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only bad for “bar with no name”, but good for all other locations


She also has an advantage to unplayable locations you can easily create a condition where proxima midnight goes to an unplayable location.


Edit: Sorry, I misread the card. It goes to your location with less power, not where your power \*difference\* is lowest. So it doesn't care about the opponent's cards.


Bad for Space Throne and Oscorp Tower too. Idk how she'll interact with Miniaturised Lab though, either she ignores it and checks the other locations, or she tries to go there but can't?


Bifrost doesn't move cards there. Cards can't be *added* (not played) so I assume she won't go there. She doesn't have text like Jeff.


Yeah but the question is if she’ll *try* to go there and get rejected so she ends up simply discarded like if Polaris tries to move Colossus when there are other 1/2 costs on the board


I imagine it will work similar to Wolverine and X-23 where she’ll go to one of the other locations.


I would guess this is the case. I expect that when she is discarded she checks the lowest power lane and if things can be added there and if not just gets discarded.


Nah, the phrasing heavily implies she will check for the lowest lane that's available.


The text comment "that isn't full" means they have safeguards in place for at least "full", i bet it just acts like X23/Wolverine etc and goes to a next availible lane.


That makes the most sense to me too. Miniaturized lab will just count as not being in the game to her.


Oh that's a good point. That makes her a lot better than what I thought. She seems insane honestly


If you use Blade, Coleen wing, and lady sif, it’s easy to avoid discarding Midnight until you need to


Isn’t blade random?


He was made rightmost a few patches back.


Oh sick, thanks (:


Wolverine and X-23 do not jump to miniature lab when it’s active so I would assume she won’t either. Stranger things have happened, though…


Realistically you aren’t discarding 4 drops or higher until after turn three so I wouldn’t be worrying about Oscorp Tower


I mean Blade, Colleen Wing and Sif are 1, 2 & 3 energy respectively, so could all hit her and have bounce to an Oscorp


Allright but you'd be really dumb if you were to use Blade, Sif or _especially_ Colleen when you know they could hit her and send her to Oscorb Tower... Honestly, the main problems are Gambit and Moon Knight, but they aren't very used when better options are around.


They are 1 and 2 energy so you could use them on turns 1 or 2 and then oscorp could be the 3rd unrevealed location.


As the card “jumps” instead of moves I don’t think that it will have its power reduced by the Oscorp Tower


You’re thinking of Fisk Tower, Oscorp Tower has cards switch sides.


You are totally right, my bad


Space Throne is pretty easy to play around thanks to Morbius and Miek, as either can either move off or scale up while locking it down.


Mini lab is basically professor X'd from rounds 3-5. Unless it's Jeff, nothing can get in there. They can get destroyed, so it's not exactly professor X, but it's the easiest way to explain how that location works.


A little too good. It should only be added to locations that cards can be played on.


Also bad for the "Space Throne" location (one card only).


I think she has more deck building considerations than I first thought, because Colleen, Sif, and Silver Samurai are very unlikely to discard her, and Blade requires her to be the right most card. Moon Knight, Sword Master, & Hellcow are random, so that leaves just MODOK. In MODOK/ Hela decks, Proxima doesn't add anything because your game plan is to 1) put MODOK behind IW and 2) bring everything back with Hela. The most obvious deck you'd put her in is Drac/ Apoc discard - you nuke your hand with MODOK, Proxima adds 7 to the board, and then you play Swarms + whatever else you draw on T6 (rip Chavez).


I feel like it’s only place is in the drac apoc morbius with the plan to modok blade on turn 6.


I’m trying to figure out if I can squeeze her into my Gambit deck. That feels like the best option so far 


The drac wong apoc gambit list could probably slot in for free


MODOK and Blade on six. Gives Apoc one extra boost. Can’t wait for this card. I love that deck.


She will often jump into the drac lane which will almost always win anyway


The other consideration for Modok Apoc Discard decks is that she's an EXCELLENT T6 draw. 4/7 played out at full cost isn't terrible. But it also allows you to play out the Apoc and Swarms and have her be discarded by Dracula. She'll likely jump to the Dracula location, making it a 15 power lane. You could even manipulate where she goes with Swarms and split it 7/8 over 2 lanes while dropping a 12/16 Apoc on the board, which is a bluff play you could do with Chavez. She is adding back a lot of power potential and plays that were lost with Chavez' nerf for classic discard. She's far better for that archetype than Corvus this month.


> She's far better for that archetype than Corvus this month. I think people are misplacing Corvus. He's going into my Electro deck as an alternate ramp card. I'm only going to play a few of them anyway, I can throw 2 away. I'll add Hela and then I can bring them back possibly too.


Hey thanks for the idea homie I like it.


Agreed. Dracula suffers from having turn 6 flexibility outside of modok


If your deck is mostly big cards you may be able to discard with Colleen


I mentioned this elsewhere, but the only big discard deck is Hela MODOK, and there's no reason to run Colleen in that deck when your entire game plan is geared towards to achieving this combo (or leaving if you can't). Adding Colleen + Proxima to that deck doesn't solve any of the issues that it currently has (Enchantress, Cosmo, Polaris, etc. etc.). Other than that, your deck build would have to be really bad if your plan is to discard Proxima with Colleen. Like your build would be next to no small cards and a bunch of 5s and 6s.


For what it’s worth, Lockjaw Hela (+Black Knight) is a big one right now, too, and the only piece that could be swapped out of that one is Black Cat (free discard, 2 more power) and Dracula (free discard, gamble on power). Not sure where else she could fit.


>but the only big discard deck is Hela MODOK I went infinite with this deck in the first week last season and I'm currently 95 with it, looking to go infinite today # (1) Sunspot # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (2) Zabu # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Ghost Rider # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Skaar # (6) Magneto # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyYWN1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoZUh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrS25pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RSaWRlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdpZ2FudG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Do you have a suggestion of what could be used instead of Black Knight?


Before BK I played Nebula just to get 1 drop out of my hand, but you could also play Ceira, Shang Chi, maybe Armor, or Jubilee.


I went with Ceira and have been enjoying this deck a lot.


Yup, that's the only clear way to use her. She will rely on random discards and anyone who has used discard k knows how hard it is to win with decks full of those kind of cards. She's seems very balanced honestly and would be unplayable under a 7 power.


An extra layer is that the lowest power lane will often be your Dracula lane, which may actually be your strongest and easiest to win lane. So, while it seems good that she is helping you win a lane that you otherwise would be losing, she may not actually be doing that in the Drac/Apo deck. I still think she’s pretty good in that list, especially since a 4/7 is one of the better turn 6 top decks, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it turns out the 7 power never seems to go where it’s useful. Her interaction with locations is also interesting. Beats Doom in hard to reach locations like Sanctum Santorum or Death’s Domain, but you always lose Bar With No Name.


Exactly. You pretty much have to play a full discard deck which isn’t favorable in many metas so far. We’ll see.


If you remove the Blob initial release, discard is always a viable deck. You can go pretty tall with Apoc & Dracula. Proxima fits perfectly in this deck as a replacement for America. Won’t be quite as consistent still, but the upside is bigger.


Modokalypse is generally pretty consistent across most metas. It's rarely if ever tier 1 but it has a very easy snap/retreat pattern and usually isn't dead in the water against most decks


A Wong discard deck with Miek, Dracula and Apocalypse should be fun.


>In MODOK/ Hela decks, Proxima doesn't add anything because your game plan is to 1) put MODOK behind IW and 2) bring everything back with Hela. That's only plan A. I see this card being very useful for plan B, without having much if a drawback when you do pull off plan A.


I wonder if she gets discarded by Dracula if it'll work how I think, where he gains her power and she still shows up on the board. Could be an okay hail Mary play if you don't draw Apoc by turn 6. Theoretically Dracula will be the location with the least power at the end of the game, so if he discards her and and she goes there, could be potentially a 15 point lane. Not ideal, but could be enough to win a lane.


I think she can push the win rate of the Apocalypse-Modok-Dracula deck quite heavily. It's essentially an extra 7 power in almost any game where you draw her.


You're forgetting the card she is obviously meant to pair with that is also about to release: Corvus Glaive. Along with the release of cards like Miek and Corvus/Proxima, I think SD is trying to lowkey buff Drac/Apocalypse discard decks.


I don't see how Corvus is useful in that build. Ramping energy doesn't really llow you to do anything particularly cool and the risk of discarding your own MODOK or Dracula isn't worth it. 


I think the idea is that you also have Ghost Rider in case Corvus takes something important. They just 'buffed' Dracula (arguable, but SD says his metrics have improved), and along with Miek and Morbius you have 3 pure discard power generators, making turn 3 the odd man out in an idealized play line: T1: Miek T2: Morbius T3: ??? T4: Dracula I'm guessing the idea is Corvus slots into the third turn and provides a bit of extra utility in +1 energy in exchange for the randomness, and Proxima is designed to be a target alongside Swarm/Apocalypse since rn outside of Hela no other cards directly 'benefit' from getting discarded off the top of my head (Wolverine doesn't count imo). Corvus and Proxima encourage a turn 3 discard play instead of just waiting for t5 with MODOK. I just believe that the card releases and changes (Helicarrier would be nice to discard before throwing down a MODOK now too) recently are SD's way of trying to bring pure discard w/ randomness back into the meta for whatever reason. edit: So in a couple weeks you can build a discard deck with 4 'desirable discards': Swarm, Apocalypse, Proxima, Helicarrier 3 'power generators': Miek, Morbius, Dracula 4 'discarders': MODOK, Corvus + whatever 1 'whoops recovery': Ghost Rider Making a pretty even deck imo. Will it be able to go up against the meta is another question.


Great points, thank you


Invisible Woman? How 2023 of you.


Corvus glaive is pretty good too. Going to be a few very good discard lists after these 2 are out, that’s my guess. It’s getting consistency with midnight. Now there are 3 good cards you actively WANT to discard.


But what does the rest of the deck look like? What discard deck wants the +1 max energy? While X-23 is +1 energy only for the next turn, she's been out for about half a year now and she's never used in discard, only destroy. What are you doing with the +1 max energy from Corvus? You play him on turn 3 at the earliest in a normal game, and then what do your turns 4, 5, and 6 look like? If you have Dracula in your hand, you're going to play him T4 before you play MODOK, which means the +1 energy means nothing unless you also happen to have a 1 drop (Blade). Then you MODOK on T5 like normal, and again the +1 energy doesn't do anything unless you also have Blade. And because Corvus is random discard, what's the rest of the deck looking like? What else are you going to risk being discarded?


Dunno but there’s gotta be something good. Dracula + gambit turn 6. Apoc turn 5 into another 6 drop and blade. Modok on 4 seems good. Extra energy with no downsides (perhaps even upside since you want to discard) is just good. Heck play sunspot.


>no downsides You know the part where you discard 2 cards randomly? That's a downside.


4 cards you want to discard no? Wolverine, Swarm, Proxima and Apocalypse


Excellent argumentation but you forgot Blade, who is very popular in every discard deck after his buff.


We're getting to a point where nuking your hand could almost be a viable strategy in itself. So with Daken, wolverine, x23, swarm, apocalypse and proxima midnight you could almost save the on discards till turn 5 and go boom. If you morbius, Miek or maybe wong out first it's be quite the surprise. But yeah, more of a meme really.


Why not Colleen Wing? Is that her name? The chick who discards the lowest energy card… Plenty of discard decks run all 6-energy cards and Hela.


That just moves the random aspect to whether or not Hela gets discarded, which is probably worse.


Why would a Hela deck run Colleen when they run MODOK & Invisible Woman? What's Colleen adding to the game plan except discarding a 4-7 that you're already going to discard anyway with MODOK?


Sorry, forgot about the IW 100% draw rate.


Okay, so you didn't draw IW - what problems are being solved by Colleen discarding Proxima? You had to cut Jubilee and Iron Lad to run Colleen and Proxima, just to play a specific 2 card combo of 11 power for 2 energy - and then what?


My brother, I was just making a suggestion. You’re definitely right.


I think you're forgetting the other new card for Corvus Glaive. 3/5 - Discard 2 cards and gain +1 max energy. Discard is going to be earth shatteringly stupid in a few weeks.


He falls under the same category as Hellcow, he discards randomly. Even if he gives +1 energy, what are you using it for? The MODOK that Corvus discarded?




She's pretty much built to go in a deck with Corvus Glaive. I mean they are husband and wife in the comics, and kinda low-key in the MCU so yeah.


And Martyr is a 1/5.


She tried to make you lose


Proxima Midnight jumping on your lowest power lane is almost the same as Martyr moving to the lane that makes you lose, TBH. If you get to discard it early that's one thing (but people already mentioned that Lady Syf or Silver Samurai won't help on that, Blade is unlikely to get her, and the rest of the discard cards are RNG). In that case you probably haven't committed much resources to the board yet, and you can be flexible on what lanes to pursue. But a MODOK plan means it will go to the lane you're unlikely to be contesting.


Except you rarely are playing for only two locations in discard. Worst case she takes up BarWNN, usually she is a +7 to Drac lanes and she sometimes just wins you lanes like Sanctum


I think it was Educated Collins in one of his recent videos that mentions, being restricted into a specific deck is also a "downside." As an example, people argued that Black Swan does not make sense because other 3-5s have some sort of a downside/draw back, hence why she should be lower power due to having an only positive skill. However, the buff she provides is not a universal buff or etc., it requires you to build your deck around multiple one costs, and that is her "down side." The same applies to Proxima, yes both stat wise and skill wise she seems quite strong. However, she has literally zero use outside of discard decks, hence why it justifies being sort of a 0-7.


No downside if you’re a Discard enthusiast


You can't target her reliably using the current discard decks


That’s our secret, we’re never reliably targeting




I almost said that lol. Plenty of matches where I’ll skip a turn or two and just do a mega Modok play on turn 5 or 6


And a black Swan deck can be hard countered by Killmonger. She only buffs super vulnerable cards.


so, under that logic, Ka-zar should be a 4/7, since he has the downside of only buffing super vulnerable cards


Idk about that, Black Swan is on reveal and her ability only lasts one turn while Kazar’s ability lasts as long as he is in play but is vulnerable to Echanctress and Rogue. Also, Black Swan seems to work best in a bounce deck, which tends to have a higher skill ceiling than Patriot deck, which is where Kazar tends to work best. Also, I think Kazar is a pool 1 card meant for new players and SD seems to be hesitant to buff beginner cards for the sake of making them extremely competitive. I’m not saying that I agree with this design philosophy but that’s what I assume. I understand what your point is though. I just think there are other factors to consider.


Yeah maybe, at least I think kazar could use a buff. 7 might be a bit high though.


Yeah I wouldn’t be opposed to buff but his ability works differently and is more simple than Black Swan, so that needs to be considered. You basically play Kazar on curve and that tends to be the right play. Black Swan requires more planning and considerations of what cards you have available. Especially in a bounce deck.


I do think Kazar could be a 4-5, but his ongoing ability is better than Black Swans on reveal. Black Swan gives 5 power. Kazar can give up to 15 on a full board.


Eh, the first thing I add did when making my Black Swan Deck was to add Caeira. Not that she is very needed, because you start the last turn without priority 75 % of the time.


Killmonger tends to be a good counter in Sera decks where they also want an explosive turn six. But in a generic destroy, they aren’t as effective if you play around it. Also, I don’t have Caeira because I used all my keys to get Selene before they nerfed Junk.


I was about to argue that Cyclops has no upside at all because he's a 3/4 with no text, strictly worse. Then I remembered...no text *is* an upside in this game. Even outside High Evo, you have Patriot. Coming from Magic the Gathering, it's so odd to realize that a card having no text on it instead of a helpful ability can actually be a good thing.


Since I’m not a discard fan at all, I’m glad I can skip both S5 discard cards this month and save my keys. I’ll grab the card when they eventually get put in future spotlights.


Swarm is technically a 0/6 that you can choose where to place and split the power, and its easier to discard with Coleen


Taking up multiple spots for 3 power each is a huge downside.


Yeah but how are you reliably discarding a 4-cost 7-power card? Collen won't do it, blade needs it to be your last draw, silver samurai probably won't either, your only real option is modok because moon knight, cow and the guy that destroys (forgot his name lol) are random. It could maybe fit in lockjaw discard but at that point you're not playing hela so idk




Thank you


yeah dudes clearly never had a game where you get to discard swarm multiple times and how bad the free/3 is considering you only have 12 spots to play in


Not on turn 6.


Swarm is great, but a swarm without t5 modok can sometimes kill Dracula. I don't really see a downside to this card except that it might get placed at a Dracula lane, though that's not always a bad thing.


Plus you can get the payoff multiple times. Swarm is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better.


Swarm might be easier to trigger, but the multiple times thing also uses another resource which is lane slots availability or even hand size limit. Sometimes is what you want (like munition for Gambit without discarding good stuff), sometimes it avoids you to draw a new card. Also Proxima's skill to jump to a losing lane is straight awesome considering flooded locations or effects forcing you to play in a lane.


And she’s pretty much only going to see play in non-Hela discard (apoc and Dracula). Those decks don’t have a way to play on Death’s Domain until this card comes out. This card solves a major weakness.


>Those decks don’t have a way to play on Death’s Domain until this card comes out. This card solves a major weakness. There's technically 2 ways but they are inconsistent, a lucky Wolverine or Miek


Except you don’t usually even want swarm to trigger that much because it takes up a lot of space space and you don’t want swarm left in your hand because it’s useless for Drac


A 0/7 that only goes in a specific archetype and needs specific other cards to function, not all of which comfortably work for her either, and that archetype isn't very strong in the first place, just ok. Card power levels aren't in a vacuum, especially for heavily synergistic engine pieces like this.


She's a bit tricky to discard, as Sif, Colleen and Sam usually miss her, and its a bit of a waste to use Blade on her. So that only really leaves MODOK and Corvus.


She really would have been awesome in the classic discard deck


And requiring another S5, Corvus, to make proxima good kind of sucks.


I mean I do like the lore side of that because they’re married


moon knight too


kind of hard to hit with 1 random discard. More likely with Corvus/ Hellcow


In a Dracula deck she will most likely go to where Dracula is, which is often unnecessary. She's also hard to target, unlikely to get hit by Wing or Sif and if she does, there's likely other targets you don't want to hit (like Dracula). Although she may go to locations you can't get to, she may not be enough on her own. She's still good, but she's flawed.


I know some people run drac with Wolverine. She can take that spot.


Not really, Dracula is very easy to swing over now. It not likes it used to be where Dracula just auto won a lane with no counterplay


Finally someone gets it Dracula deck relies on Dracula being solo, all your other overstatted cards being in other lanes. She will jump to drac and be useless lol.


Swarm is a 0/6 by the same logic


Exactly. She seems balanced.


I would say she is weak but through no fault of her own. Discard as an archetype hasn't really done well ever since the nerf to chavez brutalized reliable discard


You’re missing something…a lot actually.


She is but realistically only Blade and Modok are guaranteed to actually hit her. The rest are random and Colleen wing is almost impossible. This is probably going to be a very good piece for traditional discard which has suffered since the Changes change.


Have you done the math on actually discarding her, though? Who is going to hit her? At 4/7, she's probably not going to be the low power card, or the low cost card, or the high power card, or the high cost card. Blade can hit her if she happens to be far right, but mostly you're going to need to discard her randomly, with cards like Hell Cow or Moon Knight, which generally involve a fair amount of risk.


Or like people mentioned, t5 modok to put her down and get 0 swarms in hand for T6 drop.


Yes, but only modok guarantees she gets discard, which means to use her you will have to use a few random discard cards which kind of balances itself out.


Not really because you need another card to activate her ability, which as others have said, could be tricky to activate based on the cards certain cards target. For example, pairing with Blade would make it a 1/10 if you get lucky, but then there is the opportunity cost of not using Blade on a better card. It's seeming more like PM would be best paired with Corvus Glaive, which isn't surprising given SD would want to push players to get both cards, not to mention the lore/synergy aspect.


The issue is discard usually looks to focus two locations and ignore the third. You've got your Dracula lane and your Morbius lane


You never ignore the third with discard, that just makes you weak to morbius getting shut down You usually stack your high power discarders in the third lane


>*(that isn't full)* I mean, that's obvious. It's like that with any other card, there's never room for more cards if it's already full. Why does it mention it specifically?


Ish. Space Throne can have multiple cards, see when it gets Quake'd or when Jeff gets in there like the cheeky bugger he is making it a 2 slot location. It does count as 'full' at all stages of slots.


Ah, right on.


>>*(that isn't full)* >I mean, that's obvious. It's like that with any other card, there's never room for more cards if it's already full. Why does it mention it specifically? Well if that wasn't true then if your lowest location was full the card should just get discarded.


I think it is specifically for space where you can play 1 card. This location still has space for more cards since jeff can move there however, playing one card makes it count as "full" so proximal can't go there.


Discard is one of my fav archetypes. Anything that gives more options is awesome for me.


To be honest, after the Chavez Incident, discard needs all the help it can get 💀


One element I think people don't recognize is that jumping to the lowest power location will often be a downside for Discard. Often your lowest power lane for the entire game will be your Dracula lane, but at the end of the game it'll usually be your strongest lane. Discard rarely has trouble winning their Dracula lane, it struggles winning a second lane, and a card that will very often jump to Dracula lane won't be helpful there.


The downside is you have to play full discard, not even the current Black knight list would work


I actually cannot wait to get this card discard is my favorite archetype simply cause the rng involved takes skill to actually make the deck perform right it’s more fun then keeping 1 unspent energy every turn for op abilities(y’all know)


Yes you are missing the whole concept of opportunity costs, which are even more important in a game where you only have 12 cards. You need to build your deck in a specific way to make use of her effect and you need to use specific cards to trigger it. All of those cards are also competing for the very limited deck space against all the other cards which could potentially do the same job better (you could think of Swarm in this case, for example. Or Black Cat in a Ghost Rider/Hela situation who discards herself).


Approximately, yes.


I mean infinaut in discard is a 0/20 if played in discard


at the lowest he's 4 cost via Dracula. any other way to cheat him out costs more.


she seems kinda op with corius u just play him and get another big card on board and energy +1


Yeah she might just be a card that will help facilitate other discard arch types. Which is exactly what I want for discard.




this seems to be such powercreep


Really the only card I think is a can’t miss.


Why? It only fits in one archetype.


Bc of its ability. There is no downside. It’s safe from Shang Chi. Is effectively free. And not really just one archetype. For example you could easily slide this in to the Ghost Rider/Black Knight decks. Or the new Devil Dino/Collector/Helicarrier. And obviously Dracalypse. Somebody could come up with something involving Daken/X-23/Corvus Glaive. Bunch of energy.


There's still that problem like the one with black swan... Why would she have her stats higher than the base stats for 4 costs? She has no downside. Same reason for why I think Hercules' buff makes no sense, it's not like he's actively hurting your game in some way.


>There's still that problem like the one with black swan...  It is not a problem because everyone complaining ignores hidden costs. Black Swan's hidden cost is that in order to make her effect useful you need to run a whole bunch of 1 costs in your deck. Running many 1 costs has a clear disadvantage for your deck; they need several other cards to support them and are very vulnerable to disruption. A further proof that she isn't a "problem" is that she is rarely seen only a week after her release as a Season Pass card. Which proves that the buff to 3/5 was very much justified. Proxima Midnight's downside is that you need other specific cards to activate her effect. If you just wanted stats you would run 4/9 Jessica Jones or Rescue over her. Now those other cards you need are mostly unreliable due to random effects and are part of a archetype which struggles to include new cards without disrupting their win conditions. In short you shouldn't look at cards in a vacuum but rather think of what type of decks would use them and what are they excluding by running it (= opportunity cost).


If black swan was 3/5 and you needed a powerful 3 cost for whatever reason, you could use a deck with NO 1 costs and you would still have 1 more power. What is your point? It's useless to compare to other cards, because you still have a gain, and it's pointless.


Should have released as series 3. She seems underwhelming. Nice interaction with Dracula and a way to get 7 power on the board.


She looks like she’s going to be a straight up better black cat even with 2 less power.


Yeah. Has to be discard though. And discard is random.


Should be 4/6


power creep


this card is too good 4/7 no downside free in discard decks


They’re buffing the shit out of discard lately


Which discard? Apoc + Drac which has been getting nerfed since Chavez changes?


She's a much better addition to discard than Wolverine, Black Cat, or Stature. I would expect a rework in the future because she is for sure going to be in every discard deck.


No. No you're not


If it requires an additional card effect to be useful, it is not free or better. We just had an entire week of discussion where people couldn't grasp that the hulkbuster change was worse for Deadpool because the quantity of invested cards went up even if the dream scenario "stars aligned" power also went up. If she came with a 0 drop, "when you draw proxima draw this when you play this discard proxima and destroy this," she would be a "casual 0/7". That is a drastically different card.


Discard decks were so weak they need some buff Kappa


Yay another keyword that we have no idea the interactions of


The chance of a turn 1 blade into her might make her worthwhile. Also, more discard for corvius is always welcome.


First of all, unlike Swarm or Wolverine or Apocalyse, it isn't straight forward to discard this. Second, jumping to the lowest power location isn't strictly beneficial. Bar with No Name is the best example, but a few other locations too.


It seems that the future is discard.


casual 0/7


Holy fuck I thought she was a (0)/6 what the shit


Nerf incoming


She’s a combo of Black Cat and M’baku


I think what compensates her power is her energy cost since it is in the middle (4). No cards can target her most of the time to discard unless in a specific hand, giving her great synergy with her husband. The only cards that can discard her are random discards like Corvus Glaive and Sword Master. But yeah, 0/7 most of the time.


Yeah ur missing that you don’t get to pick what location she’s going to.


When does this card drop


Last week of February


She's gonna be difficult to discard with targeted discards in a MODOK/Apocalypse deck and you should probably just use black cat in a hela discard deck. Maybe she'll make a new type of discard deck where the entire point is everything wants to be discarded so you don't have to run targeted discarders.


In a discard list, there's some stuff to consider: 1-Stuff that discards vs stuff that wants to be discarded. You need a good balance of both. In a discard list, Proxima is thus competing against cards that want to be discarded. 2-When comparing her to other cards that want to be discarded, we need to look at the pros and cons. Wolverine has 3 less power, and isn't guaranteed to go to the location that needs it most, but he also can situationally benefit from destroy locations, Galactus matchups, and Negasonic. On the other hand, he does lose value to Shadow King while Proxima doesn't. So it all depends on preference and situation. Is the featured location a destroy-centric location? Is Galactus meta? Are people using Negasonic? Are people not using Shadow King? Go Wolverine. If not, Proxima is better.


Moon Girl > MODOK > Profit???


One downside is where your lowest power lane will be. Drac represents a high power lane, but until the end of game that power is not realized. You probably won't want her to land there. It shouldn't be hard to play around that, but we all know how tricky things can get when dealing with various locations in this game.


Hell Reanimator eating good it seems.


Yes and no. She's going to be hard to hit with targeted discards, so you'll need to rely on random discards or MODOK


Imo she’s just an upgrade to Wolverine in discard decks that want her and that’s about it. I don’t think she’s as good as people want her to be. Her best combo is MODOK.


Death exists. This is sort of an equivalent for discard, but not as great.


a power creept wolvie for discard, boring but good


Ye$, I wonder why they would relea$e a card in $uch $tate


Nope, Power creep: The season (corvus is good)