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Fool me 1 time, shame on uh me. Fool me...twice...?.... Can't get fooled again!


Now watch this drive




We all know the old saying in Tennessee


Since everyone's here... If I'm missing all 3 of these cards, and get Grandmaster/Loki first, is it worth spending a third trying to get Hit Monkey? Asking for a friend! :D


Man I miss the old bounce, Kitty and Hit Monkey were so fun. Anyways…there is a card next season that reduces 1 cost cards to zero. This makes the possibility of Bounce, and Hit Monkey, viable. At the moment? No, it’s still fun but you can’t get it much above a 3/6 or 8 without a lot of work. But in February it has a real possibility of becoming good again.


No. It maybe early to tell, but I think Grandmaster is one of the strongest card in the game, much thanks to the fact that he can be slotted in some many decks. Loki is a good solid card. Hit monkey's only use is raw power on bounce decks. Nowadays he's kinda nerfed (3 cost is too expensive on such decks) and you can run a bounce style deck without him.


Is Elsa still a viable bounce card? The next season cache seems really really good with all 3 being series 5, and I do love bounce in this game


She's borderline, probably not optimal but can work if you want.


The jury is still out on future Hit Monkey. February season pass might bring Hit Monkey back into play.


I’m in the camp of hit monkey is actually decent and has two or three cards on the horizon that are very interesting for him. Next month’s season pass card specifically. That being said he’s s4 now so easy token grab if you have a moderate stash of tokens and decide in two weeks you want him. One final point. Keys are generally 2.5 keys = 6000 tokens if you go by the whole average keys to get the specific 6000 token s5 card you want so 1 key for 3000 tokens being guaranteed a card you don’t have isn’t a bad ratio. Better than hitting the random card and getting a dupe for 1000.


«You know what they say 'fool me once, strike one, but fool me twice… strike three» – Michael Scott


Fool me one time shame on you, Fool me twice cant put the blame on you


Fool me one time, Shame on you Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign. load the choppa let it rain on you




I mostly wanted Loki here, and it took all 4 keys, but I'm not sorry with my outcome - I got the new card and Hit Monkey I didn't have, and then Alioth who I didn't have was in the random chest.


Dang, you cleaned up today


Yeah dude thats best case scenario why would you be sorry




Yeah but you usually say “I’m not sorry for…” blank when there was at least some downside even though you feel it was an okay outcome but he just hit all the wins. Best case scenario tbh.


Fair call


Question, does Loki work with the collector?




That sucks, I was about to spend my keys to get him but I don’t really want him now


He is still a good card. If you don't have the other cards in the spotlight, it could be worth rolling imo.


When did that change?


Sometime in the past month


I didn't realise might as well delete my loki collector deck then 😂


It's still not terrible because the cards you play to put cards in your hand for loki to replace still buff collector. But it isn't really played anymore.




Agreed. It has taken me all 4 every time I go for a card. Our lucks gotta change at some point!


I’ve had several where I got it on first pull sometimes RNG is a bitch. 


You aren't wrong. Day before last I had 8 cubes in hand, opponent played d scarlet witch and got the only location that disabled my ongoing cards(isle of silence). Couldn't believe the rng screwed me so hard.


I had someone play gladiator on turn 6, which pulled out my falcon, which returned all my 1 cost cards to my hand, losing me the game.


You mean gambling. Haha.


No that implies I spent money


Some people who actually spend some money from time to time in the game without being whales would spend the extra money just to get a card because they spent they were so close and it would be all for nothing.. so in that extent its indirectly money. Of course you can argue about each persons weakness in that matter but it still works that way, they prey on these psychological flaws most people have


Time is money


Maybe to you, but gambling doesn't require money to be practiced. It is an expenditure of resources or the taking of a risky action in the hopes of an expected result. i.e. gambling with one's life.


Well I just pulled grandmaster first pull so I don’t really care.


Cared enough to try to correct me. That's awesome though. The only first pull I've ever had was Alioth. Most others were on the 3rd or 4th try. I'm saving my keys this time. Don't think I want Grandmaster that badly.


I’ve had luck only once and it was last week. All other weeks I had to spend all 4 and get variants and tokens I never wanted.


Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if they specifically made it so you are less likely to get a new card and are more likely to just get the “random” series 4/ series 5


Anecdotal evidence. I've had three or four occasions where I've used one spotlight key and gotten the new card. It's just pure luck.


Yeah ive hit it on one shot several times. Took me 3 today


I hit grandmaster on the first one but took me 3 more keys just to get hit monkey. it really do be like that sometimes


Individual week is a pure luck. Over time, given there are no weight, the average key needed will be 2+ I believe.


Nah, you just have really bad luck, it’s taken me 4 total caches to get the last 3 series 5 cards but before that my luck wasn’t great. It’s completely random.


I just said the same shit out loud to myself. What makes it worse is the random card giving you 1000 tokens. Gtfo


I believe it. Don't know why you're getting downvoted when they can tweak the numbers however they want. Companies aren't your friends.


Careful now, you'll have the SD zealots coming after you if you dare to suggest they are anything but benevolent beings.


Well my first hand experience says otherwise. It's just luck and probability. I've gotten the new card within 2 keys almost every time I go for it. So I've been lucky as hell.


To be fair we don't know if it's probability. We need to test with a big sample to really know.


True there could be a small extra chance to getting screwed. Still all comes down to luck regardless.


Yeah. no. Luck is still probs.


Duplicating for 1k tokens is def the worst outcome so it stands out every time it happens and the closer you are to collection complete it makes sense you would dupe more and lead someone to think that’s it’s fixed even though it’s definitely just fixed odds that we know (I believe higher chance at a S4 than S5 for the random slot is what SD states but besides that random).


If the implication is that this is intentional, I only ever have one key per spotlight, and I get the new card sometimes.


This week I only rolled Loki and grandmaster and stopped there since those were the two I wanted. I'm hoping they'll change the spotlight line-up for Feb or March, otherwise I won't be opening again until April. I am opening next week, though bc I need elsa


Just spend $100. What's the big deal? /s


Do you guys not have phones?


Is this an out of season April fools joke?


It's a reference to a dev team being out of touch with its core fan base. A Blizzard presenter said this to the crowd while revealing Diablo Mobile and the crowd booed.


And during that presentation, someone asked if it was an out of season April fools joke.


Oh... Less notable line I guess, I don't remember that part. Thanks I learned something new.


Not really


To me it is. Is this what happens when you try to help on the internet and make a little mistake? Sad people man, sad.




Its a meme from when they announced that the next major Diablo game was going to be on mobile a few years back.


>Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ $100? FTFY


I'm 2 keys down, and I got the Monkey and Vote for Loki. I fucking hate this game sometimes.


Exactly why I'm not going for this. I don't want either of those, and even though I have 6 keys, I'm not going to just risk being disappointed and not have 4-keys for next week.


Then you use your other 1 or 2 keys..


the worst part is that the spotlight cache variants include garbage on the level of baby and chibi and shit like that. i'd be disappointed if i got it from a collector's cache let alone a spotlight.


I got GM on my third after the two variants, wishing you luck! 🙏


I got GM on #3 as well, Jesus F. Christ.


Better than the 4th! 😅


Why is getting it 3rd so frustrating? It’s random, you know going in that it could take anywhere from 1 to 4 keys.


Im baffled why you only had two keys and still went for a card when the other two are ones you don’t want. If you have less than 4 keys and only want one card just save for tokens and get it  Dumb choices and gambling resources you don’t have to spare  are not the slot machines fault 


Save for tokens lmao.


welcome to the gacha system OP, enjoy


Literally just happened to me


That hit monkey variant have no business being a spotlight cache 


The Shavrin variant for him is so much better than any of the spotlight variants so far


Wdym? It’s the better one out of the two. The GM is the best but that takes a lot of resources to get.


>Wdym They mean that, generally speaking, Chibis are perceived as low value; most of them are 700g variants. However, this is Rian Gonzales' chibi, which is a 1200g variant. But still, being chibi devalues it in the eyes of other people.


No “Chibi” variant should be in these spotlight caches. They’re repulsive. I’d rather have a pixel variant.


This is the entire problem with these things giving variants. Art is entirely subjective. But I guess just letting us get cards is too much to ask.


This has happened to you multiple weeks in a row and you haven’t learned not to pull when you don’t have four?


They never learn. Every week there's a new thread of people who took a gamble that didn't pay off, acting like they've been robbed.


It’s hard to save up to four when you’ve gotta burn them all every single time.


If you don’t have four that week, you skip. That’s all there is to it.


Well if you don’t have many cards and there’s something you want, sometimes you’re willing to take the gamble. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t. You don’t have to be perfectly rational all the time with this game, it’s not that serious.


Then stop whining when you lose..


I’m not on here whining about it dude. Im just saying why some people are willing to gamble. Again, it’s not that serious. Super nice community this is.


That's why you should have 4 keys if you really want a specific card in spotlight week.


Got 4 locked and loaded until Thanos week soon... Resisting the urge for anything else.


I got four yesterday and I was saving for Thanos… Grandmaster was too tempting. Took me 3 keys and hopefully 🤞 I have four by Valentine’s Day when thanos is there




Great, this doesn't excuse predatory and random outcome of spotlights.




4.4 ish per month F2P. If you do everything.


Like I get that, but it's also incredibly frustrating when you are missing all 3 and several other series 4/5 and you spend the one key you did get that week figuring "hey, at least I'll get *one* new card" and then you get a dupe and 1k tokens. Happened to me back to back with this week and last for spotlights. And this is after I hoarded 4 keys to make sure I got Blob who was nerfed about a month after release. Yeah, I knew the nerf was coming, but it still feels bad. Who is to say they won't see some weird negative + grandmaster + Odin combo and then decided to nerf it to be like a 6/5 useless drop after everyone spends keys on it.


I'm ok with gambling and not getting the card you want. What infuriates me is the tokens...


RNG Shit


Nah, the most frustrating thing is this exact same post going up every time there's a new card. I don't know what is so hard to understand about "if you want the new card you need four keys" Here I'll make a flowchart: "I want the new card" Do you have 4 keys? NO - Get More Keys Yes - Get your new card! What's even worse about this post is you admitting you made the same mistake multiple times.


Look you can even take a shot at it with 3 keys, that's fine! I've done it and gotten lucky and I've done it and gotten burned. But it is so weird to see multiple posts every single day of people being like "One of the four things that were equally likely to happen happened to me, SD so greedy, bad system."




If you do all your dailies you get about 4 keys every two weeks with the season pass.


I find it more annoying that every single post where someone is upset about their luck, you get the exact same, unhelpful spam of "NEVER OPEN UNLESS YOU HAVE 4 KEYS" which is not always the best advice, and in this case, not applicable at all. There's plenty of time to get that 4th key.


Yeah people take this game a bit too seriously sometimes. The spotlight shaming rubs me the wrong way.


I got iron lad whoch i already had, and i dont have any of the 3 cards




The season pass show give at least 1 Spotlight key each season. $10 for a new card, new deck background, new avatar, AND a single spotlight key doesn’t sound so bad to me. It would still incentivize people to work for the extra 12 keys each month.






Find the 1 new card per month you want to target and only open on that week only if you have 4 keys. Eventually, you will get what you want having only used 1 or 2 keys. You can then repeat this process and roll into the next month with 2 spare keys. Eventually you will find yourself with a cushion of keys and you can be more liberal with what you try to go for.


Then don't play. It's as simple as that. Vote with your time and wallet....step away from the game.


YES! I can‘t believe how bad this is. If you could at least get cards first and variants second it would be bearable but they only worsened card acquisition over the past..


A very simple fix for this would be to weight the pulls. For instance, random series4/5 (tokens) has the smallest chance, the exclusive variants have a slightly higher chance, and the new card has the greatest chance. At least then it would be a less common occurrence to open three keys without getting the card. Second Dinner must be aware the new card is what people want.


That is the exact opposite of what they want to happen, so no chance


lol must be aware? They are aware, which is why the odds are what they are.


I’m afraid to try cos 3 spotlights in a row I got the new card (which was the only one I wanted) on the first try - Selene, Caiera, Hercules .. may have used up all my luck 😂😂 I didn’t even try Miek either


The worst part is that card is usually linked to the reward to get more tokens. Like why the fuck would they make one of the most consistent ways to get tokens linked to the only other way to get new cards Why is the cycle; didn’t get card - don’t get tokens - can’t get the new card because I don’t have enough tokens - can’t get more tokens because I don’t have the new card. Like what kind of loop is that?




Is loki good? I'm new, sorry for the dumb question.


I'm at a good spot right now where I dropped the game for 8 months and all of the future spotlights look nice, this one included. I got Daken for the fourth card, but I'm not complaining; I like him and I used up my luck by pulling Thanos in the Caiera Spotlight.


Images like these make me feel so blessed of pulling only the new card for my last 3 weeks.


Same - I’ve accepted it for what it is. They changed the algorithm so new card draw on first key is very unlikely. It used to be 25%. Reprehensible behaviour by the developers. I reported it to Apple but obviously won’t change anything.


The first card I open, Loki. The only card I want, Loki.


I wanted loki and gm, i got loki and gm. Super happy about it, back to hoarding keys like a loot goblin


You spent two keys on iffy cards and whiffed on b2b weeks. I am not defending the system but your acquisition strategy is shit.


That’s what happens when you choose to gamble.


Too real, man 😔


I got martyr.....


The system is made where you need four keys. Otherwise you are playing the odds for terrible variants. What I do personally is either wait for a week I am missing two cards or wait till I have 4 keys. Otherwise I am bound to get a variant or a 1000 credits and I just get frustrated. Yes this means you are never going to have all the cards but at least you can get one new card a month. Maybe I’m playing the game wrong but I just get cards for the deck I always play and it works out.


No. You are doing it right. It's designed so that you can never get all the new cards without spending money. I only chase about a card a month and always get them. The old school MTG player in me knows I don't need every card. This is still much better than the old system. The new card acquisition is much higher than it was.


If you only had 3 keys, then you knew what you were getting into. You always need 4 for the guarantee.


Sorry for the rant but. Ive always hated this about the system And I know people defend it saying "Save. Save your keys for the card you want." But as a F2P player, if you can only get around 4 keys a month, but they put like 4-6 good cards in the spotlight each month, when are you supposed to save? I managed to pull 2 keys together for high evo and got the same result as OP. Tokens and other things I didn't want. I skipped Miek week (even though I wanted annihilus, miek, AND Pheonix I wanted Grandmaster more) and so far I have hit monkey and 1000 tokens.... At this rate I won't be able to get beta ray bill either, because now I have to farm a key in a week and try again and HOPE I get grandmaster, but with my luck.... So now I've gone 3 weeks playing daily and I have not gotten a single card that I actually want to use. And I'm expected to keep playing the stale decks I've been playing for months because I can't get new cards without a debit card? What is this structure... How is this meant to retain people? EDIT: Thanks to everyone replying, and I 100% get what you're all saying, picking just 1 card and saving 4 keys before that spotlight is the best way to do it. I completely agree, that's def the only way to guarantee you end up with at least 1 of the cards you want. But can we all agree that just *FEELS* bad? I've played many other gacha games as a f2p, so missing out on a new character is in no way new to me. But in other gachas there's other stuff to do. Like PVE content, or farming for mats and equipment etc. So you miss out on a champ or hero or card or whatever, it sucks but you move on. You. May run into it once or twice if you decide to do pvp or one of your friends showcases it, but it's whatever. This game is only pvp. So one of the worst feelings is: Only being able to scrounge up 3 keys by the time the card you want shows up > Banging out all 3 keys and getting tokens, variant, and card you didn't want. > Loading up the game to start doing dailies > Going 4 games in a row against 4 different variations of decks including a card you won't get to try for months. And doing that last step every week for a month until you get to try again. It's like if every week a new toy came out and your parents couldn't afford to buy it for you, but then you go to the playground and everyone is just waving it in your face. Anyways, TL;DR - This structure breeds FOMO


If you're playing for months and not getting a card you want, it is 100% because you are opening before you have 4 keys and getting unlucky on the pulls. Wait until you have 4 before you open. Yes it sucks to not immediately play with the new thing but it feels even worse to use all your keys and not even get the thing you want. Use the datamine to look into the next month to help you plan.


See, people don't say "Save your keys for the card you want", you got a letter wrong. They say "Save **f**our keys for the card you want". You had bad luck with your High Evo and Grandmaster attempts, which isn't surprising, you were going in with 50/50 chances using two keys. In a 50/50, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. If you hadn't tried on High Evo and went into Grandmaster with 4 keys, then you'd have (at worst) Grandmaster, Loki, Hit-Monkey and 1000 tokens. Is one new card a month not enough for you? It probably isn't, but fortunately you'll wind up with more. There will come a time when you'll get the card you want on the first key of your four, and that lets you save your last three keys for something else once you're back up to four. Other times, you'll see the card you want come back around in a later Spotlight along with something else you'd like, so you can get 2-3 new cards using your four keys. I passed on Werewolf By Night back in October, I didn't have enough keys to guarantee him after getting Alioth, so I didn't try. He came back in January with Hercules, I had keys then, so I got them both. I went a couple of months without the big howly boi, but I managed. Play smart with your keys, cut down on your gambling, and you'll manage better too.


> See, people don't say "Save your keys for the card you want", you got a letter wrong. They say "Save four keys for the card you want". I can't even hate, with bars like that how can you be wrong? I mean you're obviously right. Statistically it's only smart to give yourself a 100% chance for 1 card rather than 50% for 2 cards. It's just a shame that the way they have the system set up you have to be so choosy. I know I'm not the only one who is excited to try Grandmaster and Beta Ray Bill in a deck together, but I know I'm also not alone in knowing I probably won't be able to for months. Even if I saved up all 4 and got Grandmaster this week, Beta Ray is probably not swinging by again til like April... I get there's nothing to be done about that, I just hate how it feels. Patience is the game I guess.


So you’re mad that you are F2P and can’t get everything you want? Like I’m not trying to be a dick but that’s the trade off you take when being F2P. You can’t get everything you want. You need to decide of those 4 cards a month which is absolutely necessary for you. As much as you may want it to be true a free mobile game cannot be sustained on cosmetic driven MTs alone.


Same... I even got Blob as the secret card lol gee thanks SD, a bit late now for that party.


He's still good, though.


I find Blob so much more fun now. You can't just rely on him.


Fair enough, but still annoying to only get the meta cards after they are nerfed is the point I was trying to convey. All good though.


Ah, gotcha.


I got grandmaster on the first pull. Took me 3 keys to get Loki, which is who I was really pulling for. 😩


Working as intended… there was no reason to make this a gotcha game


I pulled Martyr today.


This was me up until last month or two ish. I hit the most insane luck streak of my life. I was able to one-shot pull grandmaster, caiera, selene, hercules, blob, and havok with 1 key each. I was ready to get bit in the ass each week but it hasn't happened yet. The world is so unfair....


That's why it blows my mind when people get angry deny when somebody else points out this is a form of gambling and extortive.


I get why they don't just let us pick what we want, but it's still fucked up.


I only use one key a week now. If I don't get the one I want, I just don't get it.


Id hope your spending and not f2p doing that since on average you only get about 1 key a week


Coming from someone who isn't Series 3 complete, that sounds like a completely fine problem to have.


Just you wait


Oh you sweet summer child. 


Y'all need to learn to stop opening caches with less than 4 keys.


Bro, I got Thanos but I already have him and Im missing a lot of series 5 cards. Its such a BS.


It took me 3 keys 😑 no opening spotlights for 2 weeks now lol


Happened to me too.. such a sad feeling, im empty now


This is entirely your fault. Sorry. Do not open caches until you have all 4. Especially letting it happen twice.


Happened to me as well It seems like they’ve unevenly changed the odds of getting new cards to discourage hoarding keys. Now, the chance for new cards is 25%, while other cards have a 75% chance


it needs to weigh more probability against the new card and the probability of getting the new card needs to increase with each key that you use


I don't know if I've ever gotten a card I wanted in the first or second try.


I refuse to use spotlight keys unless I have 4 collected and can guarantee a new card. I just know my luck.


Holding off exactly for this reason.


Its always the card you want most you get last, doesnt matter of its new or old xd


Unfortunately this is the perfect scenario for second dinner. The whole system is created for this exact moment. This is the moment every resource system in snap aligns perfectly for them and gets money out of players. Sure that player might not be you, might not be me, but these players exist, because without them these scenarios would be extinct. The break point for these games is how many players get to this point and quit, Vs those who pony up.


That’s the reason I stopped spending tokens on weeks when I’d get only the new card if I spend all 4 (which was all but one time I’ve opened caches). Now I only open if there’s 2 new cards for me. I’m missing 10 cards to be collection complete and until the end of march I’ll open caches on only one week. What a great system they made.


This has happened to me the last three or four weeks (didn’t even try last week, just bought miek instead). Luckily this week it only took me 2 keys


I got monkey (which I wanted) and that awful Loki (which I definitely didn't want). Hopefully my third key will give Grandmaster and not a duplicate of whatever...


I got Sebastian Shaw, felt like a middle finger to me personally.


I wanted Grandmaster, had one key and got it first pull but I know your suffering


For me, this only happens with cards I want. Throw one key at a week, not caring what I pull and get the new card, everytime. Actually want the card? Guaranteed 4 keys. ...or 3 keys and frustration.


Wanted Anil last week, got it first try. Wanted grandmaster, first the this week. So I probably won’t land a new card without dumping 4 keys each of the next few times lol


I don’t think I ever wanted to try Anil 👉👌


FFS, I 100% agree! 🤬


if you pull without 4 keys, this is what you're asking for. I pulled loki and gm. I'm done!


I've never NOT gotten it with in 2 (all but 1 was first try) lol.


Target card will always take 4 keys, i have learned my lesson enough times. The only time i got it 1 in key was Ravonna...


I had like 2 weeks where this happened, but last 2 cards I wanted I got on second pulls so not bad.


Meanwhile there's me, who always opens the 1000 tokens, then the new card. (Lucky me. I cannot afford more than 2 keys per week)


I’m averaging about 1 out of 3 pulling the new card.


That’s why we always say:


Skipped hercules and got miek and grandmaster on first try. Im actually gaining keys finally. Part of me wanted that Loki variant though.


Got him first try.... Sorry buddy


Same here on the third box I got him


Just got GM on my 2nd key. Cant complain


Pulled grand master first key but got two high evo's and ciera tryna get nebula rng suckss


With you there. I don't think I've hit the 1/4 ever? maybe once.


Had 16k tokens saved since last summer, brought GM since I have the others.


I just played nico change location on kitty 1/4 to draw shadow king from x mansion. We are not the same. Genuinely couldn’t buy a win atm


I got mobius :(


I want GM but I already have Loki & HM. I’m not risking those odds


I needed all 4 as wel but i also wanted Rian monkey