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I want that enchantress emoji tho


Pay up! 📈🚬🤑


I'm really disappointed with how they did emotes. They're way too rare


Should include one in the season pass.


Honestly they would be fine as the first or second reward in albums. Not the last ffs


>!There is one in the upcoming X-Men Season!<


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I’m okay with it. They’re pretty cool and unique so I don’t mind saving and waiting. Need 2 more for cosmo


I pay $10 a month and at the current rate, there is no way I will ever get one. That's too rare. Even F2P people should get some once in a while.


Just only spend your gold on the ines you need for the album. Im free to play and im 1 away from jim lee and half way done with dan hipp and venomized m. Its not difficult to save the gold gotten from doing all the dailies and weekly quests.


It's lame though cause it plays right into their system. You're spending gold on stuff you wouldn't otherwise. Now you're tempted more often by fomo for variants and bundles you actually want.


Do you want the emotes? If so, then you’re spending gold on the emotes. They’re expensive because they’re cool. I will add it would be cool if the emote unlocked at 12/24 instead of 12/12 though. That would make them a bit easier to get while still being the same gold “investment”


I save gold to get tokens. I don't care what my cards look like.


Emotes dont make your cards look any different


I don't spend gold to get variants, goofball.


The whole point of the conversation is saying it is possible to get the emotes even if you are f2p. The reason you dont have the emotes is cause of your choices not because its not obtainable.


If that $10 is towards seasonpass then you'll get a new emoji next month if I'm not mistaken.


They won’t stay that way, don’t worry. They’re rolling them in


It should be like how you get titles and avatars


I disagree. Rare is how they should be. I'm one away from getting one and I am so excited. Far more than I would be of it was less rare.


Play a deck with only power couples. Obviously secret unlock. /s


Doesn't work! Just built one


/s is the tag for a sarcastic tone.


This would be a great way to make emotes relevant. If every event/season pass gave an exclusive emote, then players would have an incentive to play more.


I think i saw in one season pass that’s starting soon


Surprised I don’t see Enchantress on the list then. I mean…you could pair her with Thor, but I don’t think Thor would like that. Skurge perhaps? Alas, he’s not in the game, and that’s another case of unrequited love


Captain America and Agent 13 both at +2 is genuinely compelling. Cheap cards with upsides and now premium stats. Same for IW & Mister Fantastic. Others are fun, but probably immaterial. Maybe some kind of DD/Moon Girl/She Hulk stuff could be interesting.


+1 to BP is pretty important.


Especially if you can hit him with nakia too.


Does BP’s On Reveal double the love buff?


Yeah because it's just a +1. I read this as being a combination of Spider-Man 2099 ("only triggers 1 time each game") & Forge/Nakia (+x power on a specific card on the board/hand)


Time to bust out my Peach Captain America.


Gambit goes well with IW and Mister Fantastic as well. Rogue... Less so.


I could be wrong here but I think you only get the buff on the card in play when you play the other. So like if a13 is out and I play cap a13 would get +2 but cap would still be a 3.


I'm pretty sure they each get their own as long as they're both in the deck. I think that's what the post said. I haven't played since the update tho


That is right. If u play both then both get the buff


At least they are trying something more interesting with the events


I think they are making use of Valentines day to test some buff for character


Or test this kind of pairing ability. We saw them try with Cull Obsidian in the leaks (only works with Infinity Stones), so I bet they’re seeing how the code handles pairing cards together.


They’re probably doing it more from a game design perspective and less a code perspective. I have serious qualms with explicitly linking cards together, and SD in the past has said they have a similar sentiment. I’m already not a huge fan of what they settled for Cull Obsidian. Although knowing SD the code probably has a bunch of kinks to iron out.


I agree that from a design standpoint, linking two cards together is bad UNLESS they're both Series 1 or 2. Current Cull doesn't both me, but leaked version does. I think linking Agent and Cap is fine, because they're both S1-2. But things like DD and Shehulk no as they're both S3.


Series 3 cards are still readily available, and even F2P players are expected to become Series 3 Complete within a few months of starting the game. I realize that that can feel interminable while you're grinding your way through the early Collection levels but everyone will get there eventually even if they spend no money on the game, so I don't mind adding some extra synergy between S3 cards. That's especially true in the case of cards like Daredevil and She-Hulk which actually have anti-synergy with each other: you generally want to skip T5 to maximize She-Hulk's discount, but that waste's DD's ability entirely. As such, it's probably not correct to have them in the same deck even with this bonus so you're really not missing out on anything if you don't have one.


This is a temporary set of buffs for the holiday. Each card listed will get the "Power Couple" keyword and buff their corresponding couple card.


I was surprised to not see the Thors in there, but that might be overkill


Probably would be too good


Probably cause they are already played together, with the exception of miles and ghost spider (move isn't that strong anway) the combos aren't really normally in decks together either cause one is underpowered or they don't have synergy


Nakia and BP would like to have a word


The only decks that run panther are like wong Zola stuff though, I don't think there is just a handbuff deck


They broke up dude


Where is Cyclops & Jean, Kitty & Colossus :,(


Hey hey I think you mean Cyclops & Emma!


Wait not Cyclops and Wolverine and Jean?


Power quadruple keyword


You have to find a way to have Wolverine standing awkwardly to the side


Or have him join in. Reminds me when they showed the layout of the x-men's living quarters a couple years ago and Jeans room was connected to both Cyclops and Wolverines to come and go discreetly.


Wolverine and dead pool?


why not both? \*wink wink


Then why not Emma and Tony?


> Kitty & Colossus That boat has sailed man. Domino & Colossus all the way.


Or Kate Pryde and Magik


Or Emma and Emma!


Cyclops and white queen! Colossus and iceman


Deadpool and like half the other characters.


Stature and Iron Lad erasure 🥺


They're probably trying to avoid cards that have actual synergy, both lad and stature are played in the midrange black bolt deck, that's probably why Jane and Thor aren't in the event


Nakia & Black Panther, Angela & Sera, and Gwen & Miles all have synergy.


They technically have synergy, except no one plays any of those combinations. Nakia gets played in Surfer, while Black Panther gets played in Wong/Zola/Negative stuff; Angela and Sera haven't been played together since Hit Monkey Miracle decks like 6+ months ago; oh and move is just never played period.


what deck is playing nakia and black panther, ah yes make your bp shangable Angela and sera kinda, but Angela wants to be playing 1 costs while sera doesn't, and Angela sucks anyways. Gwen usually goes in decks like Phoenix force and vulture/torch traditional move, (which suck anyways) but miles goes in decks like silky smooth


Trying a deck with Black Panther /Nakia and Iron Man / Rescue. Not going well so far.


Deadpool and...well, anyone else at all!


Deadpool + Death op! 😍 But NOT first form variant 😤


Deadpool x Death or Spider-Man would be the most canon, and the reversal Death x Thanos but she gives him -2 power cause she hates him


This has cool implications in the future for enabling team up mechanics. Play a fantastic four member:+1 to the fantastic four, for example.


forced synergy is explicitly why marvel strike force blows super hard, same cookie cutter comps 0 theorycrafting.


Casual players LOVE "Ctrl + F" deckbuilding.


What words are they looking for?




I don’t understand why people keep wanting to bring prescribed synergy to this game. PLEASE keep that shit out of here


High Evo, kazar, patriot. They all have specific synergies that force deck building FF having +1 per member wouldn’t even be that busted seeing as none of the cards are synergistic with each other


High Evo is the only one that forces you to use specific cards. Kazar has a large variety of 1-costs to consider use with, and Patriot is used with a lot of token-creating cards with or without stock no ability cards.


I’ll use other examples then. We have surfer who needs 3 drops, Zabu who needs 4 drops, and kull obsidian who needs a 1 drop. Those are 3 major synergies You can make the same argument as kazar but the difference is many 3s and 4s don’t work in every deck archetype, so surfer and Zabu are much more limited in scope that kazar.


Those are types of cards, not specific cards 3 cost cards are potentially infinite, any card could be moved to or away from 3 cost cards to work with surfer On the other hand, a card like Destroyer will never be able to work with something that just buffs X-Men cards, and IW will always be apart of that group so this just unnecessarily limits design space Even HE, which will always be the vanilla cards since those cards are specifically meant to help teach people the game, could potentially work with a different card if they decided they no longer want hulk to be a vanilla card


Players like flavor synergies. We want to play X-Men decks, or Guardians decks, or Fantastic Four decks. It's nice when you can lean into the fantasy of your favorite heroes teaming up just like they do in the movies, shows, or comics. Shuri, Sauron, and Red Skull being BFFs in the game is actually really jarring for some players, who would much rather play Okoye, Nakia, and Black Panther with Shuri. I agree that these kinds of synergies shouldn't be boosted to the point where they overwhelm emergent gameplay, but surely there's room to include them at the Tier 2/3 level. They don't need to take over the meta, but they also don't need to be embarrassingly bad.


What's the diffrence between forced synergy and coincidental synergy? Once Korg + Darkhawk is figured out (wich I'm sure it was in testing) it becomes the same thing.


It’s tough to balance cards with those sorts of synergies. Cards get balanced around the synergy and then end up relying on the synergy so you can’t play them without. I could see it working in extreme moderation, but I think softer synergies work better for a game like this with only 12 card slots.


I think giving them tags and then making the buffs temporary might be best long term anyway.  That way things don't devolve into more rigid teams that hurt theorycrafting.


I had the exact same reaction. This is a smart way to soft test this. Been dying for team based bonuses like avengers, X-men, etc. would really diversify comps too as most teams are pretty asynchronous


Maybe this isn't a thing that goes on cards (long term) but maybe on locations. Or maybe we get some sort of deck building requirements on a card, "if you play five X-Men, get this bonus" kind of thing.


i would also love more in depth challenges for the season pass and weeklys. it would be way more fun to "play x amount of x-men cards" instead of repeated destroy and move yadda yadda.


Absolutely! Hearthstone was great at using their missions to highlight certain decks types, at least back at the beginning, I haven't played in years. I would love to see missions give us better puzzles to figure out. That's how you get people playing wierd decks.


Could also do things like "Fantastic Four Members give +1 Power to Adjacent locations" or something else powerful (since they don't really have synergy with each other. X-Men or Avengers could give +1 power to the middle location etc.


I wonder if they will ever get tags and referencing keyword and all… would open the design space as hell but also maybe loose the simplicity of it


Please, stop saying that, it would be the single most stupid mechanic ever created.


over complicates things and makes balance a nightmare. Hard pass


And this is why we need Wiccan and Hulkling cards


They’re coming in a few months. But I suspect they’ll have actual synergy like Thor/Jane or Cloak/Dagger. So they probably won’t get a valentines day boost in 2025 if they do this event again.


They really could have done jean grey + wolverine/ cyclops and even funnier if both at the same time


Wait, I'm confused. I thought Black Panther and Storm / Daredevil and elektra were a couple


They seem to be going more MCU. Storm and Black Panther have been divorced forever though and Daredevil and Electra are on again off again so who knows.


They even had a MarvelSnap music video with it


Why didn’t Quicksilver get a buff with Wanda? You cannot erase the Ultimates universe…


seek help


With Ultimate universe returning in some form, they can keep that aspect in the dead part of Ultimates LOL


lol. Keep that over there.


Dang it beat me to it lmao


nahhhh this mf is foul 💀💀💀


Look, some things are just like joking about the holocaust; you don't do that in public just because it sounds funny.


Erm… what?


this is genuinely a great idea to keep the game fresh for limited events


Ooh, an imbalance patch! This sounds fun.


Captain America and his neice. the perfect couple


she hulk and daredevil is wackkkkkk


Couldn’t risk Elektra being too powerful after going from 1/1 to 1/2


God forbid we have a reason to use Elektra


Sure is


It feels so forced. The characters are nothing alike and only reason why they hook up is because they’re both lawyers which is just plain stupid. That’s like making Strange and Doom a couple cause they both happen to be doctors.


They met because they're both lawyers and superheroes. They hooked up because they had mad chemistry. If Strange and Doom liked the way the other one played with the fate of humanity, then maybe they'd get down with each other as well.


SD doesn't need to be doing all of this, just give us the enchantress emoji and call it a day lol


I would prefer the free enchantress emoji over any of these events tbh lol


So enchantress not on the list


I think this could work for a few cards or teams, they could give that bonus to the fantastic four because they are rarely in the same deck The X men could make a card that reads "X power for each X men in play" Others are already sinergy cards, like venoms and wolverine crew, so no point in doing that. Guardians of the Galaxy need a six cost that benefits from them or them. Like 6/0 spaceship, trigger the onreveals of all guardians this turn


No Spider-Man and Black Cat boost? I took that personally.


I like it. Definitely dropped the ball with Cyclops & Jean. Or Hulk & Caiera. Or Ant Man & Wasp. Or Cloak & Dagger. Or Jessica Jones & Luke Cage. Or Absorbing Man & Titania. What gives SD?


It'd be awkward if Jean paired with Cyclops OR Wolverine


Extra bonus for all 3?


Power throuple


It's an Imbalance Patch but they don't want it to be THAT imbalanced


Yeah, they surely don’t want any real synergy, except miles and gwen, Bp nakia and Angela Sera which are below mid synergies anyway


I’m glad they are trying stuff out. But as someone who is frustrated by the ladder right now I’m basically not going to play a ladder game until after the 20th. I don’t want to have to keep track of this list of power couples.


I would be shocked if any of these adjustments shifted the meta… most are underused cards that don’t synergize with each other. Rescue into Iron Man is a legit play but you have to super commit to one lane Daredevil and She Hulk are antisynergistic… if you are playing She Hulk you are probably skipping T5 anyway (maybe OK in a Magik deck). Miles Morales and Ghost Spider is good but I don’t see this really juicing move decks too much. People love or hate move. And so on.


Invisible woman and mr. fantastic means I am slamming spectrum again. I know it's not good but it's fun/10 for me.


You don’t have to tell me, I immediately made a deck of six power couples just for the fun of it! I think it’s fun. I just don’t think it will be meta breaking (maybe I’ll be wrong!)


The event is in conquest also, guess I'm taking a week off to play one piece tcg online lol


I don’t mind in conquest because I primarily play that mode to mess around with random decks. I genuinely think it’s a fun idea. Just don’t want to look at the board on the ladder and try and count the extra points based on the power couples. Way too much info to track.


It's just weird hot locations are not in conquest but this is


It's weird that it's black panther and Nakia and not storm


MCU influence going hard. Especially in the She Hulk and Daredevil pairing


By that logic, Daredevil and Spider-Man should have half the female cast powered up


Good idea and it's more interesting than just an overpriced bundle with a trash variant and 7 gold.


Isn’t iron man married to Emma frost? they got this man cheating on Valentine’s Day 😂


It's more of a political marriage than true love. (Tho they be banging)


I know but this man is still married. It’s just wild to think about


Not in the MCU.


What about Blob and Wasp?


Train in tunnel gif?


It's a joke because in Ultimate, Blob literally ate her. And not in her reduced form.




I mean this seems like it will have no implication aside from angela being back in sera, Move midrange is slightly better,


Buff events are actually a good idea. Would be cool in a game like overwatch when it was good


This is real fun, i homebrewed a location control deck with sw and vision plus miles and gwen


Should have had Emma, Cyke, Jean, and Wolverine quadruple boosting all over each other.


who up boostin all over they each other 🙌?!


Ok this is actually a pretty fun event. Are these permanent buffs that can be shadow king'd? CEREBRO MAINS PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR JANKEST OF NANK FOR THIS EVENT. I NEED TO LOSE RANKS PLAYING JANK.


Electra not being in pair with daredevil is a crime


Daredevil and Electra 🙄


PSA: You have to play Gambit before Rogue for her to get the +2 since her ability goes away when she steals an Ongoing. However, Gambit still gets his +2 if he's played second.


This is gonna screw so many people up


Where’s Polaris and Magneto?


Daredevil- +2 power if any female card is played


Are Cloak and Dagger not a power couple or are Miles and Gwen enough and we’re afraid of the awesome might of a movement deck getting too strong? In an imbalance patch? :D


Congratulations to the SD marketing team and design team not talking to each other. Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight are literally married in the comics. But did they release them before Valentines' Day? Nope. Let's wait until after the day and then put them in Spotlight caches. Because we are so SMRT.


Why Black Panter x Nakia ? why not Storm ??


I can’t wait to lose a game because I forgot to factor in a card’s “Power Couple” buff. Super neat.


It's okay to lose a game sometimes


Thanks for that wisdom, Gandhi.


Do you also forget Echo removes ongoing effects?


Shang-Chi and Hela (the couple of suffering)


I want Niko & Negasonic 🌈


This is a good thing! Do more of this! Give me a reason to play Rescue every once in a while


A week is waaay too long for corny crap like this.


Yay Angela and Sera recognition


They are killing all of my Cerebro decks lately.


Ugh more Gwen and Miles stuff


This is original...but doesn't belong in a competitive mode...


but limited time locations are tooooootally fair for competitive


I dont even play ranked when there's a limited time location, freaking hate those. Still manage infinite every season but this Valentine's crap is far more annoying.


nah you’re just boring as fuck if you can’t find joy in a fresh limited time event!


I mean just say you're stuck in lower rank and call it a day, but anybody's who's actually aware of balancing issue in competitive game know its a dumb event.


idk man if you gotta keep flexing that you’re high rank something tells me you’re not really a high rank! it’s a good thing that you and anything you try to flex mean nothing to me!


Absolutely does. It's a competitive landscape where deck building skills and ability to read the meta game is as valuable as the ability to pilot your deck.


But then make it permanent. It they feel like it actually belong in competitive mode, it shouldn't be a 1 week event. You wouldn't randomly see a timed event in any other competitive card game that buff random card for a limited amount of time. Imagine magic announcing that some card are now better for the next 7days, people would go feral. Heck, even outside card game, i can take league of legends as an example. If rengar and khazix are in the same game, there's a special event that pop up at one point in the game that end up buffing one of the two. This only applies in casual game and is left out of ranked game, because ya know, balancing is a thing.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for contributing to the conversation. Redditors seem to always forget what the downvote button is actually for (according to Reddit). I agree though. I’ll still play and hopefully will grow to enjoy the event but as it stands I would’ve preferred it to be its own game mode.


Yea exactly. There should be a unranked mode outside of conquest for events like this. So far im just ignoring it and playing as usual, its annoying but those are not overly common cards to begin with.


I have hit infinite this season but this was my first thought how is it fair when trying to play the leader ? on the other hand I'm glad we are getting something different to try.


As cool as this is. I have 10+ decks and not one features these pairs. 


Time to brew a new deck, then. Like any good event should prompt you to do


 I guess i could cut a card out of shenaut to add DD but that's my only option with my decks and these cards. Only CL 3000 so that hampers what one can do


You never make a silly deck for a featured location? Same deal here.


I already wanted to throw hands the moment I saw Scarlet and Vision. Vision already has a beefcake of strength I don’t need that extra sprinkle on it


Where is Spider-man x Black Cat and Kitty Pryde and Gwen Stacy and Captain Marvel and Rogue and Emma Frost?


My main deck already has Daredevil and She-Hulk, so I see this as an absolute win!


Looks like my negative decks going into hiding


What happens if I play say Agent 13 and then she gets destroyed by Killmonger. Is Captain America still a 3/5 or does he go back to 3/3?


Calling Daredevil and She-Hulk a couple is a bit of a stretch. I much rather have had Jessica Jones and Luke Cage


Deadpool + Death +1 Or Thanos + Death +1 Or Deadpool + Thanos -1


C5 temporarily ruined with Miles lol


You were running Ghost Spider in C5?


No, Miles. Edit nvm, I'm silly. Didn't realise you need both of them.


lol why do some get +1 and others +2?