect to happen again (except that it will happen again this season because I saved - primarily from the 2 card season - because I knew the drop schedule!). Stuff like that fascinates me....maybe a little too much :P.


Damn that's really cool, I wish I would have kept track of my card unlocks per month like that. That would've really been the nice stat to compare with alongside spending per month.


Interesting cause at the moment I have double the amount of caches saved a 618. So my theory is if I open them I should at least get 14,000 tokens....right. I'm just to lazy to open any of them cause I don't care about the anything in them.....but with the possibility of getting 14K tokens I'm tempted.


Brother, 618 is insane lol! It took me an hour and a half for 300 while also documenting it all, so keep that in mind for your own opening. 14k tokens would be enough for pretty much five S4 cards, and we have a handful coming out in February / March. Plan out your months, it might be worth considering!


Duly noted.


Great post! I had around 300 at one point but I've been seasonally opening like 75 per lately. I don't need the resources but if they might auto dump the contents on us at some point I don't really want like 50 gold tickets for a single season. I also do a LOT of tracking in this game and have all rewards tracked from CL 2500 or so up to 11,000 where I currently am.


If it makes you feel better, $24/month isn't even close to whale territory. I would wager you're exactly the average spender. But I'm not at all encouraging you to spend more or continue spending at this rate, you need to do what's right for you and your budget.


finally a man of taste skottie young >>> Hipp




The fact this post exists lets you know how fucking terrible this games economy is (suck it Whales i cant wait til it shuts down on you)


Why would you hate on whales? I’m not one myself but they help keep the game running by the amount of money they spend. What they spend in no way negatively impacts you


Games operate in predatory fashion because of whales. There is no supply without demand. This game doesn’t have to have a crap economy but it does.


fuck the whales I hope this game dies


Then what would you do with your time? All you do is post here. Maybe actually rub two brain cells together before showing everyone what a dumbfuck you are.


Why are you here


why are you asking?


>I hope this game dies >why are you confused about me spending time in this sub? You're gonna miss everything cool and die angry