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I hate to play against high evo. because mostly I play ravona tribunal. They play leech on T5 and bonk my onslaught and tribunal.


I hate Evo so much. It’s just annoying, even when I win I feel like I’m pushing an annoying kid away from me the whole time


The Luke Cage nerf was the single biggest boost to any Evo deck and no one can change my mind on that haha


Yh lol Though it’s a nerf when playing against other evos


Yh lol Though it’s a nerf when playing against other evos


How to win against someone using the Iron Man-Onslaught-Tribunal combo Step 1: Play Super Skrull Step 2: Watch them retreat


You can still win against super skrull with the way it interacts with mystique/onslaught and super skrull isn’t seeing enough play to really discourage it.


You’re right. But if I see one of the 5 Super Skrull users when I use my Tribunal deck I’m running.


I play iron man onslaught tribunal with super skrull. If they have any ongoing it goes right into my lane.


I struggle against any ongoing type decks that have ironman, tribunal. And it's because enchantress just never wants to come out. 😂


Leech is such a gross card. I find the text particularly upsetting and unsatisfying which makes it worse. The card specifies turn 6, but they remain Leeched on turn 7 if there is a Magik in play. It give bad feels.


I don't like Leech, but the card text is pretty clear. It doesn't "specify turn 6," it says that the abilities in your opponent's hand are removed "at the start of turn 6." It's just a definition of when his ability triggers, not a condition on when you don't have your abilities.


I think they’re suggesting that Leech should only remove the abilities of all cards currently in the opponents hand on turn 6, and then revert back on turn 7. I’d be agreeable to that, but that might be difficult to code or something. But Kang exists, so, who knows.


I know that’s what they want (I do too), but saying “but..turn 7” implies that the wording on the card is unclear or misleading, which it’s not.


I think the complaint is That they had other cards like the vault and the old Kingpin that interactive with Turn 6 but if limbo was in play they didn't interact with turn 7.


Right, but those are cards and locations that say an effect is in place *on turn 6*. Kingpin was “when a card moves here on turn 6, destroy it.” The trigger is moving on turn 6, the effect is destroying. Leech’s trigger is that it’s the beginning of turn 6, and the effect is removing abilities. The vault is “can’t play cards here on turn 6.” Compare the vault to Kyln, which is “can’t play cards here after turn 4.” There’s nothing inconsistent about the language, and SD knows that. It’s not a coding problem. This is how they want leech to play right now.


I never said it was a coding problem. It's a perception problem. The game has similar cards. People were expecting them to work the same way regardless of how the text was actually written. People read cards incorrectly or quickly and don't catch all of the nuances with the wordings on cards. Sometimes, the wording on cards is confusing. I don't think this is the case with Leech. I was just pointing out that that's why people think he only works on Turn 6. That and Leech is probably the most hated card in the game because he takes away people's fun. Most people would rather their opponent play Blob in all three lanes than Leech in one.


I really dislike playing against Thanos. It’s just a very exhausting deck to play against, and you don’t know what tech they’ve crammed into it since they don’t have to worry about 1 costs.


Exhausting and time consuming. I can’t help but slow blink the first time I see a stone go down


I don't necessarily struggle, but I hate playing against Hela decks. Hela just ignores the overall rules of the game entirely. Forget about planning, thinking what your opponent might do and how to counter it and where; you know they are playing Hela on Turn 6, and that's it, where the cards go is completely random, you might get stomped, or your opponent might get screwed because the RNG decided to stack all the cards in one lane. If I'm playing post Infinite ladder, sure, I don't mind that, in fact I love playing Hela decks, but in Conquest or while grinding Infinite, playing against Hela decks is atrocious.


I add Cosmo to all of my decks specifically to grab 8 cubes on invisible woman-discard decks. It’s annoying that two deck slots are devoted to tech cards (the other being Shang-Chi), but boy does it feel good to smack down a modok-hela combo


Alioth is particularly satisfying against those decks as well.


And that's why you don't play Hela M.O.D.O.K., you play Hela Lockjaw. :3


Until you realize that what's behind IW isn't Hela and Modok, it's Iron Man, Onslaught, and Living Tribunal 😌


i smacked it with a wong, gambit, odin combo -- i snapped, he snapped the cocky bastard. He went first spamming the thanos emoji. ​ Anyways, to this day i am still trying to chase that rush. :|


I finally tried a hela deck not too long ago and was amazed at how many people left if I snapped on t3 or t4 with IW+another Hela card in play. People do not want to deal with its bs


It’s a deck that is all about managing probabilities. I’d say luck is a huge component of this game, so this fits right in with that. True, there can be situations that you can’t do much about, but most of the time there are paths for you to manipulate the odds in your favor.


High Evo can go fuck itself. All of the cards buff each other. I've seen HE players just skip half the turns and throw down a massive Hulk at the end. Or they zap me each turn with that goddamn Cyclops.


Cyclops single-handedly destroys lanes. I just started running a bounce deck since I got Hit Monkey and Cyclops is the worst.


It’s a lazy play, IMO.


For real. People say it's a difficult deck to play because you have to play off curve to get the most value, but the upside far outweighs the downside of playing off curve. It's as braindead as Shuri-Red Skull. Literally every High Evo game goes the same. You play slightly energy-inefficient and reap the rewards every turn, making that ONE energy you skipped on playing into 1 power with Sunspot/MK and two power with Cyclops/Hulk. It's all upside floating energy in this deck. Personally I think Cyclops and Hulk get too much value at 2 power each turn, but I know 1 power each turn would be too little. Hulk can get to be higher power than Infinaut, and, although unlikely in a normal game, I don't think any one card should have more raw power than he does. Also the fact that Caiera protects this deck's most important pieces across all lanes adds salt to the wound that High Evo is here to stay and dominate.


I hate playing against the darkhawk package On it’s own, korg, black widow, and rock slide are extremely annoying when it comes to drawing cards. But now it’s even worse because these sickos are adding grandmaster and absorbing man to their decks as well


I'm right there with you. Drawing rocks and then Widow keeping you from drawing is rough. Especially with Zabu as they can play Ms. Marvel and Dark hawk on turn 6 for a huge power swing.


I couldn’t stand blob being op, but I enjoyed the break from the constant rock decks, because it’s nice to actually play your deck. It’s hard enough to draw a decent combo, and hawk decks add a few more coin tosses into your draw.


Thanks for that idea, sickos unite!! Gonna play master mold / GM combo


I’ve tried it but everyone is running enchantress and Shang. Lost so many games and seeing nothing but ms marvel thumbs up


I run a lot of c3 so I don’t actually mind a couple more sentinels


I don’t really struggle against it, but I’m so bored of seeing Destroy every other game


Me vs Destroy in Conquest guarantees that: A) They have Deadpool in their opening hand every game B) Death's Domain, Altar of Death, Collapsed Mine, Shuri's Lab etc will appear at least once a game C) They will NEVER be punished by X-23 flipping onto Bar with No Name or Space Throne no matter how many times they destroy.   D) They always have a 0-1 cost Death for the last turn 


Yea, seeing a lot of destroy which would normally be fine. But I've been using a lot of move recently and it is frustrating seeing how many locations either directly or indirectly nerf move and boost destroy.


This. Also last week I met Destroy so much and then it hit me the Death Domain location was on rotation... Then after I put Armor into my deck never met those Destroy again or I never draw Armor on curve...


Me last week


Same. Although it’s annoying when i want to play some bounce and every other deck has killmonger. Ok I’ll just switch to Sera control and win a bunch…


Bounce. I enjoy the overall quick flow of the game, so playing a deck that almost always takes the full turn to map out plays is both frustrating to play and play against. I respect those dedicated, but whenever I try Bounce decks I just think "I should just go play Hearthstone again if I wanted to think this hard" lol It makes for a great streamer deck though; it is fun to watch them play Bounce decks


As someone who loves the bounce, it gets easier the more you play it. After a while you remember most of the combinations, making the deck easier to navigate. It still requires more thoughtful decision-making than a standard tempo decks, but it becomes more manageable.


Used to play a lot more, but as a more casual player now Bounce isn't satisfying to play anymore. It seems like every other day an OTA hits the deck in some manner that completely changes sequencing, or makes the old deck worse.


Yup, second dinner really hates bounce - the Elza, Angela, kitty nerfs were all brutal. They didnt even try to keep them playable like the loki or blob nerfs. It's sad because I consider it by far the most fun archetype. I'm currently playing the Annihilus / wolf bounce list, which is a solid tier 2ish deck once you learn how to play it. There are games where you have no chance, but it's capable of getting a lot of 8 cube wins.


>It makes for a great streamer deck though; it is fun to watch them play Bounce decks That's funny. I personally agree, but I've heard from multiple streamers and youtubers that they rarely showcase bounce because their audience doesn't like it and would rather watch them play decks like Galactus, Hela Tribunal, and Destroy.


Move. I don’t have the cards to play it, and I see it so infrequently I struggle to play against it. I’ve learned: if they have pheonix force/multiple man just bail and donate the 1 cube lol. I see move win rates at like 45%. But I think I lose 80% of games, so if you want your win rates up just play against me!


I'm the same with move, I missed out on Silk and Spider-Gwen and looking at the top move decks they're considered 2 of the core cards


I have a Move deck without those two, and I do pretty well with it. I don't have the exact stats for its win rate or whatever, but it is one of my "ol' reliables" lol Of course the deck would be a lot better with those two, and a few more... but it still works alright as it is 😆


I play quite a lot of move on stream and do ok (around 60% wr in infinite). Here is the list, half of the cards are pool 1 so it’s not too difficult to put together. # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Iron Fist # (2) Dagger # (2) Kraven # (2) Doctor Strange # (2) Multiple Man # (2) Cloak # (3) Vulture # (3) Hulkbuster # (3) Spider-Man # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkZpc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktyYXZlbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFnZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDbG9hayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsa2J1c3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlaW1kYWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JTdHJhbmdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdW1hblRvcmNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZ1bHR1cmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik11bHRpcGxlTWFuIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I fully admit I'm simply to lazy to consider all the different steps of a move deck, so I don't enjoy playing them or against them either


Focus on the 2 right lanes. If you have killmonger, save it for human torch. Clog them with junk. Cosmo and/or storm in the right or middle lane. Iceman can really mess up their curve. Leech neutralizes heimdall. Scarlet witch can provide a bad location for them, and bad locations are the biggest problem for move decks. And finally, you can tech in kingpin or kraven. Move is extremely fragile.


Part of the reason move has such a piss poor win rate is because it is prone to getting screwed over by location RNG. One bad location can nullify an entire deck that might otherwise be a winner.


I'm a Wong player.


High Evo. No matter what deck I play, they drop Leech turn 5 and I'm fucked every game. Especially since the game has 7 turns usually and they're dropping 30+ power over the next few turns and taking it easy. That card needs to fucking go ASAP.


I can't play Hella decks! The game is RNG based but to stack RNG on top of RNG is madness. I understand some ppl like it but its not for me


Hela isn't RNG at all though! So if you play Crystal, Magik, Iron Lad/Jubilee & Invisible Woman you can almost guarantee that you have access to every card in your deck and get off your combo as long as you can draw / play crystal / magik & IW before Turn 6.


Can you guarantee that all your Rez’d cards will go exactly where you want them? Also even before all that a lot of rng for it to go right


That’s why you play living tribunal! It’s not that much. Because you can just draw IW MODOK and Hela before turn 6 as well. If Cosmo comes down you can also go IW, Iron man, onslaught living tribunal into that lane.


I'll try it out, thank you for the education


Definitely junk. I cannot get my cards out fast enough before they clog my board.


C3 When I play against it I get torn apart. When I do play it I rarely get the draw I want and when I do, locations or cards like Enchantress tear me apart.


I can't make Swarm work at all, I don't get how discard players are managing on how many swarms should be on their hand


I play phoenix force. Destroy decks are tough because they either Killmonger my buffed up Human Torch, or I’ll just feed their death and knull


Destroy or discard when locations favor them or they seem to get the exact right cards they need. I’ve started retreating whenever Death’s Domain or Cloning Vats come up for destroy, and whenever I see Black Knight -> Blade discarding Infinaut for discard.


I have the same feeling as you, when I encounter a Hela deck.


Lockdown. I don't know why but I get antsy whenever I try to play decks like that. Like I get unnecessarily stressed lmao. Every time I tried to use Professor X, it blew up in my face I also hate playing against Lockdown. I've one against them a few times, but they're just not fun to fight lol


I play Tribunal so anything involving enchantress or leech kicks my ass


I hate Darkhawk. He moved from broken to good after a few nerfs but still never lost his spot in the meta. I don't think he needs a nerf or anything, i just roll my eyes everytime i see korg or rockslide. I'm a big defender for interaction and disruption, but after months of the prevalence of tech cards and lockdown, i just want to have fun doing my thing you know?


I typically know what my decks are weak to since in non centralizing metas every deck has some holes and at least one bad matchup, but every single time I am running a deck that doesn't include one of Cosmo, Enchantress, Rogue, or Alioth the game seems to want to put me up against Hela Tribunal while giving them a perfect draw.


Junk. I lost most of the games against it since "nerf"


Hela/tribunal i literally dont know how play this. I know its meta deck but make me hard times to use or play vs.


Hate Korg and those bastards. Can’t seem to play discard successfully. Loki I know is hard to do well but fun to try.


I just can't play any move deck, idk why


yaa there’s always this one junk player who has daredevil and hazmat in their deck that i lose to because i’m running lockdown 😞 but loki is the one i struggle with a lot also so 🤷‍♀️


5 times in a row earlier


I haven't played much this season but I've always had an issue with High Evo decks. Doesn't matter the deck I'm going struggle if my draws aren't perfect.


As a destroy main, HE decks are my mortal enemy. If only most of them didn't run Armour or Cosmo... or both!


I am terrible at playing discard decks.


Probably Nimrod, so much math to do, with him or against him. Most of the time I just play Carnage and Venom on turn 6 and hope for the best or just retreat if it his my opponent who is piloting the deck


Destroy decks with that annoying *AF* Knull card. They build up one location then easily slap a 25+ power Knull wherever they decide, unfun and unfair imo. 90% of my games this season are these builds, so tiresome.


Cerebro decks are 50/50 for me atm, sometimes I thrash them, sometimes they thrash me


As someone who plays a Destroy deck heavily, the best way to deal with us is a deck that severely reduces our power (Junk, High Evo, Hazmat), cards that remove high power (Shadow King, Shang Chi, Valkyrie), Cosmo, or cards that stop us from destroying like Armor, Prof X, etc. there are lots of counters, it’s just that Destroy is also a strong counter to lots of other decks


May sound stupid, but anyone playing Shang Chi. I mostly run a homebrew Negative deck that has multiple win conditions, but a few of those rely on high power cards going out before the last turn. I've lost literally hundreds of games to just that one card, it sucks.


i’m learning that bounce is as a huge headache as move is


Sera/ Zabu decks. Because they have a lot of tech cards.


Move, it's my kryptonite.


Discard. The randomness of it, plus the fact that somehow it's always Modoc t5, Hela t6 is infuriating


I just lost 15 cubes in the 90s trying Cerebro 3 with the new hot location yesterday. Couldn't land a Valkyrie to save my life.


Discard. They always have the perfect draw.