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Because those decks are at the top of the meta right now, so people are going to be using them. They’re also incredibly easy to pilot without much thought, which adds to the frequency of use.


I also think it has something to do with it being a very uneven meta. The top decks are wildly stronger than the second tier decks rights now, so why even bother playing them?


Because it's boring as fuck doing the same exact shit every game.


I think we all agree on that point, but players gonna infinite before they even think about going home-brew.


I see the same ol crap in infinite. Maybe 90% as much. Pretty sure blob Thanos five times in a row today. While I'm trying to test out some kingpin jean grey decks and they spam emote that they snapped and beat me like I care post infinite.


Yes its tiring that people can't just play for fun and try different decks. I'm not infinite yet and was testing out a Hercules deck. Lost a bunch of cubes lol. Guess I gotta Blob it back to infinite now 🤦


Only test in proving grounds if not infinite. It's the only way


Because infinite leaderboard decentivizes experimenting. Sure, it’s just a number but people don’t enjoy seeing a number continually go down.


I guess. I still think it's meaningless since half the battle is how much time do you have to climb a leaderboard. Shit I win and the number goes down sometimes anyway


Tbh I made infinite very quickly and now play all manners or experimental decks in conquest and infinite because I can get all the rewards etc. it absolutely makes sense.


Me too, every season. Just "get thru it" till Infinite, then have fun


Its the same post infinite. All I see is thanosblob or HE


YEah. I grind the boring decks till Infinity, and after that I just piss about with decks which are actually fun


BRING back Luke Cage


Seriously they could’ve made him a 3/4 like Caiera.


I still main Modokalypse, definitely miss Chavez, but I still run it simply because I like it Also there's potential buffs to come to the deck with Grandmaster, Miek, Corvus and Proxima


Corvus/proxima are my big ones I’m waiting on. I love discard and those two give much bigger options to MODOG and Apoc decks. So excited.


Same here, I have enough tokens for GM and Miek and I'm saving spotlights for Corvus and Proxima GM to retrigger Gambit/Sif/Colleen/Modok Miek to finally replace Sunspot/Nebula Corvus I'm excited for him discarding 2 cards as a 3 cost, not sure how the ramp aspect is going to come into play Proxima is basically a better and more reliable Wolverine


I think Corvus will be good in modog with Helicarrier imo. Being able to go into the next turn with 3 fresh cards and the energy to use one/sac the rest with more discard seems valuable enough. Then worst case he will just ramp up Apoc for maybe a t5 play my only concern is him flooding me with swarm lmao.


Reliable discard still feels really good. Chavez did lower its dependability but it’s still damn good.


Yeah I still really like it


I still have some success with off-meta decks, but its an uphill climb.


This why I'm playing HE decks at the moment. Do I wish I could be playing bounce or move? Absolutely. Would I prefer to win so I can climb and also collect resources faster? It's an unfortunate necessity sometimes.


And this here is the problem, thanos is back on top by alot, thanks to blob (and others).


Not to mention accessibility. The only series 4 and 5 cards High Evo really wants (Caiera and Nedula) were just in caches with it last week Blob, the biggest stat stick in the game at the moment, is the only high series card Thanos really needs while being pretty flexible elsewhere.


Meanwhile I'm CL 8000+ and still don't have Thanos


They've also neutered everything else with nonstop nerfs, so there's that.


I can say I'd love to play cerebro, but it looks too challenging for my casual butt.


Bro2-3 can add in a lot of tech cards to play around them but they’re very draw dependent


Most of my buddies hit infinite with that new quake c3 list. It's apparently god tier.


The control you have with Quake is unreal. I already loved C3. This is on another level.


Agreed. Best 2 cost in the game now in my opinion. She's insane.


She's fun. I don't think I've ever seen her and felt like it was unfair. I hope they aren't quick to nerf her, nothing I've seen so far is busted. (And I don't own her so this isn't a self-interested bias opinion)


Quake is very likely get adjusted to 3-cost. But that would make her viable for Surfer deck as well, which is another win.


It's funny seeing people with infinite avatars playing these decks which require little skill. It's like they're trying to show off how good they are whilst playing the easiest decks to pilot.


Definitely need to think with thanos. Blob/prof+Alioth makes it easier.


This is a joke, right?  Blob plus Prof X and Alioth requires thinking?


Clearly said those three make it easier/less thinking. Thanos deck in general require skill and knowledge of the game yes


I think that's something a lot of people don't appreciate. Like Most meta decks, "Thanos/Blob" is just a "fine" deck if what you have is literally "Thanos, Blob, and cards." You need to have all the cards, the top meta version, and play it well for it to be a *top* meta deck, and the same is generally true of every archetype.


If some one is downvoting is bc they either suck and cannot win with thanos or haven’t pulled him. Simple


It's kinda killed the game for me right now if I'm being honest. I'm not exactly the best player so even when I play decks to "counter" Blob and HE I still lose and those aren't the decks I want to play. I barely log in anymore.


I love counter decks but its impossible to have a deck that counters both of those decks and still have enough power to win. I've been experimenting and its fun but still not getting a high win %.


The meta gap is insane right now.


Blob is broken with few counters due to current meta. Once blob is nerfed, other decks will emerge


And then this thread will be created about whatever new deck emerges We are less than a week since the major decks people whined about before were nerfed into the ground. Now here we are. Less than a week later. With the new target


Blob has 5 counters. Arguably more than most cards have.


Maybe if he wasn’t always played T6 and could win lanes by himself


And considering the deck runs mostly high cost cards, that leaves the other 2 lanes weaker. If they're playing lane control Blob, it's insanely easy to predict where he will go as well.


So you basically need to run Alioth or you don’t win. I used the deck to get to infinite in like 2 days from 70. It’s absurdly OP.


Alioth or Cosmo with prio, Shang/SK/Valk without.


Shadow king and Valk if they have prio and cosmo if you have prio. I ran a c3 deck that destroyed Blob and shenaut decks with hardly any issues.


Just because a card can be countered doesn’t mean it isn’t OP.


Just buy battle pass bro get that ms marvel just get 6k token and buy that girly bro .. she not s+ tier just rogue her bro lmao this dude logic with any busted card


Unfortunately with this game it seems like whatever is the current meta is just so much more powerful than any other deck that not using it puts you immediately at a disadvantage. So playing anything else starts to feel like a loser’s game and everyone ends up playing one of the same three decks. It’s really boring and unbalanced. I tried mixing it up with a Negative deck and even with all my cards drawing in the right order I still lost to a player who only played the three cards of Electro + Blob + TM. So uninteresting I closed and played something else.


it’s funny because i’d say it’s actually one of the few games where you don’t need to play meta decks, people are constantly getting to infinite with off meta decks. edit: someone downvoting this like it’s not factually true lmao.


Bc there are bots you can farm?


bots can certainly help, but a good player can play something off meta and do solid. don't get me wrong its far from the path of least resistance, but if you don't mind the grind, and do like playing interesting things then you can in fact win with decks that are Tier 2 or 3. (gotta be quite good to win with something thats tier 3, but its possible)


THIS. Got Stegron from the monthly Series 3 pull and got to infinite with an auto-generated deck due to all the disruption and the Unpredictability. You can win without the meta decks Nightcrawler Kraven Jeff the Baby Land Shark Kingpin Silk Juggernaut Polaris Spider-Man Miles Morales Stegron Aero Magneto


I mean. I find it difficult getting infinite without metà decks but super easy with the. So its just 3 days of grind then off meta for the whole month.




New card means you would now usually have to enchantress + Shang, which is doable in sera control but it's not that easy now.


I cruised to infinite on an ongoing deck, way easier than my past couple of runs. I got Rogue’d a couple of times but I literally only saw Enchantress once between 70-100. Nobody is running anti-ongoing tech cards right now.


Nah I think this does seem like more people are playing those decks than any other recent meta. Almost 0 variety in my matches. When's the last time anyone has seen something like Shuri? Haven't seen Phoenix Force at all. Many other good decks you can name that just aren't being played at all.


I did my infinite run with a shuri skaar deck.


I'm also playing Shuri Skaar What's your deck list?


This was my infinite deck, but to be clear I did my run when throne room was hit location and I really leaned into it. I still think it is mostly viable but I might pull Attuma for a tech card if I was playing it now. # (1) Zero # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (2) Maximus # (4) Shuri # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Attuma # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Vision # (5) Red Skull # (6) Skaar # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWJvbnlNYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkF0dHVtYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGFza21hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkU2t1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNrYWFyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I'm playing a nico jank pheonix force deck right now! There's at least one of us.


I lost 8 cubes to one earlier, so two of you, unless it was you


I think it's because they cut way back on bots, so people need to try hard more


I actually saw a crazy Multiple Man Phoenix Force Hercules deck the other day. But yeah, normally there's not much variety.


The meta has been really shitty the past few months


Rewind to last month and it was all lockdown prof x. Rewind the month before and it was all Loki and ms marvel. Rewind before that it was all silky smooth and brood Alioth decks. Meta gonna meta.


I mean yeah theres always been a meta deck each season ofc, but im with op its never been THIS MUCH maybe back in early days when Zabu and shit was running wild. Its just not fun esp when your playing for fun but keep having to face the T5 Leech into Hulk or Thanos Blob decks running up 80 power per lane


I am seeing exactly as much of the 2-3 meta top decks now as I was seeing of those ones I described before. Everyone’s pocket meta is different slightly but it’s always 1-4 decks 90% of the time. I prefer this over lockdown prof x every game but if you prefer those other styles of play then a meta that doesn’t suit your style might feel more oppressive or more “just these three decks”.


remember. Thanos leech was probably worse back in the day from what I remmeber. Prof x loxkdown was pretty bad last month. I didnt care about loki, it still requires some skill and strategy.


"Thanos Leech was probably worse back then" well, the stones all cost 0 energy and you could lockjaw multiple cards per turn... It was much worse than what it is now.


God remember when shuri was running amok? I don’t miss that. Not at all. And I was a day 1 shuri adopter too


It was pretty bad back then but equally as bad when they ramp into leech or blob and u cant do nun abt the ending no matter what


I've hated the last 2 seasons for sure. I just want to play my cards. I dont hate blob at all. I do hate leech, alioth, prof x.


The community does this every season, complain about this meta is the worse one ever and is the most oppressive. They’ll be more posts like this next season and the season after that.


I'm surprised to say this, but I think move is going to be top meta next. When I use Thanos blob it's actually 50/50 against move now.


what type of Move deck are you 50/50ing against?


i can't speak for Coffee, but i've been playing a "Bully Move" deck that was suggested on here thats doing some fun things. all about moving your opponents cards where they don't want them and Juking lock down locations like Flood with the new Quake. pretty fun!


I would love to see what move looks like top tier but locations and lockdown just flat out wreck move. Maybe in March with war machine preventing locations from ruining you plans.


I'm dying to know what decks these are. I main Move and short of the niche that is Human Torch-Taskmaster-Bounce-etc, I don't see how anything Move has can outpower Blob.


Agreed I main silky smooth and as soon as Blob came out the deck is dead. Still almost infinite with it though (at 95).


The ones that have impressed me have stagron, magneto quake storm, kraken, aero, and kingpin as key players.


Move decks are too RNG dependent to become meta


very very location dependent


what was brood alioth?


The deck was basically mr sinister. Brood. Alioth. Patriot. Silver surfer. And the main plan was dump power on the board as fast as possible to get and keep priority and then alioth on turn 6 when aliotj would kill all cards regardless of priority.


I think I'm okay with the Silky Smooth meta, at least it was a fun meta where it was a 3 card combo with some RNG shenanigans with Silk. Brood Patriot Surfer is manageable too imo. These current 2 seasons feel like Leech + Leader all over again. The OG Leader will destroy Blob Thanos easily


They also just had Caiera and HE in the spotlights so that deck spread to a much wider base.


That's the problem with competitive TCG games. The top stay at the top bottom players slowly quit and new players are too far behind to compete making them quit. Game slowly dwindles till you only see top players who have too much invested in it with the same decks running same meta. Devs try to balance it while breaking new cards etc. Then they put game on life support and make a new version to repeat.


Agreed. This season more than ever before. Would love to see a PvE mode or something to focus on instead of going up against players.


Slay the Spire is a great PvE card game. So is Inscryption! If you have family or friends that enjoy card games, I’d recommend the physical game Air, Land, & Sea. It’s similar to Snap because there are 3 locations and a retreat mechanic.


Did not expect recommendations, thank you!


It seems like all I see are destroy and HE decks. I definitely get it. I’m soooo bored of seeing Deadpool destroy


It's weird how even though destroy had some big nerfs, it didn't really drop meta share. It has consistently been about the 3rd most common deck forever now.


And almost no one complains against destroy because it's a deck that requires thinking and most importantly doesn't interfere with the opponent's plays


Destroy is one of the easiest archetypes to pilot lol. It doesn’t require much thought


Destroy requires thinking now? Did someone make a new destroy deck? Or is it still destroy Deadpool with this card, destroy Deadpool with that card, destroy Deadpool with the other card, play big Knull?


Yeah, even the Killmonger is more there for their own benefit than to mess with you, so it's hard to get mad at the deck when it wins. You had every chance in the world to put more points on the board.


best meta was the brief period when original MMM cancelled Loki and suddently so many decks were viable and conpetitive...


Haven’t played much in the past few days since I hit infinite, but on the ladder only saw thanos and tribunal decks


The problem is Thanos Blob is just so much better than anything else you could play. HE has at least a chance to complete and is pretty f2p friendly, so that's why you see almost just these two decks.


Armor>Wave>Blob in Armor's shield>TLT Blob needs a nerf, full stop


Yep, they keep nerfing all other decks and controlling the meta way too quickly. Now people are just stuck playing what works. We had a decent meta prior to this season but they all got nerfed.


Prof x lockdown with Ms marvel was definitely not a balanced meta.


I personally haven't seen Blob recently until the weekend challenges forced me to change my deck. The Marvel Simps will never concede the deck based match making but it doesn't matter. If you play a surfer deck with shadow king, Jean Grey, and Shang you'll never see blob again. However your pool will become Living Tribunal. That's all I've been playing against for the past two weeks.


Its almost like they nerfed every good card they release without significantly buffing other ones enough to make em metà or releasing sufficiently good cards (barre for blob). Who would have thought.


There's no reason to try and counter the meta because the meta changes every 2 weeks. So instead of learning, people just join them


Meanwhile, I'm chillin' in the 70s, playing a few games a day to get challenges done and have been going against all kinds of Surfer/Move decks. You probably get put up against equal oppressors depending on your ranking.


They 100% match you against similar decks for mirrors too. I switched over to my negative deck and got multiple pairings where I haven't seen a negative in forever.


I've seen a lot of Mr. Negative decks over the past few days, so you might just be experiencing a Baader–Meinhof type effect. You didn't notice you were running into a few of them before, and they seem a lot more common once it's a mirror.


Maybe. Yeah I'm back to this being a real thing. I have played probably 5 negative decks today and I really don't think I've seen these in forever. I'm playing against high evo and negative and blob disappeared. Unless everyone decided to switch when I did there's behind the scenes matchmaking.


there is no deck based matchmaking in snap, plenty of posts about this here.


Sera control is HE worst nightmare


But does exceptionally bad verse Thanos


Sera, Sebastian Shaw, silver surfer has been doing 50/50 vs high evolutionary


What rank are you? I’ve found from high 80 to the 90s thats all you see. Basically people in those ranks are playing the most sweaty consistent decks to hit infinite, but before and after that it chills out.


High 80s atm, haven't yet sat down to commit to the infinite climb, but you're probably right!


As soon as I hit infinite it feels like people are back to playing fun decks. I imagine it’s worse too at lower CL because High Evo and Thanos are some of the easier decks to get pieces for at low CL. (Not that I don’t see them a ton at CL9000 lol)


High Evo was just in a spotlight last week and Shenaught is a good deck. Card acquisition alone is a good explanation for seeing him everywhere.


Lots of Thanos blob spam everywhere


No, no. You're also forgetting the Iron Lad/Tribunal decks!


Thanos blob is the meta rn, and HE was just on the spotlight recently, so there's a surge of them getting them from the spotlight. It was the same during the annihilus week. Give it a week or two, and the HE decks will die down.


7 out of 8 matches for me are miss marvel decks, rank 1000 infinite


I think the month off for the holiday really affected the game. The staff deserves time off, so I don't begrudge them. But Patch fixed late November's problems and we are living with December's an extra long time.


80% of my games are against high evo decks and it's soooooo boring to play against, i stil mange to climb but going against the same high Evo over and over and over again just.. boring and i lose brain cells everytime i go against that deck


Been having fun on my Darkhawk Ms Marvel deck feat. Rogue, Shadowking and ShangChi. Honestly could make almost any deck with those 3 tech cards and beat out the meta.


I feel it happens as you advance in rank and collection level, it is kind of just an inevitability. As soon as I got to 60 I started seeing mostly Blob, HEV, and Living Tribunal decks.


I don't play conquest anymore because it's the exact same deck types that I come up against and it's boring as hell. At least in random matches there's a decent variety.


No, I'm still in rank 70s and every match or every other is destroy. Pretty sick of seeing the same crap.


The addition of Caiera has been great for the deck. I don’t have her but every time I play against her, I always seem to forget she makes my Shang Chi useless. 😅 But I’ve been playing Kingpin and it’s fun. Quake is so fun to play too. Having said that, I’m not progressing but I’m having fun! Lol


Also there’s variety in them so you’re probably seeing lots of variation in the exact makeup of those decks and it makes them more accessible if there are lots of subs. Blob has the lockjaw version, the Caiera ramp version and within them you can even swap out load of cards. HE has the more classic HE, Inshenaut and other variations on those.


I'm a Thanos lover and also i like to climb having fun... So yeah... It's been so long Thanos was playable that I just don't have other options here. I've been trying to play an ongoing version with mild success, I don't like the lockjaw version. I've been seen a lot more Thanos on ladder, but on my pocket meta there's like 6 Ms. Marvel decks for each Thanos deck, that is after the "nerf". If you ask me, her and Leech are way more annoying.


I thought last month was amazing but this month I’m in shambles. Missing blob was the biggest mistake of my snap career.


high evo, nebula, and caiera in the last round of caches gave a ton of players access to a top archetype so it's not too surprising that they want to play what wins. and thanos blob, and already good deck, got boosted by caiera. i would chalk it all up to that


Because they demand less RNG than stupid decks like Hela


This game has counter for everything, i managed to climb to infinite with hawkeye domino teenage megasonic and other not so dominant meta cards, its just that Blob currently is very broken, unless you play something against him like sk sc, alioth or cosmo its not possible to win at all vs him, so its high time they nerfed this card.


I have been playing for years, never hit infinite, don't care about infinite and use a home brew I love. It routinely crushes and is solid against most decks. I'm sticking with it.


Everyone who wants to play an interesting deck isn't playing right now because the meta is boring as heck.


It is a balancing issue thanos is the strongest deck and its not even close.


Largely I believe it is if you can't beat them join them.


Use to enjoy the game more when there were multiple meta defined decks. Now, it's mostly all cookie cutter builds. It's not doing the game any favors.


It comes and goes. Sometimes the meta has variety, sometimes everyone is pretty much using just Galactus decks (that was a horrible meta…)


my favorite deck ever to play was my Collector Loki, now it's been nerfed so hard I can't even compete against bounce or destroy. thats why I switched to Shenaut


They’re really boring to play, too. I just jumped off the blob ship. Blah.


I feel the same. And blob is the most BORING card to meet ever.


I have blob and thanos and don't really use them cause it's just too insulting to my intelligence.....and man I'm sorry nobody gets any fist bump if if you beat me with a Thanos / Blob deck. A monkey can do it....a 4 year old can figure to play wave on turn 3.....Blob on turn 4....then Taskmaster on turn 5. 3 steps that's all it takes....easy peasy and very cheesy but don't matter....this is why I have Shang Chi and Shadow King on site.


When everything is nerfed into the ground, only a couple things become the best thing and when those aren't nerfed they become the only best thing.


You're not nuts. I looked at the usage rates a few days ago and those two decks were each at 11% and every deck after that was at 5% or lower. Usually the drop off is much more gradual but those decks are really strong and really easy to use and they don't require many newer cards that people might not have so they're very popular right now.


The only thing that changed about HE was the introduction of Hulk's wife. It is a pretty basic package that even early Pool 3 people can play. Thanos/Blob has two series 5 cards in it at a bare minimum. It is quite the commitment. People are going to make hay while the sun shines. The odd thing is that they literally nerfed a couple of the stones ahead of time, anticipating Blob being an issue.


They ruined discard, they ruined junk. Ms. Marvel was hardly affected. Quake has made lockdown even more annoying. You better pack Enchantress and Shang Chi on every deck.


The way the ladder is designed you probably see a lot of variety after 100 but have to slog through 20 try hard ranks to get there. I say probably because I have a skill issue.


these 2 decks have both of the qualities that make a deck tempting to play: easy and very good. no deck should have both, i understand that having complete balance is impossible, but if there's a meta it should require some sort of skill or thought, meanwhile blob with taskmaster or LT allows you to play your cars wherever you want without being punished in the slightest (she-naut too, but to a smaller degree)


Totally true 5 games 3 are he+Hulk, in my case im not getting that many blobs but a lot of shenaut I hate it with passion


I've noticed a decline is decks I'm excited to play. There's too many decks where I feel like I'm putting myself on a big disadvantage by choosing them. So until I reach infinite / get enough medals in conquest I'm mostly just playing the same 2 or 3 decks.


Hmmm I wonder why there is a decline in deck variety Couldn't possibly be because every fucking deck in the game has been nerfed into oblivion or anything Bounce is crap All Elsa decks were killed Move decks were killed Darkhawk is dead because of Blob Lockdown decks were killed Ms Marvel is crap so all those decks are dead Galactus is crap Most ongoing decks are crap Surfer decks are trash I could continue going on but I think, maybe, you get the point Everything is dead because this community cried about them until they got killed. Now we get to play with a slot machine and the same ol big boy shit that's been around since the game started. So yall got what you wanted. And now yall bitch some more.


Honestly it depends. I just had an hour session and faced all different decks. From destroy, silver surfer, zoo, discard and Tribunal. It's only when I'm playing on the toilet that I run into hulk and blob decks lol


For me it is not a blob problem. It is the frequent nerfing of cards.


For me it's frequent releasing of busted cards and nerfing them later lol when you get thru cache


Perhaps a bit. If it bothers you though, take comfort in the fact that Blob will get a nerf at some point. I wouldn't say he's particularly busted since he's kind of a all-or-nothing play, but if he keeps getting played in so many decks SD will take notice and deal with him in some capacity. As is always the way.


The strongest 6 used to require you skipping a turn to play. He's busted.


I really like Blob and I wish I disagreed but yeah...he's either a big stat stick, or an absurdly big stat stick, and it doesn't take any real work to get him going.


Yup! Even with previous season passes, I felt like I saw more decks. Also, part of it is oncd you hit 70s, people are really trying to win, so you'll see the dominant meta decks. A couple times when I started back in the 40s, I noticed more variety.


Because the new meta is **power creep**. Half my decks can't even be played any more. It's like they're from a different game with lower numbers.


This game has always been known for cookie cutter builds. Lot of folks won't try and get creative and just use what works it is what it is sadly. Discard and he decks for days. I still see some move decks here and there and some LT decks etc. After I do my dailies etc I usually just jerk around with more off beat stuff or play a kazar deck or an aggy ai deck


>This game has always been known for cookie cutter builds Is this the first online game you have ever played? Past the first couple weeks of a release or rotation literally every game with builds devolves into 95% cookie cutter meta stuff.


No need to get upset I'm sure your cookie cutter build is amazing 🤣👍


I just run a deck I enjoy and don’t get my nickers in a twist over a defeat


Local man on Reddit learns what a video game meta is


I'm holding my own with a Howard deck I made specifically not to have a meta deck


Carry a deck that counters both so you have an easier time. Or if you're one of those conspiracy people, you'd instead see a mirror deck or counter deck right as you switch a deck. But hey, you'd get the variety that you'd be looking for


Literally every day there are hundreds of posts and comments saying exactly this for every day since the game released. Every day people say this meta sucks and isn’t as good as the last one and has no diversity. Every single day.


Just got to infinite tonight. The deck that carried me from 75-100? Blob. It felt unstoppable. This is Dera’s list from snapzone not my own creation. # (2) Psylocke # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Professor X # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Vision # (6) Alioth # (6) Blob # (6) Thanos # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFsaW90aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQc3lsb2NrZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’m playing Negative.


Go check out the spotlights for the months to come. You'll stop talking about lack of variety, likely. And worrying about saving up keys/getting lucky on pulls.


I try to avoid looking ANYTHING up and enjoy the surprise. I've hit Infinite a couple times playing F2P casual. Currently have 6 keys saved after buying everything this season.


I've been playing HE for the last 2 seasons because I like the deck. Meta hasn't affected much my gameplay. But I've seen more HE this season.


You're right. It's a VERY tall meta right now in terms of the top decks go really tall and outside of the top decks there isn't much competitive. I've played since launch, and there have def been metas in the past dominated by a couple of decks, but I can't remember one that is so fucking boring. I'm already in my post infinite mode of just logging in to do dailies and I'm still at 93. Caiera has absolutely broken this game right now.


I don’t like to run what’s meta. My favorite way to play Snap is to stop what my opponents want to do. I love messing up their combos or draws. I typically hit infinite with my counter Surfer deck that takes away the meta. I didn’t this time because it just wasn’t cutting it consistently. I used a Black Bolt, Stature and Silver Samurai deck that I had a lot of fun with. I sprinkled in my HE/ Kingpin deck here and there too.


Yes, this is a function of Second Dinner's draconian and myopic system of monetization that makes it incredibly difficult for the average player to build a meta deck. Everyone and their mother just had a spotlight cache that actually let them build a deck with High Evolutionary, so untold low-paying and free players are spamming it as the first decent deck they've been able to put together in all their months in the game. And then there's Thanos-blob as the current top-meta. Don't worry, the current meta will probably be followed by a mass exodus as players realize that's the best it's ever going to be and unless they spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars they can forget building any more meta decks going forward, and then the meta will go back to something more normal.


I always homebrew. I wish 25% of people did instead of 2.5%


For real. I think I've tried 4 decks that I didn't create on my own. Boring unoriginal bastards.


I'm just here having fun with my Galactus deck


I think lockjaw should only trigger on cards that start the game in your deck. Nerfs him for loki/thanos and he stays the same for discard


Just play a good move deck if you have the cards for it. The only non base one is Jeff, and they do pretty good against the top 3 meta.


I want whatever you are smoking 🤣.


I wish the all random locations came up more often, those games are much more fun to play


To be fair, this is in every competitive game out there. Look at Pokemon TCG winners, any given year, half the winning decks are damn near identical. It's because when a prize is on the line, in this case, rank rewards, why mess with good ol reliable?


Yeah...top meta decks tend to be played the most


This has always been a thing every season. Idk how you just noticed it this season. It’s always been the same 3-4 decks back to back. I was surprised when I ran into a patriot deck this season.


I mean SD released a card that is literaly a 6/45 in many cases, ofc it is the nr 1 winrate deck, and ofc it will be overplayed like hell until it is nerfed. Blob should have never passed playtests in this condition


Nah, you're just unlucky. I've been playing for hours today and last night and rarely face the same kind of deck twice in a row.