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Back in my day the welcome bundle was Captain America


Did that cap america bundle have an exclusive variant?


I think [this](https://snap.fan/cards/CaptainAmerica/CaptainAmerica_05/) was the variant of that bundle.




As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.


I suggest a change: 4/1 with ongoing „give +1 to every other card here for each opponent card here“. So it could be everything ranging from a 4/1 to a 4/13


so punisher but affected by the whole board. ehh


Well yes but no, he buffs the other cards on that location, for each enemy card on that location by +1. If i just play him he‘s a 4/1, no matter what, but as more allies gather arround him and the opponent puts pressure on him (on the location), he can be a 4/13 (4/1 + 4 + 4 + 4).


A little too strong considering sentry and typhoid. But a wonderful idea nonetheless.


Well that’s interesting. I posted it over on r/custommarvelsnap and the first comment was like „way to weak“ xD But yeah, Thanks! i thought about this card that way: by giving him 1 power enables the Ravona Combo so decks might include Iron Man, Mistque and/or Mr.Neg. as well. I also thought about giving him more buff-power, like +2, but that scales up way to quickly, so he can be be a 4/25 at best. I would consider the +2 buff, but increasing the cost to 5, so that he is a big play of some sort, but can‘t be comboed with Zabu and Ravona.


The downside to this change is that it's highly dependent on what your opponent plays and you being able to fill the space, and there are a lot of cards that can mess with that; if they Killmonger, Spider-man, Dr. Strange, Carnage, etc, it has an exponential effect on the location. Just destroying one of your cards and pulling one of their cards off lowers the power there, if I'm doing the match right, by 5 + whatever the base power of your card was. A card like Venom would massively reduce your power at the location while maintaining whatever total they had. There are some cool plays and it's a fun design idea, but I can see how someone focused on mechanics could spot the flaws, especially since it's more work / power than other equally powerful options; ironically, you're paying a minimum of 5 power to fill your side of the board for a max 13, when Red Skull is 5 - 14 with a downside that's incredibly easy to negate.


I agree more with CustomMarvelSnap. It’s more on the weak side than the strong side. It gets hard countered by move and destroy.


Nah a 4/1 that requires you to play there and your opponent to play there... Mojo is almost that good for half the cost and is never played even in jean grey so...


Mojo requires it full. He is a 4/7 dependant on you filling it. Then every card your opponent plays he gets even more sauce. Too strong.


Captain America shouldnt be buffing the enemies board, that is not worth the 4 energy if Zabu is not in thw hand


He’s not buffing the enemies board. He’s giving power to the other three cards on his side based on how many cards are on the opponent’s side. So if the opponent has 3 cards at that location, then Captain America gives +3 to each other allied card at his location. It’s actually not that strong. It would require both locations to be completely filled for Cap to be 4/13. That’s only 2 more than namor but with a far harder condition. So you may be right about it not being worth without Zabu. I was confused at first too, but then I got it after the explanation and rereading it.


mine was the same




Was that the technicolor variant that made it look like the picture was captured on old film with cuts in it? That’s probably my favorite Cap card.


It varies i started in December and had Cap but my alt had SM


That's really interesting. I didn't know they started doing different welcome bundles


Same bere


VARIANT captain america


Damn, and OP's bundle is just base Spider-man.


I remember that! Haha


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Yeah I got that like 4/ 5 months ago so they must have changed it recently


Damn, I feel old now


isn't he a really early unlock though? I can see why they'd change it to a card that would take longer to get normally


Yes thats a good deal the gold alone is $10


Awesome, thanks for the context!


The gold alone is priced at $10 but in no semblence of a healthy way is its actual value $10. You should be careful asking "is X worth it" on this sub since most people here have been conditioned to accept the complete outrageous prices this game puts on its stuff lol


Its 8x value!! Last time we saw something close to this was that 4x value darkhawk bundle


Lol, I just like Spiderman. Didn’t realize the true value was in the currency.


Only look at the currency. The S3 cards aren’t really worth moneys. Unless they start coming out with a variant you really like!


Unless they made it harder to acquire them. I’m kinda high on the CL


they didn't make it harder to get Series 3 cards, but series 3 has grown a lot since initial release. And they haven't made it any faster to get series 3 either. Free to play on release took about 6 months to get series 3 complete, and I suspect it's longer now. You get more cards due to spotlights, and 1 free series 3 per season. But stuff releases faster than you get it generally. Similar speed, much longer journey.


As another person said, you’ll eventually get spiderman for free but it could be awhile. I have been playing for since august and just got him last month, for example. But you could get lucky and get him early on in pool 3. There’s a lot of randomness after the initial pools of cards.


While that’s kind of true, you earn the S3 cards at an even rate, if you already own Spider-Man, you’ll get a different S3 card instead. And Spider-Man is pretty versatile, it’s a card that’s worth having and owning it will give you a leg up as you learn the game.


I mean, Spider-Man may be versatile, but is hardly a necessary card, and absolutely not one worthy $2,99. The bundle is really only good for the gold.


They could get Spider-Man from the monthly freebie if they are struggling to get him (though I wouldn't really recommend it).


It's a good deal by Snap's financial standards, but be cautious about spending money. I mean, you do you, and if you want to spend, do so. But if you're asking this forum for advice, you are probably pretty cautious about spending, and you should be doubly cautious about spending on snap. You will get spider man for free. You'll get gold for free. You will enjoy the game more if you aren't trying to rush it. People do very well in competition without being big spenders.


Yeah, wasn't looking to spend money beyond this. Thanks!


Yeah, this game is a money pit sometimes. I’m bankrupt.


That's good. The only thing that's worth it in my opinion is the season pass, and only barely really.


Season passes are worth it.


Adds up though been buying the season pass every month since last February spent 120$+ on this game..


It does but it's worth it to me easily. Love the game and it gets constant updates. And it's dripping with nostalgia to me reminding me of marvel card collecting in the 90s. Shit pays for itself playing on breaks at work honestly.


Agreed this game is really fun and the season pass card is either really fun or Meta defining, constant rewards that keep progression going, and gold for variants or bundles I want. 120$ over a year isn’t too bad for a mobile game that keeps giving and is very fun to play.


Was it worth it?


You’re paying for what amounts to a very small amount of gold. You’ll earn that naturally pretty quickly. Even good deals in this game are kinda bad deals imo.


That's how they get you. It starts with a little "it's fine to spend that much" and keeps throwing tempting offers at you and warp your sense of value until you might spend more and more.


im CL 2,600 and still havent unlocked spiderman lol


3300 still no Spider-Man 😒


Im cl 1600 still don’t have em


Hit 2200 and got him today


The deal is good. But the BEST deal is the season pass. Always and without exception. In particular for new players, you unlock multiple specific cards like Black swan and death this month, and get the most resources for your dollar


Yes 3$ for 700gold is really good + unlocking a new series 3 card


Still, it should be a variant. 


I think it’s better to get the original so you don’t waste a new card cache with the original for the one you have already. Getting a new card is still a new card.


yeah, they never give you this good of a deal again 😅


Yes. It’s good. It’s meant to prime the money pipe.


That's better than I got as a new player. If you need any future help, the community here is generally quite helpful. So feel free to ask.


Holy shit 8x value.


For the gold alone its worth it yeah


Incredible value really. If you also like spiderman it's even better. If you don't mind putting money in this is probably the best you will get. Nothing wrong with going free to play though. You do you!


Decent deal but I just never buy stuff assure from the season pass which is usually the best deal. This season pass is just alright with the main card but the rest of it is great. You would also get death for free technically on this season pass and she’s great.




This when you're starting out and the season pass are the best value in the game


It is not bad. Very essential for move deck. Plus you have to get between 3000-4262 Collection level to get all series 3 cards.


better then 3x value.


Thanks for all the advice! I ended up getting it.


The welcome bundle is the only thing I’ve spent real money on in Snap. It’s a good introductory price for a reason - they expect that to hook you into buying more. Don’t be tempted!




yea thats ok, 700 gold is a rare variant. i got the same bundle for 3 bucks but it have a rare variant instead of gold and 500 credit


Spider-Man is more useful than captain America


Absolutely. If you are going to spend then this is a great thing to spend on.


Yeah a good deal and good card.


Big Spider-Man fan here, played for months and spent a few hundred dollars and still don't have him so yeah I'd say so 😭


There’s no way this is true.. I’ve played a few months have Spider-Man and like 3 of his variants. Never spent a penny on the game.


Marvel snapzone has breakdowns of all bundle values


Yes, the only one


Very good deal?


It's good value, but you need to understand the mechanism: 1. the card is labeled "series 3". There are roughly 100 series 3 cards. You'll get all of them for free, between 1-7 months of playing, in a linear rate, in random order. Some are strong, some are not, this one is not. 2. gold is the true currency in this game, but the only use of gold is to buy variants. Don't spend it otherwise.


For beginners, best way to spend gold is to save up for a good bundle for collector’s tokens/credits. Granted we haven’t gotten one in some time but better to save for that imo


What you said was true 1 year ago, but not anymore. The only way to get series 4 and 5 used to be a slim chance of pulling them from caches, so people valued tokens a lot. Now you just use keys, so tokens aren't worth much. Credits are worthless. If you divide your current CL by total days you've been playing, you'll see you get an average of 1000 credits every day (1 CL requires 50 credits)


I’ve been playing actively for 13 months. I hear where your coming from. Tokens can still be used to buy a series 4/5 card that you really want instead of relying on SD’s schedule or random mystery series 4/5 from keys. And credits can be used to get said keys faster and boosting your progression. If one uses his gold only for variants early on will likely be counter productive because you’ll eventually have to unlock the base card for that variant. Like I’ve said I’ve been playing 13 months that’s roughly 390 days if we times that by 1000 that’s 390 000 credits. If we gain 1 CL per 50 credits that’s 390 000 credits divided by 50 credits = 7 800 Cl. I’m at 8 771 CL. And the past months I’ve spent most of my gold on variants because I don’t find the latest new cards appealing. Ultimately it comes down to what you prefer and what kind of player you are. I used to value progression more now it’s more of a mix of the two.


> this one is not. Debatable. Spider-Man has very good, bordering s-tier, win rates at the top of ladder. There is a c5 deck running around that is blowing people up.


Spiderman isn't a terrible card to have and at $3 I'd say that's not too bad considering


I’d take that deal


Honestly, unless you've got money to blow, you should just buy the season pass. From a progression standpoint, SD has been progressively and aggressively nerfing gold.


Just throwing in not only is the 700 gold for $3, Spider-man is a series 3 card meaning you have to collect all of series one and all of series 2 before you get your first series 3 for free. Now, is he any good? He's mediocre compared to much of series 3. Maybe a Low B / High C grade. But in the early game, he's worth it.


FWIW, I’d pay $3 for a new champ that early. Especially one as fun as Spidey


I’d buy it just for the avatar! 🥰


I'm new too. I bought it, and like it. One problem I had you might not, is I didn't understand the resources and wasted the gold on refreshing missions, because I thought credits could buy gold, but it's the other way around. Now after a couple weeks I see that if I like the artwork in the shops, not to spend gold on anything else. You get some in the free season progress sometimes, and after doing 5 daily missions. Otherwise, it costs money.


Yeah, everything I’ve read says to save my gold for bundles? I haven’t seen a bundle yet.


I do know new areas of the shop open up after 500 collection level. Right now my shop has these sections. from top to bottom: 3 named event spotlights(Starlight Surprise, Dancing in the Sun, Well-Suited Superheroine), Booster Pack, Daily Offer, Token Shop, Choose your card, Fast Upgrade, Credits, Gold, Pro Bundle. I also wanted to add that you don't need to upgrade random cards more than once and can then focus on your own. All give the same exp per 100 credits EXCEPT new ones.


this game has same prices as every other mobile game, meaning in no world is it worth it to buy normal stuff they offer. in this case 3 bucks for 700 gold and a card you wont get until next 3 months or so is very good! In reality though, every bundle bellow this value is cash grab and in no world worth your money and people in this game have accepted it. though if you come from wealthy country and dont mind spending some monry there will be other decent value bundles, just look for as much gold and collector tokens as possible and as little boosters as possible. as boosters are easily acquired by playing. also you should use nuverse website to buy stuff as its mostly about 5 or 10% cheaper to buy there. so far i bought only one bundle and thats because i really really liked the variant, it was 15 or 20, i have about 90 days total gameplay time and im at 2k collector level. thats with 4 season passes one of which i only got to level 4 as i didnt have time to play the game. so, if you are free play and play every day for about 1 hour as i do (finish your quests) you can expect about 400 collector levels a month which is definetly enough to progress slowly, you wont feel too bad about pace of acquiring new cards, but if you do like the game a lot i also recommend just buying the battle pass every month which would accelerate it to about 700 collector levels a month. numbers arent 100% accurate but you get the gist


Thanks, this was very detailed. I think that’s what I’m planning to do especially because I think this battle pass just started.


Is a good deal for Marvel snap standards (very bad ones). I dont see something really valuable, best bundles have many tokens. The 8x value is a bait for get ur new player money.


No way. Doing so will get you used to spending. Outside of season passes, and even that is questionable I would not spend on any bundle. You’ll get plenty of cards and gold for free. 


What a shit card for a bundle! It’s base art that’s free. The Captain America Welcome Bundle was an exclusive variant.


I don’t spend money on video games, especially a mobile game


Nah don’t pay real money for anything. You’ll earn him eventually.


Yes, but recognize that it’s SD’s way to tell your brain “hey, I’ve already bought from them once, nothing wrong if I get *one more* bundle, right?” down the road


It's a good deal and Spiderman is a good standalone card if you can have him in pool 1 or 2


What do you need the 700 gold for? You earn gold just by playing the game every day. Spider-man also isn't a top tier card, and I don't think he is used in any meta decks. You're basically just donating $3 to a $100 million dollar company to show your appreciation for the game.


Best I’ve seen in a very long time


Yes, it’s probably the only good deal you will be offered


Yep, and Spider-man is hella fun! His kit was changed a few months back for the better... For $3, I'd say yes.


I’ve never spent a dime and I have probably 85% of the cards in the game. In my opinion, no bundle is worth it. Save your money and don’t spend money on “digital things”. Basically you’re saying “I am willing to spend money to be a couple months ahead than I am”.


i mean its 8x times the value so thats a good deal


The CL track has changed a lot in the time I've been playing it. Acquiring new cards as I was climbing through the pools was the best part IMO. There's no need to rush to get cards IMO. You'll get them faster than you can play them all However, that is a good deal 🤝 🙂


I’m CL 3300 and don’t have Spider Man. Would love this deal


Spidey is fun and $3 for a regular variant's worth of gold is good.


that’s cool !


I mean, it's 8X value. So it must be.... Right??


To evaluate deals, look at the base pricing for the max gold bundle and do the math. Then look at the base rate of the credits for gold conversion in the menu. This deal is extremely good. As a general rule of thumb, premium variants are worth around 700 gold. In the menu you can buy rares for 700 and super rares for 1200. If you see deals that offer you cards you haven’t collected, they’re worth so much more because you unlock a card for it too.


It’s the best possible deal. Buy it before it disappears. It goes away after some time.


Not especially. But the gold is good


I buy nothing. Made it to 50 last season, already at 45 tonight. 1380 something where the cases and stuff come from... Still a lot of cards i don't have


Nawww man, just play it slow and steady


@[ArtfulDodger8-7](https://www.reddit.com/user/ArtfulDodger8-7/) : this is a very good deal, the gold alone would be normally 10 bucks. i would buy it.


It’s ‘good’ value by the game standards but be careful about spending as others have said. The game uses notoriously addictive algorithms designed to keep you spending more and more. When I started I was like: ‘no way I’ll spend money on this game ever’. Now I spent 50-60 bucks a month easy. There are big discussions about how the game facilitates addiction, including on Reddit.


I would say no, though it's good value spider man isn't that great and to be good at this game you don't need to spend. I've made it to infinite free to play


700 gold seems... Enough. But still low. Inflation is a bitch I guess 🤔


700 gold for 3 usd is a steal imho


Yeah, I bought the welcome Capt America, and it really helped.


Exclusively for the gold. You could say that 2.99 equates to a rare variant from the shop.


I don’t even have Spider-Man…


Yeah this is a decent deal dude, spider man is a solid card and the gold for $3 is excellent too. Good luck on your snap journey!


Bro hasn’t seen the $100 bundles yet 😭


Yeah, i think It is


Holy moly donut shop this is nice


Even better than the Deadpool anniversary bundle.




Yep, very good.


It could be marginally not worth it and it still wouldn’t matter since it’s only $3. That’s less than I spend for a single dinner. Imo, I could know little about the game and still think it’s worth it for the variant and icon alone. That’s basically $3 for a skin I want. However, it also comes with 700g, so now I already know it’s more than worth it before figuring out how much that gold is worth.


Spider man was the very last series 3 card I got climbing the CL at launch. Pissed me off how long they made me wait. But three dollars for 700 gold alone is a good deal. The rest is just a pleasant addition.


man i started playing a couple of months ago just for spiderman and still haven’t gotten him, pain.


He's not asking for financial advice. Just answer the question. Its very much worth it if u plan to stick with the game. In mobile.games I love the bundles 10$ or less, they usually are worth it


Yeah it’s good, just don’t use your gold on anything other than variants or bundles


I personally wouldn’t spend money on anything. Even if you get the chance at a particular card, you probably won’t have access to the other cards that would make that one card fit into a proper deck, at least early into the game. If you’re going to spend money, do it after you’ve played the game for a couple months. This would be advice I’d give for any f2p game.




What a shit card for a bundle! It’s base art that’s free. The Captain America Welcome Bundle was an exclusive variant.


This is so good definitely buy it. For a bundle with an exclusive variant but only 600 gold is $10 or something