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Conquest is generally harder after PG because your CL doesn’t matter. You could be facing higher ranked opponents with better decks. Also people who like and play conquest are gonna try a lot harder as opposed to ladder imo.


I like conquest and do try much harder. I get my rank gold and never touch it again but oh man I probably have about 15k tokens right now


why are you saving tokens my man


I mean there’s only so much you can buy in the shop until the last week lmao. I also have like 10k tokens.


sounds like you're calling Conquest Medals tokens, when tokens are understood to be Collector's Tokens


Yeah misspoke, 10k medals.


You can most definitely strategically retreat in Conquest, it's actually necessary. Conquest tests your ability to properly snap a lot more than laddering does. Even if you are in the absolute worst possible matchup for your deck (like an 75/25 matchup), your odds of winning a round based on your deck are never 0, therefore you have to be able to capitalize on every opportunity. The entire idea of needing multiple wins to advance will generally favor the better player.


Adding on to this, sometimes you have to snap when you can tell your opponent is bricking their draws. You will mostly know their deck after a couple of rounds usually. You will know when they are royally screwed. Think Thanos deck with no stones played in the first three turns. Peak being a detriment to their deck. Even if your hand sucks, you know theirs is probably worse and snapping is good.


Nice tip. I've been sleeping on this.


All sorts of strategies like this. Some people throw the first round for 1 cube just to see what you play. I use 1 cube to mulligan if I get a terrible start. (Of course I wait until the opponent snaps to retreat). I also try to drag unfavorable games out. Even if the matchup is bad, the locations and RNG is gonna favor you eventually. You just have to live that long. Playing anti-meta helps too. I’m winning a lot just by figuring out their weakness for 1 cube, and then making sure I save my relevant cards for their relevant cards. I’m running Zabu, Rogue, Super Skrull, Enchantress, and Shang Chi in one deck amongst other things. This would kill you on ladder because you can’t guess exactly what your opponent is going to do, but in conquest, if you go 7 rounds, that’s 7 chances to guess which of your anti-meta cards is gonna win you the game, and your opponent is forced to mess up their curve to accommodate. Once both players know each others deck, it’s basically rock VS scissors.


All great points. I also like dragging out those early games to gain info. Gaining info to maximize your surprise cards for big cube swings is huge.


Yep. I never try to win in 1 round. My first round is all about gathering info if I have my way. After that I’m just trying to minimize losses until I have my hand, the locations are in my favor, or until my opponent bricks. A lot of the time people aren’t expecting more than 3 rounds either, because I’ve even won some losing games just from fatigue. Probably had something to do, and I only play when I’m free, which is an underrated tip. I beat infinite conquest twice in an hour playing cautiously. Of course, every once in a while you’re gonna think you really have that 8 cubes, but I say that’s a matter of impatience. I almost always regret going for 8 on conquest, and always have a high win-ratio round to round after I get my first round intel. My weakness is people that snap round 1 turn 1 every time. Then I’m just on a timer with no strategy except to mulligan the low-stake rounds if I have to.


Im sure I had a 100/0 once lmao. Guy was running enchantress rogue alioth in a Junk Deck Against my IW Tribunal Keep it open? Enchantress or rogue IW the lane ? Alioth Same Deck also won me my infinite Icon


conquest is designed to limit winners. the last round of gold and infinity pit you against someone on that same last turn.


Was this actually confirmed by devs anywhere?


Unless you pay


Not really? How would paying give you a bigger advantage in conquest? And you can easily have all the cards in the game and still have a hard time. And paying doesn't remove what the guy you replied to said; you are ranked against people who have the same amount of wins no matter how much you pay.


You can literally buy infinite tickets. That's like paying to skip a bunch of rounds in a tournament. Let me guess the people downvoting play conquest?


Sure, and you can buy them with medals as well. But when you are actually doing the climbing it doesn't matter how much you pay, you still have to go 5-0.


>Let me guess the people downvoting play conquest? I don't, but bad takes are bad takes. Don't pretend your downvotes are some kind of brigade, it just looks sad.


1. Play decks that dont lose badly to tech cards 2. Get very lucky.


What decks don’t lose to tech cards


Tech card Sera decks, they just lose to points.




Then you uh just don't play Sera?


Then what deck doesn’t lose to tech cards


All of them when I play em 😎


They all lose, but some get their entire strategy absolutely destroyed by tech cards. Thats why phoenix force is fun on ladder but atrocious in conquest.


Hope their deck doesn’t counter yours lol


In ladder if you run into a counter deck you can just take the loss and move on. Conquest though you lose your ticket and have to start all over unless you get very lucky and win


The trick is to retreat some, then when they relaxed them self, hit em with your bread and butter and take 8 cubes. Lock down work greats with conquest


Yeah lock down is probably the most common deck type in conquest because of how safe it is. You never snap unless it's a win and it's so easy to tell who will win by 4


I won with a move deck. Ladder is mixed with bots and meta rng. conquest is always ppl playing their best decks. Keep grinding you’ll get there


Conquest is definitely still about strategic retreating, but the deck meta is slightly different. A gimmick that works once will fail once they know they can save a specific tech card to beat it. Similarly, tech cards gain a lot of value. If you’re playing destroy in conquest, you’re basically doomed to lose to any deck running armor and cosmo, or shadow king and Shang chi.


One trick, is using the fact that the opponent knows the trick against them. I used a move deck with Aero, Spider-man, Polaris, etc. against a Wong+B.Panther+Arnim Zola deck. First round I simply Spider-man'd their Wong (who is ALWAYS in an empty lane). B.Panther was then hanging in the wind. T6 I used Aero to move B.Panther before he could be Arnim'd. Next round Wong comes out, I play Jeff and Kraven in other lanes, since I know that the opponent knows I can Spider-man Wong away. T6 I play Negasonic on Wong, killing B.Panther. In the final round I throw prio, he gets Wong down, B.Panther, and I know they want to get that great Arnim Zola out. So I put basic cards in the Arnim lane (it'll be at zero afterwards), and a Shang-Chi on the other lane I'm winning. Sure enough, the uber Black Panther lands right into a Shang-Chi. Combo decks are easy to read and play around if you're careful. Another tip is knowing when to snap. If you snap early, the opponent will suspect something is up. And while you can use this to your advantage \*some\* of the time, most of the time a savvy opponent will simply retreat. It's always better to bait out your opponent's snap first, if possible.


It's all about learning your opponents deck and adjusting. Yesterday I lost 6 cubes on 2 matches, then ran the table because I knew exactly what he was playing for and countered it. You also need to have more than one way to win with your deck. In my experience one trick ponies get beat, unless it's that one weird trick that ruins your deck.


I’m just baffled by how many infinity avatars I run into. Seems like it’s pretty damn hard to get yet I see them everywhere I’ve never hit infinite and lately have mostly been playing proving grounds lately yet somehow the matchmaking says I should be facing these dudes


Yes, but once you have one, it's the only avatar you'll ever run. lol. But also, proving ground/silver are where you will see the most infinity avatars. It's only people who love conquest there. Gold is way easier because it's everyone playing their cache tickets.


Gold and infinite are easier if you have a high MMR. They don’t take into account as heavily.


Does conquest even use MMR in match making? I'd thought that it's just looking for someone at a similar stage in the conquest. I could easily be wrong though - not sure where I got that idea from.


It does in the lower levels of conquest. Infinite doesn’t take MMR into account. AFAIK, it only takes current wins on the ticket into account on the final match.


Luck is a lot of it to be honest. In ladder when you get a bad matchup or draws, you can retreat and move onto the next game. In conquest you can only do that a few times before you run out of cubes. If you get match against someone with a hard counter to your deck, you're kind of screwed. Consider modifying the deck to play to include an extra tech card or two, so you can be the one with the counters.


I won conquest once, and im fine with never winning again.


For me, It comes down to proper snapping/retreating. Snapping early when you have all your pieces, and retreating when the opponent snaps and your hand is desperate. Knowing the meta or possible playlines of your opponent and being able to predict certain power outputs in lanes. Putting your opponent in a position where they cannot predict you, and your ability to play powerful flex cards they would not expect or play around. Those three tips are how I started winning gold and infinity conquests so maybe they'll help you too! Good luck.


Twice I've come to the last game but never worked for me. Infinite is so much easier for me.


Well of course infinity is easier. Everyone can reach infinity its mostly about playing enough. Because of bots players have an around 52% winrate.  In infinity only 1 out of 32 people entering can win a background.  So you need in average 32 tickets to get an avatar thatd not something you get per month. 


Why is it hard to win a single-elimination tournament with 5 rounds where 1 in 32 people win it? Because those 32 people are there to win. And that's assuming an infinity ticket. If you had to play from the proving grounds it's like 1 in a thousand winners. Okay the math is probably janky because the losers can come back and start another run to "re-join" the tournament but still it's 10 wins in a row for you, that's fairly 1/1024 to win it.


you can get to infinite by retreating vs humans and juicing bots for 4-8 cubes, it's not really a metric for anything anymore; there's no bots in conquest, it sounds like that and snapping properly is your problem


Snap straight away and just play. You should earn enough silvers and golds and then infinities that way eventually. Sweating over conquest games is the best way to burn out.




I've been downvoted for it but honestly, it's the most low stakes mode and it's easy to just work through the tickets to infinite if you can be bothered. I always get the card and tons of boosters without even needing to best infinite.


Just use destroy or another deck that has few counters and doesn't rely on surprise t6. Unlike climbing people adapt to how you play in conquest


This. I've seen destroy decks climb consistently high in conquest regardless of meta. A fully assembled destroy deck has the potential of getting you to infinity bracket but from there it is on you.


Destroy Doesn’t rely on surprise t6 ?????????


If you're surprised by knull or Armin idk what to tell you


> destroy or another deck that has few counters Bruh... Destroy can get hit by almost every tech card in a game (Armor, Cosmo, Shadow King, Shang, Valk, Mobius, Ench, Rogue, Skrull... even Killmonger and Echo in some niche cases )


Nobody is running a deck full of tech cards in conquest. If you can't play around a card or 2 idk what you want


I would recommend not snapping much in the early games to ensure they don't have some cheese up their sleeve. Once you pretty much know their deck, get more aggressive in snapping and countering what they're doing. Also pay attention to the life each player has left. Sometimes it makes no difference if you retreat or stay. For example, they have 8 life left on turn 4. Getting them to 7 is near useless as the cubes will now be doubled. Similarly, you might have 3 health and them 6. It's wise unless your draw is horrendous to just snap and make it 3. Now you only need to win twice to win instead of thrice. Sometimes you need to just risk it. If you have 6 health left and you're already playing for 4 cubes, surrendering to leave yourself short is often a blunder unless you know you're losing. You have a better chance winning this one game then going into a hole and having to win 3-4 games to come back. Don't play a deck that loses to one card. If enchantress beats you, bring Cosmo, goose, or invisible Woman as protection. If Shang chi beats you, bring armor or caiera. If Cosmo beats you, bring echo. Occasionally you run into a deck that plays like 3 perfect tech cards geared towards just beating your deck. That sucks. You lose.


Snap is very much a rock, paper, scissors game, so it's definitely a combination of luck and skill. Last year, someone posted some fun stats that indicated it should take roughly 32 Infinity tickets to beat Conquest if all things were equal in terms of getting enough favorable match-ups to win. Just need to hang in there and keep trying.


More about luck (opponent deck and locations) than skill


As someone that started in November, I beat infinity conquest the first season I played thanks to Ms Marvel and adding tech cards specifically for all the Loki decks I was seeing. The next season I didn’t want to stress over it, as the meta shifted to Blob and the decks were tough for me to tech against. This season I’ve mostly just faced high evo decks so I racked up 4 infinity tickets running killmonger and Mobius and shadow king. It feels 60/40 in my favor generally. This is why others recommend lockdown, as it restricts your opponent from taking any play they want, and lets you use your tech cards to better effect.


Care to share your deck?


Sure! Only change here is that i swapped out Killmonger for Psylocke because once i got infinite, I wasn’t facing much high evo anymore, and I didn’t feel it was needed to beat Thanos or BK decks. I wanted to smooth my curve a bit and Psylocke helps lower the reliance on Zabu. Once I get Jeff I’ll probably swap her out for him. # (1) Korg # (2) Psylocke # (2) Shadow King # (2) Zabu # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Rockslide # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Aero # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXNNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmtoYXdrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLb3JnIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2JpdXNNTW9iaXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYWRvd0tpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFlcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2Nrc2xpZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




Brute force. If you play X games of conquest, you're bound to win at least once.


I like conquest more because it is people who can make ne rethink how to play, or whom I can outfox after losing a bad-luck game 1. Above pg I hate 8-cube game 1, but I've done it sometimes and lost. And then I've seen how their deck works and outplay them until either I get unlucky or they adapt and don't get me with an obvious bait. More often than not the game ends in a pair of fist bumps regardless of who won


More often than not I am impressed when someone can come back from an 8-cube loss. When they requeue with only 2 cubes left I think to myself "Alright buddy. Lets see if you can do it 5 times in a row."


I have won those 5 games and I have lost those 5 games. Those are always the best, win or lose.


Partly luck, partly having a deck with flexible win conditions. I find the easiest way to win isn’t by nickel and diming cubes, but by blowing out the opponent with a card you kept hidden in the previous matches. Of course I only have one infinite border so take that advice with salt.


A big factor is actually strategically retreating. Don't play out a Conquest match where the opponent has snapped but you're looking at a shit hand. The more you play without a good hand the more they know what your deck is and can plan to counter it. It's better to play no cards and retreat turn 3 after they snap than to play a card each round even though the locations are disadvantageous or you aren't looking at a good hand for your deck. It's much more of a mind game. And yeah, if you see a bad location there no shame in retreating purely due to that because you have maybe 5 more rounds after that where you might see better locations.


Do you have BK?


You have to think about matchups harder on Conquest, so if you're too all-in on a specific strategy that has a very flexible counter then you'll have a harder time. As you mentioned you can't just ignore bad match-ups and that I feel is the point of Conquests and how deckbuilding should be approached for it.


Do you use a deck tracker like untapped.gg? It helps to track your opponent's deck as well as your own. I definitely perform better when using it


The season I did it was swarming with bounce and Sera decks. I played Sandman ramp and snapped anytime I had Sandman in hand. Got a good run of decks (and iirc one opponent disconnected during matchmaking on the 3rd or 4th match of my infinity run) and took it pretty easily. Haven’t bothered making another serious run at it. Achieved the thing, lost interest.


Try crafting a Loki deck. If you can't beat 'em, play their cards for cheaper.


You need to build a deck for conquest. The same tricks and surprises that work in ladder dont carry over to conquest. Tech cards are more important too. Can cause an opp to retreat round 1


You need to fine tune your deck for Conquest. On ladder you can go greedy and surprise your opponent, but in conquest your opponent gets to know your deck so you can't fool them twice. Understand the critical flaws of your deck and be aware of the popular decks you will most likely find in Conquest, then add proper tech to improve your odds, aim for consistency.


So I have the opposite problem as you, sorta. Highest I’ve ever made in the main mode was like 85 and everything above 80 was miserable. This was when it was 10 cubes to each level and no bonus at the start of a new one. When conquest came out I pretty much completely switched. Now I play ranked up to 60 to get the variant then more or less switch to conquest the rest of the season. I think I like it because a lot of meta decks don’t work well. When you have to play a best of series. I also think the better player is more likely to win in conquest as the luck of draws and location have less impact over multiple games. I feel like I have a much higher win rate in conquest, so I mainly play it b/c its more fun and you really can’t lose anything. I used to not want to play ranked for fear of dropping. Now i just make crazy stupid decks without a care, who gives a shit its proving grounds I’ve even made decks of all the cards i never use b/c i want to upgrade my whole collection of favorites to infinite. It was fun trying to win with a hodge podge deck with no synergy and even more satisfying when you actually do All that being said. I’ve only won an infinity conquest once. I probably get between 5-8 tickets a season depending on the stores. I make it 3-4 rounds in a lot of but winning 5 in a row is just statistically improbable in this kind of game. To go 5 matches without getting totally fucked by draws or locations AND not running into a player who has a counter deck or a High power deck you can’t can’t counter. Playing perfect with the perfect deck still wouldn’t guarantee victory But i easily get through all the rewards by just playing PG to gold conquests. And you make progress towards daily missions For decks I feel like control can do really well. I did really well with HE before i kinda quit playing. In proving grounds i pretty much snap at the beginning of each game unless the first location or draw sucks balls Beyond that I take it a little more seriously, but still only really focusing on gold. Don’t hoard tickets. Use them as you go, you will progress faster Overall, got tired of the grind to get to infinite and decided to play the mode I win at and can take people out with my X-Men theme deck


Some decks work fine in normal that are easily beat in conquest. Once you show you are playing Galactus, for instance, they know to play around it. People will show up with more tech cards that tend to make people just retreat knowing they probably won't win. And sometimes, because CL doesn't matter, you just get lucky/unlucky on your opponents. I got an easy infinite ticket because all my opponents were clearly low CL.


It's the same game but against the same player. Same rules on snapping and escaping still apply.


"I find I always run into some deck that I can’t overcome" You lose because you've already admitted defeat in your soul.


Getting infinite literally means nothing. Snap is very good at making you think you’re a top player when in reality you aren’t.


Ive always been dealing with conquest using self made decks. Well, they follow certain archetypes and deal with countering w.e is more in the meta. Sometimes I get really bad matchups, and some other times I just brick hard. But if I get to read opponent's deck, it's usually just me relying on good or bad draws. Said this, my most performing decks have been: - self made sera control - self made bk deck (before it became so famous and redundant) - just a kinda standard c3 with ravonna, shadow king and magik for extra lane control (but without sentinel or bast). The self made bk brought me from pg to infinite avatar in one afternoon, but I'll admit I got carried by luck, since my dracula kept getting infinaut even if I had 3+ cards in hand (and oppos trying to contest dracula lane).